Multiversal Revelation
a Quantic Teaching



1      How They se us, from the other side....



2 Fields




3 Fields



4 Fields


5 Fields


6 Fields



7 Fields




8 Fields




9 Fields



10 Fields



11 Manifestation of nature



12 Dimensional manifestation of orders of nature



13  Abstract orders



14 Landscapes



15 Figurative and naturalistic abstraction



16 The Creative Principle



17  Insight



18 Growing gans crystals



19 Seeds



20 Conformation of the fields



21 Dimensional interactions




22 Energy fluxes




23 Visible effects of plasmatic fields  ( attributes: quality, quantity, number, colour, shape, form, size, name etc... etc... )



24 Special moments



25 Friends



26 Watchers



27 Signs




28 Air Dragoon




29 Harmonic resonant fields ( sonic reactors )



30 Force field distributions



31  Followed



32 They can see



33 Ent




34 Transcendence



35 Invisible brothers



36 Wrong doers



37 Lost souls



38 Consequence of bad karma



39 Limit of understanding



40 Wavestate ( Korg Wavestation 2.0 synthesizer )




41 Jedi Flutes






42 Singing Guru



43 Dark Humans



44 Ascension





45 Ma ( great hug )



46 Watchers



47 Dwarfs ( cleaning up this mess... )



48 3 Symbols message



49 Parting the waters



50 A portrait by Scripta





Jedi Simon

All right reserved Images by Jedi Simon