Weird skies: disclosure


I must admit that whenever nature is at work, it creates wonderful shapes. The moment these peculiar shapes start to differ from standards, or are effected by some kind

of energy that is influencing their configuration, we are facing a problem of interference, that could be a consequence of chemical stress, electronic, magnetic, mechanic etc... influences.

The problem with this kind of interferences is that these will change the course of nature in some way or another.

Unexpected changes will influence specific fluxes of energy, states of the matter, chemical conditions, changing the course of nature, every time someone will attempt to control them.

 Acting in such a way, regardless of the consequences that some actions might produce, is irresponsible, selfish, and dangerous..

This is why, whithout being aware of the karma that these actions may produce, scientist should not carry on, from a moral point of view, these kinds of experiments.

The fact that today the sky was so weird, is a normal consequence of this behaviour.

Shape, resonates. This is a fact. The science that explains how things are held together is called Cymatica.

Shape, is created by vibration itself, and is the result of the synergy of it's cycles.

Clouds teach. Read them. If a weird sky shines shines too bright, or polarized rainbows are created, watch out.

This has nothing to to with paranoia, but with natural and artificial cymatics.

So take care.

Take care, possible ionizing interference.

A possible result of chemical trail dispersion. Substances that are slowly starting to condensate in their natural harmonic shape. What you can see is a result of the metals, crystals and
chemicals that dispersed in such a way in atmosphere, are trying to go back to their natural shape, just like snow flakes. Here we can see harmonic damping dispersion
taking place in the distribution of the clouds. Take care, because often this sign is followed by flu. 

Nice clouds, with ionization on the right.


Specific texture of electromagnetic overflow. Ionized low level currents pushing upwards clouds. Microwave wind.

Again a specific texture of electromagnetic overflow. Ionized low level currents pushing upwards clouds. Microwave wind tunnel.


Typical patchwork. Cross clouds. 90° deg.

Very dangerous. Earthquake alert. Ionization focused sowhere undergroung generates this rainbow configuration. Use polarized sunglasses to see all the colours.


Again a specific texture of electromagnetic overflow. Ionized low level currents pushing upwards clouds. Microwave wind bending.


Circle in the sky. Resonating Harmonics. Their size can start from a few meters upwards to 1000 miles. Weather control.

Another result of chemical trail dispersion. Substances that are slowly starting to condensate in their natural harmonic shape. What you can see is a result of the metals, crystals and
chemicals that have been dispersed in atmosphere. The substances are trying to go back to their natural shape, following cymatics, just like snow flakes.
Here we can see harmonic damping dispersion taking place in the distribution of the clouds. Take care, because often this sign is followed by flu.

Yes, we can. Eiscat test.

Another result of chemical trail dispersion. Substances that are slowly starting to condensate in their natural harmonic shape. What you can see is a result of the metals, crystals and
chemicals that have been dispersed in atmosphere. The substances are trying to go back to their natural shape, following cymatics, just like snow flakes.
Here we can see harmonic damping dispersion taking place in the distribution of the clouds. Take care, because often this sign is followed by flu.


Resonating Circles.

Resonating circle shockwave. The ionized shockwave crunched the ice. Testing the Earthquake device.



Another result of chemical trail dispersion. Substances that are slowly starting to condensate in their natural harmonic shape. What you can see is a result of the metals, crystals and
chemicals that have been dispersed in atmosphere. The substances are trying to go back to their natural shape, following cymatics, just like snow flakes.
Here we can see harmonic damping dispersion taking place in the distribution of the clouds. Take care, shut the windows or move out of the way.


Yes we can. Eiscat.

Cloud tubes. Artifical.




This hurts!!!

Resonating fields slowly moving forwards. Double circles and tails. As you can see, their wings are vibrating ( 14 smaller waves  on the right wings of the both creations ).
We could easlily calculate the frequency used in this kind of experiment, by inserting in the equation, speed, time, and size.  

Resonating field slowly moving forwards. Single circle and tail.
As you can see, this one creates a typical feather shape.

Condensation. Circular. 1 km

U turn. Ooopss

Circular condensation. 5 km

Gosh!! This is a bad one. These kind of trails are very dangerous, heavy clouds, dark and grey as you can see, and most of the times localized in a tiny area of about 1 square mile. Flu and similar tests.

Take a look to the upper black cloud that is pushing away the others. Its perfect unnatural potato shape, totally different colour, density and light.

Something is probably either activating it, or generating a field in its interior portion that resonates around it and is changing the shape of the nearby clouds.


Making a mess. Please don't put you shoes on the keybord!!! Take a look at what you have done!!!


Yes we can. Eiscat. No fiction. This happened some time ago, just to make friends understand that WE CAN.


This was taken a couple of days before the terrible outbreak of flu, this year. Temperatures dropped form 10° to -10° within a hour, and these dark clouds hit the city whilst a couple of kilometres away, the sun was shining. This picture was taken on the 5th of December, and I could claim that 70% of the people that live in the area, have caught a cold. Instant headaches, and the typical saw throat that is produced by strong viral strains chemtrailed by planes.
p.s. still feverish and writing from my bed... ;-) 


Dropping trail.

Slowly falling to the gound. Unexpected freezing sudden cold.

Yellow and dark gray formations.

Here you can see that the sky, behind this dispersion, is completely clear.

Dark side of the sky.


Black side of the sky.

Toxic rain.


And this is what they say.

(AGI) - Roma, 3 dic. - Con l'arrivo del freddo i virus prosperano: solo in questa settimana si metteranno a letto con febbre e raffreddore 70mila italiani, ma per colpa soprattutto di virus parainfluenzali. Per l'influenza vera, che quest'anno colpira' dai 4 ai 6 milioni di persone, bisognera' aspettare Natale. E' lo scenario prospettato da Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologo dell'universita' di Milano. "La vera influenza - spiega all'AGI - si diffonde quando il freddo oltre che intenso e' persistente nel tempo, quindi dobbiamo aspettare Natale per il boom di casi. Per ora siamo in presenza soprattutto di virus simil-influenzali, che faranno aumentare i casi del 20 per cento in questa settimana a causa dell'arrivo del freddo". L'appello degli esperti, sottolinea Pregliasco, e' quindi quello di vaccinarsi: "Si e' ancora in tempo. Il vaccino ha la sua efficacia dopo 10 giorni, quindi se non si vuole un Natale rovinato dall'influenza si puo' ancora ricorrere al vaccino, che e' piu' che sicuro malgrado gli allarmi mediatici e qualche eccesso di prudenza da parte dello stesso ministero". Nel complesso, spiega il virologo, quella di quest'anno sara' una stagione influenzale "con un'incidenza medio-alta: oltre al virus H1N1, quello dell'influenza 'A', abbiamo due ceppi americani e uno australiano, un mix che potrebbe portare fino a 6 milioni di malati".

Unfortunately all they have to say is that we should get vaccinated. This strain of H1N1 is a spefic one, and like all recombined viruses, has certainly been signed by the authors.
It would take a couple of hours to find out if this virus is related to someone that might benefit from it. Usually these products are patented, and the names of their companies that use them are very well known, so if you have any doubts, just find out. I sincerly hope it's natures fault, although i telt my head splitting in five parts, all thinking in a different way and speaking at the same time.
Don't worry, it's only one of the temporary effects of this flu.

addendum: se avete altre prove o immagini da sottoporre a studio, inviatemele.

Barcellona: onde scalari dal tetto di casa.

Onde scalari e tipico tetto a volta rispetto alla propagazione lineare dei campi elettrici dei tralicci attraverso i quali scorrono 150.000 volts.

5+2 Chemtrails: reticolato a 90 gradi.

Due impulsioni polarizzate con tipica conformazione dalle ali d'angelo.

Altra immagine dell'effetto delle onde scalari all'opera sui tetti di Barcellona. Psicotronica all'opera.

Interno di un Tanker Drone, o aereo di linea riconvertito ad operazioni di controllo climatico non autorizzate.
Questi aerei, "47 nel 2004", apparentemente di linea, ma senza alcuna bandiera, simbolo di riconoscimento, numero ecc... tranne una linea rossa su fusoliera bianca,
sono una delle flotte che realizzano chemtrails del tipo di quelli descritti qui. I barili che trasportano possono contenere sostanze di qualsiasi genere, che possono essere disperse
in alta o bassa quota, irrorando di particelle metalliche, come pure di virus, sostanze tossiche, pesticidi, ecc... interi quadranti.

E' cosa nota la sperimentazione e l'utilizzo di tale metodologia già fin dagli anni 50, come nel caso di un piccolo paesino degli Stati Uniti, dove fu testato l'effetto dell'LSD sulla popolazione, che risultò in un episodio tragico di "Follia generalizzata", che si concretizzo in una carneficina come si saprà 50 anni dopo il test, al declassamento di tale esperimento segreto 50 anni dopo. I 14 computer, situati nella parte posteriore dell'aereo, sono quelli adibiti al controllo di ciascun barile, ed al controllo dei parametri di volo, e meteo, da integrarsi nel calcolo della rotta, dei venti, delle correnti, e di una ampia serie di parametri da calcolare in continuazione, e da correggersi per sfruttare al meglio le condizioni naturali in termini sinergici, messe così al servizio di chi pratica queste contaminazioni.

Altro slideshow del cielo di qualche giorno fa. Visibili le armoniche delle scalari più scure ampiamente distribuite su tutta la superficie del cielo e concentrate in nodi armonici localizzati.


By Jedi Simon: copyright. 2013