by Jedi Simon


A study on the origin of the word, meaning, sound and secondary derived definitions.

« Sigma Vector Analysis » method created by Jedi Simon following the teachings of the Hypercube method,
and expanding it to sound, bija, phonema, morphema, significate, meaning, suggestion, concept and idea.


From the root sounds of ma, mahA  =  great, important… +  dita, dhita  =  mah dita = meh dita, to meditate. 
Meaning: “important thoughts upon”, “reflections”, etc…


Correlated key words, definitions, inclusions and specifications.



ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                meditation        [Yoga: Dhyana]  BV

अनुध्यान               n.            anudhyAna        meditation        

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              deep concentration, meditation             

ध्यानिन्  adj.        dhyAnin              engaged in religious meditation              

अनाहत{हन्}        m.          anAhata[han]   mystical sounds heard during meditation[ Yoga: Anahata]         

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              union of the subject (the meditator) and the object (ofmeditation) [Yoga: Samadhi]  

प्रहाहाण्                                prahAhAN          meditation        

गुञ्जा       f.             guJjA     meditation        

अन्वीक्षा f.             anvIkSA               meditation        

सन्ध्या     f.             sandhyA              meditation        

भावना   f.             bhAvanA             meditation        

पारायणी               f.             pArAyaNI            meditation        

धी           f.             dhI         meditation        

ध्या         f.             dhyA     meditation        

भाव        m.          bhAva   meditation        

योग        m.          yoga      meditation        

             m.          ha           meditation        

आध्यान n.            AdhyAna             meditation        

योगस्     n.            yogas    meditation        

संराधन  n.            saMrAdhana     meditation        

अभिध्यान             n.            abhidhyAna       meditation        

मनन      n.            manana               meditation        

प्रसङ्ख्यान          n.            prasaGkhyAna  meditation        

प्रत्यववमर्शन        n.            pratyavavamarzana       meditation        

            n.            sa           meditation        

धीत        n.            dhIta     meditations      

मण्डूकयोग          m.          maNDUkayoga frog-meditation              

मण्डूकयोग          m.          maNDUkayoga frog-meditation              

ध्यानागार              m.          dhyAnAgAra      meditation room            

तपस्      n.            tapas     deep meditation            

ध्यानमात्र              n.            dhyAnamAtra   mere meditation            

योगनिद्रा               f.             yoganidrA           meditation-sleep           

योगनिद्रा               f.             yoganidrA           meditation-sleep           

योगनिद्रा               f.             yoganidrA           meditation-sleep           

सम्यक्समाधि       m.          samyaksamAdhi              right meditation             

आर्याष्टाङ्गमार्ग      m.          AryASTAGgamArga        right meditation             

तपस्      n.            tapas     severe meditation         

अभ्यासाकूपार     n.            abhyAsAkUpAra              sea of meditation          

परध्यान n.            paradhyAna       intent meditation          

परमेश्वरप्रणिधान n.            paramezvarapraNidhAna            meditationon God         

ध्यानचक्षुस्           n.            dhyAnacakSus  eye of meditation          

ध्यानतत्पर            adj.        dhyAnatatpara lost in meditation           

ध्यायनिमग्न           adj.        dhyAyanimagna              sunk in meditation        

ध्येय        adj.        dhyeya                                            fit for meditation

कायोत्सर्ग              m.          kAyotsarga         type of meditation [Jainism]     

अनिलम्भ              m.          anilambha          kind of meditation         

महातेजोगर्भ         m.          mahAtejogarbha             kind of meditation         

ध्यानलक्षण           n.            dhyAnalakSaNa                     mark of meditation 

असकृत्समाधि     m.          asakRtsamAdhi                      repente meditation

प्रत्यववमर्श           m.          pratyavavamarza            profound   meditation 

ध्यानयोग               m.          dhyAnayoga      profound  meditation  

बहिर्योग m.          bahiryoga           external   meditation    

ध्यानफल              n.            dhyAnaphala     fruit of meditation         

समाधिबल            n.            samAdhibala     force of meditation       

समापन n.            samApana          profound meditation   

ध्यानास्पद            n.            dhyAnAspada   placeofmeditation         

या           f.             yA          religiousmeditation       

धीसन्तति              f.             dhIsantati           continued meditation  

सन्तति   f.             santati  continuedmeditation   

अनुयोग m.          anuyoga              religiousmeditation       

अहुत      m.          ahuta    religiousmeditation       

प्रत्यय     m.          pratyaya              religious  meditation     

मण्डूकसरस        n.            maNDUkasarasa              frog-meditation-pond 

समाधान               n.            samAdhAna       religious  meditation     

मण्डूकसरस        n.            maNDUkasarasa              frog-meditation-pond 

ध्यानधीर               adj.        dhyAnadhIra     engaged in meditation

समाधिनिष्ठ           adj.        samAdhiniSTha                devoted to meditation

ध्याननित्य             adj.        dhyAnanitya      engaged in meditation

ध्याननिष्ठ               adj.        dhyAnaniSTha  engaged in meditation

ध्यानपर adj.        dhyAnapara       engaged in meditation

आस्फानक           n.            AsphAnaka        particolar meditation    

ध्यानयोगिन्          adj.        dhyAnayogin     absorbed in meditation              

ध्यायनिमग्न           adj.        dhyAyanimagna              immersed in meditation             

ध्यानस्थ adj.        dhyAnastha       absorbedinmeditation 

ध्यानस्थित            adj.        dhyAnasthita    absorbedinmeditation 

ध्यायिन्  adj.        dhyAyin               absorbedinmeditation 

समाधिभृत्            adj.        samAdhibhRt    absorbedinmeditation 

समाधिमत्            adj.        samAdhimat      absorbedinmeditation 

समाधिस्थ             adj.        samAdhistha     absorbedinmeditation 

ध्यानपूत                adj.        dhyAnapUta      purified by meditation 

आत्मचिन्ता           f.             AtmacintA          meditation on the soul

अनिलम्भसमाधि m.          anilambhasamAdhi        unsupported meditation            

ध्यानाहार              m.          dhyAnAhAra     nutriment of meditation                            

ध्यानगम्य              adj.        dhyAnagamya  attain able by meditation           

ध्यानमय                adj.        dhyAnamaya     consisting of meditation             

निध्यप्ति                f.             nidhyapti            philosophical meditation            

ध्यानपारमिता      f.             dhyAnapAramitA            perfection of meditation            

समाधिपरिहाणि  f.             samAdhiparihANi            diminution of meditation           

समाधिविग्रह        m.          samAdhivigraha               embodiment of meditation      

समाधियोग           m.          samAdhiyoga    employment of meditation       

शुक्लध्यान            n.            zukladhyAna     meditation on pure spirit           

नेशति{निश्}        verb      nezati[niz]          be absorbed in meditation        

युङ्क्ते{युज्}        verb      yuGkte[yuj]       beabsorbedinmeditation           

युनक्ति{युज्}        verb      yunakti[yuj]       beabsorbedinmeditation           

योगयात्रा               f.             yogayAtrA          wayofprofoundmeditation       

राजयोग m.          rAjayoga             aneasymodeofmeditation         

अन्तर्ध्यान             n.            antardhyAna     profoundinwardmeditation      

योगचक्षुस्             adj.        yogacakSus        onewhoseeyeismeditation       

योगयुक्त               adj.        yogayukta          immersedindeepmeditation    

सम्यक्प्रणिधान    n.            samyakpraNidhAna       trueorprofoundmeditation       

मण्डूकशायिन्     adj.        maNDUkazAyin               lyinglikeafrog-meditation           

मण्डूकशायिन्     adj.        maNDUkazAyin               lyinglikeafrog-meditation           

अन्तर्भावना          f.             antarbhAvanA  inwardmeditationoranxiety      

अक्षरकर               m.          akSarakara         kindofreligiousmeditation         

अक्षराक्षर              m.          akSarAkSara      kindofreligiousmeditation         

समाधिभेदिन्       adj.        samAdhibhedin               onewhointerruptsmeditation  

भावनामयी           f.             bhAvanAmayI   wisdomobtainedbymeditation

प्रणिधान                n.            praNidhAna       profoundreligiousmeditation   

ध्यानागार              n.            dhyAnAgAra      roomtoindulgeinmeditation     

ध्यानवत्                adj.        dhyAnavat         intentonreligiousmeditation     

अधिरूढसमाधियोग          adj.        adhirUDhasamAdhiyoga              engagedinprofoundmeditation              

बुद्धानुस्मृति          f.             buddhAnusmRti              continualmeditationonBuddha

बुद्धि       f.             buddhi thoughtaboutormeditationon 

शोचति{शुच्}        verb      zocati[zuc]          beabsorbedindeepmeditation

मण्डूकयोगनियत                adj.        maNDUkayoganiyata    intentuponthefrog-meditation               

मण्डूकयोगनियत                adj.        maNDUkayoganiyata    intentuponthefrog-meditation               

योग्य       adj.        yogya    properforreligiousmeditation  

युक्त       adj.        yukta    absorbedinabstractmeditation

स्तिमितसमाधिशुचि           adj.        stimitasamAdhizuci        purethroughintensemeditation              

धियञ्जिन्व              adj.        dhiyaJjinva         excitingmeditationordevotion 

धर्मानुस्मृति           f.             dharmAnusmRti              continualmeditationonthelaw 

युक्ति      f.             yukti      meditationonthesupremebeing             

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              profoundorabstractmeditation               

योगविद् m.          yogavid                practiserofabstractmeditation 

समाधानमात्र        n.            samAdhAnamAtra          merecontemplationormeditation          

निदिध्यासन          n.            nididhyAsana    profoundandrepeatedmeditation         

ध्यानस्तिमितलोचन            adj.        dhyAnastimitalocana     havinganeyerigidbymeditation

युयुक्षति{युज्}       verb Desid.        yuyukSati[yuj]  wishtobeabsorbedinmeditation             

प्रसङ्ख्यानपर    adj.        prasaGkhyAnapara        engrossedorabsorbedinmeditation      

योगनिद्रा               f.             yoganidrA           stateofhalfmeditationhalfsleep              

ब्रह्मसत्त्र                n.            brahmasattra    sacrificeofdevotionormeditation            

योगप्राप्त               adj.        yogaprApta        obtainedthroughabstractmeditation    

संराध्य   adj.        saMrAdhya        tobeacquiredbyperfectmeditation        

ध्यानिक adj.        dhyAnika            proceedingfromreligiousmeditation     

भावनामय             adj.        bhAvanAmaya  producedbyimaginationormeditation  

ध्यानच्छेद             m.          dhyAnaccheda interruptionofthoughtormeditation     

हठविद्या                f.             haThavidyA        scienceormethodofforcedmeditation  

पारमहंसपरि        ind.        pAramahaMsapari          relatingtothemostsublimemeditation  

राजयोग m.          rAjayoga             particularstageinabstractmeditation     

समाधिभङ्ग           m.          samAdhibhaGga              disturbingorinterruptionofmeditation 

ललितव्यूह            m.          lalitavyUha         particularkindofsamAdhiormeditation 

समाधित्व              n.            samAdhitva       stateofprofoundmeditationordevotion              

योगधारणा            f.             yogadhAraNA   continuanceorperseveranceinmeditation          

योगपद  n.            yogapada            stateofself-concentrationormeditation              

मण्डूकयोगशयन                adj.        maNDUkayogazayana   lyingonthegroundinthefrog-meditation              

मण्डूकयोगशयन                adj.        maNDUkayogazayana   lyingonthegroundinthefrog-meditation              

नैवसञ्ज्ञासमाधि m.          naivasaJjJAsamAdhi       meditation in which there is no reflection          

हठयोग  m.          haThayoga         kind of forced yoga or abstract meditation        

पद्मासन n.            padmAsana       particolar posture in religious meditation           

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                profound and abstract religious meditation      

योगारूढ              adj.        yogArUDha        absorbedinprofoundorabstractmeditation        

योगशायिन्           adj.        yogazAyin           halfasleepandhalfabsorbedinmeditation           

अप्कृत्स्न                n.            apkRtsna             deepmeditationperformedbymeansofwater   

योगमाया               f.             yogamAyA         mAyAormagicalpowerofabstractmeditation     

योगज     adj.        yogaja  producedbyorarisingfromyogaormeditation     

प्रतिसंलीन            adj.        pratisaMlIna      completeretirementforthesakeofmeditation  

भद्रासन n.            bhadrAsana       particularpostureofadevoteeduringmeditation              

सिद्धासन              n.            siddhAsana        particularsedentpostureinreligiousmeditation 

निद्रायोग               m.          nidrAyoga           stateofsuchdeepmeditationastoresemblesleep             

अलब्धभूमिकत्व  n.            alabdhabhUmikatva      stateofnotobtaininganydegreeofdeepmeditation         

अपध्यान               n.            apadhyAna        meditationuponthingswhicharenottobethoughtof       

समापत्ति               f.             samApatti           subdivisionofthefourthstageofabstractmeditation        

पद्म         m.n.      padma  particularpostureofthebodyinreligiousmeditation         

योगमयज्ञान          n.            yogamayajJAna               knowledgederivedfromself-concentrationormeditation            

ब्रह्मासना               f.             brahmAsanA     particularposturesuitedtodevoutreligiousmeditation   

कुक्कुटासन         n.            kukkuTAsana    particularpostureofanasceticinreligiousmeditation        

शम        m.          zama     abstractionfrometernalobjectsthroughintensemeditation        

योग        m.          yoga      anysimpleactorriteconducivetoyogaorabstractmeditation         

योग        m.          yoga      abstractmeditationandmentalabstractionpractisedasasystem                 



ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                meditation[Yoga: Dhyana]          BV

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                attention            BV

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                appreciate          BV

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                thought              

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                reflection           

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                profoundandabstractreligiousmeditation          

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                mentalrepresentationofthepersonalattributesofadeity             

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                insensibility       

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                dullness              

ध्यान      n.            dhyAna                contemplation 

ध्यानवत्                adj.        dhyAnavat         intentonreligiousmeditation     

ध्यानपर adj.        dhyAnapara       thoughtful         

ध्यानपूत                adj.        dhyAnapUta      purifiedbymeditation   

ध्यानयोग               m.          dhyAnayoga      profoundmeditation    

ध्यानागार              n.            dhyAnAgAra      roomtoindulgeinmeditation     

ध्यानाहार              m.          dhyAnAhAra     nutrimentofmeditation              

ध्यानपर adj.        dhyAnapara       engagedinmeditation  

ध्यानमय                adj.        dhyAnamaya     consistingofmeditation               

ध्यानस्थ adj.        dhyAnastha       absorbedinmeditation 

ध्यानागार              m.          dhyAnAgAra      meditation room            

ध्यानस्थ adj.        dhyAnastha       musing

ध्याननित्य             adj.        dhyAnanitya      thoughtful         

ध्यानधीर               adj.        dhyAnadhIra     thoughtful         

ध्यानमात्र              n.            dhyAnamAtra   thought alone  

ध्यानदृष्टि               adj.        dhyAnadRSTi     seeing with the mind'seye        

ध्यानमुद्रा              f.             dhyAnamudrA  prescribed attitude in which to meditate on a deity      

ध्यानास्पद            n.            dhyAnAspada   placeofmeditation         

ध्यानमात्र              n.            dhyAnamAtra   mere meditation            

ध्यानफल              n.            dhyAnaphala     fruit of meditation         

ध्याननित्य             adj.        dhyAnanitya      engaged in meditation

ध्यानधीर               adj.        dhyAnadhIra     engagedinmeditation  

ध्यानगम्य              adj.        dhyAnagamya  attainable by meditation            

ध्यानयोगिन्          adj.        dhyAnayogin     absorbed in meditation              

ध्याननिष्ठ               adj.        dhyAnaniSTha  thoughtful         

ध्यानगोचर            m.          dhyAnagocara  particolar class of deities            

ध्यानच्छेद             m.          dhyAnaccheda interruption of thought or meditation 

ध्यानचक्षुस्           n.            dhyAnacakSus  eye of meditation          

ध्याननिष्ठ               adj.        dhyAnaniSTha  engaged in meditation

ध्यानस्थित            adj.        dhyAnasthita    absorbed in meditation              

ध्यानतत्पर            adj.        dhyAnatatpara thoughtful         

ध्यानलक्षण           n.            dhyAnalakSaNa               mark of meditation       

ध्यानतत्पर            adj.        dhyAnatatpara lost in meditation           

ध्यानपारमिता      f.             dhyAnapAramitA            perfection of meditation            



अनुध्यान               n.            anudhyAna        contemplation 

अनुध्यान               n.            anudhyAna        meditation        

अनुध्यान               n.            anudhyAna        solicitude           

अनुध्यान               n.            anudhyAna        religiouscontemplation



समाधि   m.          samAdhi              unionofthesubject(themeditator)andtheobject(ofmeditation)[Yoga: Samadhi]            

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              deepconcentration,meditation               

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              intenseapplicationorfixingthemindon  

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              settlement        

समाधिन्               adj.        samAdhin           absorbedincontemplation         

समधिक               adj.        samadhika          additional          

समादिशति{समा- दिश्}   verb 6   samAdizati[samA- diz]  instruct               

समधिकरोति       verb      samadhikaroti   cutupinadditionorcompletely   

समदिशाधिकार  m.          samadizAdhikAra            command[authority, power to command]        

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              whole  

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              settingtorights 

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              set        

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              sanctuaryortombofasaint          

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              proof   

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              profoundorabstractmeditation               

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              justificationofastatement          

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              jointoraparticularpositionoftheneck     

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              joiningorcombiningwith              

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              intentness         

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              intensecontemplationofanyparticularobject    

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              intenseabsorptionorakindoftrance       

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              conclusion         

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              concentrationofthethoughts    

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              completion       

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              bringing into harmony 

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              attention           

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              assent 

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              agreement        

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              aggregate          

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              adjustment       

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              accomplishment             

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              trance  

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              joiningwith        

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              puttingtogether             

समाधि   m.          samAdhi              concentrationofmind   

समधीते{समधी}  verb      samadhIte[samadhI]     repeatorreadthroughorstudythoroughly           

समधीते{समधी}  verb      samadhIte[samadhI]     goover

समादिष्ट                adj.        samAdiSTa         indicated            

समादिष्ट                adj.        samAdiSTa         enjoined            

समादिष्ट                adj.        samAdiSTa         directed             

समादिष्ट                adj.        samAdiSTa         commanded     

समादिष्ट                adj.        samAdiSTa         assigned             

समधीत adj.        samadhIta          studied               

समाधित               adj.        samAdhita          reconciled         

समधीत adj.        samadhIta          readthrough     

समाधित               adj.        samAdhita          propitiated        

समधीत adj.        samadhIta          goneover           

समधिक               adj.        samadhika          superfluous      

समधिक               adj.        samadhika          superabundant               

समधिक               adj.        samadhika          plentiful




अनाहत{हन्}        m.          anAhata[han]   mysticalsoundsheardduringmeditation[Yoga: Anahata]              

अनाहत n.            anAhata              orcirclesofthebody        

अनाहत n.            anAhata              fourthofthemysticalcakras        

अनाहत adj.        anAhata              not multiplied  

अनाहत adj.        anAhata              produced otherwise than by beating   

अनाहत adj.        anAhata              new and unbleached   

अनाहत adj.        anAhata              unwounded     

अनाहत adj.        anAhata              unstruck             

अनाहत adj.        anAhata              unbeaten          

अनाहत adj.        anAhata              intact   

अनाहतनाद          m.          anAhatanAda    sound om          

अनाहतनाद          m.          anAhatanAda    sound produced otherwise than by beating     

अनाहतनाद          m.          anAhatanAda    mystical sound heard internally              

अनाहतनाद          m.          anAhatanAda    unstruck note



विपाश्यन              n.            vipAzyana

विपाश   m.          vipAza  tie         

विपाश्यन              n.            vipAzyana           rightknowledge

विपाश   m.          vipAza  bondage            

विपाश्यन              n.            vipAzyana           Vipassana: form of meditation that seeks "insight into the true nature of reality"[ Pali: vipAssana (Buddhism)]      

विपाश्   f.             vipAz     fetterless           

विपस्     n.            vipas     inspiration         

विपाश   adj.        vipAza  freed from fetters         

विपाश   adj.        vipAza  untied 

विपाश   adj.        vipAza  un noosed         

विपाश   adj.        vipAza  having no noose             

विपशु    adj.        vipazu   deprived of cattle          

विपाशिन्              adj.        vipAzin without fastenings        

विपाशिन्              adj.        vipAzin without a trace

विपश्चित् adj.        vipazcit versedinoracquaintedwith        

विपाशन                n.            vipAzana             unfettering       

विपाशन                n.            vipAzana             unbinding          

विपश्चित् adj.        vipazcit learned               

विपश्चित् adj.        vipazcit wise     

विपश्चित् adj.        vipazcit inspired              

विपश्यति{विपश्}               verb      vipazyati[vipaz]                know   

विपश्यति{विपश्}               verb      vipazyati[vipaz]                learn    

विपश्यति{विपश्}               verb      vipazyati[vipaz]                perceive             

विपश्यति{विपश्}               verb      vipazyati[vipaz]                observe              

विपश्यति{विपश्}               verb      vipazyati[vipaz]                distinguish         

विपश्यति{विपश्}               verb      vipazyati[vipaz]                discern

विपश्यति{विपश्}               verb      vipazyati[vipaz]                seeindifferentplacesorindetail

विपाश्यन              n.            vipAzyana           rightknowledge              

विपाशयति{विपाशय}        verb      vipAzayati[vipAzaya]     loose    

विपाशयति{विपाशय}        verb      vipAzayati[vipAzaya]     unbind




प्रहाहाण्                                prahAhAN          exertion             

प्रहाहाण्                                prahAhAN          meditation        

प्रहाहाण्                                prahAhAN          speculation       

प्रहाहाण्                                prahAhAN          abstraction        

प्रहाहाण                n.            prahAhANa        relinquishing    

प्रहाहाण                n.            prahAhANa        avoiding             

प्रहाहाण                n.            prahAhANa        abandoning      




दिव        n.            diva       day        BV

दिन        m.,n.     dina       day        BV

दीप        m.          dIpa       lamp      BV

धीर         adj.        dhIra     brave    BV

दिवस     m.          divasa   day        BV

धीवर      m.          dhIvara                fisherman           BV

दिनाङ्क   m.          dinAGka              date      BV

दिवङ्गत adj.        divaGgata           late[[dead]]       BV

दीर्घकालम्           indecl.  dIrghakAlam      duringalongtime              BV

दीर्घपीठ                n.            dIrghapITha       bench   BV

एकस्मिन्दिने        phrase  ekasmindine     oneday                BV

दीर्घकालिक         adj.        dIrghakAlika      chronic BV

दिक्       f.             dik          direction            

धी           f.             dhI         intellect              

दिवा       indecl.  divA       daytime              

धिक्       indecl.  dhik       Fie![Used as an interjection of reproach]           

दीन        adj.        dIna       poor     

दीप्त       adj.        dIpta     lighted 

दीप्त       adj.        dIpta     bright   

धीर         adj.        dhIra     strong  

धीर         adj.        dhIra     firm      

दीप्ति     f.             dIpti      brightness         

दिष्ट        adj.        diSTa     directed             

दीप्ति     f.             dIpti      lustre   

दिष्ट        n.            diSTa     directive             

दिष्ट        n.            diSTa     instruction         

धीर         adj.        dhIra     perseverant     

धीति       f.             dhIti      attention           

दिव्य      adj.        divya     splendorous     

दिष्ट        n.            diSTa     aim       

दिष्ट        n.            diSTa     goal      

दिष्ट        adj.        diSTa     shown,pointedout        

दीप्ति     f.             dIpti      splendour          

दीप्त       adj.        dIpta     stimulated         

दीप्त       adj.        dIpta     inflamed            

दीप्त       adj.        dIpta     excited

दीनार     m.          dInAra  goldcoinoracertainweightofgold             

धीमत्     adj.        dhImat learned               

दीपक    adj.        dIpaka  lightingup          

दिनिका f.             dinikA   dailywages        

दीर्घ        adj.        dIrgha   long      

दीपिका f.             dIpikA   torch    

दीपिका f.             dIpikA   light      

दिष्त्या    indecl.  diStyA   luckily  

दिष्ट्या   indecl.  diSTyA  fortunately       

धीमन्त्   adj.        dhImant              intelligent          

धीमन्त्   adj.        dhImant              sensible              

डिअमन्त्              adj.        Diamant              learned               

धीवर      m.          dhIvara                fisher[job]         

दिदेष्टि{दिश्}        verb      dideSTi[diz]        allocate




भाव        m.          bhAva   spirit      BV

भाव        m.          bhAva   sentiment          BV

भाव        m.          bhAva   emotion              BV

भवान्     pron.     bhavAn                you(respectful)               BV

भवत्      pron.     bhavat  you        BV

भवति{भू}             verb 1   bhavati[bhU]    become               BV

भवति{भू}             verb      bhavati[bhU]    he/she/itis         BV

भवन      n.            bhavana              building               BV

भवती     pron. f. bhavatI                you[respectful]               BV

भवतः                    bhavataH            your      BV

भवन्तम् acc.        bhavantam        you        BV

भवदीय  adj.        bhavadIya          yours    BV

भवनस्य                bhavanasya       your      BV

भावात्मक             adj.        bhAvAtmaka     positive               BV

भावपूर्ण adj.        bhAvapUrNa     emotional           BV

शीर्णम्भवति{भू}   verb 1   zIrNambhavati[bhU]     fade      BV

जीर्णम्भवति          verb      jIrNambhavati  wearout              BV

विवर्णभवति{भू}  verb 1   vivarNabhavati[bhU]     fade[of color in garment, etc.]  BV

अदृश्यंभवति{भू} verb 1   adRzyaMbhavati[bhU] vanish   BV

संलग्नंभवति{भू}   verb 1   saMlagnaMbhavati[bhU]            cling       BV         

भाव        m.          bhAva   prescience        

भाव        m.          bhAva   attitude[mental]            

भाव        m.          bhAva   intuition             

भाव        m.          bhAva   thing    

भव         m.          bhava   prosperity         

भाव        m.          bhAva   manner              

भवान्     n.            bhavAn                you[respectful]              

भावः      f.             bhAvaH               situation             

भावः      f.             bhAvaH               constellation    

भावना   f.             bhAvanA             concept[computer]      

भवति{भू}             verb 1   bhavati[bhU]    happen               

भवन      n.            bhavana              edifice 

भवन      n.            bhavana              residence          

भवन      n.            bhavana              dwelling             

भवतु!    expr.     bhavatu!             Yes        

भवन्ती   f.             bhavantI             presenttense[grammar]            

भवद्भी   adj.        bhavadbhI          havingfear,beingafraid

भवादृश adj.        bhavAdRza         anyone like you              

भवदन्य adj.        bhavadanya       otherthanyou  

भावचित्र                n.            bhAvacitra          photo  

नौभवति{नौभू}     verb      naubhavati[naubhU]     beorbecomeaship         

ऊनीभवति{भू}    verb 1   UnIbhavati[bhU]             diminish             

ऊनीभवति{भू}    verb 1   UnIbhavati[bhU]             decrease            

भावकरण             m.          bhAvakaraNa    address[speech]            

भवनस्वामी           m.          bhavanasvAmI ownerofthehouse/building      

एवंभवतु                sent.     evaMbhavatu   Beitso. 

वशीभवति{वशीभू}            verb      vazIbhavati[vazIbhU]    becomesubjecttoanother'swill

रहीभवति{रहीभू}                verb      rahIbhavati[rahIbhU]    make someone lonely



मनन      adj.        manana               thoughtful         

मानन     n.            mAnana              respecting         

मानन     n.            mAnana              honouring         

मनन      n.            manana               thinking              

मननंकरोति{कृ}  verb      mananaMkaroti[kR]      think    

मानन     n.            mAnana              showing respect             

मानन     adj.        mAnana              servingasatokenofrespect         

मनन      n.            manana               reverence on   

मनान     adj.        manAna              pious    

मनन      n.            manana               homage              

मनान     adj.        manAna              devout

मानन     adj.        mAnana              consisting of real garorred arsenic         

मानन     f.             mAnana              paying honour 

मनन      n.            manana               reflection           

मनन      n.            manana               meditation        

मनन      n.            manana               thought              

मनन      n.            manana               intelligence       

मनन      n.            manana               understanding 

मनना     indecl.  mananA              deliberately      

मनना     indecl.  mananA              thoughtfully     

मनन      adj.        manana               careful 

मनानक् ind.        manAnak            short time         

मनानक् ind.        manAnak            little      

मननवत्                adj.        mananavat         attended with homage               

मननयुक्त             adj.        mananayukta    attended with homage



योगदान n.            yogadAna           contribution      BV

योग        m.          yoga      total     

योग        m.          yoga      connection        

योग        m.          yoga      addition              

योग        m.          yoga      accession           

योग        m.          yoga      union   

योग        m.          yoga      junction              

योगदान n.            yogadAna           gift        

योगदान n.            yogadAna           gift        

यौगपद्य  adj.        yaugapadya       synchronous [computer]           

योगपुरुष               m.          yogapuruSa       agent   

यौगपाद्य                n.            yaugapAdya      concomitance  

यौगपाद्य                n.            yaugapAdya      concurrency     

बीजीययोग            m.          bIjIyayoga          algebraicsum    

योग        m.          yoga      spy        

योग        m.          yoga      violator of confidence  

योग        m.          yoga      originaloretymologicalmeaning               

योग        m.          yoga      connectionofawordwithitsroot               

योग        m.          yoga      combinedorconcentratedgrammaticalruleoraphorism 

योग        m.          yoga      construction     

योग        m.          yoga      syntacticaldependenceofaword             

योग        m.          yoga      connection of words together 

योग        m.          yoga      sum      

योग        m.          yoga      leadingorprincipalstarofalunarasterism               

योग        m.          yoga      asterism             

योग        m.          yoga      constellation    

योग        m.          yoga      luckyconjuncture           

योग        m.          yoga      conjunction      

योग        m.          yoga      contactormixingwiththeouterworld      

योग        m.          yoga      piousseekingafterGod 

योग        m.          yoga      devotion            

योग        m.          yoga      unionoftheindividualsoulwiththeuniversalsoul

योग        m.          yoga      unionofsoulwithmatter              

योग        m.          yoga      followeroftheyogasystem         

योग        m.          yoga      Yogapersonified             

योग        m.          yoga      anysimpleactorriteconducivetoyogaorabstractmeditation         

योग        m.          yoga      abstractmeditationandmentalabstractionpractisedasasystem 

योग        m.          yoga      self-concentration         

योग        m.          yoga      meditation        

योग        m.          yoga      abstract contemplation



तापसी   f.             tApasI   ascetic  BV

तपस्या   f.             tapasyA               penance              BV

तपस्      n.            tapas     austerity [Yoga: Tapas]

तपस्      n.            tapas     penance [Yoga: Tapas]

तपस्      n.            tapas     asceticism          

तापस     m.          tApasa  ascetic 

तपस्या   f.             tapasyA               asceticism          

तपस्वत्  adj.        tapasvat              ascetic 

तपस्विन्                m.          tapasvin              ascetic 

तपस्विनी               f.             tapasvinI             ascetic 

तपश्चर्या  f.             tapazcaryA         asceticism          

तापशीतन             n.            tApazItana         annealing           

तपस्      n.            tapas     self-inflicted torture     

तपस्      n.            tapas     suffering            

तपस्      n.            tapas     special observance        

तपस्      n.            tapas     severe meditation         

तपस्      n.            tapas     pain      

तपस्      n.            tapas     hot season        

तपस्      n.            tapas     bodily mortification       

तपस्      n.            tapas     9th lunar mansion          

तपस्      n.            tapas     religious austerity          

तपस्      n.            tapas     mortification    

तपस्      n.            tapas     deep meditation            

तपस्      n.            tapas     deep concentration      

तपस्      n.            tapas     fire        

तपस्      n.            tapas     heat     

तपस्      n.            tapas     warmth              

तापस     n.            tApasa  Mango-ginger[ Curcuma zedoaria - Bot.]            

तापस     m.          tApasa  practitioner of religious austerity           

तापस     n.            tApasa  musk root plant [Nardostachys Jatamansi - Bot.]            

तपसा     f.             tapasA  name of a river

तापसी   f.             tApasI   female ascetic 

तापस     adj.        tApasa  relating to religious austerity or to an ascetic    

तापस     m.          tApasa  moon   

तापस     adj.        tApasa  austerities         

तापस     m.          tApasa  littleegretheron[Ardeanivea-Zoo.]        

तापस     m.          tApasa  manyu 

तपस      m.          tapasa  bird       

तपस्य    n.            tapasya                flore of star jasmine [Jasminum multiflorum - Bot.]      

तपस्य    n.            tapasya                devoutausterity             

तपस्य    m.          tapasya                     second month of the season intervening between winter and spring            

तपस्य    m.          tapasya                arjuna  

तपस्य    adj.        tapasya                produced by heat         

तपस्य    adj.        tapasya                   belonging to austerity              

तापस्य   n.            tApasya               asceticism          

तापसज n.            tApasaja              leaf of cinnamon   [Laurus Cassia - Bot.]              

तपश्चित्  m.          tapazcit                              accumulating merit by austerities            

तपस्विन्                adj.        tapasvin              wretched



संराधन  adj.        saMrAdhana     satisfying           

संराधन  n.            saMrAdhana     perfect concentration of mind 

संराधन  n.            saMrAdhana     meditation        

संराधन  adj.        saMrAdhana     conciliating


महातेजोगर्भ         m.          mahAtejogarbha             kind of meditation



महान्     m.          mahAn great

महत्त्व     n.            mahattva            emphasis

महन्      adj.        mahan  vast

महित     adj.        mahita  honoured          

महित     adj.        mahita  esteemed         

Ma, mahA  =  great  +  DITA  =  MADITA, MEH DITA, MEDITAte  “important thoughts upon”, “reflections”… 



दित        adj.        dita        divided

दित        adj.        dita        cut        

दित        adj.        dita        bound 

धीता       f.             dhItA    daughter            

धीत        n.            dhIta     thoughts            

धीत        adj.        dhIta     thought about 

धीत        adj.        dhIta     reflected on     

धीत        n.            dhIta     meditations


« Sigma Vector Analysis » method.


From the root sounds of ma, mahA  =  great, important… dita, dhita  =  mah dita = meh dita, to meditateMeaning: “important thoughts upon”, “reflections”, etc…

Complete meaning and fine tuned definition of the Sanskrit word, based upon « Sigma Vector Analysis » method by Jedi Simon.

« Thoughts on what is cut, divided and bound, through concentration, ascetism, austerity, observance, abstract contemplation, self-concentration, devotion, conjunction, constellation, sum, concurrency, concomitance, union, junction, connection, contribution, understanding, showing respect, honouring.

Prescience, intuition, attitude, becoming, emotion, sentiment, sentient, spirit, learned, splendorous, attentive, perseverant, instructed, bright, firm, strong, brave.

Avoiding speculation, perceiving, observing and distinguishing through knowledge, wisdom and inspiration.

Freed from fetters, untied, un noosed, deprived of cattle, without fastenings, without a trace. In harmony, whole, united ( subject and object, yoga ), absorbed, engaged, correct ( even posture, asana ), purified and devoted.

As the unstruck note, mystical sound heard internally, sound produced otherwise than by beating, unbeaten, intact, unwounded, not multiplied, plentiful, superabundant, reconciled, enjoined, complete ».


Om sound is in fact: O, inspiration, M, expiration. Listen to the sound of Your breath carefully.


Platonic recollection (anamnesis), neti neti and via negativa methodology connected to both wisdom and liberation, elaborate concepts through their understanding. The Greek difference between centering (melete) and decentering (Mneme), brings to mind the Vipassana/Samatha meditative method,  although gnosis and agnosis, are still classifications connected to the mind, thought and intellect. « Reviviscence » that appears to be a direct consequence of the idea of reincarnation, shifts towards the concept of reminiscence, placed it into the realms of the mind.

The Sanskrit term “meditation” as the root sounds clearly stress, does exist and is much older than modern similar terms and relative attributions.
The great number of secondary vectors found in Sanskrit, considering ulterior meanings and related definitions, proves us that important terms and their related meanings do not vanish, but change accordingly to political will, religious and scientific dogma, or cultural schools of thought, that push out of the way concepts and words that they dislike, re-selling ultimately their points of view whilst  using existing classical words in a transformed and totally distorted manner.

Meditation is not entirely centered in the existential psychophysical; and everyone understands that to « burn the object » disobjectification, one needs one first. Consubstantial « carpet » where lower self is found, and transcendental sky, where higher self is found, co exist as planes of existence, giving birth to 8 points of view relative to understanding and sensing, seeking and seeing, plus 2, internal and external. All these moments, or junctions of field force vectors, happen at the same time, once You enter the clarity of crystalline vision, unite internal insight with unconditional love, offering no residual duality within the process of being aware, conscient and present, lovingly, in unison. 

Jedi Simon      


 "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."  Lao Tzu


Jedi Path Metaphysical and Alchemical Works
Written and compiled by Jedi Simon for educationl purpose.2023 All rights reserved.


( 2 )


Magic carpets





Two squares, flatland to 3rd dimensionality. One into the other. Hypercube configuration.


Develop this code... and You shall own its secret.... walk on it, and You shall miss it....

Going circular 16 32 32 32 32 32 transient 16 16 8 base 4 matrix

( 3 )


Spyrograph design.

Evolution of cymatic, scalar, harmonic and fractal fields, antennas and plasmatic configurations.
Jedi Simon

Using numbers to paint. Figures to say. Geometry to show.

Retrodeduction and proportionality to teach.

Note the plasmatic nature of the structure of the central section of the image, as seen in plasmatic ionizing lamps.


Disparity at work. Difference of potential. Gravitational and temporal examples.

Bhaskara Wheel 1150 & Overbalanced Chain proof

Perpetual Energy Machine 1823 Ball and Magnet proof


Cymatics at work

Quantum Cymatic patterns. Here, there, anywhere. Crystal clear view.


Elaborations on constructive and destructive interference.


Resonances on the right...

Plasmatic center...

Radial Harmonics

Radial Harmonics 2

Radial Harmonics 3

Solenoid tuned rings

3D bending of the bidimensional field. In falling vectors. Base 5

How a base 4 recursive curvilinear system within scalar expansion transitions
to a 3 dimensional entity.

Bending Flatland

Strata, substrata and geometric architecture at work from the Flatland circus of scalar inventions....

Left hand side focus...

Left upper side You can see the formation of an "Eye Watcher" configuration or Vescica Piscis.

Triquetra formation in the center.

The vesica piscis is a type of lens, a mathematical shape formed by the intersection of two disks with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each disk lies on the perimeter of the other.  In Latin, "vesica piscis" literally means "bladder of a fish", reflecting the shape's resemblance to the conjoined dual air bladders (swim bladder) found in most fish. In Italian, the shape's name is mandorla ("almond").

The vesica piscis in Euclid's Elements. This figure appears in the first proposition of Euclid's Elements, where it forms the first step in constructing an equilateral triangle using a compass and straightedge.  The triangle has as its vertices the two disk centers and one of the two sharp corners of the vesica piscis.

Mathematical description

Mathematically, the vesica piscis is a special case of a lens, the shape formed by the intersection of two disks. The mathematical ratio of the height of the vesica piscis to the width across its center is the square root of 3, or 1.7320508...  (since if straight lines are drawn connecting the centers of the two circles with each other and with the two points where the circles intersect, two equilateral triangles join along an edge).
The ratios 265:153 = 1.7320261... and 1351:780 = 1.7320513... are two of a series of approximations to this value, each with the property that no better approximation can be obtained with smaller whole numbers. Archimedes of Syracuse, in his Measurement of a Circle, uses these ratios as upper and lower bounds.

The two circles of the vesica piscis, or three circles forming in pairs three vesicae, are commonly used in Venn diagrams. Arcs of the same three circles can also be used to form the triquetra symbol, and the Reuleaux triangle. In Christian art, some aureolas are in the shape of a vertically oriented vesica piscis, and the seals of ecclesiastical organizations can be enclosed within a vertically oriented vesica piscis. The ichthys symbol incorporates the vesica piscis shape.

The vesica piscis is also used as a proportioning system in architecture, in particular Gothic architecture. The system was illustrated in Cesare Cesariano's 1521 version of Vitruvius's De architectura, which he called "the rule of the German architects".

Several other artworks or designs have also featured this shape:

The cover of the Chalice Well in Glastonbury (United Kingdom) depicts a stylized version of the vesica piscis design.


Various symbolic meanings have been associated with the vesica piscis:
When arranged so that the lens is horizontal, with its two overlaid circles placed one above the other, it symbolizes the interface between the spiritual and physical worlds, represented by the two circles.
In this arrangement, it also resembles the ichthys (fish) symbol for Christ, and has also been said to be a symbol of life, of "the materialization of the spirit", of Christ's mediation between heaven and earth and of the eucharist.

When arranged so that the lens is placed vertically, and used to depict a halo or aureola, it represents divine glory.

When arranged so that the lens is placed vertically, it has also been said to be a depiction of the vulva, and therefore symbolic of femininity and fertility.


Please use Retrodeduction and detect the 3 generated patterns of interference created by the lines
 in the figure and define them.

Please use Retrodeduction and detect the 10 generated patterns of interference created by the lines
 on the wings of the figure and define them.

         Jedi Simon


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Divina proportione Opera a tutti glingegni perspicaci e curiosi necessaria Pacioli.pdf

Divina proportione Opera a tutti glingegni perspicaci e curiosi necessaria.pdf




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Keshe Plasma Reactor Group April 26th, 2023 AUDIO CUT

Complete KPRG Teaching 6 hours


Jedi Path Metaphysical and Alchemical Works
Written and compiled by Jedi Simon for educationl purpose.2023 All rights reserved.


Jedi Simon