Jedi Music

          Am Hur          Astral Voyage 2     Druid     Eah     Eden     Elahon     Fairy tales     Farland     Gigalopolis     Jazz     Mantra     Mondochan
          NabhiWan    Nautilus     Nirvana     Nivirhu    Piano Etudes 1       Piano Etudes 2     Purah Shannay     Reiki     Samah     Secret Source     Sky     Tangyra     The Secret Garden                        

          Tribal Days    Tantric Voyage      Tantric Voyage     Synchronicity     Jumanjii     Mu     Celtic Ballads     Undine     Herhotikah 1     Herhotikah 2     Jedinah     JediWay     Zen Inisght

          The spirit of Tao     Voyager     Simple     Silver Wings     Promenades     The Graal     Le monde enchante     La foret enchantee     La Farandole des Fleurs     Eagle Eye     Illuminations Spirituelles     Hyperborea     Gaelica
          KamaKima     KimaLaya     KimaSoma     KimaLoka     DopaKima     KamaSabdha     Frequency 7     Frequency 8     Frequency 9     FREQUENCY 10     FREQUENCY 11     Jedi Fractals     CITY LIGHTS
          Giant Steps      Art Gallery     Il sole e Trasparente    Il Bambino di Luce     Invisibile Apparente     JUBANJII    ETNHA II     LILA RISHIKESHA 1      LILA RISHIKESHA 2     OANNES     NAUTILUS II     METROPOLIS JEDI SIMON     AMONAKUR
                  Partial list of works.  All Music arranged, composed, performed and recorded by Jedi Simon AT MYSTIC CLAN STUDIOS   
                 You may Download some of my cds in any audio format here:

             I uploaded 24 of my works free of charge and openly shared for spiritual educational and personal use here:

                 If you appreciate them please donate to help me carry on the " THE HARMONIC TEMPLE " Project  Enjoy Them.   
             Here is "The Harmonic Temple"  CD.

             The Harmonic Temple  and 3 meditative works

             Murakaba     Enuma Elish     Astral Voyage 2             


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Tecnologia Binaureale e il cervello

" ...facendo semplicemente in modo che il proprio cervello produca dell'attività Theta durante l'ascolto induttivo dei cd musicali,
 anche solo per alcuni minuti al giorno, il tuo organismo ne trarrà un grande beneficio rinforzando il sistema immunitario,
 aumentando gli stimoli alla creatività e consentendo alle esperienze quotidiane di svilupparsi in modo armonico ed equilibrato in un benessere
 psicofisico del tutto naturale..."  


Forme d'onda Binaureali e Monoaureali e Fondamentali

I ritmi binaureali furono scoperti nel 1839 da uno sperimentatore tedesco chiamato H.W. Dove. L'abilità dell'essere umano di percepire i suoni binaureali si puo spiegare attraverso i fenomeni di adattamento auditivo. Gli uomini posseggono l'abilità di determinare la sottile fase di sfasamento di due suoni che giungano all'orecchio in leggera sfasatura, per la quale un orecchio percepisce il suono prima dell'altro.

 Questa differenza di fase normalmente fornisce informazioni sulla direzione e sullo spazio circostante, nonchè la collocazione stessa del suono e la fonte da quale proviene. La differenza delle relazioni di fase possono essere percepite però quando le frequenze dei suoni si trovino al di sotto della requenza approssimativa di 1000 Hz, e ci sarà percio' piu difficile riconoscerle nel caso in cui i suoni siano di frequenza più alta.

La sensazione dei suoni binaureali si ha quando due suoni coerenti su frequenze similari o in relazione di fase si presentano insieme, uno per ciascun orecchio, a il cervello individua la fase e la frequenza specifica dei due e ne individua le differenze. Quando si ascolti con un paio di cuffie stereofoniche questo tipo di suono, per un certo lasso di tempo,  il cervello integrerà i due segnali producendo la sensazione di un terzo chiamato ritmo binaureale. Il ritmo binaureale che il cervello percepisce è la risultante delle differenze di fase delle frequenze dei due suoni.  Poichè il ritmo binaureale è il risultato della fase o della relazione delle frequenze dei due suoni, l'effetto binaureale sarà prodotto indipendentemente dalla relativa ampiezza dei toni, e una seppure minima perdita dell'udito da un orecchio, non riduce in alcun caso l'effetto di questi ritmi binaureali.

Frequenze Beta ~ 24  Hz
Stato di veglia normale

Frequenze Alfa  8 Hz

Focalizzazione dell'attenzione, Meditazione ed equilibrio.
Un aumento della produzione di norapinefrina, e dei livelli di serotonina.
Una diminuzione dei livelli di  lactate sanguigno.
Un aumento dei livelli di Beta-endorfine.
Attivazione del sisetema immunitario.
Riduzione dello stress.
Veloce ripresa e recupero fisico-mentale dopo sforzi prolungati.

Frequenze  Theta ~ 4 Hz

Stato di Profonda Attenzione, Meditazione ed Equilibrio.
Risoluzione dei problemi, visione interiore, scoperta di nuovi concetti.
Visone profonda e percezione delle matrici risolventi generative.
Flash di visione profonda. Paradigmi.
Miglioramento dell'abilità creativa e intuitiva.
Miglioramento delle funzioni psichiche.

Frequenze  Delta ~ 1 Hz 

Profondo stato di attenzione focalizzata, Meditazione e bilanciamento          energetico.
Consapevolezza Cosciente.
Esperienze di proiezione fuori del corpo.
Visione Pluridimensionali ed esperienze transpersonali.
Intuizione profonda e comprensione.
Riunificazione delle parti, senso dell'unitarietà delle cose.

Per quanto riguarda l'esercizio mentale e cerebrale, tali influenze sonore rendono possibili questo tipo di risposte senza naturalmente indirizzare l'ascoltatore in in modo subliminali verso desideri di sorta o guidandolo in qualsiasi modo o maniera al di fuori delle sue proprie strutture di pensiero.

Onde Cerebrali

Il cervello produce pattern elettrici conosciuti come Brainwaves ( Onde Cerebrali ). Questi patterns posso essere captati utilizzando sofisticate apparecchiature conosciute col nome di Elettroencefalogrammi. Si possono riscontrare diverse forme d'onda cerebrali in associazione a differenti attività della mente, da classificarsi secondo quattro forme d'onda principali, a seconda dei cicli che le contrassegnano. 

Onde Beta sono associate allo stato di veglia normale, mentre la nostra attenzione e' diretta verso l'ambiente circostante. Esse sono anche presenti durante le fasi di stress o di ansia. Le onde beta, oscillano fra i 14  e i 30 Hz  ( cicli al secondo )

Onde Alfa vengono prodotte quando siamo rilassati re non pensiamo a nulla in particolare. Le Onde Alpha vengono associate alla calma e ad un o stato di meditazione focalizzata. Esse oscillano fra gli 8 e i 14 Hz.

Theta, e' lo stato di rilassamento profondo ed è spesso associato con i momenti di grande creatività, apprendimento nel sonno, e visualizzazione mentale vivida. Le onde Theta oscillano fra i 4 e gli 8 Hz. 

Delta, sono le onde piu lente prodotte dal cervello, che possono ritrovarsi durante il sonno, il sonno senza sogni e qualche volta in stato di meditazione profonda. l'attività Delta è stata registrata anche in stati di consapevolezza transpersonale come in visioni aperte. Esse oscillano fra i 5 e i 1 Hz.


Gli stati vibratori cerebrali sono una indicazione dei pattern che dominano l'attività mentale. Il cervello è un organo vivente dinamico. Durante questi stati, anche altre frequenze saranno presenti al suo interno, sebbene fra di esse sarà possibile individuare la frequenza dominante, il cervello non opererà mai ad una sola frequenza alla volta. 

Il principio della frequenza indotta

Se uno stimnolo esterno viene fornito al cervello, sarà possibile indurre il cervello a vibrare o a cambiare la propria vibrazione verso quella che sta percependo, da un tipo di cicli ad un altro. Se un individuo in stato Beta, verrà sottoposto a stimoli di 10 Hz per qualche tempo, la frequenza del suo cervello si sposterà verso quella dello stimolo applicato. L'effetto risulterà quindi essere di tipo rilassante per l'individuo, e questo tipo di risposta del cervello potrà essere definita come risposta induttiva cerebrale. 

Quando per un certo periodo di tempo, un pattern di Brainwaves verrà proposto all'ascoltatore, il suo cervello imparerà a ritornare in quello stato vibratorio più facilmente, e risulterà più facile far raggiungere alla mente lo stato corrispettivo ( di tranquillità per esempio ) qualora l'ascoltatore lo desiderasse. La risposta indotta di frequenza risulterà essere evidente anche senza uno sforzo consapevole da parte dell'ascoltatore, ma ad ogni modo, la partecipazione attiva, in modo da comprendere più profondamente cosa avviene in lui durante l'ascolto di queste forme d'onda, gli darà modo di percepire meglio lo stato mentale desiderato e gli offrirà maggiore consapevolezza al riguardo del come raggiungere tale stato. L'ascolto passivo dei ritmi binaureali non produce di per se una risposta sufficiente a creare lo stato desiderato senza un comportamento adeguatamente attento che dapprincipio richiederà un minimo di attenzione alla realtà fenomenica nella quale ci troveremo, e che successivamente, ci offrirà in piena libertà la possibilità di lasciarci cullare e trasportare dalla stessa musica senza alcun intervento cosciente o consapevole da parte nostra.   

L'effetto Ganzfeld

L'effetto Ganzfeld si riferisce ad un campo omogeneo, ed ha luogo quando alla mente viene presentato un ventaglio di dati sensoriali che non contenga specifiche informazioni sensoriali. Il suono rilassante della pioggia che cade, per esempio, e' un esempio di tale campo omogeneo. Dopo aver focalizzato l'attenzione su questo suono per un certo lasso di tempo, il cervello determinerà che il suono non contiene informazioni di grande valore, e comincerà a ignorarle.

Per indurre la risposta Ganzfeld, l'ascoltatore, viene utilizzato un suono di mascheramento come quelli naturali della pioggia o del ruscello che scorre, ( suoni bianchi ). Sebbene non sia assolutamente necessario ascoltare i suoni ritmici binaureali, in modo da offrire alla mente la possibilità di interagire con tali pattern desiderati, si e' comunque riscontrato che i ritmi udibili sono benefici, sebbene lo stesso effetto possa essere anche ottenuto attraverso tecniche subliminali di induzione.  I ritmi binaureali presenti nei lavori potranno quindi essere distintamente udibili o essere mascherati in modo da essere quasi impercettibili o addirittura scarsamente percettibili attraverso la percezione cosciente.

Utilizzazione pratica della tecnologia binaureale

La ricerca conferma che a specifici brainwave patterns corrispondono peculiari stati di coscienza. Individui capaci di alterare i loro pattern interni cerebrali, possonoavere un significativo controllo sulla loro mente e sulle loro funzioni fisiologiche. "...fare in modo che la propria mente generi una attività theta per alcuni minuti al giorno, sembra offrire enormi benefici, includendo fra gli altri l'attivazione del sistema immunitario, stimoli verso una maggiore creatività generando esperienze integrative conducendo a sensazioni di benessere ..."

La ricerca sul Biofeedback, indica che le persone che entrano nello stato Theta, posso espandere il loro stato di coscienza e acquisire una comprensione unica circa le nuove informazioni raccolte dal cervello. Un dei benefici immediatamente riscontrabili della tecnologia binaureale è dato da una migliore qualità del sonno, che in minor tempo ricaricherà di energie il corpo. Alcuni utilizzatori sono stati in gradi di ridurre addirittura il loro fabbisogno giornaliero di 3 o 4 ore per notte senza risentire di alcuna perdita di energia o forza vitale. Si crede che i pattern Theta possano rimpiazzare il bisogno di dormire, che in effetti e' lo scopo principale del sonno ristoratore.  Un altro interessante effetto collaterale è che molti utilizzatori di questa tecnica, riscontrano altresì un aumento della libido, e forse, effetto inusuale ma non raro, l'aumentata abilità psichica di sostenere situazioni di ansia o di stress, di riequilibrare le tensioni, sino a giungere a veri e propri episodi precognizione, esperienze extracorporee, ecc...

Quando si termina una sessione, il corpo risulta essere ricaricato con una nuova energia e vitalità. Paure e ansietà sono svanite. Ci si sente rinnovati, e l'attenzione e la vigilanza mentale sono superiori al normale, essendo lo stato di lucidità mentale raggiunta più chiaro e limpido.

Dal punto di vista fisico, la tecnologia Binaureale ha effetti benefici per la salute. Ponendo l'attenzione riguardo al rilassamento, e considerando l'effetto dei patterns Alfa, risulterebbe da analisi chimiche e fisiologiche un aumento della produzione di norapinefrina dell'11%, di serotonina del 21&, e un aumento delle beta-endorfine del 25%. La riduzione dello stress sarà immediatamente percettibile, associata ad una aumentata capacità di risposta del sistema immunitario. E' stato appurato infatti che semplicemente decelerando i ritmi mentali a circa 7 - 9 Hz mentre si studia, consente di aumentare le proprie capacità di compresione.

Stati meditativi e Tecnologia Binaureale

Persone in stato di Meditazione sono state sottoposte ad una analisi elettroencefalografica mentre erano in stato di meditazione, e neurofisiologi Giapponesi, ( Dr. Tomio Hirai ) affermano che durante la meditazione Zen, alcuni maestri sono in grado di alterare le loro frequenze cerebrali Alfa/Theta in accordo con la profondità della loro stato interiore. Secondo Dr. Hirai, " meditazione non è solamente uno stato fra stabilità mentale e sonno, ma una condizione nella quale la mente lavora al suo massimo. In questa condizione la persona non risulterà essere solo rilassata, ma pronta a accettare e rispondere positivamente a qualsiasi stimolo la raggiunga.." 

Il semplice fatto di chiudere gli occhi, a di liberare la mente, produce una immediata caduta dei livelli vibratori della mente, normalmente attivi, Negli stati iniziali, l'attività mentale rimane attorno a livelli di 13 o 14 Hz. Con la pratica, e stati di meditazione più profonda, la riduzione delle frequenze potrà essere di maggiore entità. Coloro che meditano spesso sono in grado di raggiungere stati vibratori mentali vicini a 8 Hz, e cheha praticato meditazione per molti anni può raggiungere stati vibratori ancora più lenti.

La Meditazione è una disciplina che deve essere compresa in modo da poterne beneficiare appieno. Vi sono numerose controversie purtroppo in occidente circa gli effetti della meditazione, e la pura pratica della meditazione non deve necessariamente produrre come risultato una esperienza sensoriale o fenomenica.
 Dal punto di vista tecnico quindi non si dovrebbe attendere da essa alcun risultato desiderato, o peculiare o addirittura strabiliante. Nello stato meditativo tutto il bagaglio dell'esperienza viene riconosciuto come tale, vi e' una presa di coscienza profondo di quanto siamo, al di la di ciò che pensiamo di essere, e l'attenzione si può focalizzare su un punto qualsiasi della mente per approfondirne la percezione e la comprensione in modo più equilibrato. Qualsiasi pensiero che invadendo il campo dell'attenzione riposta su un solo punto, si accosterà al primo e consumerà attenzione, sarà il segnale che qualche cosa e' sfuggita di mano e che non ci troveremo più in uno stato meditativo, ma proiettivo ed elaborativo.    

La maggior parte degli individui possono beneficiare di queste tecniche immediatamente, ma si suggerisce in ogni caso di dedicare un poco di tempo al giorno all'ascolto dei Cd, in misura del tempo di cui disponiamo o che siamo pronti a dedicarvi, in maniera tale da abituare la mente a decelerare rispetto al caotico ritmo costante proiettato dai media sul nostro corpo mentale. Riporre questa attenzione ai ritmi circadiani e giornalieri, come ai flussi energetici di pensiero che si impongono costantemente alla nostra mente, ci darà modo di raggiungere stati i calma interiore e di pace insperati, e a mano a mano che il corpo mentale si abituerà ad ascoltare e a vibrare a questi ritmi più naturali, anche la mente corporale si adeguerà, e tutto il nostro essere trarrà un grande beneficio da ciò.

L'ordine di ascolto dei Cd, sebbene debba essere in linea di massima costruito secondo un andamento via via sempre più lento, ( dalle onde Beta, alle Alfa, alle Theta e alle Delta ) e che riconduca la mente a stati di equilibrio sempre più profondo, potrà avvenire comunque secondo il gusto personale, senza dover necessariamente assumere l'atteggiamento di chi "deve" fare qualcosa ( obbligatoriamente o con un movente di colpa ), e solo senza imposizione, quando la il corpo stesso lo chiederà e la musica non incontrerà alcun ostacolo della mente razionale o reattiva a plasmarlo, si apriranno come per incanto, panoorami di inusitata bellezza e colori dalla trasparenza infinita capaci di risvegliarci dolcemente dal soma dell'ipnosi che ci culla quotidianamente.   

Super Consapevolezza Espansa

Gli scienziati si sono resi conto attraverso l'analisi delle esperienze individuali di coloro che si sono sottoposti a questo tipo di pratiche, che stati di consapevolezza accresciuta, sino a veri e propri fenomeni telepatici, o a visualizzazioni interiori di intere realtà, quasi fossero un sogno lucido, si manifestano spesso in corrispondenza del raggiungimento di questi stati vibratori della mente. Si noti il fatto che ad esempio durante l'esperienza delle visioni, ci si trova in stato Delta nella maggioranza dei casi, e sebbene questo stato sia comunemente associato col sonno profondo e non dovrebbe apparire in un individuo in stato cosciente, questo sarà non solo sveglio ed attento a quanto accade, ma avrà accesso a parti della mente che normalmente non e' in grado di percepire.  

Apparecchiature richeste

Un lettore Cd, anche portatile, e un paio di cuffie con buona risposta sulle frequenze più basse. Cuffie di qualità saranno necessarie se si vogliono ascoltare frequenze basse necessarie a fornire al timpano le giuste oscillazioni senza creare distorsioni di sorta. Il loro range dovrebbe essere da 1 Hz ai 40.000 Hz, sebbene il campionamento a 44.100 khz  dei cd si limiti a circa 20.000 Hz come frequenza più alta, ma nel caso in cui non si disponga di cuffie professionali capaci di tollerare una tale ampiezza, sarà sufficiente accontentarsi di un paio di cuffie completamente chiuse di una certa grandezza, capaci sicuramente di scendere a frequenze più basse senza per questo essere troppo costose. ( Una buona cuffia capace di servire allo scopo indicherà come range 20Hz-20000Hz ) che offriranno modo di poter accedere comunque alle frequenze più basse, sebbene la loro risposta potrà risultare un poco secca o impercettibilmente distorta. 

Nel caso in cui si disponga di un buon impianto stereo, si potranno regolare le frequenze più basse in modo da essere accentuate al massimo, attraverso il controllo dei toni bassi, o di un equalizzatore, e dopo aver abbassato il volume sufficientemente, ( sempre a volume semipercettibile e a pochi decibel, nel quale per esempio potrete dialogare con qualcuno senza dover alzare la voce ) potrete disporvi all'ascolto più comodamente, per percepire le frequenze più basse non solo al livello del timpano ma anche a livello corporale, stimolando cosi appieno l'intero organismo.   

Ricopiare su una cassetta audio uno di questi cd, non servirà a gran cosa, poichè a seguito della riduzione del campionamento della cassetta rispetto al cd e alla perdita delle frequenze, proprio quelle più basse si perderanno nella copia, ed e' quindi consigliabile ricopiare, nel caso si voglia tenere una copia di riserva per se su un cd vergine le tecniche binaureali, ad una velocità inferiore a 4x, pena la perdita di informazioni e frequenze più dettagliate e precise, e l'inserimento di errori di copia che impasteranno il suono finale del cd copiato. Sebbene la copia risulterà essere simile all'originale, si consiglia comunque di ascoltare il Cd originale, registrato con nuove tecniche di incisione obliqua, capaci di offrire una maggiore stabilità di segnale e una maggiore leggibilità del microsolco.

Settaggio appropriato

Se disponete di un Home Theater, e il vostro equipaggiamento Hi Fi è dei migliori, togliete il SurroundSound©, Theater Sound©, Bass Boost, o gli effetti di Hall, Great Hall, Riverbero ecc..., poichè questi essendo basati sulla suddivisione stereofonica dei due canali e sul relativo rallentamento di pochi millisecondi di una delle due fasi rispetto all'altra, genereranno una grande confusione sonora, impastando il tutto e generando cosi fasi e contro fasi che probabilmente non consentiranno l'adeguata percezione dei battimenti binaureali, sfasandoli in modo arbitrario. Non e' necessario alzare il volume per ascoltare i suoni presenti nel sottofondo musicale. Il cervello distinguerà le differenze fra le frequenze e gli stimoli sonori mano a mano che si presentano all'orecchio. L'effetto benefico della terapia non aumenterà in conseguenza del volume aumentato, ma della sua delicatezza e profondità raggiunta all'interno della mente. I suoni sono già inviati sui due canali stereofonici nel modo migliore, pertanto non sarà necessario spostare il balance dalla posizione normale ( al centro ).    




Jedi Simon Foundation

 Resonant Vibration Department Research - Music Therapy Research -



Imagine, for a moment, that you have spent more than two decades in painfully laborious research-- that you have discovered an incredibly simple, electronic approach to curing literally every disease on the planet caused by viruses and bacteria . Indeed, it is a discovery that would end the pain and suffering of countless millions and change life on Earth forever. Certainly, the medical world would rush to embrace you with every imaginable accolade and financial reward imaginable. You would think so, wouldn't you? Unfortunately, the history of medicine is replete with stories of genius betrayed by backward thought and jealously, but most pathetically, by greed and money. 


Probably the only friends you'll have will be the patients and those progressive doctors who see change as an opportunity, rather than a threat to their established money-making monopoly. Those people will love you. What happened to Raymond Rife, his fabulous discoveries and electronic instruments ?


If you have never heard of Rife before, prepare to be angered and incredulous at what this great man achieved for all of us only to have it practically driven from the face of the planet. But, reserve your final judgment and decision until after you have read this. Of course, some may regard this as just an amusing piece of fiction. However, for those who are willing to do some investigating on their own, there will be mentioned several highly-respected doctors and medical authorities who worked with Rife as well as some of the remarkable technical aspects of his creation. However, in the final analysis, the only real way to determine if such a revolutionary therapy exists is to experience it yourself. The medical literature is full of rigged 'double-blind' clinical research tests, the results of which are often determined in advance by the vested corporate interests involved.

If FDA and other regulatory and licensing procedures and guidelines are observed, it is your privilege to experiment with this harmless therapy. So let's now turn to the story of the most amazing medical pioneer of our century. Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant scientist born in 1888 and died in 1971. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. It is a fair statement that Rife practically developed bioelectric medicine himself.

He received 14 major awards and honors and was given an honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg for his work. During the 66 years that Rife spent designing and building medical instruments, he worked for Zeiss Optics, the U.S. Government, and several private benefactors. Most notable was millionaire Henry Timkin, of Timkin roller bearing fame. Because Rife was self-educated in so many different fields, he intuitively looked for his answers in areas beyond the rigid scientific structure of his day. He had mastered so many different disciplines that he literally had, at his intellectual disposal, the skills and knowledge of an entire team of scientists and technicians from a number of different scientific fields. So, whenever new technology was needed to perform a new task, Rife simply invented and then built it himself.

Rife's inventions include a heterodyning ultraviolet microscope, a microdissector, and a micromanipulator. When you thoroughly understand Rife's achievements, you may well decide that he has the most gifted, versatile, scientific mind in human history. By 1920, Rife had finished building the world's first virus microscope. By 1933, he had perfected that technology and had constructed the incredibly complex Universal Microscope, which had nearly 6,000 different parts and was capable of magnifying objects 60,000 times their normal size. With this incredible microscope, Rife became the first human being to actually see a live virus, and until quite recently, the Universal Microscope was the only one which was able view live viruses. Modern electron microscopes instantly kill everything beneath them, viewing only the mummified remains and debris. What the Rife microscope can see is the bustling activity of living viruses as they change form to accommodate changes in environment, replicate rapidly in response to carcinogens, and transform normal cells into tumor cells.

But how was Rife able to accomplish this, in an age when electronics and medicine were still just evolving? Here are a few technical details to placate the skeptics... Rife painstakingly identified the individual spectroscopic signature of each microbe, using a slit spectroscope attachment. Then, he slowly rotated block quartz prisms to focus light of a single wavelength upon the microorganism he was examining. This wavelength was selected because it resonated with the spectroscopic signature frequency of the microbe based on the now-established fact that every molecule oscillates at its own distinct frequency.

The atoms that come together to form a molecule are held together in that molecular configuration with a covalent energy bond which both emits and absorbs its own specific electromagnetic frequency. No two species of molecule have the same electromagnetic oscillations or energetic signature. Resonance amplifies light in the same way two ocean waves intensify each other when they merge together.

The result of using a resonant wavelength is that micro-organisms which are invisible in white light suddenly become visible in a brilliant flash of light when they are exposed to the color frequency that resonates with their own distinct spectroscopic signature. Rife was thus able to see these otherwise invisible organisms and watch them actively invading tissues cultures. Rife's discovery enabled him to view organisms that no one else could see with ordinary microscopes.

One was Virginia Livingston. She eventually moved from New Jersey to Rife's Point Loma (San Diego) neighborhood and became a frequent visitor to his lab. Virginia Livingston is now often given the credit for identifying the organism which causes human cancer, beginning with research papers she began publishing in 1948. In reality, Royal Rife had identified the human cancer virus 1920! Rife then made over 20,000 unsuccessful attempts to transform normal cells into tumor cells. He finally succeeded when he irradiated the cancer virus, passed it through a cell-catching ultra-fine porcelain filter, and injected it into lab animals. Not content to prove this virus would cause one tumor, Rife then created 400 tumors in succession from the same culture. He documented everything with film, photographs, and meticulous records. He named the cancer virus 'Cryptocides primordiales.' Virginia Livingston, in her papers, renamed it Progenitor Cryptocides. Royal Rife was never even mentioned in her papers. In fact, Rife seldom got credit for his monumental discoveries. He was a quiet, unassuming scientist, dedicated to expanding his discoveries rather than to ambition, fame, and glory. His distaste for medical politics (which he could afford to ignore thanks to generous trusts set up by private benefactors) left him at a disadvantage later, when powerful forces attacked him. Coupled with the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in purging his papers from medical journals, it is hardly surprising that few heave heard of Rife today.

Meanwhile, debate raged between those who had seen viruses changing into different forms beneath Rife's microscopes, and those who had not. Those who condemned without investigation, such as the influential Dr. Thomas Rivers, claimed these forms didn't exist. Because his microscope did not reveal them, Rivers argued that there was "no logical basis for belief in this theory." The same argument is used today in evaluating many other 'alternative' medical treatments; if there is no precedent, then it must not be valid. Nothing can convince a closed mind. Most had never actually looked though the San Diego microscopes...air travel in the 1930's was uncomfortable, primitive, and rather risky. So, the debate about the life cycle of viruses was resolved in favor of those who never saw it (even modern electron microscopes show frozen images, not the life cycle of viruses in process).

Nevertheless, many scientists and doctors have since confirmed Rife's discovery of the cancer virus and its pleomorphic nature, using darkfield techniques, the Naessens microscope, and laboratory experiments. Rife also worked with the top scientists and doctors of his day who also confirmed or endorsed various areas of his work. They included: E.C. Rosenow, Sr. (longtime Chief of Bacteriology, Mayo Clinic); Arthur Kendall (Director, Northwestern Medical School); Dr. George Dock (internationally-renowned); Alvin Foord (famous pathologist); Rufus Klein-Schmidt (President of USC); R.T. Hamer (Superintendent, Paradise Valley Sanitarium; Dr. Milbank Johnson (Director of the Southern California AMA); Whalen Morrison (Chief Surgeon, Santa Fe Railway); George Fischer (Childrens Hospital, N.Y.); Edward Kopps (Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla); Karl Meyer (Hooper Foundation, S.F.); M. Zite (Chicago University); and many others.

Rife ignored the debate, preferring to concentrate on refining his method of destroying these tiny killer viruses. He used the same principle to kill them, which made them visible: resonance. By increasing the intensity of a frequency which resonated naturally with these microbes, Rife increased their natural oscillations until they distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. Rife called this frequency 'the mortal oscillatory rate,' or 'MOR', and it did no harm whatsoever to the surrounding tissues. Today's Rife instruments use harmonics of the frequencies shown on the display screen. The wavelength of the actual frequency shown (770hz, 880hz, etc.) is too long to do the job.

This principle can be illustrated by using an intense musical note to shatter a wine glass: the molecules of the glass are already oscillating at some harmonic (multiple) of that musical note; they are in resonance with it. Because everything else has a different resonant frequency, nothing but the glass is destroyed. There are literally hundreds of trillions of different resonant frequencies, and every species and molecule has its very own.

It took Rife many years, working 48 hours at a time, until he discovered the frequencies which specifically destroyed herpes, polio, spinal meningitis, tetanus, influenza, and an immense number of other dangerous disease organisms.

In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife's San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients - if still alive - in 90 days.

After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded that 86.5% of the patients had been completely cured. The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 13.5% of the patients also responded within the next four weeks. The total recovery rate using Rife's technology was 100%.

On November 20, 1931, forty-four of the nation's most respected medical authorities honored Royal Rife with a banquet billed as The End To All Diseases at the Pasadena estate of Dr. Milbank Johnson.

But by 1939, almost all of these distinguished doctors and scientists were denying that they had ever met Rife. What happened to make so many brilliant men have complete memory lapses? It seems that news of Rife's miracles with terminal patients had reached other ears. Remember our hypothetical question at the beginning of this report: What would happen if you discovered a cure for everything? You are now about to find out....

At first, a token attempt was made to buy out Rife. Morris Fishbein, who had acquired the entire stock of the American Medical Association by 1934, sent an attorney to Rife with 'an offer you can't refuse.' Rife refused. We many never know the exact terms of this offer. But we do know the terms of the offer Fishbein made to Harry Hoxsey for control of his herbal cancer remedy. Fishbein's associates would receive all profits for nine years and Hoxey would receive nothing. Then, if they were satisfied that it worked, Hoxsey would begin to receive 10% of the profits. Hoxsey decided that he would rather continue to make all the profits himself. When Hoxsey turned Fishbein down, Fishbein used his immensely powerful political connections to have Hoxsey arrested 125 times in a period of 16 months. The charges (based on practice without a license) were always thrown out of court, but the harassment drove Hoxsey insane.

But Fishbein must have realized that this strategy would backfire with Rife. First, Rife could not be arrested like Hoxsey for practising without a license. A trial on trumped-up charges would mean that testimony supporting Rife would be introduced by prominent medical authorities working with Rife. And the defense would undoubtedly take the opportunity to introduce evidence such as the 1934 medical study done with USC. The last thing in the world that the pharmaceutical industry wanted was a public trial about a painless therapy that cured 100% of the terminal cancer patients and cost nothing to use but a little electricity. It might give people the idea that they didn't need drugs.

And finally, Rife had spent decades accumulating meticulous evidence of his work, including film and stop-motion photographs. No, different tactics were needed...

The first incident was the gradual pilfering of components, photographs, film, and written records from Rife's lab. The culprit was never caught.

Then, while Rife struggled to reproduce his missing data (in a day when photocopies and computers were not available), someone vandalized his precious virus microscopes. Pieces of the 5,682 piece Universal microscope were stolen. Earlier, an arson fire had destroyed the multi-million dollar Burnett Lab in New Jersey, just as the scientists there were preparing to announce confirmation of Rife's work. But the final blow came later, when police illegally confiscated the remainder of Rife's 50 years of research. Then in 1939, agents of a family which controlled the drug industry assisted Philip Hoyland in a frivolous lawsuit against his own partners in the Beam Ray Corporation. This was the only company manufacturing Rife's frequency instruments (Rife was not a partner). Hoyland lost, but his assisted legal assault had the desired effect: the company was bankrupted by legal expenses. And during the Great Depression, this meant that commercial production of Rife's frequency instruments ceased completely. And remember what a universal cure meant to hospitals and research foundations? Doctors who tried to defend Rife lost their foundations grants and hospital privileges.

On the other hand, big money was spent ensuring that doctors who had seen Rife's therapy would forget what they saw. Almost no price was too much to suppress it. Remember that, today, treatment of a single cancer patient averages over $300,000. It's BIG business.

Thus, Arthur Kendall, the Director of the Northwestern School of Medicine who worked with Rife on the cancer virus, accepted almost a quarter of a million dollars to suddenly 'retire' in Mexico. That was an exorbitant amount of money in the Depression. Dr. George Dock, another prominent figure who collaborated with Rife, was silenced with an enormous grant, along with the highest honors the AMA could bestow. Between the carrots and the sticks, everyone except Dr. Couche and Dr. Milbank Johnson gave up Rife's work and went back to prescribing drugs.

To finish the job, the medical journals, support almost entirely by drug company revenues and controlled by the AMA, refused to publish any paper by anyone on Rife's therapy. Therefore, an entire generation of medical students graduated into practice without ever once hearing of Rife's breakthroughs in medicine.

The magnitude of such an insane crime eclipses every mass murder in history. Cancer picks us off quietly...but by 1960 the casualties from this tiny virus exceeded the carnage of all the wars America ever fought. In 1989, it was estimated that 40% of us will experience cancer at some time in our lives.

In Rife's lifetime, he had witnessed the progress of civilization from horse-and-buggy travel to jet planes. In that same time, he saw the epidemic of cancer increase from 1 in 24 Americans in 1905 to 1 in 3 in 1971 when Rife died.

He also witnessed the phenomenal growth of the American Cancer Society, the Salk Foundation, and many others collecting hundreds of millions of dollars for diseases that were cured long before in his own San Diego laboratories. In one period, 176,500 cancer drugs were submitted for approval. Any that showed 'favorable' results in only one-sixth of one percent of the cases being studied could be licensed. Some of these drugs had a mortality rate of 14-17%. When death came from the drug, not the cancer, the case was recorded as a 'complete' or 'partial remission' because the patient didn't actually die from the cancer. In reality, it was a race to see which would kill the patient first: the drug or the disease. The inevitable conclusion reached by Rife was that his life-long labor and discoveries had not only been ignored but probably would be buried with him. At that point, he ceased to produce much of anything and spent the last third of his life seeking oblivion in alcohol. It dulled the pain and his acute awareness of half a century of wasted effort - ignored - while the unnecessary suffering of millions continued so that a vested few might profit. And profit they did, and profit they do.

In 1971, Royal Rife died from a combination of valium and alcohol at the age of 83. Perhaps his continual exposure to his own Rife frequencies helped his body endure abuse for so many years. Fortunately, his death was not the end of his electronic therapy. A few humanitarian doctors and engineers reconstructed his frequency instruments and kept his genius alive. Rife technology became public knowledge again in 1986 with the publication of The Cancer Cure That Worked, by Barry Lynes, and other material about Royal Rife and his monumental work. There is wide variation in the cost, design, and quality of the modern portable Rife frequency research instruments available. Costs vary from about $1200 to $3600 with price being no legitimate indicator of the technical competence in the design of the instrument or performance of the instrument. Some of the most expensive units have serious technical limitations and are essentially a waste of money. At the other extreme, some researchers do get crude results from inexpensive simple, unmodified frequency generators, but this is just as misguided as spending too much money. Without the proper modifications, the basic frequency generator gives only minimal and inconsistent results. Please recall that the actual destruction of the viruses and bacteria, etc. is not accomplished by the frequency displayed on these cheap generators, but by certain shorter harmonics of that particular frequency which are often blocked by the crudity of a cheap and rudimentary instrument itself.

This very problem led Rife to ultimately abandon the 'ray tube' design in favor of today's version. The newer technology applies the frequencies and their harmonics to the body through the use of hand-held, footplate, or stick-on electrodes. Proper frequency exposure and flushing of the body with large amounts of clean, pure water is critical to achieve the kind of results Rife got. These procedures are fully explained in the manuals of the best units on the market.

So, unless you would be satisfied with sporadic results for minor conditions, it is suggested you use only the highest quality equipment and only the proper, proven procedures in your personal research. If you do, you may discover that nothing can approach what can be achieved through the application of these safe, time-tested frequencies (many for over 65 years)- and all without drugs, surgery, or radiation.

One day, the name of Royal Raymond Rife may ascend to its rightful place as the giant of modern medical science. Until that time, his fabulous technology remains available only to the people who have the interest to seek it out. While perfectly legal for veterinarians to use to save the lives of animals, Rife's brilliant frequency therapy remains taboo to orthodox mainstream medicine because of the continuing threat it poses to the international pharmaceutical medical monopoly that controls the lives - and deaths - of the vast majority of the people on this planet.



This is a compilation of frequencies from many sources. Many are
based on anecdotes and are not well tested or widely used. Some are
based on John Garvy (founder of SonRidge Health Centers) frequencies
many of which are above audio range and converted by dividing by 64
and rounding, which may significantly affect response. Ditto for
Hulda Clark frequencies a few of which are included and divided by
512. See their works to view more, and unconverted, frequencies,
especially if a specific pathogen is known.
This list is also annotated but, of course, not completely. Research
will still be necessary to ascertain causative pathogens for certain
conditions. Many of the comments and annotations are from other
frequency lists and many are from my own research.
Some frequency sets have "secondaries" which are extra frequencies to
run if there is no response to the first set, or run along with the
initial set to more assure response. Some contain numbered sets like
(1), (2), and (3) which usually indicate single anecdotes but these
may represent what worked when all other frequency sets failed. Ones
marked with (exp) are experimental, which is quite the misnomer since
all the frequencies should be considered experimental anyway.
Most people use the base frequencies (727/728, 784/786/787, 880,
464/465) in every session since they address a number of common
pathogens which can be easily reinfected. Many typically use
cleansing, relaxing, and general frequencies such as 304, 5000, 10000,
and 3176 to finish sessions.
Many frequency sets state to "see" or "use" other frequencies. Ones
to "see" may be causative agents and should be used if there is no
response to the initial set, like the "secondary" ones explained
above. Ones to "use" are highly probable factors and should be used
as part of the initial set. Further research and use yields a
constant supply of new frequencies and this list is updated often.


We have searched the net, and found many lists that many practitioners have put together and others have added through their experiences

Check yourself to see if others have used or discovered frequencies. Vibrations are Gold !!!



There are possibly four ways that rife frequencies can be of use to you

Direct destruction

If you have a micro-organism, and you know the frequency, you can destroy it. If a client has a terrible case of Shingles, we know that that is caused by Herpes. Simply set the Rife Machine to the Herpes frequency 1552, and let it run for 1/2 an hour. In most cases, it will be gone in less than 3 days.

Plagues and epidemics

Looking through this chart you may be wondering, what use is a frequency to destroy the Bubonic Plague today. Aside from the morbid reality of Germ Warfare, hasn't the Bubonic Plague been wiped off the face of the Earth? Actually no, there are several reported cases every year. Of course, the odds of being one of the 10 or so people who get it every year are quite slim. However, almost everyone alive today who is of European decent is a descendant of a survivor of the Black (Bubonic) plague. That means that you can probably trace a direct blood line through the placenta along the female side, or the sperm and prostatic fluid on your fathers side of your family to a person who was infected with the Plague centuries ago. Homeopaths call this a miasm.

Don't be surprised if you, or one of your clients feels a slight tingling in the armpits (the Plague caused the lymph nodes to swell up) on this frequency. Does that mean you have an active form of the Bubonic Plague? No, but a watered down version of it may have been passing through your family blood line for the last 400 years, which may have been causing some health problems.


How about Diphtheria, or Rubella? Everyone in the U.S.A. gets a DPT shot when they are children. DPT stands for Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus. That means that some part of these micro-organism, were injected into the body, past the defenses of the intestinal tracts and the skin. Did part of the virus survive? The unfortunate reactions that some children have to these immunizations (death, mental retardation, immune dysfunction et. al.) every year tells us that these immunizations are not always deactivated before they are injected.

Families of micro-organisms

Gonorrhea is not a problem in developed countries, but the frequency for Gonorrhea is the most useful frequency when it comes to the common cold. Either the common cold is a respiratory version of Gonorrhea, or shares enough of the same structure as to be destroyed by the same frequency as Gonorrhea. Thus, although the Rife Machine is set for 20 frequencies, each frequency may be capable of destroying 100's different but similarly structured micro-organisms. One session may destroy 2000 different types of unwanted life-forms. Rife himself believed that there were at most 10 families of disease producing organisms.

Parasites 72 Staphylococci 727
Parasites 95 Diphtheria 776
Parasites 120 Rubella 787
Lyme Disease 432 Tuberculosis 800
Candida 465 E. Coli 802
Bubonic Plague 500 Streptococci 880
Leprosy 600 Herpes 1552
Syphilis 650 Typhoid 1865
Gonorrhea 660 Sarcoma 2008
H. Pylori 676 Carcinoma 2128

Abdominal inflammation - 380, 1.2, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802,
880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 1865, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20, 450, 440,
428, 660
Abdominal pain - 10000, 3, 3000, 95
Abscesses (also use Staphylococcus aureus and see Listeriose) - 2720, 2170,
880, 787, 727, 190, 500
Abscesses secondary - 1550, 802, 760, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660
Acidosis (hyperacidity) - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 20, 146
Acne - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 1552, 1500, 802, 880, 787, 727, 564,
Acne secondary - 760, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660
Acne vulgaris - 564
Aconite (used to stimulate lymphocyte production) - 3347, 5611, 2791
Actinobacillus (a potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammals)
- 773 , 776, 778, 822
Actinomyces israelii (a bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat
that can cause deep, pus-filled holes in tissue) - 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488,
567, 7880, 10000, 787, 727, 20
Acupuncture disturbance field (scar focus) - 5.9
Acute pain - 3000, 95, 10000, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666
Adenoids - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 444, 20, 428, 660, 2720, 2170
Adenoma, cervical (epithelial tumor of the cervix that can be either benign
or malignant. Also see Cancer.) - 433
Adenovirus (a virus that causes infections in the lungs, stomach, and
intestines) - 333, 523, 786, 768
Adhesions - 2720, 2170, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 760, 727, 190
Adnamia, geriatric (fatigue of age) - 60, 27.5
Adnexitis (swelling of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes) - 440, 441, 522, 572,
3343, 3833, 5312
Adrenal stimulant - 10, 20, 2250
Aflatoxin (a liver-damaging toxin produced by certain food molds) - 344,
510, 943, 474, 476, 568
African trypanosomuasis - 656, 988, 780
AIDS (not for use in U.S. see HIV) - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 1500,
1.2, 31000, 31750, 34750
AIDS secondary - 1113 for 12 min, 2128 for 16 min, 6121 for 21 min, 33 for 1
AIDS (1) - 1.44, 1550, 1500, 249, 418, 727, 787, 880, 2489, 3100, 3175, 3475
AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418
Alcoholism - 10000
Allergy - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 3, 330, 5000
Alopecia (loss of hair) - 20, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 146, 800, 1552
ALS (Amyotropic lateral sclerosis. Also use MS and see Lyme freqs) - 864,
790, 690, 610, 484, 986, 644, 254
Alternaria tenuis (a fungus associated with lung ailments) - 853, 304
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) - 10000, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 760, 727,
465, 20
Amoeba (a single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganism) - 310, 333,
532, 732, 769, 827, 1522
Amoeba hepar abcess (liver abcess caused by amoebic infection) - 344, 605
Amoebic dysentery (see Entamoeba histolyica)
Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (see ALS)
Anal itching (also use Parasites enterobiasis and see Parasites general set)
- 10000, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 120, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 20, 773, 826,
827, 835, 4152
Anaphiaxis - 10000
Aneurysm - 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 20, 727
Angina (quinsy in swat) - 787, 776, 727, 465, 428, 660
Angina pectoris - 3, 230, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776,
727, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 660, 7.83
Ankylosing spondylitis - 3000, 95, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625,
600, 28, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 1.2, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680
Anosmia (loss of smell) - 20, 10000
Anthrax - 500, 633, 1365, 1370, 768, 414
Antiseptic (see General antiseptic)
Apoplexy, stroke paralysis - 40, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125,
95, 72, 20, 1865, 522, 428
Appendicitis (If microperforation has occurred, infection must be eliminated
before drinking any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatal) - 1550,
802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 380, 190, 10, 650, 444, 522, 125, 95, 72, 20, 522,
146, 440, 450
Appetite, lack of - 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 10000, 880, 787, 727
Arenas tennus - 667
Arnica (a topical healing herb) - 1042, 1032
Arsenic alb. (homeopathic cell salt) - 562
Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries; regeneration takes time. Also
try chlamydia pneumonia and CMV freqs) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600,
1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20
Arthritis - 120 for 20 min, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 802, 1664, 80, 60, 40, 30,
25, 26, 20, 10, 5000, 10000, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 28 for 3 min, 1.5 for 10 min.
Arthritis, arthralgia due to gout - 9.39
Arthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium
metabolism - 9.6
Arthritis, focal origin gastrogenic, tonsiltogenic, and paresis - 9.39
Arthritis, rheumatoid (muscles and tendons. Cause could be bacteria like
chlamydia pneumonia which must be addressed too. Try general antiseptic and
parasites general if no response.) - 250, 1.2, 650, 625, 600, 787, 727, 262,
Arthritis, secondary - 2720, 1000, 1500, 770
Asian grippe A - 516, 656, 434
Aspergillus flavus (mold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces
aflatoxin) - 1823, 247, 1972
Aspergillus glaucus (blue mold occurring in some human infectious processes)
- 524, 758
Aspergillus niger (common mold that may produce severe and persistent
infection) - 374, 697
Aspergillus terreus (mold occasionally associated with infection of the
bronchi and lungs) - 743, 339
Asthma (also see Breathing, deep and Liver support, and use Parasites
roundworms, ascaris, and toxocara to determine which sets work best) - 2720,
2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 1283, 1233, 880, 787, 727, 0.5, 522, 146, 125, 95,
72, 444, 20
Asthma (1) - 1283, 1233, 4.7
Asthma (2) - 1234, 3672, 7346, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 47, 120 for 5 min
Astrocytoma (see Cancer, astrocytoma)
Ataxia (incoordination of muscles. Slow results in some cases) - 2720, 2170,
1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72,
Ataxia, spastic - 9.19, 8.25, 7.69
Athlete's foot (also see Epidermophyton floccinum and Tinea freqs) - 20,
727, 787, 880, 5000, 644, 766, 464, 802, 1552, 9999, 3176, 304 for 5 minutes
Atmenic Aib. - 562
Attention Deficit Disorder (Probably important to avoid preservatives,
aspertame, dyes, and other potential toxins. Try Shigella, Chlamydia pneum,
and General antiseptic)
Autointoxication - 522, 146, 1550, 10000, 800, 880, 787, 727, 20
Bacillinum (homeopathic nosode) - 132, 423, 432, 785, 853, 854, 921, 1027,
1042, 1932
Bacillus Coli Rod Form - 800
Bacillus Coli Virus - 1552, 2872
Bacillus infections (B. coli, B. coli rod) - 787, 880, 802, 727, 1552, 800
Bacillus subtilis (can cause conjunctivitis) - 432, 722, 822, 1246
Bacillus thuriniensis - 520, 2551, 902, 1405
Backache (if no relief from these, use kidney stimulation freqs and drink
plenty of water) - 760, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, l0000, 41.2 for 3 min,
212, 305 for 6min, 33 for 5min.
Backache and spasms (1) - 120, 212, 240, 424, 465, 528, 760, 727, 787, 880,
1550, 2112, 5K, 10K
Back pain (1) - 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 7.6, 7.7, 3, 0.5, 432, 465, 727, 728, 776,
784, 787
Bacteria Lactis Nosode - 512, 526, 5412
Bacterial infections (if bacterial infection is chronic and the type is
accurately diagnosed and neither frequencies nor antibiotics are effective
long term, also use Parasites general and roundworms sets. Also see General
antiseptic and specific types.) - 20, 465, 866, 664, 690, 727, 787, 832,
800, 880, 1550, 784
Bacterium coli (a type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water,
milk, and soil that is the most frequent cause of urinary-tract infections
and a common cause of wound infection) - 642, 358, 539
Bacterium coli commune (E. coli) combination - 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320,
Bacterium lactis nosode - 512, 526, 798, 951, 5412
Bacteroides fragilis (use with Parasites ascaris set) - 633 to 637
Bad breath (see Halitosis)
Baker's Yeast allergy (homeopathy preparation) - 775, 843
Banti's syndrome (Ailment in which blood vessels between the intestines and
the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged
spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and
blood cell destruction.) - 1778
Barley smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 377, 224, 1447
Basidiomycetes - 751
BC G Vaccine - 277, 768, 832, 725
Backache 960 colors etc. 727 787 880
Bad Breath 960 Green 020 727 787 880 05k
Bad Cormplexion 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Bad Teeth 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Bed Wettin 960 turquoise etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Bent Back 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Biliousness 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Bites (insects) 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Blood Cleanser (cancer)/2008, 2127 727 787 880 05k
Blood Diseases 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Blood Pressure High 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Blood Pressure Low 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Boils 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Bones (cut or broken)960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Breast Trouble 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Breast Tumor/2008, 2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880 05k
Breathing 960 lemon etc. 727 787 880 05k
Bright's Syndrome(Nephritis)960 colors etc 727 787 880 05k
Bronchitis 960 colors 727 880
Bronco Pneumonia 960 colors 727 787 880 05k
Bruises 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
BubonicPlague(2)/+500 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Bunion Pain 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Burns 960 + Polarizers 727 787 880 10k
Burns, radium 960 + Polarizers 727 787 880
Bursitis 960 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Butterfly Lupus(3) 776/1850 727 787 880
Bed wetting (enuresis. See also Parasite general, pinworm, and ascaris
freqs) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465
Bedsores - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 1.2, 73
Bermuda smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 422, 767, 847, 971,
644, 780
Biliary cirrhosis (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the
liver is obstructed) - 381, 514, 677, 2271, 1250, 170, 715, 774, 776
Biliary headache - 8.5, 3.5
Biliousness - 1550, 802, 10000, 880, 832, 787, 727, 465
Bilirubin (a bile pigment that may result in jaundice in high
concentrations. See also Liver support) - 717, 726, 731, 863, 9305, 649,
Biting of insects - 880, 727
Black widow - 376, 728
Bladder and prostate complaints - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 9.39
Bladder TBC - 642, 771, 360, 726, 724
Blastocystis hominus - 365, 595*, 844, 848, 1201, 1243, 5777, 11425, 11841,
11967, 13145, 13469*, 21776
Blepharisma - 3120
Blood diseases - 880, 787, 727
Blood pressure, high - 304, 728, 880, 10000
Blood pressure, hypertension - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 9.19
Blood pressure, low - 20 Blue cohosh (a healing herb) - 364
Boils (see Furunkulosis)
Bone disease, periodontal disease (see osteo) - 47.5, 1800, 1600, 650, 625,
600, 880, 787, 776, 727
Bone regeneration - 2720, 10000
Bone spurs - 1.2, 250
Bone trauma (cuts, fractures) - 380, 1550, 802, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 2720
Borrelia/borreliosis (see Lyme disease)
Botrytis - 1545
Botrytis cinereas - 1132, 212
Botulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoning) -
518, 533, 639, 172, 1372, 691, 683
Brachial neuralgia - 0.5
Brain tumor (see Cancer, droglioma, astrocytoma, glioma)
Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis - 2013, 579, 581, 687, 770, 772, 775,
778, 2013
Breast, fibroid cysts - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 267, 1384
Breathing, deep - 1234, 3672, 7344
Bright's syndrome (see Nephritis)
Bronchial asthma (see Asthma)
Bronchial pneumonia (see Pneumonia, bronchial)
Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation of the bronchi) - 342, 510, 778
Bronchitis - 880, 727, 9.39, 9.35, 1234, 3672, 7344, 743, 20, 72, 333, 452,
464, 683
Bronchopneumonia borinum (see Pneumonia, bronchial)
Brown recluse - 724
Brucella abortus (undulent fever or Bang's bacillus, found in cattle) - 1423
Brucella melitensis (form of Brucella found in goats and sheep) - 748, 643,
Bruises - 9.1, 110, 10000
Bubonic plague (Versenia pestis; spread primarily by rats) - 500, 333, 210,
Bubonic plague secondary infections - 880, 787, 727, 20
Bunion pain - 20
Burns - 190, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 200
Bursitis (May be caused by any number of organisms and viruses; experiment
with arthritis frequencies as well.) - 880, 787, 727 ]
BX Virus - 2128, 3713
Bacillus Coli Rod Form 800
Bacillus Coli Virus 1552
Caeliacia - 674
Calming - 6000
Campylobacter (bacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newborns) -
732, 733, 1633, 1834, 2222, 333, 378
Cancer (BASIC SET. Also see rotation of General sets 1, 2, and 3 as Basic
sets. All others below are SECONDARY but may provide useful additional
frequencies depending on type. Also add ones determined from scans. See
Electroherbalism Cancer Regimen for more information.) - 2128, 2008, 2184,
2084, 2048, 2720, 2452, 6064, 120, 524, 854, 800, 728, 784, 880, 666, 464,
5000, 3176, 10000, 3040
Cancer (experimental additional frequencies to basic sets) - 55.56, 6.8,
440, 778, 1050, 1550, 2180, 663, 3672
Cancer cells, conidium head - 728
Cancer maintenance secondary - 120, 250, 428, 465, 600, 626, 650, 661, 664,
667, 690, 728, 776, 784, 800, 802, 832, 880, 1489, 1550, 1600, 1865, 2000,
2012, 2100, 2170, 2490, 2730 for 1 min.
Cancer not killed by 2008/2128 - 2180, 2182, 2184
Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophogeal - 47, 2182, 2219, 832, 2084, 2127, 2160,
2452, 2876
Cancer, adenoma - 433
Cancer, astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) -
857, 9.19, 8.25, 7.69, 2170, 543, 641, 2127, 880, 690, 666
Cancer, bladder secondary (see Parasites, schistosoma)
Cancer, breast (1) - 2100, 2104, 2116, 2120, 866, 2128, 676, 2152, 166,
2182, 732, 3072, 2150, 1550, 2189, 2112, 3072, 2008, 120
Cancer, breast (1) secondary - 422, 942, 4412, 1862, 808, 1552, 728, 2720,
1234, 690, 2160, 2136, 477, 28, 317, 96, 3176, 96, 3176, 3040, 2145, 2048,
1830, 2112
Cancer, breast (2) - 3672, 2008, 2063, 2103, 2128, 2146, 2133, 2162, 2173,
2180, 2189, 2208, 2263, 2289, 2333, 1865, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48
Cancer, breast (3) - 656, 127, 1582, 478, 982, 2134, 2120, 9000, 9999, 304
Cancer, breast (4) - 2128 for 56 mins, 33, 1131 for 1 min
Cancer, BX virus - 2128, 3713, 2876, 11780000
Cancer, BY virus - 2008, 3524
Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin - 2116 for 30 min, 760, 2280 for 5 min
Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial - 462, 776, 852, 1582, 2104, 2144, 2184, 3672
Cancer, carcinoma, colon - 656
Cancer, carcinoma, larynx - 327, 524, 731, 1133
Cancer, carcinoma, liver (1) - 393, 479, 520, 734, 3130
Cancer, carcinoma, liver secondary (see Hepatitis B and Parasites, fluke,
Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative - 214
Cancer, carcinoma, scan - 728, 690, 2008, 2104, 2112, 2120, 2128, 2136,
2144, 2152, 2160, 2168, 2176, 2184, 2192, 2200, 2217, 5000, 9999, 304
Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative - 127
Cancer, cervical secondary (see Pappiloma virus)
Cancer, droglioma (see also Cancer, glioma, astrocytoma) - 853
Cancer, fibrosarcoma (malignancy containing connective tissue and developing
rapidly from small bumps on the skin) - 1744
Cancer, fibrous tumor secondary - 1340
Cancer, gastric, adenocarcinoma - 676
Cancer, general, set 1 - 728, 784, 880, 464, 666, 2720, 800, 120, 2084,
2184, 2050, 524, 2452, 854, 2008, 2128, 5000, 3176, 9999, 304
Cancer, general, set 2 - 727, 786, 880, 465, 1552, 802, 1862, 2182, 20, 64,
72, 96, 125, 2450, 2489, 2048, 2008, 2127, 3176, 3040, 10000, 3176, 304
Cancer, general, set 3 - 728, 943, 414, 866, 886, 732, 676, 690, 776, 240,
650, 442, 2180, 2454, 1865, 523, 128, 2128, 2008, 2049, 10000, 3176, 304
Cancer, glioblastoma - 720, 2008, 2128, 2180, 2182, 728, 832, 800, 664, 20,
855, 543, 641, 857
Cancer, glioblastoma tremor - 463, 466
Cancer, gliomas (largest group of brain cancers) - 543, 641, 857
Cancer, Hodgkin's disease (a form of malignancy characterized by enlargement
of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss,
fever, night sweats, and anemia. Also called lymphogranuloma. Also see
Chlamydia pneumoniae.) - 552, 1522
Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418, 647
Cancer, leukemia - 2127, 2008, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 2217
Cancer, leukemia "hairy cell" (typified by abnormal blood cells & shortage
of others) - 122, 622, 932, 5122, 488, 781
Cancer, leukemia mycloid (characterized by rapid growth of
incompletely-formed white blood cells) - 422, 822
Cancer, leukemia, feline (cat) - 424, 830, 901, 918
Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic - 478, 833
Cancer, leukemia, T-cell - 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734
Cancer, liver (see Cancer, carcinoma, liver)
Cancer, liver secondary (see Hepatitis B and Parasites, fluke, liver)
Cancer, lung (see Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial)
Cancer, lymphogranuloma, lymphoma (see Hodgkin's disease)
Cancer, lymphogranuloma venereum secondary (see Chlamydia trachomatis)
Cancer, lymphosarcoma - 482
Cancer, melanoma metastasis - 979
Cancer, multiple myeloma secondary (see Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma)
Cancer, mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) - 852
Cancer, nasopharyngeal secondary (see EBV)
Cancer, pain - 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666
Cancer, plasmacytoma (plasma-cell tumor) - 475
Cancer, prostate (also see Prostate adenominum and Prostate hyperplasia) -
20, 60, 72, 95, 125, 666, 727, 787, 790, 766, 800, 920, 1998, 1875, 442,
2008, 2127, 2128, 2217, 2720, 2050, 2250, 5000, 2130, 2120, 690, 304
Cancer, prostate (1) - 2128, 2125, 2131, 2140 for 3 to 6 min, 2145, 666,
3672 for 3 to 4 min
Cancer, prostate (Vega result 1) - 854, 1840, 2145, 2288
Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma (1) - 2000, 2005, 2008, 2016, 2048, 2084, 2093,
6024, 2100, 2128, 2127, 2184, 2217, 6384, 728, 784, 880, 464
Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result 1) - 2586, 5476, 4445
Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal - 2004, 2008, 2016, 2032, 2040, 2060,
2586, 6024
Cancer, sarcoma general - 2008, 3524
Cancer, skin (see Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin and specific forms)
Cancer, stomach secondary (see Heliobacter pylori)
Cancer, tertiary - 20, 421, 965, 50, 383
Cancrum oris (rapidly growing oral or nasal ulcer) - 20, 727, 787, 802, 880
Candida (use Parasite general, roundworm, and ascaris if these don't work
long term) - 414, 464, 877, 866, 886, 254.2, 381, 661, 762, 742, 1151, 450
Candida carcinomas - 2167, 2182, 465
Candida secondary (also use other parasite sets (esp roundworm freqs) if
necessary) - 72, 422, 582, 727, 787, 802, 1016, 1134, 1153, 1550, 2222, 412,
Candida tertiary (some causal factors) - 880, 95, 125, 20, 60, 225, 427,
240, 650, 688, 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146
Candida tropicalis - 1403, 675, 709
Canine parvovirus - 185, 188, 323, 428, 433, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
Canine parvovirus, mutant strain - 323, 514
Canine parvovirus, type B - 323, 535, 613, 755, 761, 764, 766, 768
Canker (see Stomatitis aphthous)
Carbo animalis (homeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoal) - 444
Carbuncles (see Staphylococcus aureus)
Cardiacedema - 9.19
Carpal tunnel secondary - 2008, 666
Carvularia spiratera - 879
Cat virus (1) - 364, 379, 645, 654, 786, 840-849, 857, 967, 6878
Cataract (also use eye formula antioxidant supplement for all macular
degeneration) - 1830, 728, 784, 787, 880, 10000
Cataract, brunescent (brown opacity in later life) - 2010, 1335, 1830
Cataract, complicated (secondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or
surgery) - 1830, 496, 325, 774
Catarrh - 1550, 802, 800, 880, 787, 727, 444, 20
Causticum - 540, 1013
Cells of Leudig (colon) tonic - 2500
Cephaloshorium (fungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum
antibiotics) - 481, 3966, 544
Cephalothecium - 371, 574, 6933
Cerebral palsy - 880, 787, 727, 522, 146
Cerebrospinal troubles - 10000
Cerumen (ear wax) - 311, 320, 750, 984, 720
Cervical polyp - 277, 288, 867, 687, 744
Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations - 20, 727, 787, 880
Cervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix) - 433
Chaetomiumglobosum - 221, 867, 102
Chakra base root - 20, pulsed at 4Hz.
Chancre (see Syphillus)
Chelidonium - 162
Chemical sensitivity (see also Liver support) - 727
Chemtrail detox - 664, 7344, 2842, 1147, 686.6, 684.1, 1113, 779.9, 829.3,
679.2, 865, 969.9, 1067, 783.6, 800.4, 1045, 1062, 673.9, 690.7 for 5 min.
Chest infection secondary - 72, 333, 452, 683
Chicken pox (see herpes zoster)
Chillbains (see Perniosis)
Chlamydia trachomatis (a usually sexually-transmitted bacterial infection
causing trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum,
urethitis, and proctitis.) - 430, 620, 624, 840, 2213, 866
Chlamydia pneumoniae (exp) - 471.5, 942.9, 1885.9, 3771.7*, 7543.4
Chlamydia pneumoniae (exp, secondary) - 470, 940.1, 1880.1, 3760.3, 7520.5
Cholecystitis, acute (excruciating gallstone attack) - 481, 743, 865, 928
Cholecystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the gallbladder) - 432,
1551, 801
Cholera (an extremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the
small intestines) - 330, 843, 844, 556, 1035, 968, 591, 691
Cholera secondary - 880, 802, 450, 880, 787, 727
Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear & mastoid region) -
453, 618, 793, 5058
Cholesterinum - 1386, 173, 620, 635, 780
Chronic fatigue syndrome (use with General parasite, roundworm, and fluke
sets if necessary. Also see EBV and Fatigue general sets. If no response
to these, try Cancer leukemia "hairy cell" set) - 10000, 660, 2127, 787,
465, 424, 664, 120, 880, 1550
Cimicifuga (plant family including black snakeroot and black cohosh) - 334,
Circulation disturbances - 40, 9.39
Circulatory stasis (stimulates blood circulation. See also Circulation
disturbances) - 40, 2112, 2145, 2720, 2489
Cirrhosis, biliary (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the
liver is obstructed) - 381, 514, 677, 2271
Cirrhosis hepatitis - 291
Cladosporium fulvum (a pathogenic fungus) - 438, 233, 776, 510
Clostridium difficile (can cause diarrhea following treatment with
antibiotics) - 387, 635, 673
CMV (cytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5) -
126, 597, 629, 682, 1045, 2145, 8848, 8856
Coelicia - 154, 594, 656, 586, 668, 787, 7958, 665, 674
Cold in head, chest (Mutates constantly; too many strains to include
complete list of frequencies. See also Adenovirus, Rhinitis, Sinusitis,
Pneumonia, Chest infection, and Rhinopneumonitis sets. Use lots of
echinacea at onset to prevent cell damage that prolongs healing, even if
correct freqs are found.) - 10000, 7344, 333, 4412, 1550, 880, 802, 787,
776, 766, 727, 444, 20
Cold and Flu (fall, 98) - 250, 465, 8210 for 5min, 8700, 7760 for 15min
Cold (1) - 5500, 4400, 802, 787, 727, 720, 552, 440, 400, 125, 72 for 5 min,
800, 880 for 10 min
Cold (2) - 652, 725, 746, 751, 768, 1110, 333, 666, 542, 522
Cold (3) (fall, 99) - 20, 120, 146, 440, 444, 465, 727, 776, 787, 880, 1500,
1550, 5000, 1000 for 5 min.
Cold (and flu) (4) - 3176, 2489 for 3 min, 880, 800 for 10 min, 728 for 5
Cold sores (see Herpes Simplex I)
Colic - 1550, 832, 802, 787, 727, 20
Colitis (inflammation of colon) - 10000, 1550, 880, 832, 802, 440
Collectotrichum - 1482
Colon problems, general - 20, 440, 880, 1552, 802, 832
Comedones (blackhead) - 778
Condylomata (usually venereal warts, caused by papilloma virus. Occur near
intersection of mucous membranes and skin. See also Papilloma.) - 466
Conjunctivitis (also use Chlamydia trachomatis) - 489, 1550, 880, 802, 787,
727, 20, 80, 432, 722, 822, 1246, 1830
Constipation (also see Parasites general and roundworm sets if necessary) -
1550, 880, 802, 832, 787, 776, 422, 727, 20
Contusion (bruise) - 9.1, 110, 2720
Convoforce - 774
Convulsions (1) - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Convulsions, spasticity - 9.19, 8.25, 7.69
Coraforce - 774
Corallinus - 533
Corn smut - 546, 1642, 289
Corynebacterium diptheriae (see Diptheria)
Costalgia (rib pain) - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Coughing - 522, 524, 525, 146, 1500, 1550, 0.5, 514, 530, 432, 440, 444,
720, 1234, 3702, 20, 125, 72, 95, 7.7
Coxsackie (see also Mumps) - 136, 144, 232, 380, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923,
769, 1189, 595, 676
Coxsackie B1 - 353, 384, 834, 587, 723
Coxsackie B2 - 705, 534, 867
Coxsackie B3 - 487, 868, 653, 654
Coxsackie B4 - 421, 353, 540, 8632
Coxsackie B5 - 462, 1043, 1083, 569, 647, 708, 774
Coxsackie B6 - 488, 736, 814, 343, 551, 657, 668, 669
Cramping and nausea - 72, 95, 190, 880, 832, 787, 727, 20, 4.9
Cramps - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 26
Cramps, menstrual - 26
Crinis humansis - 646
Critter 1 - 1033
Critter 2 - 421, 1035, 1111
Crocus sotillus - 710
Crohn's disease (also use colitis, colon, and parasite freqs) - 727
Cryptococcus neoformans (yeast which causes respiratory infection than can
turn into meningitis. Also known as torulosis.) - 367, 428, 444, 476, 478,
522, 579, 594, 785, 792, 872, 2121, 5880, 5884, 597, 613, 624
Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa sometimes causing diarrhea in humans) -
220, 482, 575, 4122, 698, 711, 893, 895, 1276, 5690
Cunninghamella - 311, 323
Curva spic - 435
Cuts - 20
Cyclospora - 543, 316, 992, 751, 268, 2144
Cysts, hydatid (see Parasites tapeworm)
Cyst, ovarian - 982
Cyst, solitary - 75, 76, 543
Cystic fibrosis (Also called mucoviscidosis, a disorder of the exocrine
glands that causes them to release very thick mucus. See also Parasites
general and roundworm freqs) - 523, 557, 478, 776, 660, 727, 778, 787, 802,
Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and
ureters) - 246, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20
Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to kidney) - 1385
Cytomegalovirus (CMV, known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5)
- 126, 597, 682, 1045, 2145
Deafness (partial to complete) - 10000, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20
Deer tick (1) - 7989, 289, 737, 738, 271, 671, 773
Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions) - 243, 738
Dental - 635, 640, 1036, 1043, 1094, 685, 60, 48, 465
Dental foci (Neglecting this can prevent recovery from ANY illness) -
3000, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787,
776, 727, 666, 650, 600, 465, 5170, 646
Depression (due to drugs or toxins) - 1.1, 73
Depression (due to outside circumstances) - 35, 787
Depression, anxiety, trembling, weakness - 3.5, 800
Detox assist - 10000, 3176
Diabetes (Warning; can cause large drop in blood sugar level) - 20, 35, 465,
6.8, 440, 484, 660, 727, 787, 800, 803, 880, 1850, 2008, 2127, 2000, 2003,
2013, 2050, 2080 for 3 min, 5000 for 15 min.
Diabetes secondary - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20
Diabetes tertiary - 1850, 32000, 4000, 500
Diabetes (1) - 4200, 2128, 1865, 1850, 1550, 787, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48,
Diabetes associated infection (1) - 2020, 800, 727, 190, 80, 20
Diabetic loading - 35, 700
Diabetic toe ulcer (1) (use Staph aureus freqs and see Staph general,
General antiseptic, and Circulation stimulation as needed) - 786, 1050, 1.2,
5000, 832, 20
Diarrhea (see also Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and for chronic problems,
giardia and IBS freqs. Also see Parasite general set if no relief.) - 1550,
880, 832, 802, 786, 727, 465
Diphtheria (bacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat,
nausea, chills, headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from
bacterial toxins. Rare in US.) - 151, 624, 776, 340, 925, 432, 590, 788
Dirofilaria immitis (see Parasites heartworm)
Disc, herniated - 727, 787, 2720, 10000
Distemper - 242, 253, 254, 255, 312, 442, 551, 573, 624, 671, 712, 760, 940,
950, 1269, 1950, 8567, 660, 760
Distorsion (twisting of muscles, spine) - 9.1, 110
Diverticulosis (characterized by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue
protruding through the muscular wall of the colon) - 154, 934
Dizziness (see Vertigo)
Dog and cat hostility - 3.6
Down's syndrome palliative - 20
Droglioma (see Cancer, droglioma)
Drug addiction - 20
Duodenal ulcer (see Ulcer, duodenal)
Duodenitis - 223
Dupuytren's contracture (4th and 5th finger curling into hand, unable to
straighten) - 1.2 , 250
Dysentery (acute diarrhea with blood and mucus. Also use Entamoeba
histolyica, Salmonella, and Shigella) - 1552, 802, 832
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) use with pure water douche - 26, 4.9,
1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465
Dyspepsia (indigestion) - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727
E. coli (Escherichia coli; can cause infections in wounds and the urinary
tract. If using these leads to cold symptoms, follow with Adenovirus freqs)
- 282, 289, 7849, 327, 548, 333, 413, 642, 799, 802, 804, 832, 957, 1320,
1550, 1722
E. coli mutant strain - 556, 934, 1242, 1244, 1703, 632, 634, 776
Ear conditions, various (discharges, tinnitus, itching, hearing loss. Also
see Otitis.) - 9.19, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 410, 158, 201, 340, 440, 535,
542, 645, 652, 683
Ear fungus (1) - 854
Ear wax - 311, 320, 750, 984
EBV (see Epstein-Barr Virus)
Echinococcinum (tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, & rodents that can
infect man) - 164, 453, 542, 623
Echo Virus (Endometriosis Tuberylosa, causes a type of meningitis) - 620,
625, 722, 765, 922, 514, 788, 461
Eczema - 9.19, 707, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 10000, 5000, 2720, 2180, 2128, 664,
120, 20
Eczema in vascular and lung functional disturbances - 9.39
Eczema (1) - 770, 916, 415
Edema and swelling - 522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20,
5000, 10000
Electrolyte levels (water, sodium, potassium) to improve - 8.1, 20, 10000
Elephantiasis (use with parasite, esp roundworm and nematode freqs) - 623,
824, 865, 710
Emotional ties to diseases - 764, 664
Emphysema (use with parasite, esp roundworm freqs) - 1234, 3672, 7344, 880,
787, 727, 120, 20, 80
Encephalitis (inflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cord) -
Endocarditis (see Listeriose)
Endometriosis, chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may
cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine bleeding. Use with general
parasite, liver and pancreatic fluke sets) - 246, 800, 1550
Endometriosis tuberylosa (see Echo virus)
Energy and vitality - 9999
Entamoeba histolytica (highly damaging protozoa causing dysentery and liver
infection) - 148, 166, 308, 393, 631, 778
Enterobiasis - (pinworms - see Parasites, enterobiasis)
Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep-family organisms found in the
digestive and urinary tracts) - 686, 409
Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver) - 552, 932, 953
Enuresis (bed wetting. Use with parasite sets) - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Epicoccum - 734, 778
Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) lateral or vertical - 1.2, 250, 728, 766, 776,
Epidermophyton floccinum (fungus that attacks skin & nails, including some
athlete's foot and "jock itch" ringworms. Also see Microsporum freqs and
Fungal general if necessary.) - 465, 784, 644, 766, 345 (22107)
Epididymitis (inflammation of testicle area, ducts. See also Orchitis.) -
1500, 880, 787, 727, 20
Epilepsy - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727, 700, 650, 600, 210, 633, 125, 20
Epstein-Barr virus (the herpes virus causing mononucleosis) - 105, 172, 253,
274, 660, 663, 667, 669, 738, 825, 8768, 1013, 1920, 6618
Epstein-Barr virus secondary (also try General parasite and roundworm freqs)
- 744, 776, 778, 465, 880, 787, 727, 1032, 1920
Eriterocoucinum - 686
Erysipelas (bacterial infection manifesting in skin inflammation caused by
strep pyogenes or other pathogens and possibly related to the swine form of
the disease) - 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20
Erythema nosodum - 9.39
Escherichia coli - (see E. coli)
Esophagus (constriction. Also see General antiseptic and dental freqs) -
880, 787, 727
Euglena - 432, 3215, 3225, 3325, 6448
Eustachian tube inflammation - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 465
Eye disorders (blurred vision, cataracts, crossed eyes, diplopia,
infections, etc.) - 1830, 1600, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 1552, 160, 350,
360, 2010, 1335, 496, 400
Eye inflammation (also see General antiseptic) - 1.2, 80
Eyelid droop (see Plosis)
Eyes (glaucoma) - 1600, 1830, 880, 787, 727
Eyesight (to sharpen) - 350, 360, 1830
Facial cramps - 10000, 6000, 304, 1131, 33
Facial paralysis - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Facial toning - 1.2
Fainting - 20
Fascia (fibrous tissue under the skin. Also see Fibroid freqs) - 20
Fatigue, general - 428, 424, 664, 660, 464, 125, 120, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865,
10000, 5000
Febris wolhynia (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is
debilitating and conducive to relapse) - 547, 356
Fel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile) - 672
Feli - 435
Feline (cat) leukemia - 258, 332, 414, 424, 544, 830, 901, 918, 997, 741,
Feli - 435, 742
Felis - 430, 834, 2232, 3233
Felon (pus, infection of finger tips) - 657, 659, 738, 751
Felon II - 663, 665, 720, 722
Feloris Wolyhnica - 547
Fever (various causes) - 880, 800, 832, 422, 2112, 787, 727, 20
Fever, sunstroke - 20, 440, 880
Fibroadenoma mamanae (non-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breasts) - 1384
Fibroma - 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666, 1550, 802, 465
Fibromyalgia - 328, 880, 800, 728, 5000, 2720, 2180, 2128, 664, 464, 304,
120, 20
Fibromyalgia (1) - 120, 140, 304, 464, 728, 800, 880, 2489, 3176, 5000,
6000, 9000 for 5 min
Fibrosarcoma - 1744
Fibrosis of Jung - 27.5, 220, 410
Fibropendulum - 661, 7465, 211, 233, 766
Fischpyrogen - 832
Fissures - 787, 20, 10000
Fistula Dentalis - 550, 727, 844, 878, 1122
Fistula, ulcer (see also Staph freqs) - 880, 832, 787, 727
FIV - 262, 323, 372, 404, 567, 712, 742, 760, 773, 916, 1103, 1132, 3701
Flatulence - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465
Flea - 2374
Flu (see Influenza)
Flukes (see Parasites, flukes)
Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt) - 110, 342, 420, 423, 688, 757
Follicular mange (contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused
by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles) -
253, 693, 701, 774
Folliculitis, hot-tub (tiny pimples) - 174, 482, 5311
Food poisoning (some classes. Also use Salmonella typhimurium and see
General antiseptic, Abdominal pain, and Abdominal inflammation.) - 1552,
802, 832
Foot & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children) -
232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411
Foot-blisters - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465
Fractures - 220, 230, 10000, 880, 787, 727
Frequency fatigue (tiredness (that is not detox) from using frequency
generator too long) - 10.55, 7.83
Frigidity, female - 10000, 20
Frostbite - 880, 787, 727
Frozen shoulder - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727
Fruitfly - 2167
Fungus EW range - 823 to 829
Fungus flora (1) - 331, 336, 555, 587, 632, 688, 757, 882, 884, 887
Fungus, general (also see candida, yeast, and other specific types) - 72,
254, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 1134, 1153, 2222, 465, 1550, 784, 880, 802, 727,
Fungus and mold, general - 728, 880, 784, 464, 886, 866, 414, 254, 344,
2411, 321, 555, 942, 337, 766, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 132, 866
Furunkulosis (boils on skin. Also use Staph aureus freqs) - 880, 1550, 802,
787, 727, 465, 660, 20, 116, 770
Furunkulosis herpes (also see Herpes general and Furunkulosis)- 200, 1000,
1550, 802, 787, 727
Fusarium general- 768, 625, 746
Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eye)
- 102, 332, 705, 795, 780
Gaetner - 519, 577, 767, 693
Gall bladder dystonia with osteitis - 2.65, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Gallbladder inflammation (see Cholecystitis, chronic)
Gallbladder pain - 1550, 800
Gallstone attack (see Cholecystitis, acute)
Gallstones - 2.65, 3.5, 3000, 1552, 800, 880, 787, 727, 20, 6000, 10000, 444
Gangrene, general (see also Clostridium, Circulatory stasis, Infection
general, and Bacterium coli) - 880, 787, 727, 20, 73
Gardinerella (bacteria that can infect and inflame the vaginal mucosa) -
320, 695, 782, 995, 329, 485
Gasoden - 878
Gastritis and flatus - 880, 832, 802, 787, 727, 676, 422, 20
General antiseptic - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660,
10000, 5000
General balancing - 1130, 1131, 33
General malady - 40000, 10000, 5000
General prophylaxis - 20, 64, 95, 125, 225, 427, 440, 664, 728, 784, 880,
802, 832, 680, 760, 1550, 464, 10000, 676, 1488
General demo (greatest hits) - 728, 120, 786, 128, 880, 422, 464, 644, 676,
688, 712, 732, 800, 1550, 1862, 2112, 2128, 4412, 3040
General comprehensive, complete Blaster5 program - 80, 120, 400, 500, 600,
622, 666, 690, 727, 740, 776, 784, 787, 800, 880, 1500, 1550, 1560, 1570,
1600, 1800, 1840, 1998, 2000, 2008, 2128, 2489
General program, EMEM Main Freqs - 720, 1550, 20, 4200 for 5 min
Geotrichum candidum (fungus found in feces and dairy products whose
manifestations resemble those of candida) - 350, 355, 384, 386, 403, 404,
407, 409, 410, 412, 415, 418, 543, 544, 687, 987, 988, 737, 700
German measles (rubella) - 510, 517, 796, 967, 368, 734, 772
German measles secondary - 727, 787, 880
Giardia (see Parasites, giardia)
Gingivitis (inflammation of gums. See also Dental, Dental foci, Stomatitis.
Take calcium and magnesium internally and brush with myrrh or goldenseal and
CoQ10) - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 728, 726, 465, 20, 1556, 776, 465
Glanders (see Pseudomonas mallei)
Glandular fever - 10000, 20
Glandular fever, thyroid exp - 10000, 20, 16000
Gliocladium (brain fungus) - 855, 469, 633
Goiter (see Struma)
Gonads, inflammation of (see Orchitis)
Gonorrhea - 660, 600, 712
Gout (see also Kidney freqs) - 9.39, 3000, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Granuloma dent - 441
Gravel in urine - 2.65, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Grave's disease I goiter - 20, 727, 787, 880
Greatest Hits (see General demo)
Green Dye - 563, 2333
Grippe (see Influenza, grippe)
Gum disease (see Gingivitis, Pyorrhea)
H#1 - 725, 2432, 243, 6353, 732, 844, 646
H#2 - 725, 1230, 245, 314, 965
H#3 - 633, 1220, 6230, 8225, 111, 392, 776, 837, 1675, 2664, 3806, 714
H#4 - 444, 2323
H#5 - 83, 235, 645, 2323, 3432, 4093, 5532
H#6 - 702, 747, 2245, 183
Haemophilia tonic (hereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not
readily clot) - 778, 845, 751
Hair, human - 646
Halitosis (bad breath. See also Pharyngitis, Dental, Parasite general, and
General antiseptic sets) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 20
Hallucinations - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Hand, foot, & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young
children) - 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411
Hangover (see also Kidney and Liver support freqs) - 10000, 522, 146
Hastoiditis - 287
Hay fever (only some types) - 880, 787, 727, 20
Head injury followup (Seek immediate medical attention!) - 9.6, 3000, 880,
787, 727, 522, 72, 5.8, 4.9
Headaches - 304, 144, 1.2, 520
Headaches caused by vertebral misalignment (Not a substitute for adjustment)
- 9.6, 3000
Headaches due to parasites (see also Parasites, strongyloides) - 125, 95,
73, 20, 727, 3000
Headaches due to toxicity - 522, 146, 4.9, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Headaches unknown cause - 10, 4, 5.8, 6.3, 7.83, 3000, 650, 625, 600
Headaches urogenitally caused - 9.39, 3000
Healing and regeneration - 2720
Heart tonic (lab animals only. See also Staph infection, Circulatory
stasis, and Kidney freq sets ) - 80, 160, 20, 73, 3.9, 3000, 880, 787, 727,
465, 125, 95, 20, 1.2
Heartburn, chronic (see also Staph and Strep general sets) - 832, 2720,
2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 685, 465, 444, 1865,
125, 95, 72, 20
Heartworm (see Parasites, heartworm)
Heliobacterium pylori (ulcer) - 676
Heliobacterium pylori (1) - 2167, 728, 880, 2950
Helminthosporium (the reproductive element of parasitic worms) - 793, 969
Hemobartinella felis - 603, 957
Hemophilia - 603
Hemorrage - 1550, 802
Hemorrhoids - 4474, 6117, 774, 1550, 447, 880, 802, 727
Hepatitis A - 321, 346, 414, 423, 487, 558, 578, 693, 786, 878, 3220, 717
Hepatitis B - 334, 433, 767, 869, 876, 477, 574, 752, 779
Hepatitis C (also try Parasites, schistosoma mansoni freqs) - 166, 224, 317,
329, 528, 633, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 1371, 2189
Hepatitis, general - 28, 1550, 1351, 880, 802, 727, 224, 317, 329, 477, 922
Hepatitis, general secondary - 284, 458, 477, 534, 788, 922, 9670, 768, 777,
Hernia - 10000, 787, 727, 2720, 5000
Herpes, general - 1577, 1550, 1489, 464, 1900, 304 for 3 min, 1488, 2950 for
15 min.
Herpes general secondary - 37000
Herpes progenetalis (genital - also use Herpes simplex II) - 141, 878, 898,
5310, 440, 171, 660, 590, 1175
Herpes simplex I (cold sores - primarily non-genital, first try Herpes,
general) - 322, 476, 589, 664, 785, 822, 895, 944, 1043, 1614, 2062, 2950
Herpes simplex I (exp) - 467.8, 935.5, 1871, 3742, 7484
Herpes simplex I (1) - 339, 343, 480, 591, 778, 782, 843, 1614, 657, 699,
700, 734
Herpes simplex I (2) - 2489, 1800, 465, 1550, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 1850, 428
Herpes simplex 1 (3) - 470, 647, 648, 650-659, 847, 5641, 8650
Herpes simplex 1 (4) - 2950 for 20 min
Herpes simplex II - 556, 832
Herpes simplex IU.2 - 808
Herpes type 2A - 532, 848
Herpes type 2A secondary - 360s, 373, 528, 685, 846, 880, 888, 8778, 540,
665, 716, 717, 718, 731, 732, 733, 776, 1402
Herpes type 5 (cytomegalovirus) - 126, 597, 1045, 2145
Herpes type 6 (exp) - 228, 1820, 3640/1, 7281
Herpes type C - 395, 424, 460, 533, 554, 701, 745, 2450
Herpes zoster (chicken pox, shingles) - 3343, 914, 2170, 1600, 1500, 880,
802, 787, 664
Herpes zoster secondary - 1550, 802, 1800, 1865, 728, 2720, 2128, 5000,
464, 800, 574, 1557, 304, 20
Hiccups - 20, 10000
Hip pain (see also Arthritis) - 880, 787, 727, 20
Hirudo medicinalis (a homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for
therapeutic purposes) - 128
Histoplasma - 424, 616, 749
HIV (see also AIDS) - 683, 714, 3554, 830, 450
Hives (urticaria) - 1800, 880, 787, 727, 522, 146, 4.9
Hoarseness - 880, 760, 727
Hodgkin's disease (see Cancer, Hodgkin's disease)
Hookworm (see Parasites hookworm)
Hordeolum (see Stye)
Hormodendrum (a genus of fungi that includes human pathogens) - 663, 678,
695, 532, 627
Hormonal imbalances - 5.5
Hot flashes (complications) - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Hot tub folliculitis (see Pseudomonas freqs)
Household Insect Mix - 723
Hydrocele (fluid in testicle, etc.) - 880, 787, 727
Hyperacidity of stomach - 7.82, 20, 230
Hyperosmia (overacute smell and taste) - 20, 10000, 522, 146
Hypertension - 20, 95, 9.19, 7.83, 6, 10000, 880, 787, 727
Hypertension (renin-induced, red high, diastolic high pressure) - 9.19, 6
Hypertension, spastic - 95
Hyperthyroid - 3, 0.5
Hypochondrium, upper abdomen - 20, 10000
Hypophyseal (pituitary) disturbances - 4
Hypotension (low blood pressure) - 20, 727, 787, 880
Hypothyroid - 12, 35, 16000, 10000, 160, 80, 20
Hypoxia (low oxygen, see also Circulatory stasis) - 727, 787, 880, 10000
Icterus, haemolytic (a chronic form of jaundice involving anemia) - 243, 768
Ileocolitis, colon inflammation (see also Parasite general set) - 802, 832
Immune system stimulation - 8, 1862, 2008, 2128, 2180, 3347, 5611, 2791,
3448, 2929, 4O14, 5611, 2867, 2855, 432
Impotence (many classes. Also use Circulatory stasis) - 9.39, 2127, 2008,
465, 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 650, 625, 600
Indigestion - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 444, 20, 125, 95, 72, 4.9
Infantile paralysis (polio) - 1500, 880, 787, 727, 776, 10000
Infections general - 1550, 880, 802, 786, 728, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48,
20, 304, 1.2, 5500, 676, 422, 766
Infections general secondary - 5000, 1600, 1500, 832, 776, 760, 700, 690,
666, 650, 625, 600, 1865, 500, 450, 440, 428, 660, 2112
Infections general tertiary - 1800, 2720, 2489, 832, 3040, 2008, 1850, 610,
732, 751, 40000
Infertility (see also Impotence) - 2127, 2008, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690,
666, 650, 625, 600, 9.39
Inflammation, general (also see Infection general sets) - 1.5, 3.6
Influencinum Berlin '55 - 430, 720, 733, 787
Influencinum vesica (blisters) general - 203, 292, 588, 612, 975, 407, 682
Influencinum vesic NW - 332, 364, 519, 588, 590, 238, 239, 715
Influencinum vesic SW - 433, 645, 658, 824
Influenza (mutates to new strains constantly but these may be helpful. See
also Influenza, Grippe and Influenza Virus) - 464, 440, 3672, 7766, 7760,
7344, 1234, 5000, 727, 787, 800, 875, 880, 885, 728, 1550, 1500, 2008, 20,
304 for 5 min
Influenza (aches and respiratory) - 440, 512, 683, 728, 784, 787, 800, 875,
880, 885, 2050, 2720, 5000 for 5 min, 7760, 7766 for 10 min, 304 for 3 min
Influenza general (1) (winter 98-99) - scan from 6984 to 7016 by 2 or 4Hz.
Influenza (2) (winter 99-00) - 10000, 880, 727, 330, 728
Influenza (3) (winter 99-00) - 440, 465, 613, 666, 727, 787, 800, 1000,
5000, 10000
Influenza with respiratory component (1) (winter 99-00) - 47, 1191, 2398,
2544, 5608, 7760, 7766, 672-679, 676, 647-652, 1215, 724-732, 746, 768, 687
Influenza 1957 "A" Asian - 768, 574
Influenza 1978 - 844, 814, 610
Influenza 1979 - 123, 513, 522, 565, 788, 601
Influenza 1983 - 424, 730, 734, 428
Influenza 1989 - 216, 322, 627, 703, 748
Influenza 1993 - 522, 615, 778, 850, 959
Influenza 1993 secondary - 207, 254, 580s, 848, 947, 7967, 8910, 739, 741,
760, 765, 773, 915
Influenza 1994 - 689, 697, 699, 798
Influenza 1994 secondary - 337, 690, 868, 869, 702, 727, 729, 776, 779
Influenza 1997 to 1998 - 2008, 880, 787, 727, 35, 20, 465
Influenza Asian grippe A - 516, 656, 434
Influenza autumn 1998 - 250, 465 for 3min, 8210 for 5min, 8700, 7760 for
Influenza Bach Poly - 122, 350, 487, 572, 634, 768, 823, 1043, 1272, 764,
Influenza, grippe general - 343, 500, 512, 541, 862, 1000, 1192, 3012, 3423,
Influenza, grippe, vapch - 153, 343
Influenza, grippe 1986 tri - 532, 588, 660s, 994, 462, 712
Influenza, grippe 1987 - 140, 332, 581, 953, 4868, 730
Influenza, grippe 1988 - 267, 536, 568, 2050, 752, 781
Influenza, grippe 1989 - 353, 536, 874
Influenza, grippe 1990 - 541, 560, 656
Influenza haemophilus - 542, 552, 885, 959, 734
Influenza haemophilus type B - 652, 942, 483, 731, 746
Influenza spanish - 462, 787
Influenzum toxicum - 854
Influenza triple nosode - 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122
Influenza V grippe - 861
Influenza V-2 grippe - 324, 652, 653
Influenza V-3 grippe - 550, 553
Influenza V-4 grippe - 232, 352, 2558
Influenza V-5 grippe - 945, 518
Influenza V-75 Victoria - 343, 316, 1020
Influenza VA-2 grippe - 334, 472, 496, 833, 836, 922, 728
Influenza VA-2L grippe - 447
Influenza virus, general - 728, 800, 880, 7760, 8000, 8250
Influenza virus 1991 to 1992 - 153, 345, 387, 758, 984, 985
Influenza virus 1991 to 1992 secondary - 330s, 350s, 525, 632, 740, 761,
762, 776, 777, 780
Influenza virus 1992 to 1993 - 535, 946
Influenza virus 1992 to 1993 secondary - 272, 534, 566, 668, 674, 776, 782,
947, 632, 640, 713, 715, 742, 773, 777
Influenza virus 1993 to 1994 - 757, 885, 895, 969
Influenza virus 1993 to 1994 secondary - 447, 457, 597, 756, 764, 776, 798,
878, 967, 9090, 663, 720, 728, 729, 745, 762, 764, 770, 773, 779
Influenza virus "A" - 322, 332, 776
Influenza virus "A" 1974 - 442
Influenza virus "A" Port Chalmers - 622, 863
Influenza virus "B" - 468, 530, 532, 536, 537, 568, 722, 740s, 1186, 679
Influenza virus "B" Hong Kong - 555
Influenza virus "swine" - 413, 432, 663, 839, 995
Influenza virus British - 558, 932
Injection, allergic reaction to - 10000
Insomnia (see also Parasite general set) - 3.59, 3, 7.83, 10, 1550, 1500,
880, 802, 6000, 304
Intelligence, clarity of thought - 20, 10000
Intercostal neuralgia (pain in rib musculature) - 3000, 1550, 880, 802, 787,
776, 727, 125, 20, 1865, 444
Interleukin (used to stimulate lymphocyte production) - 3448, 2929, 4O14,
5611, 2867, 2855, 2791
Intermittent claudication - 45, 48
Intestinal problems, colon - 10, 440, 880, 787, 727
Intestinal problems, general (also try Parasite general set) - 802
Intestines, inflammation - 727, 787, 880, 105, 791
Irritable bowel syndrome (use with Parasites giardia and Parasites general
set) - 20, 727, 787, 802, 832, 880, 465, 422, 6766, 1550
Itching (pruritis. Take hot bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar
afterwards. If chronic and no long term relief, use Parasite sets including
Parasites general and Parasites blood flukes.) - 880, 787, 727, 444, 125,
95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 3176
Jade Machine color decode - Blue 624, Lt. blue 2155, Green 2055, Lt. green
960, Yellow 470, Orange 920, Red 815, Sienna 858, Magenta 800, Purple 745,
Lavender 677, Indigo 640
Jaundice (see also Liver support, gallbladder, Leptospirosis, and Parasites
fluke and general frequency sets) - 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625,
600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20
Jock itch (see Epidermophyton floccinum)
Joint inflammation (also see arthritis sets) - 10000
Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418, 647
Kidney insufficiency - 9.2, 10, 40, 440, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650,
625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20
Kidney papilloma (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) - 110, 148, 264,
634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102
Kidney stones (use with vitamin, mineral, and herb supplementation) - 444,
727, 787, 880, 10000, 6000, 3000, 3.5, 1552
Kidney tonic, general - 440, 248, 8, 880, 20, 10000, 800, 5000, 3000
Kieferosteitis (a type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and pain)
- 432, 516, 384
Klebsiella pneumoniae (see Pneumoniae klebsiella)
Knee, joint pain - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 20, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 250, 9.6,
Lac Deflorat - 230, 371, 232, 2121
Lamblia (see Parasites, Giardia)
Large intestine tonic - 8, 440, 880
Laryngeal polyp - 765, 202
Larynx - 10, 440, 465, 444, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 250,
9.6, 9.39
Lateral sclerose (degeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia.
See also ALS.) - 254
Laxative, mild - 802
Legionella (Legionnaires' disease, caused by a gram-negative bacteria
associated with condensed or treated water that migrate to lung tissue and
stimulate severe respiratory manifestations, fever, headache, abdominal
pain, and may affect kidneys and liver.) - 723, 724, 897, 975, 8120, 8856,
690, 693
Leishman Donovan bodies (see Parasites, Leishmania)
Leprosy - 600
Leprosy secondary infection - 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776,
760, 727, 700, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 500, 450, 440, 428,
Leptospirosis (a spirochete bacterial disease that is spread to humans
through animal urine that can cause meningitis, jaundice, anemia,
miscarriage, and death) - 612, 663
Leukocytogenesis, stimulates (see also Immune system stimulation) - 20, 727
Leukoderma, acquired (see Vitiligo)
Leukoencephalitis (inflammation of brain's white matter, usually in infants
and children, but also found in horses as a result of forage poisoning) -
324, 572, 776, 934, 1079, 1111, 1333
Leukoencephalitis secondary - 338, 783, 932, 1035, 1160, 1630, 712, 713,
715, 1244
Leukoplakia (white patches on mucous membranes, also see EBV, Pappilloma,
and Cancer, carcinoma freqs) - 465, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666
Leukose (proliferation of tissues that form white blood cells; considered to
be foundational stage of leukemia. See also Parasite general and Parasite
fluke sets) - 612, 633, 653, 3722, 644
Lipoma (benign, soft tumor of fatty tissue) - 47, 606, 709
Listeriose (a serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis, and
endocarditis in humans; known as "circling disease" in ruminants and causes
liver necrosis in animals with single stomachs. Also see Strep general and
General infection) - 377, 471, 626, 628, 634, 774, 2162, 7867, 714, 724
Liver fluke (See parasites, flukes)
Liver necrosis (see Listeriose, Liver support, Parasites schistosoma
Liver stores, bile, cholesterol - 21.34
Liver support (also try Parasite general and fluke freqs) - 33.13, 1552, 802
Liver, enlargement - 727, 787, 880
Lockjaw (see Tetanus)
Locomotor dysfunction incoordination (slow results. See also Schumann
response) - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95,
72, 20
Low blood pressure (see hypotension)
Luesinum/Syphilinum (see Syphillis)
Lumbago - 10000, 800, 880, 787, 727, 125, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 9.19, 8.25,
7.69, 300
Lung sinus bacteria - 244, 1466, 597, 1311
Lung abscess (see Nocardia asteroides)
Lupus, general (localized degeneration of skin by various diseases; vulgaris
is a common form of this ailment that is actually a rare form of
tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and destruction of the skin
and cartilage of the face. Also use Parasite fluke sets for any type) -
633 for 5 min, 2125 for 4 min, 2008 for 8 min, 3612 for 4 min, 802 for 8
min, 2489, 702, 243, 386, 442, 942 for 3 min
Lupus general secondary - 205, 244, 352, 633, 847, 921, 993, 1333, 1464,
7865, 771
Lupus SLE secondary - 2180, 2128, 2008, 1552, 880, 784, 664, 304, 386, 678,
Luxation (dislocation of organs or joints) - 9.1, 110
Lyme disease (also known as borreliosis; relapsing fever in humans and
animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks) - 432,800,4200, 338,
344, 345, 605, 673, 758, 797, 884, 1455, 6863, 6870, 533, 534, 732
Lyme hatchlings/eggs - 640, 8554, 203, 412, 414, 589, 667, 840, 1000, 1072,
1087, 1105
Lyme secondary - 254, 525, 597, 644, 885, 699
Lyme tertiary - 306, 432, 484, 610, 625, 690, 864, 2016, 790
Lyme (1) always run 620 after 864 - 864, 495, 485 to 505, 620, 610 to 630,
690, 790, 785 to 795.
Lyme (2) - 2050, 1520, 615 for 5 min, 2016, 625 for 10 min.
Lymph plaque - 596, 346
Lymph stasis - 3176
Lymph stasis secondary (also see Lymphangitis) - 6.3, 148, 522, 146, 444,
440, 880, 787, 727, 10000, 2.5, 465, 10
Lymph support - 15.05, 10.36, 3176
Lymphangitis (lymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most
commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and
cancer) - 574, 778, 1120, 1078, 3176
Lymphogranuloma (see Cancer, Hodgkin's disease)
L-lysine (stimulates) - 195.5, 391, 782, 1564.1, 3128.2, 6256.4
Lyssinum (see Rabies)
Macular degeneration (see Cataracts)
Magnesium - 480
Malabsorption syndrome (use with Parasites, General set) - 727, 787, 880,
800, 1552, 3000
Malaria (an infectious disease, originating in tropical areas, that is
transmitted by a mosquito bite and characterized by fever, anemia, and
spleen enlargement) - 20, 222, 550, 713, 930, 1032, 1433, 455, 743
Malaria (1) - 20, 555
Malaria (2) - 20, 28, 787, 880
Malassezia furfur (causes tinea versicolor. See also Fungus general) - 222,
225, 491, 616, 700
Mamma fibromatosis (see Breast, fibroid cysts)
Mange, follicular (Scabies - contagious dermatitis found in many animals
that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair
follicles) - 920, 1436, 2871, 5742, for 3 min, 90 to 110hz scan, 253, 693
for 10 min
Mannan - 961, 661
Marsh elder - 474
Mastitis (an inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infection) - 654,
Mastoiditis (inflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of
the ears below the eyes) - 287
Measles - 727, 787, 880, 342, 442, 443, 467, 520, 521, 552, 1489, 745, 757,
763, 712
Measles, rubella (German or 3 day measles) - 431, 459, 510, 517, 727, 787,
Measles, rubeola (9 day measles) - 342, 467, 520, 784, 787, 962, 1489
Measles, rubella vaccine - 429, 459, 832, 926, 505
Measles vaccine - 214, 725, 747, 783, 962
Medorrhinum (homeopathic nosode for urethral discharge. See also
Vaginosis.) - 230, 442, 554, 843, 854, 1700, 1880, 2222, 602
Meniere's disease (auditory vertigo associated with deafness and tinnitus) -
1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 465, 428 for 3 min, 33, 329 for 7 min, 5000 for 16
min, 1130 for 1 min, 782 for 26 min
Meningcoccus Virus - 720
Meningioma (a benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the
brain and spinal cord) - 446, 535, 537
Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal
cord. Also see Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeriose, and Leptospirosis) -
322, 517, 720, 733, 764, 822, 1044, 1422, 423
Meningitis secondary - 130, 676, 677, 507
Meningitis tertiary - 1550, 802, 880, 832, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465,
444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 428, 660
Menstrual problems (douche with plain water first) - 880, 1550, 802, 787,
727, 465, 20
Mental concentration - 10000, 7.82
Mental disorders (general aid; especially if toxins are the cause) - 522,
146, 10000, 125, 95, 72, 20, 4.9, 428, 550, 802
Methotrexate - 584
Microsporum audouini (a fungus which commonly causes ringworm of the scalp
and other areas) - 422, 831, 1222, 285
Microsporum canis (a fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and children) -
347, 970, 1644, 402, 650
Migraine (also use Parasites strongyloides and general sets) - 10
Mold (see also specific types) - 222, 242, 523, 565, 592, 623, 745, 933,
1130, 1155, 1333, 1833, 4442
Mold and fungus, general (see also specific types) - 728, 880, 784, 464,
886, 414, 254, 344, 2411, 321, 555, 942, 337, 766, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 132,
Moles - 20, 120, 177, 600, 625, 626, 650, 659, 660, 728, 784, 880, 464
Moles(1) - 761.7 for 15 min, 650, 625, 600, 76.2 for 10 min
Mononucleosis (see Epstein-Barr virus)
Monotospora languinosa (homeopathic remedy for fungal allergen) - 788
Morbillinum - 467, 520, 1489
Morbus Parkinson (see Parkinson's disease)
Morgan (bact) - 778, 784, 787, 788, 988, 726
Motion sickness (also see nausea) - 10000, 650, 625, 600, 465, 440, 648,
444, 1865, 522, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20
Mouth eruptions, herpes sores (see Herpes and Herpes Simplex I)
Mouth eruptions, white patches (see leukoplakia)
Mucocutan perniciosis - 833, 667, 756
Mucor mucedo (causes rot in fruit and baked goods & sometimes found on feet
and skin) - 612, 1000, 488, 766, 9788, 735
Mucor plumbeus - 361, 578, 785, 877
Mucor racemosis (grows on decaying vegetation and bread and can cause ear
infection) - 310, 474, 875
Mucor racemosis secondary - 473, 686, 871, 873, 876, 878, 887, 7768, 7976,
8788, 713, 729, 731, 751, 760, 778, 1200
Mucormycosis (see Zygomycosis)
Mucous membrane inflammation general - 380
Mucoviscidosis (see Cystic fibrosis)
Multiple sclerosis (aspertame, mercury, benzene, lead, and toluene can cause
same symptoms. Also see chlamydia pneumonia, blastocystis hominus,
Parasites flukes, Shigella, Nocardia, Herpes general, Herpes virus 6, and
Herpes zoster) - 5000 for 30 min on one day, 728, 166, 224, 317, 727, 787,
880, 218 for 45 sec the next day. Alternate days.
Multiple sclerosis (1) - 2253, 2467, 2357/8, 242, 305, 2089, 3057, 81, 5K,
1550 + 802, 880, 787, 728 + 690 + 660, 20
Multiple sclerosis tremor or twitch - 470
Multiple sclerosis secondary - 20, 143, 275, 430, 470, 524, 620, 624, 802,
840, 854, 1550, 2213, 5000, 728, 784, 880, 464
Mumps (acute viral inflammation of the saliva glands. See also Coxsackie) -
152, 242, 642, 674, 922
Mumps secondary - 190, 235, 516, 1243, 1660, 2630, 3142, 9667, 729, 741,
759, 761, 1170
Mumps tertiary - 10000, 727, 2720, 2489, 2127, 2008, 428, 880, 787, 727, 20
Mumps vaccine - 273, 551, 711, 730, 1419
Muscles, to relax - 965, 20, 120, 240, 760, 6.8, 6000, 304
Muscle, tonic - 20, 120, 240, 300, 304, 328, 728, 880, 5000, 10000
Muscular dystrophy (disorder characterized by weakness and progressive
wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissue.
Aspertame, mercury, benzene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms.
Also use Parasites flukes and see Parasites general and MS sets) - 153, 522,
146, 880, 787, 727
Muscular pain, injury (also see Pain and General antiseptic) - 2720, 6000,
320, 250, 240, 160, 125, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5
Mycobacterium avium (exp) - 642.2, 700.9, 769.6, 803.4, 818.5, 1001.2,
858.2, 786.7, 625.9, 674.3, 953.6, 1180, 1148.3, 773.3, 615.7, 608.4, 770.6,
896.9, 694.1, 680.8, 632.2, 619.7, 680.4, 857.6, 860.2, 590, 825.7, 824.5 -
830 sweep, 937.4, 529.3, 1058.6, 2117.1, 617.8, 1235.7, 2471.3, 1037.5, 2075
Mycogone spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungus) - 371,
446, 1123, 748
Mycogone fungoides - 488, 532, 662, 764, 852, 1444
Mycogone fungoides secondary - 328, 367, 490, 491, 495, 496, 628, 678, 761,
766, 768, 1055, 1074, 9979, 709, 714, 729, 746, 757
Mycoplasma pneumonia (see Pneumonia, mycoplasma)
Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) - 532, 662, 678,
852, 1444
Myocarditis narbe - 279, 761
Myocarditis necrose (homeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a
result of inadequate blood flow to them. See also Circulatory stasis) -
706, 789
Myoma (a benign tumor on the uterus) - 253, 420, 453, 832
Myositis (involves progressive muscle weakness) - 120, 122, 125, 129, 1124,
1169, 762
Nasal infection (see Sinusitis and Rhinitis)
Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage) - 542, 1436
Nasturtium (a healing herb) - 143
Nausea and cramping - 72, 95, 190, 880, 832, 787, 727, 20, 4.9
Nematodes (See Parasites, nematodes)
Neoplasms (See cancer)
Nephritis (kidney inflammatory disease. Also treat for stones and crystals
supplementally), nephrosis (non-inflammatory kidney disease) - 1550, 274,
423, 636, 688, 880, 787, 727, 10, 20, 10000, 40, 73, 465, 3000
Nerve disorders - 10000, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787,
727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 440, 660
Nervousness, Prozac agitation (akathsia. See also Relaxation) - 3, 7.83
Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nervous system) - 833, 3.9, 10000
Neuralgia, intercostal - 802
Neuralgia, trigeminal - 880
Neurosis - 28
Neurospora sitophila - 705, 878
Nigrospora spp - 302, 350, 764
Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an infectious
pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs) - 228, 231, 237,
694, 719, 887, 2890
Nose, infection or congestion (see Sinusitis and Rhinitis)
Numbness (also see Circulatory stasis) - 10000, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800,
1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 440, 660
Oat smut - 806
Oligodena - 853
Oospora - 9599, 5346
Oral lesions (chronic cases will always return until metal dentalwork is
replaced with uranium free porcelain. See also herpes simplex I and use
Stomatitis) - 2720, 2489, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 465,
444, 522, 146
Orchitis (inflammation of testes due to TB, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer,
bacteria, etc. See also causative condition if known) - 2720, 2489, 2170,
2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666,
650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 9
Orchitis secondary - 727, 787, 880, 10000
Ornithosis (or Psittacosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia
transmitted by certain birds) - 233, 331, 332, 583, 859, 1217
Osteitis (bone inflammation) - 770
Osteoarthritis (also see Arthritis) - 1500, 770
Osteoitis - 2.65
Osteomyelitis - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500,
880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666
Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade
infection) - 79, 330
Osteosinusitis max. - 243, 327
Ostitis - 770, 743, 736, 724
Otitis externa (outer ear infection. Also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa) -
727, 787, 880, 174, 482, 5311
Otitis medinum (middle ear swelling and/or infection and fever. See also
Strep pneumoniae) - 316, 784, 786, 125, 802, 72, 522, 440 for 5 min, 880,
720, 1550 for 10 min
Otosclerosis - 9.19
Ovarian cyst - 567, 982, 711
Ovarian disorders, general - 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170,
2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666,
Ovarian elimination, to stimulate - 20
Ovum - 752
Ox bile (the homeopathic remedy derived from it) - 672
Ozaena - 184, 222, 439
Pain (Also look under name of condition causing pain) - 3000, 95, 666, 80
Pain of cancer - 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666
Pain of infection - 3000, 95, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 4.9
Pain relief - 304, 6000, 3000, 666, 80
Pain, acute - 3000, 95, 10000, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666
Pancreas - 440, 464, 600, 624, 648, 1552, 727, 787, 880
Pancreatic insufficiency - 20, 250, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489,
2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690,
666, 20
Papilloma virus (causes warts and benign tumors having a branch or stalk and
in some cases white patches (leukoplakia)) - 45, 489, 874*, 907*, 16970
(265, 5657), 64734 (1011, 9258), 67265 (1051, 9609), 466, 110, 767, 404
Papilloma kidney (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) - 110, 148, 264,
634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102
Paraceli - 232
Paradontose - 424, 1552
Paralysis, nonspastic - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865,
125, 95, 72, 20, 9.19, 8.25
Paralysis, spastic - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865,
125, 95, 72, 20, 7.69
Paramecium caudatum - 4500, 1150, 2298
Parasites, ascaris - 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146, 797
Parasites, enterobiasis (pinworms; intestinal worms frequently found in
children) - 20, 120, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152
Parasites, filariose (worms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed
from biting insects) - 112, 120, 332, 753
Parasites, flukes, blood - 847, 867, 329, 419, 635, 7391, 5516, 9889
Parasites, flukes, general - 143, 275, 435, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651,
664, 6766, 435, 15244
Parasites, flukes, general (short set) - 524, 854, 651
Parasites, flukes, intestinal (exp) - 651, 676, 844, 848, 854, 2128, 2084,
2150, 6766
Parasites, flukes, liver - 143, 275, 676, 763, 238, 6641, 6672
Parasites, flukes, lymph - 10050, 157
Parasites, flukes, pancreatic (exp) - 1850, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2050,
2080, 6578
Parasites, flukes, sheep liver - 826, 830, 834
Parasites, follicular mange - 253, 693
Parasites, general (1) (cleanup with 728, 784, 880, 465) - 20, 64, 72, 96,
112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 240, 334, 422, 442, 524, 651, 688, 732, 751, 800,
854, 1864
Parasites, general (2) - 120, 128, 422, 644/642, 676, 688/690, 712, 728,
732, 800/802, 1550/1552, 1862/1864, 2112, 4412
Parasites general (3) - 47, 72, 80, 95, 120, 125, 440, 444, 465, 660, 665,
690, 727, 728, 740, 770, 780, 800, 880, 1840, 1865, 1998, 3176, 10000
Parasites, general, short set - 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 152, 651, 732
Parasites, giardia - 334, 4334, 5429, 829, 812, 2018, 407
Parasites, heartworms - 543, 2322, 200, 535, 1077, 799
Parasites, helminthsporium (worm eggs) - 793, 969, 164, 5243
Parasites, hookworm - 6.8, 440, 2008, 6436, 5868
Parasites, leishmania donovan - 525, 781
Parasites, leishmania braziliensis - 787
Parasites, leishmania tropica - 791
Parasites, pinworm - see Parasites, enterobiasis
Parasites, roundworms, general - 20, 104, 120, 128, 240, 650, 688, 332, 422,
112, 721, 942, 3212, 732, 4412, 543, 772, 827, 835, 4152, 5897, 7159
Parasites, roundworms, general (short set) - 128, 240, 422, 650, 688
Parasites, schistosoma haematobium (blood flukes) - 847, 867, 635
Parasites, schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke which can cause symptoms
identical to hepatitis C) - 329, 9889
Parasites, strongyloides (threadworm, genus of roundworms) - 332, 422, 721,
732, 749, 942, 3212, 4412
Parasites, strongyloides secondary - 380, 698, 752, 776, 722, 738, 746, 1113
Parasites, taenia - see Parasites, tapeworms
Parasites, tapeworms (do not use unless familiar with tapeworm protocol) -
164, 187, 453, 523, 542, 623, 843, 854, 1223, 803, 3032, 5522
Parasites, tapeworms secondary - 142, 187, 624, 662
Parasites, threadworms - see Parasites, strongyloides
Parasites, trichinosis - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372
Parasites, turbatrix - 104
Paresis - 9.4
Paresthesia - 5.5
Parkinson tremor, temporary relief - 6000 for 10 min, 130, 169
Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic
disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see Nocardia asteroides freqs) -
693, 813, 1.1, 5000, 1131 for 3 min, 33 for 30 min
Parrot Fever (see Ornithosis)
Parvovirus, canine - 637, 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
Parvovirus, canine mutant strain - 323, 514
Parvovirus, canine type B - 323, 535, 613, 755
Parvovirus, new strain - 2257, 488, 488
Pasteurella combination (bacterial diseases spread by animal bites) - 323,
913, 694
Pelvic inflammatory disease - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600,
1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 522, 95, 72,
450, 428
Pemniciosis - 232, 622, 822, 4211
Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by blisters in the
outer layer of skin and mucous membranes) - 694, 893, 665
Penicillium chyrosogenium - 129, 249, 344, 967
Penicillium chyrosogenium secondary - 345, 688, 868, 1070, 2411, 728, 764,
Penicillium notatum - 334, 629
Penicillium notatum secondary - 321, 550, 555, 556, 558, 560, 562, 566, 572,
644, 825, 922, 942, 4870, 7780, 412, 715
Penicillium rubrum - 332, 457, 460, 462, 766, 1015, 1018
Pennyroyal (an herb) - 772
Penqueculum - 746, 755, 1375, 6965, 626, 948
Pepto streptococcus - 201, 629
Pericarditis (NOTE, Cardiac conditions are inherently unstable. Therefore,
we cannot recommend the use of frequencies on humans, even outside U.S.
jurisdiction. These frequencies are for animal research only.) - 2720,
2170, 1600, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 625, 125, 95, 72, 20
Periodontal disease (also see Pyorhhea, Dental foci) - 727, 787
Peritonitis - 727, 787, 880
Perniosis (chillbains : a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged
exposure to cold and characterized by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands,
toes, feet, ears and face) - 20, 232, 622, 822, 4211, 2112
Pertussis (whooping cough) - 526, 765, 46, 284, 9101, 697, 906
Pertussis secondary - 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 1234, 7344
Pesticide detox (see also Liver and Kidney support, Circulatory and Lymph
stasis freqs) - 73, 26, 6, 1
Phaqocyross, stimulates - 20, 125, 727, 787, 880
Pharyngitis (inflammation of pharynx, can cause chronic sore throat,
halitosis, and pharyngeal ulcers. Also see Sore throat, Halitosis) - 440,
380, 1600, 1550, 802, 776, 784, 880, 727, 20, 522, 146
Phlebitis (vein inflammation) - 1500, 776
Phoma Destructiva (homeopathic) - 163, 815, 621
Pineal gland (to stimulate) - 20
Plague (see Bubonic plague)
Plantaris - 2008
Plasmacytoma (a tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as
in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the
inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throat) - 475
Pleurisy (Inflammation of the lung membrane and abdominal lining) - 1550,
802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 450
Plosis (eyelid droop. Also use Parasite general, ascaris, and roundworm) -
Pneumococcus (see Streptococcus pneumoniae)
Pneumocystis carnii (fungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the
immuno-suppressed or in infants) - 204, 340, 742
Pneumonia (see also Pneumonia klebsiella, Pneumonia mycoplasma, Pneumonia
bronchial, Pneumonocystis carnii, Streptococcus pneumoniae) - 1238, 1550,
1862, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20, 450, 412, 766, 688, 683, 975, 2688, 660
Pneumonia, bronchial (inflammation of bronchii and lungs) - 550, 802, 880,
787, 776, 727, 452, 1474, 578
Pneumoniae klebsiella (causes an acute, bacterial pneumonia) - 412, 766,
776, 413, 840, 746, 765, 779, 783, 818
Pneumonia mycoplasma (a contagious pneumonia of children and young adults) -
688, 975, 777, 2688, 660
Pneumonia, walking (see Pneumonia mycoplasma)
Pneumovirus (causes bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, see Respiratory
syncitial virus)
Polio (also known as poliomyelitis) - 135, 283, 742, 776, 1500, 2632, 1850
Polio secondary complications - 1550, 802, 428, 1500, 880, 787, 727
Polyarthritis - 512
Polyp, nasal - 542, 1436
Polyp, uterine - 689
Polyp, general - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 727, 690, 666,
650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 522, 146
Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and skin) - 698, 780
Postsurgery detoxification of anaesthesia (also requires post-recovery
saunas with electrolyte replacement) - 522, 146
Proctitis (see Chlamydia trachomatis)
Prostate, enlarged (see Prostatitis and other prostate sets) - 2250, 2128,
2050, 690, 666.
Prostatitis (benign prostate tumor or infection) - 100, 410, 522, 146, 2720,
2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 465, 125, 95,
72, 20, 444, 522, 9.1
Prostatitis (infection, secondary) - 2050, 2250 for 15 min
Prostate adenominum - 442, 688, 1875, 748, 766
Prostate hyperplasia - 920
Prostate problems, general - 2128, 2008, 2720, 664, 728, 408, 9.39, 2127,
2008, 727, 690, 666, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 9, 9.19
Proteus - 424, 434, 834
Protozoa - 432, 753, 5776
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria causing blue pus infections found in
wounds, burns, and the urinary tract, et al) - 174, 482, 785, 1132, 5311,
3965, 405, 633, 191, 178, 731, 6646, 178
Pseudomonas mallei (also called glanders bacillus. Causes glanders, a blue
pus infection of the respiratory system and mouth, and transmitted
occasionally to man by equine.) - 687, 857, 875, 1273, 501, 743, 774
Pseudomonas pyocyanea - 437
Psittacosis (see Ornithosis)
Psoriasis (also use Hypothyroid set and see General Parasite, ascaris, and
other roundworm freqs) - 2180, 2128, 2008, 2489, 1552, 880, 800, 786, 728,
664, 304, 96, 112, 100, 60, 104, 64, 152, 2170, 2720
Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis - 3000, 95, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727,
650, 625, 600, 28, 1.2, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680
Psorinum - 786, 767
Pullularia pullulans (allergey remedy) - 432, 873, 1364, 684, 739, 750
Pyelitis, proteus (bacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditions) -
434, 594, 776
Pyocyaneus (homeopathic nosode for Pseudomonas pyocyanea) - 437
Pyoderma (or Pyoderma Gangrenosum; a rare skin disorder of unknown cause.
Small pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body. Also
see Parasites general and General antiseptic) - 123, 132, 967, 974, 1556,
1489, 663
Pyorrhea (Infection of periodontium causing inflammation of gums and bone
loss. Although pyorrhea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment,
infection will always return whenever subject experiences stress or poor
diet, until mercury inlays (so-called 'silver' fillings) and nickel alloy
('stainless steel') dental appliances are replaced with porcelain that does
not contain uranium and infected root canals and sockets are treated. See
also Dental, Dental foci, Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Toothache) - 2720, 2489,
2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146
Pyrogenium 62 (general homeopathic remedy for pus) - 151, 429, 594, 622,
872, 497, 498
Pyrogenium ex ovo - 231, 1244, 1210, 1216
Pyrogenium fish - 287, 304 Pyrogenium mayo - 688, 759, 1625, 727, 770
Pyrogenium suis - 341, 356, 673
Q Fever (an infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the
parasitic Rickettsia bacteria and Coxiella burnetii whose symptoms may
include headache, fever, chills, and sweats. See also Typhoid fever and
Rickettsia) - 523, 1357, 607, 129, 632, 943, 1062, 549, 720, 726
Rabies (lyssinum) - 20, 120, 547, 793
Radiation burns - 727, 787, 880, 10000
Ragweed - 473
Raynaud's disease - 727, 20
Refractory an - 435
Relaxation, to produce - 6000, 10, 7.83
Renal calculii (see Kidney stones)
Renal excretory insufficiency; diastalic hypertensive (also see Kidney
insufficiency) - 9.2
Reproductive - 335, 536, 622, 712
Respiratory syncitial virus - 336, 712, 278
Retrovirus, variants - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 448, 800, 10000
Rhesus gravidatum - 312, 322, 536, 684 Rheuma (watery discharge from nose or
eyes) - 952, 436, 595, 775
Rheumaticus - 333, 376, 820
Rheumatism - 10000, 776, 262
Rheumatoid arthritis (see Arthritis, rheumatoid)
Rhinitis (runny nose, also see Sinusitis) - 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727,
465, 522, 146
Rhinopneumonitis - 185, 367, 820, 487
Rhizopus nigricans - 132, 327, 775, 659, 660
Rhodo torula - 833, 598, 778
Rhodococcus - 124, 835, 432, 764, 337, 682, 720
Rickettsia (bacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and
mites. Can cause typhoid fever and Q fever.) - 129, 632, 943, 1062, 549,
720, 726
Ringworm (see Microsporum audouini, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton, and/or
Rocky Mountain spotted fever - 375, 862, 943, 788, 468, 308
Rotifer - 4500
Rubella (see Measles, rubella)
Rubeola (see Measles, rubeola)
Ruko tick - 6634, 285, 308
Salivary gland virus (human herpes type 5 - see Cytomegalovirus)
Salmonella (can cause intestinal inflammation and infection, and contribute
to flu in children) - 1522, 717, 972, 664, 643
Salmonella paratyphi B - 59, 92, 643, 707, 717, 719, 752, 972, 7771, 1244,
6787, 165, 711
Salmonella type B - 546, 1634
Salmonella typhi (can cause typhoid fever) - 420, 664, 8656, 773
Salmonella typhimurium (can cause food poisoning) - 693, 754, 762
Sanguis menst - 591
Sanguinera - 634
Scabies (see Mange, follicular)
Scarlet fever - 437, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666
Schistosoma (see Parasites, schistosoma)
Schumann resonance (relaxing) - 7.83
Schunan B-Cell - 322, 425, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781, 950, 952, 1023,
1524, 1097, 1100
Sciaticor schias - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 10
Sclerosis, lateral (degeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic
paraplegia) - 254
Sedation and pain relief - 304, 6000
Sedative effect (Reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitis) -
Seizure (1) - 329, 226, 953
Semperillium - 1140
Serum schweinepest - 503, 246, 604, 465
Sexual dysfunction (see also Circulatory stasis, orchitis) - 9.39, 2127,
2008, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 124, 95, 73, 72, 20, 650, 625, 600
Shigella (can cause acute dysentery and diarrhea as well as infect nerves,
brain, and spinal cord chronically) - 621, 762, 769, 770, 1550, 802, 832
Shingles (see Herpes zoster)
Silver (exp) - 15903
Sinus Bacteria - 548
Sinusitis (sinus and lung infections can be caused by a large number of
pathogens including viruses like RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza
A, influenza B, rhinovirus, et al.)
Sinusitis (1) - 728, 784, 880, 20, 72, 120, 146, 400, 440, 464, 524, 548,
660, 712, 732, 802, 1500, 1552, 1600, 1862 for 5 min
Sinusitis (2) - 125, 160, 367, 472, 600, 615, 625, 650, 820, 952, 1150,
1520, 1865, 2000, 4392, 4400, 4412
Sinusitis (3) - 60, 95, 128, 225, 414, 427, 432, 456, 610, 614, 618, 1234,
2600, 5500, 304
Sinusitis frontalis - 952, 320, 682
Sinusitis maxillaris - 160, 741
Sleeping sickness - 120, 20
Slipped discs (spasms from microbial toxins) - 125, 880, 787, 727, 95, 72,
Smallpox (also known as variola, an extremely contagious viral disease
marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blisters) - 142, 476, 511,
876, 1644, 2132, 2544, 1550, 802, 542, 569, 832, 3222
Smallpox (secondary) - 334, 542, 569, 832, 3222, 360, 471, 647, 506, 711,
880, 787, 727, 20
Smegma - 153, 180, 638
Sneezing - 880, 787, 727, 465, 146
Sore throat (also see Pharyngitis, Strep general, Strep pyogenes, and
Actinomyces israelii) - 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776,
727, 46.5, 766
Sorghum smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 294
Spasms, muscle - 6.8
Spastic paresis - 30.87, 48
Spleen (secondary) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20
Spleen, enlarged - 35, 787, 3176
Sporobolomyces - 753, 700
Sporotrichum pruinosum - 584, 598, 687, 755, 715
Stammering - 10000, 20, 6000, 7.83
Staphylococci infection (see also other Staph freqs) - 960, 727, 786, 453,
674, 550, 1109, 424, 943, 1050, 643, 2600, 7160, 639, 1089, 8697
Staph infection (1) - 943, 727, 643, 20
Staphylococcus general - 453, 550, 674, 728, 1109, 7160, 634, 639, 1089
Staphylococcus aureus (can cause boils, carbuncles, abscesses, tooth
infection, heart disease, and infect tumors) - 424, 727, 786, 943, 1050,
8697, 644, 647, 745, 738, 744
Staphylococcus coagulae positive - 643
Stemphylium - 461, 340, 114
Stiff muscles - 320, 328, 304, 300, 240, 160, 776, 728, 1800, 125, 80, 40,
20, 6000
Stiff muscles (secondary) - 250, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5, 1550, 802,
880, 787, 776
Stiff neck - 4.9, 6, 9.19
Stiff shoulder - 10000, 727, 766, 20
Stomach disorders (see also E. Coli and Parasites general if no lasting
relief) - 2127, 2008, 880, 784, 727, 690, 676, 664, 125, 95, 72, 20, 3.9,
450, 802, 1552, 832, 422
Stomatitis (Inflammation of mucous membranes in the mouth. See also
Candida, Herpes simplex I, Stomatitis aphthous, Pyorrhea, and Gingivitis) -
465, 677, 702, 787, 234, 278, 568, 672
Stomatitis aphthous (ulcers on mucous membrane of mouth. Also called canker
sores) - 478, 487, 498, 788, 955, 982
Streptococcus infection, general (streptococcus family. Also see General
antiseptic and other Strep sets) - 1266, 880, 787, 784, 727, 875, 885, 2000
Streptococcus enterococcinum (can cause infection in the digestive and
urinary tracts) - 686, 409
Streptococcus haemolytic (blood infection by strep) - 728, 880, 786, 712,
128, 134, 334, 443, 535, 542, 675, 1415, 1522, 1902, 691, 710, 1203, 368,
Streptococcus mutant strain - 114, 437, 625, 883, 994
Streptococcus mutant strain secondary - 108, 433, 488, 687, 833, 8686, 8777,
9676, 660, 732, 745, 754, 764
Streptococcus pepto (can infect digestive tract) - 201
Streptococcus pyogenes (pus-forming infections. Can cause sore throat, skin
inflammation (erysipelas), scarlet fever. See also General antiseptic).
616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20
Streptococcus viridans - 425, 433, 445, 935, 1010, 1060, 8478, 457, 465,
777, 778, 1214, 1216
Strep virus - 563, 611, 727
Streptococcus pneumoniae (can cause pneumonia, empyema, middle ear
infections, endocarditis, peritonitis, arthitis, bacteremia, and meningitis)
- 231, 232, 683, 846, 8865
Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora - 158, 174, 645, 801
Streptomyces griseus (soil bacteria which yields streptomycin) - 333, 887
Streptothrix (includes Nocardia and Actinomyces israeli) - 784, 228, 231,
237, 887, 2890, 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488, 567, 7880, 10000, 787, 727, 20
Stroke (followup) - 3.0, 203, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95,
72, 20, 1865, 522, 428, 10000, 20, 2720
Strongyloides (see Parasites, strongyloides)
Struma (family of organisms that can infect the thyroid causing goiter. Use
kelp internally. Use Struma cystica, nodosa, and parenchyme freqs.)
Struma cystica - 5311, 531, 756, 361
Struma nodosa - 105, 122, 321, 517, 532, 651, 714
Struma parenchyme - 121, 576
Stye (staph infection of sebaceous gland of eyelash. Also use Staphylococci
infection set) - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 453, 2600
Subluxation induced disorders - 9.6
Sudor pedis (excessive foot sweat) - 148
Sun allergy (Examine presciption drugs, such as Psoralen, for
photo-sensitization properties. ) - 3, 330
Sunstroke - 444, 440, 190, 3000, 95, 522, 146, 880, 20, 10000
Surgery pre-op and post-op to prevent and control nosocomial
(hospital-acquired) and idiopathic infection (see also General antiseptic,
Staph, and Strep sets) - 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 802,
787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146, 428
Surgery, detox of anaesthesia (see also Liver support) - 522, 146
Surgical pain, post-op recovery - 3000, 2720, 95
Swelling (edema. See also Kidney insufficieny and Lymph stasis freqs) -
522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 20, 10000, 5000, 3000
Swimmer's ear (also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Otitis externa) - 728,
784, 880, 464, 174, 482, 5311
Swollen glands (use Lymph and see Mumps freq sets)
Syphilis - 177, 650, 625, 600, 660, 658
Tachycardia (rapid heart beat. For lab animals only. See also Heart tonic,
Relaxation sets.) - 1.2
Taenia (see Parasites tapeworm)
Taste, none - 10000, 20
Tendomyopathy - 320, 250, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5
Tetanus (infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by
clostridium tetani) - 244, 600, 554, 120, 352, 1142, 363, 458, 465, 628
Tetanus (secondary complications) - 880, 787, 727
Tetragenus - 393, 433, 2712
Thalamus stimulant - 20
Thermi bacteria - 233, 441
Throat "tickle", chronic (see also Streptococcus sets) - 120, 666, 690, 727,
787, 800, 880, 1560, 1840, 1998, 766, 776
Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of vein walls from clotting. Use on lab
animals only. See also Cirulatory stasis) - 1500, 776, 685
Thrombosis, infective I herpes family (not to be used with arythmia or in
U.S.) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 125, 95, 72,
20, 444, 1865, 1489
Thrush (use Candida and see Stomatitis freqs) - 414, 465
Thymus, to stimulate - 20
Tinea pedis (see Trichophyon mentagrophyte)
Tinea cruris (see Epidermophyton floccinum)
Tinea versicolor (see Malassezia furfur)
Tinnitus (see also Circulatory stasis, Dental, Dental foci, General
antiseptic, and Otitis freqs) - 20, 2720, 728, 784, 880
Tobacco mosaic - 233, 274, 543, 782, 1052
Tonsillar nosode - 1656
Tonsillar pfropfe - 246, 151, 414
Tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils) - 1.2, 73, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832,
787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 144, 452, 582
Tooth extraction followup frequencies (see also General antiseptic set) -
3000, 2720, 95, 47.5, 7.82
Toothache (to neglect this can prevent recovery from any illness. Should
also be treated professionally. See also Dental, Dental foci, Gingivitis,
Pyorrhea.) - 3000, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500,
880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 666, 650, 600, 465, 646, 5170
Toxins (to eliminate) - 0.5, 522, 146, 1552, 800
Toxoplasmosis (a serious, infectious disease that can be either acquired or
present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated
cat litter) - 434, 852
Trachoma (use Chlamydia trachomatis)
Trauma - 96, 192, 300, 760, 3000
Trench mouth (use Gingivitis)
Treponema pallidum (use also Syphilis) - 660, 902
Trichinosis (the very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear
meat) - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372
Trichodermia - 711
Trichomonas (a microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and
itching) - 610, 692, 980
Trichophytie general - 132, 725, 808, 812, 2422, 9493
Trichophytie nagel - 381, 585, 593, 812
Trichophytie nagel secondary - 133, 142, 373, 376, 378, 385, 387, 420, 425,
428, 576, 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 587, 588, 592, 595, 597, 724, 725, 726,
750, 794, 797, 801, 805, 808, 809, 817, 886, 2422, 6887, 7688, 7697, 7885,
584, 587, 592, 732, 733, 738, 748, 765, 766, 771, 777, 778, 779, 1256
Trichophyton mentagrophytes - 311, 414
Trichophyton rubrum - 752, 923
Trichophyton tonsuraus - 454, 765
Trigeminal neuralgia - 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 7.5, 880,
832, 787, 776, 760, 727, 650, 146, 7.82, 27.5, 428
Trypanosoma gambiense - 255, 316, 403, 700, 724
Tuberculinum - 332, 522, 664, 731, 737, 748, 1085, 1099, 1700, 761
Tuberculosis (also see Tuberculinum) - 20, 740, 1840, 720, 1552, 1600, 216,
802, 784, 1500, 727, 690, 666
Tuberculosis aviare - 303, 332, 342, 438, 440, 532, 3113, 6515, 697, 698,
720, 731, 741, 748, 770
Tuberculosis bovine - 229, 523, 625, 635, 838, 877, 3353, 748, 757
Tuberculosis klebs' - 217, 220, 221, 686, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516, 729, 748
Tuberculosis rod form - 803, 1513
Tuberculosis secondary complications - 776, 2127, 2008, 465
Tuberculosis, rod, E. coli, TB infections - 799, 802, 804, 1550, 1513
Tuberculosis, virus - 2565
Tularemia (a serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit
fever) - 324, 427, 823
Tumor, brain - see Cancer, astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma
Turbatrix - 104
Typhoid fever (typhus infection related symptoms causing high fever,
headache, and rash. Also use Salmonella typhi and Rickettsia and see Q
fever.) - 3205, 824, 1550, 802, 690, 1800, 1862, 712, 714
Ulcer, duodenal - 676, 727, 750, 880, 10000
Ulcer, gastric - 676
Ulcers, general - 676, 664, 802, 784, 2489, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 880,
832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 73
Ulcer, ventric - 142, 566, 676, 232, 1000
Ulcer, ventricular - 769, 760
Urea-plasma - 756
Uremia (also known as uremic poisoning; excessive amounts of nitrogenous
waste products in the blood, as seen in kidney failure. Also use Kidney and
Lymph stasis freqs.) - 911
Urethritis (also see Vaginosis and use Chlamydia trachomatis) - 2720, 2170,
2127, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600,
465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 1.2
Urticaria (hives, often due to toxins) - 1800, 522, 146, 4.9, 787, 727
Uterine polyp - 689
Vaccininum (a homeopathic nosode) - 476
Vaginosis (non-specific infection. Also see Gardinerella, Candida, and
Trichomonas) - 414, 542, 642, 652, 800, 832, 845, 866, 942, 728, 784, 880,
Varicella (see herpes zoster)
Varicoses - 1.2, 28
Variola (see Smallpox)
Vegetative dystonia (involuntary muscle dysfunction) - 40
Vein thrombosis (see Thrombophlebitis)
Verruca (a rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart.
Also see Wart) - 644, 767, 797, 877, 953, 173, 787
Vertigo (also use Otitis and see General antiseptic freqs) - 60, 5.8, 4
Vision, poor (see also Cataracts) - 350, 360
Vitamag complete set - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19.5, 22.5,
Vitiligo (loss of pigmentation in areas of skin. Use with B complex with
PABA internally and PABA cream topically. Also see E. coli, Parasite
General, Liver support, and Fungus freqs) - 440, 600, 650, 2112, 880, 787,
727, 444, 20
Wart, condyloma (venereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virus) - 466,
Warts (general, also see Pappiloma and Parasites roundworms and flukes) -
2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1500, 907, 915, 727, 690, 666,
644, 767, 953, 495, 466
Warts (pappiloma type, branch or stalk) - 907, 466
Warts (verruca) - 644, 767, 953, 787
Warts, plantar - 915, 918 for 15-30 min
Wellness - 6.8, 7.83
Werlhof - 690, 452
Wheat smut - 10163, 156, 375
Wheat stem rust (1) - 643
Whiplash - 20, 2720, 10000
White Blood Cell stimulation (see Immune system stimulation)
Whooping cough (see Pertussis)
Wolhynia fever (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is
debilitating and conducive to relapse. Also see Rickettsia) - 547
Wound healing (also see General antiseptic) - 2720, 880, 787, 727, 220, 190,
20, 40
Yeast, cervical (also use Candida) - 788, 706, 771
Yeast, general (also see Candida. Use Parasites general, roundworm, and
ascaris if no lasting relief) - 72, 254, 375, 522, 876, 987, 414, 422, 465,
582, 787, 1016, 2222
Yeast (baker's) - 843
Yellow fly - 996
Yellow fever (a severe, viral infection which can cause damage to the liver,
kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tract) - 20, 142, 178, 232, 432,
734, 1187, 733, 779, 10000
Yersenia pestis (see Bubonic plague)
Zygomycosis (also called mucormycosis; a serious fungal infection usually
associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugs)
942, 623, 733

The origin of the MORs (Mortal Oscillatory Rates or " Mortality Oscillator Rates" of bacteria and viruses), originally discovered by Royal Rife during the first half of the twentieth century, has perplexed many people since that time. While it is generally acknowledged that some type of resonance phenomenon destroyed or debilitated the organisms, it has been difficult at best to pinpoint any association of specific frequency with what is physically affecting these life forms during the time of their debilitation or demise.


We have searched the net, and found many lists that many practitioners have put together
and others have added through their experiences


304 - Sedation or pain relief, also nice to use as the last frequency of a set of frequencies
432, 484, 610, 690, 790 and 864 - Lyme disease - Please note the use of these frequencies
has produced what is known as a Herxheimer Reaction. As the spirochetes die, they release
a protein toxin that can produce joint pains, weakness, and general malaise for a few days
following exposure. It has been suggested that one start slow with but a minute of exposure
and then gradually increase the exposure time. One should not repeat an exposure until all
effects and symptoms of the previous exposure have cleared.
676 - Heliobacterium Pylori - linked as a causative agent in stomach ulcers.
728 - A type of Cancer cell found in blood of people with Multiple Myeloma. Causes the
cells to disintegrate according to one researcher.
728, 800, 880 , 7760, 8000, 8250 - Flu virus
2050, 2180, 2452 - Non responsive to Cancer at 2128 or 2008. It has been suggested that
these Cancers are formed in response to some different stimulus than commonly occurs.
664, 764 - very beneficial for emotional ties to diseases. 664 has apparently caused people to
giggle especially in a group exposure setting.
660, 728, 787 Epstein Barr virus also has been used for Mononucleosis.
1234, 3672, 7344 Opens bronchioles makes breathing easier seems to be helpful for
asthmatics. Also is quite sedating.7344 seems to work best of the three.
350, 360 Sharpens eyesight
1489, 1500, 1550, 2489 Herpes - relieves acute outbreak, but does not remove dormant
form from body. Use of 2489 for about 30 minutes seems to provide long term benefits.
470 - stopped involuntary tremors in left hand of a person with multiple sclerosis.
463 and 466 stopped involuntary tremors in a person with brain tumors.
915 and 918 plantar wart - use long exposure time - 15 to 30 minutes on each frequency.
2050 and 2250 used to correct chronic prostatitis - 10 to 15 minutes on each frequency. Use
for a short interval will aggravate prostatitis!
3.6 and 6.3 Hz have been reported as being able to keep a person from becomming angry
72, 95, 190, 304 - Used for nausea and abdominal cramping
866, 430, 2213, 620 Chlamydia infections.
6000 - A master Central Nervous System Frequency. Release of emotional problems,
blocked seizures - but does nothing once seizure starts, stopped tremors in hands in person
with Parkinson's disease.
Hepatitis C - used by a Dr. in France to good effect. Exposures were of only 45 seconds on
each frequency. Longer exposures had no effect. 728, 166, 224, 317, 727, 787, 880, 2189
Multiple Sclerosis - Use of 5000 Hz for 30 minutes every other day, used the above Hep C
protocol on alternate days. So one day 5000, next day Hep C. One should start the 5000 at
about 10 minutes and work up in time slowly watching for detox reactions.
Psoriasis - From New Zealand comes this protocol 2180, 2128, 2008, 1552, 880, 784, 664,
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE) - the above sequence for psoriasis has been used on
one person with a severe active case of SLE with beneficial results.
Fruit Flies - 2167Hz reported by someone in the Netherlands
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - 2127 , 465, 660, 666, 727, 787, 880, 1550. Also used parasite
Round Worms - 104, 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212, 240, 688, 20, 120
Flukes - 143, 275, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651, 435, 524
Relieves the need to worry - very handy at times. - 6130Hz
Basal Cell Skin Carcinoma - 2116, 760, 2280 direct exposure of the lesion to light from the
tube helps as does pulsing the audio output. About 30 minutes exposures at 2116 seemed
optimal, 760 and 2280 at 5 minutes each.
Lists of frequencies. Last part is 132 col format.
Use non-proportional font to display so the columns
line up, if desired. The first list in this file
are frequencies from James Bare. These should be considered
the most reliable (the non-theoretical ones, anyway).
My limited use of the Garvey frequencies indicate they
may be useful, especially since there are specific ones
for maladies, which can be used by the common, typical

The following is a listing of these known MORs as compiled by Dr. Robert P. Stafford, M.D. a physician who worked with an original Rife machine from 1957 to 1963:
Microorganism Frequency in Hertz
------------- ------------------
Tetanus 120
Treponema 660
Gonorrhea 712
Staphlococci 728
Pneumococci 776
Streptothrix (fungus) 784
Streptococci 880
Typhoid Bacteria 712
Typhoid Virus 1862

Tuberculosis Rod Form 803
Tuberculosis Virus 1552 (same as B-Coli)
Sarcoma (all forms) 2008
Carcinoma (all forms) 2128

In that vein, here is a list that I've compiled. The format is
frequency, what it supposedly effects, device, source
If the 'device' field says 'theory' it means that someone said this
might work, but no-one has actually said anywhere that they've used it.
If the 'device' field says 'theory/440' then I took the frequency from
Hulda Clark's book "The Cure For All Diseases" and divided by 440.
20 ? tube used Don Tunney
20 bacterial infections pad used Bare book (70)
20 pineal gland pad used Bare book (70)
20 tinnitus pad used Bare book (70)
20 worms pad used Bare book (70)
64 psoriasis pad used Bare book (70)
72 worms pad used Bare book (70)
96 psoriasis pad used Bare book (70)
96 trauma pad used Bare book (70)
96 worms pad used Bare book (70)
104 psoriasis pad used Bare book (70)
112 psoriasis pad used Bare book (70)
120 ? tube used Don Tunney
120 fatigue pad used Bare book (70)
120 tetanus tube theory Bare book (69)
128 worms pad used Bare book (70)
144 headaches pad used Bare book (70)
192 trauma pad used Bare book (70)
248 kidneys pad used Bare book (70)
300 lumbago pad used Bare book (70)
300 stiff muscles pad used Bare book (70)
300 trauma pad used Bare book (70)
304 blood pressure pad used Bare book (70)
304 headaches pad used Bare book (70)
304 sedation and pain relief tube used Bare book (69A)
328 stiff muscles pad used Bare book (70)
408 prostrate pad used Bare book (70)
421 cancer tube used Don Tunney
423 cancer tube used Don Tunney
424 fatigue pad used Bare book (70)
425 cancer tube used Don Tunney
427 cancer tube used Don Tunney
432 cancer tube used Don Tunney
432 lyme tube used Bare book (69A)
434 cancer tube used Don Tunney
440 kidneys pad used Bare book (70)
440 motion sickness pad used Bare book (70)
440 pancreas pad used Bare book (70)
464 candida pad used Bare book (70)
464 fatigue pad used Bare book (70)
464 motion sickness pad used Bare book (70)
464 pancreas pad used Bare book (70)
464 thrush pad used Bare book (70)
500 anthrax tube used Bare addendum
520 headaches pad used Bare book (70)
600 motion sickness pad used Bare book (70)
600 pancreas pad used Bare book (70)
624 motion sickness pad used Bare book (70)
624 pancreas pad used Bare book (70)
648 motion sickness pad used Bare book (70)
648 pancreas pad used Bare book (70)
660 treponema tube theory Bare book (69)
662-666 herpes simplex I range theory/440 Clark book (564)
664 bacterial infections pad used Bare book (70)
664 emotional ties to diseases tube used Bare book (69A)
664 fatigue pad used Bare book (70)
664 herpes simplex I theory/440 Clark book (564)
664 prostrate pad used Bare book (70)
664 stomach pad used Bare book (70)
664 ulcers pad used Bare book (70)
676 heliobacterium pylori tube used Bare book (69A)
712 gonorrhea tube theory Bare book (69)
728 "conidium head" cancer cells tube used Bare book (69A)
728 arthritis pad used Bare book (70)
728 blood pressure pad used Bare book (70)
728 cataract pad used Bare book (70)
728 catarrh pad used Bare book (70)
728 eye disorders pad used Bare book (70)
728 gallstones pad used Bare book (70)
728 lumbago pad used Bare book (70)
728 pharyngitis pad used Bare book (70)
728 prostrate pad used Bare book (70)
728 staphlococci tube theory Bare book (69)
728 stiff muscles pad used Bare book (70)
728 stomach pad used Bare book (70)
728 tinnitus pad used Bare book (70)
760 trauma pad used Bare book (70)
764 emotional ties to diseases tube used Bare book (69A)
776 pharyngitis pad used Bare book (70)
776 pneumococci tube theory Bare book (69)
776 ulcers pad used Bare book (70)
784 arthritis pad used Bare book (70)
784 cataract pad used Bare book (70)
784 pharyngitis pad used Bare book (70)
784 rubella pad used Bare book (70)
784 rubeola pad used Bare book (70)
784 stomach pad used Bare book (70)
784 streptothrix tube theory Bare book (69)
784 tinnitus pad used Bare book (70)
784 ulcers pad used Bare book (70)
785 herpes simplex I theory/440 Clark book (564)
785-786 herpes simplex I range theory/440 Clark book (564)
800 arthritis pad used Bare book (70)
800 bacillus coli rod form tube theory Bare book (69)
800 bacterial infections pad used Bare book (70)
800 catarrh pad used Bare book (70)
800 flu virus tube used Bare book (69A)
800 lumbago pad used Bare book (70)
800 pharyngitis pad used Bare book (70)
800 shingles (herpes zoster) pad used Bare book (70)
800 ulcers pad used Bare book (70)
803 tuberculosis rod form tube theory Bare book (69)
804-825 herpes simplex II range theory/440 Clark book (564)
807 herpes simplex II theory/440 Clark book (564)
818 herpes simplex II theory/440 Clark book (564)
823-829 fungus EW range theory/440 Clark book (571)
829 hiv ??? theory/440 Clark book (564)
830 hiv ??? theory/440 Clark book (564)
832 bacterial infections pad used Bare book (70)
832 ulcers pad used Bare book (70)
861-868 lyme range theory/440 Clark book (563)
864 lyme theory/440 Clark book (563)
864 lyme tube used Bare book (69A)
873-883 candida range theory/440 Clark book (563)
877 candida theory/440 Clark book (563)
880 arthritis pad used Bare book (70)
880 blood pressure pad used Bare book (70)
880 cataract pad used Bare book (70)
880 catarrh pad used Bare book (70)
880 rcinoma (all forms) tube theory Bare book (69)
2128 prostrate pad used Bare book (70)
2180 cancer not killed by 2008/2128 tube used Bare book (69A)
2182 cancer not killed by 2008/2128 tube used Bare book (69A)
2720 prostrate pad used Bare book (70)
3000 gallstones pad used Bare book (70)
3000 trauma pad used Bare book (70)
3120 blepharisma tube used Bare book (74)
4500 kills rotifer tube used Bare book (i)
10000 ? tube used Don Tunney
Table of ElectroSpectrum Rife Device Frequency Codes VS.
Actual Frequency (in HZ) Output.
1 10 KHz
2 1050 Hz
3 3040 Hz Used for pain, along with freq. code 45.
4 2720 Hz
5 2489 Hz
6 2170 Hz
7 2127 Hz Major freq. for cancer with #s 8,14,17,20,22,24
8 2008 Hz [Rife freq. for Sarcoma]
9 1800 Hz
10 1600 Hz Major freq. used for eye disorders.
11 1550 Hz
12 1500 Hz
13 1000 Hz
14 880 Hz Use for Streptococci infecction.
15 832 Hz
16 802 Hz
17 787 Hz
18 776 Hz
19 760 Hz
20 727 Hz Major freq. used for Leukemia & Staphlococci.
21 700 Hz
22 690 Hz Major freq. used for Leukemia.
23 685 Hz May be helpful for blood clots.
24 666 Hz Major freq. used for Leukemia.
25 650 Hz
26 625 Hz
27 600 Hz Major freq. used for Leprosy.
28 465 Hz Major freq. used for fungal & yeast infection.
29 444 Hz
30 410 Hz
31 380 Hz
32 330 Hz
33 320 Hz
34 240 Hz
35 240 Hz
36 230 Hz Major freq. used for stroke along with # 78.
37 220 Hz
38 200 Hz
39 190 Hz
40 160 Hz Use for very rapid relief from headaches.
41 148 Hz
42 125 Hz
43 110 Hz
44 100 Hz
45 95 Hz Major freq used for pain, along with #3.
46 80 Hz
47 73 Hz
48 72 Hz
49 60 Hz
50 48 Hz
51 47 Hz
52 45 Hz
53 40 Hz
54 35 Hz
55 28 Hz
56 27 Hz
57 26 Hz
58 20 Hz Stimulation of Pineal gland.
59 18 Hz
60 12 Hz To stimulate mental clarity.
61 10 Hz
62 9.6 Hz Facial toning.
63 9.4 Hz Major freq. used for Prostate problems.
64 9.35 Hz
65 9.2 Hz Balancing/correction of kidney meridian.
66 9.1 Hz
67 8.25 Hz
68 7.8 Hz Schumann freq.-- psychic healing experements
69 7.7 Hz
70 6.8 Hz Possible use for muscle spasms.
71 6.3 Hz Anger and irritibility.
72 6.0 Hz Here's a good one--Unwillingness to work.
73 5.8 Hz Fear, absentmindedness, dizziness.
74 4.9 Hz Induce relaxation, meditation & deeper sleep.
75 3.9 Hz Unsociable behaviour.
76 3.6 Hz Anger and irritibility.
77 3.5 Hz Depression & Anxiety.
78 3.0 Hz Major freq used for stroke along with #36.
79 2.65 Hz
80 2.5 Hz Used for sedative effect.
81 1.5 Hz
82 1.2 Hz HIV virus--elimination from circulating blood.
83 1.1 Hz
84 1.0 Hz
85 0.5 Hz Toxin elimination, with #'s 87,88,1,14,17,20,58.
86 1865 Hz Typhoid virus
87 522 Hz
88 146 Hz
89 610 Hz
90 2005 Hz [close to Rife frequency 2008 for BY microbe (Sarcoma)]
91 2025 Hz
92 0.6 Hz
93 0.75 Hz
94 0.4 Hz
95 31.0 Hz
96 33.0 Hz
97 37.0 Hz
98 42.0 Hz
99 44.0 Hz
100 49.0 Hz
101 500 Hz Bubonic Plague.
102 1850 Hz
103 450 Hz
104 440 Hz
105 428 Hz
106 660 Hz
1. Frequency codes 14, 16, 17, 20 and 28 affect more microbes and
conditions than all other frequencies combined.
2. The second most effective group of frequencies is; 29, 42, 45,
48, 58 and 86. These are mainly used for parasites and amoebae.
3. Frequencies in the range of 11 to 29 produce the most rapid response,
usually within 6 hours.
4. Frequencies in the range of 60 to 85 are those that seem to occur
naturally in the brain. It is thought that behaviour can be
influenced with harmonics of those same frequencies during behaviour
of the opposite type. For example, to reduce/eliminate anger,
one would apply a freq. of 6.3 Hz (code# 71).
See comments for those ranges.
5. Any good quality square-wave generator, such as those recommended
for use with the James Bare Rife Device, should be able to output
most or all of the Actual Frequencies listed in this document.

Kinnaman Frequency list and possible effects:
Frequency Possible Effects from the Manual & other Sources
728 Start Tube, cancer cells in blood
400 Seems To Decongest
120 Tetanus, Fatigue, Worms
432 Lyme disease, Cancer
465 Candida, Fatigue, Pancreas?
660 Treponema
712 Gonorrhea
784 Streptothrix
800 Flu Virus
880 Arthritis, Pharyngitis, Lumbago, Blood Pressure
965 (relaxes muscles especially those of the neck)
1552 Pancreas, Eye Disorders, Pharyngitis
1862 Typhoid Virus, Stimulates White Blood Cells
2008 Sarcoma ALL FORMS, Stimulates White Blood Cells
2128 Carcinoma ALL FORMS, Stimulates White Blood Cells
2180 Cancer, Stimulates White Blood Cells
5000 (allergies, short use only, long exposures destroy red blood
9999 (general vitality and energy )
304 Sedation, Pain, Stiff Muscles, Blood Pressure and Pain Relief
{ALL FOLLOWING is an extensive list of frequencies from many
different sources scanned in and provided by Reid Smith. There
are a number of scanner errors, typically "l" when should be an
"i", as well as the number "0" being scanned as "e", "o", or
"a", and many others. Try to verify frequencies before use due
to possible scanning errors. It should be viewed in a fixed
font for columns to aline. I know nothing about "magic
windows", color frequency therapy, or "weird effects." -- turf}

In reference to moles changing with use of device I have a pad
type unit which includes a manual with lots of frequencies.
This manual warns: 1840 & 1910 HZ are known to have serious
deleterious effects including stimulation of malignant growths.
Also, it warns about possible detrimental problems with freq
range 1000 to 2000 HZ.

802 Hz. should not be used if a healthy colon is involved, as
it will kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria.

Interesting, useful and weird frequencies
5 Hz: Alleged sphincter resonance (not good)
7 Hz: Mass aggregate frequency (can deaggregate matter), alleged to
resonate and rupture organs at excessive intensity
7.5 Hz: (?) Earth magnetic field frequency, useful theta (brain) waves
7.83 Hz: Earth resonance frequency
13 Hz: Alleged sphincter resonance (not good)
46.98 Hz (use with 62.64 and 70.47) Useful for weird effects
62.64 Hz (use with 46.98 and 70.47) Useful for weird effects
70.47 Hz (use with 46.98 and 62.64) Useful for weird effects
305 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
312 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
345 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
432 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
620 Hz: Keely Frequency (use with 630 and 12000)
630 Hz: Keely Frequency (use with 620 and 12000)
864 Hz: Main Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
2000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
2000 Hz (plus a small amount): Alleged to cure a cancer
2025 Hz: Proton precession/water resonance
3000 Hz: (approximate) Mentioned as a Rife frequency
5000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
727 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
787 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
800 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
10000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
12000 Hz: Keely Frequency (use with 620 and 630)
38000-40000 Hz: Magic window
42800 Hz: Aetheric dissociation/water resonance (water -> aetheric force)
150-160 kHz: Magic window
180 KHz: Ferromagnetism
1.1-1.3 MHz: Magic window
388 MHz: Alleged to cause damage/disruption of humans
488 MHz: Same as 388 MHz, but I think it was a mistake, and 388 was meant
1.057 GHz: Magic window
2.450 GHz: Standard microwave oven frequency, but no resonance
Somewhere in the Infrared: Magic window
The life energy frequency (in the near ultraviolet): Magic window
------- PROOFED AND CORRECTED ----------
Later Crane With color and Polarity
(Polarity not included since they were all +/- polarity)
Disorder/Special Frequencies corubining the above therapies.

100/120/465 FOR AIDS
2000/2008/2127/2489/Ca, Sa

(1) = standardized
(3) = reported READ HERTZ
------- PAGE 1 -------
Align/Individual (1) 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k
Acidosis (see Hyperacidity) 959 colors 020 727 787 880 10k
Abcesses(3) 727 787 880
Acne 727 787 880
Actinormcosis(2) 020 727 787 880
Abdominal Pain 959 colors, etc. 880 10k
Acute Pain 959 colors, etc. 880 05k 10k
Adenoids 959 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Adhesions 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
AIDS/+2489 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Alcoholism 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Allergies 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Alopecia (hair loss) 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Amenorrhea (no menstration) 959 colors 727 787 880 10k
Anemia 959 colors etc. 05k
Aneurysm 959 colors etc. 020 05k
Anthrax(2) 727 787 880
Antiseptic 727 787 880 05k
Anus Itch 959 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Appendicitis 959 colors etc 727 787 880
Appetite, skinny 959 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Arteries, hardenin 959 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Arteriosclerosis 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Artery Stimulator 960 colors etc. 727 787 800 880
Arthritis 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Asthma 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Astrocytoma(3) 2008/2127/Negative magnets 727 787 880
Ataria of Muscles 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Athlete, Foot(3) 787 020 727 787 880 05k
------- PAGE 2 -------
Aura Builder 960 Colors etc. 020 05k 10k
Autointozication 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Aranthae Thrush 959 colors etc. 727 787 880
B&E Coli,rod,virus(1) 803 Hertz 727 787 800

Cancer,carcinoma(1)/2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Cancer,leukemia (1)/2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Cancer, sarcoma (1)/2OO8 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Cancrum Oris(3) 020 727 787 800 880 05k
Candida albicans/465 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Carbuncles 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Cardiac depressant 961 violet, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Cataract(3) 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Catarah (mucous) inflammation(2)961 color 020 727 787 880
Cerebral Pa1sy Color yellow 961 color 727 787 880 10k
Cerebro-spinal trouble 961 Lemon, Yellow 727 787 880 10k
Cervical gland trouble 961 Purple etc. 727 787 880 10k
Cervicitis, womb neck 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Chicken pox 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Chilblains 961 colors etc. 020
Child disorders 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Cholera(2) 100/ 450 727 787 880
Chronic tired feeling 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Cleans blood plasma 961 lemon, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Cold feet 961, red scarlet, magenta 020 727 787 880 05k
Cold hands 961 scarlet magenta, purple 020 727 787 880 05k
Cold in head,chest,etc(3)Lemon,Magenta 961 020 727 787 880 05k
Colic, stomach & colon pain 961 etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Colitis, mucous/colon(3) 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Conjunctivitis eyelid(2) 961 colors etc. 727 787 800 880
Constipation(3) Yellow/2 hrs, 961 etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Contractions,arrests,discharges 961 Indigo 020 727 787 880 10k
---- PAGE 4 -------
Convulsions 961 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Corns in feet 961 Indigo, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Coryza(nose) 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Costalgia(rib pain) 961 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Cramps 961, orange, etc. 727 787 770 05k 10k
Cricks in the neck 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Cuts 961 + to heal 020 727 787 880 05k
Cystitis(bladderinflam) (3)961 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k
Dandruff, scales 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Deafness 961 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k
Diabetes 961 lemon then yellow etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k
Diarrhea & Dysentary 961 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Digestion 962 + over stomach & colon 727 787 880 05k
Diptheria(2) 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Distended organs 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Distended stomach 962 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Dreams 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k 10k
Dropsy 961 colors, etc. 727 787 10k
Drug addiction 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Dysmenorrhea,painful menstrat'n 962 colors 727 787 800 880
Dyspepsia(indigestion) 962 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Dullness 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Duodenal ulcer 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Earaches 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Ears, balance 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Ears, discharges 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Ears, dizziness 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Ears, hard to hear 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Ears, ringing 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
----- PAGE 5 ------
Easily depressed 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Easily fatigued 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eczema, all skin troubles, herpes/+1550/+++ 727 787 05k
Edema lung swelling excess fluids 963 Color 727 787 880
Elbow pain 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Enlarged glands 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Enuresis, bed wetting 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Epilepsy ,fits/+12O 962 Colors, 20, etc. 020 727 787 880
Epididymitis:Inflam-Up'rTesticle/+1500 962 020 727 787 880
Epstein-Barr/465, 787 Hertz 727 787 880
Eruptions, mouth 962 Colors etc. 05k
Erysipelas/600,2000 963 Colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Esophagus 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Eustachian tube 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Eye,arteriosclerosis 962, 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Eye,bifocal 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Eye,blurred 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Eye,cataract 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,crossed 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,degeneration 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,droop of lid 963 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,diplopia 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,glaucoma(3)/1600 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,infected 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,lacrimal 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,near & farsighted 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,nerve pain 962 colors, etc. 727 787 10k
Eye,strained 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Facial paralysis 967 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
----- PAGE 6 --------
Facial cramps Color 963, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Fainting Color 963, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Falling hair Color 963, etc. 020 800 10k
Fascia:FibrousTissue under skin Color 963 020 727 787 880 05k
Fears Color 963 727 787 880
Female disorder Color, 963 etc. 727 787 880
Fever, all kinds Color, 963 etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Fibroma(2) 2008, 2128, Magenta 800
Fissures Color 963 etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Fistula ulcer Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880
Flashes, hot Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 10k
Flatulence 963, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Flu(see Grippe & Influenza)Colors 963 etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Food poisoning + distilled water 727 787 880 10k
Foot, blisters Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 10k
Fractures: Bones 960 color yellow +++ 727 787 880 10k
Frostbite 963 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Frozen shoulder colors 963, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Gall Bladder 963 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gall Stones 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gangrene 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gas pains in stomach & colon(astritis)963 020 727 787 880 05k
Giddiness 963 colors etc 020 727 787 880 05k
Glanders(2) 020 727 787 880
Glandular fever 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Goiter 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gonad(sex gland inflammat'n) 964 colors 727 787 880 05k
Gonorrhea/66O 964 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Gout 964 colors etc. + UP 2X 020 727 787 880 05k 10k

---------- PAGE 7 ---------
Gravel:Deposits in urine See 963 gallstone 727 787 880 05k
Grippe (see Flu & Influenza) p. 964 Colors 727 787 880
Gums, inflammation See 964 & colors 020 800 880
Hair:loss of See 964 colors etc. 727 800 880 10k
Hallucinations See 964 & colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Hangover p. 964, colors, etc. 10k
Hay Fever p.964, colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Headaches p. 964 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Head injuries Colors p. 964 727 787 880 10k
Head, pressure in colors p. 964 020 727 787 880 05k
Heart, disorders(3) colors p. 964 727 787 880 05k
Heart, fast, Palpitations(3)Color indigo 727 787 880 10k
Hemorrage p. 964 colors etc. 800 10k
Hemoroids(3) p.964 colors etc. 727 800 880
Hepatitis, liver inflammation colors 964 727 800 880
Hereditary sex derangement 965 purple 05k
Hernia Colors p. 964 727 787 05k
Hernia of disc p. 964 colors etc. 727 787 10k
Herpes, water blisters(2)/1550 Colors 964 727 787 880
Herpes, Zoster (shingles)2/l550 Color 964 727 787 880
Hiccoughs Color 964 etc. 020 10k
High fever,acute pyrexia Color 964, 965 020 727 787 880
Hip pain Color 964, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Hives(urticaria)/18OO Color 964, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Hoarseness Color 964, etc, 727 787 880
Hydrocele:Fluid in testicle,etc.Color 964 727 787 880 10k
Hyperacidity Colors 964 etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Hypertension Colors 965, etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Hyperchondrium, upper abdomen Color 965 020 727 787 880 10k
------- PAGE 8 ---------
Hyperia:low oxygen,labored breathin p.965 727 787 880 10k
Hysterical symptoms + on spleen 020 727 787 880 05k
Ileocolitis, colon inflammation 020 727 787 800 880
Increasing height 10k
Impotence Color yellow & see p. 965 10k
Indigestion Color yellow see p. 965 727 787 880 05k
Infantile Paralysis/1500 Color p. 965 727 787 880
Infections 020 727 787 880
Inflammation, breast 727 787 880 05k
Influenza(see Flu & Grippe) Color p.965 020 727 787 800 880
Infection allergies 10k
Injuries 05k
Insomnia + on spleen see p. 965 727 787 880 10k
Insufficient lactation See 965 05k
Intelligence, to increase See colors p.965 020 10k
Intestines, inflammation + distilled p 965 727 787 880
Intestines, spasms Color p.965 orange 727 787 05k
Intestines, to release Use + Colors p. 965 727 787 800 880
Intercostal neuralgia Colors p. 965 727 787 800 880
Intoxication 10k
Irritability Colors p. 965 05k
Itching of anus, toes, & feet Color blue 727 787 880 05k
Jaundice Colors 965 727 787 880 05k
Joints, inflamed Colors 965 727 787 880 10k
Kidney Colors p. 965 020 727 787 880 05k
Knee, pains(see Pains in Knee)p. 754; 756 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Lack of conductivity Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880 10k
Lassitude, weak, exhausted Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880
Laxative, mild Colors p. 966 020 727 787 800 880
------- PAGE 9 ------------------
Legs 727 787 800 880 10k
Leprosy(2)/+600 727 787 880 10k
Leucocyte builder 020 727 05k
Leukemia/2127 727 787 880
Leukodermia, white skin patches 020 727 787 880
Leukorrhea, white vaginal discharge 727 787 880
Liver enlargement 727 787 880
Locomotor atazia, muscle failure 727 787 880 10k
Lumbago,back pain 727 787 880 10k
Lumbar vertebrae deformed 727 787 880 10k
Lungs, breathing 727 787 880
Lupis vulgaris 776/1550 727 787 800 880
Lymph glands See Index for Colors 727 787 880 05k
Lymphatic depressant COLOR VIOLET 727 787 880
Malaria See Colors Index p.966 020
Measles,small pox,German measles,mumps,
whooping cough, fever, diptheria, chicken
pox Color 727 787 880
Melancholia Color v. 966 05k
Memory Memory color p. 966 020 10k
Meniere's, Ears-hard to hear Color 962 020 727 787 880 05k 10k
Meningitis(2) Color v. 966 020 05k
Menses, stoppage(see a menorrea) Color 959 727 787 880 10k
Mental irritability Positive on spleen 020 727 787 880 10k
Mentally retarded P.965 Intelligence 10k
Migrane Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880 05k
Mongoloidism Colors etc. p. 966 020 05k
Motion sickness colors p. 966 020 10k
Mouth eruptions Lymph p. 966 glands 020 727 787 880 05k
Multiple sclerosis(2) colors . 966 020 727 787 880 05k
------ PAGE 10 --------------
Moth patches, urticaria 020 800
Mucous 727 787 800 880
Muscles, heart, arm 05k
Muscular Dystrophy 05k
Nausea 727 787 880 05k
Neck 020 727 787 880 05k
Nephritis, kidney inflammation 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Nerves, inflammation 727 787 880 10k
Nerve, motor depressant COLOR YELLOW
Neurasthenia, fatigued 727 787 880 05k
Neuritis, nerve inflammation 727 787 880 10k
Neurosis 727 787 880 10k
Neuralgia, arms 020 727 787 880 10k
Neutralize acids
Nicotine poison 10k
Nipples, sore 727 787 880 05k
Nocturnal emission + on spleen 05k
Nose, disorders 727 787 880
Numbness, arms, fingers 020 727 787 880 05k
Obesity 5 Min.B/4 ea. meal Trampoline 10k
Occipital Neuralgia 727 787 880 05k
Operations, before 020 727 787 880
Oral inflammation 727 787 880
Orchitis, testis inflammation 727 787 800 880
Osteoarthritis/1500 + POLARIZER 20 Min. 727 787 880
Osteomyelitis 727 787 880 05k
Ovaries 727 787 880
Pain, paralysis, to remove COLOR YELLOW 727 787 880
Pains after operations COLOR GREEN 727 787 880
------ PAGE 11 ----------
Pains in the knee(see Knee Pains) COLORS 020 727 787 880 10k
Pancreas, disorder 727 787 880 10k
Parasites/+ 120 020 727 787 800 880
Parathyroid 727 787 880
Pelvic, disorders/+660, 1500 020 727 787 880
Pericarditis, inflamed heart covering 727 787 880
Peritonitis 727 787 880
Persist disorders/phagocyte builder/+120 020 727 787 880 05k
Pharyngitis 727 787 880
Placenta, to expel or afterbirth 727 787 880
Pleurisy (3) 020 727 787 880
Pneumonia(1) 776 020 880
Poison, botulism, ptomaine, drugs
Polyps, growths/2128
Poor appetite 800 10k
Poor circulation 020 727 787 880 10k
Prostate 727 787 880 05k
Pruritis, anus itching 020 727 787 880 10k
Psoriasis, skin trouble 020 727 787 880 05k
Ptosis, drooping eyelid 727 787 880 05k 10k
Pyorrhea(3) 727 787 05k
Rabies/+ 120 020 727 787 880
Raynaud's disease 020 727
Rheumatism 727 787 880 10k
Rheumatoid arthritis 727 787 880 10k
Rhinitis/+ 120 020 727 787 880
Rickets Vitamin D and sunlight 880
Ring worm/+120 020 727 787 880
-------- PAGE 12 ------
Scarlet fever 727 787 880
Sciaticia, nerve inflammation/+l20 020 727 787 880
Scurvy lack of Vitamin C 05k
Semiparalsis Yellow color therapy 020 05k
Sexual diseases/+625, 660, 1500, 1850 020 727 800 880
Sexual weakness, male & female 020 727 880 10k
Sex polarity balance 10k
Shingles (see Herpes Zoster)/1550 020 727 787 880
Shell Shock/+120 020 727 787 880
Sinus disorders(3)+120 020 727 787 880
Skin hemorrhages 800 05k
Skin trouble thrombosis(3)/+l500 020 727 787 880
Sleeping sickness/+120 020 727 787 880
Slipped disc (see hernia of disc) 727 787 880 10k
Smallpox (see Measles) 727 787 880
Smell, morbid, hyperosmia 727 787 800 880 10k
Smell, none, anosmia 020 10k
Sneezing (see convulsions) 727 787 880 10k
Solar plexus 020 727 787 880 05k
Sore throat 727 787 880
Spasm, muscle contraction 020 10k
Spleen, enlargement 020
Spongy gums (see pyorrhea) 727 787 800 880 10k
Sprains, twisted joint,sprained muscles 020 05k
Stammering 020 727 787 880 10k
Stiff shoulder 020 727 787 880 10k
Stiff neck 020 727 787 880 10k
Staphyloccus infections 1 020 727 800
Sterility (see Impotence) 2008, 2127 05k 10k
------- PAGE 13 ------
Stomach cramps 020 727 787 880 10k
Stones, gallbladder, kidney 727 800 880 10k
Streptococcus infections(1) 727 787 880
Streptothrix(1) - soil bacteria 787
Stroke 020 787 880 05k 10k
Sty (see droop of lid) 020 727 880 05k 10k
Sunstroke 020 10k
Suprarenal stimulant 020 05k
Surgery 727 787 880 05k
Swelling, legs, feet 020 727 787 880 05k
Syndrome disorders, many symptoms 020 727 787 880 10k
Syphills (see Treponema)(1)/+625 020 10k
Taste, morbid (Hyperosmia) Tabs Malt 020 10k
Taste, none (Anosmia) Tabs Vanilla 020 10k
Tetanus(1) 600 727 787 880
Thalamus, sensor relay center 020 05k
Throat inflammation (see esophagus) 727 787 800 880
Thrombosis, heart blood clot 020 800 05k
Thymus gland stimulant 020 727 787 880 05k
Tissue nutrition 727 787 880 05k
Tonsillitis, tonsil inflammation 020 727 787 880 05k
Toothache 727 787 800 05k
Trachoma, eye inflammation 727 787 880
Trauma, heart injury, shock 727 787 880 05k 10k
Trench Mouth(3) 727 787 880
Tuberculosis rod, virus(1)/ +1530 020 800
Thyphoid fever(1)/+690, 1570 020
Ulcers, all(3)/+776 727 787 880
Unconsciousness 020 800 05k
--------- PAGE 14 --------
Urethritis urethra inflamrnation/+660 727 787 880
Urticaria (see hives)/1800 727 787 880
Weak stomach,heartburn 727,787,880 020 05k
Yellow Fever 5k,880 020 05k
Warts (3) 787,2008,2127 787
Worms (parasites)/+100 (main)120,20 020 800 05k
---------- PROOFED AND CORRECTED --------------

Frequencies (4 min. each) Total Time
General Program: 20, 60, 95, 125, 225, 427, 440, 660. 32 min.
Cancer: 663, 727, 778, 787, *802,880,1050,
1550, 2008,2050, 2127. 44 min.
Candida Albicans: 20, 60, 95, 125, 225, 427, 727. 28 min.
Cystic Fibrosis: 660, 727, 778, 787, *802,880. 24 min.
Epstein Barr Virus: 428, 660, 727,778, 787. 20 min.
Parasites: 20, 60, 95, 125, 440. 20 min.
*802 Hz. should not be used if a healthy colon is involved, as it will
kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria.
Bio-Energetic Frequency Chart
(Please note that although most of the frequencies in this list
are derived from homeopathic nosodes [vaccines], allergens,
sarcodes [organ therapy preparations], or cell salts, some are
directly from the specified ailment or substance. However, this
distinction appears inconsequential since bio-energetic
frequencies should be effective in either case.)

Actinobacillus (a potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found
in mammals): 773
Actinomyces israelii (a bacterium normally found in the bowel
and throat that causes deep, pus-filled holes in tissue): 222,
262, 2154
Adnexitis (swelling of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes): 440,
441, 522, 572, 3343, 3833, 5312
Adenoma, cervical (epithelial tumor of the cervix that can be
either benign or malignant): 433
Adenovirus (a virus that causes infections in the lungs,
stomach, and intestines): 333, 523, 786
Aflatoxin (a liver-damaging toxin produced by certain food
molds): 344, 510, 943
Kaposi's sarcoma: 249, 418
Alternaria tenuis (a fungus associated with lung ailments):
Amoeba (a single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganism):
310, 333, 532, 732, 827, 1522
Amoeba hepar abcess (liver abcess caused by amoebic infection):
Anthracinum (homeopathic anthrax nosode): 633
Aremes tennus: 667
Arnica (a healing herb): 1042
Arsenic alb. (homeopathic cell salt): 562
Aspergillus flavus (mold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that
produces aflatoxin): 1823
Aspergillus glaucus (blue mold occurring in some human
infectious processes): 524
Aspergillus niger (common mold that may produce severe and
persistent infection): 374
Aspergillus terreus (mold occasionally associated with infection
of the bronchi and lungs): 743
Asthma: 1233, 1283
Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system):
Bacillus subtilis (homeopathic nosode from a bacterium that can
cause conjunctivitis: 432, 722, 822, 1246
Bacillinum (homeopathic nosode): 132, 423, 432, 785, 853, 854,
921, 1027, 1042, 1932
Bacterium lactis nosode (homeopathic): 512, 526, 798, 951, 5412
Bacterium coli (a type of E. coli normally found in the
intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most frequent
cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound
infection): 642
Bacterium coli commune (E. coli) combination: 282, 333, 413,
957, 1320, 1722
Bakers' yeast (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 775
Banti's syndrome (A serious ailment in which blood vessels
between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to
congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the
stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell
destruction.): 1778
Barley smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 377
Bermuda smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 971
Biliary cirrhosis (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow
through the liver is obstructed): 381, 514, 677, 2271
Bilirubin (a bile pigment that may result in jaundice in high
concentrations): 717, 726, 731, 863
Bladder TBC: 642, 771
Blastocystis hominus: 365, 595, 844, 848, 1201, 1243
Blue cohosh (a healing herb): 364
Borreliosis (Lyme disease, relapsing fever in humans and animals
caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks): 254, 345, 525, 605,
644, 673, 797, 884, 1455
Botrytis cinereas (a homeopathic preparation from a fungal
allergen): 1132
Botulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food
poisoning): 518, 533
Brain tumors:
astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system):
gliomas (largest group of brain cancers): 543, 641
Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis: 2013
Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation of the bronchi): 342
Bronchopneumonia borinum (a form of bronchial pneumonia): 452,
Brucella abortus (undulent fever or Bang's bacillus, found in
cattle): 1423
Brucella melitensis (form of Brucella found in goats and sheep):
Campylobacter (bacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in
newborns): 732, 1633, 1834, 2222
adenoma, cervical: 433
astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system):
bronchial: 462, 852, 1582
colon: 656
fibrosarcoma (develops rapidly from small bumps on the skin):
gliomas (largest group of brain cancers): 543, 641
Hodgkin's disease (a cancer of the lymphatic system that is
both chronic and progressive): 552, 1522
Kaposi's sarcoma: 249, 418
leukemia (starts with the bone marrow but eventually involves
all body organs):
feline (cat): 424, 830, 901, 918
"hairy cell" (typified by abnormal blood cells & shortage of
others): 122, 622, 932, 5122 (could be 1522)
lymphatic: 478, 833
mycloid (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed
white blood cells): 422, 822
T-cell: 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734
mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema): 852
plasmacytoma (plasma-cell tumor): 475
liver, fermentative: 214
uterine, fermentative: 127
Candida (a genus of yeastlike fungi normal to the human body but
capable of harmful overgrowth): 866
tropicalis: 1403
Canine parvovirus: 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
mutant strain: 323, 514
type B: 323, 535, 613, 755
Carbo animalis (homeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoal):
Carcinoma (any cancerous tumor starting with cells covering body
and organ surfaces that then invade both local and distant areas)
bronchial: 462, 852, 1582
colon: 656
liver, fermentative: 214
uterine, fermentative: 127
Carvularia spirafera: 879
brunescent (brown opacity in later life): 2010, 1335, 1830
complicated (secondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or
surgery): 496
Causticum (a homeopathic remedy): 540, 1013
Celia carroll: 576, 973
Cephaloshorium (fungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum
antibiotics): 481, 3966
Cerumen (ear wax): 311, 320, 750, 984
Cervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix): 433
Chaetomiumglobosum: 221, 867
methotrexate: 584
green dye: 563, 2333
Chicken pox: 787, 3343
Chlamydia (a sexually-transmitted bacterial infection): 430,
620, 624, 840, 2213
Cholera (an extremely contagious and serious bacterial infection
of the small intestines): 330, 843, 844, 1035
acute (excruciating gallstone attack): 481, 743, 865, 928
chronic (long-term inflammation of the gallbladder): 432
Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear &
mastoid region): 453, 618, 793
Cimicifuga (plant family including black snakeroot and black
cohosh): 594
Cirrhosis, biliary (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow
through the liver is obstructed): 381, 514, 677, 2271
Cladosporium fulvum (a pathogenic fungus): 438
Coelicia: 154, 594, 656
Condylomata (venereal warts caused by infectious papilloma
virus): 466
Corn smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 546, 1642
Coxsackie virus (produces disease resembling non-paralytic
polio): 136, 144, 232, 380, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923
type B1: 834
type B2: 705, 534
type B4: 421
type B5: 462, 1043, 1083
type B6: 736, 814
CMV (cytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human
herpes type 5): 126, 597, 1045, 2145
Crinis humansis: 646
Critter 1: 1033
Critter 2: 421, 1035, 1111
Crocus sotillus: 710
Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa infrequently causing
diarrhea in humans): 482, 575, 4122
Cyst, ovarian:982
Cystic fibrosis (Also called mucoviscidosis, this is an
inherited disorder of the exocrine glands that causes them to
release very thick mucus): 523
Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary bladder
and ureters): 246
Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to kidney): 1385
Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions): 243
Dental: 635, 640, 1036, 1043, 1094
Diphtherinum (homeopathic nosode for diphtheria): 624
Distemper: 242, 254, 312, 442, 551, 573, 624, 671, 712, 940,
1269, 1950
Diverticulosis (characterized by tiny hernias of intestinal
tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colon): 154,
Droglioma (a brain tumor): 853
E. coli (Escherichia coli; a major cause of infections in wounds
and the urinary tract): 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722
Ear wax: 311, 320, 750, 984
Echinococcinum (homeopathic remedy for tapeworms found in dogs,
wolves, cats, & rodents that can infect man): 164, 453, 542, 623
Echo virus (causes a type of meningitis): 620
Encephalitis (inflammation of the tissues of the brain and
spinal cord): 841
Endometriosis, chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the
uterus that may cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine
bleeding): 246
Entamoeba histolytica (highly damaging protozoa causing
dysentary and liver infection): 148, 166, 308
Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver): 552, 932, 953
Enterobiasis (intestinal worms frequently found in children):
773, 827, 835, 4152
Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep-family organisms
found in the digestive and urinary tracts): 686
Epicoccum: 734
Epidermophyton floccinum (homeopathic remedy for fungus that
attacks skin & nails, includes athlete's foot): 644, 766
Epstein-Barr virus (the herpes virus causing mononucleosis):
105, 172, 253, 660, 663, 669, 744, 825, 1032, 1920
Erysipelas (a human bacterial infection manifesting in the skin
and possibly related to the swine form of the disease): 616, 845
Escherichia coli (E. coli; a major cause of infections in wounds
and the urinary tract): 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke of herbivorous animals
occasionally found in humans): 143, 275
Febris wolhynia (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that
is debilitating and conducive to relapse): 547
Feline (cat) leukemia: 424, 830, 901, 918
Fell: 435
Felis: 430, 834, 2232, 3233
Fel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile): 672
Fibrosarcoma (malignancy containing connective tissue and
developing rapidly from small bumps on the skin): 1744
Fibroadenoma mamanae (non-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the
breasts): 1384
Filariose: (thread-like worms that invade body tissues and
cavities): 112, 120
Fischpyrogen: 832
Fistula Dentalis: 550, 727, 844, 1122
FIV: 262, 323, 372, 404, 567, 712, 742, 760, 773, 916, 1103,
1132, 3701
'78: 844
'79: 123
'83: 730, 734
'89: 216, 322
'93: 254, 522, 615, 850
triple nosode: 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122
virus "A": 332
virus "A, Port Chalmers": 332
virus "B": 530, 532, 536, 537
virus "B, Hong Kong": 555
virus "British": 932
"Spanish": 462
"swine": 413, 432, 663, 839, 995
Flukeworm (parasitic flatworms, including tapeworms, that invade
many body areas): 524, 854
Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt): 110, 420, 423, 424, 502, 2222
Follicular mange (contagious dermatitis found in many animals
that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is
at the hair follicles): 253, 693
Foot & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young
children): 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411
Fungus flora: 632
Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea
of the eye): 102, 705
Gallbladder inflammation (chronic): 432
Gallstone attack: 481, 743, 865, 928
Ganglionitis, acute posterior (commonly known as shingles or
herpes zoster): 574, 1557
Gardnerella (bacteria that often infect and inflame the vaginal
mucosa): 320, 782
Geotrichum candidum (fungus found in feces and dairy products
whose manifestations resemble those of candida): 412, 543
German measles (rubella or 3-day measles): 510, 517
Giardia (an intestinal parasite, also known as lamblia, spread
by contaminated food and water and by human-to-human contact):
Gliocladium (brain fungus): 855
Gliomas (largest group of brain cancers): 543, 641
Grippe (influenza): 343, 500, 512, 541, 862, 1000, 1192, 3012,
3423, 10223
'86 tri: 532
'87: 332, 953
'88: 2050
'89: 353
'90: 656
Haemophilia (hereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood
does not readily clot): 845
Haemophilus influenzae: 542
type B: 652, 942
Hair, human: 646
Hand, foot, & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in
young children): 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411
Heartworm: 543, 2322
Helminthosporium (the reproductive element of parasitic worms):
793, 969
Hemobartinella felis: 603, 957
Hemorrhoid: 447
Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver): 224, 317, 1351
type A: 321, 3220
type B: 433
new numbers: 477, 922
type C (also known as "non-A, non-B"): 166
simplex (primarily non-genital): 322, 343, 476, 822, 843, 1043,
1614, 2062
simplex II (primarily genital): 556, 832
simplex IU.2: 808
type 2A: 532
type C: 395, 424, 460, 533, 554, 701, 745, 2450
type 5: 126, 597, 1045, 2145
zoster (shingles): 574, 1557
Hirudo medicinalis (a homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech
used for therapeutic purposes): 128
HIV: 683, 714, 3554
Hodgkin's disease (a form of malignancy characterized by
enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and
often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia):
552, 1522
Hormodendrum (a genus of fungi that includes human pathogens):
Household insect mix: 723
Icterus, haemolytic (a chronic form of jaundice involving
anemia): 243
Influencinum Berlin '55: 430, 720, 733
InfluencinumVesic: 203, 292, 612, 975
InfluencinumVesic NW: 364, 519, 590
InfluencinumVesic SW: 433
Influenzum, Bach poly flu (homeopathic): 122, 350, 487, 634, 823
Influenzum toxicum (homeopathic): 854
triple nosode: 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122
virus "A": 332
virus "A, Port Chalmers": 332
virus "B": 530, 532, 536, 537
virus "B, Hong Kong": 555
virus "British": 932
"Spanish": 462
"swine": 413, 432, 663, 839, 995
Intestinal inflammation: 105, 791
JGE: 322, 1000
Kaposi's sarcoma: 249, 418
Kidney papilloma (small, supposedly-benign growth on a kidney):
110, 767, 917
Kieferosteitis (a type of bone inflammation marked by
enlargement and pain): 432, 516
Klebsiella pneumoniae (the bacterium causing acute, bacterial
pneumonia): 412, 766
Lac Deflorat: 230, 371
Lamblia (an intestinal parasite, also known as Giardia, spread
by contaminated food and water and by human-to-human contact):
Lateral sclerose (degeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic
paraplegia): 254
Legionella ( homeopathic remedy for Legionnaires' disease, a
gram-negative bacteria associated with condensed or treated
water that migrate to lung tissue and stimulate severe
respiratory manifestations): 723
Leishman Donovan bodies (a type of pathogenic, human parasite
found worldwide): 525
Leptospirosis P. C. (a disease that is spread to humans through
animal urine or things contaminated by it and that can cause
meningitis, jaundice, anemia, miscarriage, and death): 612
Leukoencephalitis (a serious, progressive brain disease): 324,
572, 932, 1035, 1079, 1111, 1160, 1333, 1630
Leukemia (cancer involving the blood-forming tissues in bone
feline (cat): 424, 830, 901, 918
"hairy cell" (characterized by abnormal blood cells & shortage
of others): 122, 622, 932, 5122
lymphatic: 478, 833
mycloid: 422, 822
T-cell: 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734
Leukoencephalitis (inflammation of brain's white matter, usually
in infants and children, but also found in horses as a result of
forage poisoning): 324, 572, 932, 1035, 1079, 1111, 1160, 1333,
Leukose (proliferation of tissues that form white blood cells;
considered to be foundational stage of leukemia): 612, 633, 653,
3722, 41224
Lipoma (benign, soft tumor of fatty tissue): 47
Listeriose (a serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis,
and endocarditis in humans; known as "circling disease in
ruminants and causes liver necrosis in animals with single
stomachs): 471, 774, 2162
Living sinus bacteria: 548
Luesinum/Syphilinum (a homeopathic remedy for syphilis): 177
Lupus (localized degeneration of skin by various diseases;
vulgaris is a common form of this ailment that is actually a
rare form of tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and
destruction of the skin and cartilage of the face) 205, 243,
244, 352, 386, 633, 921, 942, 993, 1333, 1464
Lyme disease (also known as borreliosis; relapsing fever in
humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks):
254, 345, 525, 605, 644, 673, 797, 884, 1455
Lymphangitis (lymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses
most commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast
fungus, and cancer): 574, 1120
Lymphogranuloma (Hodgkin's disease; a form of malignant
lymphoma): 552, 1522
Lyssinum (a homeopathic nosode for rabies): 547, 793
Malaria (an infectious disease, originating in tropical areas,
that is transmitted by a mosquito bite and characterized by
fever, anemia, and spleen enlargement): 222, 550, 713, 930,
1032, 1433
Mallei: 1273
Mamma fibromatosis (formation of fibroid tumors of the breasts):
Mannan: 961
Mange, follicular (contagious dermatitis found in many animals
that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is
at the hair follicles): 253, 693
Marsh elder: 474
Mastitis (an inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial
infection): 654
Mastoiditis (inflammation of the bony structure of the head in
the region of the ears below the eyes): 287
rubella (German or 3-day measles): 431, 510
rubella vaccine: 459
rubeola (9-day measles): 342, 467, 520, 1489
rubeola vaccine: 962
Medorrhinum (homeopathic nosode for urethral discharge): 230,
442, 554, 843, 854, 1700, 1880, 2222
Melanoma metastasis: 979
Meningococcus virus (a virus infecting the membranes that
envelop the brain and spinal cord): 720
(a benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that
envelop the brain and spinal cord): 535
(inflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and
spinal cord): 322, 733, 822, 1044, 1422
(homeopathic nosode for meningitis): 130, 517, 676, 677
audouinii (a fungus commonly causing ringworm of the scalp):
422, 831, 1222
canis (a fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and children):
Mold: 222, 242, 523, 565, 592, 623, 745, 933, 1130, 1155, 1333,
1833, 4442
A&C: 331, 732, 923, 982
mix A: 594
mix B: 158, 512, 623, 774, 1016, 1463
mix C: 391, 1627
vac II: 185, 257
Monilia (the former name for Candida): 866, 886
Monotospora languinosa (homeopathic remedy for fungal allergen):
Morbus Parkinson (Parkinson's disease; A slowly progressive,
degenerative, neurologic disorder): 813
Morgan (bact): 778
Mucocutan Perniciosis: 833
Mucoviscidosis (Also called cystic fibrosis, this is an
inherited disorder of the exocrine glands that causes them to
release very thick mucus): 523
Mucor (a genus of fungi)
mucedo (causes rot in fruit and baked goods & sometimes found
on feet and skin): 612, 1000
plumbeus: 361
racemosis simus (grows on decaying vegetation and bread and
causes ear infection): 310, 474
Mucormycosis (also called zygomycosis; a serious, fungal
infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
or immunosuppressive drugs): 942
Mumps (acute viral inflammation of the saliva glands): 152, 190,
235, 242, 516, 642, 674, 922, 1243, 1660, 2630, 3142
Mumps vaccine: 273, 551, 711, 730, 1419
Muscular dystrophy (inherited disorders characterized by
weakness and progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no
concommitant wasting of nerve tissue): 153
Mycloid leukemia (characterized by rapid growth of
incompletely-formed white blood cells): 422, 822
Mycogone spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation based on
fungus): 371, 446, 1123
Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema):
532, 662, 678, 852, 1444
Myocard-Nekrose (homeopathic remedy from heart cells that died
as a result of inadequate blood flow to them): 706, 789
Myoma (a benign tumor on the uterus): 253, 420, 453, 832
Myositis (involves progressive muscle weakness): 120, 122, 125,
129, 1124, 1169
Mycoplasma pneumonia (a contagious, bacterial pneumonia of
children and young adults): 688
mykose (a disaccharide from which glucose can be hydrolized):
462, 654
trichophytie (from a fungus): 133, 381, 812, 2422
Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage): 542, 1436
Nasturtium (a healing herb): 143
Nematodes (roundworms): 771
Nephritis (kidney inflammation): 264
Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nervous system): 833
Neurospora sitophila (homeopathic allergenic preparation): 705
Nigrospora spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation): 302
Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an
infectious pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the
lungs): 237
Oligodena: 853
Ornithosis (or Psittacosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious
pneumonia transmitted by certain birds): 331, 583, 1217
Osteitis (bone inflammation): 770
Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to
low-grade infection): 79, 330
Osteosinusitis max.: 243
Otitis Medinum (a homeopathic remedy for otitis media, middle
ear swelling and/or infection): 316
Ovarian cyst: 982
Ovum: 752
Ox bile (the homeopathic remedy derived from it): 672
Papilloma virus (causes benign tumors having a branch or stalk):
Paraceli: 232
Paradontose: 424, 1552
Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative,
neurologic disorder): 813
Parrot Fever (or Ornithosis or Psittacosis; an infectious
pneumonia transmitted by certain birds): 331, 583, 1217
Parvovirus, canine: 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
mutant strain: 323, 514
type B: 323, 535, 613, 755
Pasteurella combination (homeopathic nosode for bacterial
diseases spread by animal bites): 913
Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by
blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranes) : 694,
chyrosogenium: 344, 868, 1070, 2411
notatum: 321, 555, 629, 825, 942
rubrum: 332, 766, 1015
Pennyroyal (an herb): 772
Penqueculum: 746, 755, 1375, 6965
Pepto streptococcus: 201
Perniosis (a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged
exposure to cold and characterized by skin lesions on the lower
legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and face): 232, 622, 822, 4211
Pertussis (whooping cough): 526, 765
Phoma Destructiva (homeopathic): 163
Plague (Yersenia pestis; spread primarily by rats): 333
Plasmacytoma (a tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone
marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow,
as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth,
and throat): 475
Pneumococcus (the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia): 683
mixed flora: 158, 174, 645, 801
Pneumocystis (A fungally-induced pneumonia usually developing in
the immuno-suppressed presence of AIDS): 204, 340, 742
Klebsiella pneumoniae (the bacterium causing acute, bacterial
pneumonia): 412, 766
mycoplasma: 688
Polio (or poliomyelitis): 742, 1500, 2632
Polyp, uterine: 689
Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and
skin): 698
Prostate Adenominum (homeopathic remedy for prostate tumor):
442, 1875
Protozoa: 432, 753
Pseudomonas (bacteria often found in wounds, burns, and
infections of the urinary tract that are not controlled by
antibiotics): 174, 482, 5311
Psittacosis (or Ornithosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious
pneumonia transmitted by certain birds): 583, 1217
Psorinum (homeopathic nosode for psoriasis): 786
Pullularia pullulans (a homeopathic allergenic remedy): 1364
Pyelitis/proteus (bacteria commonly found in hospital-borne
conditions): 594
Pyocyaneus (homeopathic nosode for Pseudomonas pyocyanea): 437
Pyodermia (or Pyoderma Gangrenosum; a rare skin disorder of
unknown cause. Small pustules develop into large ulcers at
various sites on the body.): 123
Pyrogenium (homeopathic remedy for pus)
(62): 429, 594, 622
mayo: 1625
Q Fever (an infectious disease caused by contact with animals
with the parasitic Rickettsia bacteria, Coxiella burnetii whose
symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats): 1357
Rabies (or hydrophobia): 547, 793
Reproductive: 622
Rhesus gravidatum: 684
Rheuma: 952
Rheumaticus: 333, 376
Rhinopneumonitis: 185, 367, 820
Rhizopus nigricans: 132
Rhodo Torula: 833
Rhodococcus: 124, 835
Rickettsia (bacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas,
ticks, and mites): 129, 632, 943, 1062
Rocky Mountain spotted fever: 375, 862, 943
Round worms: 240, 650, 688
Rubella (German or 3-day measles): 431, 510
Rubella vaccine: 459
Rubeola (9-day measles): 342, 467, 520, 1489
Rubeola vaccine: 962
Salivary gland virus (human herpes type 5): 126, 597, 1045, 2145
Salmonella: 1522
type B: 546, 1634
paratyphi B: 59, 92, 643, 707, 717, 972, 7771
typhi: 420
Sanguis menst: 591
Sarcoma, Kaposi's: 249, 418
haematobium: 847, 867
mansoni: 329
Schuman B-cell: 322, 425, 428, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781,
950, 952, 1023, 1524
Sclerosis, lateral (degeneration of spinal cord resulting in
spastic paraplegia): 254
Semperillium: 1140
Serum Schweinepest: 503
Shingles (Herpes zoster): 574, 1557
Sinusitis: 456
frontalis: 952
Smallpox (an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever,
prostration, and a rash of small blisters): 142, 476, 511, 876,
1644, 2132, 2544
Smegma: 180
Solitary cyst: 75, 543
Sorghum smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 294
Sporobolomyces: 753
Sporotrichum pruinosum: 755
Staphylococcus: 453, 550, 1109
aureus: 424, 727, 786, 943, 1050
coagulae positive: 643
Stemphylium: 461
haemolytic: 134, 535, 542, 1415, 1522, 1902
viridans: 425, 433, 445, 1010, 1060
virus: 563, 611, 727
Streptomyces griseolus: 887
Strongyloides (genus of roundworms): 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212
cystica: 5311
nodosa: 105, 122, 321, 517, 532, 651
parenchyme: 121
Sudor pedis: 148
Swine flu: 413, 432, 663, 839, 995
Syphilinum/Luesinum ( a homeopathic remedy for syphilis): 177
T-cell leukemia: 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734
Taenia: 187
Tape worms: 522, 562, 843, 1223, 3032, 5522
Tetanus: 352, 554, 1142
Tetanus anti-toxin: 363, 458
Tetragenus: 393, 2712
Thermi bacteria: 233, 441
Thread worms: 422, 423, 732, 4412
Tobacco mosaic (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 233,
274, 543, 782, 1052
nos: 1656
pfropfe: 246
Tonsillitis: 144, 452
Torulopsosis (a common yeast causing disease for those in
weakened condition or with suppressed immune function): 354,
522, 872, 2121
Toxoplasmosis (a serious, infectious disease that can be either
acquired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by
handling contaminated cat litter): 434, 852
Trichinosis (the very serious parasitism resulting from eating
pork or bear meat): 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372
Trichodermia: 711
Trichomonas (a microorganism causing vaginal irritation with
discharge and itching): 610, 692, 980
Trichophytie: 132, 812, 2422, 9493
mentagrophytes: 311
rubrum: 752, 923
tonsuraus: 765
Trypanosoma gambiense: 255, 316
Tuberculinum: 522, 1085, 1099, 1700
aviare: 303, 332, 342, 532, 3113
bovine: 523, 3353
Klebs': 221, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516
Tularemia (a serious infectious disease also called deerfly
fever or rabbit fever): 324, 427, 823
Tumor, brain: 543, 641, 857
Ulcer, ventric: 232, 1000
Urea-plasma: 756
Uremia (also known as uremic poisoning; excessive amounts of
nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidneyl
failure): 911
Uterine polyp: 689
Vaccininum (a homeopathic nosode): 476
Varicella (the herpes virus that causes chickenpox during
childhood and shingles [herpes zoster] in adulthood): 345, 668,
716, 738
Variola (also known as smallpox, an extremely contagious viral
disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small
blisters): 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544
Variolinum (homeopathic smallpox nosode): 542, 569, 832, 3222
Verruca (a rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused
skin wart): 644, 767, 953
Werlhof: 690
Wolhynia fever (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that
is debilitating and conducive to relapse): 547
Yeast, "ultimate": 72, 254, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 1134, 1153, 2222
Yellow fever (a severe, viral infection causing damage to the
liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tract): 142,
178, 232, 432, 734, 1187
Yersenia pestis (also called Pasteurella pestis: causes plague;
spread primarily by rats): 333
Zygomycosis (also called mucormycosis; a serious fungal
infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
or immunosuppressive drugs): 942


CORNS, FEET 10K CUTS (+ to heal) 5K DEAFNESS 800,10K
EPIDIDYMITIS 1500 EUSTACHIAN TUBE 800 EYE, Arteriosclerosis 10K
LACK of conductivity 10K LASSITUDE, weak MALARIA
MEMORY 10K MENTAL irritability 10K MIGRi&NE 5K
SWELLING, legs, feet 10K SMELL, none(Anosmia) 10K SPASM, muscle 10K
TUBERCULOSIS 800,1550 TYPHOID 690, 1570 THYMUS stimulant 5K
TASTE, none(Anesmia) 10K TASTE, morbid (Hyoerosmia) 10K TETANUS to 400
THALAMUS 5K THROMBOSIS, heart clot 800,5K
20 to 400: TETANUS
60 TO 125: WOWS


------ PAGE 1 -----


622: GONORRHEA, 660
£j2° SYPHILIS 20, 120, 650, 659 ("60010 700")
650: SYPHILIS 20,120,625,659
~ SYPHILIS 20, 120, 625,650
690: TYPHOID VIRUS 20, 1570, 1865
727: (* 'To save space, this means to add 740, 787 & 880 to H~ rates listed)
ACNE * A.I.D.S. *2489,5K ADENOIDS *
CHICKEN POX *20 CORYZA , Nose * CYSTITIS, Bladder *800


PINWORMS 20, 120 SPONDYLITIS 880, 1560 SMELL, morbid 10K
-SPONGY GUMS 10K SKIN, Hemorrhages 5K TOOTHACHE *727
------ PAGE 2 -----
HEMORRHOIDS 20, 800 INFECTIONS 20, 728,787 TONSYLITIS 800, 1560
1550; HERPES ZOSTER (Shingles), HERPES, Water blisters
1560: SPONDYLI~S 800, 880
15Th TYPHOID 20, 690, 1865
HIVES 1865:
ERYSIPELAS, Skin inflammation 600
2489: A.I.D.S., 727, 787,880, 5K (ALSO TRY METHOD FOR SYPHILIS) SEE PAGE
912 IN P.R.M.

CRICK IN NECK CUTS(To heal) 20 Cleans blood plasma
------ PAGE 3 -----

DIGESTf6N Distended stornach, 800 EARS, hard to hear 20
EYE, bifocal, blurred, catarract, crossed, near/far sighted, infected, lacrimal, sty 10K
HEART DISORDERS: myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, stenosis, angina pectoris,
cardiac hypertrophy, bradycardia, tachycardia. IIIP PAIN
SCURVY, OUT SKIN, hemorrhages 800 SOLAR PLEXUS 20
EYES, colorblind, arteriosclerosis 20, crossed, degeneration, diplopia, near/far sighted
infected 5K, nerve pain, lacrimal 5K, droop of eye lid 5K, sty 5K, ptosis 5K.

------ PAGE 4 -----

---------- PROOFED AND CORRECTED --------------
BRAIN 20 to 2K
EARS 20 to 880
NOSE 20 to 880
LARYNX 20 to 880
HEART 20 to 162
PULSE-MEN 70 to 72
PULSE-WOMEN 78 to 82
ADRENAL (Near Kidneys) 10
SPLEEN (Left side under arm) 20
COLON 20 to 880
APPENDIX 10 to 880
OVARIES 1 to 880
TESTES 1 to 880
LYMPH GLANDS 10 to 880
KIDNEYS 8 to 880
THYROID 20 to 160
TONSILS 20 to 880
MUSCLES 20 to 240
WORMS 60 to 125
BLOOD (Over heart area) 20 to 2.2K
PNEUMONIA 770 to 780
SAROMA VIRUS 2K to 2.1K (2008)
CARCINOMA VIRUS 2120 to 2130 (2127)
------- PROOFED AND CORRECTED ----------
If you notice that some numbers are a negative that means that you
should use a negative offset squarewave..
* The frequencies listed in parenthesis are still being researched.

Acne, Pimples 880, 787, 727
Acquired immune deficiency 5000, 2489, 880, 787, 727
Abdominal pain 10000, 5000
Adenoids 880, 787, 727
Adrenals (under basic research) (*24000 )
Alcoholism 10000
Alopecia, hair loss 10000
Allergies 5000
Amenorrhea, no menstruation 10000
Anemia 5000
Aneurism, large blood vessels 20
Antiseptic 880, 787, 727
Anus, itching 10000, 20
Appendicitis 880, 787, 727
Appetite (to increase) 10000
Arteries, hardening 5000, 20
Arthritis 10000
Asthma 880, 787, 727
Ataxia of muscles 5000
Aura builder 20
Autointoxication 10000
AIDS (*3475, 3375, 3275, 3175)
Backache 10000
Bacteria (*690)
Bad breath 5000, 20
Bad complexion 5000
Bad teeth 10000, 20
Bed wetting 5000
Bent back 10000
Biliousness 10000
Biting insects 880, 727
Bladder 880, 800, 787, 727
Blood diseases 880, 787, 727
Blood, plasma cleaner 800
Blood pressure, high 10000
Blood pressure, low 20
Boils 880, 787, 727
Boils, open 20
Boils, pus 5000
Bones, cut/broken 10000
Breast troubles 5000
Breast tumor 2127, 2008
Breathing 5000
Bronchitis 880, 727
Bronchopneumonia 880, 776, 727
Bright's disease, nephritis 880, 787, 727
Bruises 10000
Burns 10000
Burns (radium, x-ray, radioactive) 880, 787, 727
Bursitus 880, 787, 727
Cancer carcinoma, int/ext 2127, 2120, 7130
Cancer leukemia 2127
Cancer sarcoma 2008, 2000
Candida albicans 787, 465
Carbuncles (SEE Boils)
Cardiac depressant 10000
Cataract, not diabetic 10000
Catarrh (mucous) 787, 727
Catarrh, with inflammation 880, 20
Cerebral palsy 10000
Cerebro-spinal troubles 10000
Cervical land (lumps on side of neck) 5000
Cervicitis, womb 787, 727
Cervicitis, neck inflammation 880, 20
Chicken pox 880, 787, 727, 20
Chilblains 5000, 20
Cold feet/hands 5000, 20
Colds, coughing 10000, 727
Colds, head/chest 5000, 880, 787, 727
Colic, stomach and colon pain 800
Colitis, mucous catarrh of colon 10000, 800
Conjunctivitis 880, 727
Constipation 800
Contraction, arrests discharges 10000
Convulsions 10000
Corns, in feet 10000, 20
Coryza, nose disorder 880, 787, 727
Costalgia rib pain 10000
Cuts 5000, 20
Cystitis bladder inflammation 880, 800, 787, 727
Dandruff scales 5000
Deafness 10000, 5000, 800, 20
Diabetes 10000
Diarrhea, dysentary 5000
Digestion 5000
Diphtheria 880, 787, 727, 20
Distended organs 10000
Distended stomach 5000, 800
Dreams 10000, 20
Dropsy 10000
Drug addiction 20
Dullness, listlessness 5000
Dysmenorrhea, (painful menses) 880, 800, 787, 727
Dyspepsia, indigestion 800
Earache 5000
Ears, balance 10000, 20
Ears, discharges 10000
Ears, dizziness 880, 20
Ears, ringing 5000, 20
Easily depressed 10000
Easily fatigued 5000
Eczema, skin trouble (not herpes) 5000
Edema (Lung swelling, excess fluids) 880, 787, 727
Enlarged glands 10000
Epididymitis (infammation uppertestes) 1500, 20
Erysipelas (skin inflammation) 2000, 600
Esophagus 880, 787, 727
Eustachian tube (from nose to ear) 800, 20
Eye arteriosclerosis 10000, 20
Eye, bi-focal 5000, 20
Eye, blurred 5000, 20
Eye, degeneration 10000
Eye, glaucoma 1600
Eye, infected 10000, 5000
Eye, lacrimal 5000
Eye, near- or farsighted 10000, 5000
Eye, nerve pain 10000
Eye, ptosis (drooping lid) 10000, 5000
Eye, swollen lid 787
Facial cramps 10000
Facial paralysis 10000, 5000
Fainting 5000, 20
Falling hair 10000, 20
Fascia (fibrous tissue under the skin) 5000, 20
Fears 10000
Female disorder 880, 787, 727
Feaver, all kinds 5000, 20
Fistula, ulcer 880, 787, 727
Flashes, hot 10000
Flatulence (SEE Gastritis)
Flu, Grippe, influenza 880, 800, 787, 727
Food poisoning 10000
Foot, blisters 10000
Fractures (SEE Bones, cut/broken)
Frigidity, female 10000, 20
Frost bite 5000
Frozen shoulder 10000
Gall bladder 5000, 20
Gall stones 20
Gangrene, tissue 880, 787, 727, 20
Gastritis, gas pains in stomach 5000, 20
Giddiness, dizziness 10000, 20
Glandular fever, adrenals (*24000), 10000, 20
" " , parathyroid 10000, 20
" , pineal 10000, 20
" , pituitary 10000, 20
" , sex 10000, 20
" , thymus 10000, 20
" , thyroid (*16000), 10000, 20
Goiter (*16000), 5000, 20
Gonad, sex gland inflammation 880, 787, 727
Gonorrhea 660, 600
Gout 10000, 20
Gravel (deposits in urine, red or white) 5000
Gums, inflammation 5000, 800, 20
Hair, loss of 10000
Hallucinations 5000, 20
Hangover 10000
Hay fever 5000
Headaches 10000, 20
Angina pectoris 5000
Bradycardia 5000
Endocarditis 5000
Hypertrophy 5000
Myocarditis 5000
Palpitations 5000
Pericarditis 5000
Stenosis 5000
Tachycardia 5000
Hemorrhoids 880, 800, 20
Hemorrhage 10000, 800
Hepatitis, liver inflammation (*2189), 880, 787, 727
Hernia 5000
Herniated disc 10000
Herpes simplex I 1550
Herpes simplex II (*1900)
Herpes zoster (*1900), 1550
Hiccoughs 10000, 20
Hives, uticaria 1800
Hoarseness 880, 787, 727
Hyperacidity 10000, 20
Hydrocele 10000
Hypertension 10000, 20
Hypochondrium, upper abdomen 10000, 20
Hypotension 10000, 20
Hypoxia, low oxygen 10000
Hysterical symptoms 5000, 20
Ileocolitis colon inflammation 800
Impotence 10000
Indigestion 5000
Infantile paralysis 1500
Infections 880, 787, 727, 20
Injection allergies 10000
Injuries 5000
Insomnia 10
Insufficient lactation 5000
Intercostal neuralgia 10000, 800
Intestinal spasms 5000
Intestines 800
Intestines, inflammation 800, 787, 727
Intoxication 10000
Irritability 5000
Itching, anus, feet, toes 5000
Jaundice 5000
Joints, inflamed 10000
Kidney 10000, 800, 20
Lack of conductivity 10000, 20
Lassitude, weak, exhausted 20
Laxative, mild 800
Legs, if fever 10000
Leprosy 10000, 600
Leucocyte builder 5000
Leukemia (SEE cancer)
Leukorrhea (white Vaginal discharge) 880, 787, 727
Liver, enlargement (* 2489), 880, 787, 727
Locomotor (ataxia, muscle failure) 10000
Lumbago 10000
Lumbar vertebrae deformed 10000
Lungs, breathing 880, 787, 727
Lupus vugaris (* 2489), 10000, 800
Lymphatic depressant 5000
Lymph gland, (plugged overloaded) 10000
Malaria, (Chicken pox, German Measles,
Measles, mumps, Scarlet fever, Small pox,
Whooping cough, etc.) 20
Memory 10000, 20
Meniere's Syndrome 10000, 5000, 800, 20
Meningitis 5000, 20
Mental irritability 10000, 20
Metals, (removal from cell) (*30000)
Migraine 5000, 20
Moth patches 1800, 800, 20
Motion sickness 10000, 20
Mouth eruptions 10000
Mucous, mucus 800
Multiple sclerosis 5000
Muscle repair 5000
Muscles, hear, arm 5000
Muscular dystrophy 5000
Nausea 5000
Neuralgia 5000
Neurasthenia, fatigued 5000
Neuritis, nerve inflammation 10000
Neurosis 10000
Nicotine poison 10000
Nipples, sore 5000
Nocturnal emission 5000
Nose disorders 880, 787, 727
Numbness, arms, fingers 5000, 20
Obesity 10000
Obsessive fears 10000
Occipital neuralgia 5000
Operations (after surgery) 880, 787, 727, 20
Orchitis, testes inflammation 800
Osteoarthritis, joint trouble 1500
Osteomyelitis 5000
Ovaries 880, 787, 727
Pain, abdominal 10000, 5000
Pain, acute 10000
Pain, back 10000
Pain, bunion 5000, 20
Pain, elbow 5000, 230
Pain, hip 5000
Pain, knee 10000, 20
Pain, paralysis 880, 787, 727
Pancreas disorders 880, 787, 727
Pelvic disorders (Male/Fema1e) 1500, 660, 20
Pericarditis 5000
Peritonitis 880, 787, 727
Pharyngitis 880, 787, 727
Piles (SEE Hemorrhoids)
Pin worms, any worm or parasites 800, 120, 20
Pleurisy 5000, 20
Pneumonia 5000, 20
Poliomyelitis 1500
Polyps, growths 2127
Poor appetite 10000
Poor circulation 10000, 20
Prostate gland 5000
Psoriasis (skin trouble, red patches) 5000, (*2489), 20
Ptosis (eyelid droop) 10000, 5000
Pyorrhea, trench mouth 20
Parlomspm's disease 38000, 16000
Rabies 120, 20
Raynaud's disease, gangrene 880, 787, 727, 20
Rhinitis 120, 20
Rheumatism 10000
Rheumatoid arthritis 10000
Rickets 5000
Ring worm 120, 20
Scarlet fever 20
Sciatica, nerve inflammation 10000, 120, 20
Semi-paralysis 5000, 20
Sexual weakness (Male/Female) 10000, 20
Shingles, (SEE Herpes zoster)
Sinus disorders 120, 20
Skin hemorrhages 5000, 800
Skin trouble, (not psoriasis) 1500, 20
Sleeping sickness 120, 20
Smell, none (anosmia) 10000, 800, 20
Solar plexus pain 5000, 20
Sore throat 880, 787, 727
Spasms, muscle 10000, 20
Spleen enlargement 20
Spondylitis 1550, 880, 800
Spongy gums 10000, 800
Sprains, twisted ligaments 5000, 20
Stammering 10000, 20
Stiff shoulder 10000, 20
Stimulate ovarian elimination 5000, 20
Staphycoccus infections 727
Stomach cramps 10000, 20
Stones 10000
Stroke (Cerebral Vasculas Accident) 10000, 20
Streptococcus infections 880
Streptothrix 787
Sun stroke 10000, 20
Suprarenal stimulant 5000, 20
Surgery (SEE operations)
Swelling, legs and feet 10000, 20
Swelling, stomach 5000, 800, 20
Syndrome disorders 10000, 20
Syphilis (*660), 626, 20
Taste, none 10000, 20
Thalmus, (sensory relay center) 5000, 20
Thrombosis 5000, 800, 20
Thrush 880, 787, 727
Thymus gland stimulant 5000, 20
Thyroid stimulant (*16000)
Tissue nutrition 5000
Tonsil inflammation (Tonsilitis) 880, 787, 727, 20
Toothache 880, 787, 727
Trachoma, eye inflammation 880, 787, 727
Trauma, heart injury, shock 10000
Tuberculosis 1550, 800, 20
Tumors, any kind 2127
Tyhoid fever 1570, (*770), 690, 20
Ulcers: (chankeroid, dental, diabetic,
duodenal, gastric, gouty, peptic, etc.) 880, 787, 776, 727
Unconscious 20
Urethra inflammation 787, 727, 660
Urethritis 880
Urticaria (see Hives)
Weak stomach 10000, 20
Whiplash 10000, 20
Worms parasites 800, 120, 20
Yellow fever 10000, 20
turf's Frequency Lists
Here're a few freq sets. Sorry they are so long - I take every
relevent freq I can find for the condition and run it, so they
are generally applicable to a broad spectrum of potential
pathogens. I would like to be able to identify the "best"
freqs. This may not be possible without correct diagnosis
(culture, e.g.), so maybe this is the best that can typically
be done. The head/chest "colds" being treated with below freqs
may very well be caused by bacteria and viral ones will not be
cured by these sets. Frequencies are listed in numerical
order. I don't think it matters in what order they are run.
I think that if any freq between 800 and 850(?) (esp 832) is
used, a tablespoon or more of yogurt or a beneficial bacteria
supplement should be used afterward.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Unless otherwise noted, general antiseptic
frequencies (728, 784, 880, 464) should be used in addition
to sets below and these will typically produce the most
effect, such that the long list may not have to be used.
In many cases, diseases are caused or contributed by lack of
nutrients and toxin accumulation. These _must_ be addressed.
For example, it is unlikely that MS can be helped a great
deal without adequate vitamin E, magnesium, selenium, and
other nutrients, and lasting improvement or maintenance
will not be achieved without removing mercury or other
toxins. See individual regimens in maladies section of
homepage for regimens in addition to frequencies below.


IN addition to any freq set below, use 728, 784, 880, 464.
Infections - Chest, ear, sinus, head colds. All have the
potential to be interrelated, so if one set does not work, the
freqs from another set can be used if there is not a profound
improvement within 24 hours.

Sinus infection/head cold
20, 72, 120, 146, 160, 185, 333, 367, 456, 522,
802, 820, 952, 1500, 1550, 4400**, 5000, (728, 784, 880, 464)
Run 728 and any that can be felt for 5 minutes, the others for 3.
* Run 784, then 784 to 787 sweep. If no sweep, use 784 then 786.
I use sweep rate of 0.25 (4hz) for small diffs like this.
** Try scanning up and down by 8's (I sweep 4384 to 4416 at

Chest infection/cold
20, 120, 333, 412, 452, 464, 683, 766, 776, 1474,
4400**, 5000, 7344, 10000, (728, 784, 880, 464)
Run 766 (and any other that can be felt) for 5 minutes,
the others for 3 minutes.
** Try scanning up and down by 8's (I sweep 4384 to 4416 at

Ear infection
9.19, 20, 158, 201, 340, 440, 535, 542, 645, 652, 683,
801, 803, 875, 885, 1552, (728, 784, 880, 464)
Follow with 875-885 sweep.
Again, if not a definite improvement, try another set. For
example, if an ear infection does not get better in 24 hours
after using the ear infection freqs, use the head/sinus ones,
and if no improvement in 24 hours after that, use the chest

Chronic Conditions
If the condition is chronic or there is no immediate improvement,
add mold freqs:
866, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 702, 942, 853.
Presently (5/98), 866 is very valuable and should be used with
any freq set above.
If these do not help, use the roundworm frequencies (20, 120,
650, 800) - use nonredundant ones if already in set.
If no improvement with these, use a more comprehensive parasite set.
General virus freqs (600, 625, 650, 666, 690) can also be tried
if no relief.
Recent case of throat and tonsil infection that lasted a month
and caused congestion, coughing, low grade fever, and sore
throat (cultured negative to strep) was apparently actinomyces
israeli - 222, 262, 2154
Parasite Sets
Full set contains freqs for many of the more common pathogenic
parasites but there are many that are not listed. See the
frequency lists (especially the Garvey) for specific
frequencies for diagnosed parasites if necessary. The short
parasite set contains freqs for the most common parasites and
is likely all that is needed by most, but if parasitic illness
is certain and there is no detox to the short set, try the full
Always use 728, 784, 880, 464 with parasite sets.
Full Parasite Set
20, 64, 72, 96, 102, 120, 128, 423, 440, 524, 562, 650, 732,
800, 843, 854, 1223, 1864, 2322, 3032, 4412, 5000, 5522.
Short Parasite Set
20, 64, 72, 96, 120, 128, 440, 524, 800, 854, 1864.
444, 1865, 95, 125, 60

Individual freqs -
Nematodes 771, 112 (type of roundworm)
Roundworms 240, 650, 688
Threadworm 422, 423, 732, 4412
Tapeworm 164, 453, 522, 524, 542, 623,
623, 843, 854, 1223, 3032, 5522
Liver Fluke 143, 275
Filariose 112, 120 (type of threadworm)
Fluke 524, 854 (general)
Giardia 334 (not really a worm, but common)
Heartworm 543, 2322
Pinworm 20, 120
Here're the Garvey frequencies used to treat flukes in
cancer treatment (which he says they find in 90% of cancer
cases): 143, 275, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945,
651, 435, 15244 Hz.
Also, I have seen intestinal flukes expelled as a
result of the cancer frequencies so if no relief, try them,
especially 2128 (use long period, 10 minutes) along with
2008, 2050, 2084.
Vaginosis (non-specific infection)
414, 542, 642, 652, 800, 832, 845, 866, 942, (728, 784, 880, 464)
IMPORTANT: Also see lists for specific recommendations to use
in addition to these based on type. See electroherbalism
regimen for protocol on using these and on using parasite
frequency set after initial detox from these.
2128, 2008, 2184, 2050, 2720, 6064, 120, 800, (728, 784, 880)
666, (464), 5000, 3176, 10000, 304
The following handwritten note was sent to me by a
researcher. I don't know who derived the numbers
or who originally wrote the note:
Experimental Stage
Important - just in, still experimental
Cancer research 55.56 (maybe 55, 56 - I could not tell).
97-98 flu season
2008, 880, 787, 727, 35, 20, 465
Lymph support
15.05 + 10.36
Candida (Dr's report "It really toasts candida")
Liver stores, bile, cholesterol 21.34
Liver support 33.13
Wasted from too long on frequencies
Candida and fungal infections
254.2, 866, 1403, (728, 784, 880, 464)
If no lasting benefit from these, use parasite sets (esp
roundworm freqs) in addition until cured. Most effective yeast
freq is 464 (don't forget it).
Other freqs to try -
72, 422, 582, 727, 787, 802, 1016, 1134, 1153, 1550, 2222
Multiple Sclerosis
20, 143, 275, 430, 470, 524, 620, 624, 802, 840, 854, 1550, 2213,
5000, (728, 784, 880, 464)
These are chlamydia, fluke, and general MS freqs. Consider
using 5000 for long periods (like 5-10 minutes after building
20, 120, 177, 600, 625, 626, 650, 659, 660, (728, 784, 880, 464)
These are general mole plus syphilus frequencies.
MONROE FROM TEXAS' Personal Frequency list
I'm still trying to get a solid version.
All Frequencies in Hertz:
Coughing -
522 524 525 146 1500 1550
9.3 9.4 9.6 7.6 7.7 3 0.5 727 728 776 784 787
[Do these all go together, or is the second line a set
for something else?]
Flu - 7760 8700 8950 8955 8960 8940 8930 8690
965 800 802 803 817 875 880 885 1500 1552 1550 1600 464
Bronchitis - 0.5 522 514 530 525 146 432 440 444 720 1234
3702 20 125 72 95 522 20 7.7
(7.7 quiets down bronchitis, and feels good)

20 72 120 125 5000 10000 9000 6100 6000
600 625 644 645 650 660 666 712 1552 1862 702 3.197 524 854
[Is this all one set, what is it for?]
Dizzy- 648 624 600 484 464 440 20 1100 4400 2000 1234 2600
832 2000 2008 2016 1488 2119 2120 2127 2128 2135 2136 2150
2250 2180 2182 2184 2192 1900
(Math 3 times 2127 = 6381
Math 3 times 2128 = 6384)
[What is this for?]
Bronchitis cough (provided by Linda at BioHarmonics):
Scan 725 to 740 and 720 to 345
Flu2 844 123 730 734 322 421 632 1242 1922 3122 332 530
532 536 527 555 932
Runny Nose 1550 + 802 1500 880 787 727 465 522 146 432
Head Cold:
10 min 880 720 1550
5 min 787 125 802 72 522 440 450 458 442 522 514 530
Works in 24 Hours *** use for bronchitis too!!!!
Sinus Drip 1234 120 432 465 660 712 784 800 880 440 1552 1862
2008 2128 2082 1865
Lyme - 864 690 610 620 630 484 494 504 785 790 795 986
Fever Blister (herpes virus) 1489, 1500, 2489 : 10-15 min each.

Symptom 1 Symptom 2 Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5 Freq 6 Freq 7 Freq 8 Freq 9 Freq 10
ABDOMINAL PAIN 5000.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ACNE PIMPLES 727.00 787.00 880.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ACTINOMYCOSIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ADENOIDS 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ADRENAL 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
AIDS HIV 727.00 787.00 880.00 2489.00 5000.00 31000.00 31750.00 34750.00 0.00 0.00
ALLERGY 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ALOPECIA HAIRLOSS 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ANAL ITCH 20.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ANEMIA INSUFFICIENT 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ANEURISM HEART PROBLEM 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ANTHRAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ANTISEPTIC 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
APHTHAE THRUSH 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
APOPLEXY PARALYSIS 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
APPENDIX 10.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 0.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ARTHRITIS 727.00 787.00 880.00 2720.00 1000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ARTHRITIS RHEUMATOID 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ASTHMA 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BACILLUS COLI 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BACKACHE 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BLOOD 20.00 1100.00 2200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BLOOD PRESSURE HIGH 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BLOOD PRESSURE LOW 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BOILS 20.00 727.00 787.00 880.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BONE REGENERATION 2720.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BONES BROKEN 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BRAIN GENERAL 20.00 1000.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BRAIN STIMULATION - 13.00 15.00 18.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BRAIN STIMULATION - 14.00 22.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BRAIN STIMULATION - 1.80 3.50 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BRAIN STIMULATION - 4.00 5.50 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BRONCHIAL 727.00 776.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BRONCHITIS 727.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
BUBONIC PLAGUE 20.00 500.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CANCER BREAST 2008.00 2128.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CANCER CARCINOMA 2127.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CANCER GENERAL 666.00 690.00 727.00 2127.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CANCER LEUKEMIA 2127.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CANCER SARCOMA 2008.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CANDIDA 450.00 465.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CARCINOMA VIRAL 2120.00 2130.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CATARACT GENERAL 5000.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CATARACT NON-DIABETIC 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CATARRH MUCOUS 20.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CHICKEN POX 20.00 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CHOLERA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COLD HEAD OR CHEST 728.00 787.00 880.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COLI VIRUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COLIC 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COLITIS INTESTINAL 800.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COLON 20.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CONJUNCTIVITIS CONTAGIOUS 728.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CONSTIPATION 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CRAMPS 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CRAMPS ALPHATRONIC 26.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DANDRUFF SCALES 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DEAFNESS 20.00 800.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DIABETES 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DIARRHEA 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DIPHTHERIA 20.00 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DROPSY 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DRUG ADDICTION 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DYSENTERY 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EAR GENERAL 20.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EAR RINGING 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EARACHE EAR DISCHARGE 5000.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ECZEMA SKIN 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EPSTEIN BARR 660.00 727.00 787.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ESCHERICHIA INTESTINAL 802.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EYE PROBLEMS - 20.00 5000.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EYELID SWELLING 787.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FEVER 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FEVER SUNSTROKE 20.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FEVER YELLOW 20.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FLU 727.00 787.00 800.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
FOOD POISONING 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GALL BLADDER 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GALL STONES 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GANGRENE BLOOD POISONING 20.00 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GERMAN MEASLES 728.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GLAND ADENOID 20.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GLANDERS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GLANDS ENLARGED 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GLAUCOMA EYE CLOUDING 1600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOITER GROWTH 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GONORRHEA 660.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GOUT SWELLING 20.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GRIPPE INFLUENZA 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GUMS BLEEDING OR 20.00 880.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HAIR LOSS 20.00 800.00 5000.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HAY FEVER ALLERGIES 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HEADACHES 10.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HEART GENERAL 20.00 81.00 162.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HEART DISORDERS 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HEMORRHOIDS 20.00 800.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HEPATITIS 727.00 728.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HERNIA 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HERPES GENERAL 1550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HERPES VIRAL 1500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HERPES ZOSTER 1550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HIVES 1800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ILEOCOLITIS COLON 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INFANTILE 1500.00 5000.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INFECTION GENERAL 20.00 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INFLUENZA 20.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INSECT BITES 727.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INSOMNIA 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
INTESTINE LARGE 10.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
JAUNDICE YELLOWING OF 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
JOINT 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KIDNEY 20.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KIDNEY GENERAL 8.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KNEE 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LARYNX 20.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LAXATIVE 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LEPROSY 600.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LEUKEMIA 2127.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LUNGS 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LUPIS VULGARIS 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LYMPH GLANDS 10.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MALARIA 20.00 28.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MEASLES 728.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MENINGITIS 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MULTIPLE 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MUMPS 728.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MUSCLES 20.00 120.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
MUSCULAR 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NAUSEA 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NECK PAINS 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NEURALGIA 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NEURITIS NERVE 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NOSE 20.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OBESITY 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OSTEOMYELITIS 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OVARIES 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
OVARIES GENERAL 1.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PALSY CEREBRAL 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PANCREAS 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PANCREAS GENERAL 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PARASITES WORMS 20.00 60.00 80.00 120.00 125.00 440.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PERITONITIS INTESTINAL 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PHARYNGITIS 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PINEAL STIMULATION 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PLEURISY 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PNEUMONIA 20.00 775.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PNEUMONIA GENERAL 770.00 780.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
POLIOMYELITIS 1500.00 5000.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PROSTATE 20.00 1000.00 2000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PSORIASIS 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PULSE MEN - STIM 36.00 70.00 72.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PULSE WOMEN - STIM 41.00 78.00 82.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RABIES 20.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RHEUMATISM 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RHINITIS 20.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RICKETS 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
RINGWORM 20.00 80.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SARCOMA VIRAL 2000.00 2100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SCARLET FEVER 728.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SCIATICA NERVE 20.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SCURVY 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SHINGLES 1550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SINUS 20.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SMALLPOX 728.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SPINAL 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SPLEEN 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
STAPHYLOCOCCUS GENERAL 875.00 880.00 885.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
STAPHYLOCOCCUS INFECTION 727.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
STOMACH GENERAL 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
STREPTOCOCCUS GENERAL 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
STREPTOCOCCUS INFECTIONS 875.00 880.00 885.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
STREPTOTHRIX FUNGI INFECTION 727.00 728.00 784.00 787.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
STROKE 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SYMPTOMATIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SYPHILIS 20.00 120.00 625.00 650.00 659.00 700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TESTES 1.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TETANUS 20.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
THALAMUS 20.00 5000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TONSILITIS 20.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TONSILS GENERAL 20.00 440.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOOTH DECAY 20.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOOTHACHE 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TRACHOMA EYE 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TUBERCULOSIS ROD 802.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TUBERCULOSIS VIRUS 800.00 1550.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TYPHOID 20.00 690.00 1570.00 1865.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TYPHOID VIRUS 20.00 690.00 1570.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TYPHUS MURIUM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ULCER DUODENAL 727.00 880.00 10000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ULCERS 727.00 776.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
URETHRITIS INFECTION OF 660.00 727.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WHOOPING COUGH 728.00 787.00 880.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
WORMS MICROSCOPIC 60.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Abdominal inflammation - 380, 1.2, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 1865, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20, 450, 440, 428, 660

Abdominal pain - 10000, 3, 3000, 95

Abscesses (also use Staphylococcus aureus and see Listeriose) - 2720, 2170, 880, 787, 727, 190, 500

Abscesses secondary - 1550, 802, 760, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660

Acidosis (hyper acidity) - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 20, 146

Acne - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 1552, 1500, 802, 880, 787, 727, 564, 778

Acne secondary - 760, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660

Acne vulgaris - 564

Aconite (used to stimulate lymphocyte production) - 3347, 5611, 2791

Actinobacillus (a potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammals) - 773 , 776, 778, 822

Actinomyces israelii (a bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that can cause deep, pus-filled holes in tissue) - 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488, 567, 7880, 10000, 787, 747, 727, 20

Acupuncture disturbance field (scar focus) - 5.9

Acute pain - 3000, 95, 10000, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666

Adenoids - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 444, 20, 428, 660, 2720, 2170

Adenoma, cervical (epithelial tumor of the cervix that can be either benign or malignant. Also see Cancer.) - 433

Adenovirus (a virus that can cause colds/flu and infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestines) - 333, 523, 786, 768, 959, 962

Adhesions - 2720, 2170, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 760, 727, 190

Adnamia, geriatric (fatigue of age) - 60, 27.5

Adnexitis (swelling of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes) - 440, 441, 522, 572, 3343, 3833, 5312

Adrenal stimulant - 10, 20, 2250

Aflatoxin (a liver-damaging toxin produced by certain food molds) - 344, 510, 943, 474, 476, 568

African trypanosomuasis - 656, 988, 780

AIDS (not for use in U.S. see HIV) - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 1500, 1.2, 31000, 31750, 34750

AIDS secondary - 1113 for 12 min, 2128 for 16 min, 6121 for 21 min, 33 for 1 min

AIDS (1) - 1.44, 1550, 1500, 249, 418, 727, 787, 880, 2489, 3100, 3175, 3475

AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418

Alcoholism - 10000

Allergy - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 3, 330, 5000

Alopecia (loss of hair) - 20, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 146, 800, 1552

ALS (Amyotropic lateral sclerosis, possibly caused by mycoplasma fermentans. Also use MS and see Lyme freqs) - 2900, 864, 790, 690, 610, 484, 986, 644, 254

Alternaria tenuis (a fungus associated with lung ailments) - 853, 304

Alzheimer's(1) - 430, 620, 624, 840, 866, 5148, 2213, 19180.5

Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) - 10000, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 760, 727, 465, 20

Amoeba (a single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganism) - 310, 333, 532, 732, 769, 827, 1522

Amoeba hepar abcess (liver abcess caused by amoebic infection) - 344, 605

Amoebic dysentery (see Entamoeba histolyica)

Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (see ALS)

Anal itching (also use Parasites enterobiasis and see Parasites general set) - 10000, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 120, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 20, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152

Anaphiaxis - 10000

Aneurysm - 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 20, 727

Angina (quinsy in swat) - 787, 776, 727, 465, 428, 660

Angina pectoris - 3, 230, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 660, 7.83

Ankylosing spondylitis - 3000, 95, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 28, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 1.2, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680

Anosmia (loss of smell) - 20, 10000

Anthrax - 500, 633, 1365, 1370, 768, 414, 900

Antiseptic (see General antiseptic)

Apoplexy, stroke paralysis - 40, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 522, 428

Appendicitis (If micro perforation has occurred, infection must be eliminated before drinking any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatal) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 380, 190, 10, 650, 444, 522, 125, 95, 72, 20, 522, 146, 440, 450

Appetite, lack of - 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 10000, 880, 787, 727

Arenas tennus - 667

Arnica (a topical healing herb) - 1042, 1032

Arsenic alb. (homeopathic cell salt) - 562

Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries; regeneration takes time. Also try chlamydia pneumonia and CMV freqs) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20

Arthritis - 120 for 20 min, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 802, 1664, 80, 60, 40, 30, 25, 26, 20, 10, 5000, 10000, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 28 for 3 min, 1.5 for 10 min.

Arthritis, arthralgia due to gout - 9.39

Arthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium metabolism - 9.6

Arthritis, focal origin gastrogenic, tonsiltogenic, and paresis - 9.39

Arthritis, rheumatoid (Cause could be bacteria like chlamydia pneumonia, mycoplasma fermentans, or dental bacteria which must be addressed too. Also try General antiseptic and Parasites roundworms general if no response.) - 250, 1.2, 650, 625, 600, 787, 727, 262, 776

Arthritis, secondary - 2720, 1000, 1500, 770

Asian grippe A - 516, 656, 434

Aspergillus flavus (mold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflatoxin) - 1823, 247, 1972

Aspergillus glaucus (blue mold occurring in some human infectious processes) - 524, 758

Aspergillus niger (common mold that may produce severe and persistent infection) - 374, 697

Aspergillus terreus (mold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungs) - 743, 339

Asthma (also see Breathing, deep and Liver support, and use Parasites roundworms, ascaris, and toxocara to determine which sets work best) - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 1283, 1233, 880, 787, 727, 0.5, 522, 146, 125, 95, 72, 444, 20

Asthma (1) - 1283, 1233, 4.7

Asthma (2) - 1234, 3672, 7346, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 47, 120 for 5 min

Astrocytoma (see Cancer, astrocytoma)

Ataxia (incoordination of muscles. Slow results in some cases) - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20

Ataxia, spastic - 9.19, 8.25, 7.69

Athlete's foot (also see Epidermophyton floccinum and Tinea freqs) - 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000, 644, 766, 464, 802, 1552, 9999, 3176, 304 for 5 minutes

Atmenic Aib. - 562

Attention Deficit Disorder (Probably important to avoid preservatives, aspartame, dyes, and other potential toxins. Try Shigella, Chlamydia pneum., and General antiseptic)

Autointoxication - 522, 146, 1550, 10000, 800, 880, 787, 727, 20

Babesia - 76, 570, 1583, 1584, 432, 753, 5776

Bacillinum (homeopathic nosode) - 132, 423, 432, 785, 853, 854, 921, 1027, 1042, 1932

Bacillus Coli Rod Form - 800

Bacillus Coli Virus - 1552, 2872

Bacillus infections (B. coli, B. coli rod) - 787, 880, 802, 727, 1552, 800

Bacillus subtilis (can cause conjunctivitis) - 432, 722, 822, 1246

Bacillus thuriniensis - 520, 2551, 902, 1405

Backache (if no relief from these, use kidney stimulation freqs and drink plenty of water) - 760, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, l0000, 41.2 for 3 min, 212, 305 for 6min, 33 for 5min.

Backache and spasms (1) - 120, 212, 240, 424, 465, 528, 760, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 2112, 5K, 10K

Backache, chronic lower (1) (use with back toward tube) - 728 for 30 min

Back pain (1) - 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 7.6, 7.7, 3, 0.5, 432, 465, 727, 728, 776, 784, 787

Bacteria Lactis Nosode - 512, 526, 5412

Bacterial infections (if bacterial infection is chronic and the type is accurately diagnosed and neither frequencies nor antibiotics are effective long term, also use Parasites general and roundworms sets. Also see General antiseptic and specific types.) - 20, 465, 866, 664, 690, 727, 787, 832, 800, 880, 1550, 784

Bacterium coli (a type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most frequent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infection) - 642, 358, 539

Bacterium coli commune (E. coli) combination - 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Bacterium lactis nosode - 512, 526, 798, 951, 5412

Bacteroides fragilis (use with Parasites ascaris set) - 633 to 637

Bad breath (see Halitosis)

Baker's Yeast allergy (homeopathy preparation) - 775, 843

Banti's syndrome (Ailment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.) - 1778

Barley smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 377, 224, 1447

Basidiomycetes - 751

BC G Vaccine - 277, 768, 832, 725

Bed wetting (enuresis. See also Parasite general, pinworm, and ascaris freqs) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465

Bedsores - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 1.2, 73

Bell's Palsy (1) - 2.4, 3, 3.9, 7.83, 20, 27.57, 33, 35, 40, 47.5, 57.5, 72, 90.88, 110, 125, 194, 222, 304, 393.5, 464, 565.5, 600, 625, 650, 727, 776, 787, 833, 880, 932.5, 1250

Bermuda smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 422, 767, 847, 971, 644, 780

Biliary cirrhosis (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructed) - 381, 514, 677, 2271, 1250, 170, 715, 774, 776

Biliary headache - 8.5, 3.5

Biliousness - 1550, 802, 10000, 880, 832, 787, 727, 465

Bilirubin (a bile pigment that may result in jaundice in high concentrations. See also Liver support) - 717, 726, 731, 863, 9305, 649, 734

Biting of insects - 880, 727

Black widow - 376, 728

Bladder and prostate complaints - 2050, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 9.39

Bladder TBC - 642, 771, 360, 726, 724

Blastocystis hominus - 365, 595*, 844, 848, 1201, 1243, 5777, 11425, 11841, 11967, 13145, 13469*, 21776

Blepharisma - 3120

Blood diseases - 880, 787, 727

Blood pressure, high (see Hypertension)

Blood pressure, low (see Hypotension)

Blue cohosh (a healing herb) - 364

Boils (see Furunkulosis)

Bone disease, periodontal disease (see osteo) - 47.5, 1800, 1600, 650, 625, 600, 880, 787, 776, for 3 min, 727/728 for 15 min

Bone regeneration - 2720, 10000

Bone spurs - 1.2, 250

Bone trauma (cuts, fractures) - 380, 1550, 802, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 2720

Borrelia/borreliosis (see Lyme disease)

Botrytis - 1545

Botrytis cinereas - 1132, 212

Botulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoning) -518, 533, 639, 172, 1372, 691, 683

Brachial neuralgia - 0.5

Brain tumor (see Cancer, droglioma, astrocytoma, glioma)

Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis - 2013, 579, 581, 687, 770, 772, 775, 778, 2013

Breast, fibroid cysts - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 267, 1384

Breathing, deep - 1234, 3672, 7344

Bright's syndrome (see Nephritis)

Bronchial asthma (see Asthma)

Bronchial pneumonia (see Pneumonia, bronchial)

Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation of the bronchi) - 342, 510, 778

Bronchitis - 880, 727, 9.39, 9.35, 1234, 3672, 7344, 743, 20, 72, 333, 452, 464, 683

Bronchitis secondary - 776, 766

Bronchopneumonia borinum (see Pneumonia, bronchial)

Brown recluse - 724

Brucella abortus (undulant fever or Bang's bacillus, found in cattle) - 1423

Brucella melitensis (form of Brucella found in goats and sheep) - 748, 643, 695

Bruises - 9.1, 110, 10000

Bubonic plague (Versenia pestis; spread primarily by rats) - 500, 333, 210, 216

Bubonic plague secondary infections - 880, 787, 727, 20

Bunion pain - 20

Burns - 190, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 200

Bursitis (May be caused by any number of organisms and viruses; experiment with arthritis frequencies as well.) - 880, 787, 727 ]

BX Virus - 2128, 3713

Caeliacia - 674

Calming - 6000

Campylobacter (bacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newborns) - 732, 733, 1633, 1834, 2222, 333, 378, 705.86, 2823.5

Cancer (BASIC SET. Also see rotation of General sets 1, 2, and 3 as Basic sets. All others below are secondary but provide useful additional frequencies to try depending on type. Also add ones determined from 2000-2600Hz scans. See Electroherbalism Cancer Regimen for more information, or Don Tunney's Intensive Carcinoma Regimen. Tunney says to use E. coli (1) with intensive carcinoma regimen.) - 2128, 2008, 2184, 2084, 2048, 2720, 2452, 6064, 120, 524, 854, 800, 728, 784, 880, 666, 464, 5000, 3176, 10000, 3040

Cancer (experimental additional frequencies to basic sets) - 55.56, 6.8, 440, 778, 1050, 1550, 2180, 663, 3672

Cancer cells, conidium head - 728

Cancer maintenance secondary - 120, 250, 428, 465, 600, 626, 650, 661, 664, 667, 690, 728, 776, 784, 800, 802, 832, 880, 1489, 1550, 1600, 1865, 2000, 2012, 2100, 2170, 2490, 2730 for 1 min.

Cancer not killed by 2008/2128 - 2180, 2182, 2184

Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal - 47, 2182, 2219, 832, 2084, 2127, 2160, 2452, 2876

Cancer, adenoma - 433

Cancer, astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) -857, 9.19, 8.25, 7.69, 2170, 543, 641, 2127, 880, 690, 666

Cancer, bladder secondary (see Parasites, schistosoma)

Cancer, breast (1) - 2100, 2104, 2116, 2120, 866, 2128, 676, 2152, 166, 2182, 732, 3072, 2150, 1550, 2189, 2112, 3072, 2008, 120

Cancer, breast (1) secondary - 422, 942, 4412, 1862, 808, 1552, 728, 2720, 1234, 690, 2160, 2136, 477, 28, 317, 96, 3176, 3040, 2145, 2048, 1830, 2112

Cancer, breast (2) - 3672, 2008, 2063, 2103, 2128, 2146, 2133, 2162, 2173, 2180, 2189, 2208, 2263, 2289, 2333, 1865, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48

Cancer, breast (3) - 656, 127, 1582, 478, 982, 2134, 2120, 9000, 9999, 304

Cancer, breast (4) - 2128 for 56 mins, 33, 1131 for 1 min

Cancer, BX virus - 2128, 3713, 2876, 11780000

Cancer, BY virus - 2008, 3524

Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin - 2116 for 30 min, 760, 2280 for 5 min

Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial - 462, 776, 852, 1582, 2104, 2144, 2184, 3672

Cancer, carcinoma, colon - 656

Cancer, carcinoma, general - 2128, 1820

Cancer, carcinoma, larynx - 327, 524, 731, 1133

Cancer, carcinoma, liver (1) - 393, 479, 520, 734, 3130

Cancer, carcinoma, liver secondary (see Hepatitis B and Parasites, fluke, liver)

Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative - 214

Cancer, carcinoma, scan - 728, 690, 2008, 2104, 2112, 2120, 2128, 2136, 2144, 2152, 2160, 2168, 2176, 2184, 2192, 2200, 2217, 5000, 9999, 304

Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative - 127

Cancer, cervical secondary (see Papilloma virus)

Cancer, droglioma (see also Cancer, glioma, astrocytoma) - 853

Cancer, fibrosarcoma (malignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skin) - 1744

Cancer, fibrous tumor secondary - 1340

Cancer, gastric, adenocarcinoma - 676

Cancer, general, set 1 - 728, 784, 880, 464, 666, 2720, 800, 120, 2084, 2184, 2050, 524, 2489, 2720, 854, 2008, 2128, 5000, 10000, 3176, 304

Cancer, general, set 2 - 727, 786, 880, 465, 1552, 802, 1862, 2182, 20, 64, 72, 96, 125, 664, 2489, 2720, 2048, 2008, 2127, 3176, 665, 3040, 10000, 3176, 304

Cancer, general, set 3 - 728, 943, 414, 866, 886, 732, 676, 690, 776, 240, 650, 442, 2180, 2489, 1865, 523, 128, 2128, 2008, 2049, 2720, 10000, 3176, 304

Cancer, glioblastoma - 720, 2008, 2128, 2180, 2182, 728, 832, 800, 664, 20, 855, 543, 641, 857

Cancer, glioblastoma tremor - 463, 466

Cancer, gliomas (largest group of brain cancers) - 543, 641, 857

Cancer, Hodgkin's disease (a form of malignancy characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia. Also called lymphogranuloma. Also see Chlamydia pneumoniae.) - 552, 1522

Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418, 647

Cancer, leukemia - 2127, 2008, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 2217

Cancer, leukemia "hairy cell" (typified by abnormal blood cells & shortage of others) - 122, 622, 932, 5122, 488, 781

Cancer, leukemia myeloid (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cells) - 422, 822

Cancer, leukemia, feline (cat) - 424, 830, 901, 918

Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic - 478, 833

Cancer, leukemia, T-cell - 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

Cancer, liver (see Cancer, carcinoma, liver)

Cancer, liver secondary (see Hepatitis B and Parasites, fluke, liver)

Cancer, lung (see Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial)

Cancer, lymphogranuloma, lymphoma (see Hodgkin's disease)

Cancer, lymphogranuloma venereum secondary (see Chlamydia trachomatis)

Cancer, lymphosarcoma - 482

Cancer, melanoma (1) - 100, 1000, 10000, 666, 728, 1050, 2050, 2128, 2008, 2217, 60, 80, 95, 880, 450, 495, 45, 465, 787, 125, 20, 10, 7.5

Cancer, melanoma metastasis - 979

Cancer, multiple myeloma secondary (see Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma)

Cancer, mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) - 852

Cancer, nasopharyngeal secondary (see EBV)

Cancer, pain - 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666

Cancer, plasmacytoma (plasma-cell tumor) - 475

Cancer, prostate (also see Prostate adenominum and Prostate hyperplasia) - 20, 60, 72, 95, 125, 666, 727, 787, 790, 766, 800, 920, 1998, 1875, 442, 2008, 2127, 2128, 2217, 2720, 2050, 2250, 5000, 2130, 2120, 690, 304

Cancer, prostate (1) - 2128, 2125, 2131, 2140 for 3 to 6 min, 2145, 666, 3672 for 3 to 4 min

Cancer, prostate (Vega result 1) - 854, 1840, 2145, 2288

Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma (1) - 2000, 2005, 2008, 2016, 2048, 2084, 2093, 6024, 2100, 2128, 2127, 2184, 2217, 6384, 728, 784, 880, 464

Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result 1) - 2586, 5476, 4445

Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal - 2004, 2008, 2016, 2032, 2040, 2060, 2586, 6024

Cancer, sarcoma general - 1755, 2008, 3524

Cancer, skin (see Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin and specific forms)

Cancer, stomach secondary (see Heliobacter pylori)

Cancer, tertiary - 20, 421, 965, 50, 383

Cancrum oris (rapidly growing oral or nasal ulcer) - 20, 727, 787, 802, 880

Candida (also see Parasite general, roundworm, and ascaris if these don't work long term) - 414, 464, 877, 866, 886, 254.2, 381, 661, 762, 742, 1151, 450, 943, 1403, 2644

Candida carcinomas - 2167, 2128, 2182, 465

Candida secondary (also use other parasite sets (esp roundworm freqs) if necessary) - 72, 422, 582, 727, 787, 802, 1016, 1134, 1153, 1550, 2222, 412, 543, 2128

Candida tertiary (some causal factors) - 880, 95, 125, 20, 60, 225, 427, 240, 650, 688, 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146

Candida tropicalis - 1403, 675, 709

Canine parvovirus - 185, 188, 323, 428, 433, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027

Canine parvovirus, mutant strain - 323, 514

Canine parvovirus, type B - 323, 535, 613, 755, 761, 764, 766, 768

Canker sore (see Stomatitis aphthous)

Carbo animalis (homeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoal) - 444

Carbuncles (see Staphylococcus aureus)

Cardiacedema - 9.19

Carpal tunnel secondary - 2008, 666

Carvularia spiratera - 879

Cat virus (1) - 364, 379, 645, 654, 786, 840-849, 857, 967, 6878

Cataract (also use eye formula antioxidant supplement for all macular degeneration) - 1830, 728, 784, 787, 800, 880, 10000

Cataract, brunescent (brown opacity in later life) - 2010, 1335, 1830

Cataract, complicated (secondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgery) - 1830, 496, 325, 774

Cataract (1) - 1830, 1600, 9999, 1552, 2110, 1335, 1654, 2187, 2195, 2211

Catarrh - 1550, 802, 800, 880, 787, 727, 444, 20

Causticum - 540, 1013

Cells of Leudig (colon) tonic - 2500

Cephaloshorium (fungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibiotics) - 481, 3966, 544

Cephalothecium - 371, 574, 6933

Cerebral palsy - 880, 787, 727, 522, 146

Cerebrospinal troubles - 10000

Cerumen (ear wax) - 311, 320, 750, 984, 720

Cervical polyp - 277, 288, 867, 687, 744

Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations - 20, 727, 787, 880

Cervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix) - 433

Chaetomiumglobosum - 221, 867, 102

Chakra base root - 20, pulsed at 4Hz.

Chancre (see Syphilis)

Chelidonium - 162

Chemical sensitivity (see also Liver support) - 727

Chemtrail detox - 664, 7344, 2842, 1147, 686.6, 684.1, 1113, 779.9, 829.3, 679.2, 865, 969.9, 1067, 783.6, 800.4, 1045, 1062, 673.9, 690.7 for 5 min.

Chest infection secondary - 72, 333, 452, 683

Chicken pox (see herpes zoster)

Chilblains (see Perniosis)

Chlamydia trachomatis (a usually sexually-transmitted bacterial infection causing trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum, urethritis, and proctitis.) - 430, 620, 624, 840, 2213, 866, 555.7, 2222.8

Chlamydia pneumoniae (exp) - 3768.4, 942.1, 471.05

Chlamydia pneumoniae (exp) - 3773.3, 943.3, 471.66, 470.9, 941.8, 3767.3

Cholecystitis, acute (excruciating gallstone attack) - 481, 743, 865, 928

Cholecystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the gallbladder) - 432, 1551, 801

Cholera (an extremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestines) - 330, 843, 844, 556, 1035, 968, 591, 691

Cholera secondary - 880, 802, 450, 880, 787, 727

Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear & mastoid region) - 453, 618, 793, 5058

Cholesterinum - 1386, 173, 620, 635, 780

Chronic fatigue syndrome (use with General parasite, roundworm, and fluke sets if necessary. Also see EBV and Fatigue general sets. If no response to these, try Cancer leukemia "hairy cell" set) - 10000, 660, 2127, 787, 465, 424, 664, 120, 880, 1550

Cimicifuga (plant family including black snakeroot and black cohosh) - 334, 594

Circulation disturbances - 40, 9.39

Circulatory stasis (stimulates blood circulation. See also Circulation disturbances) - 40, 2112, 2145, 2720, 2489

Cirrhosis, biliary (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructed) - 381, 514, 677, 2271

Cirrhosis hepatitis - 291

Cladosporium fulvum (a pathogenic fungus) - 438, 233, 776, 510

Clostridium difficile (can cause diarrhea following treatment with antibiotics) - 387, 635, 673

CMV (cytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5) -126, 597, 629, 682, 1045, 2145, 8848, 8856

Coelicia - 154, 594, 656, 586, 668, 787, 7958, 665, 674

Cold in head, chest (Mutates constantly; too many strains to include complete list of frequencies. See also Strep Pneumonia, Adenovirus, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Pneumonia, Chest infection, and Rhino pneumonitis sets. Use lots of echinacea at onset to prevent cell damage that prolongs healing, even if correct freqs are found.) - 10000, 7344, 333, 4412, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 766, 727, 444, 20

Cold and Flu (fall, 98) - 250, 465, 8210 for 5min, 8700, 7760 for 15min

Cold (1) - 5500, 4400, 802, 787, 727, 720, 552, 440, 400, 125, 72 for 5 min, 800, 880 for 10 min

Cold (2) - 652, 725, 746, 751, 768, 1110, 333, 666, 542, 522

Cold (3) (fall, 99) - 20, 120, 146, 440, 444, 465, 727, 776, 787, 880, 1500, 1550, 5000, 1000 for 5 min.

Cold (and flu) (4) - 3176, 2489 for 3 min, 880, 800 for 10 min, 728 for 5 min.

Cold (5) - 7728, 4888 for 10 min, 8238, 2413, 880, 787, 776, 727, 440, 746, 567, 7880, 787 for 3 min, 300, 310, 1234, 9999 for 200 sec

Cold/Flu (winter 2001)(1) - 959, 962

Cold sores (see Herpes Simplex I)

Colic - 1550, 832, 802, 787, 727, 20

Colitis (inflammation of colon) - 10000, 1550, 880, 832, 802, 440

Collectotrichum - 1482

Colon problems, general - 20, 440, 880, 1552, 802, 832

Comedones (blackhead) - 778

Condylomata (usually venereal warts, caused by papilloma virus. Occur near intersection of mucous membranes and skin. See also Papilloma.) - 466

Conjunctivitis (also use Chlamydia trachomatis and see Bacillus subtilis) - 489, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20, 80, 432, 722, 822, 1246, 1830

Constipation (also see Parasites general and roundworm sets if necessary) -1550, 880, 802, 832, 787, 776, 422, 727, 20

Contusion (bruise) - 9.1, 110, 2720

Convoforce - 774

Convulsions (1) - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Convulsions, spasticity - 9.19, 8.25, 7.69

Coraforce - 774

Corallinus - 533

Corn smut - 546, 1642, 289

Corynebacterium diptheriae (see Diptheria)

Costalgia (rib pain) - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Coughing - 522, 524, 525, 146, 1500, 1550, 0.5, 514, 530, 432, 440, 444, 720, 1234, 3702, 20, 125, 72, 95, 7.7

Coxsackie (see also Mumps) - 136, 144, 232, 380, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923, 769, 1189, 595, 676

Coxsackie B1 - 353, 384, 834, 587, 723

Coxsackie B2 - 705, 534, 867

Coxsackie B3 - 487, 868, 653, 654

Coxsackie B4 - 421, 353, 540, 8632

Coxsackie B5 - 462, 1043, 1083, 569, 647, 708, 774

Coxsackie B6 - 488, 736, 814, 343, 551, 657, 668, 669

Cramping and nausea - 72, 95, 190, 880, 832, 787, 727, 20, 4.9

Cramps - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 26

Cramps, menstrual - 26

Crinis humansis - 646

Critter 1 - 1033

Critter 2 - 421, 1035, 1111

Crocus sotillus - 710

Crohn's disease (also use colitis, colon, and parasite freqs) - 727

Cryptococcus neoformans (yeast which causes respiratory infection than can turn into meningitis. Also known as torulosis.) - 367, 428, 444, 476, 478, 522, 579, 594, 785, 792, 872, 2121, 5880, 5884, 597, 613, 624

Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa sometimes causing diarrhea in humans) -220, 482, 575, 4122, 698, 711, 893, 895, 1276, 5690

Cunninghamella - 311, 323

Curva spic - 435

Cuts - 20

Cyclospora - 543, 316, 992, 751, 268, 2144

Cysts, hydatid (see Parasites tapeworm)

Cyst, ovarian - 982

Cyst, solitary - 75, 76, 543

Cystic fibrosis (Also called mucoviscidosis, a disorder of the exocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus. See also Parasites general and roundworm freqs) - 523, 557, 478, 776, 660, 727, 778, 787, 802, 880

Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and ureters) - 246, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20

Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to kidney) - 1385

Cytomegalovirus (CMV, known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5) - 126, 597, 682, 1045, 2145

Deafness (partial to complete) - 10000, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20

Deer tick (1) - 7989, 289, 737, 738, 271, 671, 773

Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions) - 243, 738

Dental (general, see also Toothache) - 728, 784, 635, 640, 1036, 1043, 1094, 685, 60, 48, 465

Dental (infection, roots and gums) (1) - 960, 660, 666, 690, 727, 784, 787, 800, 880, 1560, 1840, 1998, 2489

Dental foci (Neglecting this can prevent recovery from any illness if infection is a problem) - 3000, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 666, 650, 600, 465, 5170, 646

Depression (due to drugs or toxins) - 1.1, 73

Depression (due to outside circumstances) - 35, 787

Depression, anxiety, trembling, weakness - 3.5, 800

Detox assist - 10000, 3176

Diabetes (Warning; can cause large drop in blood sugar level) - 20, 35, 465, 6.8, 440, 484, 660, 727, 787, 800, 803, 880, 1850, 2008, 2127, 2000, 2003, 2013, 2050, 2080 for 3 min, 5000 for 15 min.

Diabetes secondary - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20

Diabetes tertiary - 1850, 32000, 4000, 500

Diabetes (1) - 4200, 2128, 1865, 1850, 1550, 787, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 302

Diabetes associated infection (1) - 2020, 800, 727, 190, 80, 20

Diabetic loading - 35, 700

Diabetic toe ulcer (1) (use Staph aureus freqs and see Staph general)

General antiseptic, and Circulation stimulation as needed) - 786, 1050, 1.2, 5000, 832, 20

Diarrhea (see also Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and for chronic problems, giardia and IBS freqs. Also see Parasite general set if no relief.) - 1550, 880, 832, 802, 786, 727, 465

Diphtheria (bacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills, headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from bacterial toxins. Rare in US.) - 151, 624, 776, 340, 925, 432, 590, 788

Dirofilaria immitis (see Parasites heartworm)

Disc, herniated - 727, 787, 2720, 10000

Distemper - 242, 253, 254, 255, 312, 442, 551, 573, 624, 671, 712, 760, 940, 950, 1269, 1950, 8567, 660, 760

Distortion (twisting of muscles, spine) - 9.1, 110

Diverticulosis (characterized by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colon) - 154, 934

Dizziness (see Vertigo)

DNA repair (exp) - 528, 731, 732

Dog and cat hostility - 3.6

Down's syndrome palliative - 20

Droglioma (see Cancer, droglioma)

Drug addiction - 20

Duodenal ulcer (see Ulcer, duodenal)

Duodenitis - 223

Dupuytren's contracture (4th and 5th finger curling into hand, unable to straighten) - 1.2 , 250

Dysentery (acute diarrhea with blood and mucus. Also use Entamoeba histolyica, Salmonella, and Shigella) - 1552, 802, 832

Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) use with pure water douche - 26, 4.9, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465

Dyspepsia (indigestion, if chronic or with bloating, also see Parasites general) - 10000, 880,

1550, 832, 800, 787, 727, 465, 444, 20, 125, 95, 72, 4.9

E. coli (Escherichia coli; can cause infections in wounds and the urinary tract. If using these leads to cold symptoms, follow with Adenovirus freqs) - 282, 289, 7849, 327, 548, 333, 413, 642, 799, 802, 804, 832, 957, 1320, 1550, 1722

E. coli mutant strain - 556, 934, 1242, 1244, 1703, 632, 634, 776

E. coli (strain O157H7, exp) - 842.9

E. coli (strain K12 MG1655, non-pathogenic, exp) - 999

E. coli (strain O157H7) - 838.25

E. coli (1) (Scan up and down 3Hz on these for best effects) - 332.5, 798, 1729, 7847

Ear conditions, various (discharges, tinnitus, itching, hearing loss. Also see Otitis.) - 9.19, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 410, 158, 201, 340, 440, 535, 542, 645, 652, 683

Ear fungus (1) - 854

Ear wax (see Cerumen)

EBV (see Epstein-Barr Virus)

Echinococcinum (see Parasites, tapeworms, echinococcinum)

Echo Virus (Endometriosis Tuberylosa, causes a type of meningitis) - 620, 625, 722, 765, 922, 514, 788, 461

Eczema - 9.19, 707, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 10000, 5000, 2720, 2008, 2180, 2128, 664, 120, 20

Eczema in vascular and lung functional disturbances - 9.39

Eczema (1) - 770, 916, 415

Eczema (2) - 730.2, 1550, 802, 787, 690

Edema and swelling - 40, 522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20, 5000, 10000

Electrolyte levels (water, sodium, potassium) to improve - 8.1, 20, 10000

Elephantiasis (use with parasite, esp roundworm and nematode freqs) - 623, 824, 865, 710

Emotional ties to diseases - 764, 664

Emphysema (use with parasite, esp roundworm freqs) - 1234, 3672, 7344, 880, 787, 727, 120, 20, 80

Encephalitis (inflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cord) - 841

Endocarditis (see Listeriose)

Endometriosis, chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine bleeding. Use with general parasite, liver and pancreatic fluke sets) - 246, 800, 1550

Endometriosis tuberylosa (see Echo virus)

Energy and vitality - 9999

Entamoeba histolytica (highly damaging protozoa causing dysentery and liver infection) - 148, 166, 308, 393, 631, 778

Enterobiasis - (pinworms - see Parasites, enterobiasis)

Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tracts) - 686, 409

Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver) - 552, 932, 953

Enuresis (bed wetting. Use with parasite sets) - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Epicoccum - 734, 778

Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) lateral or vertical - 1.2, 250, 728, 766, 776, 880

Epidermophyton floccinum (fungus that attacks skin & nails, including some athlete's foot and "jock itch" ringworms. Also see Microsporum freqs and Fungal general if necessary.) - 465, 784, 644, 766, 345 (22107)

Epididymitis (inflammation of testicle area, ducts. See also Orchitis.) - 2250, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 20

Epilepsy - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727, 700, 650, 600, 210, 633, 125, 20

Epstein-Barr virus (the herpes virus causing mononucleosis) - 105, 172, 253, 274, 660, 663, 667, 669, 738, 825, 8768, 1013, 1920, 6618

Epstein-Barr virus secondary (also try General parasite and roundworm freqs) - 744, 776, 778, 465, 880, 787, 727, 1032, 1920

Eriterocoucinum - 686

Erysipelas (bacterial infection manifesting in skin inflammation caused by strep pyrogenes or other pathogens and possibly related to the swine form of the disease) - 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20

Erythema nosodum - 9.39

Escherichia coli - (see E. coli)

Esophagus (constriction. Also see General antiseptic and dental freqs) - 880, 787, 727

Euglena - 432, 3215, 3225, 3325, 6448

Eustachian tube inflammation - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 465

Eye disorders (blurred vision, cataracts, crossed eyes, diplopia, infections, etc.) - 1830, 1600, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 1552, 160, 350, 360, 2010, 1335, 496, 400

Eye inflammation (also see General antiseptic) - 1.2, 80

Eyelid droop (see Plosis)

Eyes (glaucoma) - 1600, 1830, 880, 787, 727

Eyesight (to sharpen) - 350, 360, 1830

Facial cramps - 10000, 6000, 304, 1131, 33

Facial paralysis - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Facial toning - 1.2

Fainting - 20

Fascia (fibrous tissue under the skin. Also see Fibroid freqs) - 20

Fatigue, general - 428, 424, 664, 660, 464, 125, 120, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 10000, 5000

Febris wolhynia (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse) - 547, 356

Fel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile) - 672

Feli - 435

Feline (cat) leukemia - 258, 332, 414, 424, 544, 830, 901, 918, 997, 741, 743

Feli - 435, 742

Felis - 430, 834, 2232, 3233

Felon (pus, infection of finger tips) - 657, 659, 738, 751

Felon II - 663, 665, 720, 722

Feloris Wolyhnica - 547

Fever (various causes) - 880, 800, 832, 422, 2112, 787, 727, 20

Fever, sunstroke - 20, 440, 880

Fibroadenoma mamanae (non-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breasts) - 1384

Fibroma - 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666, 1550, 802, 465

Fibromyalgia - 328, 880, 800, 728, 5000, 2720, 2180, 2128, 664, 464, 304, 120, 20

Fibromyalgia (1) - 120, 140, 304, 464, 728, 800, 880, 2489, 3176, 5000, 6000, 9000 for 5 min

Fibrosarcoma - 1744

Fibrosis of Jung - 27.5, 220, 410

Fibropendulum - 661, 7465, 211, 233, 766

Fischpyrogen - 832

Fissures - 787, 20, 10000

Fistula Dentalis - 550, 727, 844, 878, 1122

Fistula, ulcer (see also Staph freqs) - 880, 832, 787, 727

FIV - 262, 323, 372, 404, 567, 712, 742, 760, 773, 916, 1103, 1132, 3701

Flatulence - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465

Flea - 2374

Flu (see Influenza)

Flukes (see Parasites, flukes)

Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt) - 110, 342, 420, 423, 688, 757

Follicular mange (contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles) -253, 693, 701, 774

Folliculitis, hot-tub (tiny pimples) - 174, 482, 5311

Food poisoning (some classes. Also use Salmonella typhimurium and see General antiseptic, Abdominal pain, and Abdominal inflammation.) - 1552, 802, 832

Foot & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children) - 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411

Foot-blisters - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465

Fractures - 220, 230, 10000, 880, 787, 727

Frequency fatigue (tiredness (that is not detox) from using frequency generator too long) - 10.55, 7.83

Frigidity, female - 10000, 20

Frostbite - 880, 787, 727

Frozen shoulder - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727

Fruitfly - 2167

Fungus EW range - 823 to 829

Fungus flora (1) - 331, 336, 555, 587, 632, 688, 757, 882, 884, 887

Fungus, general (also see candida, yeast, and other specific types) - 72, 254, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 1134, 1153, 2222, 465, 1550, 784, 880, 802, 727, 20

Fungus and mold, general - 728, 880, 784, 464, 886, 866, 414, 254, 344, 2411, 321, 555, 942, 337, 766, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 132, 866

Furunkulosis (boils on skin. Also use Staph aureus freqs) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 660, 20, 116, 770

Furunkulosis herpes (also see Herpes general and Furunkulosis)- 200, 1000, 1550, 802, 787, 727

Fusarium general- 768, 625, 746

Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eye) - 102, 332, 705, 795, 780

Gaetner - 519, 577, 767, 693

Gall bladder dystonia with osteitis - 2.65, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20

Gallbladder inflammation (see Cholecystitis, chronic)

Gallbladder pain - 1550, 800

Gallstone attack (see Cholecystitis, acute)

Gallstones - 2.65, 3.5, 3000, 1552, 800, 880, 787, 727, 20, 6000, 10000, 444

Gangrene, general (see also Clostridium, Circulatory stasis, Infection

general, and Bacterium coli) - 880, 787, 727, 20, 73

Gardinerella (bacteria that can infect and inflame the vaginal mucosa) -320, 695, 782, 995, 329, 485

Gasoden - 878

Gastritis and flatus - 880, 832, 802, 787, 727, 676, 422, 20

General antiseptic - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660, 10000, 5000

General balancing - 1130, 1131, 33

General malady - 40000, 10000, 5000

General prophylaxis - 20, 64, 95, 125, 225, 427, 440, 664, 728, 784, 880, 802, 832, 680, 760, 1550, 464, 10000, 676, 1488

General demo (greatest hits) - 728, 120, 786, 128, 880, 422, 464, 644, 676, 688, 712, 732, 800, 1550, 1862, 2112, 2128, 4412, 3040

General comprehensive, complete Blaster5 program - 80, 120, 400, 500, 600, 622, 666, 690, 727, 740, 776, 784, 787, 800, 880, 1500, 1550, 1560, 1570, 1600, 1800, 1840, 1998, 2000, 2008, 2128, 2489

General program, EMEM Main Freqs - 720, 1550, 20, 4200 for 5 min

Geotrichum candidum (fungus found in feces and dairy products whose manifestations resemble those of candida) - 350, 355, 384, 386, 403, 404, 407, 409, 410, 412, 415, 418, 543, 544, 687, 987, 988, 737, 700

German measles (See Measles, rubella)

Giardia (see Parasites, giardia)

Gingivitis (inflammation of gums. See also Dental, Dental foci, Stomatitis. Take calcium and magnesium internally and brush with myrrh or goldenseal, and CoQ10) - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 728, 726, 465, 20, 1556, 776, 465

Glanders (see Pseudomonas mallei)

Glandular fever - 10000, 20

Glandular fever, thyroid exp - 10000, 20, 16000

Gliocladium (brain fungus) - 855, 469, 633

Goiter (see Struma)

Gonads, inflammation of (see Orchitis)

Gonorrhea - 660, 600, 712

Gout (see also Kidney freqs) - 9.39, 3000, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20

Granuloma dent - 441

Gravel in urine - 2.65, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20

Grave's disease I goiter - 20, 727, 787, 880

Greatest Hits (see General demo)

Green Dye - 563, 2333

Grippe (see Influenza, grippe)

Gum disease (see Gingivitis, Pyorrhea)

H#1 - 725, 2432, 243, 6353, 732, 844, 646

H#2 - 725, 1230, 245, 314, 965

H#3 - 633, 1220, 6230, 8225, 111, 392, 776, 837, 1675, 2664, 3806, 714

H#4 - 444, 2323

H#5 - 83, 235, 645, 2323, 3432, 4093, 5532

H#6 - 702, 747, 2245, 183

Haemophilia tonic (hereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily clot) - 778, 845, 751

Hair, human - 646

Halitosis (bad breath. See also Pharyngitis, Dental, Parasite general, and General antiseptic sets) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 20

Hallucinations - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20

Hand, foot, & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children) - 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411

Hangover (see also Kidney and Liver support freqs) - 10000, 522, 146

Hastoiditis - 287

Hay fever (only some types) - 880, 787, 727, 20

Head injury followup (Seek immediate medical attention!) - 9.6, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 522, 72, 5.8, 4.9

Headaches - 304, 144, 1.2, 520

Headaches caused by vertebral misalignment (Not a substitute for adjustment) - 9.6, 3000

Headaches due to parasites (see also Parasites, strongyloides) - 125, 95, 73, 20, 727, 3000

Headaches due to toxicity - 522, 146, 4.9, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20

Headaches unknown cause - 10, 4, 5.8, 6.3, 7.83, 3000, 650, 625, 600

Headaches urogenitally caused - 9.39, 3000

Healing and regeneration - 2720, 266, 47

Heart tonic (lab animals only. See also Staph infection, Circulatory stasis, and Kidney freq sets ) - 80, 160, 20, 73, 3.9, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 125, 95, 20, 1.2

Heartburn, chronic (see Staph and Strep general sets and h. pylori) - 832, 2720, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 685, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20

Heartworm (see Parasites, heartworm)

Heliobacter pylori (ulcer) - 676, 704.9, 694.7

Heliobacter pylori (1) - 2167, 728, 880, 2950

Heliobacter pylori (exp) - 694.7, 2778.8, 704.9, 2819.4

Helminthosporium (the reproductive element of parasitic worms) - 793, 969

Hemobartinella felis - 603, 957

Hemophilia - 603

Hemorrage - 1550, 802

Hemorrhoids - 4474, 6117, 774, 1550, 447, 880, 802, 727

Hepatitis A - 321, 346, 414, 423, 487, 558, 578, 693, 786, 878, 3220, 717

Hepatitis B - 334, 433, 767, 869, 876, 477, 574, 752, 779

Hepatitis C (also try Parasites, schistosoma mansoni freqs) - 166, 224, 317, 329, 528, 633, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 1371, 2189

Hepatitis, general - 28, 1550, 1351, 880, 802, 727, 224, 317, 329, 477, 922

Hepatitis, general secondary - 284, 458, 477, 534, 788, 922, 9670, 768, 777, 1041

Hernia - 10000, 787, 727, 2720, 5000

Herpes, general - 1577, 1550, 1489, 464, 1900, 304 for 3 min, 1488*, 2950 for 15 min.

Herpes general secondary - 37000

Herpes progenetalis (genital - also use Herpes simplex II) - 141, 878, 898, 5310, 440, 171, 660, 590, 1175

Herpes simplex I (secondary. Cold sores - primarily non-genital, first try Herpes,general) - 322, 476, 589, 664, 785, 822, 895, 944, 1043, 1614, 2062, 2950

Herpes simplex I (exp) - 467.8, 935.5, 1871, 3742, 7484

Herpes simplex I (1) - 339, 343, 480, 591, 778, 782, 843, 1614, 657, 699, 700, 734

Herpes simplex I (2) - 2489, 1800, 465, 1550, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 1850, 428

Herpes simplex 1 (3) - 470, 647, 648, 650-659, 847, 5641, 8650

Herpes simplex 1 (4) - 2950 for 20 min

Herpes simplex II - 556, 832

Herpes simplex IU.2 - 808

Herpes type 2A - 532, 848

Herpes type 2A secondary - 360-369, 373, 528, 685, 846, 880, 888, 8778, 540, 665, 716, 717, 718, 731, 732, 733, 776, 1402

Herpes type 5 (cytomegalovirus) - 2145*, 126, 597, 1045

Herpes type 6 (exp) - 228, 1820, 3640, 3641, 7281

Herpes type C - 395, 424, 460, 533, 554, 701, 745, 2450

Herpes zoster (chicken pox, shingles) - 664*, 3343, 914, 2170, 1600, 1500, 880, 802, 787

Herpes zoster secondary - 1550, 802, 1800, 1865, 728, 2720, 2128, 5000, 464, 800, 574, 1557, 304, 20

Hiatal hernia (use staph and strep sets)

Hiccups - 20, 10000

Hip pain (see also Arthritis) - 880, 787, 727, 20

Hirudo medicinalis (a homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for therapeutic purposes) - 128

Histoplasma - 424, 616, 749

HIV (see also AIDS) - 683, 714, 3554, 830, 450

Hives (urticaria) - 1800, 880, 787, 727, 522, 146, 4.9

Hoarseness - 880, 760, 727

Hodgkin's disease (see Cancer, Hodgkin's disease)

Hookworm (see Parasites hookworm)

Hordeolum (see Stye)

Hormodendrum (a genus of fungi that includes human pathogens) - 663, 678, 695, 532, 627

Hormonal imbalances - 5.5

Hot flashes (complications) - 10000, 880, 787, 727

Hot tub folliculitis (see Pseudomonas freqs)

Household Insect Mix - 723, 100

Hydrocele (fluid in testicle, etc.) - 880, 787, 727

Hyperacidity of stomach - 7.82, 20, 230

Hyperosmia (overacute smell and taste) - 20, 10000, 522, 146

Hyperparathyroidism - 4.6, 9.5, 9.6

Hypertension - 20, 95, 324, 528, 15, 9.19, 7.83, 6, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 304

Hypertension (renin-induced, red high, diastolic high pressure. Also see Kidney freqs) - 9.19, 6

Hypertension, spastic - 95

Hyperthyroid - 3, 0.5

Hypochondrium, upper abdomen - 20, 10000

Hypophyseal (pituitary) disturbances - 4

Hypotension (low blood pressure) - 20, 727, 787, 880

Hypothyroid - 2, 12, 35, 16000, 10000, 160, 80, 20

Hypoxia (low oxygen, use also Circulatory stasis) - 727, 787, 880, 10000

Icterus, haemolytic (a chronic form of jaundice involving anemia) - 243, 768

Ileocolitis, colon inflammation (see also Parasite general set) - 802, 832, 440

Immune system stimulation - 8, 1862, 2008, 2128, 2180, 3347, 5611, 2791, 3448, 2929, 4O14, 5611, 2867, 2855, 432

Impotence (many classes. Also use Circulatory stasis) - 9.39, 2127, 2008, 465, 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 650, 625, 600

Incontinence (1) - 2250, 2050, 2128, 690, 666 for 10 min

Indigestion (see Dyspepsia)

Infantile paralysis (polio) - 1500, 880, 787, 727, 776, 10000

Infections general - 1550, 880, 802, 786, 728, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 20, 304, 1.2, 5500, 676, 422, 766

Infections general secondary - 5000, 1600, 1500, 832, 776, 760, 700, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 1865, 500, 450, 440, 428, 660, 2112

Infections general tertiary - 1800, 2720, 2489, 832, 3040, 2008, 1850, 610, 732, 751, 40000

Infertility (see also Impotence) - 2127, 2008, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 9.39

Inflammation, general (also see Infection general sets) - 1.5, 3.6

Influencinum Berlin '55 - 430, 720, 733, 787

Influencinum vesica (blisters) general - 203, 292, 588, 612, 975, 407, 682

Influencinum vesic NW - 332, 364, 519, 588, 590, 238, 239, 715

Influencinum vesic SW - 433, 645, 658, 824

Influenza (mutates to new strains constantly but these may be helpful. See also Influenza, Grippe and Influenza Virus) - 464, 440, 3672, 7766, 7760, 7344, 1234, 5000, 727, 787, 800, 875, 880, 885, 728, 1550, 1500, 2008, 20, 304 for 5 min

Influenza (aches and respiratory) - 440, 512, 683, 728, 784, 787, 800, 875, 880, 885, 2050, 2720, 5000 for 5 min, 7760, 7766 for 10 min, 304 for 3 min

Influenza general (1) (winter 98-99) - scan from 6984 to 7016 by 2 or 4Hz.

Influenza (2) (winter 99-00) - 10000, 880, 727, 330, 728

Influenza (3) (winter 99-00) - 440, 465, 613, 666, 727, 787, 800, 1000, 5000, 10000

Influenza with respiratory component (1) (winter 99-00) - 47, 1191, 2398, 2544, 5608, 7760, 7766, 672-679, 676, 647-652, 1215, 724-732, 746, 768, 687

Influenza 1957 "A" Asian - 768, 574

Influenza 1978 - 844, 814, 610

Influenza 1979 - 123, 513, 522, 565, 788, 601

Influenza 1983 - 424, 730, 734, 428

Influenza 1989 - 216, 322, 627, 703, 748

Influenza 1993 - 522, 615, 778, 850, 959

Influenza 1993 secondary - 207, 254, 580s, 848, 947, 7967, 8910, 739, 741, 760, 765, 773, 915

Influenza 1994 - 689, 697, 699, 798

Influenza 1994 secondary - 337, 690, 868, 869, 702, 727, 729, 776, 779

Influenza 1997 to 1998 - 2008, 880, 787, 727, 35, 20, 465

Influenza Asian grippe A - 516, 656, 434

Influenza autumn 1998 - 250, 465 for 3min, 8210 for 5min, 8700, 7760 for15min

Influenza Bach Poly - 122, 350, 487, 572, 634, 768, 823, 1043, 1272, 764, 771

Influenza, grippe general - 343, 500, 512, 541, 862, 1000, 1192, 3012, 3423, 10223

Influenza, grippe, vapch - 153, 343

Influenza, grippe 1986 tri - 532, 588, 660-669, 994, 462, 712

Influenza, grippe 1987 - 140, 332, 581, 953, 4868, 730

Influenza, grippe 1988 - 267, 536, 568, 2050, 752, 781

Influenza, grippe 1989 - 353, 536, 874

Influenza, grippe 1990 - 541, 560, 656

Influenza haemophilus - 542, 552, 885, 959, 734, 633.1, 2532.4

Influenza haemophilus type B - 652, 942, 483, 731, 746

Influenza spanish - 462, 787

Influenzum toxicum - 854

Influenza triple nosode - 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122

Influenza V grippe - 861

Influenza V-2 grippe - 324, 652, 653

Influenza V-3 grippe - 550, 553

Influenza V-4 grippe - 232, 352, 2558

Influenza V-5 grippe - 945, 518

Influenza V-75 Victoria - 343, 316, 1020

Influenza VA-2 grippe - 334, 472, 496, 833, 836, 922, 728

Influenza VA-2L grippe - 447

Influenza virus, general - 728, 800, 880, 7760, 8000, 8250

Influenza virus 1991 to 1992 - 153, 345, 387, 758, 984, 985

Influenza virus 1991 to 1992 secondary - 330-339, 350-359, 525, 632, 740, 761, 762, 776, 777, 780

Influenza virus 1992 to 1993 - 535, 946

Influenza virus 1992 to 1993 secondary - 272, 534, 566, 668, 674, 776, 782, 947, 632, 640, 713, 715, 742, 773, 777

Influenza virus 1993 to 1994 - 757, 885, 895, 969

Influenza virus 1993 to 1994 secondary - 447, 457, 597, 756, 764, 776, 798, 878, 967, 9090, 663, 720, 728, 729, 745, 762, 764, 770, 773, 779

Influenza virus "A" - 322, 332, 776

Influenza virus "A" 1974 - 442

Influenza virus "A" Port Chalmers - 622, 863

Influenza virus "B" - 468, 530, 532, 536, 537, 568, 722, 740s, 1186, 679

Influenza virus "B" Hong Kong - 555

Influenza virus "swine" - 413, 432, 663, 839, 995

Influenza virus British - 558, 932

Injection, allergic reaction to - 10000

Insomnia (see also Parasite general set) - 3.59, 3, 7.83, 10, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 6000, 304

Intelligence, clarity of thought - 20, 10000

Intercostal neuralgia (pain in rib musculature) - 3000, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 125, 20, 1865, 444

Interleukin (used to stimulate lymphocyte production) - 3448, 2929, 4014, 5611, 2867, 2855, 2791

Intermittent claudication - 45, 48

Intestinal problems, colon - 10, 440, 880, 787, 727

Intestinal problems, general (also try Parasite general set) - 802

Intestines, inflammation - 727, 787, 880, 105, 791

Irritable bowel syndrome (use with Parasites giardia and Parasites general set) - 20, 727, 787, 802, 832, 880, 465, 422, 6766, 1550

Itching (pruritis. Take hot bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar afterwards. If chronic and no long term relief, use Parasite sets including Parasites general and Parasites blood flukes.) - 880, 787, 727, 444, 125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 3176

Jade Machine color decode - Blue 624, Lt. blue 2155, Green 2055, Lt. green 960, Yellow 470, Orange 920, Red 815, Sienna 858, Magenta 800, Purple 745, Lavender 677, Indigo 640

Jaundice (see also Liver support, gallbladder, Leptospirosis, and Parasites fluke and general frequency sets) - 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20

Jock itch (see Epidermophyton floccinum)

Joint inflammation (also see arthritis sets) - 10000

Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418, 647

Kidney insufficiency - 9.2, 10, 40, 440, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20

Kidney papilloma (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) - 110, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102

Kidney stones (use with vitamin, mineral, and herb supplementation) - 444, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 6000, 3000, 3.5, 1552

Kidney tonic, general - 440, 248, 8, 880, 20, 10000, 800, 5000, 3000

Kieferosteitis (a type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and pain) - 432, 516, 384

Klebsiella pneumoniae (see Pneumoniae klebsiella)

Knee, joint pain - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 20, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 250, 9.6, 9.39

Lac Deflorat - 230, 371, 232, 2121

Lamblia (see Parasites, Giardia)

Large intestine tonic - 8, 440, 880

Laryngeal polyp - 765, 202

Larynx - 10, 440, 465, 444, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 250, 9.6, 9.39

Lateral sclerose (degeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia. See also ALS.) - 254

Laxative, mild - 802

Legionella (Legionnaires' disease, caused by a gram-negative bacteria associated with condensed or treated water that migrate to lung tissue and stimulate severe respiratory manifestations, fever, headache, abdominal pain, and may affect kidneys and liver.) - 723, 724, 897, 975, 8120, 8856, 690, 693

Leishman Donovan bodies (see Parasites, Leishmania)

Leprosy - 600

Leprosy secondary infection - 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 760, 727, 700, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 500, 450, 440, 428, 660

Leptospirosis (a spirochete bacterial disease that is spread to humans through animal urine that can cause meningitis, jaundice, anemia, miscarriage, and death) - 612, 663

Leukocytogenesis, stimulates (see also Immune system stimulation) - 20, 727

Leukoderma, acquired (see Vitiligo)

Leukoencephalitis (inflammation of brain's white matter, usually in infants and children, but also found in horses as a result of forage poisoning) -324, 572, 776, 934, 1079, 1111, 1333

Leukoencephalitis secondary - 338, 783, 932, 1035, 1160, 1630, 712, 713, 715, 1244

Leukoplakia (white patches on mucous membranes, also see EBV, Papilloma, and Cancer, carcinoma freqs) - 465, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666

Leukose (proliferation of tissues that form white blood cells; considered to be foundational stage of leukemia. See also Parasite general and Parasite fluke sets) - 612, 633, 653, 3722, 644

Lipoma (benign, soft tumor of fatty tissue. Also use Liver support.) - 47, 606, 709

Listeriose (a serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis, and endocarditis in humans; known as "circling disease" in ruminants and causes liver necrosis in animals with single stomachs. Also see Strep general and General infection) - 377, 471, 626, 628, 634, 774, 2162, 7867, 714, 724

Liver fluke (See parasites, flukes)

Liver necrosis (see Listeriose, Liver support, Parasites schistosoma mansoni)

Liver stores, bile, cholesterol - 21.34

Liver support (also try Parasite general and fluke freqs) - 33.13, 1552, 802, 751

Liver, enlargement - 727, 787, 880

Lockjaw (see Tetanus)

Locomotor dysfunction incoordination (slow results. See also Schumann response) - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20

Low blood pressure (see hypotension)

Luesinum/Syphilinum (see Syphillis)

Lumbago - 10000, 800, 880, 787, 727, 125, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 9.19, 8.25, 7.69, 300

Lung sinus bacteria - 244, 1466, 597, 1311

Lung abscess (see Nocardia asteroides)

Lupus, general (localized degeneration of skin by various diseases; vulgaris is a common form of this ailment that is actually a rare form of tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and destruction of the skin and cartilage of the face. Also use Parasite fluke sets for any type) -633 for 5 min, 2125 for 4 min, 2008 for 8 min, 3612 for 4 min, 802 for 8 min, 2489, 702, 243, 386, 442, 942 for 3 min

Lupus general secondary - 205, 244, 352, 633, 847, 921, 993, 1333, 1464, 7865, 771

Lupus SLE secondary - 2180, 2128, 2008, 1552, 880, 784, 664, 304, 386, 678, 481

Luxation (dislocation of organs or joints) - 9.1, 110

Lyme disease (also known as borreliosis; relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks. Also use Babesia if necessary.) - 432, 800, 4200, 338, 344, 345, 605, 673, 758, 797, 884, 1455, 6863, 6870, 34112 (533), 34170 (534), 46851, 46866 (732)

Lyme hatchlings/eggs - 640, 8554, 203, 412, 414, 589, 667, 840, 1000, 1072, 1087, 1105

Lyme secondary - 254, 525, 597, 644, 885, 699

Lyme tertiary - 306, 432, 484, 610, 625, 690, 864, 2016, 790

Lyme (1) always run 620 after 864 - 864, 495, 485 to 505, 620, 610 to 630, 690, 790, 785 to 795.

Lyme (2) - 2050, 1520, 615 for 5 min, 2016, 625 for 10 min.

Lymph plaque - 596, 346

Lymph stasis - 3176

Lymph stasis secondary (also see Lymphangitis) - 6.3, 148, 522, 146, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 10000, 2.5, 465, 10

Lymph support - 15.05, 10.36, 3176

Lymphangitis (lymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and cancer) - 574, 778, 1120, 1078, 3176

Lymphogranuloma (see Cancer, Hodgkin's disease)

L-lysine (stimulates) - 195.5, 391, 782, 1564.1, 3128.2, 6256.4

Lyssinum (see Rabies)

Macular degeneration, visual acuity (use with Cataracts freqs if necessary) - 1830, 1840-1860

Magnesium - 480

Malabsorption syndrome (use with Parasites, General set) - 727, 787, 880, 800, 1552, 3000

Malaria (an infectious disease, originating in tropical areas, that is transmitted by a mosquito bite and characterized by fever, anemia, and spleen enlargement) - 20, 222, 550, 713, 930, 1032, 1433, 455, 743

Malaria (1) - 20, 555

Malaria (2) - 20, 28, 787, 880

Malaria (Falciparum)(1) - 1518, 1348, 1473, 1002, 1019

Malassezia furfur (causes tinea versicolor. See also Fungus general) - 222, 225, 491, 616, 700

Mamma fibromatosis (see Breast, fibroid cysts)

Mange, follicular (Scabies - contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles) - 920, 1436, 2871, 5742, for 3 min, 90 to 110, 253, 693 for 10 min

Mannan - 961, 661

Marsh elder - 474

Mastitis (an inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infection) - 654, 698

Mastoiditis (inflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyes) - 287

Measles - 727, 787, 880, 342, 442, 443, 467, 520, 521, 552, 1489, 745, 757, 763, 712

Measles, rubella (German or 3 day measles) - 431, 459, 510, 517, 796, 967, 368, 734, 772

Measles, rubella secondary - 727, 787, 880

Measles, rubella vaccine - 429, 459, 832, 926, 505

Measles, rubeola (9 day measles) - 342, 467, 520, 784, 787, 962, 1489

Measles vaccine - 214, 725, 747, 783, 962

Medorrhinum (homeopathic nosode for urethral discharge. See also Vaginosis.) - 230, 442, 554, 843, 854, 1700, 1880, 2222, 602

Meniere's disease (auditory vertigo associated with deafness and tinnitus) -1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 465, 428 for 3 min, 33, 329 for 7 min, 5000 for 16 min, 1130 for 1 min, 782 for 26 min

Meniere's (1) - 8.8, 8.9, 9.0

Meningcoccus Virus - 720

Meningioma (a benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord) - 446, 535, 537

Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord. Also see Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeriose, and Leptospirosis) -322, 517, 720, 733, 764, 822, 1044, 1422, 423

Meningitis secondary - 130, 676, 677, 507

Meningitis tertiary - 1550, 802, 880, 832, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 428, 660

Menstrual problems (douche with plain water first) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20

Mental concentration - 10000, 7.82

Mental disorders (general aid; especially if toxins are the cause) - 522, 146, 10000, 125, 95, 72, 20, 4.9, 428, 550, 802

Mercury - 47, 48, 49, 75

Methotrexate - 584

Microsporum audouini (a fungus which commonly causes ringworm of the scalp and other areas) - 422, 831, 1222, 285

Microsporum canis (a fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and children) - 347, 970, 1644, 402, 650

Migraine (also use Parasites strongyloides and general sets) - 10

Mold (see also specific types) - 222, 242, 523, 565, 592, 623, 745, 933, 1130, 1155, 1333, 1833, 4442

Mold and fungus, general (see also specific types) - 728, 880, 784, 464, 886, 414, 254, 344, 2411, 321, 555, 942, 337, 766, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 132, 866

Moles - 20, 120, 177, 600, 625, 626, 650, 659, 660, 728, 784, 880, 464

Moles(1) - 761.7 for 15 min, 650, 625, 600, 76.2 for 10 min

Mononucleosis (see Epstein-Barr virus)

Monotospora languinosa (homeopathic remedy for fungal allergen) - 788

Morbillinum - 467, 520, 1489

Morbus Parkinson (see Parkinson's disease)

Morgan (bact) - 778, 784, 787, 788, 988, 726

Motion sickness (also see nausea) - 10000, 650, 625, 600, 465, 440, 648, 444, 1865, 522, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20

Mouth eruptions, herpes sores (see Herpes and Herpes Simplex I)

Mouth eruptions, white patches (see leukoplakia)

Mucocutan perniciosis - 833, 667, 756

Mucor mucedo (causes rot in fruit and baked goods & sometimes found on feet and skin) - 612, 1000, 488, 766, 9788, 735

Mucor plumbeus - 361, 578, 785, 877

Mucor racemosis (grows on decaying vegetation and bread and can cause ear infection) - 310, 474, 875

Mucor racemosis secondary - 473, 686, 871, 873, 876, 878, 887, 7768, 7976, 8788, 713, 729, 731, 751, 760, 778, 1200

Mucormycosis (see Zygomycosis)

Mucous membrane inflammation general - 380

Mucoviscidosis (see Cystic fibrosis)

Multiple sclerosis (aspertame, mercury, benzene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. Also see chlamydia pneumonia, blastocystis hominus,Parasites flukes, Shigella, Nocardia, Herpes general, Herpes virus 6, and Herpes zoster) - 5000 for 30 min on one day, 728, 166, 224, 317, 727, 787, 880, 218 for 45 sec the next day. Alternate days.

Multiple sclerosis (1) - 2253, 2467, 2357, 2358, 242, 305, 2089, 3057, 81, 5K, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 728, 690, 660, 20

Multiple sclerosis (2) - 3040, 5000, 2720, 10000, 470, 120, 240, 300, 328, 728, 880 for 3 min, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 for 1 min, 20

Multiple sclerosis tremor or twitch - 470

Multiple sclerosis secondary - 20, 143, 275, 430, 470, 524, 620, 624, 802, 840, 854, 1550, 2213, 5000, 728, 784, 880, 464

Multiple sclerosis (symptom of stiff legs) - 315.77

Multiple sclerosis (1) - 20, 80.9, 143, 166, 218, 224, 235, 241.68, 253, 275, 304.6, 317, 421, 430, 464, 470, 524, 620, 624, 660 + 690 + 727/728, 784, 787, 802 + 1550, 840, 854, 880, 1331, 1875, 1883, 2088.59, 2189, 2213, 2252.8, 23570.5, 2466.9, 2720, 3056.9, 3767, 4992, (5K for 30 minutes)

Multiple sclerosis (2) - 20, 80.9, 241.68, 304.6, 660 + 690 + 727/728, 787, 880, 2088.59, 2252.8, 23570.5, 2466.9, 3056.9, 5K

Mumps (acute viral inflammation of the saliva glands. See also Coxsackie) -152, 242, 642, 674, 922

Mumps secondary - 190, 235, 516, 1243, 1660, 2630, 3142, 9667, 729, 741, 759, 761, 1170

Mumps tertiary - 10000, 727, 2720, 2489, 2127, 2008, 428, 880, 787, 727, 20

Mumps vaccine - 273, 551, 711, 730, 1419

Muscles, to relax - 965, 20, 120, 240, 760, 6.8, 6000, 304

Muscle, tonic - 20, 120, 240, 300, 304, 328, 728, 880, 5000, 10000

Muscular dystrophy (disorder characterized by weakness and progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissue. Aspartame, mercury, benzene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. Also use Parasites flukes and see Parasites general and MS sets) - 153, 522, 146, 880, 787, 727

Muscular pain, injury (also see Pain and General antiseptic) - 2720, 6000, 320, 250, 240, 160, 125, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (exp) - 525.3, 2101.1

Mycobacterium avium (exp) - 642.2, 700.9, 769.6, 803.4, 818.5, 1001.2, 858.2, 786.7, 625.9, 674.3, 953.6, 1180, 1148.3, 773.3, 615.7, 608.4, 770.6, 896.9, 694.1, 680.8, 632.2, 619.7, 680.4, 857.6, 860.2, 590, 825.7, 824.5 -830 sweep, 937.4, 529.3, 1058.6, 2117.1, 617.8, 1235.7, 2471.3, 1037.5, 2075

Mycogone spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungus) - 371, 446, 1123, 748

Mycogone fungoides - 488, 532, 662, 764, 852, 1444

Mycogone fungoides secondary - 328, 367, 490, 491, 495, 496, 628, 678, 761, 766, 768, 1055, 1074, 9979, 709, 714, 729, 746, 757

Mycoplasma fermentans (exp. May be a factor in chronic fatigue, alzheimer's, parkinson's, and MS) - 2900, 864, 790, 690, 610, 484, 986, 644, 254

Mycoplasma pneumonia (see Pneumonia, mycoplasma)

Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) - 532, 662, 678, 852, 1444

Myocarditis narbe - 279, 761

Myocarditis necrose (homeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a result of inadequate blood flow to them. See also Circulatory stasis) -706, 789

Myoma (a benign tumor on the uterus) - 253, 420, 453, 832

Myositis (involves progressive muscle weakness) - 120, 122, 125, 129, 1124, 1169, 762

Nasal infection (see Sinusitis and Rhinitis)

Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage) - 542, 1436

Nasturtium (a healing herb) - 143

Nausea and cramping (also see Parasites, enterobiasis, roundworms, and Parasites, general) - 72, 95, 190, 880, 832, 787, 727, 20, 4.9

Nematodes (See Parasites, nematodes)

Neoplasms (See cancer)

Nephritis (kidney inflammatory disease. Also treat for stones and crystals supplementally), or nephrosis (non-inflammatory kidney disease) - 1550, 274, 423, 636, 688, 880, 787, 727, 10, 20, 10000, 40, 73, 465, 3000

Nerve disorders - 10000, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 440, 660

Nervousness, Prozac agitation (akathsia. See also Relaxation) - 3, 7.83

Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nervous system) - 833, 3.9, 10000

Neuralgia, intercostal - 802

Neuralgia, trigeminal - 880

Neurosis - 28

Neurospora sitophila - 705, 878

Nigrospora spp - 302, 350, 764

Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs) - 228, 231, 237, 694, 719, 747, 887, 2890

Nose, infection or congestion (see Sinusitis and Rhinitis)

Numbness (also see Circulatory stasis) - 10000, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 440, 660

Oat smut - 806

Oligodena - 853

Oospora - 9599, 5346

Oral lesions (chronic cases will always return until metal dental work is replaced with uranium free porcelain. See also herpes simplex I and use Stomatitis) - 2720, 2489, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146

Orchitis (inflammation of testes due to TB, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, bacteria, etc. See also causative condition if known) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 9

Orchitis secondary - 727, 787, 880, 10000

Ornithosis (or Psittacosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds) - 233, 331, 332, 583, 859, 1217

Osteitis (bone inflammation) - 770

Osteoarthritis (also see Arthritis) - 1500, 770

Osteoitis - 2.65

Osteomyelitis - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666

Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infection) - 79, 330

Osteosinusitis max. - 243, 327

Ostitis - 770, 743, 736, 724

Otitis externa (outer ear infection. Also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa) -727, 787, 880, 174, 482, 5311

Otitis medinum (middle ear swelling and/or infection and fever. See also strep pneumonia) - 316, 784, 786, 125, 802, 72, 522, 440 for 5 min, 880, 720, 1550 for 10 min

Otosclerosis - 9.19

Ovarian cyst - 567, 982, 711

Ovarian disorders, general - 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20

Ovarian elimination, to stimulate - 20

Ovum - 752

Ox bile (the homeopathic remedy derived from it) - 672

Ozaena - 184, 222, 439

Pain (Also look under name of condition causing pain) - 3000, 95, 666, 80

Pain of cancer - 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666

Pain of infection - 3000, 95, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 4.9

Pain relief - 304, 6000, 3000, 666, 80

Pain, acute - 3000, 95, 10000, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666

Pancreas - 440, 464, 600, 624, 648, 1552, 727, 787, 880

Pancreatic insufficiency - 20, 250, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20

Papilloma virus (causes warts and benign tumors having a branch or stalk and in some cases white patches (leukoplakia)) - 45, 489, 874*, 907*, 16970 (265, 5657), 64734 (1011, 9258), 67265 (1051, 9609), 466, 110, 767, 404

Papilloma kidney (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) - 110, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102

Paraceli - 232

Paradontose - 424, 1552

Paralysis, nonspastic - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 9.19, 8.25

Paralysis, spastic - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 7.69

Paramecium caudatum - 4500, 1150, 2298

Parasites, ascaris - 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146, 797

Parasites, enterobiasis (pinworms; intestinal worms frequently found in children) - 20, 120, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152

Parasites, filariose (worms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed from biting insects) - 112, 120, 332, 753

Parasites, flukes, blood - 847, 867, 329, 419, 635, 7391, 5516, 9889

Parasites, flukes, general - 143, 275, 435, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651, 664, 6766, 435, 15244 Parasites, flukes, general (short set) - 524, 854, 651

Parasites, flukes, intestinal (exp) - 651, 676, 844, 848, 854, 2128, 2084, 2150, 6766

Parasites, flukes, liver - 143, 275, 676, 763, 238, 6641, 6672

Parasites, flukes, lymph - 10050, 157

Parasites, flukes, pancreatic (exp) - 1850, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2050, 2080, 6578

Parasites, flukes, sheep liver - 826, 830, 834

Parasites, follicular mange - 253, 693

Parasites, general (1) (cleanup with 728, 784, 880, 465) - 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 240, 334, 422, 442, 524, 651, 688, 732, 751, 800, 854, 1864

Parasites, general (2) - 120, 128, 422, 644/642, 676, 688/690, 712, 728, 732, 800/802, 1550/1552, 1862/1864, 2112, 4412

Parasites general (3) - 47, 72, 80, 95, 120, 125, 440, 444, 465, 660, 665, 690, 727, 728, 740, 770, 780, 800, 880, 1840, 1865, 1998, 3176, 10000

Parasites, general, short set - 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 152, 651, 732

Parasites, giardia - 334, 4334, 5429, 829, 812, 2018, 407

Parasites, heartworms - 543, 2322, 200, 535, 1077, 799

Parasites, helminthsporium (worm eggs) - 793, 969, 164, 5243

Parasites, hookworm - 6.8, 440, 2008, 6436, 5868

Parasites, leishmania donovan - 525, 781

Parasites, leishmania braziliensis - 787

Parasites, leishmania tropica - 791

Parasites, pinworm - see Parasites, enterobiasis

Parasites, roundworms, general - 20, 104, 120, 128, 152, 240, 650, 688, 332, 422, 112, 721, 942, 3212, 732, 4412, 543, 772, 827, 835, 4152, 5897, 7159

Parasites, roundworms, general (short set) - 128, 152, 240, 422, 650, 688

Parasites, schistosoma haematobium (blood flukes) - 847, 867, 635

Parasites, schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke which can cause symptoms identical to hepatitis C) - 329, 9889

Parasites, strongyloides (threadworm, genus of roundworms) - 332, 422, 721, 732, 749, 942, 3212, 4412

Parasites, strongyloides secondary - 380, 698, 752, 776, 722, 738, 746, 1113

Parasites, taenia - see Parasites, tapeworms

Parasites, tapeworms (do not use for known tapeworms unless familiar with tapeworm protocol) - 164, 187*, 453, 523, 542, 623, 843, 854, 1223, 803, 3032, 5522*

Parasites, tapeworms, echinococcinum (tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, & rodents that can infect man) - 164, 453, 542, 623

Parasites, tapeworms secondary - 142, 187, 624, 662

Parasites, threadworms (see Parasites, strongyloides)

Parasites, trichinosis - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372

Parasites, turbatrix - 104

Paresis - 9.4

Paresthesia - 5.5

Parkinson tremor, temporary relief - 6000 for 10 min, 130, 169

Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see Nocardia asteroides freqs) -693, 813, 1.1, 5000, 1131 for 3 min, 33 for 30 min

Parrot Fever (see Ornithosis)

Parvovirus, canine - 637, 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027

Parvovirus, canine mutant strain - 323, 514

Parvovirus, canine type B - 323, 535, 613, 755

Parvovirus, new strain - 2257, 488, 488

Pasteurella combination (bacterial diseases spread by animal bites) - 323, 913, 694

Pelvic inflammatory disease - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 522, 95, 72, 450, 428

Pemniciosis - 232, 622, 822, 4211

Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by blisters in the

outer layer of skin and mucous membranes) - 694, 893, 665

Penicillium chyrosogenium - 129, 249, 344, 967

Penicillium chyrosogenium secondary - 345, 688, 868, 1070, 2411, 728, 764, 765

Penicillium notatum - 334, 629

Penicillium notatum secondary - 321, 550, 555, 556, 558, 560, 562, 566, 572, 644, 825, 922, 942, 4870, 7780, 412, 715

Penicillium rubrum - 332, 457, 460, 462, 766, 1015, 1018

Pennyroyal (an herb) - 772

Penqueculum - 746, 755, 1375, 6965, 626, 948

Pepto streptococcus - 201, 629

Pericarditis (NOTE, Cardiac conditions are inherently unstable. Therefore,we cannot recommend the use of frequencies on humans, even outside U.S. jurisdiction. These frequencies are for animal research only.) - 2720, 2170, 1600, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 625, 125, 95, 72, 20

Periodontal disease (see also osteo infection freqs) - 47.5, 1800, 1600, 650, 625, 600, 880, 787, 776, 727

Peritonitis - 727, 787, 880

Perniosis (chillbains : a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged exposure to cold and characterized by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and face) - 20, 232, 622, 822, 4211, 2112

Pertussis (whooping cough) - 526, 765, 46, 284, 9101, 697, 906

Pertussis secondary - 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 1234, 7344

Pesticide detox (see also Liver and Kidney support, Circulatory and Lymph stasis freqs) - 73, 26, 6, 1

Phaqocyross, stimulates - 20, 125, 727, 787, 880

Pharyngitis (inflammation of pharynx, can cause chronic sore throat,halitosis, and pharyngeal ulcers. Also see Sore throat, Halitosis) - 440, 380, 1600, 1550, 802, 776, 784, 880, 727, 20, 522, 146

Phlebitis (vein inflammation) - 1500, 776

Phoma Destructiva (homeopathic) - 163, 815, 621

Pineal gland (to stimulate) - 20

Plague (see Bubonic plague)

Plantaris - 2008

Plasmacytoma (a tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throat) - 475

Pleurisy (Inflammation of the lung membrane and abdominal lining) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 450

Plosis (eyelid droop. Also use Parasite general, ascaris, and roundworm) -10000

Pneumococcus (see Streptococcus pneumoniae)

Pneumocystis carnii (fungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the immune suppressed or in infants) - 204, 340, 742

Pneumonia (see also Pneumonia klebsiella, Pneumonia mycoplasma, Pneumonia bronchial, Pneumonocystis carnii, Streptococcus pneumoniae) - 1238, 1550, 1862, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20, 450, 412, 766, 688, 683, 975, 2688, 660

Pneumonia, bronchial (inflammation of bronchii and lungs) - 550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 452, 1474, 578

Pneumoniae klebsiella (causes an acute, bacterial pneumonia) - 412, 766, 776, 413, 840, 746, 765, 779, 783, 818

Pneumonia mycoplasma (a contagious pneumonia of children and young adults) - 688, 975, 777, 2688, 660, 709.2, 2838.5

Pneumonia, walking (see Pneumonia mycoplasma)

Pneumovirus (causes bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, see Respiratory syncitial virus)

Polio (also known as poliomyelitis) - 135, 283, 742, 776, 1500, 2632, 1850

Polio secondary complications - 1550, 802, 428, 1500, 880, 787, 727

Polyarthritis - 512

Polyp, nasal - 542, 1436

Polyp, uterine - 689

Polyp, general - 522, 146, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20

Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and skin) - 698, 780

Postsurgery detoxification of anaesthesia (also requires post-recovery saunas with electrolyte replacement) - 522, 146

Proctitis (see Chlamydia trachomatis)

Prostate, enlarged (see Prostatitis and other prostate sets) - 2250, 2128, 2050, 690, 666.

Prostatitis (benign prostate tumor or infection) - 100, 410, 522, 146, 2720, 2050, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 465, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 522, 9.1

Prostatitis (1) - 2050, 2250 for 15 min

Prostate adenominum - 442, 688, 1875, 748, 766

Prostate hyperplasia - 920

Prostate problems, general - 2128, 2008, 2720, 664, 728, 408, 9.39, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 9, 9.19

Proteus - 424, 434, 834

Protozoa - 432, 753, 5776

Pruritis (see Itching)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria causing blue pus infections found in wounds, burns, and the urinary tract, et al) - 174, 482, 785, 1132, 5311, 3965, 405, 633, 191, 178, 731, 6646, 178, 739.8, 2959.4

Pseudomonas mallei (also called glanders bacillus. Causes glanders, a blue pus infection of the respiratory system and mouth, and transmitted occasionally to man by equine.) - 687, 857, 875, 1273, 501, 743, 774

Pseudomonas pyocyanea - 437

Psittacosis (see Ornithosis)

Psoriasis (also use Hypothyroid set and see General Parasite, ascaris, and other roundworm freqs) - 2180, 2128, 2008, 2489, 1552, 880, 800, 786, 728, 664, 304, 96, 112, 100, 60, 104, 64, 152, 2170, 2720

Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis - 3000, 95, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 28, 1.2, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680

Psorinum - 786, 767

Pullularia pullulans (allergy remedy) - 432, 873, 1364, 684, 739, 750

Pyelitis, proteus (bacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditions) - 434, 594, 776

Pyocyaneus (homeopathic nosode for Pseudomonas pyocyanea) - 437

Pyoderma (or Pyoderma Gangrenosum; a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. Small pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body. Also see Parasites general and General antiseptic) - 123, 132, 967, 974, 1556, 1489, 663

Pyorrhea (Infection of periodontium causing inflammation of gums and bone loss. Although pyorrhea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment, infection will always return whenever subject experiences stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays (so-called 'silver' fillings) and nickel alloy ('stainless steel') dental appliances are replaced with porcelain that does not contain uranium and infected root canals and sockets are treated. See also Dental, Dental foci, Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Toothache) - 2720, 2489, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146

Pyrogenium 62 (general homeopathic remedy for pus) - 151, 429, 594, 622, 872, 497, 498

Pyrogenium ex ovo - 231, 1244, 1210, 1216

Pyrogenium fish - 287, 304 Pyrogenium mayo - 688, 759, 1625, 727, 770

Pyrogenium suis - 341, 356, 673

Q Fever (an infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the parasitic Rickettsia bacteria and Coxiella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats. See also Typhoid fever and Rickettsia) - 523, 1357, 607, 129, 632, 943, 1062, 549, 720, 726

Rabies (lyssinum) - 20, 120, 547, 793

Radiation burns (also see Regeneration and Healing) - 727, 787, 880, 10000

Ragweed - 473

Raynaud's disease - 727, 20

Refractory an - 435

Regeneration and healing - 47, 2720

Relaxation, to produce - 6000, 10, 7.83

Renal calculi (see Kidney stones)

Renal excretory insufficiency; diastolic hypertensive (also see Kidney insufficiency) - 9.2

Reproductive - 335, 536, 622, 712

Respiratory syncitial virus - 336, 712, 278

Retrovirus, variants - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 448, 800, 10000

Rhesus gravidatum - 312, 322, 536, 684

Rheuma (watery discharge from nose or eyes) - 952, 436, 595, 775

Rheumaticus - 333, 376, 820

Rheumatism - 10000, 776, 262

Rheumatoid arthritis (see Arthritis, rheumatoid)

Rhinitis (runny nose, also see Sinusitis) - 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 465, 522, 146

Rhino pneumonitis - 185, 367, 820, 487

Rhizopus nigricans - 132, 327, 775, 659, 660

Rhodo torula - 833, 598, 778

Rhodococcus - 124, 835, 432, 764, 337, 682, 720

Rickettsia (bacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mites. Can cause typhoid fever and Q fever.) - 129, 632, 943, 1062, 549, 720, 726, 521.2, 2084.8

Ringworm (see Microsporum audouini, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton, and/or Epidermophyton) - 422, 442, 732, 5000, 60, 76, 92, 120, 128, 440, 800 for 6 min

Roaches (may target a symbiot) - 100

Rocky Mountain spotted fever - 375, 862, 943, 788, 468, 308

Rotifer - 4500

Rubella (see Measles, rubella)

Rubeola (see Measles, rubeola)

Ruko tick - 6634, 285, 308

Salivary gland virus (human herpes type 5 - see Cytomegalovirus)

Salmonella (can cause intestinal inflammation and infection, and contribute to flu in children) - 1522, 717, 972, 664, 643

Salmonella paratyphi B - 59, 92, 643, 707, 717, 719, 752, 972, 7771, 1244, 6787, 165, 711

Salmonella type B - 546, 1634

Salmonella typhi (can cause typhoid fever) - 420, 664, 8656, 773

Salmonella typhimurium (can cause food poisoning) - 693, 754, 762

Sanguis menst - 591

Sanguinera - 634

Scabies (see Mange, follicular)

Scarlet fever - 437, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666

Schistosoma (see Parasites, schistosoma)

Schumann resonance (relaxing) - 7.83

Schunan B-Cell - 322, 425, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781, 950, 952, 1023, 1524, 1097, 1100

Sciaticor schias - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 10

Sclerosis, lateral (degeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic paraplegia) - 254

Sedation and pain relief - 304, 6000

Sedative effect (Reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitis) - 2.5

Seizure (1) - 329, 226, 953

Semperillium - 1140

Serum schweinepest - 503, 246, 604, 465

Sexual dysfunction, men (see also Circulatory stasis, Orchitis) - 9.39, 2127, 2008, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 124, 95, 73, 72, 20, 650, 625, 600

Shigella (can cause acute dysentery and diarrhea as well as infect nerves, brain, and spinal cord chronically) - 621, 762, 769, 770, 1550, 802, 832

Shingles (see Herpes zoster)

Silver (exp) - 15903

Sinus Bacteria - 548

Sinusitis (sinus and lung infections can be caused by a large number of pathogens including viruses like RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza A, influenza B, rhino virus, et al. Common bacteria like strep pneum. are always suspect when condition is chronic. Sinusitis frontalis and maxillaris should be tried first.)

Sinusitis (1) - 728, 784, 880, 20, 72, 120, 146, 400, 440, 464, 524, 548, 660, 712, 732, 802, 1500, 1552, 1600, 1862, 683 for 5 min

Sinusitis (2) - 125, 160, 367, 472, 600, 615, 625, 650, 820, 952, 1150, 1520, 1865, 2000, 4392, 4400, 4412

Sinusitis (3) - 60, 95, 128, 225, 414, 427, 432, 456, 610, 614, 618, 1234, 2600, 5500, 304

Sinusitis (4) - 107, 160, 952, 942, 320, 741, 682, 1395

Sinusitis frontalis - 952, 320, 682

Sinusitis maxillaris - 160, 741

Sleeping sickness - 120, 20

Slipped discs (spasms from microbial toxins) - 125, 880, 787, 727, 95, 72, 20

Smallpox (also known as variola, an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blisters) - 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544, 1550, 802, 542, 569, 832, 3222

Smallpox (secondary) - 334, 360, 471, 647, 506, 711, 880, 787, 727, 20

Smegma - 153, 180, 638

Sneezing - 880, 787, 727, 465, 146

Sore throat (also see Pharyngitis, Strep general, Strep pyrogenes, and

Actinomyces israelii) - 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 46.5, 766

Sorghum smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 294

Spasms, muscle - 6.8

Spastic paresis - 30.87, 48

Spleen (secondary) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20

Spleen, enlarged - 35, 787, 3176

Sporobolomyces - 753, 700

Sporotrichum pruinosum - 584, 598, 687, 755, 715

Stammering - 10000, 20, 6000, 7.83

Staphylococci infection (see also other Staph freqs) - 960, 727*, 786*, 453, 678, 674, 550, 1109, 424, 943, 1050, 643, 2600, 7160, 639, 1089, 8697

Staph infection (1) - 943, 727, 643, 20

Staphylococcus aureus (can cause boils, carbuncles, abscesses, tooth infection, heart disease, and infect tumors) - 824.4, 424, 727, 786*, 943, 1050, 8697, 644, 647, 745, 738, 744

Staphylococcus general - 453, 550, 674, 728*, 786*, 1109, 7160, 634, 639, 1089

Staphylococcus coagulae positive - 643

Stemphylium - 461, 340, 114

Stiff muscles - 320, 328, 304, 300, 240, 160, 776, 728, 1800, 125, 80, 40, 20, 6000

Stiff muscles (secondary) - 250, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776

Stiff neck - 4.9, 6, 9.19

Stiff shoulder - 10000, 727, 766, 20


Stomach disorders (see also E. Coli and Parasites general if no lasting relief) - 2127, 2008, 880, 784, 727, 690, 676, 664, 125, 95, 72, 20, 3.9, 450, 802, 1552, 832, 422

Stomatitis (Inflammation of mucous membranes in the mouth. See also Candida, Herpes simplex I, Stomatitis aphthous, Pyorrhea, and Gingivitis) - 465, 677, 702, 787, 234, 278, 568, 672

Stomatitis aphthous (ulcers on mucous membrane of mouth. Also called canker sores) - 478, 487, 498, 788, 955, 982

Stomatitis aphthous (1) - 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 for 5 min

Streptococcus infection, general (streptococcus family. Also see General antiseptic and other Strep sets) - 1266, 880*, 848, 787, 784, 727, 875, 885, 2000

Streptococcus enterococcinum (can cause infection in the digestive and urinary tracts) - 686, 409

Streptococcus hemolytic (blood infection by strep) - 728, 880, 786, 712, 128, 134, 334, 443, 535*, 542, 675, 1415, 1522*, 1902, 691, 710, 1203, 368*, 318*

Streptococcus mutant strain - 114, 437, 625, 883, 994

Streptococcus mutant strain secondary - 108, 433, 488, 687, 833, 8686, 8777, 9676, 660, 732, 745, 754, 764

Streptococcus pepto (can infect digestive tract) - 201, 629

Streptococcus pneumoniae (can cause pneumonia, empyema, middle ear infections, endocarditis, peritonitis, arthitis, bacteremia, and meningitis) - 231, 232, 683, 688, 846, 8865

Streptococcus pyrogenes (pus-forming infections. Can cause sore throat, skin inflammation (erysipelas), scarlet fever, pharyngitis (streptococcal sore throat), scarlet fever, impetigo, erysipelas, cellulitis, septicemia, toxic shock syndrome, and acute glomerulonephritis See also General antiseptic) - 625.48, 2501.9, 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20

Streptococcus viridans - 425*, 433*, 445, 935, 1010, 1060, 8478, 457, 465, 777, 778, 1214, 1216

Strep virus - 563, 611, 727

Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora - 158, 174, 645, 801

Streptomyces griseus (soil bacteria which yields streptomycin) - 333, 887

Streptothrix (includes Nocardia and Actinomyces israeli) - 784, 228, 231, 237, 887, 2890, 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488, 567, 7880, 10000, 787, 747, 727, 20

Stroke (follow up) - 3, 203, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 522, 428, 10000, 20, 2720

Strongyloides (see Parasites, strongyloides)

Struma (family of organisms that can infect the thyroid causing goiter. Use kelp internally. Use Struma cystica, nodosa, and parenchyme freqs.)

Struma cystica - 5311, 531, 756, 361

Struma nodosa - 105, 122, 321, 517, 532, 651, 714

Struma parenchyme - 121, 576

Stye (staph infection of sebaceous gland of eyelash. Also use Staphylococci infection set) - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 453, 2600

Sub luxation induced disorders - 9.6

Sudor pedis (excessive foot sweat) - 148

Sun allergy (Examine prescription drugs, such as Psoralen, for photo-sensitization properties. ) - 3, 330

Sunstroke - 444, 440, 190, 3000, 95, 522, 146, 880, 20, 10000

Surgery pre-op and post-op to prevent and control nosocomial (hospital acquired) and idiopathic infection (see also General antiseptic, Staph, and Strep sets) - 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146, 428

Surgery, detox of anaesthesia (see also Liver support) - 522, 146

Surgical pain, post-op recovery - 3000, 2720, 95

Swelling (edema. See also Kidney insufficiency and Lymph stasis freqs) -522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 20, 10000, 5000, 3000

Swimmer's ear (also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Otitis externa) - 728, 784, 880, 464, 174, 482, 5311

Swollen glands (use Lymph and see Mumps freq sets)

Syphilis - 177, 650, 625, 600, 660, 658

Tachycardia (rapid heart beat. For lab animals only. See also Heart tonic, Relaxation sets.) - 1.2

Taenia (see Parasites tapeworm)

Taste, none - 10000, 20

Tendomyopathy - 320, 250, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5

Tetanus (infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by clostridium tetani) - 244, 600, 554, 120, 352, 1142, 363, 458, 465, 628

Tetanus (secondary complications) - 880, 787, 727

Tetragenus - 393, 433, 2712

Thalamus stimulant - 20

Thermi bacteria - 233, 441

Throat "tickle", chronic (see also Streptococcus sets) - 120, 666, 690, 727, 787, 800, 880, 1560, 1840, 1998, 766, 776

Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of vein walls from clotting. Use on lab animals only. See also Circulatory stasis) - 1500, 776, 685

Thrombosis, infective I herpes family (not to be used with arrhythmia or in U.S.) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 1489

Thrush (use Candida and see Stomatitis freqs) - 414, 465

Thymus, to stimulate - 20

Tinea pedis (see Trichophyon mentagrophyte)

Tinea cruris (see Epidermophyton floccinum)

Tinea versicolor (see Malassezia furfur)

Tinnitus (see also Circulatory stasis, Dental, Dental foci, General antiseptic, and Otitis freqs) - 20, 2720, 728, 784, 880

Tobacco mosaic - 233, 274, 543, 782, 1052

Tonsillar nosode - 1656

Tonsillar pfropfe - 246, 151, 414

Tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils) - 1.2, 73, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 144, 452, 582

Tooth extraction follow up frequencies (see also General antiseptic set) -3000, 2720, 95, 47.5, 7.82

Toothache (to neglect this can prevent recovery from any illness. Should also be treated professionally. See also Dental, Dental foci, Gingivitis, Pyorrhea.) - 3000, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 666, 650, 600, 465, 646, 5170

Toxins (to eliminate) - 0.5, 522, 146, 1552, 800

Toxoplasmosis (a serious, infectious disease that can be either acquired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat litter) - 434, 852

Trachoma (use Chlamydia trachomatis)

Trauma - 96, 192, 300, 760, 3000

Trench mouth (use Gingivitis)

Treponema pallidum (use also Syphilis) - 660, 902

Trichinosis (the very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meat) - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372

Trichodermia - 711

Trichomonas (a microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itching) - 610, 692, 980

Trichophytie general - 132, 725, 808, 812, 2422, 9493

Trichophytie nagel - 381, 585, 593, 812

Trichophytie nagel secondary - 133, 142, 373, 376, 378, 385, 387, 420, 425, 428, 576, 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 587, 588, 592, 595, 597, 724, 725, 726, 750, 794, 797, 801, 805, 808, 809, 817, 886, 2422, 6887, 7688, 7697, 7885, 584, 587, 592, 732, 733, 738, 748, 765, 766, 771, 777, 778, 779, 1256

Trichophyton mentagrophytes - 311, 414

Trichophyton rubrum - 752, 923

Trichophyton tonsuraus - 454, 765

Trigeminal neuralgia - 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 7.5, 880, 832, 787, 776, 760, 727, 650, 146, 7.82, 27.5, 428

Trypanosoma gambiense - 255, 316, 403, 700, 724

Tuberculinum - 332, 522, 664, 731, 737, 748, 1085, 1099, 1700, 761

Tuberculosis (also see Tuberculinum) - 20, 740, 1840, 720, 1552*, 1600, 216, 802*, 784, 1500, 727, 690, 666

Tuberculosis aviare - 303, 332, 342, 438, 440, 532, 3113, 6515, 697, 698, 720, 731, 741, 748, 770

Tuberculosis bovine - 229, 523, 625, 635, 838, 877, 3353, 748, 757

Tuberculosis klebsiella - 217, 220, 221, 686, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516, 729, 748

Tuberculosis rod form - 803*, 1513

Tuberculosis secondary complications - 776, 2127, 2008, 465

Tuberculosis, rod, E. coli, TB infections - 799, 802, 804, 1550, 1513

Tuberculosis, virus - 2565, 1552*

Tularemia (a serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit fever) - 324, 427, 823

Tumor, brain - see Cancer, astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma

Turbatrix - 104

Typhoid fever (typhus infection related symptoms causing high fever, headache, and rash. Also use Salmonella typhi and Rickettsia and see Q fever.) - 3205, 824, 1550, 802, 690, 1800, 1862, 712, 714

Ulcer, duodenal - 676, 727, 750, 880, 10000

Ulcer, gastric - 676

Ulcers, general - 676, 664, 802, 784, 2489, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 73

Ulcer, ventric - 142, 566, 676, 232, 1000

Ulcer, ventricular - 769, 760

Urea-plasma - 756

Uremia (also known as uremic poisoning; excessive amounts of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidney failure. Also use Kidney and Lymph stasis freqs.) - 911

Urethritis (also see Vaginosis and use Chlamydia trachomatis) - 2720, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 1.2

Urinary Tract Infections (some types) - 2050, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 9.39

Urticaria (hives, often due to toxins) - 1800, 522, 146, 4.9, 787, 727

Uterine polyp - 689

Vaccinium (a homeopathic nosode) - 476

Vaginosis (non-specific infection. Also see Gardinerella, Candida, and Trichomonas) - 414, 542, 642, 652, 800, 832, 845, 866, 942, 728, 784, 880, 464

Varicella (see herpes zoster)

Varicoses - 1.2, 28

Variola (see Smallpox)

Vegetative dystonia (involuntary muscle dysfunction) - 40

Vein thrombosis (see Thrombophlebitis)

Verruca (a rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart. Also see Wart) - 644, 767, 797, 877, 953, 173, 787

Vertigo (also use Otitis and see General antiseptic freqs) - 60, 5.8, 4

Vision, poor (see also Cataracts) - 350, 360

Vitamag complete set - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19.5, 22.5, 24

Vitiligo (loss of pigmentation in areas of skin. Use with B complex with extra PABA internally and PABA cream topically. Also see E. coli, Parasite General, Liver support, and Fungus freqs if necessary) - 440, 600, 650, 2112, 880, 787, 727, 444, 20

Wart, condyloma (venereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virus) - 466, 907

Warts (general, also see Papilloma and Parasites roundworms and flukes) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1500, 907, 915, 727, 690, 666, 644, 767, 953, 495, 466

Warts (papilloma type, branch or stalk) - 907, 466

Warts (verruca) - 644, 767, 953, 787

Warts, plantar - 915, 918 for 15-30 min

Wellness - 6.8, 7.83

Werlhof - 690, 452

Wheat smut - 10163, 156, 375

Wheat stem rust (1) - 643

Whiplash - 20, 2720, 10000

White Blood Cell stimulation (see Immune system stimulation)

Whooping cough (see Pertussis)

Wolhynia fever (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse. Also see Rickettsia) - 547

Wound healing (also see General antiseptic) - 2720, 880, 787, 727, 220, 190, 20, 40

Yeast, cervical (also use Candida) - 788, 706, 771

Yeast, general (also see Candida. Use Parasites general, roundworm, and ascaris if no lasting relief) - 72, 254, 375, 522, 876, 987, 414, 422, 465, 582, 787, 1016, 2222

Yeast (baker's) - 843

Yellow fly - 996

Yellow fever (a severe, viral infection which can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tract) - 20, 142, 178, 232, 432, 734, 1187, 733, 779, 10000

Yersenia pestis (see Bubonic plague)

Zygomycosis (also called mucormycosis; a serious fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugs) - 942, 623, 733

Abdominal Pain
20 to 880 727
Alopecia (Hairloss)
Anal Itch
10 to 880 10
Apoplexy Paralysis
1,000 880
Bacillus Coli Rod Form
Bacillus Coli Virus
Bacteria Infections
Bad Frequencies
Blood - Heart Area
20 to 2.2K
Blood Pressure
20 880
20 to 2,000 20
Brain Waves-Alpha
8 to 13 13
Brain Waves-Beta
14 to 30 14
Brain Waves-Delta
.5 to 3.5 1.8
Brain Waves-Theta
4 to 7 4
Bronchiloes (dilates)
1,234 727
@ 44min.
Candida Albicans
@ 28min.
2,120 to 2,130
2,452 BREAST:
10,000 880
Catarrh (Mucous Inflamation)
880 5,000
Cerebal Palsy
Chicken Pox
Colon (*802 should not be used if a healthy colon is involved
as it will kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria.)
20 to 880 20
25 10,000
Cystic Fibrosis
@ 24min.
Drug Addiction
20 to 880 DEAFNESS:
799 to 804
Emotional Relief
Epstein Barr Virus
787 660
787 428
@ 20 min.
20 to 880 GENERAL:
Food Poisoning
5,000 3,000
Gangrene / Blood Poisoning
@ 32mins.
German Measles / Measles
600 to 700 660
10,000 520
20 to162 20
1,550 GENERAL:
Ileocolitis (colon inflamation)
Infantile Paralysis
Influenza / Cold
880 20
Insect Bites
Joint Inflamation
8 to 880 GENERAL:
10,000 1,865
Large Intestine
10 to 880 10
20 to 880 20
9 9
KEY FREQS 1min only
10 to 880 10
Motion Sickness
0 to 240 20
Muscular Dystrophy
Neck Pains
Neuritis (Nerve Inflamation)
20 to 880 20
1 to 880 727
15 727
@ 20min.
Peritonitis (Intestinal Inflamation)
880 1,552
Pineal Gland
20 20 666
770 to 780 20
20 to 2K 20
2,000 2,720
5,000 112
Pulse Stimulation
MALE 70 to162
FEMALE 78 to 82 MEN:
Rubella / Rubeola
Sarcoma All Forms
2K to2.1K VIRAL:
Sciatica Nerve
Sedation / Pain Relief
1,550 1,864
Small Intestine
10 to 880
Small Pox
Under the left arm 20 20
725 to730 GENERAL:
Stiff Muscles
20 20 880

875 to 885
Streptothrix (Fungi)
781to790 727
20 20
20 to 880 20
600 to 700 20
1 to 880 1
120 20
Thyphoid Virus
1.5K to 1.6K
20 to 160
20 to 880 20
Trachoma (eye)
Tuberculosis Rod Form
799 to 804 802
Tuberculosis Virus
1.5K to 1.6K
Typhoid Virus
1,862 20

880 832
1,600 350
Whooping Cough
60 to125 PARASITES:



This table is a little rough on layout rather than alter the original copy.

<XMP> MASTER RATE SHEET GUDELINES All frequencies are given in Hertz at 4 to 5 volts SQUARE WAVE. Electrodes are to be applied directly onto the skin with a non-menthol shaving cream or electrode gel. Do not use oils or creams as they will insulate the transferance of the energy to the body. In general: Drink one quart of polarized positive water with juice of lemon daily. Drink electrolyte solution 20 minutes before electromagnetic application. Electrolyte solution is made by adding 1/2 teaspoon rico polishings, 1/2 teaspoon granular tedthin, and 1/2 teaspoon whey INTO 1/2 glass of polarized positive water. You can polarize the water positive by placing the glass of water on a ceramic magnet ("polarizer") with the south side facing up for at least 2 minutes. Drink 1/4 teaspoon of Acidophilus in 1/2 glass of polarized positive water after energy application. COLOR POWER: Use 500 to 1000 watt projectors for one hour; mimmum time between energy to be 3 hours. Use 150 watt color flood lamps for 1 and 1/2 hours minimum from head to toe. Use 40 watt color lamps for 2 and 1/4 hours. See pages 9-23 to 9-31 for details. Eyes: Use 12 watt lamps a; 12 volts. ;5ee: page 6-17 for application times. Nt~ERICAL COLOR CODE AS USED IN RATE CHART: 1...RED 2...ORANGE 3...YELLOW 4...LEMON 5...GREEN 6...TURQUOISE 7...BLUE 8...INDlCO 9...VIOLET 10...PURPLE 11...MAGENTA 12...SCARLET SEE PACE 613 TO 616. AND PAGE 929 TO 937 FOR MASTER COLOR CHARTS AND DETAILED INFORMATION. COSMIC ON NAVEL: SEE PAGE 413.573.602 to 608. and 613 IN P.R.M. MAGNETIC THERAPY METHODS FOR SECTIONS 1-1 TO 7-12 MAY BE FOUND ON PAGE 609 to fim FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT MAGNETIC POLARITY MAY BE FOUND ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES: 356 to 357. 385 to 386. 389 to 412. 573 to 578. and 602 to 608. These method numbers are placed in brackets, for example, [10,14,8]. P.R.M. section and page numbers are mixed in with the method numbers, and are given in the order that they should be used. Section/page numbers appear like this example: 6-34 (this would indicate section 6, page 34 in the P.R.M. -1- =========================================================================== DISORDER COLOR8: APPLY IN (+/-) POLARIZER, 1-1 ELiCTRO MAGNETIC ORDER BY NUMBER to 7-12 Method HERTZ FREQUENCY ACIDOSIS 3,4,6 + [101 ACNE, PIMPLES 3,4,2,1 + [1] 727,787,880 A.I.D.S. 5,11 + 9-9[10] 727,787,880,2489,5K ABDOMINAL PAIN 2,3 (2 hr. after meal),12 + 3-19, 3-1, 2[~1l 5K, 10K 1-18,4-35 ACUTE PAIN 8,12,10 + [714-40, 3-11 10K ADENOIDS 5,7 if HOT + [11t-1 727,787,880 ADHESlONS 8,5 - [151 x ALCOLObIlSM 5,3 + [1411-10 10K ANEMIA 1, then 4; 12 + [101 5K ALOPECIA, hair loss 10,8,12 + [81 10K AMENORIIEA, no men- 'ration 12,10 + [101 10K ANEURISM, lg. blood vessles 11,10,8,4 + [11 20 ANUS, itching 7,5,4,6 + [5] 20, 10K APPENDICITIS 5,3,4, + [101 727,787,880 ARTERIES, hardening 10,11,4 + [141 5K,20 APPETITE, skinniness 11,3,8 + 1-21 10K APHTHAE THRUSH 5 + 1-13[14] 727,787,880 ANTISEPTlC 6, If fever: 7 [101 727,787,880 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 10,11,4 + 6-14,[141 2-15 5K,20 ARTHRITIS 7,6,8,9 + 5-1,2[171 10K ASTHMA 3,5,4,6 + 2-6[141 727,787,880 AUTOINTOXIFICATION 6,4,5 + 4-20[1,14] 10K ARTERY, stimulator 12 + 2-15(21 X AURA BUILDER 11,10,9 + [61 20 ATAXIA OF MUSCLES 10,4,3,5 + 5-3 5K ALLERGIES 5,4,6 + [1411-13,14 5K BACK ACHE 5,3,2,4,9 [1415-4 10K BAD BREATH 5 + [1413-11,1-18 20, 5K BAD COMPLEXION 5,11,4,3,2,1 + 2-13(141 5K BAD TEETH 5,7,4 + 6-37(111 20,1 OK BED WETTING 6 + 4-32(141 5K -2- =========================================================================== BILIOUSNESS 6,4,7 + (6]3-20, 2-12, 2-5 10K BACK, bent 5,3,4 + 5-5 10K BiTES, insects 5,2,3 + 3-13[17] 727,880 BLADDER TROUBLES 5,6,7,8,9 + 3-13(17] X BLOOD DISEASES 5,4,10,9,6 + 440(14] 727,787,880 BLOOD PRESSURE, HIGH 5,9,10,12,11 - 2-1, 2-2(14] 10K BLOOD PRESSURE, LOW 3,4,12,11,8 + 2-3(10] 20 BOiLS 4,2,3,bursts-remove core - 3-13(14] 727,787,880 5 to drain pus, 6 (2x) seal with 8 20 BREAST JEROUBLE 4,12,5 + 1-15, 1-19, 4-18 5K BREAST TUMOR 4,8 on lump - 7-1 to 7-10 2008,2128 BRONCO-PNEUMONIA 5,2,6 - 3-20, 3-13 776,727,880 BRONCHITIS 1Q5,2, 3-10 6-1, 247,2-12 727,880 BUBONiC PLAGUE 7-6-8-9 + (9,10,14,18] 20,500,5K BRIGHT'S Disease, Nephritis 12,5,4,7,6,8,9 - 1-1(14] 727,787,880 BRUISES 9,5,6,8 - 5-7(14] 10K BREATH SEE "BAD..." BREATHING 4 + 1-16(14,1] 5K BUNION PAIN 9,7,6,8 + 4-9(14,9] 20,5K BONES, cut or broken 3 Positive heals in 2 days (both sides) 10K BURNS 9,7,6,8 + (14] 10K BURSlT1S 9,7,6,8 + 5-8(14] 727,787,880 BURNS, radium, X-ray, nuke Same as above; drink 1 qt. aloe vera jc.daily (14,18] CANCER, internal, external - 7-1 to 7-10[18,10] 2127 CARCINOMA 4, 8 on tumor area. Use neg. pol. on all cancer 3 min/every 3 days CANCER, LEUKEMIA same as above - 7-3 2008 CANCER, SCARCOMA same as above - 7-2 to7-10 2008 GARB UNCLES same as BOILS CATARRH (mucous) Inflam. 7,6,8,9 + 4-25,26(10] 727,787,880,20 CHILD DISORDERS 6,5,7 + [10] 727,880 CATARACT 5,7 (if not diabetic, use 1 or 2) + (10]6-17,18 10K CEREBRO-SPINAL PROB. 4,3,2,10 + (10]54,3-15,20, 10K (& 5-18) CERVICAL GLAND PROB. + 1-9,5-9(101 5K CERVICiTIS 7,6,8,9 + (10] 727,787,88Q20 -3- =========================================================================== CHICKEN POX 7,5,6.(5 all nite for 12 nites, + [101 20, 727,787,880 blue to stop fever) CHILBLANS 7,5,4 + 3-12(10] 20,5K CHRONIC TIRED FEELING 4,3,7,11,8 + (10] 10K COUCHING, COLDS 12,5,2,4,Positive water every 2 hrs. with lemon + 1-17(10] 10k, 728 COLD HANDS 12,11,10 + (10) 20, 5K COLD FEET 1,12,11 + 20, 5K[10] COLD IN HEAD, CHEST, etc. 4,11,6,8,9,7 + 4-12[10] 728, 787, 880, 5K COLITlS,Catarrh in Colon 7,6,8,9 + on colon 2 1/2 l~s 4-25,26(10,14] 800, 10k CONJUNCTIVIT1S, eyelid swel 7,6,8,9 + 6-24,36[10, 14] 728,880,787 COLIC, stomach, colon pain 2,7,3,10,8 + 3-1,2 800 CONSTIPATION 3; + on colon 2 hrs, + water 3-20, 1-18, 3-3, 800(10,14] every 2 hrs. CONVULSIONS 7,6,8,9 + 3-4,5 10K CRICKS IN THE NECK 12,3,5 + 1-9 5K CRAMPS 2 + 3-1,17,1-12 10K COSTALGIA, rib pain 7,6,8,9 + 4-3 10K COlINS IN FEET 8 + 4-9(10,14] 20, 10K CORYZA, Nose disorder 7,6,8,9 + 6-31,32(10,8,14] 727, 787, 880 CUTS (+to heal) 5,3,8 + 3-13(10,14] 20, 5K CEREBRAL PALSY 7,6,8,9 + 4-2 10K CYSTITIS, Bladder inflam. 7,6,8,9,4 + 3-9(10,14] 727, 787, 800, 880 CONTRACTION, stop dischg. 8 + [10,14] 10K CARDIAC DEPRESSANT 9 + (10,14,6]. 10K CLEANS blood plasma 4 + (1Q14] 5K DANDRUFF, SCALES 4,3,2,1 + 3-3,20[8] 5K DEAFNESS 4,3,2,1 + 6-3,2 10K, 20, 800 DIABETES 4,3 + 4A(10,14I 10K DIARRHEA, DYSENTARY 3; Fluid diet, +water every (10,14,6] 5K 2 hrs. 7,8 DROPSY 7,6,8 + (10,14,6] 10K DIPHTHERIA 7,6,8,9; 5 for 12 nites clears up +[10,14,1} 727, 787,880,20 DYSPEPSIA, i}'digestion2,3,5,4 + 3-8(14] 800 -4- =========================================================================== DREAMS 10,8,6 +1-7, 4-31 10K, 20 DULLNESS 7,6,8,9 +1-18[14] 5K DYSMENORRHEA, painful 7,6,8,9, +1-12(14] 727,787,880,800 menstration DRUG ADDICTION 2 with water to vomit + 7-11(14] 20 9,8,12,6 DISTENDED ORGANS 7,6,8,9 + 3-9(14] 10K DIGESTION 4,3,6; Polarize + over stomach(14] and colon. + 1-18 5K DUODE~AL ULCER 5,3,6,4 + 3-12(14] 10K, 727, 880 DISTENDED STOMACH 7,6,8,9 + 3-1,10(14] 5K, 800 EARS, BALANCE 5,6,7,9 + 6-2(14] 10K EARS, hard to hear 3,10,2 + 6-3,4 5K, 20 EARS, RINGING 4,3,2,12 + 6-8,9 5K, 20 (15K to 20K) EARS, DIZZINESS 3,4,6,9 + 6-10(14] 20, 880 EAR ACHES 7,6,8,9 + 6-5(10,14] 5K EAR DISCHARGES 4,2,5,6 + 6-5 10K EASlLY DEPRESSED 3,4,12,11 + (10,14] 10K EASILY FATIGUED 2,4,10,8 + (10,14] 5K ECZEMA, all skin prob, 4,3,2,1,7;Burning: 6,8,9 + [14,1,5] 5K Herpes 7 foritching 6-41 ENLARGED GLANDS 7,6,8,9 + 2-5(10,14] 10K ENURESiS, bed wetting 7,4,6,8,9 + 4-32 10K EPILEPSY, FITS 8,11,10,4 + 4-6 20, 120 EPIDIDYMITIS, inflam testicle 7,6,8,9 + 4-9 20, 1500 EUSTACHIAN TUBE 7,6,8,9 + 6-31(14] 800 MOUTH ERUPTIONS 4,8,5,6 + 6-11 5K ESOPHAGUS 7,6,8,9 + 6-12 727, 787, 880 EYE, COLORBLIND 4,3,5,2,7 + 6-13 10K EYE, ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 11,10,2,7,4,6 + 6-14(14] 2Q 5K EYE, BIFOCAL 7,5,6,3 + 6-15,20 20, 5K EYE, BLURRED 7,4,6,3 + 6-16,29 20, 5K EYE, CATARP&ACT 5,7 + 6-17,18 5K EYE, CROSSED 5,4,6,3 + 6-19(14] 5K, 10K -5- =========================================================================== EYE, DEGENERATION 7,6,8,9 + 6-20[14] 10K EYE, DIPLOPIA 4,2,3,5 + 6-21(14] 10K EYE,near/far sighted 2,1,8,9,7 + 6-22(14] 5K, 10K EYE, INFECTED 5,7,3,8 + 6-24, 3-13 5K, 10K EYE, LACRIMAL 7,6,8,9 + 6-25[14] 5K EYE, NERVE PAIN 8,9,7,4 + 6-26[14] 10K EYE, STRAINED 11,10,7 + 629,27(14] 727, 787, 880 EYE, GLAUCOMA 4,3,2,1,7 + 6-29(14] 1600 EYE, Spots before, inflam. 7,6,8,9 + Rotate + & - 5 min. over eyes 180 degrees EYE, STY,.or droop of lid, ptosis 4,3,2,1 +6-36 5K, 10K EDEMA, Lungs, swell, fluids 7,6,8,9 + 4-5(14] 727,787,880 ELBOW PAIN 4,2,3,10 + 5-10 5K, 20 ERYSIPELAS, skin inflam. 7,6,8,9 + 2-13(10,14] 600, 2000 FACIAL PARALYSIS 3 + 4-8 5K, 10K FACIAL CRAMPS 2,4,3 + 4-7[14] 10K FALLING HAIR 4,3,2,1 (avoid soap onhair) +(8] 20, 10K FEVER, ALL KINDS 7,6,8,9 + [19,14] 20,5K FLASHES, HOT 7,6,8,9. Drink + lemonade/ G' 2 lirs + 1-7,22 10K FEARS 11,10,12,6 + 1-22[10,14] 10K FLU 7,6,8,9 + 4-12[10,14] 800 FOOT BLISTERS 4,6,7,8 + [10,14] 10K FISTULA, ULCER 7,6,8,9 + (+ to heal) 727, 787, 880 FISSURES 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 20, 10K FLATULENCE, SEE: gastritis,distended stomach. Use + water every 2 l~s. FRIGIDITY, female 12removes + [10,14] 20, 10K FASCIA, fibrous tissue under skin 7,6,8,9 + [14] 20, 5K FEMALE DISORDER 1,5,9,12 + 1-23[14] 727, 787, 880 FAINTING 3,4,9,1 + [10,8] 20, 5K FOOD POISONING Drinkwater, then 2 to vomit [14,10] 10K FROST BiTE 7,6,8,9 + [10,14 on bite] 5K FROZEN SHOULDER 3,2,9 + 5-26(10,14] 10K GALL STONES 10,12,11.(+ water 0' 2 hr) + [1,14] 20 GALL BLADDER 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 20, 5K GANGRENE, tissue death 7,5,4,2,3 (Apply color to both sides)[10,14] 20, 727, 787, 880 -6- =========================================================================== GAS PAINS, stomach, colon 8,4,3,5,,7,6,9 + 3-8[14,6] 20, 5K GIDDINESS, DIZZY 7,8,6,9 + 6-10[10,14] 20, 10K GLANDULAR FEVER 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 20, 10K PAPATIlYROID: Use 8 to energize; 2 to depress THYROID: Use 2 to energize; 8 to depress THYMUS: Use 4 to energize; 10 to depress. 3 to energize; 9 to depress ADRENALS: Use 11 to energize; 5 to depress PITUITARY: Use5 to energize; 11 to depress NERVE STIMULATOR: Use 3 (best motor stimulant) SEX GLANDS: Use 4 to heM and as a bone builder, plus 11 PINEAL: Use5 to energize; 11 to depress GOITER 2,8 + [10,14] 20, 5K GOLT 7,6,8,9 + 4-9[10,14] 20, 10K GRAVEL, deposits in urine 5,10 Drink + dist.water ~ 2 hrs +[10,14,5] 5K GONORRHEA 5,6,7,4,8,9 + [10,14] 660, 622 GRIPPE, INFLUENZA 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 727, 787, 880 GONAD, gland inflam. 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 727, 787, 880 GUMS, INFLAM. 7,6,8,9 Use + on gums + [10,14] 20, 800, 5K HAIR, LOSS OF 4,3,2,1 + [10,14] 10K HAY FEVER 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 5K HEADACHES 8,9,4,10 + [10,14]4-24, IA 20, 10K HANGOVER 3,11,4,9 1-10[10,14] 10K HEART PALPITATIONS 8 To rectuce 2A[10,14] 2-11 10K HEART, FAST 8Toreduce + 2-11[10,14) X HEART DISORDERS: MYOCARDlTIS 11 [1] 5K ENDOCARDITIS 11 [1] 5K PERlCARDlTIS 11 [1] 5K STENOSlS 11 [1] 5K ANGINA PECTORIS 11 [1] 5K CARDIAC HYPERTROPHY 11 [1] 5K BRADYCARDIA 11,3 [1] 5K TACHYCARDIA 11,5 [1] 5K -7- =========================================================================== HEPA~TIS, liver inflam. 7,6,8,9(+ water ~3 'vs) + [1,14]2-5 727, 787, 880 HEMORRHOIDS 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 20, 800, 880 HERPES ZOSTER, SHINGLES '7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 1550 HERPES, water blisters 5,4,3,2,1 + [10,14] 1550 HiVES, URTICAPJA 7,6,8,9 + 6A0[10,14] 1800 HERNIA OF DISC 7,6,8,9 + 5-11[10,14] 10K HiP PAIN 7,6,8,9 + 5-12[10,14] 5K HEAD INJURY VitaJity up; 7,4,3,12 2-9,10 10K Vitality down: 9,8,5,10 2-8 10K HiCCOUGHS 2,4,7 + 1-3(10,34] 20, 10K HALLUCINATIONS 6,11,7,4 + 4-10[10,14] 20, 5K HEAD, PRESSURE I,N 7,6,9, + 4-12[10,14] 20, 5K HYSTERICAL SYMPTOMS 3,5,11,10 - 4-14[10,14] 20, 5K HEMORRHAGE 3,4,5,8 + [10,14] 800, 10K HERNIA 3,4,7,5,6 + to heal 5K HOARSENESS 7,6,8,9 + [10,14,1] 727, 787, 880 Gargle with apple cider vinegar diluted 1 to 10 every hour. HYDROCELE, fluid in testicle 3,7,11,9 + [10,14,13] 10K HYPERACIDITY 4,7,6,9 Drink + water (I) 2 hrs. +[10,14,1] 20, 10K HYPOXIA, low oxygen 3,7,4,11,2 + [10,14] 10K Use + on heart, - on spleen hourly HYPOXIA, labored breathing POS. under right armpit toward body, and NEG under left armpit toward body for 30 minutes. HYPOCHONDRIUM, upp&r abdomen7,6,8,9 + [10,14,1] 20, 10K HEREDITARY SEX derangement 10 + [14] 5K HiGH FEVER, PYREXIA 10 + [14] 20 HYPERTENSiON A,9,3,10 + [1,14] 20, 10K INCREASE HEIGHT 5 on pitituary + [8] 10K INFLUENZA 7,6,8,9 (+ water G 2 'vs) + 6-31[10,14] 20, 800, 880 INDIGESTION 3 two hrs after meals + 3-20[10,14j 5K Use + on stomach & colon areas for 10 min. iNFECTIONS 3 (avoid meat), 8,4,7,10,5,9 3-13[10,14] 20, 880, 728, 787 iNFANTILE PARALYSIS 3,4,6,8,12,5 + 4-16[10,14] 1500 ENFLAMMATION, BREAST 7,6,8,9 + 4-18[10,14] 5K -8- =========================================================================== IMPOTENCE 11,10,12,4 + 1-2[10,14] 10K INSOMNIA 7,9,8 + 4-19 10K iRRITABILITY 7,12,8,9 + 4-20,23 5K INTERCOSTAL NEURALGIA 5,3,4,10 + 3-14,15(14] 800, 10K Use + over injury to cancel pain INJURIES 7,6,8,9 (Give warm foods, + water & drinks) + 5K[10,14] INTELLIGENCE, INCREASE 7,8,11,9 + 1-24 20, 10K INTESTINES, INFLAM. 7,6,8,9 (+water ~ 2 hrs, lx with acidophilus 1/2 teaspoon) + 4-25 727,787,880 ITCHING of anus, toes, feet 7 + 4-25[10,14] 5K ILEOCOLI~S, colon inflam. 7,6,8,9 + 1-18[10,14] 800 INTESTINAL SPASMS 2 (Breath deeply) + 1-16(10,14] 5K INTESTINES, to release 9,1,2,3 (+ on colon areas) + (10,14,6] 800 INJECTION, ALLERGiES 5,9,3 + (10,14,6] 10K INTOXICATiON 3,9,7,4 + [1Q6,14] 10K JANUDICE 4,3,2,1,9 + 4-25[14] 5K JOINTS, INFLAM. 4,7,3,5,7,6,8,9 + 5-26,27[14] 10K KIDNEY 12,5,9,8,7 + [10,141 20, 10K, 800 KNEE, See Pains in Knee 5-20 LIVER, ENLARGEMENT 7,6,8,9 + 2-5, 3-19 728, 787,880 Use - on liver; drink + fluids LEUKODERMIA, white skin patches 7,6,8,9 + 6t40 X LUMBAGO, back pain 7,6,8,9 + SA, 4-21[5] 10K LACK OF CONDUCTIVITY 2,3,4,12 + 20, 10K LUPUS VULGAPAS 5,2,6,4 + 3-13, 800 LUMBAR VERTABRAE, deformed 4,7,6,12 + 5-15[l0,14] 10K LYMPHATIC DEPRESSANT 9 + [141 5K LEUCOCYTE BUILDER 9 + (14] 5K LUNGS, BREATHING 4,5,3 + 1-16[10,14] 728, 787, 880 LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA, muscle failure 5,3,4,911,12 + 1-1,2 10K LEPROSY 4,3,2,1,5 + 1-1,2 600, 10K LYMPH GLANDS, plugged, overloaded 3,2,6,5,12 - 1-1,2[14] 10K LASSITUDE, WEAK 4,3,2,1,12 + (10,14] 20 LEUKORP&IEA, white vaginal discharge 6,8,9,5,3,7 + (10,14] 727, 787, 880 -9- =========================================================================== LEUKEMIA, See Cancer LAXATIVE, MILD 4 (Sit on + for 2 hrs.) + [10,14] 800 LOWER BODY TEMPERATURE 10 X LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE 10 + on spleen see blood pressure LEGS 5,10,11,4,3 (If fever; 7,9) + 5-14(10,14] 10K MALARIA - 10 (+ fluids § 2 hrs. Apply energy 2x daily) 20(10,14] MEASLES, AND ALL CHILD DISORDERS (smallpox, German measles, mumps, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, chicken pox): DRlINK + ELUIDS § 2 HRS. Acute: skin eruptions, use 6. Communi;able: use 5; with fever, use 7. 5 for 12 nights- ALL night. MELANCHOLIA 3; If fever, use 7; when normal, use 3 MUSCLE REPAIR 4 (Use + lime or lemon juice § 2 l'rs. 5K MEMORY 10,7,11,8 (seeIntelligence) + '4-22(10,14] 20, 10K MENTALLY RETARDED SEE INTELLIGENCE + 1-24 10K MENTAL IRRITABILITY 7,10,11,8,9,6 + 4-23(10,14] 20, 10K MIGRANE 6,4,3,5,6 + 4-24(14,8] 20,5K MUMPS SEE MEASLES ABOVE MENINGITIS 7,6,8,9 + 4-24, 1-9(10,14] 5K MENSES SEE AMENORREA, STOPPAGE MUL~PLE SCLEROSIS 7,6,8,9 + 4-34(10,14] 5K MOTION SICKNESS 7,5,9,4,3 + 1-8(10,14] 20, 10K MONGOLOIDISM 8,9,3,4,5,11 + 1-24(10,14] ° 20,5K MOUTH ERUPTIONS SEE ERUPTIONS, MOUTH MUSCLES, IlEART, ARM 10,12,11,7,4,5 + 5-16(10,14] 5K MUSCULAR DISTROPHY 3,4,11,5 + 6-17(10,14] 5K MUCOUS 5,3,4,8 + 4-26,5[10,14] 800 MOTH PATCHES, See Urticaria + 6-40(10,14] 20,800 MENIERE'S DISEASE See Ears, hard to hear 6-4 NEPlIRITIS, KIDNEY in Ham. 7,6,8,9 (Drink + lemonade § 2 hrs.)(1Q14] ° 20,10 NAUSEA 2,6,7,4 + 3-16(10,14] 5K NEURITIS, nerve inflam. 7,6,8,9 + 1-23(10,1 £1] 10K NEUROSIS 3,10,8,5 + 4-28(10,14] 10K NEURALGIA, ARMS 2,9,6,5,12,3 + 4-27(10,14] 10K NOCTURNAL EMISSION 4,7,6,10 + 4-31(10,14] 5K - 10 - =========================================================================== NERVES, INFLAM. See neuritis NEURASTHENIA, fatigued 1,4,11,3,9 + 4-23(10,14) 5K NERVE, motor depressant 9 (+ on spleen for 2 rain.) + NECK 8,9,6,4 + 5-18[10,14] 5K NUMBNESS, arm, fingers 3,8,6,4 + 4-33(10,14) 20, 5K NICOTINE POISON 3,4,11,10 + [10,14) 10K NIPPLES, SORE 5,1,3, 3&1 + [10,14) 5K NOSE DISORDERS 5,7,6,8,9 + 6-31(10,14) 727,787,880 NEUTRALIZE ACID 6,3 (10,14) OBESITY Use strong neg. magnets on each hip. Lose 1 Ib. [10,14) ~ day; wear all day, every day. (4,3,8,11,12) OVARIES 4,12,7,6,8,9 + 6-30[10,14) 727,787,880 OBSESSIVE FEARS 12,4,8,6,7 + 1-22(10,14) 10K OSTEOMYELITIS 4,5,12,2,3 + 5-19(10,14) 5K ORAL INFLAM. 7,6,8,9 + 2-16(10,14) x ORCHITIS, testes inflam. 7,6,8,9 + 2-16(10,14) 800 - Use neg. magnet to reduce inflammation. OSTEOARTHRlTIS, joint prob. 7,6,8,9 + 2-16[10,14) 1500 OCCIPITAL NEURALGIA 7,6,8,9 + 4-30, 5-18(10,14) 5K OPERATIONS BEFORE: polarize + all instruments and body contacts to remove negative polarity that can destroy. Use 5,6 as antiseptic. 727,787,880,20 ORGAN DISORDERS Use neg. on spleen 3 rain. to give oxygen. PAIN, PARALYSIS, to remove 3,5,7,6,8,9 + 4-35,37(10,14) 727,787,880 PAIN, TO REMOVE Use + polarities on both sides of area. POOR APPETITE 7,6,8,9 + 2-12(10,14) - 10K POLYPS, GROWTHS 3,8,4,9,7 + 4-36(10,14) 2128 PROSTATE GLAND 7,6,8,9 + 6-33,34(14) 5K PTOSIS See Droop of eyelid PARATHYROID 8 to energize; 2 to depress PANCREAS DISORDER 7,6,8,9 + (10,14) 727,787,880 PYORRHEA, trench mouth 7,6,8,9,5 + 6-35(10,14) 20 PELVIC DISORDEPA 7,6,8,9,5,4 + 6-39(10,14) 660,20,1500 PERITONITIS 7,6,8,9 + (10,14) 727,787,880 PHARYNGITIS 7,6,8,9 (Gargle w/+ apple cider vinegar.) + 727,787,880(10,14) PILES See Hemorrhoids - 11 - =========================================================================== PLEURISY 7,6,8,9 + 3-13[10,14] 20,5K PNEUMONIA 7,6,8,9 + 3-13[10,14J 20,5K POOR CIRCULATION 11,5,12,8,9,4,3,6 + [10,141 20,10K PERICARDITIS, inflam. heart covering 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 727,787,880 PRURITIS, ANUS See anus itching PSORIASIS 7,6,8,9 + 6A0[10,14] 20,5K PAINS lN THE KNEE 7,6,8,9 + 5-20[10,14] 20,10K POLIOMYELITIS See Infantile Paralysis POX, CHICKEN See Measles POlSON, botulism, ptomaine, drugs (Drink + water, then orange irradiation to cause vomiting. BONE BUILDER 4 (+ to heal in 2 days w/polahzers.) PLACENTA, to expel USE 12 PIN WORMS, any worms or parasites 3 (Avoid meat or fish) +[10,14] 20,120,8(y) PERSIS7ENT DISORDERS 4 (Phagocyte builder: 8) + [10,14] 20,120 RINGWORM See Pinworm above + [1,5] 20,120 RHEUMATISM 5,7,6,8,9 + 5.21,22[10,14] 10K RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS 5,7,6,8,9,3,4 + 5-23,1,2[10,14] 10K RABIES 7,6,8,9, + [10,14.18.21] 20,120 P&AYNAUD'S DISEASE See Gangrene RICKETS 2,6,3,4 + 5-24[10,14] 5K RHINITIS 7,6,8,9 + 4-25[10,14J 20,120 RESTORE BLOOD EQUILIBRIUM 10 SCARLET FEVER See Measles SCIATICA NERVE 7,6,8,9 + 4A3[10,14] 20,120 SEXUAL DISEASES See Gonorrhea, Syphilis SHELL SHOCK 4,3,2,1,7 + 4-37[10,14) 20,120 SHINGLES See Herpes Zoster SINUS DISORDERS 7,6,8,9 + 3-13[10,14] 20,120 SLEEPLESSNESS See Insomnia SPONDYLTITS 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 800,880,1560 SLEEPING SICKNESS 4,3,2,1,12,11 + [10,14] 20,120 SMALLPOX See Measles SORE THROAT 7,6,8,9 + 1-6[10,14J 727,787,880 - 12 - =========================================================================== SKIN TROUBLE 34,3,2,1,5 (Drink + fluids ED 3 hrs) 2-13[i0,14] 20,1500 SPLEEN Increase Activity: 9 and neg. pol. over spleen Decrease Activity; 3 and pos. pol. over spleen SEXUAL WEAKNESS 11,10,12 + 4-42[13,10,14,8] 20,1 0K SINUSITIS See Nose Disorders SLIPPED DISC See Hernia of disc SPPvAlNS, twisted joints, sprained muscles 7,6,8,9 + 5-27[10,14] 20,5K STIFF SHOULDER 3,6,8,9 + 5-25[10,14] 20,10K STIFF SHOULDER BONE 7,6,8,9 + 5-29[10,14] 20,1 0K SEMIPARALYSIS 3,5,7,6 + 4-37,38[14j 20,5K STAMMERING 7,6,5,3 + 4-39[10,14] 20,10K STROKE 7,6,8,9,3 4A0[10,14j 20,10K SKINNINESS See appetite, aneroxia STOMACH CP*NMPS 2,11 + 3-17[10,14] 20,10K STOMACH cramps, neuralgia 2,11,5,4 + 3-18[10,14J 20,10K STOMACH, SWELLING 7,6,8,9 + 3-19[10,14J 20,800 SUNSTROKE, HOT 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 20,10K SUNSTROKE, COLD 4,3,2,1 + [10,14 20,10K STERILITY See Impotence, Sexual Weakness SYPHILIS Use 5 front/back ED 2 weeks, 1 br. ED side daily 625,659,20 Use 4 front/back ED 2 weeks, 1 hr. ED side daily AVOID: +4 Wasser,nenn test; Kaim test; Nuguchi test! STY See Eye, Sty, Droop of eyelid SNEEZING See Convulsions SPERMATORRHEA See Sexual weakness SPLEEN ENLARGEMENT 3 and + pol. over spleen. STIFFNESS OF NECK See Neck STONES 8,4,2,35,9 (Drink + distilled water every 2 hrs) [10,1,14,5] Use Method 1 if in gallbladder; Method 5 in Kidney SWELLING, LEGS, FEET 7,6,8,9 (Drink + water ED 2 hrs. w/lernonade) (9,10,14] 10K,20 SMELLS, NONE, anosmia 4,3,2,1 + [10,14] 20,10K SMELL, morbid, hypernsmia 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 800,10K SPASM, contraction due to muscle action 2 + [10,14] 20,10k STIMULATES OVARIAN eliminafion 12 + [10,14] 20,5k - 13 - =========================================================================== SUPEARENAL STIMULANT 11 + [10,14] 20,5K SEDATIVE, induces sleep 10 + [10,14] + on s)leen SOOTHES SUGGEP&ING 10 + [10,14] + on pain STOPS EXCESS MENSTRATION 11 + [10,14] + on uterus SCURVY OUT 4 + (10,14] 5K SPONGY GUMS 4 + [10,14] 800,10K SKIN HEMORP&1AGES 4 + [10,14] 800,5K SEX POLARITY BALANCE 11,10,12, + [81 1-2 10K SOLAR PLAXUS, PAiN 3,4,11,12 + [10,14,8,7] 20,5K STREPTOCOCCUS, INFCTN. 7,6,8,9,5 + [9,10,14] 880 STAPHYLOCOCCUS INFCTN.7,6,8,9,5 + [9,10,14] 727,740 STREPTOTHEIX, INFCTN. of actinomyces, streptomyces & nocardia (soil bacteria or ray fungus) from cattle and swine, sometimes in man. 7,6,8,9,5 + [9,10,14] 787,784 SURGERY 11,10,5,4,6,9,8(+fluid ED 2 hrs)[9,10,14] 727,787,880 SYNDROME DISORDERS, morbid state of many symptoms 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 20,10K ThETH, BAD See Bad teeth THROAT INFLAM. See esophagus TONSILLITIS 7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 6-38, 20,880 TOOTHACHE 7,6,8,9 + 6-37 727,787,880 USE + pol. on ache to stop pain. TEATNUS + [10,14] 5-26 20 to 400 TUBERCULOSIS 2(Drink + fluids ED 2 hrs) + [7,10,14] 20,800,1550 TYPHOID FEVER 7,6,8,9 (Drink + fluids ED 2 hrs)[7,10,14,20] 690,1570 TRAUMA, HEART injury, shock 11,10,7,3,4,5 + [7,10,14] 2-14 10K TISSUE NUTRITION 4 + [7,10,14] 5K THYMUS GLAND S~M. 3 + [7,10,14] 20,5K TASTE,NONE,anosmia 4,3,2,1 + [7,10,14] 20,10K TASTE, MORBID,llYOEROSMlA 7,6,8,9 + [7,1%~4] 20,10K TUMORS, ANY KlND SEE CANCER (Reduce out wfneg.pol. & 4 on body; 8 on tumor localized THALAMUS, sensor relay ctr. 5,11,8,3 + [10,14J 20,5K THROMBOSIS,heart blood clot 3,7,4,6 + [10,14] 20,800.5K - 14 - =========================================================================== TRACHOMA, EYE inflam.7,6,8,9 + [10,14] 727,787,880 ULCERS, peptic, gastric, duodenal, diabetic, dental, gouty, pneurnococcus, chancbroid, etc. 7,6,8,9,4,5,3,10 + [18,10,14]3-12 727,787,880,776 URTICARIA See Hives URETHRITIS 7,6,8,9 + [13J6-39[10,14] 880,660,727,787 UNCONSCiOUS 4,3,2,1 + [6,8,10,14]4.41 20 WEAK STQMACH,heartburn 7,6,8,9 + 3-11 [10,14] 20,1 OK WHIPLASH 7,2,12,4,3 5-30[10,14] 20,10K WORMS, PARASICTS 3 + [10,14] 20,120,800 YELLOW FEVER 7,6,8,9 + [9,10,14] 20,10K -15- =========================================================================== ==================================MORE ========================================= MASTER RATE SHEET 20 HERTZ: ANEURISM ANUS ITCH 10K ARThRIES, Hard 5K ARThRIOSCLEROSIS 5K AURA BREATH, Bad 5K BLOOD PRESS. LOW BOILS 727,787,850 BUBOMC PLC. 500,5K CHICKEN POX 727 CHILBLAINS 5K COLD HANDS, FEET 5K CORNS, FEET 10K CUTS (+ toheal) 5K DEAFNESS 800,10K DIPTHERIA 727,787,880 DREAMS 10K DRUG ADDICTION EARS: BALANCE, HARD TO HEAR, RINGING, DIZZINESS EPILEPTIC FITS EPIDIDYMITIS 1500 EUSTACHIAN TUBE 800 EYE, Arteriosclerosis 10K EYE, BLUR. VISiON 5K ELBOW PAIN 5K FALLING HAIR 10K FEVER, ALL 5K FISSURES 10K FEIGIDITY 10K FASCIA, Fibrous 5K FAINTING 5K GALL STONES GALL BLADDER 5K GANGRENE 727,787,880 GAS PAINS 5K GASTRI~S 5K GIDDY, DIZZY 10K GLANDULAR lYR 10K GOITER 5K GOUT 10K HEADACHES 10K GUM INFLAMED 800,5K HANDS, Cold HEMORRHOIDS 800,880 HICCOUGHS 10K llALLUCINA~ONS 5K HEAD PRESSURE 5K HYSTERICAL SYMP. 5K HYPERACIDITY 10K HYPOCHONDRIUM 10K HI FVR./PYREXIA HYPERThNSION 10K INFECTIONS 880 INFLUENZA 880 INTELLIGENCE 10K KIDNEY 10K LACK of conductivity 10K LASSITUDE, weak MALARIA MEMORY 10K MENTAL irritability 10K MIGRi&NE 5K MENINGITIS 5K MO~ON SICKNESS 10K MONGOLOIDISM 5K MOTH PATCHES 800 NEPHRITIS, KIDNEY 10K NUMB in arros 5K PAN, after operations PELVIC DISORDERS PLEURISY 5K PNEUMOMA 5K POOR CIRCULA~ON 10K PSORIASIS 5K PAIN, KNEE 10K PIN WOWS 120,800 RINGWORM 120 RABIES 120 RHINI~S 120 -SCIA~CA 120 SEXUAL DISEASES 120 SINUS 120 SLEEP. SICKNESS 120 SKIN TROUBLE 1500 SEX WEAKNESS 10K SPRAINS 5K S~FF SHOULDER 10K SEMI-PARALYSIS 5K STAMMERING 10K -STROKE 10K STOMACH CRAMPS 10K SUNSTROKE, 10K STOMACH SWELLING 800 SYPHILIS 625,650 SPLEEN, enlarged SWELLING, legs, feet 10K SMELL, none(Anosmia) 10K SPASM, muscle 10K SUPRARENAL stimulant 5K SOLAR PLEXUS 5K TONSILLITIS 880 TUBERCULOSIS 800,1550 TYPHOID 690, 1570 THYMUS stimulant 5K TASTh, none(Anesmia) 10K TASTE, morbid (Hyoerosmia) 10K TETANUS to 400 THALAMUS 5K THROMBOSIS, heart clot 800,5K UNCONSCIOUS WEAK STOMACH 10K WHIPLASH 10K WORMS, PARASITES 120,800 20 to 400: TETANJUS 60 TO 125: WOWS niL. EPILEPSY 20 PIN WORMS 20 PINGWOWS 20 PERSISTENT DISORDERS, PHAGOCYTE BUILDER 20 - RABIES 20 R1tIM~S 20 SCIATICA 20 SEXUAL DiSEASES 20 -SHELL SHOCK 20 SINUS 20 SLEEP. SICKNESS 20 WOWS, PARASITES 20,800 -Th5£4 CANDIDIASIS (CANDIDA ALBiCANS, CANADA SPORES) ------ PAGE 1 ----- ========================================================================== 500: BUBOMC PLAGUE 600: ERYSIPELAS, SKI)N INFLAMMATION 2000, LEPROSY 622: GONORRHEA, 660 £j2° SYPHILIS 20, 120, 650, 659 ("60010 700") 650: SYPHILIS 20,120,625,659 ~ SYPHILIS 20, 120, 625,650 frsk GONOREHEA, PELVIC DISORDERS 622 690: TYPHOID VIRUS 20, 1570, 1865 727: (* 'To save space, this means to add 740, 787 & 880 to H~ rates listed) ACNE * A.I.D.S. *2489,5K ADENOIDS * APPENDICI~S * APHTHAE THRUSH * AN~SEPTIC * ASTHMA * BITES, INSECTS 880 BLOOD DISEASE * BOILS * BRONCHO-PNELTMOMA 776,880 BRONCHITH 880 BRIGHT'S DISEASE * BURSITIS * CARBUNCLES *20 CHILD DISORDERS 880 CERVICITIS *20 CHICKEN POX *20 CORYZA , Nose * cySTITIS, Bladder *800 DIPTHERIA *20 DYSMENORRHEA *800 ESOPHAGUS * DUODENAL ULCER lOK,880 EYE, STRAINED * EDEMA, LUNGS * PISTULA, ULCER * EEMALE DISORDER * GANGRENE 20 GRIPPE, FLU * GONAD INELAM. * HEPMfflS * HOARSENESS * INEESTINES, INFLAM. * LELIKORRHEA * NOSE DISORDERS 787 OVARIES 787 PAIN, PARALYSIS * PANCREAS * PERITON~S * PHARYGNIllS * PERICARDI~S * SORE THROAT * STAPHYLOCOCCUS SURGERY * TONSILLITIS *20 TOOTHEACHE *20 TRACHOMA, EYE * ULCERS, PEP~C / GASTRIC *776 URETHRITH *660 MEASLES, MUMPS, SCARLET PEVER, SMALLPOX* EtIL WHOOPING COUGH, LIVER ENLARGEMENT 787,784 77£ BRONCHOPNEUMONIA, 727,880 I,Iij£STREPTOTHRIX 787 mm STREPTOTHRIX 784, AND ALL DISORDERS LISTED UNDER 727, LIVER ENLARGEMENT 728 COLffiS 10K COLIC CONSTIPA~ON C%TI~S 727,880 DYSPEPSIA DYSMENORRHEA 727,787,880 DISTENDED STOMACH 5K EUSTACHIAN ItIlBES FLU GUMS, INFLAM. 20,5K HEMORRHOIDS 20,880 INThRCOSTAL NEURALGIA 10K ILEOCOLITIS INTESTINES to release LUPUS VULGARIUS lINEE PAINS LAXATIVE, MILD MUCOUS, MUCUS MOTH PATCHES ORCHI~S, ThSThS PINWORMS 20, 120 SPONDYLITIS 880, 1560 SMELL, morbid 10K -SPONGY GUMS 10K SKIN, Hemorrhages 5K TOOTHACHE *727 ------ PAGE 2 ----- ========================================================================== TIdROMBOSIS 20,5K - WORMS, PARASITES 20,120 fiQz: E. COLI, TUBERCULOSIS ROD ~ ALL DISORDERS LISTED UNDER 727, AND TIlE FOLLOWING: EARS, Dizziness 20 GAS PAINS, Stomach 20, 787,5K HEMORRNOIDS 20, 800 INTECTIONS 20, 728,787 SPONSYLITIS 800, 1560 TONSILITIS 20 15Th EPIDIDYMITIS 20 INTANTILE PARALYSYS OSThOARTEIRITIS PELVIC DISORDERS 20,660 SKIN TROUBLE, Thrombosis 20 POLIO 5K, 10K 1550; HERPES ZOSTER (Shingles), HERPES, Water blisters 1560: SPONDYLI~S 800, 880 15Th TYPHOID 20, 690, 1865 mQQLHlVES 1865: TYPHOID VIRUS 20,690 Zitilo:_ERYSIPELAS, Skin inflammation 600 ,l0LCANCER, SARCOMA 2093, (3 MIN./ EVERY 3 DAYS, NEGATIVE POLARITY ONLY) 2ItIIIL CANCER, SARCOMA 2008 (3'. 'tIN./ EVERY 3 DAYS, NEGATIVE POLARITY ONLY) 2127: CANCER, CARCINOMA (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL), LEUKEMIA. 2217 (3 MIN.EVERY 3 DAYS, NEGATWE POLARITY ONLY) 2128: POLYPS, GROWThIS 2217: CANCER, CARCINOMA and LEUKEMIA 2127 (3 MIN./ EVERY 3 DAYS, NEGATIVE POLARITY ONLY) 2250: TOMC FPlQ FOR ADRENALS 2489: A.I.D.S., 727, 787,880, 5K (ALSO TRY METHOD FOR SYPHILIS) SEE PAGE 912 IN P.R.M. 2500: TONIC FREQ FOR CELLS OF LEVDIG IN COLON (SEE P.359) i5QQ: TOMC FOR THYMUS 15Th TOMC FOR PINEAL, PITUITARY, THYROID, PLUS THE FOLLOWING: ABDOMINAL PAIN 10K ANEMIA ARTERIES, Hardening ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 20 ALLERGIES BAD BREATH 20 BAD COMPLEXION BED WETTING BOILS 727,787,880,20 BREAST TROUBLE BUBOMC PLAGUE 20,500 BREATHING BUNIC'N PAIN 20 CERVICAL GLAND CHILBLAINS 20 CRICK IN NECK CUTS(To heal) 20 Cleans blood plasma DIARRNEA DYSENTARY DULLNESS ------ PAGE 3 ----- ========================================================================== DIGESTf6N Distended stornach, 800 EARS, hard to hear 20 EARS, ringing 20,15K to 20K EARACHES EASILY FA~GUED ECZEMA, ALL SKIN PROBLEMS, HERPES MOUTH ERUPTIONS EYE, bifocal, blurred, catarract, crossed, near/far sighted, infected, lacrimal, sty 10K ELBOW FAIN 20 FACIAL PARALYSIS 10K FEVER, ALL 20 FASCIA, FIBROUS 20 FAINTING 20 FROST BlTE GALL BLADDER 20 GAS PAINS 20 GOITER 20 GRAVEL IN URINE GUMS, INFLAM. 20,800 HAY FEVER HEART DISORDERS: myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, stenosis, angina pectoris, cardiac hypertrophy, bradycardia, tachycardia. IIIP PAIN HALLUCINATIONS 20 HEAD PRESSURE 20 HYSTERICAL SYMP. 20 HERNIA HEREDITARY SEX DERANGEMENT INDIGESTION i]1'LAM. BREASTS IRRITABILITY INJURIES ITCHING, ANUS LAaA~ON, INSFEINT. INTESTINAL SPASMS JAUNDICE LYMPHATIC depressant LEUCOCYTh BUILDER MUSCLE REPAIR MIGRANE 20 MENING1TlS 20 MULTIPLE SCHLEROSIS MONGOLOIDISM 20 MUSCLES, HEART, ARM MUSCULAR DISTROPHY NAUSEA NELlItASTHENIA NECK NOCTURNAL EMISSION NUMBNESS, ARMS 20 NIPPLES, SORE OSTEOMYEUT1S OCCIPITAL NEURALGIA PROSTRATE GLAND PLEURISY 20 PNEUMOMA 20 PSORIASIS 20 RICKETS SPRAINS, TWISTED JOINTS, SPRAINED MUSCLES 20 SEMIPARALYSiS 20 STIMULATES OVARIAN ELIMINATION 20 SUPRARENAL stim. 20 SCURVY, OUT SKIN, hemorrhages 800 SOLAR PLEXUS 20 TISSUE NUTRITION TFlt'MUS STIMULANT 20 THALAMUS 20 THIROMBOSIS, HEART BLOOD CLOT 20,800 10.000(10K): GENERAL OVERALL SYSTEM TONIC, PLUS THE FOLLOWING ABDOMINAL PAIN 5K ACUTE PAIN ALCOHOLISM ALOPECIA, HAIR LOSS AMENORREA ANUS 1TCHING 20 APPETITh, SKINNINESS ARThRI~S AUTOINTOXIRCATION BACHACHE BAD TEETH 20 ElLIOUSNESS BENT BACK BLOOD PRESSURE, HIGH BRUISES BONES, CUT OR BROKEN BURNS CATARACTS CEREBROSPINAL PROB. CHRONIC TIRED COUGHING, COLDS 728 COL1TIS, MUCOUS 800 CONVULSIONS CRAMPS COSTALGIA, PUB PAIN CONTRACTION, STOPS DISCHARGES CARDIAC DEPRESSANT DEAFNESS 20,800 DIABETES DROPSY DREAMS 20 DRUG ADDICTION DUODENAL ULCER 727,880 EAR% BALANCE 20 EAR DISCHARGES DEPRESSED, EASiLY ENLARGED GLANDS ENURES1% BED WET EYES, colorblind, arteriosclerosis 20, crossed, degeneration, diplopia, near/far sighted infected 5K, nerve pain, lacrimal 5K, droop of eye lid 5K, sty 5K, ptosis 5K. FACIAL PARALYSIS 5K FACIAL CRAMPS FALUNG HAIR 20 FLASHES, HOT FEARS FOOT BLISTERS FISSURES 20 FRIGIDITY, FEMALE 20 FOOD POISONING FROZEN SHOULDER GIDDINESS, DIZZY 20 GLANDULAR FEVER 20 GOUT 20 HAIR LOSS HEADACHES 20 HANGOVER HEART PALPITATIONS HERNIA OF DISC HEAD INJURY, Vitality Down HlCCOUGHS 20 HEMMORPHACE 800 HYDROCELE FLUID IN TESTICLE HYPERACIDITY 20 HYPOXIA, LOW OXY. HYPOCHONDRIUM, UPPER ABDOMEN 20 - HYPERTENSION 20 INCREASE HEIGHT IMPOTENCE INSOMNIA INTECOSTAL NEURALGIA Inteligence increase 20 INJECTION, ALLERGIES INTOXICATION JOINTS, INFLAM. KIDNEY 20 LUMBAGO, BACK PAIN LACK Conductivity 20 LUMBAR Verterbrae deformed LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA, MUSCLE FAILURE ------ PAGE 4 -----

H#1- 725,2432,2436353,732,844,646
H#2- 725,1230,245,314,965
H#3- 633,1220,6230,8225,111,392,
H#4- 444, 2323
H#5- 83,235,645,2323,3432,4093,5532
H#6- 702,747,2245,183
Actinobacilia 773
Actinomyces Israeli 262,2154
Adenexitis 522,572,3343,3833,5312,440,441
Adenovirus 333,786
Aflatoxin 344
Alternaria Tenius 853
Amoeba Hepar Abscess 344
Anthracinun 633
Arenas Tennus 667
Atmenic Aib. 562
Aspargillis Flavus 1823
Aspergillis Glaucus 524
Aspergillis Niger 374
Aspergillis Terreus 743
Asthma (4) 1233,1283
Astro Cytorma 857
BC G Vaccine 477.7 (possabally 277)
B. Subtilis 432,722,822,1246
Bacillinum 132,854,921,1042,1932
Bacteria Lactis Nosode 512,526,5412
Bacterum coil commune combo 282,333,413,957,1320,1722
Baker's Yeast 775
Banal 1778
Barley Smut 377
Beth Sutton's Bar Fungus 854
Biliary Cirrhosis 381,514,677,2271
Bilirubin 717,726,731,863
Bladder TBC 771
Blastocystis Hominus 848,365,844,595
Blue Cohash 364
Borrelia 254,644
Botrytis Cinereas 1132
Botulinum 518
Branhamella Catarhalis 2013
Bronchiekstasi 342
Broncho--Pneumonla Borinum 452,1474
Bruceila Abort Bang 1423
Brucella Melitense 748
Candida Albicans 414
Candida Tropicalis 1403
Canine Parvo 323,562,622,4027
Mutant Canine Parvo 323
Canine Parvo B 323,535,755
Carcinoma Bronchial 462,852,1582
Carcinoma Colon 656
Caccinoma Liver Ferment 214
Carcinoma Uter. Ferm 127
Carvularia Spiratera 879
Cataract Brunescens 1335
Celia Carroll 576,973
Cephalisporiurn 481,3966
Cerumen 320
Cervix Adenoma 433
Chaetomiumglobosum 221,867
Chicken Pox 787,3343
Chlamydia 430,620,624,840,2213
Cholera 843,844
Cholecystitis 481,743,865,928
Cholesteatom 453,618,793
Cimifuga 594
Cladsporium Fulvum 438
Coelicia 594,656
Corn Smut 546
Coxsackie 136,232,422,424,435,921,923
Coxsackie B1 834
Coxsackie B2 705,534
Coxsackie B4 421
Coxsackie B5 462,1043,1083
Coxsackie B6 736,814
CMV 2145
Crinis Hunansis 646
Cryptosporidiun 482,4122
Cysto Pyelo Nephritis 1385
Dan's Mold 222,333,42l,822,1233,1351,1711,1832
Dematiun Nigrum 243
Diptherinun 624
Distemper 242,254,312,551,573,671,712,1269
Diverticulosis 154,934
Droglioma 853
EBV 660,663,669
Echinoccoccinum 453,164,623,542
Echo Virus (Endometriosis Tuberylosa) 620
Entameba Histolytica 148,166,308
Enteto Hepatitis 552,932,953
Enterobias 773,827,835
Eriterocoucinum 686
Epicoccum 734
Epidermophyton Flocconum 644,766
Erysipel 845,616
Fasciola Heptica 275
Feli 435
Felis 430,834,2232,3233
Fel Tauri 672
Feloris Wolyhnica 547
Fibrosarcoma 1744
Fibroadenona Mamanae 1384
Filariose 112,120
Fischpyrogen 832
FIV 262,323,372,567,916
Flu '78- 844 (844 could be 849)
Flu '79- 123
Flu '83- 730, 734
Flu '89- 322
Flu Triple Nosode 421,632,1242,1422,1922,3122
Flu Virus "A" 332
Flu Virus "B" 530,532,536,537
Flu Virus "B" Hong Kong 555
Flu Virus British 932
Flukeworm 524,854
Fluor Alb 420,423,424,2222,502
Follicular Mange 693,253
Foot & Mouth 232,237,1214,1244,1271,54ll
Fungus Flora 632
Fusarium Oxysporum 102
Gardinerella 782
Geotrichum Candid 412
German Measles-see Rubella 517
Gliocladium 855
Glioma 543,641
Grippe '87- 332,953
Grippe '86 tri 532
Grippe '89 353
Grippe '90- 656
Grippe 343,512,862,3012,3423,10223, (10223 might be 10,223)
Haemophilie 845
Haemophilus Inf 542
Haemophilus Inf Type B 652,942
Harry Cell 122,622,932,5122
Heartworm 543,2322
Helminthosporium 969
Hemobartinella Felis 603,957
Hemorrhoid 447
Hepatitis 224,317
Hepatitis A 321,3220
Hepatitis New Nos 922,477
Hepatitis Non A Non B- 166
Herpes Simplex 322,343,476,822,843,1043,16l4,2062
Herpes Simplex II 556,832
Herpes Simplex IU.2 808
Herpes Zoster 1557,574
Hirudo Med. 128
HlV 683,3554,714
Horomodendrum 695
Household Insect Mix 723
Ikterus Haem 243
Influe: Bach Poly 122,823
lnflue Toxicum 854
Influencinun Berlin 55--430,720,733
influencinum Vesic 203,292,975
Influencinum Vesic NW 364
Intestinal Inflammation 105,791
Jim Adams' Fungus 943,2644
Kaposis Sarcoma 418,249
Katy luce Finger Wart 495
Katy luce Foot Fungus 634
Kay Harris 521,772,2138
Kidney Papilloma 110,767
Klebs Pneumoniae 766,412
Lac Deflorat 230,371
Leaco-Eucephalitis 572
Legionella 723
Leptospirosis P.C. 612
Leuroencephalitis 572,932,1111
Leukose 612,633,653,3722,*41224 (41224 could be 41 and 224 or 412 and 24 UNKNOWN
Lipona Multiple bipomas D4,47 (D4 could be 84)
Listeriose 471,774,2162
Living Sinus Bacteria 548
Luesinum/Syphilnum 177
Lupus 243,352,386,921,942,993,1333,1464
Lyme 605,673,1455,797
Lymph. Leuk. 833
Lymphangitis 574
Lymphatic Leukemia 478
Lymphogranuloma 1522
Lyssinum 547,793
Malaria 222,550,713,930,1032,1433
Mallel 1273
Mamma Fibrometosis 267
Mannan 961
Mark Seabock 557,922
Marsh Elder 474
Mastitis 654
Hastoiditis 287
Measles 467,520,1489
Measles Vaccine 962
Medorrhinum 442,843,2222
Melanoma Metastasis 979
Meningcocis Virus 720
Meningeoma 535
Meningitis 322,822,1044,1422
Meningococcinum 676,677,517
Microsporum Audouini 422,831,1222
Microsporum Canis 1644
Mold 222,242,523,592,745,933,1155,1333,1833,4442
Mold A & C 331,732,923,982
Mold Mix B (P. Williams) 158,512,1463,623,774,1016,
Mold Mix C 1627
Mold Vac II 257
Monilia 866
Montospora Languinosa 788
Morbillinum - see Measles
Morbus Parkinson 813
Morgan (Bact) 778
Mucor Mucedo 612
Mucor Flumbeus 361
Mucor Racemosus 474
Mumps 242,516,642,922,2630,3142
Mumps Vac 711,551,1419
Muscular Dystrophy 153
Mycloid Leukemia 422,822
Mycogone Spp 371,446,1123
Mycosis Fungoides 852
Myocard-Nekrose 706,789
Myom 453,832
Myositis 122,1124,1169
Mycoplasma Pneumonia 688
Nagel Mykose 462,654
Nagel Trichophytie 133,812,2422
Nasal Polyp 1436
Nematudes 771
Nephrltis 264
Neuralgie 833
Neurospora Sitophila 705
Nigrospora Spp 302
Nocarcila Asteroldes 237
Oligodena 853
Ornithosis 583
Ostitis 770
Ostitis Medinum 316
Ovarian Cyst 982
Ovum 752
Paradontose 1552
Pemphigus 893
Penicillium Chyrosogenium 344,2411
Penicillium Not 321,555,942
Penicillin Rubrum 332,766
Penny Royal 772
Penqueculum 746,755,6965
Pepto Streptococcus 201
Pemniciosls 232,622,822,4211
Pertussis 526,765
Phoma Destructlva 163
Plasmocytoma 475
Pneumococcus Mixed flora 158,645,801
Pneumococcus 683
Pneumocystis 340,742
Polio 742,1580,2632
Porphria 698
Protozoa 432,753
Pseudomonis 5311,482
Psitticosis 1217
Psorinum 786
Pullularia Pullulans 1364
Pyelitis/Proteus 594
Pyocyaneus 437
Pyodermia 123
Pyrogenuim(62) 429
Pyrogenuls mayo 1625
Q-Fieber 1357
Reproductive 622
Rhesus Oravldatum 684
Rheuma 952
Rheumaticus 376
Rhinopneumonltis 185,367,820
Rhizopus Nigricans 132
Rocky Flountain spotted Fever 943
Rhodo Torula 833
Rhodococcus 124,835
Rickettsia 129,943
Rita Livingston 636,700,832,3734
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever 943
Round Worms 650
Rubella 431
Rubella Vac 459
Salmonella 1522
Salmonella B 546,1634
Salmonella Paratyphi B 7l7,643,972,707,59,92,7771
Sanguis Menst 591
Schistosoma Haematobium 847
Schistosoma Mansoni 329
Schunan B-Cell 322,425,561,600,620,623,780,781,950,952,1023,1524
Serum Schweinepest 503
Smegma 180
Solitary Cyst 75
Sorghum Smut 294
Spanish Flu 462
Sporobolomyces 753
Sporotrichum Pruinosum 755
Staph Coagulae positive 643
Staph Aureus 727,943
Stemphylium 461
Strep, Haemolytic 535,1522
Strep Virus 727
Streptomyces Griseolus 887
Strongoloids 332,422,721,942,3212
Struma Cystica 5311
Struma Nodosa 122,321,517,532,651
Struma Parenchyme 121
Sudor Pedis 148
Swine Flu 432,839
T-cell Leuk. 222,262,822,3042,3734
TB Avaire 532
TB Bovine 523,3353
TB Klebs 221,1132,1644,2313,6516
Taenia 187
Tape Worm 522,562,843,1223,3032,5522
Tetanus 554
Tetanus Anti-Toxin 363,458
Tetragenus 393, 2712
Thermi Bacteria 233,441
Thread Worm 423,732,4412
Tobacco Mosaic 233,274,543,782,1052
Tonsillar Nos 1656
Tonsular Pfropfe 246
Tonsillitis 452
Torulopsis 522,2121
Toxoplasmosis 434,852
Trichinosis 541,1372
Trichodermia 711
Trichomonas 610,692,980
Trichophytie 132,812,2422,9493
Trichophyton Mentagrophytes 311
Trichophyron Rubrum 752,923
Trichophyton Tousuraus 765
Tuberculinurn 522
Tularamie 324,427,823
"Ultimate" Yeast 72,422,582,787,1016,2222
Urea-Plasma 756
Uremie 911
Uterus Polyp 689
V-3 Grippe 550,553
V-4 Grippe 232,352
V-5 Grippe 945
V-75 Victoria 343
V Grippe 861
VA-2 Grippe 833
VA 2-L Grippe 447
Vaccinnum 476
Vapch Grippe 153,343
Variola 511,2132,2544,876
Varicillen 345,668,716
Variola 476,511,876,1644,2132,2544
Variolinun 542,832,3222
Veticillium Albo-Autrim UNKNOWN
Yellow Fever 432,734
Yersenia 333
Zygomycosis 942
Methotrexate 584
Green Dye 563,2333

If you notice that some numbers are a negitive that means that
you should use a negitive offset squarewave.

* The frequencies listed in parenthesis are still being researched.

Acne, Pimples 880, 787, 727
Acquired immune deficiency 5000, 2489, 880, 787, 727
Abdominal pain 10000, 5000
Adenoids 880, 787, 727
Adrenals (under basic research) (*24000 )
Alcoholism 10000
Alopecia, hair loss 10000
Allergies 5000
Amenorrhea, no menstruation 10000
Anemia 5000
Aneurism, large blood vessels 20
Antiseptic 880, 787, 727
Anus, itching 10000, 20
Appendicitis 880, 787, 727
Appetite (to increase) 10000
Arteries, hardening 5000, 20
Arthritis 10000
Asthma 880, 787, 727
Ataxia of muscles 5000
Aura builder 20
Autointoxication 10000
AIDS (*3475, 3375, 3275, 3175)
Backache 10000
Bacteria (*690)
Bad breath 5000, 20
Bad complexion 5000
Bad teeth 10000, 20
Bed wetting 5000
Bent back 10000
Biliousness 10000
Biting insects 880, 727
Bladder 880, 800, 787, 727
Blood diseases 880, 787, 727
Blood, plasma cleaner 800
Blood pressure, high 10000
Blood pressure, low 20
Boils 880, 787, 727
Boils, open 20
Boils, pus 5000
Bones, cut/broken 10000
Breast troubles 5000
Breast tumor 2127, 2008
Breathing 5000
Bronchitis 880, 727
Bronchopneumonia 880, 776, 727
Bright's disease, nephritis 880, 787, 727
Bruises 10000
Burns 10000
Burns (radium, x-ray, radioactive) 880, 787, 727
Bursitus 880, 787, 727
Cancer carcinoma, int/ext 2127, 2120, 7130
Cancer leukemia 2127
Cancer sarcoma 2008, 2000
Candida albicans 787, 465
Carbuncles (SEE Boils)
Cardiac depressant 10000
Cataract, not diabetic 10000
Catarrh (mucous) 787, 727
Catarrh, with inflammation 880, 20
Cerebral palsy 10000
Cerebro-spinal troubles 10000
Cervical land (lumps on side of neck) 5000
Cervicitis, womb 787, 727
Cervicitis, neck inflammation 880, 20
Chicken pox 880, 787, 727, 20
Chilblains 5000, 20
Cold feet/hands 5000, 20
Colds, coughing 10000, 727
Colds, head/chest 5000, 880, 787, 727
Colic, stomach and colon pain 800
Colitis, mucous catarrh of colon 10000, 800
Conjunctivitis 880, 727
Constipation 800
Contraction, arrests discharges 10000
Convulsions 10000
Corns, in feet 10000, 20
Coryza, nose disorder 880, 787, 727
Costalgia rib pain 10000
Cuts 5000, 20
Cystitis bladder inflammation 880, 800, 787, 727
Dandruff scales 5000
Deafness 10000, 5000, 800, 20
Diabetes 10000
Diarrhea, dysentary 5000
Digestion 5000
Diphtheria 880, 787, 727, 20
Distended organs 10000
Distended stomach 5000, 800
Dreams 10000, 20
Dropsy 10000
Drug addiction 20
Dullness, listlessness 5000
Dysmenorrhea, (painful menses) 880, 800, 787, 727
Dyspepsia, indigestion 800
Earache 5000
Ears, balance 10000, 20
Ears, discharges 10000
Ears, dizziness 880, 20
Ears, ringing 5000, 20
Easily depressed 10000
Easily fatigued 5000
Eczema, skin trouble (not herpes) 5000
Edema (Lung swelling, excess fluids) 880, 787, 727
Enlarged glands 10000
Epididymitis (infammation uppertestes) 1500, 20
Erysipelas (skin inflammation) 2000, 600
Esophagus 880, 787, 727
Eustachian tube (from nose to ear) 800, 20
Eye arteriosclerosis 10000, 20
Eye, bi-focal 5000, 20
Eye, blurred 5000, 20
Eye, degeneration 10000
Eye, glaucoma 1600
Eye, infected 10000, 5000
Eye, lacrimal 5000
Eye, near- or farsighted 10000, 5000
Eye, nerve pain 10000
Eye, ptosis (drooping lid) 10000, 5000
Eye, swollen lid 787
Facial cramps 10000
Facial paralysis 10000, 5000
Fainting 5000, 20
Falling hair 10000, 20
Fascia (fibrous tissue under the skin) 5000, 20
Fears 10000
Female disorder 880, 787, 727
Feaver, all kinds 5000, 20
Fistula, ulcer 880, 787, 727
Flashes, hot 10000
Flatulence (SEE Gastritis)
Flu, Grippe, influenza 880, 800, 787, 727
Food poisoning 10000
Foot, blisters 10000
Fractures (SEE Bones, cut/broken)
Frigidity, female 10000, 20
Frost bite 5000
Frozen shoulder 10000
Gall bladder 5000, 20
Gall stones 20
Gangrene, tissue 880, 787, 727, 20
Gastritis, gas pains in stomach 5000, 20
Giddiness, dizziness 10000, 20
Glandular fever, adrenals (*24000), 10000, 20
" " , parathyroid 10000, 20
" , pineal 10000, 20
" , pituitary 10000, 20
" , sex 10000, 20
" , thymus 10000, 20
" , thyroid (*16000), 10000, 20
Goiter (*16000), 5000, 20
Gonad, sex gland inflammation 880, 787, 727
Gonorrhea 660, 600
Gout 10000, 20
Gravel (deposits in urine, red or white) 5000
Gums, inflammation 5000, 800, 20
Hair, loss of 10000
Hallucinations 5000, 20
Hangover 10000
Hay fever 5000
Headaches 10000, 20
Angina pectoris 5000
Bradycardia 5000
Endocarditis 5000
Hypertrophy 5000
Myocarditis 5000
Palpitations 5000
Pericarditis 5000
Stenosis 5000
Tachycardia 5000
Hemorrhoids 880, 800, 20
Hemorrhage 10000, 800
Hepatitis, liver inflammation (*2189), 880, 787, 727
Hernia 5000
Herniated disc 10000
Herpes simplex I 1550
Herpes simplex II (*1900)
Herpes zoster (*1900), 1550
Hiccoughs 10000, 20
Hives, uticaria 1800
Hoarseness 880, 787, 727
Hyperacidity 10000, 20
Hydrocele 10000
Hypertension 10000, 20
Hypochondrium, upper abdomen 10000, 20
Hypotension 10000, 20
Hypoxia, low oxygen 10000
Hysterical symptoms 5000, 20
Ileocolitis colon inflammation 800
Impotence 10000
Indigestion 5000
Infantile paralysis 1500
Infections 880, 787, 727, 20
Injection allergies 10000
Injuries 5000
Insomnia 10
Insufficient lactation 5000
Intercostal neuralgia 10000, 800
Intestinal spasms 5000
Intestines 800
Intestines, inflammation 800, 787, 727
Intoxication 10000
Irritability 5000
Itching, anus, feet, toes 5000
Jaundice 5000
Joints, inflamed 10000
Kidney 10000, 800, 20
Lack of conductivity 10000, 20
Lassitude, weak, exhausted 20
Laxative, mild 800
Legs, if fever 10000
Leprosy 10000, 600
Leucocyte builder 5000
Leukemia (SEE cancer)
Leukorrhea (white Vaginal discharge) 880, 787, 727
Liver, enlargement (* 2489), 880, 787, 727
Locomotor (ataxia, muscle failure) 10000
Lumbago 10000
Lumbar vertebrae deformed 10000
Lungs, breathing 880, 787, 727
Lupus vugaris (* 2489), 10000, 800
Lymphatic depressant 5000
Lymph gland, (plugged overloaded) 10000
Malaria, (Chicken pox, German Measles,
Measles, mumps, Scarlet fever, Small pox,
Whooping cough, etc.) 20
Memory 10000, 20
Meniere's Syndrome 10000, 5000, 800, 20
Meningitis 5000, 20
Mental irritability 10000, 20
Metals, (removal from cell) (*30000)
Migraine 5000, 20
Moth patches 1800, 800, 20
Motion sickness 10000, 20
Mouth eruptions 10000
Mucous, mucus 800
Multiple sclerosis 5000
Muscle repair 5000
Muscles, hear, arm 5000
Muscular dystrophy 5000
Nausea 5000
Neuralgia 5000
Neurasthenia, fatigued 5000
Neuritis, nerve inflammation 10000
Neurosis 10000
Nicotine poison 10000
Nipples, sore 5000
Nocturnal emission 5000
Nose disorders 880, 787, 727
Numbness, arms, fingers 5000, 20
Obesity 10000
Obsessive fears 10000
Occipital neuralgia 5000
Operations (after surgery) 880, 787, 727, 20
Orchitis, testes inflammation 800
Osteoarthritis, joint trouble 1500
Osteomyelitis 5000
Ovaries 880, 787, 727
Pain, abdominal 10000, 5000
Pain, acute 10000
Pain, back 10000
Pain, bunion 5000, 20
Pain, elbow 5000, 230
Pain, hip 5000
Pain, knee 10000, 20
Pain, paralysis 880, 787, 727
Pancreas disorders 880, 787, 727
Pelvic disorders (Male/Fema1e) 1500, 660, 20
Pericarditis 5000
Peritonitis 880, 787, 727
Pharyngitis 880, 787, 727
Piles (SEE Hemorrhoids)
Pin worms, any worm or parasites 800, 120, 20
Pleurisy 5000, 20
Pneumonia 5000, 20
Poliomyelitis 1500
Polyps, growths 2127
Poor appetite 10000
Poor circulation 10000, 20
Prostate gland 5000
Psoriasis (skin trouble, red patches) 5000, (*2489), 20
Ptosis (eyelid droop) 10000, 5000
Pyorrhea, trench mouth 20
Parlomspm's disease 38000, 16000
Rabies 120, 20
Raynaud's disease, gangrene 880, 787, 727, 20
Rhinitis 120, 20
Rheumatism 10000
Rheumatoid arthritis 10000
Rickets 5000
Ring worm 120, 20
Scarlet fever 20
Sciatica, nerve inflammation 10000, 120, 20
Semi-paralysis 5000, 20
Sexual weakness (Male/Female) 10000, 20
Shingles, (SEE Herpes zoster)
Sinus disorders 120, 20
Skin hemorrhages 5000, 800
Skin trouble, (not psoriasis) 1500, 20
Sleeping sickness 120, 20
Smell, none (anosmia) 10000, 800, 20
Solar plexus pain 5000, 20
Sore throat 880, 787, 727
Spasms, muscle 10000, 20
Spleen enlargement 20
Spondylitis 1550, 880, 800
Spongy gums 10000, 800
Sprains, twisted ligaments 5000, 20
Stammering 10000, 20
Stiff shoulder 10000, 20
Stimulate ovarian elimination 5000, 20
Staphycoccus infections 727
Stomach cramps 10000, 20
Stones 10000
Stroke (Cerebral Vasculas Accident) 10000, 20
Streptococcus infections 880
Streptothrix 787
Sun stroke 10000, 20
Suprarenal stimulant 5000, 20
Surgery (SEE operations)
Swelling, legs and feet 10000, 20
Swelling, stomach 5000, 800, 20
Syndrome disorders 10000, 20
Syphilis (*660), 626, 20
Taste, none 10000, 20
Thalmus, (sensory relay center) 5000, 20
Thrombosis 5000, 800, 20
Thrush 880, 787, 727
Thymus gland stimulant 5000, 20
Thyroid stimulant (*16000)
Tissue nutrition 5000
Tonsil inflammation (Tonsilitis) 880, 787, 727, 20
Toothache 880, 787, 727
Trachoma, eye inflammation 880, 787, 727
Trauma, heart injury, shock 10000
Tuberculosis 1550, 800, 20
Tumors, any kind 2127
Tyhoid fever 1570, (*770), 690, 20
Ulcers: (chankeroid, dental, diabetic,
duodenal, gastric, gouty, peptic, etc.) 880, 787, 776, 727
Unconscious 20
Urethra inflammation 787, 727, 660
Urethritis 880
Urticaria (see Hives)
Weak stomach 10000, 20
Whiplash 10000, 20
Worms parasites 800, 120, 20
Yellow fever 10000, 20

Updated Frequency List


This list is a compendium of frequencies that have been reported tby users of a device to have actual physiologic effects. Some of these are well know frequencies, used in a unique sequence, others are completely new heretofore unknown frequencies. This list will be updated as results are reported to me, all information should be considered as anecdotal, and not scientifically proven. These frequencies should not be considered as anything but experimental. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, NO CLAIMS ARE MADE FOR EFFECTIVENESS.


304 - Sedation or pain relief, also nice to use as the last frequency of a set of frequencies

Fibromyalgia and Joint Pains - This set has many positive reports of symptomatic relief lasting from several days to almost a week. 650, 625, 600, 240, 95, 522, 2900, 28 .

Lyme Disease 432, 484, 610, 690, 790, and 864 - Please note the use of these frequencies has produced what is known as a Herxheimer Reaction. As the spirochetes die, they release a protein toxin that can produce joint pains, weakness, and general malaise for a few days following exposure. It has been suggested that one start slow with but a minute of exposure and then gradually increase the exposure time. One should not repeat an exposure until all effects and symptoms of the previous exposure have cleared.

Lyme Disease - reported 2001 - all the above plus - 652, 1103, 1500, 4200, 450, 465.

Helicobacter Pylori - 676 linked as a causative agent in stomach ulcers.

728 - A type of Cancer cell found in blood of people with Multiple Myeloma. Causes the cells to disintegrate according to one researcher.

Flu Virus 728, 800, 880 , 7760, 8000, 8250

2050, 2180, 2452 - Non responsive to Cancer at 2128 or 2008. It has been suggested that these Cancers are formed in response to some different stimulus than commonly occurs.

Cataracts - 1830, 1600, 9999, 1552, 2110, 1335, 1654, 2187, 2195, 2211

664, 764 - very beneficial for emotional ties to diseases. 664 has apparently caused people to giggle especially in a group exposure setting.

660, 728, 787 Epstein Barr virus also has been used for Mononucleosis.

1234, 3672, 7344 Opens bronchioles makes breathing easier seems to be helpful for asthmatics. Also is quite sedating.7344 seems to work best of the three.

Sharpens Eyesight 350, 360

Herpes Zoster 1489, 1500, 1550, 2489 - relieves acute outbreak, but does not remove dormant form from body. Use of 2489 for about 30 minutes seems to provide long term benefits.

Menieres Disease - Removed all pain associated with. 9 Hz.

Hand Tremors 470 - stopped involuntary tremors in left hand of a person with multiple sclerosis.

463 and 466 stopped involuntary tremors in a person with brain tumors.

915 and 918 plantar wart - use long exposure time - 15 to 30 minutes on each frequency.

Prostatitis 2050 and 2250 - 10 to 15 minutes on each frequency. Use for a short interval will aggravate prostatitis!

3.6 and 6.3 Hz have been reported as being able to keep a person from becomming angry

Nausea and abdominal cramps 72, 95, 190, 304

Chlamydia infections 866, 430, 2213, 620

6000 - A master Central Nervous System Frequency. Release of emotional problems, blocked seizures - but does nothing once seizure starts, stopped tremors in hands in person with Parkinson's disease.

Hepatitis C - used by a Dr. in France to good effect. Exposures were of only 45 seconds on each frequency. Longer exposures had no effect. 728, 166, 224, 317, 727, 787, 880, 2189

Multiple Sclerosis - Use of 5000 Hz for 30 minutes every other day, used the above Hep C protocol on alternate days. So one day 5000, next day Hep C. One should start the 5000 at about 10 minutes and work up in time slowly watching for detox reactions.

Psoriasis - From New Zealand comes this protocol 2180, 2128, 2008, 1552, 880, 784, 664, 304

Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE) - 633, 2125, 2008, 3612, 802, 2489, 702

Fruit Flies - 2167Hz reported by someone in the Netherlands

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - 2127 , 465, 660, 666, 727, 787, 880, 1550. Also used parasite frequencies

Round Worms - 104, 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212, 240, 688, 20, 120

Flukes - 143, 275, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651, 435, 524

Incessant worrying - 6130Hz

Gall Bladder- 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000

Pleural Efffusion - 787, 474, 612, 361

Basal Cell Skin Carcinoma - 2116, 760, 2280 direct exposure of the lesion to light from the tube helps as does pulsing the audio output. About 30 minutes exposures at 2116 seemed optimal, 760 and 2280 at 5 minutes each.

Chem Spray Related Illness - 664, 7344, 2842, 1147, 686.6, 684.1, 113, 779.9, 829.3, 279.2, 865, 969.9, 1067, 783.6, 800.4, 1045, 1062, 673.9, 690.7


Muscular Dystrophy - 2900 was reported by two people to help stamina and muscular coordination

Diabetic Foot Infection - 1865, 802, 787, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 304 , scan from 2000 to 2200. Saved a persons diabetic toe from amputation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - 15, 324, 528

Cervical Cancer - 2288, 2944 to 2968 as a scan


and finally, a list of frequencies not from the works of Dr. Meg Patterson


These frequencies are of all types; light, sound, electrical, etc. The
two- or three-character source codes after each frequency (In Capital
Letters) are defined at the bottom of the page.

0.16 - 10 NeuralgiasAT

0.18 - 10 Mod. therapyAT

0.20 - 0.26 Dental painAT

0.20 - 10 Post-traumaticsAT

0.28 - 2.15 Alcohol addictionAT

0.28 - 10 ArthritisAT

0.30 - 0.15 DepressionAT

0.30 - 10 Cervobrachial syndromeAT

0.37 - 2.15 Drug addictionAT

0.40 - 10 ConfusionAT

0.45 - 10 Muscle painAT

0.5 very relaxing, against headache MG, for lower back painAS

0.95 - 10 WhiplashAT

1-3 Delta: deep, dreamless sleep, trance state, non-REM sleep

1.0 Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth
hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony and balanceMG

1.45 Tri-thalamic entrainment format. According to Ronald deStrulle,
creates entrainment between hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal. May
benefit dyslexics and people with Alzheimer's.MP2

2.15 - 10 TendovaginatisAT

2.5 pain relief, relaxationMG. Production of endogenous opiates.EQ

3.4 Sound sleep

3.5 Feeling of unity with everything, accelerated language retention×;
enhancement of receptivityMG

4-6 attitude and behavior changeMH

4-7 Theta: recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming,
switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness.

4 Enkephalins; Extrasensory perceptionMG

4.9 Theta brain wave

5.0 unusual problem solving×

5.5 Moves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of growth needed

6.0 long term memory stimulationMG

7.0 Mental and astral projection, psychic surgery

7.5 Inter-awareness of self and purpose, guided meditation, creativity,
contact with spirit guides; entry into meditationMG

7.83 Earth Resonance, grounding×, "Schumann Resonance."

8-10 learning new informationMH

8-13 Alpha: relaxed, tranquil and non-drowsy, inward awareness, bodymind

8-14 Qi Gong and infratonic Qi Gong machineQG

8.0 Past life regression×

8.3 Pick up visual images of mental objects

9.0 Awareness of causes of body imbalance and means for balance×

9.41 Pyramid frequency (outside)

9.6 Mean dominant frequency associated with the earth's magnetic fieldEQ

10 enhanced release of serotonin and mood elevator, universally
beneficial, use to try effects of other mixesMG. Acts as an analgesic,
safest frequency, especially for hangover and jet lag.EQ Meg Patterson
used for nicotine withdrawal.MB3

10.2 Catecholamines

10.5 Healing of body, mind/body unity, firewalking×; potent stabilizer
and stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence.MG

10.6 Relaxed and alert

12.0 Centering, doorway to all other frequencies×

13-30 Normal wakefulness×

14-16 "associated with sleep spindles on EEG during second stage of

14.0 Awake and alert

15 chronic painMG

16 bottom limit of normal hearingMP2

18-22 Beta: outward awareness, sensory data

20 fatigue, energize. Causes distress during labor.EQ

27.5 lowest note an a pianoMP2

30 Meg Patterson used for marijuana.MB3

30 - 190 LumbagoAT

30-500 High Beta: a few people able to replicate at will

32 Desensitizer; enhanced vigour and alertnessMG

33 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside)

35 - 150 FracturesAT

35 - 193 ArthralgyAT

35 Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras

38 Endorphin releaseWL

40 dominant when problem solving in fearful situations.EQ

40-60 anxiolytic effects and stimulates release of beta-endorphinesMG

43 - 193 CarcinomatosisAT

50 dominant frequency of polyphasic muscle activity, mains electrical in

50 Slower cerebral rhythms

55 Tantra, kundalini×

60 electric power lines

63 Astral projection×

70-9,000 Voice spectrumMP1

70 Mental and astral projection

72 Emotional spectrum

80 Awareness and control of right direction. Appears to be involved in
stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 160 Hz. Combine with
2.5 Hz.EQ

83 Third eye opening for some people

90 Good feelings, security, well-being, balancing

105 Overall view of complete situation

108 Total knowing

111 Beta endorphinsMR. cell regeneration

120-500 PSI, transmutation, psychokinesis

125 Graham potentializer; StimulationMH

126.22 Sun, 32nd octave of Earth yearHC

136.1 Sun: light, warmth, joy, animusRV

140.25 Pluto: power, crisis & changes

141.27 Mercury: intellectuality, mobility

144.72 Mars: activity, energy, freedom, humor

147.85 Saturn: separation, sorrow, death

160 Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine
production, with 80 Hz.EQ

183.58 Jupiter: growth, success, justice, spirituality

194.71 Earth: stability, grounding

207.36 Uranus: spontaneity, independence, originality

211.44 Neptune: the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love

221.23 Venus: beauty, love, sexuality, sensuality, harmony

250 Elevate and revitalize

272 33rd octave of Earth yearHC

384 "Gurdjieff vibration associated with root chakra. Sixth harmonic of
six, center of the brainwave spectrum."RP

396 G (musical note)PL

405 VioletPL

420.82 Moon: love, sensitivity, creativity, femininity, anima

438 Indigo

440 A (musical note)

473 Blue

495 B (musical note)

527 Green

528 C (musical note)

580 Yellow

594 D (musical note)

597 Orange

660 E (musical note)

700 Red

704 F (musical note)

1000 Cerebral neurons

4,186 highest note on a pianoMP2

16,000 - 20,000 Upper range for normal hearingMP2

Slower physiological cycles:CA

Heart: 76 beats/ min

Respiratory: 22 cycles/ min

Kidneys: 24 hour cycle

Stomach: 3 contractions/ min

Intestines: 1 contraction/ min

Muscles: proteins broken down & built every 12 days

Ovaries: 28 day menstrual cycle

Red blood cells: 128 day life cycle

Bone calcium: 200 day replacement


× Michael Hercules' Nustar

Zen Player and B. Giles personal notes

AS AlphaStim (research survey)

AT Auriculotherapy device information from Bentek Corp. Earlobe type
electrodes are specified for some conditions, TENS or ECG type
electrodes for others. Device has two channels, indicated for each

CA Compleat Astrologer, Derek & Julia Parker for slower physiological

EQ Octaves and windows, Equinox, April 88

MG Megabrain Germany

MB3 Megabrain Report #3, p. 19

MH Mind Expanding Machines: Can the GP Do for the Brain What Nautilus
Does for the Body?, by Michael Hutchison, New Age Journal July/Aug 87
potentializer not in production.

MR Megabrain Report Vol 1 #2

MP1 Chant: The Healing Power of Voice and Ear, an interview with Alfred
Tomatis, M.D., by Tim Wilson, in Music: Physician for Times to Come, an
anthology by Don Campbell

MP2 Sonic Entrainment, by Jonathan S. Goldman, in Music: Physician for
Times to Come, an anthology by Don Campbell

PL Power of Limits (see Accords chart) for colors and notes.

QG China Healthways Inst.

RP Astral Travel with Orgone Energy Machine, Ray A. Proper, Fry's
Incredible Inquiry

RV Primordial Tones: Meditation on the Archetypal Energies of Celestial
Bodies, Joachim-Ernst Berendt, ReVision, Summer 1987 for planets.

WL Wolfgang Ludwig

HC Hans Cuosto, Cosmic Octave, Life Rhythm

Mortal oscillatory frequencies of Rife radio instrument, see Super

Radionic frequencies chart may be obtained from L'ORD Industries.

Electrical wave forms

One of the benefits of working with electrical stimulation is the
ability to generate precise and complex waveforms. It is likely that
specific waveforms have specific functions. Brain stimulation,
frequencies and waveforms are a vast and promising field of
experimentation for alchemists.

Abdominal Pain 5000, 10000
Abdominal Cramps 72, 95, 190, 304
Acne 727, 787, 880, 5000
Actinomycosis 678,000 (5297)
Adenoids 20, 727, 787, 800,
Adrenals 10
AIDS 727, 787, 880, 2489,
5000, 31,000, 31750, 34750
Alcoholism 10000
Allergies 3, 20, 125, 727,
787, 880, 5000, 10000
Alopecia (Hair Loss) 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Amenorrhea (No Menstruation) 727, 787, 880, 10000
Anemia 5000
Aneurysm 20
Anthrax 727, 787, 880
400,000 (3125), 900,000 (7031)
Anxiety 304, 6130
Apoplexy 20
Appendicitis 727, 787, 880
Appetite (Low) 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Arteries Hardening (see Arteriosclerosis)
Arteriosclerosis 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Arthritis - General 727, 784, 787, 800,
880, 1550, 1552, 2720, 4200, 5000, 10000,
Arthritis, Rheumatoid 250, 262, 600, 625,
650, 727, 776,, 787
Asthma (Correct Parasympathetic Imbalance) 727, 787, 880, 1234,
3672, 7344, 5000, 10000
Astrocytoma 727, 787, 880
Ataxia of Muscles 5000,
Athletes Foot 400, 727, 784, 787,
880, 5000, 10000
Aura Builder 20
Auto-intoxication 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Bacillus Coli 800, 1552, 683,000
(1334), 8,581,000 (2095, 4190)
Backache 727, 787, 880, 10000
Bacterial Infections 20, 664, 727, 787,
800, 832, 880, 1560
Bad Breath (see Halitosis)
Bad Complexion 20, 727, 787, 880,
Bad Teeth 400, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Bed Wetting (see Enuresis)
Bent Back 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Biliousness 727, 787, 880, 10000
Bladder Worms 506
Blood (Over Heart Area) 20, 1100, 2200
Boils 20, 727, 787, 880,
800, 5000,
Bone Regeneration 2720
Bones (Cut or Broken) 2720, 10000
Brain 20, 1000, 2000
Brain Waves (Alpha State) 8 to 12
Brain Waves (Beta State) 12 to 30
Brain Waves (Delta) 4 and Lower
Brain Waves (Theta State) 4 to 8
Breast Problems 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Breast Tumor (see Cancer, Breast)
Breathing Problems 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Bright's Disease 727, 787, 880
Bronchial Pneumonia 727, 770, 776, 780,
787, 880, 1234
Bronchial Tubes, to Open 1234, 3672, 7344
Bronchitis 727, 880, 1234
Bruises 10000
Bubonic Plague 20, 500, 727, 787,
880, 5000, 160,000 (625, 1250, 2500, 5000)
Bunion Pain 20, 5000
Burns 727, 787, 880, 10000
Burns Radium 727, 787, 880
Bursitis 727, 787, 880
Cancer, Alternate Frequencies to Try 543, 641, 784, 1560,
2050, 2180, 2182, 2452
Cancer, Basal Cell Carcinoma 760, 2116, 2280,
2876 (Consider 30 minutes on 2116)
Cancer, Breast 20, 465, 660, 665,
690, 727, 740, 787, 800, 880, 1840, 1998, sweep 2000-2300, 2008,
2128, 2876, 5000, 10000 (Work up to 45+ minutes on 2128. Reduce
run times if fluid retention develops.
Cancer, Carcinoma 20, 120, 333, 452,
464, 660, 666, 690, 683, 728, 740, 784, 787, 794, 800, 880, 1560,
1577, 1840, 1998, sweep 200-2300, 2008, 2050, 2084, 2128, 2182,
2720, 2876, 3176, 5000, 6064, 10000, 304 (Work up to 45+ minutes
on 2128. Reduce run times if fluid retention develops.)
Cancer, Glioblastoma 465, 543, 641, 727,
784, 787, 880, 1560, 2008, 2128, 2876 (Pulse at 4 Hz)
Cancer, Leukemia 2128, 2008, 880,
787, 727, 690, 666, 590, 10000, 2008, 6.8, 1850, 450, 440, 428,
14, 15, 2030, 15, 2030, 15, 2030, 465 (use Halox too.)
Cancer, Melanoma - see sarcoma
Cancer, Prostate use carcinoma frequencies plus 2128, 2125, 2131,
2140, 2145, 666, 3672 pulsed at 6 Hz, work up to 6 minutes each.
Cancer, Sarcoma 20, 465, 660, 665,
690, 727, 740, 787, 800, 880, 979, 1840, 1998, 2004, 2008, 2012,
2128, 3672, 5000, 7760, 10000
Candida Albicans 254, 414, 450, 465
Carbuncles (see Boils)
Carcinoma Virus 2120, 2128, 2130,
11,780,000 (1438, 2876, 5752)
Cardiac Depressant 10000
Cataract (see Eye Cataract) 727, 784, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Catarrh (Mucous) Inflammation 20, 727, 787, 880,
1552 1,800,000 (7031)
Cerebral Palsy 727, 787, 880, 10000
Cerebro-Spinal Trouble 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Cervicitis, Uterus 20, 727, 787, 880
"Chem Trail" 4534, 8671
Chicken pox 20, 727, 787, 880
Cholera 727, 787, 880,
851,000 (1662)
Childhood Disorders 727, 787, 880
Chlamydia 430, 620, 866, 2213
Chlamydia Pneumonia 1880.1, 1885.9
Chronic Tired Feeling 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 120, 424, 465, 660,
665, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 2128 (Also consider parasites, worms)
Circulation, Poor Sweep 2000-2200,
especially 2112, 5000
Cold Feet, Hands 20, 727, 787, 880,
sweep 2000-2200, 5000,
Cold in Head or Chest, etc. 400, 660, 727, 770,
776, 780, 787, 800, 880
Cold sores - see herpes
Coli Bacteria 802
Colic (Stomach & Colon Pain) 727, 787, 800, 880
Colitis (Mucous Catarrh of Colon) 727, 787, 800, 880,
Colon 20, 440, 880
Conjunctivitis (Contagious) 727, 787, 800, 880,
1,206,000 (4711)
Constipation 727, 787, 800, 880
Contractions, Arrests, Discharges 10000
Convulsions 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Corns on feet 20, 727, 787, 880,
Coryza (Nose Disorder) 727, 787, 880
Costalgia (Rib Pain) 727, 787, 880, 10000
Coughing Colds 10000
Coxsackie (Also See Mumps) (General) 136, 144, 232, 380,
422, 424, 435, 595, 676, 769, 921, 923, 1189
Cramps 26, 10000
Cramps, Abdominal 72, 95, 190, 304
Cricks in the Neck 727, 787, 880, 5000
Cuts (to heal) 20, 727, 787, 880,
Cystitis (Bladder Inflammation) 727, 787, 800, 880
Dandruff, Scales 727, 787, 880, 5000
Deafness 20, 800, 10000
Depression 664, 764
Diabetes 20, 48, 72, 95, 125,
302, 444, 450, 465, 666, 690, 727, 787, 800, 880, 1550, 1850,
1865, 2008, 2128, 4200, 5000, 10000
Diarrhea 727, 787, 800, 880
Digestion 727, 787, 880, 5000
Diphtheria 20, 727, 787, 880,
800,000 (3125)
Distended organs 727, 787, 880, 10000
Distended stomach 727, 787, 800, 880,
Dreams 20, 10000
Duodenal Ulcer (see Ulcer Duodenal)
Dysentery (see Diarrhea)
Dysmenorrhea (Painful Menstruation) 727, 787, 800, 880
Dyspepsia (Indigestion) 727, 787, 800, 880
E-Coli 799, 802, 804
Ear Discharges 465, 727, 787, 10000
Earaches 727, 787, 880, 10000
Ears, Balance 20, 727, 787, 880,
Ears, Dizziness 20, 727, 787, 880
Ears, Hard to Hear 20, 727, 787, 880
Ears, Ringing 20, 727, 787, 880,
E. Coli 799-804
Eczema (Skin Troubles also see Herpes) 727, 787, 5000
Edema (Lung Swelling Excess Fluids) 727, 787, 880
Elbow pain 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Endometriosis 800, 1550 (Also
consider fluke and other parasite frequencies.) (Careful!)
Enlarged Glands 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Enuresis (Bed Wetting) 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Epididymitis (Inflammation of Testicle) 20, 727, 787, 880,
Epilepsy (Fits) 20, 120, 727, 787,
Epstein-Barr 660+727+787 (Same
Time), 660, 665, 690, 727, 787
Erysipelas (Skin Inflammation) 600, 727, 787, 880,
Esophagus 727, 787, 880
Eustachian (Tube From Nose to Ear) 20, 727, 787, 800,
Eye, Arteriosclerosis 20, 727, 787, 880,
Eye, Bifocal 20, 727, 787, 880
Eye, Blurred 20, 727, 787, 880,
1600, 5000
Eye, Cataract (Non-Diabetic) 727, 784, 787, 880,
1600, 5000, 10000
Eye, Color Blind 10000
Eye, Conjunctivitis 728, 787, 880
Eye, Crossed 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Eye, Degeneration 727, 787, 880, 1600,
5000, 10000
Eye, Diplopia 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Eye, Droop of Lid 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Eye, Far Sighted 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Eye, Glaucoma 727, 787, 880, 1600,
5000, 10000
Eye, Improve Vision 350, 360, 1600
Eye, Infected 727, 787, 880, 1600,
5000, 10000
Eye, Lacrimal 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Eye, Near & farsighted 727, 787, 880, 1600,
5000, 10000
Eye, Nerve pain 727, 787, 5000,
Eye, Strained 727, 787, 880
Eyelid Swelling 787
Eyes 20, 727, 880, 1552,
1600 Facial Cramps 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Facial Paralysis 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Fainting 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Falling Hair 400, 800, 5000,
Fascia (Fibrous Tissue Under Skin) 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Fears 727, 787, 880
Female Disorder 727, 787, 880
Fever (all Kinds) 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Fibroma 800, 5000, 10000
Fibromyalgia 120, 140, 304, 464,
728, 800, 880, 2489, 3176, 5000, 6000, 9000
Fissures 20, 727, 787, 880,
Fistula Ulcer 727, 787, 880
Flashes, Hot (see Hot Flashes)
Flatulence (see gastritis)
Flu (also see Grippe, Influenza, Stomach Flu) 727, 770, 776, 780,
787, 800, 880, 965, 5375, 7760, 7766, 8000, 8198-8218, 8250, 8700
Flu, Another List 440, 512, 683, 728,
784, 787, 800, 875, 880, 885, 2050, 2720, 5000, 7760, 7766, 304
Flu - Swine Flu 413, 432, 663, 839,
Food Poisoning 727, 787, 880,
(8200, 8204, 8208, 8212, 8216, 8212, 8208, 8204, 8200 1-2 seconds
each and repeat.), 10000
Foot, Blisters 727, 787, 880, 10000
Fractures (see Bones)
Frostbite 727, 787, 880, 5000
Frozen Shoulder 727, 787, 880, 10000
Fungus 333, 450, 465, 665,
690, 727, 784, 880, 1550, 1654
Gall Bladder 20, 727, 787, 880,
Gallstones 20, 727, 787, 880,
Gangrene (Tissue Death in Mass) 20, 727, 787, 880
Gas Pains in stomach (see gastritis)
Gastritis 20, 727, 787, 880,
German Measles 20, 727, 787, 880
Giardia 1943
Giddiness 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Glanders 986,000 (7703)
Goiter 20, 10000
Gonad(Sex Gland Inflammation) 727, 787, 880
Gonorrhea 600, 650, 660, 700,
712, 600,000 (586, 1172)
Gout 20, 10000
Gravel (Deposits in Urine or Gallstones) 727, 787, 880, 5000
Grippe (see Flu & Influenza) 727, 787, 880
Gums, Inflammation 20, 800, 880, 5000,
H. Pylori (Stomach Ulcers) 676
Hay Fever 727, 787, 880, 5000
Hair Loss (see Alopecia)
Halitosis 20, 5000
Hallucinations 20, 727, 787, 880,
Hangover 10000
Head Injury 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Head, pressure in 20, 727, 787, 880,
Headaches 20, 144, 160, 304,
520, 727, 787, 880, 10000
Heart 20, 81, 162
Heart, Palpitations, to reduce 10000
Heart, Angina Pectoris 5000
Heart, Bradycardia 5000
Heart, Cardiac Hypertrophy 5000
Heart, Endocarditis 5000
Heart, Myocarditis 5000
Heart, Pericarditis 5000
Heart, Stenosis 5000
Heart, Tachycardia 5000
Hemorrhage 800, 10000
Hemorrhoids 20, 727, 800, 880
Hepatitis A 321, 346, 414, 423,
487, 558, 578, 693, 717, 786, 878, 3220
Hepatitis B 334, 433, 477, 574,
752, 767, 779, 869, 876,
Hepatitis C (Also run Parasite frequencies) 166, 224, 317, 329,
477, 528, 633, 929-933, 1371, 2189
Hepatitis, General 28, 224, 317, 727,
787, 800, 802, 880, 1351, 1500
Hernia 727, 787, 5000
Hernia of Disc 5000, 10000
Herpes, General Frequencies 464, 1488 (15
minutes), 1489, 1500, 1550, 1577, 1900
Herpes, Genital 141, 171, 440, 590,
660, 878, 898, 1175, 5310
Herpes Simplex I - Cold Sores. General Frequencies plus: 322,
476, 589, 664, 785, 822, 895, 944, 1043, 1614, 2062, 2489 (Use
2489 for 30 minutes), 37000 (4625)
Herpes Zoster (Chicken Pox, Shingles) 664, 787, 802, 880,
914, 1500, 1600, 2170, 3343
Hiccoughs 20, 10000
High Blood Pressure 20, 304, 727, 880,
Hip Pain 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Hives (Urticaria) 727, 787, 880, 1800,
Hoarseness 727, 787, 880
Hot Flashes 727, 787, 880, 10000
Hydrocele (Fluid in Testicle) 727, 787, 880, 10000
Hypertension (see High Blood Pressure)
Hypochondria 20, 10000
Hypotension (see Low Blood Pressure)
Hypoxia (Low oxygen) 10000
Hysterical Symptoms 20, 727, 787, 880,
Ileo-colitis, Colon Inflammation 727, 787, 800, 880
Impotence 10000
Indigestion 727, 787, 880, 5000
Infantile Paralysis (see Poliomyelitis)
Infections 20, 543, 641, 666,
727, 740, 784, 787, 800, 832, 880, 1560, 1577
Inflammation 727, 787, 880, 1577,
Influenza 727, 770, 776, 780,
787, 800, 880, 5375, 7760, 8000, 8250 1,674,000 (6539)
Injection Allergies 10000
Injuries 5000, 10000
Insomnia 727, 787, 880, 10000
Intelligence, to Increase 20, 10000
Intercostal Neuralgia 727, 787, 800, 880,
Intestines, Inflammation 727, 787, 880
Intestines, Spasms 5000
Intestines, to Release 727, 787, 800, 880
Intoxication 10000
Irritability 5000
Itching of Anus, Toes, & Feet 465, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Jaundice 727, 787, 880, 5000
Joints (Inflamed) 727, 787, 880, 10000
Kidneys 8, 9.2, 20, 248,
440, 727, 787, 880, 1600, 1865, 10000
Knee (see Pain in Knees)
Lack of Conductivity 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Lactation 5000
Large intestine 440, 880
Larynx 20, 440, 880
Lassitude, Weak, Exhausted 20, 727, 787, 880
Laxative, Mild 800
Leprosy 600, 727, 787, 880,
743,000 (1451, 5805), 10000
Leucocyte Builder 5000
Leukemia (see Cancer)
Leukorrhea, White Vaginal Discharge 465, 727, 787, 880
Liver Enlargement 727, 787, 880
Locomotor Ataxia, Muscle Failure 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Low Blood Pressure 20
Lumbago (Back Pain) 300, 727, 787, 800,
880, 5000, 10000
Lumbar Vertebrae Deformed 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Lungs 9, 727, 787, 880,
1234, 5000
Lupus Vulgaris 727, 787, 800, 880
Lupus (SLE) (Consider Lyme Disease) 304, 633, 664, 702,
784, 802, 880, 1552, 2008, 2125, 2128, 2180, 2489, 3612,
(Especially 633 and 802)
Lyme Disease 312, 345, 432, 484-
504, 592-634, 690, 785-795, 800, 864, 1590-1640 "Doug's" program
is 432 or 864, 592-634 (3-4 minute sweep) and 1590-1640 (3-4
minute sweep). The two sweeps are very effective and seem to
have less die-off symptoms than 432.
Lyme - Other Frequencies 338, 344, 495, 485-
505, 533, 534, 673, 742, 758, 797, 884, 1455, 4200, 6863, 6870
Lymph Glands 10, 440, 880
Lymph Glands (Plugged or Overloaded) 464, 727, 784, 787,
880, 3176, 5000, 10000, 304
Malaria 20, 728, 787, 880
Measles 20, 727, 787, 880
Melancholia 5000, 10000
Memory 20, 10000
Meniere's Disease (see Ears, Hard of Hearing)
Meningitis 20, 5000
Menses (see Amenorrhea or Dysmenorrhea)
Mental Irritability 20, 727, 787, 880,
Mental Retardation 10000
Migraine 20, 727, 787, 880,
Mongoloidism 20, 5000
Motion Sickness 20, 440, 464, 600,
624, 648, 10000
Mucous, Mucus 727, 787, 800, 880
Multiple Sclerosis (Consider Lyme Disease) 20, 166, 218, 224,
317, 470, 727, 787, 807, 880. Alternate days, 5000 (Can slowly
work up to 60 minutes on 5000.) Also do parasite frequencies.
Mumps (see Coxsackie) 152, 242, 642, 674,
727, 787, 880, 922
Muscle, Heart 5000, 10000
Muscle Repair 120, 240, 5000
Muscle Stiffness 300, 328, 727, 880
Muscular Dystrophy 5000
Nausea 72, 95, 190, 304,
727, 787, 880, 5000
Neck 20, 727, 787, 880,
Nephritis, Kidney Inflammation 20, 727, 787, 800,
880, 10000
Nerves, Inflammation 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Nervous System Tonic 6000
Neuralgia, Arms 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Neurasthenia, Fatigue 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Neuritis, Nerve Inflammation 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Neurosis 727, 787, 880, 5000,
Nicotine Poisoning 10000
Nipples, Sore 727, 787, 880, 5000
Nocturnal Emission 5000
Nose, Disorders 20, 440, 727, 787,
Numbness, Arms, Fingers 20, 727, 787, 880,
Obesity 10000
Obsessive Fears 10000
Occipital Neuralgia 727, 787, 880, 5000
Operations, Before 20, 727, 787, 880
Orchitis, testes inflamed 727, 787, 800, 880
Osteoarthritis (joint Trouble) 727, 787, 880, 1500
Osteomyelitis 727, 787, 880, 5000
Ovaries 20, 440, 727, 787,
Pain, Paralysis 15, 94, 304, 727,
787, 880, 1577, 3000, 3040 5000, 10000
Painful Menses (see Dysmenorrhea)
Pancreas 440, 465, 600, 624,
648, 728, 784, 787, 880, 1552, 2128, 5000, 10000
Parasites, General 20, 47, 60, 64, 72,
96, 112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 240, 334, 422, 442, 465, 524, 642,
644, 651, 669, 666, 676, 688, 690, 712, 728, 732, 740, 751, 770,
780, 784, 787, 800, 802, 854, 880 1550, 1552, 1840, 1862, 1864,
1998, 2008, 2112, 2128, 3176, 4412, 10000
Parasites, Short List 20, 64, 72, 96, 112,
120, 125, 128, 152, 651, 732
Parathyroid 727, 787, 880
Parkinson's 6000
Pelvic, Disorders (Male & Female) 20, 660, 727, 787,
880, 660, 1500
Pericarditis (Inflamed Heart Covering) 727, 787, 880
Periodontal Disease 465, 727, 784, 787,
880, 1560, 1577
Peritonitis (Inflammation - Peritoneum) 727, 787, 880
Pharyngitis (Inflammation of Pharynx 727, 776, 784, 787,
800, 880, 1552
Piles, (see Hemorrhoids)
Pimples (see Acne)
Pin Worms (see Parasites)
Pineal 20
Pleurisy 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Pneumonia 20, 727, 770-780,
770, 776, 780, 787, 800, 880, 5000, 10000, 1,200,000 (9375)
Poliomyelitis 1500, 5000, 10000
Polyps, growths 2128
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) 10
Prostate Gland 9.4, 20, 404, 664,
727, 1000, 2000, 2008, 2128, 2720, 5000
Prostatitis, BPH (Must use 10+ min each) 666, 690, 920, 2128,
2050, 2250
Pruritus (Itching) 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Psoriasis, Skin Trouble, Red Patches 20, 64, 96, 104,
112, 727, 787, 880, 5000
Psoriasis, Alternate Program 304, 664, 784, 880,
1552, 2008, 2128, 2180
Ptosis (see Eye, Droop of Lid)
Pulse, Men 36, 70, 72
Pulse, Women 41, 78, 82
Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth 20, 727, 787
Rabies 20, 120, 727, 787,
880, 120
Rheumatism 727, 787, 880, 10000
Rheumatoid arthritis 727, 787, 880, 10000
Rhinitis 20, 727, 787, 880,
Rickets Vitamin D and sunlight 880, 5000
Ringworm (see Parasites, Fungus)
Rubella 784, 787
Rubeola 784, 787
Scarlet Fever 20, 727, 787, 880
Sciatica, nerve inflammation 20, 727, 787, 880,
Scurvy - Lack of Vitamin C 5000
Sedative 304
Semiparalysis 20, 5000
Sexual Diseases (see Gonorrhea, Syphilis)
Sexual Weakness, Male & Female 20, 727, 880, 10000
Shell Shock 20, 727, 787, 880,
Shingles (see Herpes Zoster)
Sinusitis, Sinus Headaches 20, 160, 320, 741,
952, 727, 776, 1550
Skin Hemorrhages 800, 5000, 10000
Skin Trouble, Thrombosis 20, 727, 787, 880,
Skinniness (see Appetite)
Sleeping Sickness 20, 727, 787, 880,
Sleeplessness (see Insomnia)
Slipped disc (see Herniated Disc)
Small Intestine 10, 440, 880
Smallpox 20, 727, 787, 880
Smell, Morbid 727, 787, 800, 880,
Smell, None, Anosmia 20, 10000 (Need zinc)
Sneezing (see convulsions)
Solar plexus (Abdominal Pain) 20, 727, 787, 880,
Sore throat 727, 787, 880
Spasm, Contraction due to Muscle Action 20, 10000
Spermatorrhea (see Sexual Weakness)
Spinal Meningitis 20, 5000, 927,800
Spleen 20
Spondylitis 800, 880, 1560
Spongy gums (see pyorrhea) 727, 787, 800, 880,
Sprains, Twisted Joint, Sprained Muscles 20, 5000, 10000
Stammering 20, 727, 787, 880,
Staph infections 727, 725-730, 787,
880, 885, 998,740 (7803)
Sterility (see Impotence) 5000, 10000
Stiff neck (see neck)
Stiff Shoulder 20, 727, 787, 880,
Stomach, Cramps 20, 664, 727, 784,
787, 880
Stomach Flu (8198, 8204, 8208,
8213, 8218, 8213, 8208, 8204, 8200 1-2 seconds each and repeat.)
Stones, gallbladder, kidney 727, 800, 880, 10000
Streptococcus infections 875-885, 880,
1,241,000 (2424, 9695)
Streptothrix 730, 781, 784, 787
Stroke 3, 20, 230, 5000,
Sty,(see Eye, Droop of Lid)
Sunstroke (see fever)
Suprarenal stimulant 20, 5000
Surgery 727, 787, 880
Swelling, Legs, Feet 20, 727, 787, 880,
Syphilis 20, 600, 625, 650,
700, 900,000 (7031)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosis - see Lupus
Taste, Morbid 20, 10000
Taste, None 20, 5000, 10000 (Need zinc)
Testes 440, 880
Tetanus 20, 120, 400, 727,
787, 880, 700,000 (5469)
Thalamus, sensor relay center 20, 5000
Throat inflammation (see esophagus)
Thrombosis, Blood Clot 20, 800
Thrush 465, 727, 787, 880
Thymus gland stimulant 20, 727, 787, 880,
Tinnitus 20, 727, 784, 787,
Tonsillitis, tonsil inflammation 20, 727, 787, 880
Tonsils 20, 440, 880
Tooth Decay 20, 727, 787, 880,
5000, 10000
Toothache 727, 787, 800
Trachoma, Eye Inflammation 727, 787, 880
Trauma, Injury, Shock
96, 192, 300, 727, 760, 787, 880, 3K, 5000, 10000
Tremors 463, 466, 470, 6000
Treponema 660
Tuberculosis 20, 800, 1550,
583,000 (2277 or 9109)
Tuberculosis rod 216, 666, 690, 740,
799, 802, 803, 804, 1840
Tuberculosis virus 1500-1600, 1500,
1552, 1600
Tumors (see Cancer)
Typhoid fever 20, 690, 712, 1500-
1600, 1500, 1570, 1600, 1862, 1865, 900,000 (7031), 9,680,000
Ulcers, Duodenal 727, 880, 10000
Ulcers, Gastric 676
Ulcers (H. Pylori) 676
Ulcers, Most 664, 727, 776, 787,
800, 832, 880
Unconsciousness 20, 5000, 10000
Urethritis urethra inflammation 660, 787, 787, 880
Urticaria (hives) 20, 800, 1800
Warts 787
Warts, Plantar 915, 918 (Long Runs)
Whiplash 20, 10000
White Blood Cell Stimulation 1850-2400
Whooping cough 20, 727, 787, 880
Worms (also see parasites)
Worms, Flukes 143, 275, 435, 524,
651, 676, 763, 854, 945
Worms (Microscopic) 60 to 125
Worms, Misc. 20, 72, 96, 128
Worms, Round 20, 104, 120, 240,
332, 422, 688, 721, 942, 3212
Worry 6130
Yellow Fever 20, 10000

Updated Frequency List


This list is a compendium of frequencies that have been reported tby users of the device to have actual physiologic effects. Some of these are well know frequencies, used in a unique sequence, others are completely new heretofore unknown frequencies. This list will be updated as results are reported to me, all information should be considered as anecdotal, and not scientifically proven. These frequencies should not be considered as anything but experimental. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, NO CLAIMS ARE MADE FOR EFFECTIVENESS.


304 - Sedation or pain relief, also nice to use as the last frequency of a set of frequencies

Fibromyalgia and Joint Pains - This set has many positive reports of symptomatic relief lasting from several days to almost a week. 650, 625, 600, 240, 95, 522, 2900, 28 .

Lyme Disease 432, 484, 610, 690, 790, and 864 - Please note the use of these frequencies has produced what is known as a Herxheimer Reaction. As the spirochetes die, they release a protein toxin that can produce joint pains, weakness, and general malaise for a few days following exposure. It has been suggested that one start slow with but a minute of exposure and then gradually increase the exposure time. One should not repeat an exposure until all effects and symptoms of the previous exposure have cleared.

Lyme Disease - reported 2001 - all the above plus - 652, 1103, 1500, 4200, 450, 465.

Helicobacter Pylori - 676 linked as a causative agent in stomach ulcers.

728 - A type of Cancer cell found in blood of people with Multiple Myeloma. Causes the cells to disintegrate according to one researcher.

Flu Virus 728, 800, 880 , 7760, 8000, 8250

2050, 2180, 2452 - Non responsive to Cancer at 2128 or 2008. It has been suggested that these Cancers are formed in response to some different stimulus than commonly occurs.

Cataracts - 1830, 1600, 9999, 1552, 2110, 1335, 1654, 2187, 2195, 2211

664, 764 - very beneficial for emotional ties to diseases. 664 has apparently caused people to giggle especially in a group exposure setting.

660, 728, 787 Epstein Barr virus also has been used for Mononucleosis.

1234, 3672, 7344 Opens bronchioles makes breathing easier seems to be helpful for asthmatics. Also is quite sedating.7344 seems to work best of the three.

Sharpens Eyesight 350, 360

Herpes Zoster 1489, 1500, 1550, 2489 - relieves acute outbreak, but does not remove dormant form from body. Use of 2489 for about 30 minutes seems to provide long term benefits.

Menieres Disease - Removed all pain associated with. 9 Hz.

Hand Tremors 470 - stopped involuntary tremors in left hand of a person with multiple sclerosis.

463 and 466 stopped involuntary tremors in a person with brain tumors.

915 and 918 plantar wart - use long exposure time - 15 to 30 minutes on each frequency.

Prostatitis 2050 and 2250 - 10 to 15 minutes on each frequency. Use for a short interval will aggravate prostatitis!

3.6 and 6.3 Hz have been reported as being able to keep a person from becomming angry

Nausea and abdominal cramps 72, 95, 190, 304

Chlamydia infections 866, 430, 2213, 620

6000 - A master Central Nervous System Frequency. Release of emotional problems, blocked seizures - but does nothing once seizure starts, stopped tremors in hands in person with Parkinson's disease.

Hepatitis C - used by a Dr. in France to good effect. Exposures were of only 45 seconds on each frequency. Longer exposures had no effect. 728, 166, 224, 317, 727, 787, 880, 2189

Multiple Sclerosis - Use of 5000 Hz for 30 minutes every other day, used the above Hep C protocol on alternate days. So one day 5000, next day Hep C. One should start the 5000 at about 10 minutes and work up in time slowly watching for detox reactions.

Psoriasis - From New Zealand comes this protocol 2180, 2128, 2008, 1552, 880, 784, 664, 304

Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE) - 633, 2125, 2008, 3612, 802, 2489, 702

Fruit Flies - 2167Hz reported by someone in the Netherlands

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - 2127 , 465, 660, 666, 727, 787, 880, 1550. Also used parasite frequencies

Round Worms - 104, 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212, 240, 688, 20, 120

Flukes - 143, 275, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651, 435, 524

Incessant worrying - 6130Hz

Gall Bladder- 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000

Pleural Efffusion - 787, 474, 612, 361

Basal Cell Skin Carcinoma - 2116, 760, 2280 direct exposure of the lesion to light from the tube helps as does pulsing the audio output. About 30 minutes exposures at 2116 seemed optimal, 760 and 2280 at 5 minutes each.

Chem Spray Related Illness - 664, 7344, 2842, 1147, 686.6, 684.1, 113, 779.9, 829.3, 279.2, 865, 969.9, 1067, 783.6, 800.4, 1045, 1062, 673.9, 690.7


Muscular Dystrophy - 2900 was reported by two people to help stamina and muscular coordination

Diabetic Foot Infection - 1865, 802, 787, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 304 , scan from 2000 to 2200. Saved a persons diabetic toe from amputation.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - 15, 324, 528

Cervical Cancer - 2288, 2944 to 2968 as a scan




<XMP>Later Crane With color and Polarity (Polarity not included since they were all +/- polarity) THIS CHART EXPLAINS THE RESEARCH APPLICATIONS FOR DISORDERS: Disorder/Special Frequencies corubining the above therapies. 100/120/465 FOR AIDS 500/600/625/660/690/776 1500/1550/157q/1600/1800 2000/2008/2127/2489/Ca, Sa (1) = standardized (2) = not standardized STANDARDIZED MOR FREQUENCIES (3) = reported READ HERTZ ------- PAGE 1 ------- Align/Individual (1) 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k Acidosis (see Hyperacidity) 959 colors 020 727 787 880 10k Abcesses(3) 727 787 880 Acne 727 787 880 Actinormcosis(2) 020 727 787 880 Abdominal Pain 959 colors, etc. 880 10k Acute Pain 959 colors, etc. 880 05k 10k Adenoids 959 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880 Adhesions 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k AIDS/+2489 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k Alcoholism 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k Allergies 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k Alopecia (hair loss) 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k Amenorrhea (no menstration) 959 colors 727 787 880 10k Anemia 959 colors etc. 05k Aneurysm 959 colors etc. 020 05k Anthrax(2) 727 787 880 Antiseptic 727 787 880 05k Anus Itch 959 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Appendicitis 959 colors etc 727 787 880 Appetite, skinny 959 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k Arteries, hardenin 959 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Arteriosclerosis 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Artery Stimulator 960 colors etc. 727 787 800 880 Arthritis 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 10k Asthma 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Astrocytoma(3) 2008/2127/Negative magnets 727 787 880 Ataria of Muscles 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k Athlete, Foot(3) 787 020 727 787 880 05k ------- PAGE 2 ------- Aura Builder 960 Colors etc. 020 05k 10k Autointozication 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k Aranthae Thrush 959 colors etc. 727 787 880 B&E Coli,rod,virus(1) 803 Hertz 727 787 800 Backache 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k Bad Breath 960 Green 020 727 787 880 05k Bad Cormplexion 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Bad Teeth 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Bed Wettin 960 turquoise etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Bent Back 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Biliousness 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Bites (insects) 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Blood Cleanser (cancer)/2008, 2127 727 787 880 05k Blood Diseases 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Blood Pressure High 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Blood Pressure Low 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 Boils 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Bones (cut or broken)960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Breast Trouble 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Breast Tumor/2008, 2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880 05k Breathing 960 lemon etc. 727 787 880 05k Bright's Syndrome(Nephritis)960 colors etc 727 787 880 05k Bronchitis 960 colors 727 880 Bronco Pneumonia 960 colors 727 787 880 05k Bruises 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k BubonicPlague(2)/+500 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Bunion Pain 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Burns 960 + Polarizers 727 787 880 10k Burns, radium 960 + Polarizers 727 787 880 ----- PAGE 3 ------ Bursitis 960 colors, etc. 727 787 880 Butterfly Lupus(3) 776/1850 727 787 880 Cancer,carcinoma(1)/2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880 Cancer,leukemia (1)/2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880 Cancer, sarcoma (1)/2OO8 960 colors etc 727 787 880 Cancrum Oris(3) 020 727 787 800 880 05k Candida albicans/465 960 colors etc 727 787 880 Carbuncles 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Cardiac depressant 961 violet, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Cataract(3) 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 Catarah (mucous) inflammation(2)961 color 020 727 787 880 Cerebral Pa1sy Color yellow 961 color 727 787 880 10k Cerebro-spinal trouble 961 Lemon, Yellow 727 787 880 10k Cervical gland trouble 961 Purple etc. 727 787 880 10k Cervicitis, womb neck 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Chicken pox 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Chilblains 961 colors etc. 020 Child disorders 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 Cholera(2) 100/ 450 727 787 880 Chronic tired feeling 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k Cleans blood plasma 961 lemon, etc. 727 787 880 05k Cold feet 961, red scarlet, magenta 020 727 787 880 05k Cold hands 961 scarlet magenta, purple 020 727 787 880 05k Cold in head,chest,etc(3)Lemon,Magenta 961 020 727 787 880 05k Colic, stomach & colon pain 961 etc. 020 727 787 800 880 Colitis, mucous/colon(3) 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 10k Conjunctivitis eyelid(2) 961 colors etc. 727 787 800 880 Constipation(3) Yellow/2 hrs, 961 etc. 020 727 787 800 880 Contractions,arrests,discharges 961 Indigo 020 727 787 880 10k ---- PAGE 4 ------- Convulsions 961 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Corns in feet 961 Indigo, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Coryza(nose) 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Costalgia(rib pain) 961 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Cramps 961, orange, etc. 727 787 770 05k 10k Cricks in the neck 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Cuts 961 + to heal 020 727 787 880 05k Cystitis(bladderinflam) (3)961 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k Dandruff, scales 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Deafness 961 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k Diabetes 961 lemon then yellow etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k Diarrhea & Dysentary 961 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k Digestion 962 + over stomach & colon 727 787 880 05k Diptheria(2) 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 Distended organs 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Distended stomach 962 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k Dreams 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k 10k Dropsy 961 colors, etc. 727 787 10k Drug addiction 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Dysmenorrhea,painful menstrat'n 962 colors 727 787 800 880 Dyspepsia(indigestion) 962 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k Dullness 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k Duodenal ulcer 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k Earaches 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Ears, balance 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Ears, discharges 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k Ears, dizziness 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 Ears, hard to hear 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 Ears, ringing 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 ----- PAGE 5 ------ Easily depressed 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k Easily fatigued 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Eczema, all skin troubles, herpes/+1550/+++ 727 787 05k Edema lung swelling excess fluids 963 Color 727 787 880 Elbow pain 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Enlarged glands 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Enuresis, bed wetting 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k Epilepsy ,fits/+12O 962 Colors, 20, etc. 020 727 787 880 Epididymitis:Inflam-Up'rTesticle/+1500 962 020 727 787 880 Epstein-Barr/465, 787 Hertz 727 787 880 Eruptions, mouth 962 Colors etc. 05k Erysipelas/600,2000 963 Colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Esophagus 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 Eustachian tube 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880 Eye,arteriosclerosis 962, 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Eye,bifocal 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 Eye,blurred 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Eye,cataract 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k Eye,crossed 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Eye,degeneration 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Eye,droop of lid 963 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Eye,diplopia 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Eye,glaucoma(3)/1600 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Eye,infected 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Eye,lacrimal 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k Eye,near & farsighted 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k Eye,nerve pain 962 colors, etc. 727 787 10k Eye,strained 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 Facial paralysis 967 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k ----- PAGE 6 -------- Facial cramps Color 963, etc. 727 787 880 10k Fainting Color 963, etc. 727 787 880 05k Falling hair Color 963, etc. 020 800 10k Fascia:FibrousTissue under skin Color 963 020 727 787 880 05k Fears Color 963 727 787 880 Female disorder Color, 963 etc. 727 787 880 Fever, all kinds Color, 963 etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Fibroma(2) 2008, 2128, Magenta 800 Fissures Color 963 etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Fistula ulcer Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 Flashes, hot Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 10k Flatulence 963, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k Flu(see Grippe & Influenza)Colors 963 etc. 020 727 787 800 880 Food poisoning + distilled water 727 787 880 10k Foot, blisters Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 10k Fractures: Bones 960 color yellow +++ 727 787 880 10k Frostbite 963 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k Frozen shoulder colors 963, etc. 727 787 880 10k Gall Bladder 963 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Gall Stones 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Gangrene 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Gas pains in stomach & colon(astritis)963 020 727 787 880 05k Giddiness 963 colors etc 020 727 787 880 05k Glanders(2) 020 727 787 880 Glandular fever 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Goiter 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Gonad(sex gland inflammat'n) 964 colors 727 787 880 05k Gonorrhea/66O 964 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k Gout 964 colors etc. + UP 2X 020 727 787 880 05k 10k ---------- PAGE 7 --------- Gravel:Deposits in urine See 963 gallstone 727 787 880 05k Grippe (see Flu & Influenza) p. 964 Colors 727 787 880 Gums, inflammation See 964 & colors 020 800 880 Hair:loss of See 964 colors etc. 727 800 880 10k Hallucinations See 964 & colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Hangover p. 964, colors, etc. 10k Hay Fever p.964, colors etc. 727 787 880 05k Headaches p. 964 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Head injuries Colors p. 964 727 787 880 10k Head, pressure in colors p. 964 020 727 787 880 05k Heart, disorders(3) colors p. 964 727 787 880 05k Heart, fast, Palpitations(3)Color indigo 727 787 880 10k Hemorrage p. 964 colors etc. 800 10k Hemoroids(3) p.964 colors etc. 727 800 880 Hepatitis, liver inflammation colors 964 727 800 880 Hereditary sex derangement 965 purple 05k Hernia Colors p. 964 727 787 05k Hernia of disc p. 964 colors etc. 727 787 10k Herpes, water blisters(2)/1550 Colors 964 727 787 880 Herpes, Zoster (shingles)2/l550 Color 964 727 787 880 Hiccoughs Color 964 etc. 020 10k High fever,acute pyrexia Color 964, 965 020 727 787 880 Hip pain Color 964, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k Hives(urticaria)/18OO Color 964, etc. 727 787 880 05k Hoarseness Color 964, etc, 727 787 880 Hydrocele:Fluid in testicle,etc.Color 964 727 787 880 10k Hyperacidity Colors 964 etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Hypertension Colors 965, etc. 020 727 787 880 10k Hyperchondrium, upper abdomen Color 965 020 727 787 880 10k ------- PAGE 8 --------- Hyperia:low oxygen,labored breathin p.965 727 787 880 10k Hysterical symptoms + on spleen 020 727 787 880 05k Ileocolitis, colon inflammation 020 727 787 800 880 Increasing height 10k Impotence Color yellow & see p. 965 10k Indigestion Color yellow see p. 965 727 787 880 05k Infantile Paralysis/1500 Color p. 965 727 787 880 Infections 020 727 787 880 Inflammation, breast 727 787 880 05k Influenza(see Flu & Grippe) Color p.965 020 727 787 800 880 Infection allergies 10k Injuries 05k Insomnia + on spleen see p. 965 727 787 880 10k Insufficient lactation See 965 05k Intelligence, to increase See colors p.965 020 10k Intestines, inflammation + distilled p 965 727 787 880 Intestines, spasms Color p.965 orange 727 787 05k Intestines, to release Use + Colors p. 965 727 787 800 880 Intercostal neuralgia Colors p. 965 727 787 800 880 Intoxication 10k Irritability Colors p. 965 05k Itching of anus, toes, & feet Color blue 727 787 880 05k Jaundice Colors 965 727 787 880 05k Joints, inflamed Colors 965 727 787 880 10k Kidney Colors p. 965 020 727 787 880 05k Knee, pains(see Pains in Knee)p. 754; 756 020 727 787 800 880 10k Lack of conductivity Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880 10k Lassitude, weak, exhausted Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880 Laxative, mild Colors p. 966 020 727 787 800 880 ------- PAGE 9 ------------------ Legs 727 787 800 880 10k Leprosy(2)/+600 727 787 880 10k Leucocyte builder 020 727 05k Leukemia/2127 727 787 880 Leukodermia, white skin patches 020 727 787 880 Leukorrhea, white vaginal discharge 727 787 880 Liver enlargement 727 787 880 Locomotor atazia, muscle failure 727 787 880 10k Lumbago,back pain 727 787 880 10k Lumbar vertebrae deformed 727 787 880 10k Lungs, breathing 727 787 880 Lupis vulgaris 776/1550 727 787 800 880 Lymph glands See Index for Colors 727 787 880 05k Lymphatic depressant COLOR VIOLET 727 787 880 Malaria See Colors Index p.966 020 Measles,small pox,German measles,mumps, whooping cough, fever, diptheria, chicken pox Color 727 787 880 Melancholia Color v. 966 05k Memory Memory color p. 966 020 10k Meniere's, Ears-hard to hear Color 962 020 727 787 880 05k 10k Meningitis(2) Color v. 966 020 05k Menses, stoppage(see a menorrea) Color 959 727 787 880 10k Mental irritability Positive on spleen 020 727 787 880 10k Mentally retarded P.965 Intelligence 10k Migrane Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880 05k Mongoloidism Colors etc. p. 966 020 05k Motion sickness colors p. 966 020 10k Mouth eruptions Lymph p. 966 glands 020 727 787 880 05k Multiple sclerosis(2) colors . 966 020 727 787 880 05k ------ PAGE 10 -------------- Moth patches, urticaria 020 800 Mucous 727 787 800 880 Muscles, heart, arm 05k Muscular Dystrophy 05k Nausea 727 787 880 05k Neck 020 727 787 880 05k Nephritis, kidney inflammation 020 727 787 800 880 10k Nerves, inflammation 727 787 880 10k Nerve, motor depressant COLOR YELLOW Neurasthenia, fatigued 727 787 880 05k Neuritis, nerve inflammation 727 787 880 10k Neurosis 727 787 880 10k Neuralgia, arms 020 727 787 880 10k Neutralize acids Nicotine poison 10k Nipples, sore 727 787 880 05k Nocturnal emission + on spleen 05k Nose, disorders 727 787 880 Numbness, arms, fingers 020 727 787 880 05k Obesity 5 Min.B/4 ea. meal Trampoline 10k Occipital Neuralgia 727 787 880 05k Operations, before 020 727 787 880 Oral inflammation 727 787 880 Orchitis, testis inflammation 727 787 800 880 Osteoarthritis/1500 + POLARIZER 20 Min. 727 787 880 Osteomyelitis 727 787 880 05k Ovaries 727 787 880 Pain, paralysis, to remove COLOR YELLOW 727 787 880 Pains after operations COLOR GREEN 727 787 880 ------ PAGE 11 ---------- Pains in the knee(see Knee Pains) COLORS 020 727 787 880 10k Pancreas, disorder 727 787 880 10k Parasites/+ 120 020 727 787 800 880 Parathyroid 727 787 880 Pelvic, disorders/+660, 1500 020 727 787 880 Pericarditis, inflamed heart covering 727 787 880 Peritonitis 727 787 880 Persist disorders/phagocyte builder/+120 020 727 787 880 05k Pharyngitis 727 787 880 Placenta, to expel or afterbirth 727 787 880 Pleurisy (3) 020 727 787 880 Pneumonia(1) 776 020 880 Poison, botulism, ptomaine, drugs Poliomyelitis(2)/1500 Polyps, growths/2128 Poor appetite 800 10k Poor circulation 020 727 787 880 10k Prostate 727 787 880 05k Pruritis, anus itching 020 727 787 880 10k Psoriasis, skin trouble 020 727 787 880 05k Ptosis, drooping eyelid 727 787 880 05k 10k Pyorrhea(3) 727 787 05k Rabies/+ 120 020 727 787 880 Raynaud's disease 020 727 Rheumatism 727 787 880 10k Rheumatoid arthritis 727 787 880 10k Rhinitis/+ 120 020 727 787 880 Rickets Vitamin D and sunlight 880 Ring worm/+120 020 727 787 880 -------- PAGE 12 ------ Scarlet fever 727 787 880 Sciaticia, nerve inflammation/+l20 020 727 787 880 Scurvy lack of Vitamin C 05k Semiparalsis Yellow color therapy 020 05k Sexual diseases/+625, 660, 1500, 1850 020 727 800 880 Sexual weakness, male & female 020 727 880 10k Sex polarity balance 10k Shingles (see Herpes Zoster)/1550 020 727 787 880 Shell Shock/+120 020 727 787 880 Sinus disorders(3)+120 020 727 787 880 Skin hemorrhages 800 05k Skin trouble thrombosis(3)/+l500 020 727 787 880 Sleeping sickness/+120 020 727 787 880 Slipped disc (see hernia of disc) 727 787 880 10k Smallpox (see Measles) 727 787 880 Smell, morbid, hyperosmia 727 787 800 880 10k Smell, none, anosmia 020 10k Sneezing (see convulsions) 727 787 880 10k Solar plexus 020 727 787 880 05k Sore throat 727 787 880 Spasm, muscle contraction 020 10k Spleen, enlargement 020 Spongy gums (see pyorrhea) 727 787 800 880 10k Sprains, twisted joint,sprained muscles 020 05k Stammering 020 727 787 880 10k Stiff shoulder 020 727 787 880 10k Stiff neck 020 727 787 880 10k Staphyloccus infections 1 020 727 800 Sterility (see Impotence) 2008, 2127 05k 10k ------- PAGE 13 ------ Stomach cramps 020 727 787 880 10k Stones, gallbladder, kidney 727 800 880 10k Streptococcus infections(1) 727 787 880 Streptothrix(1) - soil bacteria 787 Stroke 020 787 880 05k 10k Sty (see droop of lid) 020 727 880 05k 10k Sunstroke 020 10k Suprarenal stimulant 020 05k Surgery 727 787 880 05k Swelling, legs, feet 020 727 787 880 05k Syndrome disorders, many symptoms 020 727 787 880 10k Syphills (see Treponema)(1)/+625 020 10k Taste, morbid (Hyperosmia) Tabs Malt 020 10k Taste, none (Anosmia) Tabs Vanilla 020 10k Tetanus(1) 600 727 787 880 Thalamus, sensor relay center 020 05k Throat inflammation (see esophagus) 727 787 800 880 Thrombosis, heart blood clot 020 800 05k Thymus gland stimulant 020 727 787 880 05k Tissue nutrition 727 787 880 05k Tonsillitis, tonsil inflammation 020 727 787 880 05k Toothache 727 787 800 05k Trachoma, eye inflammation 727 787 880 Trauma, heart injury, shock 727 787 880 05k 10k Trench Mouth(3) 727 787 880 Tuberculosis rod, virus(1)/ +1530 020 800 Thyphoid fever(1)/+690, 1570 020 Ulcers, all(3)/+776 727 787 880 Unconsciousness 020 800 05k --------- PAGE 14 -------- Urethritis urethra inflamrnation/+660 727 787 880 Urticaria (see hives)/1800 727 787 880 Weak stomach,heartburn 727,787,880 020 05k Yellow Fever 5k,880 020 05k Warts (3) 787,2008,2127 787 Worms (parasites)/+100 (main)120,20 020 800 05k </XMP>

Interesting, useful and weird frequencies


7 Hz: Mass aggregate frequency (can deaggregate matter), alleged to resonate and rupture organs at excessive intensity

7.5 Hz: (?) Earth magnetic field frequency, useful theta (brain) waves frequency

7.83 Hz: Earth resonance frequency

13 Hz: Alleged sphincter resonance (not good)

46.98 Hz (use with 62.64 and 70.47) Useful for weird effects

62.64 Hz (use with 46.98 and 70.47) Useful for weird effects

70.47 Hz (use with 46.98 and 62.64) Useful for weird effects

305 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease

312 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease

345 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease

432 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease

864 Hz: Main Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease

2000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency

2000 Hz (plus a small amount): Alleged to cure a cancer

2025 Hz: Proton precession/water resonance

3000 Hz: (approximate) Mentioned as a Rife frequency

5000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency

7270 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency

7870 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency

8000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency

10000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency

38000-40000 Hz: Magic window

42800 Hz: Aetheric dissociation/water resonance (water -> aetheric force)

150-160 kHz: Magic window

180 KHz: Ferromagnetism

1.1-1.3 MHz: Magic window

1.057 GHz: Magic window

2.450 GHz: Standard microwave oven frequency, but no resonance

Somewhere in the Infrared: Magic window

The life energy frequency (in the near ultraviolet): Magic window



Magic Windows

Magic windows are frequencies which (according to Thomas E. Bearden) are especially suited for coupling to and bringing energies from other dimensions. These are the frequencies:

38-40 kHz
150-160 kHz
1.1-1.3 MHz
1.057 GHz
Somewhere in the Infrared
The life energy frequency (in the near ultraviolet)

These frequencies were found in the "Excalibur Briefing", a book on the paranormal and new science, by Bearden.

38-40 kHz was mentioned in a incident of a strange light being seen, and it appears to be described as a promising frequency range. It is also low enough to be easy to experiment with.

150-160 kHz is also not too high. I also heard that 160-180 kHz is declared an experimenters band by the FCC, but I can not substantiate that. If so, 160 kHz would be a promising frequency indeed.

1.1-1.3 MHz is kind of high to easily produce. It also unfortunately is extremely regulated by the FCC, so watch your emissions! Why you ask?

1.1-1.3 MHz is 1100-1300 kHz which is ... 1100-1300 on your AM dial. It would be REALLY _bad_ to those commercial AM radio. Not nice at all. Bad for you, and bad for all those people who want to listen to their favorite radio station in that band. So don't do it!

1.057 GHz is the Lamb shift. Has something to do with emission lines shifting. Extremely high, hard to produce without a magnetron or something similar. Possibly could cook you. By the way, microwave ovens run at 2.45 GHz, so 1.057 GHz, being almost half that value, may be too close for comfort.

Somewhere in the infrared region is a magic window.

The last one, the "life energy" frequency is in the near ultraviolet. Obviously you can't use purely electronic means to produce it, since it is optical. Wavelength is the unit of choice here, as for the frequency, I think it is around 10**15 Hz (10 PHz, i.e. 10 petaHertz), i.e. extremely fast. This was probably the frequency used by the Russian scientist Vlail P. Kaznacheyev in his experiment. The result of the experiment, the Kaznacheyev effect, is that if a cell culture is killed or injured, and the "death" photons from it are sent to another culture, which in the absence of visible light (which would quench the paranormal effects, see the abovementioned Excalibur Briefing), suffers the same effects. This is called death transmission via the paranormal channel. Perhaps using different filters one could narrow down the wavelength and frequency. Possibly by phase-conjugating (time-reversing) death photons one could achieve cures for disease.

Just because I researched these frequencies, do not assume that I
advocate treatment using them. They are intended as a guide to
further research.
Providing adequate nutrition as well as removing and avoiding toxins
can be as important as bioelectronic regimens.
Some frequency sets state they are for use on lab animals only. This
is generally because the frequencies may cause unintended side
effects. For example, thrombophlebitis (vein inflammation caused by a
clot) is listed as such since if a clot is dislodged, it can cause
stroke, heart attack, or embolism. People with certain conditions
will experience detox reactions to some frequency sets that can be
severe and if not handled properly and frequencies limited in
duration, life threatening.

Abdominal inflammation - 380, 1.2, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 1865, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20, 450, 440, 428, 660
Abdominal pain - 10000, 3, 3000, 95
Abscesses (also use Staphylococcus aureus and see Listeriose) - 2720, 2170, 880, 787, 727, 190, 500
Abscesses secondary - 1550, 802, 760, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660
Acidosis (hyper acidity) - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 20, 146
Acne - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 1552, 1500, 802, 880, 787, 727, 564, 778
Acne secondary - 760, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660
Acne vulgaris - 564
Aconite (used to stimulate lymphocyte production) - 3347, 5611, 2791
Actinobacillus (a potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammals) - 773 , 776, 778, 822
Actinomyces israelii (a bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that can cause deep, pus-filled holes in tissue) - 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488, 567, 7880, 10000, 787, 747, 727, 20
Acupuncture disturbance field (scar focus) - 5.9
Acute pain - 3000, 95, 10000, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666
Adenoids - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 444, 20, 428, 660, 2720, 2170
Adenoma, cervical (epithelial tumor of the cervix that can be either benign or malignant. Also see Cancer.) - 433
Adenovirus (a virus that can cause colds/flu and infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestines) - 333, 523, 786, 768, 959, 962
Adhesions - 2720, 2170, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 760, 727, 190
Adnamia, geriatric (fatigue of age) - 60, 27.5
Adnexitis (swelling of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes) - 440, 441, 522, 572, 3343, 3833, 5312
Adrenal stimulant - 10, 20, 2250
Aflatoxin (a liver-damaging toxin produced by certain food molds) - 344, 510, 943, 474, 476, 568
African trypanosomuasis - 656, 988, 780
AIDS (not for use in U.S. see HIV) - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 1500, 1.2, 31000, 31750, 34750
AIDS secondary - 1113 for 12 min, 2128 for 16 min, 6121 for 21 min, 33 for 1 min
AIDS (1) - 1.44, 1550, 1500, 249, 418, 727, 787, 880, 2489, 3100, 3175, 3475
AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418
Alcoholism - 10000
Allergy - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 3, 330, 5000
Alopecia (loss of hair) - 20, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 146, 800, 1552
ALS (Amyotropic lateral sclerosis, possibly caused by mycolplasma fermentans. Also use MS and see Lyme freqs) - 2900, 864, 790, 690, 610, 484, 986, 644, 254
Alternaria tenuis (a fungus associated with lung ailments) - 853, 304
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) - 10000, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 760, 727, 465, 20
Amoeba (a single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganism) - 310, 333, 532, 732, 769, 827, 1522
Amoeba hepar abcess (liver abcess caused by amoebic infection) - 344, 605
Amoebic dysentery (see Entamoeba histolyica)
Amyotropic lateral sclerosis (see ALS)
Anal itching (also use Parasites enterobiasis and see Parasites general set) - 10000, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 120, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 20, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152
Anaphiaxis - 10000
Aneurysm - 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 20, 727
Angina (quinsy in swat) - 787, 776, 727, 465, 428, 660
Angina pectoris - 3, 230, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 660, 7.83
Ankylosing spondylitis - 3000, 95, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 28, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 1.2, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680
Anosmia (loss of smell) - 20, 10000
Anthrax - 500, 633, 1365, 1370, 768, 414, 900
Antiseptic (see General antiseptic)
Apoplexy, stroke paralysis - 40, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 522, 428
Appendicitis (If micro perforation has occurred, infection must be eliminated before drinking any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatal) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 380, 190, 10, 650, 444, 522, 125, 95, 72, 20, 522, 146, 440, 450
Appetite, lack of - 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 10000, 880, 787, 727
Arenas tennus - 667
Arnica (a topical healing herb) - 1042, 1032
Arsenic alb. (homeopathic cell salt) - 562
Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries; regeneration takes time. Also try chlamydia pneumonia and CMV freqs) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20
Arthritis - 120 for 20 min, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 802, 1664, 80, 60, 40, 30, 25, 26, 20, 10, 5000, 10000, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 28 for 3 min, 1.5 for 10 min.
Arthritis, arthralgia due to gout - 9.39
Arthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium metabolism - 9.6
Arthritis, focal origin gastrogenic, tonsiltogenic, and paresis - 9.39
Arthritis, rheumatoid (Cause could be bacteria like chlamydia pneumonia or dental bacteria which must be addressed too. Also try General antiseptic and Parasites roundworms general if no response.) - 250, 1.2, 650, 625, 600, 787, 727, 262, 776
Arthritis, secondary - 2720, 1000, 1500, 770
Asian grippe A - 516, 656, 434
Aspergillus flavus (mold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces aflatoxin) - 1823, 247, 1972
Aspergillus glaucus (blue mold occurring in some human infectious processes) - 524, 758
Aspergillus niger (common mold that may produce severe and persistent infection) - 374, 697
Aspergillus terreus (mold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungs) - 743, 339
Asthma (also see Breathing, deep and Liver support, and use Parasites roundworms, ascaris, and toxocara to determine which sets work best) - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 1283, 1233, 880, 787, 727, 0.5, 522, 146, 125, 95, 72, 444, 20
Asthma (1) - 1283, 1233, 4.7
Asthma (2) - 1234, 3672, 7346, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 47, 120 for 5 min
Astrocytoma (see Cancer, astrocytoma)
Ataxia (incoordination of muscles. Slow results in some cases) - 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20
Ataxia, spastic - 9.19, 8.25, 7.69
Athlete's foot (also see Epidermophyton floccinum and Tinea freqs) - 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000, 644, 766, 464, 802, 1552, 9999, 3176, 304 for 5 minutes
Atmenic Aib. - 562
Attention Deficit Disorder (Probably important to avoid preservatives, aspartame, dyes, and other potential toxins. Try Shigella, Chlamydia pneum., and General antiseptic)
Autointoxication - 522, 146, 1550, 10000, 800, 880, 787, 727, 20
Babesiosis - 76, 570, 1583, 1584
Bacillinum (homeopathic nosode) - 132, 423, 432, 785, 853, 854, 921, 1027, 1042, 1932
Bacillus Coli Rod Form - 800
Bacillus Coli Virus - 1552, 2872
Bacillus infections (B. coli, B. coli rod) - 787, 880, 802, 727, 1552, 800
Bacillus subtilis (can cause conjunctivitis) - 432, 722, 822, 1246
Bacillus thuriniensis - 520, 2551, 902, 1405
Backache (if no relief from these, use kidney stimulation freqs and drink plenty of water) - 760, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, l0000, 41.2 for 3 min, 212, 305 for 6min, 33 for 5min.
Backache and spasms (1) - 120, 212, 240, 424, 465, 528, 760, 727, 787, 880, 1550, 2112, 5K, 10K
Back pain (1) - 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 7.6, 7.7, 3, 0.5, 432, 465, 727, 728, 776, 784, 787
Bacteria Lactis Nosode - 512, 526, 5412
Bacterial infections (if bacterial infection is chronic and the type is accurately diagnosed and neither frequencies nor antibiotics are effective long term, also use Parasites general and roundworms sets. Also see General antiseptic and specific types.) - 20, 465, 866, 664, 690, 727, 787, 832, 800, 880, 1550, 784
Bacterium coli (a type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most frequent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infection) - 642, 358, 539
Bacterium coli commune (E. coli) combination - 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722
Bacterium lactis nosode - 512, 526, 798, 951, 5412
Bacteroides fragilis (use with Parasites ascaris set) - 633 to 637
Bad breath (see Halitosis)
Baker's Yeast allergy (homeopathy preparation) - 775, 843
Banti's syndrome (Ailment in which blood vessels between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell destruction.) - 1778
Barley smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 377, 224, 1447
Basidiomycetes - 751
BC G Vaccine - 277, 768, 832, 725
Bed wetting (enuresis. See also Parasite general, pinworm, and ascaris freqs) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465
Bedsores - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 1.2, 73
Bell's Palsy (1) - 2.4, 3, 3.9, 7.83, 20, 27.57, 33, 35, 40, 47.5, 57.5, 72, 90.88, 110, 125, 194, 222, 304, 393.5, 464, 565.5, 600, 625, 650, 727, 776, 787, 833, 880, 932.5, 1250
Bermuda smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 422, 767, 847, 971, 644, 780
Biliary cirrhosis (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructed) - 381, 514, 677, 2271, 1250, 170, 715, 774, 776
Biliary headache - 8.5, 3.5
Biliousness - 1550, 802, 10000, 880, 832, 787, 727, 465
Bilirubin (a bile pigment that may result in jaundice in high concentrations. See also Liver support) - 717, 726, 731, 863, 9305, 649, 734
Biting of insects - 880, 727
Black widow - 376, 728
Bladder and prostate complaints - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 9.39
Bladder TBC - 642, 771, 360, 726, 724
Blastocystis hominus - 365, 595*, 844, 848, 1201, 1243, 5777, 11425, 11841, 11967, 13145, 13469*, 21776
Blepharisma - 3120
Blood diseases - 880, 787, 727
Blood pressure, high (see Hypertension)
Blood pressure, low (see Hypotension)
Blue cohosh (a healing herb) - 364
Boils (see Furunkulosis)
Bone disease, periodontal disease (see osteo) - 47.5, 1800, 1600, 650, 625, 600, 880, 787, 776, for 3 min, 727/728 for 15 min
Bone regeneration - 2720, 10000
Bone spurs - 1.2, 250
Bone trauma (cuts, fractures) - 380, 1550, 802, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 2720
Borrelia/borreliosis (see Lyme disease)
Botrytis - 1545
Botrytis cinereas - 1132, 212
Botulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoning) -518, 533, 639, 172, 1372, 691, 683
Brachial neuralgia - 0.5
Brain tumor (see Cancer, droglioma, astrocytoma, glioma)
Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis - 2013, 579, 581, 687, 770, 772, 775, 778, 2013
Breast, fibroid cysts - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 267, 1384
Breathing, deep - 1234, 3672, 7344
Bright's syndrome (see Nephritis)
Bronchial asthma (see Asthma)
Bronchial pneumonia (see Pneumonia, bronchial)
Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation of the bronchi) - 342, 510, 778
Bronchitis - 880, 727, 9.39, 9.35, 1234, 3672, 7344, 743, 20, 72, 333, 452, 464, 683
Bronchitis secondary - 776, 766
Bronchopneumonia borinum (see Pneumonia, bronchial)
Brown recluse - 724
Brucella abortus (undulant fever or Bang's bacillus, found in cattle) - 1423
Brucella melitensis (form of Brucella found in goats and sheep) - 748, 643, 695
Bruises - 9.1, 110, 10000
Bubonic plague (Versenia pestis; spread primarily by rats) - 500, 333, 210, 216
Bubonic plague secondary infections - 880, 787, 727, 20
Bunion pain - 20
Burns - 190, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 200
Bursitis (May be caused by any number of organisms and viruses; experiment with arthritis frequencies as well.) - 880, 787, 727 ]
BX Virus - 2128, 3713
Caeliacia - 674
Calming - 6000
Campylobacter (bacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newborns) - 732, 733, 1633, 1834, 2222, 333, 378
Cancer (BASIC SET. Also see rotation of General sets 1, 2, and 3 as Basic sets. All others below are SECONDARY but may provide useful additional frequencies depending on type. Also add ones determined from scans. See Electroherbalism Cancer Regimen for more information.) - 2128, 2008, 2184, 2084, 2048, 2720, 2452, 6064, 120, 524, 854, 800, 728, 784, 880, 666, 464, 5000, 3176, 10000, 3040
Cancer (experimental additional frequencies to basic sets) - 55.56, 6.8, 440, 778, 1050, 1550, 2180, 663, 3672
Cancer cells, conidium head - 728
Cancer maintenance secondary - 120, 250, 428, 465, 600, 626, 650, 661, 664, 667, 690, 728, 776, 784, 800, 802, 832, 880, 1489, 1550, 1600, 1865, 2000, 2012, 2100, 2170, 2490, 2730 for 1 min.
Cancer not killed by 2008/2128 - 2180, 2182, 2184
Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal - 47, 2182, 2219, 832, 2084, 2127, 2160, 2452, 2876
Cancer, adenoma - 433
Cancer, astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) -857, 9.19, 8.25, 7.69, 2170, 543, 641, 2127, 880, 690, 666
Cancer, bladder secondary (see Parasites, schistosoma)
Cancer, breast (1) - 2100, 2104, 2116, 2120, 866, 2128, 676, 2152, 166, 2182, 732, 3072, 2150, 1550, 2189, 2112, 3072, 2008, 120
Cancer, breast (1) secondary - 422, 942, 4412, 1862, 808, 1552, 728, 2720, 1234, 690, 2160, 2136, 477, 28, 317, 96, 3176, 3040, 2145, 2048, 1830, 2112
Cancer, breast (2) - 3672, 2008, 2063, 2103, 2128, 2146, 2133, 2162, 2173, 2180, 2189, 2208, 2263, 2289, 2333, 1865, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48
Cancer, breast (3) - 656, 127, 1582, 478, 982, 2134, 2120, 9000, 9999, 304
Cancer, breast (4) - 2128 for 56 mins, 33, 1131 for 1 min
Cancer, BX virus - 2128, 3713, 2876, 11780000
Cancer, BY virus - 2008, 3524
Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin - 2116 for 30 min, 760, 2280 for 5 min
Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial - 462, 776, 852, 1582, 2104, 2144, 2184, 3672
Cancer, carcinoma, colon - 656
Cancer, carcinoma, general - 2128, 1820
Cancer, carcinoma, larynx - 327, 524, 731, 1133
Cancer, carcinoma, liver (1) - 393, 479, 520, 734, 3130
Cancer, carcinoma, liver secondary (see Hepatitis B and Parasites, fluke, liver)
Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative - 214
Cancer, carcinoma, scan - 728, 690, 2008, 2104, 2112, 2120, 2128, 2136, 2144, 2152, 2160, 2168, 2176, 2184, 2192, 2200, 2217, 5000, 9999, 304
Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative - 127
Cancer, cervical secondary (see Papilloma virus)
Cancer, droglioma (see also Cancer, glioma, astrocytoma) - 853
Cancer, fibrosarcoma (malignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly from small bumps on the skin) - 1744
Cancer, fibrous tumor secondary - 1340
Cancer, gastric, adenocarcinoma - 676
Cancer, general, set 1 - 728, 784, 880, 464, 666, 2720, 800, 120, 2084, 2184, 2050, 524, 2489, 2720, 854, 2008, 2128, 5000, 10000, 3176, 304
Cancer, general, set 2 - 727, 786, 880, 465, 1552, 802, 1862, 2182, 20, 64, 72, 96, 125, 664, 2489, 2720, 2048, 2008, 2127, 3176, 665, 3040, 10000, 3176, 304
Cancer, general, set 3 - 728, 943, 414, 866, 886, 732, 676, 690, 776, 240, 650, 442, 2180, 2489, 1865, 523, 128, 2128, 2008, 2049, 2720, 10000, 3176, 304
Cancer, glioblastoma - 720, 2008, 2128, 2180, 2182, 728, 832, 800, 664, 20, 855, 543, 641, 857
Cancer, glioblastoma tremor - 463, 466
Cancer, gliomas (largest group of brain cancers) - 543, 641, 857
Cancer, Hodgkin's disease (a form of malignancy characterized by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and lymph tissue and often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats, and anemia. Also called lymphogranuloma. Also see Chlamydia pneumoniae.) - 552, 1522
Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418, 647
Cancer, leukemia - 2127, 2008, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 2217
Cancer, leukemia "hairy cell" (typified by abnormal blood cells & shortage of others) - 122, 622, 932, 5122, 488, 781
Cancer, leukemia myeloid (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood cells) - 422, 822
Cancer, leukemia, feline (cat) - 424, 830, 901, 918
Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic - 478, 833
Cancer, leukemia, T-cell - 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734
Cancer, liver (see Cancer, carcinoma, liver)
Cancer, liver secondary (see Hepatitis B and Parasites, fluke, liver)
Cancer, lung (see Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial)
Cancer, lymphogranuloma, lymphoma (see Hodgkin's disease)
Cancer, lymphogranuloma venereum secondary (see Chlamydia trachomatis)
Cancer, lymphosarcoma - 482
Cancer, melanoma metastasis - 979
Cancer, multiple myeloma secondary (see Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma)
Cancer, mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) - 852
Cancer, nasopharyngeal secondary (see EBV)
Cancer, pain - 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666
Cancer, plasmacytoma (plasma-cell tumor) - 475
Cancer, prostate (also see Prostate adenominum and Prostate hyperplasia) - 20, 60, 72, 95, 125, 666, 727, 787, 790, 766, 800, 920, 1998, 1875, 442, 2008, 2127, 2128, 2217, 2720, 2050, 2250, 5000, 2130, 2120, 690, 304
Cancer, prostate (1) - 2128, 2125, 2131, 2140 for 3 to 6 min, 2145, 666, 3672 for 3 to 4 min
Cancer, prostate (Vega result 1) - 854, 1840, 2145, 2288
Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma (1) - 2000, 2005, 2008, 2016, 2048, 2084, 2093, 6024, 2100, 2128, 2127, 2184, 2217, 6384, 728, 784, 880, 464
Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result 1) - 2586, 5476, 4445
Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal - 2004, 2008, 2016, 2032, 2040, 2060, 2586, 6024
Cancer, sarcoma general - 1755, 2008, 3524
Cancer, skin (see Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin and specific forms)
Cancer, stomach secondary (see Heliobacter pylori)
Cancer, tertiary - 20, 421, 965, 50, 383
Cancrum oris (rapidly growing oral or nasal ulcer) - 20, 727, 787, 802, 880
Candida (use Parasite general, roundworm, and ascaris if these don't work long term) - 414, 464, 877, 866, 886, 254.2, 381, 661, 762, 742, 1151, 450
Candida carcinomas - 2167, 2182, 465
Candida secondary (also use other parasite sets (esp roundworm freqs) if necessary) - 72, 422, 582, 727, 787, 802, 1016, 1134, 1153, 1550, 2222, 412, 543
Candida tertiary (some causal factors) - 880, 95, 125, 20, 60, 225, 427, 240, 650, 688, 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146
Candida tropicalis - 1403, 675, 709
Canine parvovirus - 185, 188, 323, 428, 433, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
Canine parvovirus, mutant strain - 323, 514
Canine parvovirus, type B - 323, 535, 613, 755, 761, 764, 766, 768
Canker sore (see Stomatitis aphthous)
Carbo animalis (homeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoal) - 444
Carbuncles (see Staphylococcus aureus)
Cardiacedema - 9.19
Carpal tunnel secondary - 2008, 666
Carvularia spiratera - 879
Cat virus (1) - 364, 379, 645, 654, 786, 840-849, 857, 967, 6878
Cataract (also use eye formula antioxidant supplement for all macular degeneration) - 1830, 728, 784, 787, 800, 880, 10000
Cataract, brunescent (brown opacity in later life) - 2010, 1335, 1830
Cataract, complicated (secondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgery) - 1830, 496, 325, 774
Cataract (1) - 1830, 1600, 9999, 1552, 2110, 1335, 1654, 2187, 2195, 2211
Catarrh - 1550, 802, 800, 880, 787, 727, 444, 20
Causticum - 540, 1013
Cells of Leudig (colon) tonic - 2500
Cephaloshorium (fungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibiotics) - 481, 3966, 544
Cephalothecium - 371, 574, 6933
Cerebral palsy - 880, 787, 727, 522, 146
Cerebrospinal troubles - 10000
Cerumen (ear wax) - 311, 320, 750, 984, 720
Cervical polyp - 277, 288, 867, 687, 744
Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations - 20, 727, 787, 880
Cervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix) - 433
Chaetomiumglobosum - 221, 867, 102
Chakra base root - 20, pulsed at 4Hz.
Chancre (see Syphilis)
Chelidonium - 162
Chemical sensitivity (see also Liver support) - 727
Chemtrail detox - 664, 7344, 2842, 1147, 686.6, 684.1, 1113, 779.9, 829.3, 679.2, 865, 969.9, 1067, 783.6, 800.4, 1045, 1062, 673.9, 690.7 for 5 min.
Chest infection secondary - 72, 333, 452, 683
Chicken pox (see herpes zoster)
Chilblains (see Perniosis)
Chlamydia trachomatis (a usually sexually-transmitted bacterial infection causing trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum, urethritis, and proctitis.) - 430, 620, 624, 840, 2213, 866
Chlamydia pneumoniae (exp) - 471.5, 942.9, 1885.9, 3771.7*, 7543.4
Chlamydia pneumoniae (exp, secondary) - 470, 940.1, 1880.1, 3760.3, 7520.5
Cholecystitis, acute (excruciating gallstone attack) - 481, 743, 865, 928
Cholecystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the gallbladder) - 432, 1551, 801
Cholera (an extremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small intestines) - 330, 843, 844, 556, 1035, 968, 591, 691
Cholera secondary - 880, 802, 450, 880, 787, 727
Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear & mastoid region) - 453, 618, 793, 5058
Cholesterinum - 1386, 173, 620, 635, 780
Chronic fatigue syndrome (use with General parasite, roundworm, and fluke sets if necessary. Also see EBV and Fatigue general sets. If no response to these, try Cancer leukemia "hairy cell" set) - 10000, 660, 2127, 787, 465, 424, 664, 120, 880, 1550
Cimicifuga (plant family including black snakeroot and black cohosh) - 334, 594
Circulation disturbances - 40, 9.39
Circulatory stasis (stimulates blood circulation. See also Circulation disturbances) - 40, 2112, 2145, 2720, 2489
Cirrhosis, biliary (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the liver is obstructed) - 381, 514, 677, 2271
Cirrhosis hepatitis - 291
Cladosporium fulvum (a pathogenic fungus) - 438, 233, 776, 510
Clostridium difficile (can cause diarrhea following treatment with antibiotics) - 387, 635, 673
CMV (cytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5) -126, 597, 629, 682, 1045, 2145, 8848, 8856
Coelicia - 154, 594, 656, 586, 668, 787, 7958, 665, 674
Cold in head, chest (Mutates constantly; too many strains to include complete list of frequencies. See also Strep Pneumonia, Adenovirus, Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Pneumonia, Chest infection, and Rhino pneumonitis sets. Use lots of echinacea at onset to prevent cell damage that prolongs healing, even if correct freqs are found.) - 10000, 7344, 333, 4412, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 766, 727, 444, 20
Cold and Flu (fall, 98) - 250, 465, 8210 for 5min, 8700, 7760 for 15min
Cold (1) - 5500, 4400, 802, 787, 727, 720, 552, 440, 400, 125, 72 for 5 min, 800, 880 for 10 min
Cold (2) - 652, 725, 746, 751, 768, 1110, 333, 666, 542, 522
Cold (3) (fall, 99) - 20, 120, 146, 440, 444, 465, 727, 776, 787, 880, 1500, 1550, 5000, 1000 for 5 min.
Cold (and flu) (4) - 3176, 2489 for 3 min, 880, 800 for 10 min, 728 for 5 min.
Cold (5) - 7728, 4888 for 10 min, 8238, 2413, 880, 787, 776, 727, 440, 746, 567, 7880, 787 for 3 min, 300, 310, 1234, 9999 for 200 sec
Cold/Flu (winter 2001)(1) - 959, 962
Cold sores (see Herpes Simplex I)
Colic - 1550, 832, 802, 787, 727, 20
Colitis (inflammation of colon) - 10000, 1550, 880, 832, 802, 440
Collectotrichum - 1482
Colon problems, general - 20, 440, 880, 1552, 802, 832
Comedones (blackhead) - 778
Condylomata (usually venereal warts, caused by papilloma virus. Occur near intersection of mucous membranes and skin. See also Papilloma.) - 466
Conjunctivitis (also use Chlamydia trachomatis and see Bacillus subtilis) - 489, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20, 80, 432, 722, 822, 1246, 1830
Constipation (also see Parasites general and roundworm sets if necessary) -1550, 880, 802, 832, 787, 776, 422, 727, 20
Contusion (bruise) - 9.1, 110, 2720
Convoforce - 774
Convulsions (1) - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Convulsions, spasticity - 9.19, 8.25, 7.69
Coraforce - 774
Corallinus - 533
Corn smut - 546, 1642, 289
Corynebacterium diptheriae (see Diptheria)
Costalgia (rib pain) - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Coughing - 522, 524, 525, 146, 1500, 1550, 0.5, 514, 530, 432, 440, 444, 720, 1234, 3702, 20, 125, 72, 95, 7.7
Coxsackie (see also Mumps) - 136, 144, 232, 380, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923, 769, 1189, 595, 676
Coxsackie B1 - 353, 384, 834, 587, 723
Coxsackie B2 - 705, 534, 867
Coxsackie B3 - 487, 868, 653, 654
Coxsackie B4 - 421, 353, 540, 8632
Coxsackie B5 - 462, 1043, 1083, 569, 647, 708, 774
Coxsackie B6 - 488, 736, 814, 343, 551, 657, 668, 669
Cramping and nausea - 72, 95, 190, 880, 832, 787, 727, 20, 4.9
Cramps - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 26
Cramps, menstrual - 26
Crinis humansis - 646
Critter 1 - 1033
Critter 2 - 421, 1035, 1111
Crocus sotillus - 710
Crohn's disease (also use colitis, colon, and parasite freqs) - 727
Cryptococcus neoformans (yeast which causes respiratory infection than can turn into meningitis. Also known as torulosis.) - 367, 428, 444, 476, 478, 522, 579, 594, 785, 792, 872, 2121, 5880, 5884, 597, 613, 624
Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa sometimes causing diarrhea in humans) -220, 482, 575, 4122, 698, 711, 893, 895, 1276, 5690
Cunninghamella - 311, 323
Curva spic - 435
Cuts - 20
Cyclospora - 543, 316, 992, 751, 268, 2144
Cysts, hydatid (see Parasites tapeworm)
Cyst, ovarian - 982
Cyst, solitary - 75, 76, 543
Cystic fibrosis (Also called mucoviscidosis, a disorder of the exocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus. See also Parasites general and roundworm freqs) - 523, 557, 478, 776, 660, 727, 778, 787, 802, 880
Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and ureters) - 246, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20
Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to kidney) - 1385
Cytomegalovirus (CMV, known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5) - 126, 597, 682, 1045, 2145
Deafness (partial to complete) - 10000, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20
Deer tick (1) - 7989, 289, 737, 738, 271, 671, 773
Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions) - 243, 738
Dental - 635, 640, 1036, 1043, 1094, 685, 60, 48, 465
Dental foci (Neglecting this can prevent recovery from ANY illness) -3000, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 666, 650, 600, 465, 5170, 646
Depression (due to drugs or toxins) - 1.1, 73
Depression (due to outside circumstances) - 35, 787
Depression, anxiety, trembling, weakness - 3.5, 800
Detox assist - 10000, 3176
Diabetes (Warning; can cause large drop in blood sugar level) - 20, 35, 465, 6.8, 440, 484, 660, 727, 787, 800, 803, 880, 1850, 2008, 2127, 2000, 2003, 2013, 2050, 2080 for 3 min, 5000 for 15 min.
Diabetes secondary - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20
Diabetes tertiary - 1850, 32000, 4000, 500
Diabetes (1) - 4200, 2128, 1865, 1850, 1550, 787, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 302
Diabetes associated infection (1) - 2020, 800, 727, 190, 80, 20
Diabetic loading - 35, 700
Diabetic toe ulcer (1) (use Staph aureus freqs and see Staph general)
General antiseptic, and Circulation stimulation as needed) - 786, 1050, 1.2, 5000, 832, 20
Diarrhea (see also Clostridium difficile, E. coli, and for chronic problems, giardia and IBS freqs. Also see Parasite general set if no relief.) - 1550, 880, 832, 802, 786, 727, 465
Diphtheria (bacterial infection causing sore throat, fever, rapid heartbeat, nausea, chills, headache and may progress to damage heart and nerves from bacterial toxins. Rare in US.) - 151, 624, 776, 340, 925, 432, 590, 788
Dirofilaria immitis (see Parasites heartworm)
Disc, herniated - 727, 787, 2720, 10000
Distemper - 242, 253, 254, 255, 312, 442, 551, 573, 624, 671, 712, 760, 940, 950, 1269, 1950, 8567, 660, 760
Distortion (twisting of muscles, spine) - 9.1, 110
Diverticulosis (characterized by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colon) - 154, 934
Dizziness (see Vertigo)
DNA repair (exp) - 528, 731, 732
Dog and cat hostility - 3.6
Down's syndrome palliative - 20
Droglioma (see Cancer, droglioma)
Drug addiction - 20
Duodenal ulcer (see Ulcer, duodenal)
Duodenitis - 223
Dupuytren's contracture (4th and 5th finger curling into hand, unable to straighten) - 1.2 , 250
Dysentery (acute diarrhea with blood and mucus. Also use Entamoeba histolyica, Salmonella, and Shigella) - 1552, 802, 832
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) use with pure water douche - 26, 4.9, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465
Dyspepsia (indigestion, if chronic or with bloating, also see Parasites general) - 10000, 880,
1550, 832, 800, 787, 727, 465, 444, 20, 125, 95, 72, 4.9
E. coli (Escherichia coli; can cause infections in wounds and the urinary tract. If using these leads to cold symptoms, follow with Adenovirus freqs) - 282, 289, 7849, 327, 548, 333, 413, 642, 799, 802, 804, 832, 957, 1320, 1550, 1722
E. coli mutant strain - 556, 934, 1242, 1244, 1703, 632, 634, 776
Ear conditions, various (discharges, tinnitus, itching, hearing loss. Also see Otitis.) - 9.19, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 410, 158, 201, 340, 440, 535, 542, 645, 652, 683
Ear fungus (1) - 854
Ear wax - 311, 320, 750, 984
EBV (see Epstein-Barr Virus)
Echinococcinum (tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, & rodents that can infect man) - 164, 453, 542, 623
Echo Virus (Endometriosis Tuberylosa, causes a type of meningitis) - 620, 625, 722, 765, 922, 514, 788, 461
Eczema - 9.19, 707, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 10000, 5000, 2720, 2008, 2180, 2128, 664, 120, 20
Eczema in vascular and lung functional disturbances - 9.39
Eczema (1) - 770, 916, 415
Eczema (2) - 730.2, 1550, 802, 787, 690
Edema and swelling - 40, 522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20, 5000, 10000
Electrolyte levels (water, sodium, potassium) to improve - 8.1, 20, 10000
Elephantiasis (use with parasite, esp roundworm and nematode freqs) - 623, 824, 865, 710
Emotional ties to diseases - 764, 664
Emphysema (use with parasite, esp roundworm freqs) - 1234, 3672, 7344, 880, 787, 727, 120, 20, 80
Encephalitis (inflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cord) - 841
Endocarditis (see Listeriose)
Endometriosis, chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine bleeding. Use with general parasite, liver and pancreatic fluke sets) - 246, 800, 1550
Endometriosis tuberylosa (see Echo virus)
Energy and vitality - 9999
Entamoeba histolytica (highly damaging protozoa causing dysentery and liver infection) - 148, 166, 308, 393, 631, 778
Enterobiasis - (pinworms - see Parasites, enterobiasis)
Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep-family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tracts) - 686, 409
Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver) - 552, 932, 953
Enuresis (bed wetting. Use with parasite sets) - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Epicoccum - 734, 778
Epicondylitis (tennis elbow) lateral or vertical - 1.2, 250, 728, 766, 776, 880
Epidermophyton floccinum (fungus that attacks skin & nails, including some athlete's foot and "jock itch" ringworms. Also see Microsporum freqs and Fungal general if necessary.) - 465, 784, 644, 766, 345 (22107)
Epididymitis (inflammation of testicle area, ducts. See also Orchitis.) - 2250, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 20
Epilepsy - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727, 700, 650, 600, 210, 633, 125, 20
Epstein-Barr virus (the herpes virus causing mononucleosis) - 105, 172, 253, 274, 660, 663, 667, 669, 738, 825, 8768, 1013, 1920, 6618
Epstein-Barr virus secondary (also try General parasite and roundworm freqs) - 744, 776, 778, 465, 880, 787, 727, 1032, 1920
Eriterocoucinum - 686
Erysipelas (bacterial infection manifesting in skin inflammation caused by strep pyrogenes or other pathogens and possibly related to the swine form of the disease) - 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20
Erythema nosodum - 9.39
Escherichia coli - (see E. coli)
Esophagus (constriction. Also see General antiseptic and dental freqs) - 880, 787, 727
Euglena - 432, 3215, 3225, 3325, 6448
Eustachian tube inflammation - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 465
Eye disorders (blurred vision, cataracts, crossed eyes, diplopia, infections, etc.) - 1830, 1600, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 1552, 160, 350, 360, 2010, 1335, 496, 400
Eye inflammation (also see General antiseptic) - 1.2, 80
Eyelid droop (see Plosis)
Eyes (glaucoma) - 1600, 1830, 880, 787, 727
Eyesight (to sharpen) - 350, 360, 1830
Facial cramps - 10000, 6000, 304, 1131, 33
Facial paralysis - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Facial toning - 1.2
Fainting - 20
Fascia (fibrous tissue under the skin. Also see Fibroid freqs) - 20
Fatigue, general - 428, 424, 664, 660, 464, 125, 120, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 10000, 5000
Febris wolhynia (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse) - 547, 356
Fel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile) - 672
Feli - 435
Feline (cat) leukemia - 258, 332, 414, 424, 544, 830, 901, 918, 997, 741, 743
Feli - 435, 742
Felis - 430, 834, 2232, 3233
Felon (pus, infection of finger tips) - 657, 659, 738, 751
Felon II - 663, 665, 720, 722
Feloris Wolyhnica - 547
Fever (various causes) - 880, 800, 832, 422, 2112, 787, 727, 20
Fever, sunstroke - 20, 440, 880
Fibroadenoma mamanae (non-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breasts) - 1384
Fibroma - 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666, 1550, 802, 465
Fibromyalgia - 328, 880, 800, 728, 5000, 2720, 2180, 2128, 664, 464, 304, 120, 20
Fibromyalgia (1) - 120, 140, 304, 464, 728, 800, 880, 2489, 3176, 5000, 6000, 9000 for 5 min
Fibrosarcoma - 1744
Fibrosis of Jung - 27.5, 220, 410
Fibropendulum - 661, 7465, 211, 233, 766
Fischpyrogen - 832
Fissures - 787, 20, 10000
Fistula Dentalis - 550, 727, 844, 878, 1122
Fistula, ulcer (see also Staph freqs) - 880, 832, 787, 727
FIV - 262, 323, 372, 404, 567, 712, 742, 760, 773, 916, 1103, 1132, 3701
Flatulence - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465
Flea - 2374
Flu (see Influenza)
Flukes (see Parasites, flukes)
Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt) - 110, 342, 420, 423, 688, 757
Follicular mange (contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles) -253, 693, 701, 774
Folliculitis, hot-tub (tiny pimples) - 174, 482, 5311
Food poisoning (some classes. Also use Salmonella typhimurium and see General antiseptic, Abdominal pain, and Abdominal inflammation.) - 1552, 802, 832
Foot & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children) - 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411
Foot-blisters - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465
Fractures - 220, 230, 10000, 880, 787, 727
Frequency fatigue (tiredness (that is not detox) from using frequency generator too long) - 10.55, 7.83
Frigidity, female - 10000, 20
Frostbite - 880, 787, 727
Frozen shoulder - 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727
Fruitfly - 2167
Fungus EW range - 823 to 829
Fungus flora (1) - 331, 336, 555, 587, 632, 688, 757, 882, 884, 887
Fungus, general (also see candida, yeast, and other specific types) - 72, 254, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 1134, 1153, 2222, 465, 1550, 784, 880, 802, 727, 20
Fungus and mold, general - 728, 880, 784, 464, 886, 866, 414, 254, 344, 2411, 321, 555, 942, 337, 766, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 132, 866
Furunkulosis (boils on skin. Also use Staph aureus freqs) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 660, 20, 116, 770
Furunkulosis herpes (also see Herpes general and Furunkulosis)- 200, 1000, 1550, 802, 787, 727
Fusarium general- 768, 625, 746
Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eye) - 102, 332, 705, 795, 780
Gaetner - 519, 577, 767, 693
Gall bladder dystonia with osteitis - 2.65, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Gallbladder inflammation (see Cholecystitis, chronic)
Gallbladder pain - 1550, 800
Gallstone attack (see Cholecystitis, acute)
Gallstones - 2.65, 3.5, 3000, 1552, 800, 880, 787, 727, 20, 6000, 10000, 444
Gangrene, general (see also Clostridium, Circulatory stasis, Infection
general, and Bacterium coli) - 880, 787, 727, 20, 73
Gardinerella (bacteria that can infect and inflame the vaginal mucosa) -320, 695, 782, 995, 329, 485
Gasoden - 878
Gastritis and flatus - 880, 832, 802, 787, 727, 676, 422, 20
General antiseptic - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 444, 450, 428, 660, 10000, 5000
General balancing - 1130, 1131, 33
General malady - 40000, 10000, 5000
General prophylaxis - 20, 64, 95, 125, 225, 427, 440, 664, 728, 784, 880, 802, 832, 680, 760, 1550, 464, 10000, 676, 1488
General demo (greatest hits) - 728, 120, 786, 128, 880, 422, 464, 644, 676, 688, 712, 732, 800, 1550, 1862, 2112, 2128, 4412, 3040
General comprehensive, complete Blaster5 program - 80, 120, 400, 500, 600, 622, 666, 690, 727, 740, 776, 784, 787, 800, 880, 1500, 1550, 1560, 1570, 1600, 1800, 1840, 1998, 2000, 2008, 2128, 2489
General program, EMEM Main Freqs - 720, 1550, 20, 4200 for 5 min
Geotrichum candidum (fungus found in feces and dairy products whose manifestations resemble those of candida) - 350, 355, 384, 386, 403, 404, 407, 409, 410, 412, 415, 418, 543, 544, 687, 987, 988, 737, 700
German measles (See Measles, rubella)
Giardia (see Parasites, giardia)
Gingivitis (inflammation of gums. See also Dental, Dental foci, Stomatitis. Take calcium and magnesium internally and brush with myrrh or goldenseal, and CoQ10) - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 728, 726, 465, 20, 1556, 776, 465
Glanders (see Pseudomonas mallei)
Glandular fever - 10000, 20
Glandular fever, thyroid exp - 10000, 20, 16000
Gliocladium (brain fungus) - 855, 469, 633
Goiter (see Struma)
Gonads, inflammation of (see Orchitis)
Gonorrhea - 660, 600, 712
Gout (see also Kidney freqs) - 9.39, 3000, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Granuloma dent - 441
Gravel in urine - 2.65, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Grave's disease I goiter - 20, 727, 787, 880
Greatest Hits (see General demo)
Green Dye - 563, 2333
Grippe (see Influenza, grippe)
Gum disease (see Gingivitis, Pyorrhea)
H#1 - 725, 2432, 243, 6353, 732, 844, 646
H#2 - 725, 1230, 245, 314, 965
H#3 - 633, 1220, 6230, 8225, 111, 392, 776, 837, 1675, 2664, 3806, 714
H#4 - 444, 2323
H#5 - 83, 235, 645, 2323, 3432, 4093, 5532
H#6 - 702, 747, 2245, 183
Haemophilia tonic (hereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily clot) - 778, 845, 751
Hair, human - 646
Halitosis (bad breath. See also Pharyngitis, Dental, Parasite general, and General antiseptic sets) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 20
Hallucinations - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Hand, foot, & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children) - 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411
Hangover (see also Kidney and Liver support freqs) - 10000, 522, 146
Hastoiditis - 287
Hay fever (only some types) - 880, 787, 727, 20
Head injury followup (Seek immediate medical attention!) - 9.6, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 522, 72, 5.8, 4.9
Headaches - 304, 144, 1.2, 520
Headaches caused by vertebral misalignment (Not a substitute for adjustment) - 9.6, 3000
Headaches due to parasites (see also Parasites, strongyloides) - 125, 95, 73, 20, 727, 3000
Headaches due to toxicity - 522, 146, 4.9, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 20
Headaches unknown cause - 10, 4, 5.8, 6.3, 7.83, 3000, 650, 625, 600
Headaches urogenitally caused - 9.39, 3000
Healing and regeneration - 2720, 47
Heart tonic (lab animals only. See also Staph infection, Circulatory stasis, and Kidney freq sets ) - 80, 160, 20, 73, 3.9, 3000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 125, 95, 20, 1.2
Heartburn, chronic (see Staph and Strep general sets and h. pylori) - 832, 2720, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 685, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20
Heartworm (see Parasites, heartworm)
Heliobacterium pylori (ulcer) - 676
Heliobacterium pylori (1) - 2167, 728, 880, 2950
Helminthosporium (the reproductive element of parasitic worms) - 793, 969
Hemobartinella felis - 603, 957
Hemophilia - 603
Hemorrage - 1550, 802
Hemorrhoids - 4474, 6117, 774, 1550, 447, 880, 802, 727
Hepatitis A - 321, 346, 414, 423, 487, 558, 578, 693, 786, 878, 3220, 717
Hepatitis B - 334, 433, 767, 869, 876, 477, 574, 752, 779
Hepatitis C (also try Parasites, schistosoma mansoni freqs) - 166, 224, 317, 329, 528, 633, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 1371, 2189
Hepatitis, general - 28, 1550, 1351, 880, 802, 727, 224, 317, 329, 477, 922
Hepatitis, general secondary - 284, 458, 477, 534, 788, 922, 9670, 768, 777, 1041
Hernia - 10000, 787, 727, 2720, 5000
Herpes, general - 1577, 1550, 1489, 464, 1900, 304 for 3 min, 1488*, 2950 for 15 min.
Herpes general secondary - 37000
Herpes progenetalis (genital - also use Herpes simplex II) - 141, 878, 898, 5310, 440, 171, 660, 590, 1175
Herpes simplex I (secondary. Cold sores - primarily non-genital, first try Herpes,general) - 322, 476, 589, 664, 785, 822, 895, 944, 1043, 1614, 2062, 2950
Herpes simplex I (exp) - 467.8, 935.5, 1871, 3742, 7484
Herpes simplex I (1) - 339, 343, 480, 591, 778, 782, 843, 1614, 657, 699, 700, 734
Herpes simplex I (2) - 2489, 1800, 465, 1550, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 1850, 428
Herpes simplex 1 (3) - 470, 647, 648, 650-659, 847, 5641, 8650
Herpes simplex 1 (4) - 2950 for 20 min
Herpes simplex II - 556, 832
Herpes simplex IU.2 - 808
Herpes type 2A - 532, 848
Herpes type 2A secondary - 360-369, 373, 528, 685, 846, 880, 888, 8778, 540, 665, 716, 717, 718, 731, 732, 733, 776, 1402
Herpes type 5 (cytomegalovirus) - 2145*, 126, 597, 1045
Herpes type 6 (exp) - 228, 1820, 3640, 3641, 7281
Herpes type C - 395, 424, 460, 533, 554, 701, 745, 2450
Herpes zoster (chicken pox, shingles) - 664*, 3343, 914, 2170, 1600, 1500, 880, 802, 787
Herpes zoster secondary - 1550, 802, 1800, 1865, 728, 2720, 2128, 5000, 464, 800, 574, 1557, 304, 20
Hiatal hernia (use staph and strep sets)
Hiccups - 20, 10000
Hip pain (see also Arthritis) - 880, 787, 727, 20
Hirudo medicinalis (a homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for therapeutic purposes) - 128
Histoplasma - 424, 616, 749
HIV (see also AIDS) - 683, 714, 3554, 830, 450
Hives (urticaria) - 1800, 880, 787, 727, 522, 146, 4.9
Hoarseness - 880, 760, 727
Hodgkin's disease (see Cancer, Hodgkin's disease)
Hookworm (see Parasites hookworm)
Hordeolum (see Stye)
Hormodendrum (a genus of fungi that includes human pathogens) - 663, 678, 695, 532, 627
Hormonal imbalances - 5.5
Hot flashes (complications) - 10000, 880, 787, 727
Hot tub folliculitis (see Pseudomonas freqs)
Household Insect Mix - 723, 100
Hydrocele (fluid in testicle, etc.) - 880, 787, 727
Hyperacidity of stomach - 7.82, 20, 230
Hyperosmia (overacute smell and taste) - 20, 10000, 522, 146
Hypertension - 20, 95, 324, 528, 15, 9.19, 7.83, 6, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 304
Hypertension (renin-induced, red high, diastolic high pressure. Also see Kidney freqs) - 9.19, 6
Hypertension, spastic - 95
Hyperthyroid - 3, 0.5
Hypochondrium, upper abdomen - 20, 10000
Hypophyseal (pituitary) disturbances - 4
Hypotension (low blood pressure) - 20, 727, 787, 880
Hypothyroid - 12, 35, 16000, 10000, 160, 80, 20
Hypoxia (low oxygen, use also Circulatory stasis) - 727, 787, 880, 10000
Icterus, haemolytic (a chronic form of jaundice involving anemia) - 243, 768
Ileocolitis, colon inflammation (see also Parasite general set) - 802, 832, 440
Immune system stimulation - 8, 1862, 2008, 2128, 2180, 3347, 5611, 2791, 3448, 2929, 4O14, 5611, 2867, 2855, 432
Impotence (many classes. Also use Circulatory stasis) - 9.39, 2127, 2008, 465, 10000, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 650, 625, 600
Incontinence (1) - 2250, 2050, 2128, 690, 666 for 10 min
Indigestion (see Dyspepsia)
Infantile paralysis (polio) - 1500, 880, 787, 727, 776, 10000
Infections general - 1550, 880, 802, 786, 728, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 20, 304, 1.2, 5500, 676, 422, 766
Infections general secondary - 5000, 1600, 1500, 832, 776, 760, 700, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 1865, 500, 450, 440, 428, 660, 2112
Infections general tertiary - 1800, 2720, 2489, 832, 3040, 2008, 1850, 610, 732, 751, 40000
Infertility (see also Impotence) - 2127, 2008, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 9.39
Inflammation, general (also see Infection general sets) - 1.5, 3.6
Influencinum Berlin '55 - 430, 720, 733, 787
Influencinum vesica (blisters) general - 203, 292, 588, 612, 975, 407, 682
Influencinum vesic NW - 332, 364, 519, 588, 590, 238, 239, 715
Influencinum vesic SW - 433, 645, 658, 824
Influenza (mutates to new strains constantly but these may be helpful. See also Influenza, Grippe and Influenza Virus) - 464, 440, 3672, 7766, 7760, 7344, 1234, 5000, 727, 787, 800, 875, 880, 885, 728, 1550, 1500, 2008, 20, 304 for 5 min
Influenza (aches and respiratory) - 440, 512, 683, 728, 784, 787, 800, 875, 880, 885, 2050, 2720, 5000 for 5 min, 7760, 7766 for 10 min, 304 for 3 min
Influenza general (1) (winter 98-99) - scan from 6984 to 7016 by 2 or 4Hz.
Influenza (2) (winter 99-00) - 10000, 880, 727, 330, 728
Influenza (3) (winter 99-00) - 440, 465, 613, 666, 727, 787, 800, 1000, 5000, 10000
Influenza with respiratory component (1) (winter 99-00) - 47, 1191, 2398, 2544, 5608, 7760, 7766, 672-679, 676, 647-652, 1215, 724-732, 746, 768, 687
Influenza 1957 "A" Asian - 768, 574
Influenza 1978 - 844, 814, 610
Influenza 1979 - 123, 513, 522, 565, 788, 601
Influenza 1983 - 424, 730, 734, 428
Influenza 1989 - 216, 322, 627, 703, 748
Influenza 1993 - 522, 615, 778, 850, 959
Influenza 1993 secondary - 207, 254, 580s, 848, 947, 7967, 8910, 739, 741, 760, 765, 773, 915
Influenza 1994 - 689, 697, 699, 798
Influenza 1994 secondary - 337, 690, 868, 869, 702, 727, 729, 776, 779
Influenza 1997 to 1998 - 2008, 880, 787, 727, 35, 20, 465
Influenza Asian grippe A - 516, 656, 434
Influenza autumn 1998 - 250, 465 for 3min, 8210 for 5min, 8700, 7760 for15min
Influenza Bach Poly - 122, 350, 487, 572, 634, 768, 823, 1043, 1272, 764, 771
Influenza, grippe general - 343, 500, 512, 541, 862, 1000, 1192, 3012, 3423, 10223
Influenza, grippe, vapch - 153, 343
Influenza, grippe 1986 tri - 532, 588, 660-669, 994, 462, 712
Influenza, grippe 1987 - 140, 332, 581, 953, 4868, 730
Influenza, grippe 1988 - 267, 536, 568, 2050, 752, 781
Influenza, grippe 1989 - 353, 536, 874
Influenza, grippe 1990 - 541, 560, 656
Influenza haemophilus - 542, 552, 885, 959, 734
Influenza haemophilus type B - 652, 942, 483, 731, 746
Influenza spanish - 462, 787
Influenzum toxicum - 854
Influenza triple nosode - 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122
Influenza V grippe - 861
Influenza V-2 grippe - 324, 652, 653
Influenza V-3 grippe - 550, 553
Influenza V-4 grippe - 232, 352, 2558
Influenza V-5 grippe - 945, 518
Influenza V-75 Victoria - 343, 316, 1020
Influenza VA-2 grippe - 334, 472, 496, 833, 836, 922, 728
Influenza VA-2L grippe - 447
Influenza virus, general - 728, 800, 880, 7760, 8000, 8250
Influenza virus 1991 to 1992 - 153, 345, 387, 758, 984, 985
Influenza virus 1991 to 1992 secondary - 330-339, 350-359, 525, 632, 740, 761, 762, 776, 777, 780
Influenza virus 1992 to 1993 - 535, 946
Influenza virus 1992 to 1993 secondary - 272, 534, 566, 668, 674, 776, 782, 947, 632, 640, 713, 715, 742, 773, 777
Influenza virus 1993 to 1994 - 757, 885, 895, 969
Influenza virus 1993 to 1994 secondary - 447, 457, 597, 756, 764, 776, 798, 878, 967, 9090, 663, 720, 728, 729, 745, 762, 764, 770, 773, 779
Influenza virus "A" - 322, 332, 776
Influenza virus "A" 1974 - 442
Influenza virus "A" Port Chalmers - 622, 863
Influenza virus "B" - 468, 530, 532, 536, 537, 568, 722, 740s, 1186, 679
Influenza virus "B" Hong Kong - 555
Influenza virus "swine" - 413, 432, 663, 839, 995
Influenza virus British - 558, 932
Injection, allergic reaction to - 10000
Insomnia (see also Parasite general set) - 3.59, 3, 7.83, 10, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 6000, 304
Intelligence, clarity of thought - 20, 10000
Intercostal neuralgia (pain in rib musculature) - 3000, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 125, 20, 1865, 444
Interleukin (used to stimulate lymphocyte production) - 3448, 2929, 4014, 5611, 2867, 2855, 2791
Intermittent claudication - 45, 48
Intestinal problems, colon - 10, 440, 880, 787, 727
Intestinal problems, general (also try Parasite general set) - 802
Intestines, inflammation - 727, 787, 880, 105, 791
Irritable bowel syndrome (use with Parasites giardia and Parasites general set) - 20, 727, 787, 802, 832, 880, 465, 422, 6766, 1550
Itching (pruritis. Take hot bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar afterwards. If chronic and no long term relief, use Parasite sets including Parasites general and Parasites blood flukes.) - 880, 787, 727, 444, 125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 3176
Jade Machine color decode - Blue 624, Lt. blue 2155, Green 2055, Lt. green 960, Yellow 470, Orange 920, Red 815, Sienna 858, Magenta 800, Purple 745, Lavender 677, Indigo 640
Jaundice (see also Liver support, gallbladder, Leptospirosis, and Parasites fluke and general frequency sets) - 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20
Jock itch (see Epidermophyton floccinum)
Joint inflammation (also see arthritis sets) - 10000
Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418, 647
Kidney insufficiency - 9.2, 10, 40, 440, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20
Kidney papilloma (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) - 110, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102
Kidney stones (use with vitamin, mineral, and herb supplementation) - 444, 727, 787, 880, 10000, 6000, 3000, 3.5, 1552
Kidney tonic, general - 440, 248, 8, 880, 20, 10000, 800, 5000, 3000
Kieferosteitis (a type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and pain) - 432, 516, 384
Klebsiella pneumoniae (see Pneumoniae klebsiella)
Knee, joint pain - 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 20, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 250, 9.6, 9.39
Lac Deflorat - 230, 371, 232, 2121
Lamblia (see Parasites, Giardia)
Large intestine tonic - 8, 440, 880
Laryngeal polyp - 765, 202
Larynx - 10, 440, 465, 444, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 7.69, 3, 1.2, 250, 9.6, 9.39
Lateral sclerose (degeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia. See also ALS.) - 254
Laxative, mild - 802
Legionella (Legionnaires' disease, caused by a gram-negative bacteria associated with condensed or treated water that migrate to lung tissue and stimulate severe respiratory manifestations, fever, headache, abdominal pain, and may affect kidneys and liver.) - 723, 724, 897, 975, 8120, 8856, 690, 693
Leishman Donovan bodies (see Parasites, Leishmania)
Leprosy - 600
Leprosy secondary infection - 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 760, 727, 700, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 500, 450, 440, 428, 660
Leptospirosis (a spirochete bacterial disease that is spread to humans through animal urine that can cause meningitis, jaundice, anemia, miscarriage, and death) - 612, 663
Leukocytogenesis, stimulates (see also Immune system stimulation) - 20, 727
Leukoderma, acquired (see Vitiligo)
Leukoencephalitis (inflammation of brain's white matter, usually in infants and children, but also found in horses as a result of forage poisoning) -324, 572, 776, 934, 1079, 1111, 1333
Leukoencephalitis secondary - 338, 783, 932, 1035, 1160, 1630, 712, 713, 715, 1244
Leukoplakia (white patches on mucous membranes, also see EBV, Papilloma, and Cancer, carcinoma freqs) - 465, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666
Leukose (proliferation of tissues that form white blood cells; considered to be foundational stage of leukemia. See also Parasite general and Parasite fluke sets) - 612, 633, 653, 3722, 644
Lipoma (benign, soft tumor of fatty tissue) - 47, 606, 709
Listeriose (a serious disease causing miscarriage, meningitis, and endocarditis in humans; known as "circling disease" in ruminants and causes liver necrosis in animals with single stomachs. Also see Strep general and General infection) - 377, 471, 626, 628, 634, 774, 2162, 7867, 714, 724
Liver fluke (See parasites, flukes)
Liver necrosis (see Listeriose, Liver support, Parasites schistosoma mansoni)
Liver stores, bile, cholesterol - 21.34
Liver support (also try Parasite general and fluke freqs) - 33.13, 1552, 802
Liver, enlargement - 727, 787, 880
Lockjaw (see Tetanus)
Locomotor dysfunction incoordination (slow results. See also Schumann response) - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20
Low blood pressure (see hypotension)
Luesinum/Syphilinum (see Syphillis)
Lumbago - 10000, 800, 880, 787, 727, 125, 95, 72, 444, 1865, 9.19, 8.25, 7.69, 300
Lung sinus bacteria - 244, 1466, 597, 1311
Lung abscess (see Nocardia asteroides)
Lupus, general (localized degeneration of skin by various diseases; vulgaris is a common form of this ailment that is actually a rare form of tuberculosis that manifests with disfigurement and destruction of the skin and cartilage of the face. Also use Parasite fluke sets for any type) -633 for 5 min, 2125 for 4 min, 2008 for 8 min, 3612 for 4 min, 802 for 8 min, 2489, 702, 243, 386, 442, 942 for 3 min
Lupus general secondary - 205, 244, 352, 633, 847, 921, 993, 1333, 1464, 7865, 771
Lupus SLE secondary - 2180, 2128, 2008, 1552, 880, 784, 664, 304, 386, 678, 481
Luxation (dislocation of organs or joints) - 9.1, 110
Lyme disease (also known as borreliosis; relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks) - 432, 800, 4200, 338, 344, 345, 605, 673, 758, 797, 884, 1455, 6863, 6870, 533, 534, 732
Lyme hatchlings/eggs - 640, 8554, 203, 412, 414, 589, 667, 840, 1000, 1072, 1087, 1105
Lyme secondary - 254, 525, 597, 644, 885, 699
Lyme tertiary - 306, 432, 484, 610, 625, 690, 864, 2016, 790
Lyme (1) always run 620 after 864 - 864, 495, 485 to 505, 620, 610 to 630, 690, 790, 785 to 795.
Lyme (2) - 2050, 1520, 615 for 5 min, 2016, 625 for 10 min.
Lymph plaque - 596, 346
Lymph stasis - 3176
Lymph stasis secondary (also see Lymphangitis) - 6.3, 148, 522, 146, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 10000, 2.5, 465, 10
Lymph support - 15.05, 10.36, 3176
Lymphangitis (lymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most commonly caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and cancer) - 574, 778, 1120, 1078, 3176
Lymphogranuloma (see Cancer, Hodgkin's disease)
L-lysine (stimulates) - 195.5, 391, 782, 1564.1, 3128.2, 6256.4
Lyssinum (see Rabies)
Macular degeneration (use Cataracts)
Magnesium - 480
Malabsorption syndrome (use with Parasites, General set) - 727, 787, 880, 800, 1552, 3000
Malaria (an infectious disease, originating in tropical areas, that is transmitted by a mosquito bite and characterized by fever, anemia, and spleen enlargement) - 20, 222, 550, 713, 930, 1032, 1433, 455, 743
Malaria (1) - 20, 555
Malaria (2) - 20, 28, 787, 880
Malaria (Falciparum)(1) - 1518, 1348, 1473, 1002, 1019
Malassezia furfur (causes tinea versicolor. See also Fungus general) - 222, 225, 491, 616, 700
Mamma fibromatosis (see Breast, fibroid cysts)
Mange, follicular (Scabies - contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles) - 920, 1436, 2871, 5742, for 3 min, 90 to 110, 253, 693 for 10 min
Mannan - 961, 661
Marsh elder - 474
Mastitis (an inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infection) - 654, 698
Mastoiditis (inflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyes) - 287
Measles - 727, 787, 880, 342, 442, 443, 467, 520, 521, 552, 1489, 745, 757, 763, 712
Measles, rubella (German or 3 day measles) - 431, 459, 510, 517, 796, 967, 368, 734, 772
Measles, rubella secondary - 727, 787, 880
Measles, rubella vaccine - 429, 459, 832, 926, 505
Measles, rubeola (9 day measles) - 342, 467, 520, 784, 787, 962, 1489
Measles vaccine - 214, 725, 747, 783, 962
Medorrhinum (homeopathic nosode for urethral discharge. See also Vaginosis.) - 230, 442, 554, 843, 854, 1700, 1880, 2222, 602
Meniere's disease (auditory vertigo associated with deafness and tinnitus) -1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 465, 428 for 3 min, 33, 329 for 7 min, 5000 for 16 min, 1130 for 1 min, 782 for 26 min
Meniere's (1) - 8.8, 8.9, 9.0
Meningcoccus Virus - 720
Meningioma (a benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord) - 446, 535, 537
Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord. Also see Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeriose, and Leptospirosis) -322, 517, 720, 733, 764, 822, 1044, 1422, 423
Meningitis secondary - 130, 676, 677, 507
Meningitis tertiary - 1550, 802, 880, 832, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 428, 660
Menstrual problems (douche with plain water first) - 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20
Mental concentration - 10000, 7.82
Mental disorders (general aid; especially if toxins are the cause) - 522, 146, 10000, 125, 95, 72, 20, 4.9, 428, 550, 802
Mercury - 47, 48, 49, 75
Methotrexate - 584
Microsporum audouini (a fungus which commonly causes ringworm of the scalp and other areas) - 422, 831, 1222, 285
Microsporum canis (a fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and children) - 347, 970, 1644, 402, 650
Migraine (also use Parasites strongyloides and general sets) - 10
Mold (see also specific types) - 222, 242, 523, 565, 592, 623, 745, 933, 1130, 1155, 1333, 1833, 4442
Mold and fungus, general (see also specific types) - 728, 880, 784, 464, 886, 414, 254, 344, 2411, 321, 555, 942, 337, 766, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 132, 866
Moles - 20, 120, 177, 600, 625, 626, 650, 659, 660, 728, 784, 880, 464
Moles(1) - 761.7 for 15 min, 650, 625, 600, 76.2 for 10 min
Mononucleosis (see Epstein-Barr virus)
Monotospora languinosa (homeopathic remedy for fungal allergen) - 788
Morbillinum - 467, 520, 1489
Morbus Parkinson (see Parkinson's disease)
Morgan (bact) - 778, 784, 787, 788, 988, 726
Motion sickness (also see nausea) - 10000, 650, 625, 600, 465, 440, 648, 444, 1865, 522, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20
Mouth eruptions, herpes sores (see Herpes and Herpes Simplex I)
Mouth eruptions, white patches (see leukoplakia)
Mucocutan perniciosis - 833, 667, 756
Mucor mucedo (causes rot in fruit and baked goods & sometimes found on feet and skin) - 612, 1000, 488, 766, 9788, 735
Mucor plumbeus - 361, 578, 785, 877
Mucor racemosis (grows on decaying vegetation and bread and can cause ear infection) - 310, 474, 875
Mucor racemosis secondary - 473, 686, 871, 873, 876, 878, 887, 7768, 7976, 8788, 713, 729, 731, 751, 760, 778, 1200
Mucormycosis (see Zygomycosis)
Mucous membrane inflammation general - 380
Mucoviscidosis (see Cystic fibrosis)
Multiple sclerosis (aspertame, mercury, benzene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. Also see chlamydia pneumonia, blastocystis hominus,Parasites flukes, Shigella, Nocardia, Herpes general, Herpes virus 6, and Herpes zoster) - 5000 for 30 min on one day, 728, 166, 224, 317, 727, 787, 880, 218 for 45 sec the next day. Alternate days.
Multiple sclerosis (1) - 2253, 2467, 2357, 2358, 242, 305, 2089, 3057, 81, 5K, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 728, 690, 660, 20
Multiple sclerosis (2) - 3040, 5000, 2720, 10000, 470, 120, 240, 300, 328, 728, 880 for 3 min, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 for 1 min, 20
Multiple sclerosis tremor or twitch - 470
Multiple sclerosis secondary - 20, 143, 275, 430, 470, 524, 620, 624, 802, 840, 854, 1550, 2213, 5000, 728, 784, 880, 464
Multiple sclerosis (symptom of stiff legs) - 315.77
Mumps (acute viral inflammation of the saliva glands. See also Coxsackie) -152, 242, 642, 674, 922
Mumps secondary - 190, 235, 516, 1243, 1660, 2630, 3142, 9667, 729, 741, 759, 761, 1170
Mumps tertiary - 10000, 727, 2720, 2489, 2127, 2008, 428, 880, 787, 727, 20
Mumps vaccine - 273, 551, 711, 730, 1419
Muscles, to relax - 965, 20, 120, 240, 760, 6.8, 6000, 304
Muscle, tonic - 20, 120, 240, 300, 304, 328, 728, 880, 5000, 10000
Muscular dystrophy (disorder characterized by weakness and progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissue. Aspartame, mercury, benzene, lead, and toluene can cause same symptoms. Also use Parasites flukes and see Parasites general and MS sets) - 153, 522, 146, 880, 787, 727
Muscular pain, injury (also see Pain and General antiseptic) - 2720, 6000, 320, 250, 240, 160, 125, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5
Mycobacterium avium (exp) - 642.2, 700.9, 769.6, 803.4, 818.5, 1001.2, 858.2, 786.7, 625.9, 674.3, 953.6, 1180, 1148.3, 773.3, 615.7, 608.4, 770.6, 896.9, 694.1, 680.8, 632.2, 619.7, 680.4, 857.6, 860.2, 590, 825.7, 824.5 -830 sweep, 937.4, 529.3, 1058.6, 2117.1, 617.8, 1235.7, 2471.3, 1037.5, 2075
Mycogone spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungus) - 371, 446, 1123, 748
Mycogone fungoides - 488, 532, 662, 764, 852, 1444
Mycogone fungoides secondary - 328, 367, 490, 491, 495, 496, 628, 678, 761, 766, 768, 1055, 1074, 9979, 709, 714, 729, 746, 757
Mycoplasma pneumonia (see Pneumonia, mycoplasma)
Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) - 532, 662, 678, 852, 1444
Myocarditis narbe - 279, 761
Myocarditis necrose (homeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a result of inadequate blood flow to them. See also Circulatory stasis) -706, 789
Myoma (a benign tumor on the uterus) - 253, 420, 453, 832
Myositis (involves progressive muscle weakness) - 120, 122, 125, 129, 1124, 1169, 762
Nasal infection (see Sinusitis and Rhinitis)
Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage) - 542, 1436
Nasturtium (a healing herb) - 143
Nausea and cramping - 72, 95, 190, 880, 832, 787, 727, 20, 4.9
Nematodes (See Parasites, nematodes)
Neoplasms (See cancer)
Nephritis (kidney inflammatory disease. Also treat for stones and crystals supplementally), or nephrosis (non-inflammatory kidney disease) - 1550, 274, 423, 636, 688, 880, 787, 727, 10, 20, 10000, 40, 73, 465, 3000
Nerve disorders - 10000, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 440, 660
Nervousness, Prozac agitation (akathsia. See also Relaxation) - 3, 7.83
Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nervous system) - 833, 3.9, 10000
Neuralgia, intercostal - 802
Neuralgia, trigeminal - 880
Neurosis - 28
Neurospora sitophila - 705, 878
Nigrospora spp - 302, 350, 764
Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs) - 228, 231, 237, 694, 719, 747, 887, 2890
Nose, infection or congestion (see Sinusitis and Rhinitis)
Numbness (also see Circulatory stasis) - 10000, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 440, 660
Oat smut - 806
Oligodena - 853
Oospora - 9599, 5346
Oral lesions (chronic cases will always return until metal dental work is replaced with uranium free porcelain. See also herpes simplex I and use Stomatitis) - 2720, 2489, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146
Orchitis (inflammation of testes due to TB, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, bacteria, etc. See also causative condition if known) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 9
Orchitis secondary - 727, 787, 880, 10000
Ornithosis (or Psittacosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds) - 233, 331, 332, 583, 859, 1217
Osteitis (bone inflammation) - 770
Osteoarthritis (also see Arthritis) - 1500, 770
Osteoitis - 2.65
Osteomyelitis - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666
Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infection) - 79, 330
Osteosinusitis max. - 243, 327
Ostitis - 770, 743, 736, 724
Otitis externa (outer ear infection. Also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa) -727, 787, 880, 174, 482, 5311
Otitis medinum (middle ear swelling and/or infection and fever. See also strep pneumonia) - 316, 784, 786, 125, 802, 72, 522, 440 for 5 min, 880, 720, 1550 for 10 min
Otosclerosis - 9.19
Ovarian cyst - 567, 982, 711
Ovarian disorders, general - 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20
Ovarian elimination, to stimulate - 20
Ovum - 752
Ox bile (the homeopathic remedy derived from it) - 672
Ozaena - 184, 222, 439
Pain (Also look under name of condition causing pain) - 3000, 95, 666, 80
Pain of cancer - 3000, 95, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666
Pain of infection - 3000, 95, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 4.9
Pain relief - 304, 6000, 3000, 666, 80
Pain, acute - 3000, 95, 10000, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666
Pancreas - 440, 464, 600, 624, 648, 1552, 727, 787, 880
Pancreatic insufficiency - 20, 250, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20
Papilloma virus (causes warts and benign tumors having a branch or stalk and in some cases white patches (leukoplakia)) - 45, 489, 874*, 907*, 16970 (265, 5657), 64734 (1011, 9258), 67265 (1051, 9609), 466, 110, 767, 404
Papilloma kidney (small, usually benign growth on a kidney) - 110, 148, 264, 634, 767, 848, 917, 760, 762, 1102
Paraceli - 232
Paradontose - 424, 1552
Paralysis, nonspastic - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 9.19, 8.25
Paralysis, spastic - 10000, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 7.69
Paramecium caudatum - 4500, 1150, 2298
Parasites, ascaris - 152, 442, 8146, 751, 1146, 797
Parasites, enterobiasis (pinworms; intestinal worms frequently found in children) - 20, 120, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152
Parasites, filariose (worms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed from biting insects) - 112, 120, 332, 753
Parasites, flukes, blood - 847, 867, 329, 419, 635, 7391, 5516, 9889
Parasites, flukes, general - 143, 275, 435, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651, 664, 6766, 435, 15244 Parasites, flukes, general (short set) - 524, 854, 651
Parasites, flukes, intestinal (exp) - 651, 676, 844, 848, 854, 2128, 2084, 2150, 6766
Parasites, flukes, liver - 143, 275, 676, 763, 238, 6641, 6672
Parasites, flukes, lymph - 10050, 157
Parasites, flukes, pancreatic (exp) - 1850, 2000, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2050, 2080, 6578
Parasites, flukes, sheep liver - 826, 830, 834
Parasites, follicular mange - 253, 693
Parasites, general (1) (cleanup with 728, 784, 880, 465) - 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 240, 334, 422, 442, 524, 651, 688, 732, 751, 800, 854, 1864
Parasites, general (2) - 120, 128, 422, 644/642, 676, 688/690, 712, 728, 732, 800/802, 1550/1552, 1862/1864, 2112, 4412
Parasites general (3) - 47, 72, 80, 95, 120, 125, 440, 444, 465, 660, 665, 690, 727, 728, 740, 770, 780, 800, 880, 1840, 1865, 1998, 3176, 10000
Parasites, general, short set - 20, 64, 72, 96, 112, 120, 152, 651, 732
Parasites, giardia - 334, 4334, 5429, 829, 812, 2018, 407
Parasites, heartworms - 543, 2322, 200, 535, 1077, 799
Parasites, helminthsporium (worm eggs) - 793, 969, 164, 5243
Parasites, hookworm - 6.8, 440, 2008, 6436, 5868
Parasites, leishmania donovan - 525, 781
Parasites, leishmania braziliensis - 787
Parasites, leishmania tropica - 791
Parasites, pinworm - see Parasites, enterobiasis
Parasites, roundworms, general - 20, 104, 120, 128, 152, 240, 650, 688, 332, 422, 112, 721, 942, 3212, 732, 4412, 543, 772, 827, 835, 4152, 5897, 7159
Parasites, roundworms, general (short set) - 128, 152, 240, 422, 650, 688
Parasites, schistosoma haematobium (blood flukes) - 847, 867, 635
Parasites, schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke which can cause symptoms identical to hepatitis C) - 329, 9889
Parasites, strongyloides (threadworm, genus of roundworms) - 332, 422, 721, 732, 749, 942, 3212, 4412
Parasites, strongyloides secondary - 380, 698, 752, 776, 722, 738, 746, 1113
Parasites, taenia - see Parasites, tapeworms
Parasites, tapeworms (do not use for known tapeworms unless familiar with tapeworm protocol) - 164, 187*, 453, 523, 542, 623, 843, 854, 1223, 803, 3032, 5522*
Parasites, tapeworms secondary - 142, 187, 624, 662
Parasites, threadworms (see Parasites, strongyloides)
Parasites, trichinosis - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372
Parasites, turbatrix - 104
Paresis - 9.4
Paresthesia - 5.5
Parkinson tremor, temporary relief - 6000 for 10 min, 130, 169
Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see Nocardia asteroides freqs) -693, 813, 1.1, 5000, 1131 for 3 min, 33 for 30 min
Parrot Fever (see Ornithosis)
Parvovirus, canine - 637, 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
Parvovirus, canine mutant strain - 323, 514
Parvovirus, canine type B - 323, 535, 613, 755
Parvovirus, new strain - 2257, 488, 488
Pasteurella combination (bacterial diseases spread by animal bites) - 323, 913, 694
Pelvic inflammatory disease - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 522, 95, 72, 450, 428
Pemniciosis - 232, 622, 822, 4211
Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by blisters in the
outer layer of skin and mucous membranes) - 694, 893, 665
Penicillium chyrosogenium - 129, 249, 344, 967
Penicillium chyrosogenium secondary - 345, 688, 868, 1070, 2411, 728, 764, 765
Penicillium notatum - 334, 629
Penicillium notatum secondary - 321, 550, 555, 556, 558, 560, 562, 566, 572, 644, 825, 922, 942, 4870, 7780, 412, 715
Penicillium rubrum - 332, 457, 460, 462, 766, 1015, 1018
Pennyroyal (an herb) - 772
Penqueculum - 746, 755, 1375, 6965, 626, 948
Pepto streptococcus - 201, 629
Pericarditis (NOTE, Cardiac conditions are inherently unstable. Therefore,we cannot recommend the use of frequencies on humans, even outside U.S. jurisdiction. These frequencies are for animal research only.) - 2720, 2170, 1600, 880, 1550, 802, 787, 727, 625, 125, 95, 72, 20
Periodontal disease (see also osteo infection freqs) - 47.5, 1800, 1600, 650, 625, 600, 880, 787, 776, 727
Peritonitis - 727, 787, 880
Perniosis (chillbains : a disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged exposure to cold and characterized by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and face) - 20, 232, 622, 822, 4211, 2112
Pertussis (whooping cough) - 526, 765, 46, 284, 9101, 697, 906
Pertussis secondary - 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 1234, 7344
Pesticide detox (see also Liver and Kidney support, Circulatory and Lymph stasis freqs) - 73, 26, 6, 1
Phaqocyross, stimulates - 20, 125, 727, 787, 880
Pharyngitis (inflammation of pharynx, can cause chronic sore throat,halitosis, and pharyngeal ulcers. Also see Sore throat, Halitosis) - 440, 380, 1600, 1550, 802, 776, 784, 880, 727, 20, 522, 146
Phlebitis (vein inflammation) - 1500, 776
Phoma Destructiva (homeopathic) - 163, 815, 621
Pineal gland (to stimulate) - 20
Plague (see Bubonic plague)
Plantaris - 2008
Plasmacytoma (a tumor with plasma cells that occurs in the bone marrow, as in multiple myeloma, or outside of the bone marrow, as in tumors of the inner organs and lining of the nose, mouth, and throat) - 475
Pleurisy (Inflammation of the lung membrane and abdominal lining) - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 450
Plosis (eyelid droop. Also use Parasite general, ascaris, and roundworm) -10000
Pneumococcus (see Streptococcus pneumoniae)
Pneumocystis carnii (fungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the immune suppressed or in infants) - 204, 340, 742
Pneumonia (see also Pneumonia klebsiella, Pneumonia mycoplasma, Pneumonia bronchial, Pneumonocystis carnii, Streptococcus pneumoniae) - 1238, 1550, 1862, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20, 450, 412, 766, 688, 683, 975, 2688, 660
Pneumonia, bronchial (inflammation of bronchii and lungs) - 550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 452, 1474, 578
Pneumoniae klebsiella (causes an acute, bacterial pneumonia) - 412, 766, 776, 413, 840, 746, 765, 779, 783, 818
Pneumonia mycoplasma (a contagious pneumonia of children and young adults) - 688, 975, 777, 2688, 660
Pneumonia, walking (see Pneumonia mycoplasma)
Pneumovirus (causes bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants, see Respiratory syncitial virus)
Polio (also known as poliomyelitis) - 135, 283, 742, 776, 1500, 2632, 1850
Polio secondary complications - 1550, 802, 428, 1500, 880, 787, 727
Polyarthritis - 512
Polyp, nasal - 542, 1436
Polyp, uterine - 689
Polyp, general - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 727, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 522, 146
Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and skin) - 698, 780
Postsurgery detoxification of anaesthesia (also requires post-recovery saunas with electrolyte replacement) - 522, 146
Proctitis (see Chlamydia trachomatis)
Prostate, enlarged (see Prostatitis and other prostate sets) - 2250, 2128, 2050, 690, 666.
Prostatitis (benign prostate tumor or infection) - 100, 410, 522, 146, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1550, 802, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 465, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 522, 9.1
Prostatitis (1) - 2050, 2250 for 15 min
Prostate adenominum - 442, 688, 1875, 748, 766
Prostate hyperplasia - 920
Prostate problems, general - 2128, 2008, 2720, 664, 728, 408, 9.39, 2127, 2008, 727, 690, 666, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 9, 9.19
Proteus - 424, 434, 834
Protozoa - 432, 753, 5776
Pruritis (see Itching)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria causing blue pus infections found in wounds, burns, and the urinary tract, et al) - 174, 482, 785, 1132, 5311, 3965, 405, 633, 191, 178, 731, 6646, 178
Pseudomonas mallei (also called glanders bacillus. Causes glanders, a blue pus infection of the respiratory system and mouth, and transmitted occasionally to man by equine.) - 687, 857, 875, 1273, 501, 743, 774
Pseudomonas pyocyanea - 437
Psittacosis (see Ornithosis)
Psoriasis (also use Hypothyroid set and see General Parasite, ascaris, and other roundworm freqs) - 2180, 2128, 2008, 2489, 1552, 880, 800, 786, 728, 664, 304, 96, 112, 100, 60, 104, 64, 152, 2170, 2720
Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis - 3000, 95, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 28, 1.2, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680
Psorinum - 786, 767
Pullularia pullulans (allergy remedy) - 432, 873, 1364, 684, 739, 750
Pyelitis, proteus (bacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditions) - 434, 594, 776
Pyocyaneus (homeopathic nosode for Pseudomonas pyocyanea) - 437
Pyoderma (or Pyoderma Gangrenosum; a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. Small pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body. Also see Parasites general and General antiseptic) - 123, 132, 967, 974, 1556, 1489, 663
Pyorrhea (Infection of periodontium causing inflammation of gums and bone loss. Although pyorrhea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment, infection will always return whenever subject experiences stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays (so-called 'silver' fillings) and nickel alloy ('stainless steel') dental appliances are replaced with porcelain that does not contain uranium and infected root canals and sockets are treated. See also Dental, Dental foci, Stomatitis, Gingivitis, Toothache) - 2720, 2489, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146
Pyrogenium 62 (general homeopathic remedy for pus) - 151, 429, 594, 622, 872, 497, 498
Pyrogenium ex ovo - 231, 1244, 1210, 1216
Pyrogenium fish - 287, 304 Pyrogenium mayo - 688, 759, 1625, 727, 770
Pyrogenium suis - 341, 356, 673
Q Fever (an infectious disease caused by contact with animals with the parasitic Rickettsia bacteria and Coxiella burnetii whose symptoms may include headache, fever, chills, and sweats. See also Typhoid fever and Rickettsia) - 523, 1357, 607, 129, 632, 943, 1062, 549, 720, 726
Rabies (lyssinum) - 20, 120, 547, 793
Radiation burns (also see Regeneration and Healing) - 727, 787, 880, 10000
Ragweed - 473
Raynaud's disease - 727, 20
Refractory an - 435
Regeneration and healing - 47, 2720
Relaxation, to produce - 6000, 10, 7.83
Renal calculi (see Kidney stones)
Renal excretory insufficiency; diastolic hypertensive (also see Kidney insufficiency) - 9.2
Reproductive - 335, 536, 622, 712
Respiratory syncitial virus - 336, 712, 278
Retrovirus, variants - 2489, 465, 727, 787, 880, 448, 800, 10000
Rhesus gravidatum - 312, 322, 536, 684
Rheuma (watery discharge from nose or eyes) - 952, 436, 595, 775
Rheumaticus - 333, 376, 820
Rheumatism - 10000, 776, 262
Rheumatoid arthritis (see Arthritis, rheumatoid)
Rhinitis (runny nose, also see Sinusitis) - 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 465, 522, 146
Rhino pneumonitis - 185, 367, 820, 487
Rhizopus nigricans - 132, 327, 775, 659, 660
Rhodo torula - 833, 598, 778
Rhodococcus - 124, 835, 432, 764, 337, 682, 720
Rickettsia (bacteria that are transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, and mites. Can cause typhoid fever and Q fever.) - 129, 632, 943, 1062, 549, 720, 726
Ringworm (see Microsporum audouini, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton, and/or Epidermophyton) - 422, 442, 732, 5000, 60, 76, 92, 120, 128, 440, 800 for 6 min
Roaches (may target a symbiot) - 100
Rocky Mountain spotted fever - 375, 862, 943, 788, 468, 308
Rotifer - 4500
Rubella (see Measles, rubella)
Rubeola (see Measles, rubeola)
Ruko tick - 6634, 285, 308
Salivary gland virus (human herpes type 5 - see Cytomegalovirus)
Salmonella (can cause intestinal inflammation and infection, and contribute to flu in children) - 1522, 717, 972, 664, 643
Salmonella paratyphi B - 59, 92, 643, 707, 717, 719, 752, 972, 7771, 1244, 6787, 165, 711
Salmonella type B - 546, 1634
Salmonella typhi (can cause typhoid fever) - 420, 664, 8656, 773
Salmonella typhimurium (can cause food poisoning) - 693, 754, 762
Sanguis menst - 591
Sanguinera - 634
Scabies (see Mange, follicular)
Scarlet fever - 437, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666
Schistosoma (see Parasites, schistosoma)
Schumann resonance (relaxing) - 7.83
Schunan B-Cell - 322, 425, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781, 950, 952, 1023, 1524, 1097, 1100
Sciaticor schias - 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666, 10
Sclerosis, lateral (degeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic paraplegia) - 254
Sedation and pain relief - 304, 6000
Sedative effect (Reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitis) -2.5
Seizure (1) - 329, 226, 953
Semperillium - 1140
Serum schweinepest - 503, 246, 604, 465
Sexual dysfunction (see also Circulatory stasis, Orchitis) - 9.39, 2127, 2008, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727, 690, 666, 124, 95, 73, 72, 20, 650, 625, 600
Shigella (can cause acute dysentery and diarrhea as well as infect nerves, brain, and spinal cord chronically) - 621, 762, 769, 770, 1550, 802, 832
Shingles (see Herpes zoster)
Silver (exp) - 15903
Sinus Bacteria - 548
Sinusitis (sinus and lung infections can be caused by a large number of pathogens including viruses like RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza A, influenza B, rhino virus, et al. Common bacteria like strep pneum. are always suspect when condition is chronic. Sinusitis frontalis and maxillaris should be tried first.)
Sinusitis (1) - 728, 784, 880, 20, 72, 120, 146, 400, 440, 464, 524, 548, 660, 712, 732, 802, 1500, 1552, 1600, 1862, 683 for 5 min
Sinusitis (2) - 125, 160, 367, 472, 600, 615, 625, 650, 820, 952, 1150, 1520, 1865, 2000, 4392, 4400, 4412
Sinusitis (3) - 60, 95, 128, 225, 414, 427, 432, 456, 610, 614, 618, 1234, 2600, 5500, 304
Sinusitis (4) - 107, 160, 952, 942, 320, 741, 682, 1395
Sinusitis frontalis - 952, 320, 682
Sinusitis maxillaris - 160, 741
Sleeping sickness - 120, 20
Slipped discs (spasms from microbial toxins) - 125, 880, 787, 727, 95, 72, 20
Smallpox (also known as variola, an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blisters) - 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544, 1550, 802, 542, 569, 832, 3222
Smallpox (secondary) - 334, 360, 471, 647, 506, 711, 880, 787, 727, 20
Smegma - 153, 180, 638
Sneezing - 880, 787, 727, 465, 146
Sore throat (also see Pharyngitis, Strep general, Strep pyrogenes, and
Actinomyces israelii) - 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 46.5, 766
Sorghum smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) - 294
Spasms, muscle - 6.8
Spastic paresis - 30.87, 48
Spleen (secondary) - 10000, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20
Spleen, enlarged - 35, 787, 3176
Sporobolomyces - 753, 700
Sporotrichum pruinosum - 584, 598, 687, 755, 715
Stammering - 10000, 20, 6000, 7.83
Staphylococci infection (see also other Staph freqs) - 960, 727*, 786*, 453, 678, 674, 550, 1109, 424, 943, 1050, 643, 2600, 7160, 639, 1089, 8697
Staph infection (1) - 943, 727, 643, 20
Staphylococcus aureus (can cause boils, carbuncles, abscesses, tooth infection, heart disease, and infect tumors) - 424, 727, 786*, 943, 1050, 8697, 644, 647, 745, 738, 744
Staphylococcus general - 453, 550, 674, 728*, 786*, 1109, 7160, 634, 639, 1089
Staphylococcus coagulae positive - 643
Stemphylium - 461, 340, 114
Stiff muscles - 320, 328, 304, 300, 240, 160, 776, 728, 1800, 125, 80, 40, 20, 6000
Stiff muscles (secondary) - 250, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776
Stiff neck - 4.9, 6, 9.19
Stiff shoulder - 10000, 727, 766, 20
Stomach disorders (see also E. Coli and Parasites general if no lasting relief) - 2127, 2008, 880, 784, 727, 690, 676, 664, 125, 95, 72, 20, 3.9, 450, 802, 1552, 832, 422
Stomatitis (Inflammation of mucous membranes in the mouth. See also Candida, Herpes simplex I, Stomatitis aphthous, Pyorrhea, and Gingivitis) - 465, 677, 702, 787, 234, 278, 568, 672
Stomatitis aphthous (ulcers on mucous membrane of mouth. Also called canker sores) - 478, 487, 498, 788, 955, 982
Stomatitis aphthous (1) - 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 for 5 min
Streptococcus infection, general (streptococcus family. Also see General antiseptic and other Strep sets) - 1266, 880*, 848, 787, 784, 727, 875, 885, 2000
Streptococcus enterococcinum (can cause infection in the digestive and urinary tracts) - 686, 409
Streptococcus hemolytic (blood infection by strep) - 728, 880, 786, 712, 128, 134, 334, 443, 535*, 542, 675, 1415, 1522*, 1902, 691, 710, 1203, 368*, 318*
Streptococcus mutant strain - 114, 437, 625, 883, 994
Streptococcus mutant strain secondary - 108, 433, 488, 687, 833, 8686, 8777, 9676, 660, 732, 745, 754, 764
Streptococcus pepto (can infect digestive tract) - 201, 629
Streptococcus pneumoniae (can cause pneumonia, empyema, middle ear infections, endocarditis, peritonitis, arthitis, bacteremia, and meningitis) - 231, 232, 683, 846, 8865
Streptococcus pyrogenes (pus-forming infections. Can cause sore throat, skin inflammation (erysipelas), scarlet fever. See also General antiseptic). - 616, 776, 735, 845, 660, 10000, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20
Streptococcus viridans - 425*, 433*, 445, 935, 1010, 1060, 8478, 457, 465, 777, 778, 1214, 1216
Strep virus - 563, 611, 727
Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora - 158, 174, 645, 801
Streptomyces griseus (soil bacteria which yields streptomycin) - 333, 887
Streptothrix (includes Nocardia and Actinomyces israeli) - 784, 228, 231, 237, 887, 2890, 222, 262, 2154, 465, 488, 567, 7880, 10000, 787, 747, 727, 20
Stroke (follow up) - 3, 203, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 522, 428, 10000, 20, 2720
Strongyloides (see Parasites, strongyloides)
Struma (family of organisms that can infect the thyroid causing goiter. Use kelp internally. Use Struma cystica, nodosa, and parenchyme freqs.)
Struma cystica - 5311, 531, 756, 361
Struma nodosa - 105, 122, 321, 517, 532, 651, 714
Struma parenchyme - 121, 576
Stye (staph infection of sebaceous gland of eyelash. Also use Staphylococci infection set) - 10000, 880, 787, 727, 20, 453, 2600
Sub luxation induced disorders - 9.6
Sudor pedis (excessive foot sweat) - 148
Sun allergy (Examine prescription drugs, such as Psoralen, for photo-sensitization properties. ) - 3, 330
Sunstroke - 444, 440, 190, 3000, 95, 522, 146, 880, 20, 10000
Surgery pre-op and post-op to prevent and control nosocomial (hospital-acquired) and idiopathic infection (see also General antiseptic, Staph, and Strep sets) - 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 522, 146, 428
Surgery, detox of anaesthesia (see also Liver support) - 522, 146
Surgical pain, post-op recovery - 3000, 2720, 95
Swelling (edema. See also Kidney insufficiency and Lymph stasis freqs) -522, 146, 6.3, 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 20, 10000, 5000, 3000
Swimmer's ear (also see Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Otitis externa) - 728, 784, 880, 464, 174, 482, 5311
Swollen glands (use Lymph and see Mumps freq sets)
Syphilis - 177, 650, 625, 600, 660, 658
Tachycardia (rapid heart beat. For lab animals only. See also Heart tonic, Relaxation sets.) - 1.2
Taenia (see Parasites tapeworm)
Taste, none - 10000, 20
Tendomyopathy - 320, 250, 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5.8, 2.5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 0.5
Tetanus (infectious disease of the central nervous system caused by clostridium tetani) - 244, 600, 554, 120, 352, 1142, 363, 458, 465, 628
Tetanus (secondary complications) - 880, 787, 727
Tetragenus - 393, 433, 2712
Thalamus stimulant - 20
Thermi bacteria - 233, 441
Throat "tickle", chronic (see also Streptococcus sets) - 120, 666, 690, 727, 787, 800, 880, 1560, 1840, 1998, 766, 776
Thrombophlebitis (inflammation of vein walls from clotting. Use on lab animals only. See also Circulatory stasis) - 1500, 776, 685
Thrombosis, infective I herpes family (not to be used with arrhythmia or in U.S.) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444, 1865, 1489
Thrush (use Candida and see Stomatitis freqs) - 414, 465
Thymus, to stimulate - 20
Tinea pedis (see Trichophyon mentagrophyte)
Tinea cruris (see Epidermophyton floccinum)
Tinea versicolor (see Malassezia furfur)
Tinnitus (see also Circulatory stasis, Dental, Dental foci, General antiseptic, and Otitis freqs) - 20, 2720, 728, 784, 880
Tobacco mosaic - 233, 274, 543, 782, 1052
Tonsillar nosode - 1656
Tonsillar pfropfe - 246, 151, 414
Tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils) - 1.2, 73, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 144, 452, 582
Tooth extraction follow up frequencies (see also General antiseptic set) -3000, 2720, 95, 47.5, 7.82
Toothache (to neglect this can prevent recovery from any illness. Should also be treated professionally. See also Dental, Dental foci, Gingivitis, Pyorrhea.) - 3000, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 666, 650, 600, 465, 646, 5170
Toxins (to eliminate) - 0.5, 522, 146, 1552, 800
Toxoplasmosis (a serious, infectious disease that can be either acquired or present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat litter) - 434, 852
Trachoma (use Chlamydia trachomatis)
Trauma - 96, 192, 300, 760, 3000
Trench mouth (use Gingivitis)
Treponema pallidum (use also Syphilis) - 660, 902
Trichinosis (the very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meat) - 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372
Trichodermia - 711
Trichomonas (a microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itching) - 610, 692, 980
Trichophytie general - 132, 725, 808, 812, 2422, 9493
Trichophytie nagel - 381, 585, 593, 812
Trichophytie nagel secondary - 133, 142, 373, 376, 378, 385, 387, 420, 425, 428, 576, 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 587, 588, 592, 595, 597, 724, 725, 726, 750, 794, 797, 801, 805, 808, 809, 817, 886, 2422, 6887, 7688, 7697, 7885, 584, 587, 592, 732, 733, 738, 748, 765, 766, 771, 777, 778, 779, 1256
Trichophyton mentagrophytes - 311, 414
Trichophyton rubrum - 752, 923
Trichophyton tonsuraus - 454, 765
Trigeminal neuralgia - 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 7.5, 880, 832, 787, 776, 760, 727, 650, 146, 7.82, 27.5, 428
Trypanosoma gambiense - 255, 316, 403, 700, 724
Tuberculinum - 332, 522, 664, 731, 737, 748, 1085, 1099, 1700, 761
Tuberculosis (also see Tuberculinum) - 20, 740, 1840, 720, 1552*, 1600, 216, 802*, 784, 1500, 727, 690, 666
Tuberculosis aviare - 303, 332, 342, 438, 440, 532, 3113, 6515, 697, 698, 720, 731, 741, 748, 770
Tuberculosis bovine - 229, 523, 625, 635, 838, 877, 3353, 748, 757
Tuberculosis klebsiella - 217, 220, 221, 686, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516, 729, 748
Tuberculosis rod form - 803*, 1513
Tuberculosis secondary complications - 776, 2127, 2008, 465
Tuberculosis, rod, E. coli, TB infections - 799, 802, 804, 1550, 1513
Tuberculosis, virus - 2565, 1552*
Tularemia (a serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit fever) - 324, 427, 823
Tumor, brain - see Cancer, astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma
Turbatrix - 104
Typhoid fever (typhus infection related symptoms causing high fever, headache, and rash. Also use Salmonella typhi and Rickettsia and see Q fever.) - 3205, 824, 1550, 802, 690, 1800, 1862, 712, 714
Ulcer, duodenal - 676, 727, 750, 880, 10000
Ulcer, gastric - 676
Ulcers, general - 676, 664, 802, 784, 2489, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 727, 73
Ulcer, ventric - 142, 566, 676, 232, 1000
Ulcer, ventricular - 769, 760
Urea-plasma - 756
Uremia (also known as uremic poisoning; excessive amounts of nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidney failure. Also use Kidney and Lymph stasis freqs.) - 911
Urethritis (also see Vaginosis and use Chlamydia trachomatis) - 2720, 2170, 2127, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 1.2
Urticaria (hives, often due to toxins) - 1800, 522, 146, 4.9, 787, 727
Uterine polyp - 689
Vaccinium (a homeopathic nosode) - 476
Vaginosis (non-specific infection. Also see Gardinerella, Candida, and Trichomonas) - 414, 542, 642, 652, 800, 832, 845, 866, 942, 728, 784, 880, 464
Varicella (see herpes zoster)
Varicoses - 1.2, 28
Variola (see Smallpox)
Vegetative dystonia (involuntary muscle dysfunction) - 40
Vein thrombosis (see Thrombophlebitis)
Verruca (a rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart. Also see Wart) - 644, 767, 797, 877, 953, 173, 787
Vertigo (also use Otitis and see General antiseptic freqs) - 60, 5.8, 4
Vision, poor (see also Cataracts) - 350, 360
Vitamag complete set - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19.5, 22.5, 24
Vitiligo (loss of pigmentation in areas of skin. Use with B complex with extra PABA internally and PABA cream topically. Also see E. coli, Parasite General, Liver support, and Fungus freqs if necessary) - 440, 600, 650, 2112, 880, 787, 727, 444, 20
Wart, condyloma (venereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virus) - 466, 907
Warts (general, also see Papilloma and Parasites roundworms and flukes) - 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1500, 907, 915, 727, 690, 666, 644, 767, 953, 495, 466
Warts (papilloma type, branch or stalk) - 907, 466
Warts (verruca) - 644, 767, 953, 787
Warts, plantar - 915, 918 for 15-30 min
Wellness - 6.8, 7.83
Werlhof - 690, 452
Wheat smut - 10163, 156, 375
Wheat stem rust (1) - 643
Whiplash - 20, 2720, 10000
White Blood Cell stimulation (see Immune system stimulation)
Whooping cough (see Pertussis)
Wolhynia fever (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse. Also see Rickettsia) - 547
Wound healing (also see General antiseptic) - 2720, 880, 787, 727, 220, 190, 20, 40
Yeast, cervical (also use Candida) - 788, 706, 771
Yeast, general (also see Candida. Use Parasites general, roundworm, and ascaris if no lasting relief) - 72, 254, 375, 522, 876, 987, 414, 422, 465, 582, 787, 1016, 2222
Yeast (baker's) - 843
Yellow fly - 996
Yellow fever (a severe, viral infection which can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and entire gastrointestinal tract) - 20, 142, 178, 232, 432, 734, 1187, 733, 779, 10000
Yersenia pestis (see Bubonic plague)
Zygomycosis (also called mucormycosis; a serious fungal infection usually associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugs) - 942, 623, 733


Normalize Adrenal Function 1335 Hz
Normalize Pituitary Function 635 Hz
Stimulate Increased HGH Production [Pituitary] 645 Hz
Stimulate Normal Pineal Function 662 Hz
Normalize Endocrine System Function 537 Hz
Stimulate / Normalize Immune System Function 835 Hz
Stimulate Normal Colon Function 635 Hz
Stimulate Normal Thyroid Function 763 Hz
Stimulate Normal Pancreas Function 654 Hz
Stimulate Normal Liver Function 751 Hz
Stimulate Normal Kidney Function 625 Hz
Stimulate Normal Heart Function 696 Hz
Normalize Blood Pressure 15 Hz
Stimulate Normal Nervous System Function 764 Hz
Stimulate Normal Lymph System Function 676 Hz
Stimulate Increased Lymph System Circulation 15 Hz
Stimulate Normalized Blood Circulation 337 Hz
Stimulate Increased Blood Flow / Circulation 17 Hz
Normalize Red Blood Cell Production 1524 Hz
Normalize White Blood Cell Production 1434 Hz
Stimulate the Reinforcement of DNA Integrity 528 Hz
Stimulate the Reinforcement of RNA Integrity 637 Hz
Stimulate Clarity of Thought / Mental Function 35 Hz
Stimulate the Stabilization Of Emotional States 15 Hz
Stimulate The Clearing of Emotional Trauma / Energy Blocks 15 Hz
Stimulate The Balancing Of Spiritual Well-Being 1565 Hz
Reduce Chemical Sensitivity 440 Hz
Reduce Electrical Sensitivity 657 Hz
Stimulate the Normalization of Calcium Metabolism 328 Hz
Stimulate the Healing Of Nerves 2.0 Hz
Stimulate The Healing Of Bones 7.0 Hz
Stimulate the Healing Of Ligaments 9.7 Hz
Stimulate The Healing Of Muscles 13.5 Hz
Stimulate the healing of Capillaries 15.2 Hz
Reduce Swelling of Herneated Disc 25.4 Hz; 324 Hz, 15 Hz
Reduce Excess Fluid Retention in Joints & Tissues 24.3 Hz

Parkinson tremor, temporary relief - 6000 for 10 min, 130, 169

Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic
disorder, also use Chlamydia pneumoniae and see Nocardia asteroides freqs) -
693, 813, 1.1, 5000, 1131 for 3 min, 33 for 30 min

Stimulate Clarity of Thought / Mental Function 35 Hz
Herpes simplex I (exp) - 467.8, 935.5, 1871, 3742, 7484 More here
Thrush (use Candida and see Stomatitis freqs) - 414, 465
Pain (Also look under name of condition causing pain) - 3000, 95, 666, 80

The information presented here is strictly intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. It is not the purpose of this web site to offer or otherwise supply advice on medical procedures or treatment.
To got the desired results, it is VITAL TO USE DRAINAGE
and study the preceding directions.
Numbers 11 to 29 produce THE MOST RAPID RESPONSE

CONDITION -------------------------------------- NUMBER
Adynamia, geriatric (fatigue of age)......................................................49, 56.
Abdominal inflammation.........
31, 82, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 28, 29 + 86, 88, 42, 45,
58, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 112, 118, 119.
Abdominal pain............................................................................ ..........1, 78, 3, 45.
Abscesses................................................................ ..........4, 6, 14, 17, 20, 39, 101.
Acidosis (urine too acid).....................................1, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 58, 88.
Acne................................................................. ...............4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20.
Actinomycosis........................................................ ......................28, 1, 17, 20, 58.
Acupuncture disturbance field (scar focus).................................................59.
Acute Pain .........................................3, 45, 1, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 20 + 22 + 24.
Adenoids.........4, 6, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 18, 20, 29, 58, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112, 116, 117.
Adhesions....................................................4, 6, 11+16, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 39.
Adrenal stimulant....................................................................... ...........................58.
See special supplement.
For opportunistic infection, ALWAYS USE 5 AND 28 with any of these other numbers: 3, 45, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 + 86, 42, 45, 48, 58, 87, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119.
Allergy................................................................. ...................1, 14, 17, 20, 78 and 32.
Alopecia (loss of hair)...............................................................1, 14, 17, 20, 28, 88.
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)......1, 4, 11 + 16, 17, 19, 20, 28, 58.
Anal itching(Pruritus).....1, 14, 17, 19, 20, 28, 29, 42, 45, 48, 29 + 86, 58, 112.
Aneurysm...............................14, 17, 19, 20, 28, 42, 45, 48, 29 + 86, 58, 20.
Angina pectods (heart, pain in chest or arm).........................................78 + 36.
Secondary......4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 28, 29 + 86, 42, 45, 48, 58, 106.
Angina (quinsy--in throat)..................17, 18, 20, 28, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112, 117, 118, 119.
Ankylosing spondylitis 3, 45, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 18, 20, 25 + 26 + 27, 55, 82, .61, 54, 55, 93, 82, 43, 44, 49, 105, 106, 109, 110, 112.
Antiseptic effect....................................................................... 11 + 16, 14, 17, 19, 20,
.28, 29, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 118, 119, 123.
Apoplexy, Stroke paralysis 53, 58, 9, 14, 17, 20, 25 + 26+ 27, 42, 45, 48, 58, 86, 87.
Appendicitis (NOTE., drinking even a few drops of water before infection is eliminated may be fatal if microperforation has occurred) 11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 29, 31, 39, 61, 25, 29 + 87, 42, 45, 48, 58, 88, 104, 103, 117, 118, 119.
Appetite, lack of ..................................28, 29 + 86, 42, 45, 48, 58, 1, 14, 17, 20.
Arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries: regeneration takes time)
...................................................................1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14,17,18, 20, 58.

Arthritis (since many different organisms can cause arthritis, many
frequencies must be tested) ................1, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 55, 58, 69, 78, 82.
Arthritis, rheumatoid of the muscles and tendons 34, 82, 25 + 26 + 27, 17 20.

Arthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances
affecting calcium metabolism ................................................................................ ...62.
Arthritis, arthralgia due to gout............................................................................ ......63.
Arthritis: focal origin--- gastrogenic, tonsillogenic, and paresis..................63.

Asthma............................. ......................................................4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20.
Astrocytoma.......................................................... ...........65, 67, 69, 6, 7, 14, 22, 24.
Ataxia (incoordination of muscles--slow results in some cases) 4, 6, 9, 10,
12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29 + 86, 42, 45, 48, 58.
Spastic ataxia.......................................................................... ..........................65, 67, 69.
Athlete's Foot................................................Try 28 first, then 11, 14, 16, 20, 58.
Autointoxication...........................................................< B>85, 87, 88, 1, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Back pain............................................................................ ..19, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 1.
Bad Breath (halitosis)........................................................11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Bedsores .................................14, 11 + 16, 17, 20, 28 and 58; then 82 and 47.
Bed Wetting when not due to toxins: (Enuresis)......14, 11+ 16, 17, 20, 28.
Biliousness.......................................................... .........11 + 16, 1, 14, 15, 17, 20, 28.

Bladder and prostate complaints ....................14, 11 + 16, 17, 20, 28, 58, 63.

Boils...............................................................14, 11 + 16, 17, 20, 28, 106, 107, 109.
Bone trauma (cuts, fractures)........................................31, 11 + 16, 1, 14, 17, 20.
Bone / periodontal disease (see also osteo).......51, 9, 10, 25 + 26 + 27, 14,
17, 18, 20.
Bone protuberance (spurs)......................................................................... 82 and 34.
Brachial Neuralgia....................................................................... ................................85.
Breast: fibrold cysts.............................................14, 11 + 16, 17, 18, 20+22+24.
Bright's Syndrome (Nephritis)....................................... ...................12, 14, 17, 20.
Bronchial asthma ........................................85, 87, 88, 42, 45, 48, 29 + 87, 58.
Bronchitis............................................................... ...................................14, 20, 63, 64.
Bronchial Pneumonia ...........................................................11 + 16, 14,17,18, 20.
Bubonic Plague .................101, plus secondary infections:....14, 17, 20, 58.
Burns................................................................ .......................39, 1, 14, 17, 20, 28, 38.
Bursitis (may be caused by many viruses; also experiment with
arthritis frequencies).................................................................... .................14, 17, 20.
Cancer:see Carcinoma, Leukemia, and Sarcoma
Candida.............................................................. .............................................................28.
Carci noma ..........................................................................7, 8, 14,17, 20+ 24+ 22.
Cardiac Edema (congestive heart failure).........................................................65.
Cataract ................................................................................ ........................1, 14, 17, 20.
Catarrh................................................................................11+16, 14 , 17, 20, 29, 58.
Cerebral Palsy........................................................................... ......14, 17, 20, 87, 88.
Chicken Pox (Varicella) ................................................................................ ..11+16.
and (secondary infections) 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Cholera.................................................................. ...................14, 16, 103, 14, 17, 20.
Circulatory stasis.......................................................................... ...............................53.
Circulation disturbances / problems............................................................53, 63.
Cold in head, chest (virus mutates constantly; too many strains to include
complete list of codes).......................................1, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 29, 58.
Colic.................................................................... ...........................11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 58.
Colitis (irritation of colon).....................................................1, 11, 14, 15, 16, 104.
Conjunctivitis (Stye)...................................................1, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 58, 46.
Constipation ...................................................................11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 58.
Convulsions ...........................................1, 14, 17, (20 most commonly used).
Contusions.................................................................. .................................66 and 43.
Costalgia (rib pain)........................................................................... .....1, 14, 17, 20.
Cramps............................................................... .................................1, 14, 17, 20, 57.
Cystitis (of urinary bladder)....................................11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 28, 58.
Deafness (partial to complete)....................................1, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 58.
Dental foci;.........(neglecting this can prevent recovery from ANY illness)
3, 45, 39, 51, 10, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 1, 5, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24 + 25 + 27, 28, 4, 5, 9.
Depression, anxiety, trembling, weakness ...................................................77.
Depression (due to exogenous circumstances) ........................54 and 17.
Depression (due to drugs or toxins)...................................................83 and 47.
Diabetes: 54, 111 and 17, plus secondary.1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 28, 58.
Diabetic loading......................................................................... ..................54 and 21.
Diarrhea /Dysentery............................................................11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 28.
Diphtheria.................................................................. .......................................18, 107.
Distortion (Twisting of muscles, spine)...........................................66 and 43.
Dizziness................................................................... ..................................................73.
Dupuytren's Contracture: this is 4th and 5th finger folding into hand; (can't be straightened)................................................................... .........82 and 34.
Dysmenorrhoea: For rapid, lasting relief of painful menstruation: after a pure water douche, use #57; leave running after pain disappears.
For uterine infection: .............................................74, 11+ 16, 14, 17, 20, 28.
Dyspepsia (indigestion)............................................................11, 14, 16, 17, 20.
Ears--various maladies--discharges, vertigo, ringing, hearing loss,
65, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Eczema................................................................... .......................65, 11, 16, 17, 20.
Eczema in vascular and lung functional disturbances............................63.
Enuresis (bedwetting)..............................................................1, 14, 17, 20, 28.
Edema.....................................87, 88, 71 and 41, 29, 104, 14, 17, 20, 28.
Epicondylitis (pain in elbow).............................................................82 and 34.
Epididymitis (inflammation of testicle area/ducts)....12, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Epilepsy...................................................1, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, 27, 42, 58.
Epstein-Barr ..........................................................105, 106, 18, 28, 14, 17, 20.
Erysipelas (skin inflammation) caused by strep pyogenes, etc......106,
1, 14, 17, 20, 28, 58.
Erythema nosodum......................................................................... .....................63.
Esophagus (congestion).................................................................... ...14, 17, 20.
Eustachian tube inflammation...............................11, 14,16, 17, 18, 20, 28.
Eye inflammation.................................................................... ..............82 and 46.
Eye Disorders (blurred, cataracts, crossed, diplopia, infected,etc.10, 1,
14, 17, 20, 58.
Eyes (Glaucoma)...................................................................... .........10, 14, 17, 20.
Facial paralysis ................................................................................ ....1, 14, 17, 20.
Fatigue .................................4, 9, 105, 106, 28, 42, 45, 48, 56, 58, 29 + 86.
Fever (various causes) ........................................................................14,17,20 ,58.
Fibroma................................................7, 8, 20, 22, 24 (secondary: 11, 16, 28).
Fibrosis of lung..........................................................................56 and 37 and 30.
Fistula, Ulcer........................................................................... ..............14,15, 17, 20.
Flashes, hot (complications)............................................................1, 14 , 17, 20.
Flatulence (intestinal gas)........................................11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 28.
Flu (mutates to new strains which sometimes require frequencies not
yet determined) ..............................................................11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 58.
Foot ---- blisters...................................................................... . ....1, 14, 17, 20, 28.
Fractures................................................................... .......37 and 36, 1, 14, 17, 20.
Frostbite................................................................... ..................................14, 17, 20.
Frozen shoulder........................................................................ 1, 14, 16, 17, 20.
Fungal infection...............................................................28, 11, 14, 16, 20, 58.
Furunkulosis herpes, skin diseases ..............................38 and 13, 11, 16.
secondary ................................................................................ .......17, 20.
Gall bladder dystonia with osteitis............................79, 3, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Gallstones.................................................................. ...........79, 3, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Gangrene.................................................................... ................14, 17, 20, 58, 47.
Gas (intestinal)...........................................................11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 28 .
Gastritis and flatus ................................................................14, 15, 17, 20, 58.
Gout........................................................................ ...............63, 3, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Gravel in urine..................................................................79, 31 14, 17, 20, 56.
Gums (inflammation, gingivitis, pyorrhoea...11, 14, 16,17, 20, 28, 58.
Hair loss (alopecia)...........................................................1, 14, 17, 20, 28, 88.
Hallucinations.............................................................. .............1, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Hangover.................................................................... ................................1, 87, 88.
Hay Fever (only on some types)............................................14, 17, 20, 58.
Headaches: VERY RAPID RELIEF-#40. Continue even after pain disappears. Others possibly helpful: 61, 875 88, 74, 3, 14, 17, 20,
58, 61, 71, 73, 3, 25, 26, 27.
For headaches caused by parasites....................40, 42,45, 47, 58, 20, 3.
(headaches which are urogenitally caused) 40, 63, 3. (caused by vertebral misalignment-- not a substitute for adjustment)..............40, 62, 3. Head Injuries (seek immediate medical attention)..................40, 62, 3, 14,
17, 20, 87, 48, 73, 74.
Hearing problems...................................................1, 11 +1 6, 14, 17, 19, 20, 58.
Heart (lab animals only) (see Pericarditis)......46, 40, 58, 47, 75, 1, 14, 17,
20, 28, 42, 45, 58.
Heartburn ....15, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 17, 20, 23, 28, 29 + 86, 42,
45, 48, 58.

Hemorrhage (uncontrolled bleeding)..........................................................11, 16.
Hemorrhoids.............................................................. ..............................11, 14, 16, 20.
Hepatitis (generic)..........................................................82 and 55, 11, 14, 16, 20.
Hernia................................................................... ...............................................1, 17, 20.
Herpes (zoster)....4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 11, 16, 86 and (secondary) 14,17,20,58.
High blood pressure, hypertension.........................................1, 14, 17, 20, 65.
Hip Pain (as in coxarthritis).............................................................14, 17 , 20, 58.
Hives (Urticaria) ......................................................9, 14, 17, 20, 87, 88, 74.
Hoarseness.................................................................. .................................14, 19, 20.
Hyperacidity of stomach ................................................................................ .....58.
Hydrocele (fluid in testicle, etc)...........................................................14, 17, 20.
Hyperosmia (taste--morbid).............................................................58, 1, 87, 88.
Hyperthyroid............................................................. .................................78 and 85.
Hypoacidity of stomach......................................................................... ..............58.
Hypothyroid (Thyroid deficiency)....................................................60 and 54.
Hypertension............................................................< B>58, 45, 65, 72, 1, 14, 17, 20.
Varieties of hypertension on next page:
(kidney-induced, red-high, diastolic high pressure).. ............65 and 72.
Hypertension, spastic......................................................................... ....................45.
Infantile Paralysis....................................................................... .......12, 14, 17, 20.
Infections (many classes) ...10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 42, 45, 48, 58, 86, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106.
Inflammation............................................................ .................................................81.
Influenza (flu viruses mutate frequently;
these codes are only a partial list) .......................11,16, 12, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Insomnia................................................................. ......76, 78, 11, 12, 14 and 16.
Infertility .................7, 8, 28, 14, 16, 17, 20 + 22 + 24, 25 + 26 + 27, 63.
Impotence (many causes) ....63, 7, 8, 28, 14, 16, 17, 20 + 22 + 24, 42,
45, 47,48, 58, 25 + 26 + 27.
Indigestion.........................................1, 14, 17, 20, 28, 29, 58, 42, 45, 48, 74.
Intercostal neuralgia (pain in rib musculature)
.............................................................3,11, 14, 16, 17,18, 20, 42, 58, 86, 29.
Intermittent claudication .....................................................................52 and 50.
Itching (Pruritus) .....................14, 17, 20, 28, 29, 42, 45, 48, 58, 29 + 86.
Jaundice (liver)..10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 25, 26, 27, 29 + 86, 88, 34, 42, 45, 48, 58.

Kidney insufficiency (many viruses and toxins may cause this) 61 and 53, 104, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 47, 53, 61, 29 + 86, 88, 34, 42, 45, 48, 58.
Knee / Joint pain.......11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 55, 58, 69, 78, 82, 34, 82, 62 , 63.
Larynx .........104, 28, 29, 11, 14, 16,17, 20, 55, 69, 78, 82, 34, 82, 62 , 63.
Leprosy (more below).......................................................................... .....................27.
for infection of lesions: 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 20, 21,
22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 58, 101, 103, 104 to 106.
Leukemia ...........................................................................7, 8 , 14, 17, 20, 22, 24.
Leukodermia ....................................................................... ..14, 17, 20, 29, 58, 107.
Locomotor Dysfunction (slow results if nerve damage exists)
incoordination....1, 14, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29 + 86, 42, 45, 48, 58.
convulsions, spasticity......65, 67, 69.
Low Blood Pressure, hypotension ..............................................14, 17, 20, 58.
Lumbago...................................11, 14, 17, 20, 42, 45, 48, 29 + 86, 65, 67, 69.
Lungs...........................11, 16, 14, 17, 18, 20, 42, 45, 48, 58, 29 + 86, 103, 107.
Lupus Erythematosus................................................................ 14, 17, 20, 18, 102.
Luxation (dislocation of organs or joints)........................................66 and 43.
Lymph stasis............................................71 and 41, 87, 88, 29, 104,14, 17, 20.
Mental Disorders ( general aid; toxins usually the cause)
..............................................................87, 88 , 19 42, 45, 48, 58, 74, 105, 11, 16.
Menieres Disease............................................11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 28, 105, 107, 109.
Meningitis.....11 + 16, 14, 15, 17, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 + 86, 42, 45, 48,
58, 105, 106.

Menstrual problems: plain water douche first, then #57 applied.
Others:......................................................................... ..............14, 17, 20, 28, 58.
Migraine............................................................. ......................................40 and 61.
Motion Sickness ............. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 + 86, 87, 88, 42, 45, 48, 58.
white patches --precancerous, leukoplakia ..........28, 7, 8, 20, 22, 24.
herpes sores......................................5, 9, 28, 11, 12, 14, 17, 20, 102, 105.

Mucous membrane inflammation.................................................................... ....31.
Multiple Sclerosis (mainly for complications.........11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Muscles, to relax (myospasms)..............................................................19 and 70.
Muscular Dystrophy (suggestions only; no reports for these).........87, 88,
14, 17, 20.
Muscular pain, injury (reported as applied for short periods, from 30 seconds to 3 minutes,depending on need)
....................33, 34, 35, 40, 42, 46, 53, 58, 61, 73. 80, 81,82, 84, 85.
Mumps.......................................................1, 2 0, 4, 5, 7, 8, 105, 110, 14, 17, 20, 58.

Nausea ................................................................................ ........14, 15, 17, 20, 58, 74.
Nephritis \ nephrosis...............................................14, 17, 20, 61, 53, 47 and 28.
Nervousness, Prozac agitation (akathsia)............................................................78.
Ner ve disorders.........1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 14, 17,20, 25, 26, 27, 42, 45,
48, 58, 104, 106, 109.

Neuralgia.................................................................. ........................................................75.
Neurosis......... ................................................................................ ...................................55.
Nose--infection, congestion.............11 + 16, 14, 17, 18, 20, 29, 104, 28, 58.
Numbness...............1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 25, 26, 27,104, 106, 109.
Obesity (only one report on this frequency code)......................................1, 28.
Oral lesions:
NOTE. although these may disappear with treatment, lesions will always return whenever subject experiences stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays (so-called 'silver' fillings) and nickel alloy ('stainless steel') dental appliances are replaced with Porcelain--(without uranium)
....................4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 87, 88.
Orchitis (inflammation of testes due to TB, mumps, gonorrhea, cancer, etc.) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 + 22 + 24, 25,
26, 27, 42, 45, 48, 58, 110.

Osteomyelitis (bone infection) 11 + 16, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 + 22 + 24, 79, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Otosclerosis (type of deafness)....................................................................... .....65.
Ovarian disorders . ......... 25 + 26+ 27, 28, 29, 57, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 +
16, 12, 14, 15, 179 18, 20 + 22 + 24, 58.
PAIN (look under appropriate affliction for more)....................................3, 45.
Pain of infection ..................................3, 45, 14, 11 + 16, 17, 18, 20, 74.
Pain of cancer ......................................................3, 45, 7, 8, 20 + 22 + 24.
Pancreatic insufficiency................................................................... ...........61 and 34.
secondary:...............25 + 26+ 27, 28, 29, 57, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 1 0, 11 + 16,
12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20 + 22 + 24, 58.

Paralysis, spastic (slow results in some cases);
.....................1, 14, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29 + 86, 42, 45, 48, 58, 69.
Paralysis, nonspastic (langorous) (slow results in some cases);
............1, 14, 17, 18, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29 + 86, 42, 45, 48, 58, 65, 67.
Parasites: (Autopsies show that parasites are a contributing factor in 40 to 75% of all illness. However ordinary diagnostic labs fail to detect their presence, because they still use faecal smears. Even mucosal swabs and U.V. stains can only detect parasites in certain stages of their life cycles.)
................................................................................ ..... 42, 45, 48, 58, 29 + 86.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) ..... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 17, 18, 20+22+24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 + 87, 45, 48, 103, 105, 107, 110, 118.
Pericarditis; since cardiac conditions are inherently unstable, we cannot recommend the use of frequencies on humans, even outside U.S. Jurisdiction. These are for animal research only:
...... 4, 6, 10, 14, 11 + 16, 17, 19, 20, 26, 28, 42 , 45, 46, 47, 48, 58, 75.
Pharyngitis..................................104, 31,10, 11 + 16, 18, 17, 14, 20, 58, 87, 88.
Pleurisy..............................11, 16, 14, 17, 18, 20, 42, 45, 48, 58, 29 + 86, 103, 107.
Pneumonia................................................. ..11, 16, 14, 17, 18, 20, 58, 103, 107.
Poliomyelitis (secondary complications):.........11 + 16, 105, 12, 14, 17, 20.
Polyps...4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20 + 22 + 24, 25 + 26 + 27, 28,29, 58, 87, 88.
Pre-op and post-operation: prevention and control of nosocomial (hospital-acquired) and idiopathic infection.....6, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 28, 29, 87, 88, 105, 107, 109.
Prostatitis, benign prostate tumor .......44 and 30, 88, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 + 16,
17, 18, 20 + 22 + 24, 28, 42, 45, 48, 58, 29 + 87.
Prostate complaints..63, 7, 8, 20, 22, 24, 28, 14, 16, 17, 20, 42, 45, 47, 48, 58.

Pruritus (itching)...............................14, 17, 20, 28, 29, 42, 45, 48, 58, 29 + 86.
Prostate tumor (malignant).......................................................... 7, 8, 20 + 22 + 24.
Psoriasis ---- (Requires long-term treatment, since the immune system continues to be programmed to attack the skin long after the offending organism, which has markers similar to skin, has been eliminated. Condition may improve over time with use of parasite frequencies and fresh vegetable juice. Condition will gradually deteriorate with dietary abuse of sugar & starch). The following frequencies may be useful:
Organisms which may stimulate immune reaction against skin:
. ...................................................11 + 16, 12, 14, 17, 20, 43, 44 + 49.
Ankylosing spondylitis of psoriasis .................................82, 61, 54, 55, 69, 82.
Psychosomatic pain; (viral, energetic meddian blocks, toxicity, nutritional).................................................................... .................................44 and 32.
Pyorrhoea (Periodontal disease: jawbone infection; receding gums--
.....................................4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 + 16,14,17, 18, 20, 28, 29, 87, 88.
Pyorrhoea may contribute toxins which bypass the blood-brain barrier (impossible according to conventional wisdom, yet clearing pyorrhoea eliminates headaches and bizarre behaviour).
Although pyorrhoea may be controlled or eliminated with treatment, infection will always return with stress or poor diet, until mercury inlays (so-called silver" fillings) and nickel alloy ("stainless steel") dental appliances are replaced with Porcelain (without uranium content).
These toxic metals weaken the immune system and encourage reinfection. Also, for some individuals on a high sugar diet gold and palladium have a toxic effect on the immune system and heart. Alumina in ceramic bridges has now been associated with memory lapses and possibly Alzheimer's Disease.
A mouthwash of ordinary drugstore variety hydrogen peroxide (3%) is helpful in controlling infection at the gum line, but will not affect the hidden, deep seated infection below.
Raynaud's Disease (cold hands & feet).....................................................20, 58.
Rheumatoid arthritis of the muscles and tendons.........82 and 34, 62, 63,
26 + 26 +27, 1, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 55, 58, 69, 78, 82.
Rhinitis (see next listing):
Runny nose............................1, 11+16, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 29, 58, 87, 88, 28.
Sarcoma.................................................................. ................7, 8, 14, 17, 20, 22, 24.
Scars................................................................ .........59 + infection freqs if infected.
Scarlet Fever........................................................................... ......14, 17, 20, 22 + 24.
Sciatica or Ischias (Severe cases require direct application of electrodes over and behind afflicted area and high intensity)....... 11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 22, 24, 61.

Sedative Effect:
reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, sinusitis (also reported
use on lymph stasis edema, auricular treatment).......................................... 80.
Sexual Dysfunction 63, 7, 8, 28, 14, 16, 17, 20 + 22 + 24, 42, 45, 47, 48,
58, 25 + 26 + 27.
Shingles (Herpes Zoster).........11, 16, 9, 86. (secondary) ......14, 17, 20, 58.
Sinusitis................................................................... ...11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 42, 48, 87.
Slipped discs (includes spasms from microbial toxins).......42, 14, 17, 109,
17, 20, 45, 48, 58.
Smallpox................................125 plus 11, 16, and (secondary) 14, 17, 20, 58.
Sneezing................................................................. ............................14, 17, 20, 28, 88.
Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) (consider also food allergies)
....................................4, 5, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 18, 20, 28, 107, 123.
Spasms, muscle.......................................................................... ...................................70.
Spastic paresis......................................................................... .......................95 and 50.
Spleen, enlarged...54 and 17, plus (secondary) ...1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 16, 20,
28, 58.
Spondylitis, acute.............................................................82 and 61, or 69 and 55.
Staphylococci infection....................................................................... ......................20.
Stiff neck............................................................................ ..............................................74.
Spastic stiff neck............................................................................ ................65 and 72.
Stiff muscles in general . 33, 34, 35, 40, 42, 46, 53, 58, 61, 73, 80, 81, 82,
84, 85, 9, 11+16, 14, 17, 18, 20.
Stomach disorders...7 ,8, 14, 17, 20, 20 + 22 + 24, 42, 45, 48, 58, 75, 103, 118, 119.
Stones.................................................................. ..............................................................77.
Streptococci infection....................................................................... ..........................14.
Streptothrix infection....................................................................... ...........................17.
Stroke (these two immediately; more below later).............................78 + 36.
The following frequencies may affect one of the organisms known to create lesions in the arteries. However since cardiovascular conditions involving blood clots are inherently unstable, we cannot recommend the use of frequencies on human cardiovascular disease, even outside U.S. Jurisdiction. These are for animal research only: .... 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 25 + 26+ 27, 42, 45,
48, 58, 29 + 86, 87, 105, 106, 107.
Sty..................................................................... ........................................1, 14, 17, 20, 58.
Subluxation induced disorder........................................................................ .........62.
Sun Allergy; (consider also the side effects of prescription drugs, such as Psoralen, which have photo-sensitization properties mimicking sun allergy). .........78 and 32.
Sunstroke..............................................................2 9, 104, 39, 3, 45, 87, 88, 14, 58.
Surgery---Prevention and control of nosocomial (hospital-acquired)
and idiopathic infection 6, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 28, 29,
87, 88, 105, 107, 109.
surgical pain, post-op recovery....................................................................3, 45.
detoxification of anaesthesia..................................................................... ..87, 88.
(Note: Anaesthesia leaves toxins in body fat, particularly the brain, which may affect the nervous system for years. We have only two frequencies for anaesthetics used in surgery; there are many more than two which are unknown. Elimination of side effects due to toxic anaesthesia metabolites stored in tissue fat requires post-recovery saunas with electrolyte replacement).
Swelling (Edema) ....................................87, 88, 71 and 41, 29, 104, 14, 17 20.
Swollen glands ................................................................................ ........14, 17, 20, 58.
Syphilis ................................................................................ ........................25 + 26 + 27.

Tachycardia (also arthritis, headache, Tui-na, facial toning)......................82.
Teeth (pain)........................3, 45, 39, 51, 10, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 1, 5,17,18,19, 20,
24 + 25 + 27, 28, 4, 5, 9.
(applied for short periods, from 12 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on need) ..................................... 33, 34, 40, 46, 53, 58, 61, 73. 80, 81,82, 84, 85.
Tetanus...............................125, 27, (for secondary complications) 14, 17, 20.
Thrombosis, infective / herpes family (not to be used with arrhythmia or in U.S.)..................4, 5, 6, 9, 11 + 16, 14, 17, 20, 29, 42, 45, 48, 58, 29 + 86.
Thrush (aphtha, sprue, stomatitis)..................................................................... ....28.
Tonsillitis.82 and 47, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18,.20, 25 + 26 + 27, 28, 107.
Toothache (see Appendix)
(neglecting this can prevent recovery from ANY illness)
... 3, 45, 39, 51, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 28, 107.

Tooth extraction, afterward.................................................................3, 45, 51, 68.
Toxins (eliminating them).......................................85, 87, 88, 1, 14,17, 20, 58.
Trauma............................................................... ............3, 45, 39, 19, 14, 17, 20, 28.
Trench Mouth..............107; secondary complications.....14, 17, 18, 20, 28.

Trigeminal neuralgia;
4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 88, 68, 56, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112, 116.
Tuberculosis........................................................ .............................11+16, 20+22+24.
secondary complications;.........................................................18, 7, 8, 28, 107.
Typhoid................................................................. ..................118, 119, 11 + 16, 22, 9.
Ulcers................................5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, then 82 and 47.
Urethritis.............4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 + 16, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 25 + 26 + 27,
28, .29 + 86, 42, 45, 48, 82.
Urticaria (Hives) (often due to toxins)...........................9, 87, 88, 74, 17, 20.
Varicoses................................................................ ...........................................82 and 55.
Vegetative Dystonia (involuntary muscle dysfunction)...................... .....53.
Vein thrombosis (blood clot)........................................................................... .....23.
Vertigo, giddiness of unknown cause...............................................49 and 73.
Warts............................................................4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 20 + 22 + 24.
Worms (see note under parasites).............................42, 45, 48, 58, 29 + 86.
Wound healing.....14,17, 20, 37, 39, 58. Wound healing, Delayed......53.
Yeast infection (Candida albicans, etc.)............................................................28.
Yellow Fever........................................................................... ...................................114.
We believe that behaviour can be influenced with harmonics of the
same frequencies that occur naturally in the brain during behaviour of the
opposite type:
Absentmindedness and fear.......................................................................73 .
Anger.................................................................. ..................................................71.
Irritability, whining (also used for inflammation)......................76 ,71.
Unsociable behaviour, failing asleep late.............................................75.
Unwillingness to work............................................................................ .....72.
Requiring special training (acupuncture, anesthesiology, biophysics, etc.)
SCHUMANN FREQUENCY, used for entraining the brain in psychic healing experiments, and to scan brain for troubled areas................68.
To stimulate MENTAL CLARITY.................................................................60.
F acial toning.......................................................................... ..................................62.
Kidney meridian (balancing/correction)......................................................65.< P>
(Not direct fundamentals of light or resonant wavelengths;
mechanism of activity is unknown.)
Indigo 5 and 26, 79, 80, 82.
Blue (Lapis Lazuli)......................................................................... .....27 and 66.
Turquoise (Aquamarine) ..........................................................7 and 70, 85.
Green (Jade).......................................................................... ...................................8.
Lemon yellow (Peridot)....................................................................... .............76.
Yellow (Citrine)....................................................................... ..............42 and 77.
Orange (Carnelian)..................................................................... ..14, (SE 41),70.
Red (Garnet)........................................................................ ............................55, 71.
Magenta (Rose quartz)..................................................11 and 17, 53, 55, 71.
Purple (Rhodolite garnet)...................................................................12 and 20.
Violet (Amethyst)...................................................................... ..........24 and 57.

FROM: /> Interesting, useful and weird frequencies
5 Hz: Alleged sphincter resonance (not good)
7 Hz: Mass aggregate frequency (can deaggregate matter), alleged to
resonate and rupture organs at excessive intensity
7.5 Hz: (?) Earth magnetic field frequency, useful theta (brain) waves
7.83 Hz: Earth resonance frequency
13 Hz: Alleged sphincter resonance (not good)
46.98 Hz (use with 62.64 and 70.47) Useful for weird effects
62.64 Hz (use with 46.98 and 70.47) Useful for weird effects
70.47 Hz (use with 46.98 and 62.64) Useful for weird effects
305 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
312 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
345 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
432 Hz: Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
620 Hz: Keely Frequency (use with 630 and 12000)
630 Hz: Keely Frequency (use with 620 and 12000)
864 Hz: Main Rife frequency to kill Lyme disease
2000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
2000 Hz (plus a small amount): Alleged to cure a cancer
2025 Hz: Proton precession/water resonance
3000 Hz: (approximate) Mentioned as a Rife frequency
5000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
727 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
787 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
800 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
10000 Hz: Commonly used Rife frequency
12000 Hz: Keely Frequency (use with 620 and 630)
38000-40000 Hz: Magic window
42800 Hz: Aetheric dissociation/water resonance (water -> aetheric force)
150-160 kHz: Magic window
180 KHz: Ferromagnetism
1.1-1.3 MHz: Magic window
388 MHz: Alleged to cause damage/disruption of humans
488 MHz: Same as 388 MHz, but I think it was a mistake, and 388 was meant
1.057 GHz: Magic window
2.450 GHz: Standard microwave oven frequency, but no resonance
Somewhere in the Infrared: Magic window
The life energy frequency (in the near ultraviolet): Magic window
------- PROOFED AND CORRECTED ----------
Later Crane With color and Polarity
(Polarity not included since they were all +/- polarity)
Disorder/Special Frequencies corubining the above therapies.

100/120/465 FOR AIDS
2000/2008/2127/2489/Ca, Sa

(1) = standardized
(3) = reported READ HERTZ
------- PAGE 1 -------
Align/Individual (1) 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k
Acidosis (see Hyperacidity) 959 colors 020 727 787 880 10k
Abcesses(3) 727 787 880
Acne 727 787 880
Actinormcosis(2) 020 727 787 880
Abdominal Pain 959 colors, etc. 880 10k
Acute Pain 959 colors, etc. 880 05k 10k
Adenoids 959 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Adhesions 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
AIDS/+2489 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Alcoholism 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Allergies 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Alopecia (hair loss) 959 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Amenorrhea (no menstration) 959 colors 727 787 880 10k
Anemia 959 colors etc. 05k
Aneurysm 959 colors etc. 020 05k
Anthrax(2) 727 787 880
Antiseptic 727 787 880 05k
Anus Itch 959 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Appendicitis 959 colors etc 727 787 880
Appetite, skinny 959 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Arteries, hardenin 959 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Arteriosclerosis 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Artery Stimulator 960 colors etc. 727 787 800 880
Arthritis 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Asthma 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Astrocytoma(3) 2008/2127/Negative magnets 727 787 880
Ataria of Muscles 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Athlete, Foot(3) 787 020 727 787 880 05k
------- PAGE 2 -------
Aura Builder 960 Colors etc. 020 05k 10k
Autointozication 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Aranthae Thrush 959 colors etc. 727 787 880
B&E Coli,rod,virus(1) 803 Hertz 727 787 800
Backache 960 colors etc. 727 787 880
Bad Breath 960 Green 020 727 787 880 05k
Bad Cormplexion 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Bad Teeth 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Bed Wettin 960 turquoise etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Bent Back 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Biliousness 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Bites (insects) 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Blood Cleanser (cancer)/2008, 2127 727 787 880 05k
Blood Diseases 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Blood Pressure High 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Blood Pressure Low 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Boils 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Bones (cut or broken)960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Breast Trouble 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Breast Tumor/2008, 2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880 05k
Breathing 960 lemon etc. 727 787 880 05k
Bright's Syndrome(Nephritis)960 colors etc 727 787 880 05k
Bronchitis 960 colors 727 880
Bronco Pneumonia 960 colors 727 787 880 05k
Bruises 960 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
BubonicPlague(2)/+500 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Bunion Pain 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Burns 960 + Polarizers 727 787 880 10k
Burns, radium 960 + Polarizers 727 787 880
----- PAGE 3 ------
Bursitis 960 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Butterfly Lupus(3) 776/1850 727 787 880
Cancer,carcinoma(1)/2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Cancer,leukemia (1)/2127 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Cancer, sarcoma (1)/2OO8 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Cancrum Oris(3) 020 727 787 800 880 05k
Candida albicans/465 960 colors etc 727 787 880
Carbuncles 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Cardiac depressant 961 violet, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Cataract(3) 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Catarah (mucous) inflammation(2)961 color 020 727 787 880
Cerebral Pa1sy Color yellow 961 color 727 787 880 10k
Cerebro-spinal trouble 961 Lemon, Yellow 727 787 880 10k
Cervical gland trouble 961 Purple etc. 727 787 880 10k
Cervicitis, womb neck 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Chicken pox 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Chilblains 961 colors etc. 020
Child disorders 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Cholera(2) 100/ 450 727 787 880
Chronic tired feeling 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 10k
Cleans blood plasma 961 lemon, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Cold feet 961, red scarlet, magenta 020 727 787 880 05k
Cold hands 961 scarlet magenta, purple 020 727 787 880 05k
Cold in head,chest,etc(3)Lemon,Magenta 961 020 727 787 880 05k
Colic, stomach & colon pain 961 etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Colitis, mucous/colon(3) 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Conjunctivitis eyelid(2) 961 colors etc. 727 787 800 880
Constipation(3) Yellow/2 hrs, 961 etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Contractions,arrests,discharges 961 Indigo 020 727 787 880 10k
---- PAGE 4 -------
Convulsions 961 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Corns in feet 961 Indigo, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Coryza(nose) 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Costalgia(rib pain) 961 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Cramps 961, orange, etc. 727 787 770 05k 10k
Cricks in the neck 961 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Cuts 961 + to heal 020 727 787 880 05k
Cystitis(bladderinflam) (3)961 colors etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k
Dandruff, scales 961 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Deafness 961 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k
Diabetes 961 lemon then yellow etc. 020 727 787 800 880 05k 10k
Diarrhea & Dysentary 961 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Digestion 962 + over stomach & colon 727 787 880 05k
Diptheria(2) 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Distended organs 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Distended stomach 962 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Dreams 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k 10k
Dropsy 961 colors, etc. 727 787 10k
Drug addiction 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Dysmenorrhea,painful menstrat'n 962 colors 727 787 800 880
Dyspepsia(indigestion) 962 colors, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Dullness 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Duodenal ulcer 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Earaches 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Ears, balance 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Ears, discharges 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Ears, dizziness 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
Ears, hard to hear 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Ears, ringing 962 colors etc. 020 727 787 880
----- PAGE 5 ------
Easily depressed 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Easily fatigued 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eczema, all skin troubles, herpes/+1550/+++ 727 787 05k
Edema lung swelling excess fluids 963 Color 727 787 880
Elbow pain 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Enlarged glands 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Enuresis, bed wetting 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Epilepsy ,fits/+12O 962 Colors, 20, etc. 020 727 787 880
Epididymitis:Inflam-Up'rTesticle/+1500 962 020 727 787 880
Epstein-Barr/465, 787 Hertz 727 787 880
Eruptions, mouth 962 Colors etc. 05k
Erysipelas/600,2000 963 Colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Esophagus 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Eustachian tube 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Eye,arteriosclerosis 962, 960 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Eye,bifocal 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880
Eye,blurred 962 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Eye,cataract 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,crossed 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,degeneration 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,droop of lid 963 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,diplopia 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,glaucoma(3)/1600 962 colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,infected 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,lacrimal 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Eye,near & farsighted 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
Eye,nerve pain 962 colors, etc. 727 787 10k
Eye,strained 962 colors, etc. 727 787 880
Facial paralysis 967 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k 10k
----- PAGE 6 --------
Facial cramps Color 963, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Fainting Color 963, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Falling hair Color 963, etc. 020 800 10k
Fascia:FibrousTissue under skin Color 963 020 727 787 880 05k
Fears Color 963 727 787 880
Female disorder Color, 963 etc. 727 787 880
Fever, all kinds Color, 963 etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Fibroma(2) 2008, 2128, Magenta 800
Fissures Color 963 etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Fistula ulcer Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880
Flashes, hot Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 10k
Flatulence 963, etc. 727 787 800 880 05k
Flu(see Grippe & Influenza)Colors 963 etc. 020 727 787 800 880
Food poisoning + distilled water 727 787 880 10k
Foot, blisters Colors 963 etc. 727 787 880 10k
Fractures: Bones 960 color yellow +++ 727 787 880 10k
Frostbite 963 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Frozen shoulder colors 963, etc. 727 787 880 10k
Gall Bladder 963 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gall Stones 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gangrene 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gas pains in stomach & colon(astritis)963 020 727 787 880 05k
Giddiness 963 colors etc 020 727 787 880 05k
Glanders(2) 020 727 787 880
Glandular fever 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Goiter 963 colors, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Gonad(sex gland inflammat'n) 964 colors 727 787 880 05k
Gonorrhea/66O 964 colors, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Gout 964 colors etc. + UP 2X 020 727 787 880 05k 10k

---------- PAGE 7 ---------
Gravel:Deposits in urine See 963 gallstone 727 787 880 05k
Grippe (see Flu & Influenza) p. 964 Colors 727 787 880
Gums, inflammation See 964 & colors 020 800 880
Hair:loss of See 964 colors etc. 727 800 880 10k
Hallucinations See 964 & colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Hangover p. 964, colors, etc. 10k
Hay Fever p.964, colors etc. 727 787 880 05k
Headaches p. 964 colors etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Head injuries Colors p. 964 727 787 880 10k
Head, pressure in colors p. 964 020 727 787 880 05k
Heart, disorders(3) colors p. 964 727 787 880 05k
Heart, fast, Palpitations(3)Color indigo 727 787 880 10k
Hemorrage p. 964 colors etc. 800 10k
Hemoroids(3) p.964 colors etc. 727 800 880
Hepatitis, liver inflammation colors 964 727 800 880
Hereditary sex derangement 965 purple 05k
Hernia Colors p. 964 727 787 05k
Hernia of disc p. 964 colors etc. 727 787 10k
Herpes, water blisters(2)/1550 Colors 964 727 787 880
Herpes, Zoster (shingles)2/l550 Color 964 727 787 880
Hiccoughs Color 964 etc. 020 10k
High fever,acute pyrexia Color 964, 965 020 727 787 880
Hip pain Color 964, etc. 020 727 787 880 05k
Hives(urticaria)/18OO Color 964, etc. 727 787 880 05k
Hoarseness Color 964, etc, 727 787 880
Hydrocele:Fluid in testicle,etc.Color 964 727 787 880 10k
Hyperacidity Colors 964 etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Hypertension Colors 965, etc. 020 727 787 880 10k
Hyperchondrium, upper abdomen Color 965 020 727 787 880 10k
------- PAGE 8 ---------
Hyperia:low oxygen,labored breathin p.965 727 787 880 10k
Hysterical symptoms + on spleen 020 727 787 880 05k
Ileocolitis, colon inflammation 020 727 787 800 880
Increasing height 10k
Impotence Color yellow & see p. 965 10k
Indigestion Color yellow see p. 965 727 787 880 05k
Infantile Paralysis/1500 Color p. 965 727 787 880
Infections 020 727 787 880
Inflammation, breast 727 787 880 05k
Influenza(see Flu & Grippe) Color p.965 020 727 787 800 880
Infection allergies 10k
Injuries 05k
Insomnia + on spleen see p. 965 727 787 880 10k
Insufficient lactation See 965 05k
Intelligence, to increase See colors p.965 020 10k
Intestines, inflammation + distilled p 965 727 787 880
Intestines, spasms Color p.965 orange 727 787 05k
Intestines, to release Use + Colors p. 965 727 787 800 880
Intercostal neuralgia Colors p. 965 727 787 800 880
Intoxication 10k
Irritability Colors p. 965 05k
Itching of anus, toes, & feet Color blue 727 787 880 05k
Jaundice Colors 965 727 787 880 05k
Joints, inflamed Colors 965 727 787 880 10k
Kidney Colors p. 965 020 727 787 880 05k
Knee, pains(see Pains in Knee)p. 754; 756 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Lack of conductivity Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880 10k
Lassitude, weak, exhausted Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880
Laxative, mild Colors p. 966 020 727 787 800 880
------- PAGE 9 ------------------
Legs 727 787 800 880 10k
Leprosy(2)/+600 727 787 880 10k
Leucocyte builder 020 727 05k
Leukemia/2127 727 787 880
Leukodermia, white skin patches 020 727 787 880
Leukorrhea, white vaginal discharge 727 787 880
Liver enlargement 727 787 880
Locomotor atazia, muscle failure 727 787 880 10k
Lumbago,back pain 727 787 880 10k
Lumbar vertebrae deformed 727 787 880 10k
Lungs, breathing 727 787 880
Lupis vulgaris 776/1550 727 787 800 880
Lymph glands See Index for Colors 727 787 880 05k
Lymphatic depressant COLOR VIOLET 727 787 880
Malaria See Colors Index p.966 020
Measles,small pox,German measles,mumps,
whooping cough, fever, diptheria, chicken
pox Color 727 787 880
Melancholia Color v. 966 05k
Memory Memory color p. 966 020 10k
Meniere's, Ears-hard to hear Color 962 020 727 787 880 05k 10k
Meningitis(2) Color v. 966 020 05k
Menses, stoppage(see a menorrea) Color 959 727 787 880 10k
Mental irritability Positive on spleen 020 727 787 880 10k
Mentally retarded P.965 Intelligence 10k
Migrane Colors p. 966 020 727 787 880 05k
Mongoloidism Colors etc. p. 966 020 05k
Motion sickness colors p. 966 020 10k
Mouth eruptions Lymph p. 966 glands 020 727 787 880 05k
Multiple sclerosis(2) colors . 966 020 727 787 880 05k
------ PAGE 10 --------------
Moth patches, urticaria 020 800
Mucous 727 787 800 880
Muscles, heart, arm 05k
Muscular Dystrophy 05k
Nausea 727 787 880 05k
Neck 020 727 787 880 05k
Nephritis, kidney inflammation 020 727 787 800 880 10k
Nerves, inflammation 727 787 880 10k
Nerve, motor depressant COLOR YELLOW
Neurasthenia, fatigued 727 787 880 05k
Neuritis, nerve inflammation 727 787 880 10k
Neurosis 727 787 880 10k
Neuralgia, arms 020 727 787 880 10k
Neutralize acids
Nicotine poison 10k
Nipples, sore 727 787 880 05k
Nocturnal emission + on spleen 05k
Nose, disorders 727 787 880
Numbness, arms, fingers 020 727 787 880 05k
Obesity 5 Min.B/4 ea. meal Trampoline 10k
Occipital Neuralgia 727 787 880 05k
Operations, before 020 727 787 880
Oral inflammation 727 787 880
Orchitis, testis inflammation 727 787 800 880
Osteoarthritis/1500 + POLARIZER 20 Min. 727 787 880
Osteomyelitis 727 787 880 05k
Ovaries 727 787 880
Pain, paralysis, to remove COLOR YELLOW 727 787 880
Pains after operations COLOR GREEN 727 787 880
------ PAGE 11 ----------
Pains in the knee(see Knee Pains) COLORS 020 727 787 880 10k
Pancreas, disorder 727 787 880 10k
Parasites/+ 120 020 727 787 800 880
Parathyroid 727 787 880
Pelvic, disorders/+660, 1500 020 727 787 880
Pericarditis, inflamed heart covering 727 787 880
Peritonitis 727 787 880
Persist disorders/phagocyte builder/+120 020 727 787 880 05k
Pharyngitis 727 787 880
Placenta, to expel or afterbirth 727 787 880
Pleurisy (3) 020 727 787 880
Pneumonia(1) 776 020 880
Poison, botulism, ptomaine, drugs
Polyps, growths/2128
Poor appetite 800 10k
Poor circulation 020 727 787 880 10k
Prostate 727 787 880 05k
Pruritis, anus itching 020 727 787 880 10k
Psoriasis, skin trouble 020 727 787 880 05k
Ptosis, drooping eyelid 727 787 880 05k 10k
Pyorrhea(3) 727 787 05k
Rabies/+ 120 020 727 787 880
Raynaud's disease 020 727
Rheumatism 727 787 880 10k
Rheumatoid arthritis 727 787 880 10k
Rhinitis/+ 120 020 727 787 880
Rickets Vitamin D and sunlight 880
Ring worm/+120 020 727 787 880
-------- PAGE 12 ------
Scarlet fever 727 787 880
Sciaticia, nerve inflammation/+l20 020 727 787 880
Scurvy lack of Vitamin C 05k
Semiparalsis Yellow color therapy 020 05k
Sexual diseases/+625, 660, 1500, 1850 020 727 800 880
Sexual weakness, male & female 020 727 880 10k
Sex polarity balance 10k
Shingles (see Herpes Zoster)/1550 020 727 787 880
Shell Shock/+120 020 727 787 880
Sinus disorders(3)+120 020 727 787 880
Skin hemorrhages 800 05k
Skin trouble thrombosis(3)/+l500 020 727 787 880
Sleeping sickness/+120 020 727 787 880
Slipped disc (see hernia of disc) 727 787 880 10k
Smallpox (see Measles) 727 787 880
Smell, morbid, hyperosmia 727 787 800 880 10k
Smell, none, anosmia 020 10k
Sneezing (see convulsions) 727 787 880 10k
Solar plexus 020 727 787 880 05k
Sore throat 727 787 880
Spasm, muscle contraction 020 10k
Spleen, enlargement 020
Spongy gums (see pyorrhea) 727 787 800 880 10k
Sprains, twisted joint,sprained muscles 020 05k
Stammering 020 727 787 880 10k
Stiff shoulder 020 727 787 880 10k
Stiff neck 020 727 787 880 10k
Staphyloccus infections 1 020 727 800
Sterility (see Impotence) 2008, 2127 05k 10k
------- PAGE 13 ------
Stomach cramps 020 727 787 880 10k
Stones, gallbladder, kidney 727 800 880 10k
Streptococcus infections(1) 727 787 880
Streptothrix(1) - soil bacteria 787
Stroke 020 787 880 05k 10k
Sty (see droop of lid) 020 727 880 05k 10k
Sunstroke 020 10k
Suprarenal stimulant 020 05k
Surgery 727 787 880 05k
Swelling, legs, feet 020 727 787 880 05k
Syndrome disorders, many symptoms 020 727 787 880 10k
Syphills (see Treponema)(1)/+625 020 10k
Taste, morbid (Hyperosmia) Tabs Malt 020 10k
Taste, none (Anosmia) Tabs Vanilla 020 10k
Tetanus(1) 600 727 787 880
Thalamus, sensor relay center 020 05k
Throat inflammation (see esophagus) 727 787 800 880
Thrombosis, heart blood clot 020 800 05k
Thymus gland stimulant 020 727 787 880 05k
Tissue nutrition 727 787 880 05k
Tonsillitis, tonsil inflammation 020 727 787 880 05k
Toothache 727 787 800 05k
Trachoma, eye inflammation 727 787 880
Trauma, heart injury, shock 727 787 880 05k 10k
Trench Mouth(3) 727 787 880
Tuberculosis rod, virus(1)/ +1530 020 800
Thyphoid fever(1)/+690, 1570 020
Ulcers, all(3)/+776 727 787 880
Unconsciousness 020 800 05k
--------- PAGE 14 --------
Urethritis urethra inflamrnation/+660 727 787 880
Urticaria (see hives)/1800 727 787 880
Weak stomach,heartburn 727,787,880 020 05k
Yellow Fever 5k,880 020 05k
Warts (3) 787,2008,2127 787
Worms (parasites)/+100 (main)120,20 020 800 05k
---------- PROOFED AND CORRECTED --------------

Frequencies (4 min. each) Total Time
General Program: 20, 60, 95, 125, 225, 427, 440, 660. 32 min.
Cancer: 663, 727, 778, 787, *802,880,1050,
1550, 2008,2050, 2127. 44 min.
Candida Albicans: 20, 60, 95, 125, 225, 427, 727. 28 min.
Cystic Fibrosis: 660, 727, 778, 787, *802,880. 24 min.
Epstein Barr Virus: 428, 660, 727,778, 787. 20 min.
Parasites: 20, 60, 95, 125, 440. 20 min.
*802 Hz. should not be used if a healthy colon is involved, as it will
kill both beneficial and detrimental bacteria.
Bio-Energetic Frequency Chart
(Please note that although most of the frequencies in this list
are derived from homeopathic nosodes [vaccines], allergens,
sarcodes [organ therapy preparations], or cell salts, some are
directly from the specified ailment or substance. However, this
distinction appears inconsequential since bio-energetic
frequencies should be effective in either case.)

Actinobacillus (a potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found
in mammals): 773
Actinomyces israelii (a bacterium normally found in the bowel
and throat that causes deep, pus-filled holes in tissue): 222,
262, 2154
Adnexitis (swelling of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes): 440,
441, 522, 572, 3343, 3833, 5312
Adenoma, cervical (epithelial tumor of the cervix that can be
either benign or malignant): 433
Adenovirus (a virus that causes infections in the lungs,
stomach, and intestines): 333, 523, 786
Aflatoxin (a liver-damaging toxin produced by certain food
molds): 344, 510, 943
Kaposi's sarcoma: 249, 418
Alternaria tenuis (a fungus associated with lung ailments):
Amoeba (a single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganism):
310, 333, 532, 732, 827, 1522
Amoeba hepar abcess (liver abcess caused by amoebic infection):
Anthracinum (homeopathic anthrax nosode): 633
Aremes tennus: 667
Arnica (a healing herb): 1042
Arsenic alb. (homeopathic cell salt): 562
Aspergillus flavus (mold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that
produces aflatoxin): 1823
Aspergillus glaucus (blue mold occurring in some human
infectious processes): 524
Aspergillus niger (common mold that may produce severe and
persistent infection): 374
Aspergillus terreus (mold occasionally associated with infection
of the bronchi and lungs): 743
Asthma: 1233, 1283
Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system):
Bacillus subtilis (homeopathic nosode from a bacterium that can
cause conjunctivitis: 432, 722, 822, 1246
Bacillinum (homeopathic nosode): 132, 423, 432, 785, 853, 854,
921, 1027, 1042, 1932
Bacterium lactis nosode (homeopathic): 512, 526, 798, 951, 5412
Bacterium coli (a type of E. coli normally found in the
intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most frequent
cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound
infection): 642
Bacterium coli commune (E. coli) combination: 282, 333, 413,
957, 1320, 1722
Bakers' yeast (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 775
Banti's syndrome (A serious ailment in which blood vessels
between the intestines and the liver become blocked, leading to
congestion of the veins, an enlarged spleen, bleeding of the
stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, and blood cell
destruction.): 1778
Barley smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 377
Bermuda smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 971
Biliary cirrhosis (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow
through the liver is obstructed): 381, 514, 677, 2271
Bilirubin (a bile pigment that may result in jaundice in high
concentrations): 717, 726, 731, 863
Bladder TBC: 642, 771
Blastocystis hominus: 365, 595, 844, 848, 1201, 1243
Blue cohosh (a healing herb): 364
Borreliosis (Lyme disease, relapsing fever in humans and animals
caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks): 254, 345, 525, 605,
644, 673, 797, 884, 1455
Botrytis cinereas (a homeopathic preparation from a fungal
allergen): 1132
Botulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food
poisoning): 518, 533
Brain tumors:
astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system):
gliomas (largest group of brain cancers): 543, 641
Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis: 2013
Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation of the bronchi): 342
Bronchopneumonia borinum (a form of bronchial pneumonia): 452,
Brucella abortus (undulent fever or Bang's bacillus, found in
cattle): 1423
Brucella melitensis (form of Brucella found in goats and sheep):
Campylobacter (bacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in
newborns): 732, 1633, 1834, 2222
adenoma, cervical: 433
astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system):
bronchial: 462, 852, 1582
colon: 656
fibrosarcoma (develops rapidly from small bumps on the skin):
gliomas (largest group of brain cancers): 543, 641
Hodgkin's disease (a cancer of the lymphatic system that is
both chronic and progressive): 552, 1522
Kaposi's sarcoma: 249, 418
leukemia (starts with the bone marrow but eventually involves
all body organs):
feline (cat): 424, 830, 901, 918
" hairy cell" (typified by abnormal blood cells & shortage of
others): 122, 622, 932, 5122 (could be 1522)
lymphatic: 478, 833
mycloid (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed
white blood cells): 422, 822
T-cell: 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734
mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema): 852
plasmacytoma (plasma-cell tumor): 475
liver, fermentative: 214
uterine, fermentative: 127
Candida (a genus of yeastlike fungi normal to the human body but
capable of harmful overgrowth): 866
tropicalis: 1403
Canine parvovirus: 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027
mutant strain: 323, 514
type B: 323, 535, 613, 755
Carbo animalis (homeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoal):
Carcinoma (any cancerous tumor starting with cells covering body
and organ surfaces that then invade both local and distant areas)
bronchial: 462, 852, 1582
colon: 656
liver, fermentative: 214
uterine, fermentative: 127
Carvularia spirafera: 879
brunescent (brown opacity in later life): 2010, 1335, 1830
complicated (secondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or
surgery): 496
Causticum (a homeopathic remedy): 540, 1013
Celia carroll: 576, 973
Cephaloshorium (fungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum
antibiotics): 481, 3966
Cerumen (ear wax): 311, 320, 750, 984
Cervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix): 433
Chaetomiumglobosum: 221, 867
methotrexate: 584
green dye: 563, 2333
Chicken pox: 787, 3343
Chlamydia (a sexually-transmitted bacterial infection): 430,
620, 624, 840, 2213
Cholera (an extremely contagious and serious bacterial infection
of the small intestines): 330, 843, 844, 1035
acute (excruciating gallstone attack): 481, 743, 865, 928
chronic (long-term inflammation of the gallbladder): 432
Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear &
mastoid region): 453, 618, 793
Cimicifuga (plant family including black snakeroot and black
cohosh): 594
Cirrhosis, biliary (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow
through the liver is obstructed): 381, 514, 677, 2271
Cladosporium fulvum (a pathogenic fungus): 438
Coelicia: 154, 594, 656
Condylomata (venereal warts caused by infectious papilloma
virus): 466
Corn smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen): 546, 1642
Coxsackie virus (produces disease resembling non-paralytic
polio): 136, 144, 232, 380, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923
type B1: 834
type B2: 705, 534
type B4: 421
type B5: 462, 1043, 1083
type B6: 736, 814
CMV (cytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human
herpes type 5): 126, 597, 1045, 2145
Crinis humansis: 646
Critter 1: 1033
Critter 2: 421, 1035, 1111
Crocus sotillus: 710
Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa infrequently causing
diarrhea in humans): 482, 575, 4122
Cyst, ovarian:982
Cystic fibrosis (Also called mucoviscidosis, this is an
inherited disorder of the exocrine glands that causes them to
release very thick mucus): 523
Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary bladder
and ureters): 246
Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to kidney): 1385
Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions): 243
Dental: 635, 640, 1036, 1043, 1094
Diphtherinum (homeopathic nosode for diphtheria): 624
Distemper: 242, 254, 312, 442, 551, 573, 624, 671, 712, 940,
1269, 1950
Diverticulosis (characterized by tiny hernias of intestinal
tissue protruding through the muscular wall of the colon): 154,
Droglioma (a brain tumor): 853
E. coli (Escherichia coli; a major cause of infections in wounds
and the urinary tract): 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722
Ear wax: 311, 320, 750, 984
Echinococcinum (homeopathic remedy for tapeworms found in dogs,
wolves, cats, & rodents that can infect man): 164, 453, 542, 623
Echo virus (causes a type of meningitis): 620
Encephalitis (inflammation of the tissues of the brain and
spinal cord): 841
Endometriosis, chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the
uterus that may cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine
bleeding): 246
Entamoeba histolytica (highly damaging protozoa causing
dysentary and liver infection): 148, 166, 308
Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver): 552, 932, 953
Enterobiasis (intestinal worms frequently found in children):
773, 827, 835, 4152
Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep-family organisms
found in the digestive and urinary tracts): 686
Epicoccum: 734
Epidermophyton floccinum (homeopathic remedy for fungus that
attacks skin & nails, includes athlete's foot): 644, 766
Epstein-Barr virus (the herpes virus causing mononucleosis):
105, 172, 253, 660, 663, 669, 744, 825, 1032, 1920
Erysipelas (a human bacterial infection manifesting in the skin
and possibly related to the swine form of the disease): 616, 845
Escherichia coli (E. coli; a major cause of infections in wounds
and the urinary tract): 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke of herbivorous animals
occasionally found in humans): 143, 275
Febris wolhynia (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that
is debilitating and conducive to relapse): 547
Feline (cat) leukemia: 424, 830, 901, 918
Fell: 435
Felis: 430, 834, 2232, 3233
Fel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile): 672
Fibrosarcoma (malignancy containing connective tissue and
developing rapidly from small bumps on the skin): 1744
Fibroadenoma mamanae (non-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the
breasts): 1384
Filariose: (thread-like worms that invade body tissues and
cavities): 112, 120
Fischpyrogen: 832
Fistula Dentalis: 550, 727, 844, 1122
FIV: 262, 323, 372, 404, 567, 712, 742, 760, 773, 916, 1103,
1132, 3701
'78: 844
'79: 123
'83: 730, 734
'89: 216, 322
'93: 254, 522, 615, 850
triple nosode: 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122
virus "A": 332
virus "A, Port Chalmers": 332
virus "B": 530, 532, 536, 537
virus "B, Hong Kong": 555
virus "British": 932
" Spanish": 462
" swine": 413, 432, 663, 839, 995
Flukeworm (parasitic flatworms, including tapeworms, that invade
many body areas): 524, 854
Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt): 110, 420, 423, 424, 502, 2222
Follicular mange (contagious dermatitis found in many animals
that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is
at the hair follicles): 253, 693
Foot & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young
children): 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411
Fungus flora: 632
Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea
of the eye): 102, 705
Gallbladder inflammation (chronic): 432
Gallstone attack: 481, 743, 865, 928
Ganglionitis, acute posterior (commonly known as shingles or
herpes zoster): 574, 1557
Gardnerella (bacteria that often infect and inflame the vaginal
mucosa): 320, 782
Geotrichum candidum (fungus found in feces and dairy products
whose manifestations resemble those of candida): 412, 543
German measles (rubella or 3-day measles): 510, 517
Giardia (an intestinal parasite, also known as lamblia, spread

Using the frequency 66.5 in the Manual Rife function balances the Pleomorphic counts

dna 528hz


Jedi Simon Foundation - Resonant Vibration Department Research does not make any recommendation as to the use or effectiveness for any purpose of RIFE frequencies or Resonant Vibration Cures. RIFE frequencies generators are solely for use as a "Experimental device" and Frequency Resonant Vibration Inductors have not been invented. Although we possess the technology to do such things, we need to cure our SPIRIT before starting to think that we could even change the behaviour of Mankind, Industry, Bacteria and Viruses.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It must be first re-emphasized that RIFE frequencies generators available from AS are intended for use solely as dietary or nutritional supplements.

Altered States products are sold for learning, self-improvement and simple relaxation. No statement contained in this catalogue, and no information provided by any Altered States employee, should be construed as a claim or representation that these products are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or any other medical condition. The information contained in this catalogue is deemed to be based on reliable and authoritative report. However, certain persons considered experts may disagree with one or more of the statements contained here. Altered States assumes no liability or risk involved in the use of the products described here. We make no warranty, expressed or implied, other than that the material conforms to applicable standard specifications.
The publisher does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information or the consequences arising from the application, use, or misuse of any of the information contained herein, including any injury and/or damage to any person or property as a matter of product liability, negligence, or otherwise. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made in regard to the contents of this material. No claims or endorsements are made for any drugs or compounds currently marketed or in investigative use. This material is not intended as a guide to self-medication. The reader is advised to discuss the information provided here with a doctor, pharmacist, nurse, or other authorized healthcare practitioner and to check product information (including package inserts) regarding dosage, precautions, warnings, interactions, and contraindications before administering any drug, herb, radionics tool,or supplement discussed herein.


FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted (C ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available for educational purposes, to advance understanding of human rights, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law. This material is distributed without profit.







Cross Reference List of Rife Frequencies

Index by Frequency

List of treatments that use this frequency


Back pain; Brachial neuralgia; Coughing; Hyperthyroid; Muscles, pain/injury; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy; Toxins, elimination


Muscles, pain/injury; Pesticide detox; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy; Vitamag


Depression, due to drugs or toxins; Muscles, pain/injury; Parkinson's disease


Abdominal inflammation; Aids (program 2); Ankylosing spondylitis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Bedsores; Bone spurs; Diabetic toe ulcer; Dupuytren's contracture; Epicondylitis (tennis elbow); Eye, inflammation; Facial toning; Headaches, general; Heart, tonic; Hepatitis, general; Infection, general; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Spondylitis, acute; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tachycardia; Tendomyopathy; Tonsillitis; Urethritis; Varicoses


Aids (program 3)


Arthritis; Inflammation, general; Muscles, pain/injury; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy


Brain, delta stimulation




Lymph glands, stimulate; Lymph stasis, secondary; Muscles, pain/injury; Sedative effect; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy


Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gravel deposits in urine; Osteoitis


Abdominal pain; Allergy; Alziemer; Angina pectoris; Appendix; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Back pain; Brain, theta stimulation; Headaches, general; Hyperthyroid; Insomnia; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Nervousness -- Prozac agitation; Pain relief, abdominal; Stroke, follow up; Sun allergy; Vitamag


Biliary headache; Brain, delta stimulation; Depression, anxiety/trembling/weakness; Gallstones; Kidney stones




Anger, to keep from; Dog and cat hostility; Inflammation, general


Heart, tonic; Neuralgia; Stomach disorders


Brain, theta stimulation; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Hypophyseal (pituitary) disturbances; Vertigo; Vitamag




Cramping and nausea; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Dyspepsia; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to toxicity; Hives (urticaria); Mental disorders; Nausea; Pain relief, infection; Stiff neck; Urticaria; Brain wave, theta


Brain, delta stimulation; Brain, theta stimulation; Vitamag


Brain, theta stimulation; Hormonal imbalances; Paresthesia


Dizziness; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Muscles, pain/injury; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy; Vertigo


Acupuncture disturbance field


Hypertension; Hypertension, diastolic high pressure; Pesticide detox; Spastic stiff neck; Stiff neck; Vitamag


Anger, to keep from; Edema; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Lymph stasis, secondary; Swelling


Cancer (general program additional); Diabetes (program 1); Muscles, relax; Parasites, hookworm; Spasms, muscle; Wellness


Brain, theta stimulation; Vitamag


Trigeminal neuralgia


Back pain


Ankylosing spondylitis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Ataxia, spastic; Cancer, astrocytoma; Convolusions, spasticity; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Lumbago; Paralysis, spastic; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Spastic ataxia; Spondylitis, acute


Back pain; Coughing




Mental concentration; Tooth extraction; Trigeminal neuralgia


Angina pectoris; Frequency fatigue; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Hypertension; Insomnia; Nervousness -- Prozac agitation; Relaxation; Schumann resonance; Stammering; Wellness; Earth, resonance (Schumann Resonance)


Immune system stimulation; Intestines, large; Kidney tonic, general; Large intestine tonic


Electrolyte (improve)


Ataxia, spastic; Cancer, astrocytoma; Convolusions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Lumbago; Paralysis, nonspastic; Spastic ataxia


Biliary headache


Meniere's disease (alternate)


Meniere's disease (alternate)


Lung, infection; Meniere's disease (alternate); Orchitis; Prostate, general problems; Vitamag


Bruises; Contusions; Distorsion; Luxation; Prostatitus (set #1)


Ataxia, spastic; Blood pressure, high; Cancer, astrocytoma; Cardiacedema; Convolusions, spasticity; Ear, general; Eczema, skin; Eczema, vascular and lung; Hypertension; Hypertension, diastolic high pressure; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Lumbago; Otosclerosis; Paralysis, nonspastic; Prostate, general problems; Spastic ataxia; Spastic stiff neck; Stiff neck


Kidney insufficiency; Renal excretory insufficiency


Back pain




Arthritis, arthralgia; Arthritis, focal origin; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Bladder and prostate complaints; Blood pressure, hypertension; Bronchitis; Circulation disturbances; Erythema nosodum; Gout, swelling; Headaches, urogenitally caused; Impotence; Infertility; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Prostate, general problems; Sexual dysfunction


Back pain; Paresis


Pyramid (outside)


Arthritis, arthrosis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Back pain; Head injury followup; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Subluxation induced disorders; Earth, mean dominant frequency


Adrenal; Adrenal stimulant; Ankylosing spondylitis; Appendicitis; Appendix; Arthritis; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Headaches, general; Influenza, grippe; Insomnia; Intestinal problems, colon; Intestines, large; Kidney insufficiency; Larynx; Lymph glands; Lymph stasis, secondary; Migraine; Muscles, pain/injury; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Relaxation; Sciaticor schias; Spondylitis, acute; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy; Vitamag


Lymph glands, support


Frequency fatigue




Brain, alpha stimulation; Vitamag


Brain, beta stimulation


Blood pressure, high; Brain, alpha stimulation; Pancreas


Lymph glands, support




Brain, alpha stimulation




Abdominal inflammation; Acidosis; Actinomyces Israelii; Addictions; Adenoids; Adrenal stimulant; Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Anosmia; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Asthma; Ataxia; Athletes Foot; Aura, strengthen; Autointoxication; Bacterial infection; Bedsores; Bladder and prostate complaints; Blood; Blood poisoning; Blood pressure, low; Brain, general; Bronchitis; Bubonic plague; Bubonic plague , secondary infections; Bunion pain; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, tertiary; Cancrum oris; Candida, tertiary; Cataract, non-diabetic; Catarrh; Cervicitis; Chicken Pox; Chicken Pox, secondary; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Colic; Colon problems, general; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Contractions (arrests, discharges); Corns (in feet); Coughing; Cramping and nausea; Cuts; Cystitis, chronic; Dandruff, scales; Deafness; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes, secondary; Diabetes, associated infection; Diphtheria; Dizziness; Down's syndrome palliative; Drug Addiction; Dyspepsia; Ear, general; Eczema, skin; Edema; Electrolyte (improve); Emphysema; Epididymitis; Epilepsy; Epilepsy, fits; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Eye, disorders; Fainting; Fascia; Fatigue; Fever; Fever, sunstroke; Fibromyalgia; Fissures; Frigidity (female); Fungus, general; Fungus, infection; Furunkulosis; Gallbladder; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gangrene, general; Gastritis and flatulence; General prophylaxis; General program, EMEM main frequencies; Gingivitis; Glands, adenoid; Glands, enlarged; Glandular fever; Glandular fever, adrenals; Glandular fever, parathyroid; Glandular fever, pineal; Glandular fever, pituitary; Glandular fever, sex; Glandular fever, thymus; Glandular fever, thyroid; Gout, swelling; Gravel deposits in urine; Graves disease I; Hair loss; Halitosis; Hallucinations; Hay fever; Headaches, due to parasites; Headaches, due to toxicity; Heart, general; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, zoster secondary; Hiccoughs; Hip pain; Hyperosmia; Hypertension; Hypochondrium, upper abdomen; Hypotension; Hypothyroid; Impotence; Infection, general; Influenza; Influenza, 1997-1998; Intelligence, clarity of thought; Intercostal neuralgia; Irritable bowel syndrome; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney tonic, general; Knee, joint pain; Knee, pain; Larynx; Lassitude; Leprosy, secondary infection; Leukocytogenesis, stimulates; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lung, infection; Malaria; Maleria (alternate #1); Maleria (alternate #2); Measles; Meningitis, tertiary; Mental disorders; Moles; Motion sickness; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Mumps tertiary; Muscles; Muscles, pain/injury; Muscles, relax; Muscles, tonic; Nausea; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Nerve disorders; Nose; Orchitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Ovarian elimination, to stimulate; Pain relief; Pain relief, bunion; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Paraistes, ringworm; Parasites, roundworms, general; Pericarditis; Perniosis; Phagocyross, stimulates; Pharyngitis; Pineal stimulation; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Polyp, general; Prophylaxis, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Rabies; Raynauds disease; Rhinitis; Sciatica; Sexual diseases; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #1); Skin trouble, general; Sleeping sickness; Slipped disc; Smallpox, secondary; Spinal meningitis; Spleen; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stammering; Staphylococcus, infection (set #2); Stiff muscles; Stiff shoulder; Stomach disorders; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Streptothrix; Stroke, follow up; Stye; Sunstroke; Swelling; Syphilis; Taste, none; Tendomyopathy; Tetanus; Thalmus; Thrombosis; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Thymus gland stimulant; Thyphoid fever; Tinnitus; Tonsillitis; Tonsils, general; Tooth decay; Trauma; Treponema pallidum; Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis, viral; Typhoid fever; Vitiligo; Whiplash; Wound healing; Yellow fever ; Chakra base root


Liver stores, bile, cholesterol


Brain, beta stimulation








Arthritis; Cramps; Cramps, menstrual; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pesticide detox


Adnamia, geriatric; Fibrosis fo Jung (on chest); Trigeminal neuralgia; Music, lowest piano note


Ankylosing spondylitis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Malaria; Maleria (alternate #2); Neurosis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Spondylitis, acute; Varicoses


Arthritis; Brain, beta stimulation


Spastic paresis


Aids, secondary; Backache; Facial Cramps; General balancing; Meniere's disease; Parkinson's disease; Christ consciousness; Pyramid (inside)


Liver, support


Ankylosing spondylitis; Depression, due to outside circumstances; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetic loading; Diabetic toe ulcer; Hypothyroid; Influenza, 1997-1998; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Spleen, enlarged; Chakra balance


Pulse stimulation, men


Apoplexy; Arthritis; Circulation disturbances; Circulatory stasis; Edema; Kidney insufficiency; Muscles, pain/injury; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Stiff muscles; Tendomyopathy; Vegetative dystonia


Pulse stimulation, women




Intermittent claudication; Papilloma, virus




Sore throat


Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Healing and regeneration; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Lipoma; Mercury; Parasites, general (set #3); Regeneration and healing


Bone disease, periodontal disease; Dental foci; Periodontal disease; Recovery; Toothache; Tooth extraction


Cancer, breast (program 2); Dental; Diabetes (program 2); Infection, general; Intermittent claudication; Mercury; Spastic paresis




Cancer, tertiary


Tantra, kundalini


Cancer (general program additional)


Salmonella, paratyphi B; Salmonella, type B


Adnamia, geriatric; Ankylosing spondylitis; Arthritis; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Candida, tertiary; Dental; Parasites, general (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Ringworm; Sinusitis (set #3); Vertigo




Cancer (general program 3); General prophylaxis; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Psoriasis


Pulse stimulation, men


Abdominal inflammation; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Asthma; Ataxia; Bronchitis; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Candida, secondary; Chest infection, secondary; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Coughing; Cramping and nausea; Diabetes (program 2); Dyspepsia; Fatigue; Fungus, general; Head injury followup; Hepatitis "C"; Impotence; Infection, general; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Meningitis, tertiary; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Nausea; Nerve disorders; Orchitis; Otitis media; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, general (short set); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Pleurisy; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Pulse stimulation, men; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #1); Slipped disc; Stomach disorders; Stroke, follow up; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Urethritis; Yeast, general


Bedsores; Depression, due to drugs or toxins; Gangrene, general; Headaches, due to parasites; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Impotence; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Pesticide detox; Prostate, general problems; Sexual dysfunction; Tonsillitis


Cyst, solitary; Mercury


Babesiosis; Cyst, solitary; Ringworm


Moles (alternate)


Pulse stimulation, women




Arthritis; Conjunctivitis; Diabetes, associated infection; Emphysema; Eye, inflammation; General program, comprehensive; Heart, tonic; Hypothyroid; Muscles, pain/injury; Pain relief; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #3); Paraistes, ringworm; Stiff muscles; Tendomyopathy


Heart, general; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)


Pulse stimulation, women






Ringworm; Salmonella, paratyphi B; Salmonella, type B


Abdominal inflammation; Abdominal pain; Acute pain; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Ankylosing spondylitis; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Asthma; Ataxia; Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Candida; Candida, tertiary; Coughing; Cramping and nausea; Dental foci; Diabetes (program 2); Dyspepsia; Fatigue; General prophylaxis; Headaches, due to parasites; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Hypertension; Hypertension, spastic; Impotence; Infection, general; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Meningitis, tertiary; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Nausea; Nerve disorders; Orchitis; Pain relief; Pain relief, abdominal; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, cancer; Pain relief, infection; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #3); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Pleurisy; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Recovery; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #3); Slipped disc; Stomach disorders; Stroke, follow up; Surgery, pain relief during post op recovery; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Toothache; Tooth extraction; Urethritis


Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Psoriasis; Trauma


Ankylosing spondylitis; Mange, follicular; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Household insect mix; Roaches


Parasites, trichinosis; Trichinosis


Chaetomiuglobosum; Fusarium oxysporum


Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, turbatrix; Psoriasis; Turbatrix


Epstein Barr Virus; Intestines, inflammation; Peritonitis; Struma nodosa


Sinusitis (set #4)


Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary


Ankylosing spondylitis; Bruises; Contusions; Distorsion; Kidney papilloma; Luxation; Papilloma, kidney; Papilloma, virus; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Flour alb




Filariose; Parasites, filariose; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Parasites, roundworms, general; Psoriasis


Stemphylium; Streptococcus mutant strain




Anal itch; Arthritis; Backache with spasms; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1); Candida; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Eczema, skin; Emphysema; Epilepsy, fits; Fatigue; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Filariose; Gallbladder; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; General program, comprehensive; Moles; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Muscles; Muscles, relax; Muscles, tonic; Myositis; Pain relief; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, filariose; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, general (short set); Paraistes, ringworm; Parasites, roundworms, general; Rabies; Rhinitis; Ringworm; Sciatica; Sinusitis (set #1); Sleeping sickness; Syphilis; Tetanus; Throat tickle, chronic


Struma parenchyme


Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Myositis; Struma nodosa; Influenzum, Bach poly


Influenza, 1979; Pyodermia


Rhodococcus; Sexual dysfunction


Abdominal inflammation; Anal itch; Anemia; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Asthma; Ataxia; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Candida; Candida, tertiary; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Coughing; Diabetes (program 2); Dyspepsia; Epilepsy; Fatigue; General prophylaxis; Headaches, due to parasites; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Impotence; Infection, general; Intercostal neuralgia; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Meningitis, tertiary; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Muscles, pain/injury; Myositis; Nerve disorders; Orchitis; Otitis media; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #3); Pericarditis; Phagocyross, stimulates; Pleurisy; Prophylaxis, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Sinusitis (set #2); Slipped disc; Stiff muscles; Stomach disorders; Stroke, follow up; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Urethritis


CMV; Cytomegalovirus; Herpes, type 5; Parasites, general (set #1)


Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative


Cancer (general program 4); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Ringworm; Sinusitis (set #3); Streptococcus hemolytic; Hirudo medicinalis


Myositis; Penicillium chyrosogenium; Q fever; Rickettsia


Meningitis, secondary; Parkinson tremor, temporary relief; Meningococcinum


Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general; Pyodermia; Rhizopus nigricans; Trichophytie, general; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Bacillinum


Streptococcus hemolytic






Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Influenza, grippe 1987


Herpes, progenetalis


Parasites, tapeworms secondary; Smallpox; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Ulcers, ventric; Yellow fever


Fasciola hepatica; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, liver; Nasturtium


Coxsackie; Headaches, general; Tonsillitis


Abdominal inflammation; Acidosis; Alopecia; Appendicitis; Asthma; Autointoxication; Cerebral Palsy; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Edema; Hangover; Hepatitis "C"; Hives (urticaria); Hyperosmia; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Lymph stasis, secondary; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Muscular dystrophy; Oral lesions; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Postsurgery detoxification of anaesthesia; Prostatitus (set #1); Pyorrhea; Rhinitis; Sinusitis (set #1); Sneezing; Sunstroke; Surgery, detoxification of anaesthesia; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Swelling; Toxins, elimination; Trigeminal neuralgia; Urticaria


Edema; Entamoeba histolytica; Kidney papilloma; Lymph stasis, secondary; Papilloma, kidney; Sudor pedis; Swelling


Diphtheria; Tonsillar pfropfe; Pyrogenium


Candida, tertiary; Mumps; Parasites, ascaris; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Psoriasis


Influenza, grippe vapch; Influenza virus, 1991-1992; Muscular dystrophy; Smegma


Coelicia; Diverticulosis


Wheat smut


Parasites, flukes, lymph


Ear, general; Mold, mix B; Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora


Eye, disorders; Headaches, general; Heart, tonic; Hypothyroid; Muscles, pain/injury; Sinusitis (set #2); Sinusitis (set #4); Sinusitis, maxillars; Stiff muscles; Tendomyopathy


Heart, general; Chelidonium


Phoma destructiva


Echinococcinum; Parasites, helminthsporium; Parasites, tapeworms; Echinococcinum


Salmonella, paratyphi B


Cancer, breast (program 1); Entamoeba histolytica; Hepatitis "C"; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Multiple sclerosis


Parkinson tremor, temporary relief


Biliary cirrhosis


Herpes, progenetalis


Botulinum; Epstein Barr Virus


Cholesterinum; Verruca


Folliculitis, hot tub; Otitis externa; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora; Swimmer's ear


Moles; Syphilis; Luesinum/Syphilinum


Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Yellow fever








Canine parvovirus; Mold, vac II; Parvovirus, canine; Rhino pneumonitis


Parasites, tapeworms; Parasites, tapeworms secondary


Canine parvovirus


Abscesses; Adhesions; Appendicitis; Burns; Cramping and nausea; Dental foci; Diabetes, associated infection; Mumps; Mumps secondary; Nausea; Recovery; Sunstroke; Toothache


Pseudomonas aeruginosa




L-lysine, stimulates


Burns; Furunkulosis herpes; Parasites, heartworms


Ear, general; Pepto streptococcus; Streptococcus pepto


Laryngeal polyp


Influencinum, vessica general; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Stroke, follow up


Pneumocystis carnii


Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris


Influenza, 1993 secondary


Bubonic plague; Epilepsy




Backache; Backache with spasms; Botrytis cinereas


Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative; Measles, rubeola vaccine


Bubonic plague; Influenza, 1989; Tuberculosis


Tuberculosis, klebsiella


Multiple sclerosis


Cryptosporidium; Fibrosis fo Jung (on chest); Fractures, bones; Tuberculosis, klebsiella


Chaetomiuglobosum; Tuberculosis, klebsiella


Actinomyces Israelii; Cancer, leukemia, T-cell; Malaria; Malassezia furfur; Mold; Ozaena; Streptothrix


Duodenitis; Influenza, grippe


Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Multiple sclerosis


Candida, tertiary; General prophylaxis; Malassezia furfur; Sinusitis (set #3)




Herpes, type 6; Nocardia asteroides; Streptothrix


Tuberculosis, bovine


Fractures, bones; Lac Deflorat; Pain relief, elbow; Stroke, follow up; Medorrhinum


Nocardia asteroides; Streptococcus pneumoniae; Streptothrix; Pyrogenium ex ovo


Coxsackie; Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Influenza, grippe V-4; Lac Deflorat; Paraceli; Pemniciosis; Perniosis; Streptococcus pneumoniae; Ulcers, ventric; Yellow fever


Cladosporium fulvum; Fibropendulum; Ornithosis; Thermi bacteria; Tobocco mosaic




H#5; Mumps; Mumps secondary


Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Nocardia asteroides; Streptothrix


Influencinum, vessica NW; Parasites, flukes, liver


Influencinum, vessica NW


Backache with spasms; Cancer (general program 4); Candida, tertiary; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Muscles; Muscles, pain/injury; Muscles, relax; Muscles, tonic; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Stiff muscles


Distemper; Mold; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Mumps


Dematium nigrum; H#1; Icterus, haemolytic; Lupus, general; Lupus, vulgaris; Osteosinusitis max.


Lung, sinus bacteria; Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris; Tetanus




Cystitis, chronic; Endometriosis, chronic; Serum schweinepest; Tonsillar pfropfe


Aspergellis flavus


Kidney tonic, general


Aids, Kaposi's sarcoma; Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; Kaposis Sarcoma; Penicillium chyrosogenium


Bone spurs; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cold & Flu (Program 6, fall '98); Dupuytren's contracture; Epicondylitis (tennis elbow); Hepatitis "C"; Influenza, autumn 1998; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Muscles, pain/injury; Pancreatic insufficiency; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy


Distemper; Epstein Barr Virus; Follicular mange; Mange, follicular; Myoma; Parasites, folicular mange


ALS; Distemper; Fungus, general; Fungus, mold, general; Influenza, 1993; Influenza, 1993 secondary; Lateral sclerose; Lyme disease; Lyme disease, secondary; Mold and fungus, general; Sclerosis, lateral; Yeast, general




Distemper; Trypanosoma gambiense


Mold, vac II


Feline (cat) leukemia


Actinomyces Israelii; Cancer, leukemia, T-cell; FIV; Rheumatism; Streptothrix


Kidney papilloma; Nephritis; Papilloma, kidney


Breast, fibroid cysts; Influenza, grippe 1988




Deer tick


Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary


Mumps vaccine


Epstein Barr Virus; Nephritis; Tobocco mosaic


Fasciola hepatica; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, liver


BC G Vaccine; Cervical polyp


Respiratory syncitial virus; Stomatitis


Myocarditis narbe


Bacterium coli commune; E-coli




Hepatitis, general secondary; Pertussis


Microsporum audouinii; Ruko tick


Hastoiditis; Mastoiditis; Pyrogenium fish


Cervical polyp


E-coli; Deer tick


Cirrhosis, hepatitis


Influencinum, vessica general


Sorgham smut


Cold & Flu (Program 5); Lumbago; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Muscles; Muscles, tonic; Stiff muscles; Trauma


Diabetes (program 2); Nigrospora spp


Tuberculosis, avaire


Alternaria Tenius; Athletes Foot; Blood pressure, high; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 1); Facial Cramps; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Headaches, general; Herpes, general; Herpes, zoster secondary; Infection, general; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Insomnia; Lupus, SLE secondary; Muscles; Muscles, relax; Muscles, tonic; Nausea; Pain relief; Psoriasis; Sedation; Sinusitis (set #3); Stiff muscles; Trauma; Pyrogenium fish


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)


Lyme disease, tertiary


Entamoeba histolytica; Rocky Mountain spotted fever; Ruko tick


Cold & Flu (Program 5); Mucor racemosis; Amoeba


Cerumen; Cunninghamella; Ear, wax; Trichophyton mentagrophytes


Distemper; Rhesus gravidatum




Multiple sclerosis, stiff legs


Cyclospora; Influenza, grippe V-75 Victoria; Osteitis medinum; Otitis media; Trypanosoma gambiense; Otitis medinum


Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Multiple sclerosis


Streptococcus hemolytic


Cerumen; Ear, wax; Gardinerella; Liver, support; Muscles, pain/injury; Sinusitis (set #4); Sinusitis, frontalis; Stiff muscles; Tendomyopathy


Fungus, mold, general; Hepatitis "A"; Mold and fungus, general; Penicillium notatum; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Struma nodosa


Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Influenza, 1989; Influenza virus, "A"; Meningitis; Parasites, strongyloides; Rhesus gravidatum; Schunan B-cell


Canine parvovirus; Canine parvovirus, mutant strain; Canine parvovirus, type B; Cunninghamella; FIV; Parvovirus, canine; Parvovirus, canine mutant strain; Parvovirus, canine type B; Pasteurella combination


Blood pressure, high; Influenza, grippe V-2; Leukoencephalitis; Tularemia


Cataract, complicated


Cancer, carcinoma, larynx; E-coli; Osteosinusitis max.; Rhizopus nigricans


Fibromyalgia; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Muscles; Muscles, tonic; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Stiff muscles


Gardinerella; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Meniere's disease; Parasites, flukes, blood; Parasites, schistosoma mansoni; Seizure


Allergy; Cholera; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #1); Osteomyelosclerosis; Sun allergy


Fungus flora; Mold, mix A&C; Ornithosis


Feline (cat) leukemia; Fusarium oxysporum; Influencinum, vessica NW; Influenza, grippe 1987; Influenza virus, "A"; Influenza virus, "A" Port Chalmers; Ornithosis; Parasites, filariose; Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, strongyloides; Penicillium rubrum; Tuberculinum; Tuberculosis, avaire


Adenovirus; Bacterium coli commune; Bronchitis; Bubonic plague; Campylobacter; Chest infection, secondary; E-coli; Rheumaticus; Streptomyces grisseus; Amoeba


Hepatitis "B"; Influenza, grippe VA-2; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, giardia; Penicillium notatum; Smallpox, secondary; Streptococcus hemolytic; Cimicifuga


Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Reproductive


Fungus flora; Respiratory syncitial virus


Fungus, mold, general; Influenza, 1994 secondary; Mold and fungus, general; Rhodococcus


Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Lyme disease


Aspergellis terreus; Herpes, simplex I (set #3)


Diphtheria; Ear, general; Pneumocystis carnii; Stemphylium


Pyrogenium suis


Bronchiectasis; Measles; Measles, rubeola; Tuberculosis, avaire; Flour alb


Coxsackie B6; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Influenza, grippe; Influenza, grippe V-75 Victoria; Influenza, grippe vapch


Aflatoxin; Amoeba hepar abcess; Fungus, mold, general; Lyme disease; Mold and fungus, general; Penicillium chyrosogenium


Epidermophyton floccinum; Herpes, zoster; Influenza virus, 1991-1992; Lyme disease; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary; Varicella


Hepatitis "A"; Lymph plaque


Microsporum canis


Eye, disorders; Eye, sharpen eyesight; Geotrichum candidum; Vision, poor; Influenzum, Bach poly; Nigrospora spp


Influenza, grippe V-4; Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris; Tetanus


Coxsackie B1; Coxsackie B4; Influenza, grippe 1989


Tooth decay


Geotrichum candidum; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary


Pyrogenium suis


Bacterium coli 


Eye, disorders; Eye, sharpen eyesight; Smallpox, secondary; Vision, poor


Mucor plumbeus; Struma cystica




Cat virus; Influencinum, vessica NW; Blue cohosh


Blastocystis hominus; Herpes, type 2A secondary


Cryptococcus neoformans; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Rhino pneumonitis; Sinusitis (set #2)


Measles, rubella; Streptococcus hemolytic


Cephalothecium; Lac Deflorat; Mycogone spp




Herpes, type 2A secondary; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Aspergellis niger; Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general


Rocky Mountain spotted fever; Yeast, general; Wheat smut


Bites, black widow; Rheumaticus; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Listeriose; Barley Smut


Campylobacter; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Cat virus


Abdominal inflammation; Allergy; Appendicitis; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Coxsackie; Mucous membrane inflammation; Parasites, strongyloides secondary; Pharyngitis


Biliary cirrhosis; Candida; Cirrhosis, biliary; Trichophytie, nagel


Cancer, tertiary


Coxsackie B1; Geotrichum candidum; Kieferosteitis


Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Geotrichum candidum; Lupus, general; Lupus, SLE secondary; Lupus, vulgaris


Clostridium difficile; Influenza virus, 1991-1992; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Warning: alleged damage to humans


L-lysine, stimulates; Mold, mix C




Cancer, carcinoma, liver; Entamoeba histolytica; Tetragenus


Herpes, type C


Music, G below C


Cold & Flu (Program 1); Eye, disorders; General program, comprehensive; Sinusitis (set #1); Tetanus


Microsporum canis


Geotrichum candidum; Trypanosoma gambiense


FIV; Geotrichum candidum; Papilloma, virus


Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Geotrichum candidum; Influencinum, vessica general; Parasites, giardia


Prostate, general problems


Geotrichum candidum; Streptococcus enterococcinum; Enterococcinum


Ear, general; Fibrosis fo Jung (on chest); Geotrichum candidum; Prostatitus (set #1)


Candida, secondary; Geotrichum candidum; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Pneumonia; Pneumoniae, klebsiella; Pneumonia, mycoplasma


Bacterium coli commune; E-coli; Influenza virus, swine; Pneumoniae, klebsiella


Anthrax; Cancer (general program 4); Candida; Fungus, mold, general; Hepatitis "A"; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Mold and fungus, general; Sinusitis (set #3); Thrush; Tonsillar pfropfe; Trichophyton mentagrophytes; Vaginosis; Yeast, general


Eczema, skin (alternate #1); Geotrichum candidum


Aids (program 3); Aids, Kaposi's sarcoma; Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; Geotrichum candidum; Kaposis Sarcoma


Parasites, flukes, blood


Myoma; Salmonella, typhi; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Flour alb


Cancer, tertiary; Coxsackie B4; Influenza, triple nosode; Critter 2


Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, leukemia, myeloid; Candida, secondary; Constipation; Coxsackie; Fever; Fungus, general; Gastritis and flatulence; General demo; Infection, general; Irritable bowel syndrome; Microsporum audouinii; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Parasites, strongyloides; Ringworm; Stomach disorders; Yeast, general; Bermuda Smut


Hepatitis "A"; Meningitis; Nephritis; Parasites, strongyloides; Bacillinum; Flour alb


Backache with spasms; Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Coxsackie; Fatigue; Herpes, type C; Histoplasma; Influenza, 1983; Paradontose; Proteus; Staphylococcus, aureus; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Flour alb


Schunan B-cell; Streptococcus viridans; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Candida; Candida, tertiary; General prophylaxis; General program; Sinusitis (set #3); Tularemia


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Adenoids; Angina; Ankylosing spondylitis; Antiseptic effect, general; Apoplexy; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Canine parvovirus; Cryptococcus neoformans; Epstein Barr Virus; Fatigue; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Infection, general; Influenza, 1983; Leprosy, secondary infection; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Mental disorders; Mumps tertiary; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Polio, secondary complications; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Schunan B-cell; Stroke, follow up; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Trigeminal neuralgia


Measles, rubella vaccine; Pyrogenium


Chlamydia trachomatis; Felis; Influencinum, Berlin '55; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary


Acupuncture disturbance field; Measles, rubella


Bacillus subtilis; Back pain; Cholecystitis, chronic; Conjunctivitis; Coughing; Diphtheria; Immune system stimulation; Influenza virus, swine; Kieferosteitis; Lyme disease; Lyme disease, tertiary; Rhodococcus; Sinusitis (set #3); Subtilis - B; Yellow fever ; Euglena; Protozoa; Bacillinum; Bacillus subtilis; Pullularia pullulans


Adenoma,cervical; Adnexitis; Cancer, adenoma (cervical); Canine parvovirus; Cervix adenoma; Hepatitis "B"; Influencinum, vessica SW; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary; Streptococcus viridans; Tetragenus


Influenza, grippe Asian A; Proteus; Pyelitis, proteus; Toxoplasmosis


Coxsackie; Curva spic; Feli; Parasites, flukes, general; Refractory an




Pseudomonas pyocyanea; Scarlet Fever; Streptococcus mutant strain; Pyocyaneus


Cladosporium fulvum; Tuberculosis, avaire




Abdominal inflammation; Adenoids; Adnexitis; Appendicitis; Appendix; Cancer (general program additional); Cold & Flu (Program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Colitis; Colon problems, general; Coughing; Diabetes (program 1); Ear, general; Edema; Fever, sunstroke; General prophylaxis; General program; Glands, adenoid; Herpes, progenetalis; Ileocolitis, colon inflammation; Infection, general; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Intestinal problems, colon; Intestines, large; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney tonic, general; Large intestine tonic; Larynx; Leprosy, secondary infection; Lymph glands; Lymph stasis, secondary; Motion sickness; Nerve disorders; Nose; Numbness; Otitis media; Ovaries; Pancreas; Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, hookworm; Pharyngitis; Ringworm; Sinusitis (set #1); Sunstroke; Swelling; Testes; Tonsils, general; Tuberculosis, avaire; Vitiligo; Music, A


Adnexitis; Ganuloma dent; Thermi bacteria


Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Candida, tertiary; Distemper; Influenza virus, "A" 1974; Lupus, general; Measles; Parasites, ascaris; Parasites, general (set #1); Ringworm; Medorrhinum; Prostate adenominum


Measles; Streptococcus hemolytic


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Adenoids; Anal itch; Aneurism; Anosmia; Antiseptic effect, general; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Asthma; Ataxia; Cancer, breast (program 2); Catarrh; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Coughing; Cryptococcus neoformans; Diabetes (program 2); Edema; Fatigue; Gallstones; H#4; Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Infection, general; Intercostal neuralgia; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney stones; Larynx; Leprosy, secondary infection; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Lymph stasis, secondary; Meningitis, tertiary; Motion sickness; Oral lesions; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #3); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pleurisy; Polyp, general; Prostatitus (set #1); Pyorrhea; Sunstroke; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Swelling; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Urethritis; Vitiligo; Carbo animalis


Streptococcus viridans


Meningioma; Mycogone spp


Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis, general; Influenza, grippe VA-2L; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary


Retrovirus variants


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Adrenal stimulant; Antiseptic effect, general; Appendicitis; Candida; Cholera, secondary; HIV; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Leprosy, secondary infection; Lung, infection; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Stomach disorders


Bronchitis; Chest infection, secondary; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Tonsillitis; Werlhof


Cholesteatoma; Echinococcinum; Myoma; Parasites, tapeworms; Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Stye; Echinococcinum


Trichophyton tonsuraus




Pyorrhea; Sinusitis (set #3); Sinusitis, maxillars


Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Penicillium rubrum; Streptococcus viridans


Hepatitis, general secondary; Tetanus


Measles, rubella; Measles, rubella vaccine


Herpes, type C; Penicillium rubrum


Echo Virus; Stemphylium


Cancer, bronchial; Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Coxsackie B5; Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Influenza virus, Spanish; Penicillium rubrum


Cancer, glioblastoma tremor; Tremers, due to brain tumor


Athletes Foot; Bronchitis; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Candida; Fatigue; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Fungus, mold, general; General demo; General prophylaxis; Herpes, general; Herpes, zoster secondary; Influenza; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Mold and fungus, general; Moles; Motion sickness; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Pancreas; Sinusitis (set #1); Swimmer's ear; Vaginosis


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Actinomyces Israelii; Actinomycosis; Adrenal stimulant; Aids (program 2); Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina; Anosmia; Antiseptic effect, general; Appetite, lack of; Athletes Foot; Backache with spasms; Back pain; Bacterial infection; Bed wetting; Bedsores; Biliousness; Bladder and prostate complaints; Burns; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Candida; Candida carcinomas; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Cold & Flu (Program 6, fall '98); Cystitis, chronic; Dental; Dental foci; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes (program 2); Diabetes, secondary; Diarrhea; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Edema; Epidermophyton floccinum; Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Eustachian tube, inflammation; Fibroma; Flatulence; Foot blisters; Fungus, general; Fungus, infection; Furunkulosis; Gingivitis; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Impotence; Infection, general; Infertility; Influenza, autumn 1998; Influenza, 1997-1998; Irritable bowel syndrome; Larynx; Leprosy, secondary infection; Leukoplakia; Lymph glands, stimulate; Lymph glands, swollen in neck; Lymph stasis, secondary; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Menstrual problems; Motion sickness; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Oral lesions; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, general clean up; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Recovery; Retrovirus variants; Rhinitis; Serum schweinepest; Sexual dysfunction; Sneezing; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stomatitis; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Streptococcus viridans; Streptothrix; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Tetanus; Thrush; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Tuberculosis, secondary complications; Urethritis; Yeast, general


Cancer, glioblastoma tremor; Condylomata; Papilloma, virus; Tremers, due to brain tumor; Warts, condyloma; Warts, general; Warts, papilloma


Measles; Measles, rubeola; Morbillinum


Herpes, simplex I (set #1)


Influenza virus, "B"; Rocky Mountain spotted fever




Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental secondary; Herpes, simplex I (set #5); Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Multiple sclerosis, termor or twitch; Tremers, due to MS


Listeriose; Smallpox, secondary


Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental


Influenza, grippe VA-2; Sinusitis (set #2)


Mucor racemosis, secondary; Ragweed


Aflatoxin; Mucor racemosis; Marsh elder


Cancer, plasmacytoma; Plasmacytoma


Aflatoxin; Cryptococcus neoformans; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Smallpox; Vaccininum


Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis, general secondary; Hepatitis "B"


Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic; Cryptococcus neoformans; Cystic fibrosis; Stomatitis aphthous (set #1)


Cancer, carcinoma, liver


Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Magnesium


Aids, secondary; Cephaloshorium; Cholecystitis; Cholecystitis, acute; Gallstones; Lupus, SLE secondary


Cancer, lymphosarcoma; Cryptosporidium; Folliculitis, hot tub; Otitis externa; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Swimmer's ear


Influenza haemophilus, type B


ALS; Diabetes (program 1); Lyme disease (alternative #1); Lyme disease, tertiary




Coxsackie B3; Hepatitis "A"; Rhino pneumonitis; Stomatitis aphthous (set #1); Influenzum, Bach poly


Actinomyces Israelii; Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Coxsackie B6; Mucor mucedo; Mycogone fungoids; Parvovirus, new strain; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary; Streptothrix


Conjunctivitis; Papilloma, virus


Mycogone fungoides, secondary


Malassezia furfur; Mycogone fungoides, secondary


Lyme disease (alternative #1); Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Warts, general; Warts, verruca; Music, B


Cataract, complicated; Eye, disorders; Influenza, grippe VA-2; Mycogone fungoides, secondary




Stomatitis aphthous (set #1); Pyrogenium


Abscesses; Anthrax; Bubonic plague; Diabetes, tertiary; General program, comprehensive; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Influenza, grippe; Leprosy, secondary infection


Pseudomonas mallei


Flour alb


Serum schweinepest


Measles, rubella vaccine


Smallpox, secondary


Meningitis, secondary


Aflatoxin; Bronchiectasis; Cladosporium fulvum; Measles, rubella




Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, grippe; Mold, mix C; Polyarthritis; Bacterium lactis nosode


Influenza, 1979


Biliary cirrhosis; Canine parvovirus, mutant strain; Cirrhosis, biliary; Coughing; Echo Virus; Parvovirus, canine mutant strain


Influenza, grippe Asian A; Kieferosteitis; Kineseology; Mumps; Mumps secondary


Measles, rubella; Meningitis; Struma nodosa; Meningococcinum




Gaetner; Influencinum, vessica NW


Bacillus thuriniensis; Cancer, carcinoma, liver; Headaches, general; Measles; Measles, rubeola; Morbillinum




Adnexitis; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Asthma; Autointoxication; Cerebral Palsy; Cold & Flu (Program 2); Coughing; Cryptococcus neoformans; Edema; Hangover; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to toxicity; Hives (urticaria); Hyperosmia; Influenza, 1979; Influenza, 1993; Lymph stasis, secondary; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Muscular dystrophy; Oral lesions; Otitis media; Parasites, tapeworms; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Postsurgery detoxification of anaesthesia; Prostatitus (set #1); Pyorrhea; Rhinitis; Stroke, follow up; Sunstroke; Surgery, detoxification of anaesthesia; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Swelling; Torulopsosis; Toxins, elimination; Tuberculinum; Urticaria; Yeast, general


Adenovirus; Cancer (general program 4); Cystic fibrosis; Mold; Parasites, tapeworms; Q fever; Tuberculosis, bovine


Aspergellis glaucus; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, carcinoma, larynx; Coughing; Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, general short set; Parasites, general (set #1); Sinusitis (set #1)


Coughing; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Lyme disease; Lyme disease, secondary; Parasites, leishmania donovan


Pertussis; Bacterium lactis nosode


Backache with spasms; Blood pressure, high; DNA repair (experimental); Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Music, C (middle)


Coughing; Influenza virus, "B"


Struma cystica


Herpes, type 2A; Hormodendrum; Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Influenza virus, "B"; Mycogone fungoids; Mycosis fungoides; Struma nodosa; Tuberculosis, avaire; Amoeba


Botulinum; Corallinus; Herpes, type C; Lyme disease


Coxsackie B2; Hepatitis, general secondary; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Lyme disease


Canine parvovirus, type B; Ear, general; Influenza virus, 1992-1993; Meningioma; Parasites, heartworms; Parvovirus, canine type B; Streptococcus hemolytic


Influenza, grippe 1988; Influenza, grippe 1989; Influenza virus, "B"; Reproductive; Rhesus gravidatum


Influenza virus, "B"; Meningioma


Bacterium coli 


Coxsackie B4; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Causticum


Influenza, grippe; Influenza, grippe 1990; Parasites, trichinosis; Trichinosis


Cold & Flu (Program 2); Ear, general; Echinococcinum; Influenza haemophilus; Nasal polyp; Parasites, tapeworms; Polyp, nasal; Smallpox; Streptococcus hemolytic; Vaginosis; Echinococcinum; Variolinum


Brain tumor, gliomas; Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, gliomas; Candida, secondary; Cyclospora; Cyst, solitary; Geotrichum candidum; Parasites, heartworms; Parasites, roundworms, general; Tumors, brain; Tobocco mosaic


Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat; Cephaloshorium; Geotrichum candidum


Salmonella, type B; Corn smut


Febris wolhynia; Feloris wolyhnica; Rabies; Wolhnia fever; Lyssinum


E-coli; Sinus Bacteria; Sinusitis (set #1)


Q fever; Rickettsia


Fistula Dentalis; Influenza, grippe V-3; Malaria; Mental disorders; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)


Coxsackie B6; Distemper; Mumps vaccine


Adrenal stimulant; Cancer, Hodgkin's disease; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Enterohepatitis; Influenza haemophilus; Measles


Influenza, grippe V-3


Herpes, type C; Tetanus; Medorrhinum


Fungus flora; Fungus, mold, general; Invluenza virus, "B" Hong Kong; Maleria (alternate #1); Mold and fungus, general; Penicillium notatum; Penicillium notatum, secondary


Cholera; E-coli, mutant strain; Herpes, simplex II; Penicillium notatum, secondary


Cystic fibrosis


Hepatitis "A"; Influenza virus, British; Penicillium notatum, secondary


Influenza, grippe 1990; Penicillium notatum, secondary


Schunan B-cell


Athletes Foot; Atmenic Aib.; Canine parvovirus; Herpes, simplex II; Parasites, tapeworms; Parvovirus, canine; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Arsenicum album


Green dye; Streptococcus virus


Acne; Acne vulgaris


Influenza, 1979; Mold


Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Ulcers, ventric


Actinomyces Israelii; Cold & Flu (Program 5); FIV; Ovarian cyst; Streptothrix


Aflatoxin; Influenza, grippe 1988; Influenza virus, "B"; Stomatitis


Coxsackie B5; Smallpox; Variolinum




Adnexitis; Leukoencephalitis; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Influenzum, Bach poly




Cephalothecium; Ganglionitis, acute posterior; Hepatitis "B"; Herpes, zoster secondary; Influenza, 1957 "A" Asian; Lymphangits




Struma parenchyme; Trichophytie, nagel secondary




Hepatitis "A"; Mucor plumbeus; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Cryptococcus neoformans


Influenza, 1993 secondary; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Influenza, grippe 1987; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Tonsillitis; Yeast, general


Ornithosis; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Methotrexate; Sporotrichum pruinosum; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Trichophytie, nagel




Coxsackie B1; Fungus flora; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Influencinum, vessica general; Influencinum, vessica NW; Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Lyme hatchlings/eggs


Diphtheria; Herpes, progenetalis; Influencinum, vessica NW


Cholera; Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Sanguis menst


Mold; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Trichophytie, nagel


Coelicia; Cryptococcus neoformans; Mold, mix A; Pyelitis, proteus; Music, D; Cimicifuga; Pyrogenium


Blastocystis hominus; Coxsackie; Rheuma; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Lymph plaque


CMV; Cryptococcus neoformans; Cytomegalovirus; Herpes, type 5; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Lung, sinus bacteria; Lyme disease, secondary; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Rhodo torula; Sporotrichum pruinosum


Adrenal stimulant; Ankylosing spondylitis; Apoplexy; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Dental foci; Epilepsy; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); General program, comprehensive; Gonorrhea; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Impotence; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infertility; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Leprosy; Leprosy, secondary infection; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Meningitis, tertiary; Moles; Moles (alternate); Motion sickness; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Orchitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreas; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Periodontal disease; Polyp, general; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Recovery; Schunan B-cell; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #2); Stroke, follow up; Syphilis; Tetanus; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Treponema pallidum; Urethritis; Vitiligo


Influenza, 1979




Hemobartinella felis; Hemophilia


Serum schweinepest


Amoeba hepar abcess; Lyme disease




Q fever


ALS; Infection, general tertiary; Influenza, 19'78; Lyme disease (alternative #1); Lyme disease, tertiary; Sinusitis (set #3); Trichonomas


Streptococcus virus


Influencinum, vessica general; Leptospirosis; Leukose; Mucor mucedo


Canine parvovirus; Canine parvovirus, type B; Cryptococcus neoformans; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Parvovirus, canine; Parvovirus, canine type B


Sinusitis (set #3)


Influenza, 1993; Lyme disease (alternative #2); Sinusitis (set #2)


Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Histoplasma; Malassezia furfur; Streptococcus pyrogenes


Cholesteatoma; Sinusitis (set #3)


Chlamydia trachomatis; Cholesterinum; Echo Virus; Lyme disease; Lyme disease (alternative #1); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Schunan B-cell


Shigella; Phoma destructiva


Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Canine parvovirus; General program, comprehensive; Influenza virus, "A" Port Chalmers; Parvovirus, canine; Pemniciosis; Perniosis; Reproductive; Pyrogenium


Echinococcinum; Elephantiasis; Mold; Mold, mix B; Parasites, tapeworms; Schunan B-cell; Zygomycosis; Echinococcinum


Chlamydia trachomatis; Cryptococcus neoformans; Diphtheria; Distemper; Motion sickness; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Pancreas; Parasites, tapeworms secondary; Dipptherinum


Ankylosing spondylitis; Apoplexy; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Echo Virus; Fusarium general; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Impotence; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infertility; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Leprosy, secondary infection; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lyme disease (alternative #2); Lyme disease, tertiary; Meningitis, tertiary; Moles; Moles (alternate); Motion sickness; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Orchitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, leishmania donovan; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Periodontal disease; Polyp, general; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Sexual diseases; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #2); Streptococcus mutant strain; Stroke, follow up; Syphilis; Tonsillitis; Treponema pallidum; Tuberculosis, bovine; Urethritis


Cancer (general program, maintenance); Listeriose; Moles; Penqueculum; Treponema pallidum


Hormodendrum; Influenza, 1989


Listeriose; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Tetanus


CMV; Penicillium notatum; Pepto streptococcus; Streptococcus pepto


Entamoeba histolytica


E-coli, mutant strain; Fungus flora; Influenza, triple nosode; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Q fever; Rickettsia


Anthrax; Epilepsy; Gliocladium; H#3; Hepatitis "C"; Leukose; Lupus, general; Lupus, vulgaris; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Anthracinum


E-coli, mutant strain; Fungus, Kathy's foot; Kidney papilloma; Listeriose; Papilloma, kidney; Sanguinera; Staphylococcus, general; Influenzum, Bach poly


Bacteroides fragilis; Cholesterinum; Clostridium difficile; Dental; Parasites, flukes, blood; Parasites, schistosoma haematobium; Tuberculosis, bovine






Botulinum; Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)


Dental; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Lyme hatchlings/eggs


Brain tumor, gliomas; Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, gliomas; Tumors, brain


Bacterium coli  ; Bladder TBC; E-coli; Mumps; Parasites, general (set #2); Vaginosis; Bacterium coli


Brucella melitensis; Salmonella; Salmonella, paratyphi B; Staphylococcus, coagulae positive; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Staphylococcus, infection (set #2); Wheat stem rust


ALS; Athletes Foot; Epidermophyton floccinum; General demo; Leukose; Lyme disease; Lyme disease, secondary; Parasites, general (set #2); Penicillium notatum, secondary; Staphylococcus, aureus; Verruca; Warts, general; Warts, verruca; Bermuda Smut


Cat virus; Ear, general; H#5; Influencinum, vessica SW; Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora


Crinis humansis; Dental foci; H#1; Toothache; Hair, human


Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; Coxsackie B5; Herpes, simplex I (set #5); Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Kaposis Sarcoma; Smallpox, secondary; Staphylococcus, aureus


Herpes, simplex I (set #5); Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Motion sickness; Pancreas


Bilirubin; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)


Ankylosing spondylitis; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Candida, tertiary; Dental foci; Epilepsy; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Hepatitis "C"; Impotence; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infertility; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Leprosy, secondary infection; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Meningitis, tertiary; Microsporum canis; Moles; Moles (alternate); Motion sickness; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Orchitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Periodontal disease; Polyp, general; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Recovery; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #2); Stroke, follow up; Syphilis; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Treponema pallidum; Trigeminal neuralgia; Urethritis; Vitiligo


Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, general short set; Parasites, flukes, intestinal; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Struma nodosa


Cold & Flu (Program 2); Ear, general; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Influenza, grippe V-2; Influenza haemophilus, type B; Vaginosis


Coxsackie B3; Influenza, grippe V-2; Leukose


Cat virus; Coxsackie B3; Mastitis


Herpes, simplex I (set #5)


African trypanosomuasis; Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma, colon; Cancer, colon; Coelicia; Influenza, grippe Asian A; Influenza, grippe 1990


Coxsackie B6; Felon; Herpes, simplex I (set #3)


Influencinum, vessica SW; Syphilis


Felon; Influenza, grippe Asian A; Moles; Rhizopus nigricans; Syphilis


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Adenoids; Angina; Anosmia; Antiseptic effect, general; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cystic fibrosis; Diabetes (program 1); Distemper; Epstein Barr Virus; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Fatigue; Furunkulosis; General program; Gonorrhea; Hepatitis, general; Herpes, progenetalis; Infection, general; Leprosy, secondary infection; Meningitis, tertiary; Moles; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Nerve disorders; Numbness; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, general (set #3); Pelvic disorders; Pneumonia; Pneumonia, mycoplasma; Rhizopus nigricans; Sexual diseases; Sinusitis (set #1); Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Syphilis; Treponema pallidum; Urethritis; Music, E


Cancer (general program, maintenance); Candida; Fibropendulum; Mannan


Herpes, simplex I (set #2); Mycogone fungoids; Mycosis fungoides; Parasites, tapeworms secondary


Cancer (general program additional); Epstein Barr Virus; Felon (alternate); Hormodendrum; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Influenza virus, swine; Leptospirosis; Pyodermia


Bilirubin; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, glioblastoma; Chemtrail detox; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Eczema, skin; Emotional release; Fatigue; Fibromyalgia; General prophylaxis; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #2); Herpes, zoster; Lupus, SLE secondary; Lyme disease; Parasites, flukes, general; Prostate, general problems; Psoriasis; Salmonella; Salmonella, typhi; Stomach disorders; Tuberculinum; Ulcers, general


Cancer (general program 2); Coelicia; Felon (alternate); Herpes, type 2A secondary; Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Parasites, general (set #3); Pemphigus


Adrenal stimulant; Breast, fibroid cysts; Cancer; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, prostate (program 2); Carpel tunnel, secondary; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold & Flu (Program 2); Dental foci; Fibroma; General program, comprehensive; Herpes, simplex I (set #2); Impotence; Incontinence; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infertility; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Leprosy, secondary infection; Leukoplakia; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pain relief; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, cancer; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Polyp, general; Prostate, enlarged; Prostate, general problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Recovery; Scarlet Fever; Sciaticor schias; Sexual dysfunction; Stomach disorders; Throat tickle, chronic; Toothache; Tuberculosis; Warts, general


Arenas tennus; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Epstein Barr Virus; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Mucocutan perniciosis


Coelicia; Coxsackie B6; Herpes, zoster; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Varicella


Coxsackie B6; Epstein Barr Virus


Distemper; Deer tick


Stomatitis; Fel tauri; Ox bile


Clostridium difficile; Lyme disease; Pyrogenium suis


Chemtrail detox


Caeliacia; Coelicia; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Mumps; Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)


Candida tropicalis; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Streptococcus hemolytic


Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, gastric, adenocarcinoma; Coxsackie; Gastritis and flatulence; General demo; General prophylaxis; Heliobacterio pylori, ulcer; Infection, general; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Meningitis, secondary; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, intestinal; Parasites, flukes, liver; Parasites, general (set #2); Stomach disorders; Ulcers, duodenal; Ulsers, gastric; Ulcers, general; Ulcers, heliobactereium pyloi; Ulcers, ventric; Meningococcinum


Biliary cirrhosis; Cirrhosis, biliary; Meningitis, secondary; Stomatitis; Meningococcinum


Hormodendrum; Lupus, SLE secondary; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Mycosis fungoides


Influenza virus, "B"


Chemtrail detox


Ankylosing spondylitis; General prophylaxis; Prophylaxis, general; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis


CMV; Influencinum, vessica general; Rhodococcus; Sinusitis (set #4); Sinusitis, frontalis


Aids (program 1); Aids (program 3); Botulinum; Bronchitis; Chest infection, secondary; Ear, general; HIV; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Pneumonia; Sinusitis (set #1); Streptococcus pneumoniae


Rhesus gravidatum; Pullularia pullulans


Chemtrail detox


Bacterial infection; Blood clots; Dental; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Thrombophlebitis


Eriterocoucinum; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Streptococcus enterococcinum; Tuberculosis, klebsiella; Enterococcinum


Chemtrail detox


Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Cervical polyp; Geotrichum candidum; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Pseudomonas mallei; Sporotrichum pruinosum; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary


Candida, tertiary; Fungus flora; General demo; Lyme disease; Nephritis; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary; Pneumonia; Pneumonia, mycoplasma; Flour alb; Prostate adenominum; Pyrogenium mayo


Influenza, 1994; Polyp, uterine; Uterine polyp


ALS; Bacterial infection; Breast, fibroid cysts; Cancer; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Eczema, skin (alternate #2); Fibroma; General program, comprehensive; Impotence; Incontinence; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infertility; Influenza, 1994 secondary; Legionella; Leprosy, secondary infection; Leukoplakia; Lyme disease (alternative #1); Lyme disease, tertiary; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, cancer; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, general (set #3); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Polyp, general; Prostate, enlarged; Prostate, general problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Scarlet Fever; Sciaticor schias; Sexual dysfunction; Stomach disorders; Throat tickle, chronic; Thyphoid fever; Tuberculosis; Typhoid fever; Warts, general; Werlhof


Chemtrail detox


Botulinum; Cholera; Streptococcus hemolytic




Follicular mange; Gaetner; Hepatitis "A"; Legionella; Mange, follicular; Parasites, folicular mange; Parkinson's disease; Salmonella typhimurium


Nocardia asteroides; Pemphigus; Pasteurella combination


Brucella melitensis; Gardinerella; Hormodendrum


Aspergellis niger; Influenza, 1994; Parasites, giardia; Pertussis; Tuberculosis, avaire


Cryptosporidium; Mastitis; Parasites, strongyloides secondary; Porphyria; Tuberculosis, avaire


Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Influenza, 1994; Lyme disease, secondary


Diabetic loading; Epilepsy; Geotrichum candidum; Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Leprosy, secondary infection; Malassezia furfur; Sporobolomyces; Syphilis; Trypanosoma gambiense


Follicular mange; Herpes, type C


H#6; Influenza, 1994 secondary; Lupus, general; Stomatitis


Influenza, 1989


Music, F


Coxsackie B2; Fusarium oxysporum; Neurospora sitophila


Yeast, cervical; Myocarditis nekrose


Eczema, skin; Salmonella, paratyphi B


Coxsackie B5


Candida tropicalis; Lipoma; Mycogone fungoides, secondary


Elephantiasis; Streptococcus hemolytic; Crocus sotillus


Cryptosporidium; Mumps vaccine; Ovarian cyst; Salmonella, paratyphi B; Smallpox, secondary; Trichodermia


Distemper; FIV; General demo; Gonorrhea; Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Measles; Parasites, general (set #2); Reproductive; Respiratory syncitial virus; Sinusitis (set #1); Streptococcus hemolytic; Typhoid fever


Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Malaria; Mucor racemosis, secondary


Aids (program 1); Aids (program 3); H#3; HIV; Listeriose; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Struma nodosa; Typhoid fever


Biliary cirrhosis; Influencinum, vessica NW; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Sporotrichum pruinosum


Herpes, type 2A secondary; Herpes, zoster; Varicella


Bilirubin; Hepatitis "A"; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Salmonella; Salmonella, paratyphi B


Herpes, type 2A secondary


Nocardia asteroides; Salmonella, paratyphi B


Cancer, glioblastoma; Cerumen; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Coughing; Felon (alternate); General program, EMEM main frequencies; Influencinum, Berlin '55; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Meningococcus virus; Meningitis; Otitis media; Q fever; Rhodococcus; Rickettsia; Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis, avaire


Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, strongyloides


Bacillus subtilis; Conjunctivitis; Echo Virus; Felon (alternate); Influenza virus, "B"; Parasites, strongyloides secondary; Subtilis - B; Bacillus subtilis


Coxsackie B1; Legionella; Household insect mix; Legionella


Bites, brown recluse; Bladder TBC; Legionella; Listeriose; Ostitis; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Trypanosoma gambiense


BC G Vaccine; Cold & Flu (Program 2); H#1; H#2; Measles, rubeola vaccine; Trichophytie, general; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Bilirubin; Bladder TBC; Fungus, infection; Morgan; Q fever; Rickettsia; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses; Acidosis; Acne; Actinomyces Israelii; Actinomycosis; Adenoids; Adhesions; Aids (program 1); Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Alcoholism; Allergy; Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina; Angina pectoris; Ankylosing spondylitis; Antiseptic effect, general; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Aranthae; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Asthma; Asthma, alternate; Ataxia; Athletes Foot; Autointoxication; Bacillus infections; Backache; Backache with spasms; Back pain; Bacterial infection; Bed wetting; Bedsores; Biliousness; Bites, insect; Bladder; Bladder and prostate complaints; Blood; Blood cleanser, cancer; Blood cleanser, plasma; Blood diseases; Blood poisoning; Blood pressure, high; Blood pressure, hypertension; Blood pressure, low; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Breast, fibroid cysts; Bronchial; Bronchitis; Bruises; Bubonic plague , secondary infections; Bunion pain; Burns; Butterfly Lupus; Cancer; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancrum oris; Candida; Candida, secondary; Cataract, non-diabetic; Catarrh; Cerebral Palsy; Cerebrospinal trouble; Cervicitis; Chankeroid Ulcers; Chemical sensitivity; Chicken Pox; Chicken Pox, secondary; Cholera, secondary; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Colic; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Contractions (arrests, discharges); Convulsions; Corns (in feet); Coryza; Costalgia; Cramping and nausea; Cramps; Crohn's disease; Cuts; Cystic fibrosis; Cystitis, chronic; Dandruff, scales; Deafness; Dental foci; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes, secondary; Diabetes, associated infection; Diabetic toe ulcer; Diarrhea; Digestion; Diphtheria; Disc, herniated; Dropsy; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Ear, ache; Eczema, skin; Eczema, vascular and lung; Edema; Emphysema; Enuresis; Epididymitis; Epilepsy; Epilepsy, fits; Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Esophagus, constriction; Eustachian tube, inflammation; Eye, disorders; Eye, droop of lid; Eye, glaucoma; Facial paralysis; Fever; Fibroma; Fissures; Fistula Dentalis; Fistula ulcer; Flatulence; Foot blisters; Fractures, bones; Frostbite; Frozen shoulder; Fungus, general; Fungus, infection; Fungus, streptothrix; Furunkulosis; Furunkulosis herpes; Gallbladder; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gangrene, general; Gastritis and flatulence; General program; General program, comprehensive; Glands, enlarged; Goiter; Gout, swelling; Gravel deposits in urine; Graves disease I; Hair loss; Halitosis; Hallucinations; Hay fever; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to parasites; Headaches, due to toxicity; Headaches, general; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Hernia; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, water blisters; Hip pain; Hives (urticaria); Hoarseness; Hot flashes (complications); Hydrocele; Hyperia; Hypertension; Hypotension; Hypoxia; Impotence; Infantile paralysis (polio); Infection, general; Infertility; Inflammation, breast; Influenza; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #1); Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Influenza, 1994 secondary; Influenza, 1997-1998; Insomnia; Intercostal neuralgia; Intestinal problems, colon; Intestines, inflammation; Intestines, large; Irritable bowel syndrome; Itching, pruritis; Itching, toes, feet, & anus; Kidney stones; Knee, joint pain; Knee, pain; Larynx; Lassitude; Leprosy, secondary infection; Leukocytogenesis, stimulates; Leukoplakia; Liver, enlargement; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Lupus, vulgaris; Lymph glands; Lymph stasis, secondary; Malabsorption syndrome; Measles; Measles, rubella secondary; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Menstrual problems; Multiple sclerosis; Mumps tertiary; Muscular dystrophy; Nausea; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Orchitis, secondary; Osteomyelitis; Otitis externa; Ovarian disorders,  general; Ovaries; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, cancer; Pain relief, infection; Pancreas; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #3); Paraistes, ringworm; Pelvic disorders; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Periodontal disease; Peritonitis; Pertussis, secondary; Phagocyross, stimulates; Pharyngitis; Placenta (to expel/afterbirth); Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Polio, secondary complications; Polyp, general; Prophylaxis, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Pyorrhea; Radiation burns; Raynauds disease; Recovery; Retrovirus variants; Rhinitis; Scarlet Fever; Sciaticor schias; Sciatica; Sexual diseases; Sexual dysfunction; Shell shock; Skin trouble, thrombosis; Slipped disc; Smallpox, secondary; Sneezing; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Staphylococcus, aureus; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Staphylococcus, infection (set #2); Stiff shoulder; Stomach disorders; Streptococcus infection, general; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Streptococcus virus; Streptothrix; Stroke, follow up; Stye; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Swelling; Tetanus, secondary complications; Throat tickle, chronic; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Tuberculosis; Ulcers, duodenal; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Urticaria; Vitiligo; Warts, general; Wound healing; Pyrogenium mayo


Antiseptic effect, general; Back pain; Bacterial infection; Bites, black widow; Blood pressure, high; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, multiple myeloma; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cataract; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 4); Cold Sores; Conjunctivitis; Epicondylitis (tennis elbow); Epstein Barr Virus; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Fungus, mold, general; Gallstones; General demo; General prophylaxis; Gingivitis; Heliobacterio pylori; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Herpes, zoster secondary; Infection, general; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #1); Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Influenza, grippe; Influenza, grippe VA-2; Influenza virus, general; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Lumbago; Measles; Measles, rubella; Mold and fungus, general; Moles; Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Mumps; Muscles; Muscles, tonic; Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, general clean up; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary; Peritonitis; Pertussis; Prostate, general problems; Psoriasis; Scarlet Fever; Sinusitis (set #1); Smallpox; Staphylococcus, general; Stiff muscles; Stomach disorders; Streptococcus hemolytic; Swimmer's ear; Tinnitus; Vaginosis


Influenza, 1994 secondary; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Mumps secondary; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Tuberculosis, klebsiella


Influenza, 1983; Influenza, grippe 1987; Mumps vaccine


Eczema, skin (alternate #2)


Bilirubin; Cancer, carcinoma, larynx; DNA repair (experimental); Herpes, type 2A secondary; Influenza haemophilus, type B; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Tuberculinum; Tuberculosis, avaire


Campylobacter; Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, breast (program 1); DNA repair (experimental); General demo; H#1; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Infection, general tertiary; Lyme disease; Mold, mix A&C; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, general (short set); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, strongyloides; Ringworm; Sinusitis (set #1); Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Amoeba


Campylobacter; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Influencinum, Berlin '55; Meningitis; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Yellow fever ; Zygomycosis


Bilirubin; Cancer, carcinoma, liver; Epicoccum; Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Influenza, 1983; Influenza haemophilus; Measles, rubella; Yellow fever


Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Mucor mucedo; Streptococcus pyrogenes


Coxsackie B6; Ostitis


Geotrichum candidum; Tuberculinum; Deer tick


Dematium nigrum; Epstein Barr Virus; Felon; Herpes, zoster; Parasites, strongyloides secondary; Staphylococcus, aureus; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Varicella; Deer tick


Influenza, 1993 secondary; Pullularia pullulans


General program, comprehensive; Hepatitis, general; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Influenza virus, "B"; Parasites, general (set #3); Tuberculosis


Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat; Influenza, 1993 secondary; Mumps secondary; Sinusitis (set #4); Sinusitis, maxillars; Tuberculosis, avaire


Candida; Feli; FIV; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Pneumocystis carnii; Polio


Aspergellis terreus; Bronchitis; Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat; Cholecystitis; Cholecystitis, acute; Fungus, mold, general; Gallstones; Malaria; Mold and fungus, general; Ostitis; Pseudomonas mallei


Cervical polyp; Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Staphylococcus, aureus


Herpes, type C; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Measles; Mold; Staphylococcus, aureus; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary


Cold & Flu (Program 2); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Fusarium general; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Influenza haemophilus, type B; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Penqueculum; Pneumoniae, klebsiella


H#6; Measles, rubeola vaccine


Brucella melitensis; Influenza, 1989; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Tuberculinum; Tuberculosis, avaire; Tuberculosis, bovine; Tuberculosis, klebsiella; Mycogone spp; Prostate adenominum


Histoplasma; Parasites, strongyloides


Cerumen; Ear, wax; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Ulcers, duodenal; Pullularia pullulans


Basidiomycetes; Candida, tertiary; Cold & Flu (Program 2); Cyclospora; Felon; Haemophilia tonic; Infection, general tertiary; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Parasites, ascaris; Parasites, general (set #1)


Hepatitis "B"; Influenza, grippe 1988; Ovum; Parasites, strongyloides secondary; Salmonella, paratyphi B; Trichophyton rubrum


Parasites, filariose; Sporobolomyces; Protozoa


Knee, pain; Salmonella typhimurium; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary


Canine parvovirus, type B; Parvovirus, canine type B; Penqueculum; Sporotrichum pruinosum


Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Knee, pain; Mucocutan perniciosis; Struma cystica; Urea-plasma


Fungus flora; Influenza virus, 1993-1994; Measles; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Tuberculosis, bovine; Flour alb


Aspergellis glaucus; Influenza virus, 1991-1992; Lyme disease


Mumps secondary; Pyrogenium mayo


Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Adhesions; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Aneurism; Antiseptic effect, general; Backache; Backache with spasms; Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin; Distemper; FIV; General prophylaxis; Hoarseness; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Influenza, 1993 secondary; Kidney papilloma; Leprosy, secondary infection; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Muscles, relax; Papilloma, kidney; Trauma; Trigeminal neuralgia; Ulcers, ventricular


Canine parvovirus, type B; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Mumps secondary; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Tuberculinum; Myocarditis narbe


Moles (alternate)


Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Kidney papilloma; Myositis; Papilloma, kidney; Salmonella typhimurium; Shigella


Measles; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, liver


Canine parvovirus, type B; Emotional release; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Meningitis; Mycogone fungoids; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary; Rhodococcus; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary; Influenzum, Bach poly; Nigrospora spp


Candida; Echo Virus; Influenza, 1993 secondary; Laryngeal polyp; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary; Pertussis; Pneumoniae, klebsiella; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Trichophyton tonsuraus


Athletes Foot; Bronchitis, secondary; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Canine parvovirus, type B; Cold, head or chest; Epicondylitis (tennis elbow); Epidermophyton floccinum; Fibropendulum; Fungus, mold, general; Infection, general; Mold and fungus, general; Mucor mucedo; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Penicillium rubrum; Pneumonia; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Pneumoniae, klebsiella; Sore throat; Throat tickle, chronic; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Prostate adenominum


Gaetner; Hepatitis "B"; Kidney papilloma; Papilloma, kidney; Papilloma, virus; Verruca; Warts, general; Warts, verruca; Bermuda Smut; Psorinum


Adenovirus; Anthrax; BC G Vaccine; Canine parvovirus, type B; Cold & Flu (Program 2); Fusarium general; Hepatitis, general secondary; Icterus, haemolytic; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Influenza, 1957 "A" Asian; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Influenzum, Bach poly


Coxsackie; Shigella; Ulcers, ventricular; Amoeba


Arthritis, secondary; Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Cramps; Eczema, skin (alternate #1); Furunkulosis; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Osteitis; Osteoarthritis; Ostitis; Parasites, general (set #3); Shigella; Tuberculosis, avaire; Typhoid fever; Pyrogenium mayo


Bladder TBC; Lupus, general secondary; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Yeast, cervical; Influenzum, Bach poly


Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Measles, rubella; Parasites, roundworms, general; Pennyroyal


Actinobacillus; Anal itch; FIV; Influenza, 1993 secondary; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Parasites, enterobiasis; Salmonella, typhi; Actinobacillus; Deer tick


Biliary cirrhosis; Cataract, complicated; Convoforce; Coraforce; Coxsackie B5; Follicular mange; Hemorrhoids; Listeriose; Mold, mix B; Pseudomonas mallei


Acupuncture disturbance field; Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Pneumonia; Rheuma; Rhizopus nigricans; Bakers' yeast


Abdominal inflammation; Acidosis; Actinobacillus; Adenoids; Adhesions; Angina; Angina pectoris; Ankylosing spondylitis; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Ataxia; Backache with spasms; Biliary cirrhosis; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Breast, fibroid cysts; Bronchial; Bronchitis; Bronchitis, secondary; Butterfly Lupus; Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Chankeroid Ulcers; Circulatory stasis; Cladosporium fulvum; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Constipation; Cystic fibrosis; Dental foci; Diabetic toe ulcer; Diphtheria; E-coli, mutant strain; Epicondylitis (tennis elbow); Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Eustachian tube, inflammation; General program, comprehensive; Gingivitis; H#3; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Infantile paralysis (polio); Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Influenza, 1994 secondary; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Influenza virus, "A"; Intercostal neuralgia; Intestines, large; Leprosy, secondary infection; Leukoencephalitis; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lung, infection; Lupus, vulgaris; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pain relief, infection; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, strongyloides secondary; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Periodontal disease; Pertussis, secondary; Pharyngitis; Phlebitis; Pleurisy; Pneumoniae, klebsiella; Polio; Prostate, general problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Pyelitis, proteus; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Rheumatism; Sore throat; Stiff muscles; Stiff muscles, secondary; Stiff shoulder; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Throat tickle, chronic; Thrombophlebitis; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Tuberculosis, secondary complications; Ulcers, general; Urethritis


Hepatitis, general secondary; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Pneumonia, mycoplasma; Streptococcus viridans; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Acne; Actinobacillus; Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Bronchiectasis; Cancer (general program additional); Comedones (blackhead); Cystic fibrosis; Entamoeba histolytica; Epicoccum; Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Haemophilia tonic; Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Influenza, 1993; Lymphangits; Morgan; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Rhodo torula; Streptococcus viridans; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Hepatitis "B"; Influenza, 1994 secondary; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Pneumoniae, klebsiella; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Yellow fever


Chemtrail detox


African trypanosomuasis; Cholesterinum; Fusarium oxysporum; General prophylaxis; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Parasites, general (set #3); Porphyria; Schunan B-cell; Bermuda Smut


Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Influenza, grippe 1988; Parasites, leishmania donovan; Schunan B-cell


Gardinerella; Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; L-lysine, stimulates; Meniere's disease; Tobocco mosaic


Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Measles, rubeola vaccine; Pneumoniae, klebsiella


Chemtrail detox


Backache with spasms; Bacterial infection; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Candida; Cataract; Epidermophyton floccinum; Fungus, general; Fungus, mold, general; General prophylaxis; General program, comprehensive; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Lupus, SLE secondary; Measles, rubella; Measles, rubeola; Mold and fungus, general; Moles; Morgan; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Otitis media; Parasites, general clean up; Pharyngitis; Psoriasis; Sinusitis (set #1); Stomach disorders; Streptococcus infection, general; Streptothrix; Swimmer's ear; Tinnitus; Tuberculosis; Ulcers, general; Vaginosis


Cryptococcus neoformans; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #2); Mucor plumbeus; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Streptothrix; Bacillinum


Adenovirus; Cancer (general program 3); Cat virus; Diabetic toe ulcer; Diarrhea; General demo; Hepatitis "A"; Herpes, simplex I (set #2); Infection, general; Otitis media; Psoriasis; Staphylococcus, aureus; Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Streptococcus hemolytic; Psorinum


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses; Acidosis; Acne; Actinomyces Israelii; Actinomycosis; Adenoids; Adhesions; Aids (program 1); Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Alcoholism; Allergy; Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina; Angina pectoris; Ankylosing spondylitis; Antiseptic effect, general; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Aranthae; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Asthma; Asthma, alternate; Ataxia; Athletes Foot; Autointoxication; Bacillus infections; Backache; Backache with spasms; Bacterial infection; Bed wetting; Bedsores; Biliousness; Bites, insect; Bladder; Bladder and prostate complaints; Blood; Blood cleanser, cancer; Blood cleanser, plasma; Blood diseases; Blood poisoning; Blood pressure, high; Blood pressure, hypertension; Blood pressure, low; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Breast, fibroid cysts; Bronchitis; Bruises; Bubonic plague , secondary infections; Bunion pain; Burns; Butterfly Lupus; Cancer; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancrum oris; Candida; Candida, secondary; Cataract; Cataract, non-diabetic; Catarrh; Cerebral Palsy; Cerebrospinal trouble; Cervicitis; Chankeroid Ulcers; Chicken Pox; Chicken Pox, secondary; Cholera, secondary; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Circulatory stasis; Coelicia; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Colic; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Contractions (arrests, discharges); Convulsions; Corns (in feet); Coryza; Costalgia; Cramping and nausea; Cramps; Cuts; Cystic fibrosis; Cystitis, chronic; Dandruff, scales; Deafness; Dental foci; Depression, due to outside circumstances; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes (program 2); Diabetic toe ulcer; Digestion; Diphtheria; Disc, herniated; Dropsy; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Ear, ache; Eczema, skin; Eczema, skin (alternate #2); Eczema, vascular and lung; Edema; Emphysema; Enuresis; Epididymitis; Epilepsy; Epilepsy, fits; Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Esophagus, constriction; Eustachian tube, inflammation; Eye, disorders; Eye, droop of lid; Eye, glaucoma; Facial paralysis; Fever; Fissures; Fistula ulcer; Flatulence; Foot blisters; Fractures, bones; Frostbite; Frozen shoulder; Fungus, general; Furunkulosis; Furunkulosis herpes; Gallbladder; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gangrene, general; Gastritis and flatulence; General program; General program, comprehensive; Gingivitis; Glands, enlarged; Goiter; Gout, swelling; Gravel deposits in urine; Graves disease I; Halitosis; Hallucinations; Hay fever; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to toxicity; Headaches, general; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis, general; Hernia; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, water blisters; Herpes, zoster; Hip pain; Hives (urticaria); Hot flashes (complications); Hydrocele; Hyperia; Hypertension; Hypotension; Hypoxia; Impotence; Infantile paralysis (polio); Infection, general; Infertility; Inflammation, breast; Influencinum, Berlin '55; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Influenza, 1997-1998; Influenza, grippe; Influenza virus, Spanish; Insomnia; Intercostal neuralgia; Intestinal problems, colon; Intestines, inflammation; Intestines, large; Irritable bowel syndrome; Itching, pruritis; Itching, toes, feet, & anus; Kidney stones; Knee, joint pain; Knee, pain; Larynx; Lassitude; Leprosy, secondary infection; Liver, enlargement; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Lupus, vulgaris; Lymph glands; Lymph stasis, secondary; Malabsorption syndrome; Malaria; Maleria (alternate #2); Measles; Measles, rubella; Measles, rubella secondary; Measles, rubeola; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Menstrual problems; Morgan; Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Mumps; Mumps tertiary; Muscular dystrophy; Nausea; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Orchitis, secondary; Osteomyelitis; Otitis externa; Ovarian disorders,  general; Ovaries; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, infection; Pancreas; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, leishmania braziliensis; Paraistes, ringworm; Pelvic disorders; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Periodontal disease; Peritonitis; Pertussis; Pertussis, secondary; Phagocyross, stimulates; Pharyngitis; Placenta (to expel/afterbirth); Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Polio, secondary complications; Prophylaxis, general; Prostate, enlarged; Prostate, hyperplasia; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Pyorrhea; Radiation burns; Recovery; Retrovirus variants; Rhinitis; Scarlet Fever; Sciaticor schias; Sciatica; Sexual dysfunction; Shell shock; Skin trouble, thrombosis; Slipped disc; Smallpox; Smallpox, secondary; Sneezing; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged; Stiff muscles, secondary; Stomach disorders; Stomatitis; Streptococcus infection, general; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Streptothrix; Stroke, follow up; Stye; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Swelling; Tetanus, secondary complications; Throat tickle, chronic; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Urticaria; Verruca; Vitiligo; Warts, verruca; Wound healing; Yeast, general


Diphtheria; Echo Virus; Hepatitis, general secondary; Influenza, 1979; Morgan; Rocky Mountain spotted fever; Stomatitis aphthous (set #1); Yeast, cervical; Monotospora languinosa


Myocarditis nekrose


ALS; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Hepatitis, general; Herpes, general; Lyme disease; Lyme disease (alternative #1); Lyme disease, tertiary


Intestines, inflammation; Parasites, leishmania tropica; Peritonitis


Cryptococcus neoformans; Music, G above C


Cholesteatoma; Helminthosporium; Parasites, helminthsporium; Rabies; Lyssinum


Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Fusarium oxysporum


Measles, rubella


Lyme disease; Parasites, ascaris; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Verruca


Influenza, 1994; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Bacterium lactis nosode


E-coli; Parasites, heartworms; Tuberculosis, rod form


Alopecia; Appetite, lack of; Arthritis; Autointoxication; Bacillus Coli Rod Form; Bacillus infections; Bacterial infection; Bladder; Blood cleanser, plasma; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancrum oris; Cataract; Catarrh; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 4); Cold Sores; Colic; Colitis; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Cystitis, chronic; Deafness; Depression, anxiety/trembling/weakness; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes, associated infection; Endometriosis, chronic; Eustachian tube, inflammation; Falling hair; Fever; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Gallbladder, pain; Gallstones; General demo; General program; General program, comprehensive; Hair loss; Hemorrage; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis, general; Herpes, zoster; Herpes, zoster secondary; Ileocolitis, colon inflammation; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Influenza virus, general; Intestinal problems, general; Kidney tonic, general; Knee; Knee, pain; Laxative, mild; Lumbago; Lupus, general; Lupus, vulgaris; Lyme disease; Malabsorption syndrome; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, general (set #3); Peritonitis; Pharyngitis; Psoriasis; Retrovirus variants; Ringworm; Sexual diseases; Skin hemorrhages; Spondylitis; Throat tickle, chronic; Thrombosis; Toxins, elimination; Tuberculosis, viral; Ulcers, general; Vaginosis


Chemtrail detox


Cholecystitis, chronic; Flatulence; Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acidosis; Acne; Adenoids; Adhesions; Amenorrhea; Ankylosing spondylitis; Antiseptic effect, general; Apoplexy; Arthritis; Athletes Foot; Bacillus infections; Backache; Bed wetting; Biliousness; Bladder and prostate complaints; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Breast, fibroid cysts; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancrum oris; Candida, secondary; Catarrh; Chicken Pox; Cholera, secondary; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Colic; Colitis; Colon problems, general; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Cystic fibrosis; Cystitis, chronic; Deafness; Dental foci; Diabetes, secondary; Diarrhea; Dysentery; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); E-coli; Eczema, skin; Eczema, skin (alternate #2); Epilepsy; Eustachian tube, inflammation; Fibroma; Food poisoning; Frozen shoulder; Fungus, general; Furunkulosis; Furunkulosis herpes; Gastritis and flatulence; General prophylaxis; Gingivitis; Heartburn, chronic; Hemorrage; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, zoster; Herpes, zoster secondary; Ileocolitis, colon inflammation; Impotence; Infection, general; Infertility; Insomnia; Intercostal neuralgia; Intestinal problems, general; Irritable bowel syndrome; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Laxative, mild; Leprosy, secondary infection; Liver, support; Lupus, general; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Menstrual problems; Mental disorders; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Nerve disorders; Neuralgia, intercostal; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Otitis media; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, infection; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, general (set #2); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Pertussis, secondary; Pharyngitis; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Polio, secondary complications; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Pyorrhea; Rhinitis; Sciaticor schias; Sexual dysfunction; Shigella; Sinusitis (set #1); Smallpox; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stiff muscles, secondary; Stomach disorders; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis, rod form; Typhoid fever; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Warning: kills good bacteria do not use on healthy colon


Diabetes (program 1); Parasites, tapeworms; Tuberculosis, rod form


E-coli; Herpes, simplex I (set #2); Tuberculosis, rod form


Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Oat smut


Herpes, simplex I (set #2)


Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Herpes, simplex IU.2; Trichophytie, general; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Parasites, giardia; Trichophytie, general; Trichophytie, nagel


Parkinson's disease


Coxsackie B6; Influenza, 19'78


Phoma destructiva


Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Herpes, simplex I (set #2); Pneumoniae, klebsiella


Rheumaticus; Rhino pneumonitis; Sinusitis (set #2)


Actinobacillus; Bacillus subtilis; Cancer, leukemia, myeloid; Cancer, leukemia, T-cell; Conjunctivitis; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Meningitis; Parasites, trichinosis; Pemniciosis; Perniosis; Subluxation induced disorders; Trichinosis; Bacillus subtilis


Tularemia; Influenzum, Bach poly


Elephantiasis; Influencinum, vessica SW; Typhoid fever


Epstein Barr Virus; Penicillium notatum; Penicillium notatum, secondary


Anal itch; Fungus, EW range; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, flukes, sheep liver


Aids, secondary; Anal itch; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, roundworms, general; Amoeba


Aids (program 1); Parasites, giardia


Chemtrail detox


Aids (program 1); Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat; HIV; Parasites, flukes, sheep liver


Microsporum audouinii


Abdominal inflammation; Angina pectoris; Bacterial infection; BC G Vaccine; Biliousness; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, glioblastoma; Circulatory stasis; Colic; Colitis; Colon problems, general; Constipation; Cramping and nausea; Dental foci; Diabetic toe ulcer; Diarrhea; Dysentery; E-coli; Fever; Fischpyrogen; Fistula ulcer; Food poisoning; Gastritis and flatulence; General prophylaxis; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, simplex II; Ileocolitis, colon inflammation; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infection, general tertiary; Irritable bowel syndrome; Leprosy, secondary infection; Measles, rubella vaccine; Meningitis, tertiary; Myoma; Nausea; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pertussis, secondary; Prophylaxis, general; Recovery; Shigella; Smallpox; Surgery, prevention and control; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Vaginosis; Variolinum


Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic; Influenza, grippe VA-2; Mucocutan perniciosis; Neuralgia; Rhodo torula; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary


Coxsackie B1; Felis; Parasites, flukes, sheep liver; Proteus


Anal itch; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, roundworms, general; Rhodococcus


Influenza, grippe VA-2




Tuberculosis, bovine


Influenza virus, swine


Chlamydia trachomatis; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Pneumoniae, klebsiella




Cholera; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Parasites, tapeworms; Bakers' yeast; Medorrhinum; Yeast, bakers


Blastocystis hominus; Cholera; Fistula Dentalis; H#1; Influenza, 19'78; Parasites, flukes, intestinal


Cat virus; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Haemophilia tonic; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Vaginosis


Herpes, type 2A secondary; Streptococcus pneumoniae


Herpes, simplex I (set #5); Lupus, general secondary; Parasites, flukes, blood; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Parasites, schistosoma haematobium; Bermuda Smut


Blastocystis hominus; Herpes, type 2A; Influenza, 1993 secondary; Kidney papilloma; Papilloma, kidney; Parasites, flukes, intestinal


Influenza, 19'78


Influenza, 1993


Cancer, bronchial; Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Cancer, mycosis fungoides; Mycogone fungoids; Mycosis fungoides; Toxoplasmosis


Alternaria Tenius; Cancer, droglioma; Oligodena; Bacillinum


Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, prostate (Vega result); Ear, fungus; Fungus, sutton's bar; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, general short set; Parasites, flukes, intestinal; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, tapeworms; Bacillinum; Influenzum toxicum; Medorrhinum


Cancer, glioblastoma; Gliocladium


Brain tumor, astrocytoma; Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, gliomas; Cat virus; Pseudomonas mallei; Tumors, brain




Influenza, grippe V


Influenza, grippe; Rocky Mountain spotted fever; Prostate adenominum


Bilirubin; Influenza virus, "A" Port Chalmers


ALS; Lyme disease; Lyme disease (alternative #1); Lyme disease, tertiary


Chemtrail detox; Cholecystitis; Cholecystitis, acute; Elephantiasis; Gallstones


Bacterial infection; Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, breast (program 1); Candida; Chlamydia trachomatis; Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general; Vaginosis


Cervical polyp; Chaetomiuglobosum; Coxsackie B2; Parasites, flukes, blood; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Parasites, schistosoma haematobium


Coxsackie B4; Influenza, 1994 secondary; Penicillium chyrosogenium; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary


Hepatitis "B"; Influenza, 1994 secondary


Mucor racemosis, secondary


Cryptococcus neoformans; Torulopsosis; Pyrogenium


Mucor racemosis, secondary; Pullularia pullulans


Influenza, grippe 1989; Papilloma, virus


Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Mucor racemosis; Pseudomonas mallei; Streptococcus infection, general


Hepatitis "B"; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Smallpox; Yeast, general


Candida; Mucor plumbeus; Tuberculosis, bovine


Fistula Dentalis; Gasoden; Hepatitis "A"; Herpes, progenetalis; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Neurospora sitophila


Carvularia spiratera


Abdominal inflammation; Abdominal pain; Abscesses; Acidosis; Acne; Actinomycosis; Adenoids; Adhesions; Aids (program 1); Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Alcoholism; Allergy; Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Ankylosing spondylitis; Antiseptic effect, general; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appendix; Appetite, lack of; Aranthae; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Asthma; Asthma, alternate; Ataxia; Athletes Foot; Autointoxication; Bacillus infections; Backache; Backache with spasms; Bacterial infection; Bed wetting; Bedsores; Biliousness; Bites, insect; Bladder; Bladder and prostate complaints; Blood; Blood cleanser, cancer; Blood cleanser, plasma; Blood diseases; Blood poisoning; Blood pressure, high; Blood pressure, hypertension; Blood pressure, low; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Breast, fibroid cysts; Bronchial; Bronchitis; Bruises; Bubonic plague , secondary infections; Bunion pain; Burns; Butterfly Lupus; Cancer; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancrum oris; Candida; Candida, tertiary; Cataract; Cataract, non-diabetic; Catarrh; Cerebral Palsy; Cerebrospinal trouble; Cervicitis; Chankeroid Ulcers; Chicken Pox; Chicken Pox, secondary; Cholera, secondary; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Circulatory stasis; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Cold & Flu (Program 4); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Cold Sores; Colitis; Colon problems, general; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Contractions (arrests, discharges); Convulsions; Corns (in feet); Coryza; Costalgia; Cramping and nausea; Cramps; Cuts; Cystic fibrosis; Cystitis, chronic; Dandruff, scales; Deafness; Dental foci; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes, secondary; Diabetic toe ulcer; Diarrhea; Digestion; Diphtheria; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Dyspepsia; Ear, ache; Ear, general; Edema; Emphysema; Enuresis; Epicondylitis (tennis elbow); Epididymitis; Epilepsy; Epilepsy, fits; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Esophagus, constriction; Eustachian tube, inflammation; Eye, disorders; Eye, droop of lid; Eye, glaucoma; Facial paralysis; Fever; Fever, sunstroke; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Fissures; Fistula ulcer; Flatulence; Food poisoning; Foot blisters; Fractures, bones; Frostbite; Frozen shoulder; Fungus, general; Fungus, infection; Fungus, mold, general; Furunkulosis; Gallbladder; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gangrene, general; Gastritis and flatulence; General demo; General prophylaxis; General program; General program, comprehensive; Gingivitis; Glands, adenoid; Glands, enlarged; Goiter; Gout, swelling; Gravel deposits in urine; Graves disease I; Hair loss; Halitosis; Hallucinations; Hay fever; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to toxicity; Headaches, general; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Heliobacterio pylori; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Herpes, water blisters; Herpes, zoster; Hip pain; Hives (urticaria); Hoarseness; Hot flashes (complications); Hydrocele; Hyperia; Hypertension; Hypotension; Hypoxia; Impotence; Infantile paralysis (polio); Infection, general; Infertility; Inflammation, breast; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #1); Influenza, 1997-1998; Influenza, grippe; Influenza virus, general; Insomnia; Intercostal neuralgia; Intestinal problems, colon; Intestines, inflammation; Intestines, large; Irritable bowel syndrome; Itching, pruritis; Itching, toes, feet, & anus; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney stones; Kidney tonic, general; Knee, joint pain; Knee, pain; Large intestine tonic; Larynx; Lassitude; Leprosy, secondary infection; Liver, enlargement; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Lupus, SLE secondary; Lupus, vulgaris; Lymph glands; Lymph stasis, secondary; Malabsorption syndrome; Malaria; Maleria (alternate #2); Measles; Measles, rubella; Measles, rubella secondary; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Menstrual problems; Mold and fungus, general; Moles; Mouth eruptions, herpes sores; Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Mumps; Mumps tertiary; Muscles; Muscles, tonic; Muscular dystrophy; Nausea; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Nerve disorders; Neuralgia, trigeminal; Nose; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Orchitis, secondary; Osteomyelitis; Otitis externa; Otitis media; Ovarian disorders,  general; Ovaries; Pain relief, abdominal; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, infection; Pancreas; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, general clean up; Paraistes, ringworm; Pelvic disorders; Pericarditis; Periodontal disease; Peritonitis; Pertussis; Pertussis, secondary; Phagocyross, stimulates; Pharyngitis; Placenta (to expel/afterbirth); Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Polio, secondary complications; Prostate, general problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Psoriasis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Pyorrhea; Radiation burns; Recovery; Retrovirus variants; Rhinitis; Scarlet Fever; Sciaticor schias; Sciatica; Sexual diseases; Sexual dysfunction; Shell shock; Sinusitis (set #1); Skin trouble, thrombosis; Slipped disc; Smallpox; Smallpox, secondary; Sneezing; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Spondylitis; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Stiff muscles, secondary; Stomach disorders; Streptococcus hemolytic; Streptococcus infection, general; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Stroke, follow up; Stye; Sunstroke; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Swelling; Swimmer's ear; Testes; Tetanus; Tetanus, secondary complications; Throat tickle, chronic; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Tinnitus; Tonsillitis; Tonsils, general; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Ulcers, duodenal; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Vaginosis; Vitiligo; Wound healing


Fungus flora


Streptococcus mutant strain


Fungus flora; Infection, general; Lyme disease


Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza haemophilus; Influenza virus, 1993-1994; Lyme disease, secondary; Streptococcus infection, general


Cancer (general program 4); Candida; Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general; Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Fungus flora; Mucor racemosis, secondary; Nocardia asteroides; Streptomyces grisseus; Streptothrix


Herpes, type 2A secondary


Cryptosporidium; Pemphigus


Cryptosporidium; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Influenza virus, 1993-1994




Herpes, progenetalis




Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat


Bacillus thuriniensis; Treponema pallidum




Papilloma, virus; Warts, condyloma; Warts, general; Warts, papilloma




Pasteurella combination


Herpes, zoster


Influenza, 1993 secondary; Warts, general; Warts, plantar


Eczema, skin (alternate #1); FIV


Kidney papilloma; Papilloma, kidney


Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat; Warts, plantar


Cancer, prostate (program 1); Mange, follicular; Prostate, hyperplasia


Coxsackie; Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris; Bacillinum


Echo Virus; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis, general secondary; Influenza, grippe VA-2; Mumps; Penicillium notatum, secondary


Coxsackie; Mold, mix A&C; Trichophyton rubrum


Measles, rubella vaccine


Cholecystitis; Cholecystitis, acute; Gallstones


Hepatitis "C"


Hepatitis "C"; Malaria


Hepatitis "C"


Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Enterohepatitis; Hepatitis "C"; Influenza virus, British; Leukoencephalitis; Leukoencephalitis, secondary


Hepatitis "C"; Mold


Diverticulosis; E-coli, mutant strain; Leukoencephalitis


Streptococcus viridans


Herpes, simplex I (set #2)




Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental secondary


Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Fungus, mold, general; Influenza haemophilus, type B; Lupus, general; Lupus, vulgaris; Mold and fungus, general; Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, strongyloides; Penicillium notatum; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Sinusitis (set #4); Vaginosis; Zygomycosis


Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental


Aflatoxin; Cancer (general program 4); Fungus, adams; Q fever; Rickettsia; Rocky Mountain spotted fever; Staphylococcus, aureus; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Staphylococcus, infection (set #2)


Herpes, simplex I (set #1)


Influenza, grippe V-5; Parasites, flukes, general


Influenza virus, 1992-1993


Influenza, 1993 secondary; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary




Distemper; Schunan B-cell


Bacterium lactis nosode


Rheuma; Schunan B-cell; Sinusitis (set #2); Sinusitis (set #4); Sinusitis, frontalis


Enterohepatitis; Influenza, grippe 1987; Seizure; Verruca; Warts, general; Warts, verruca


Stomatitis aphthous (set #1)


Bacterium coli commune; E-coli; Hemobartinella felis


Influenza, 1993; Influenza haemophilus


Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)




Measles, rubeola; Measles, rubeola vaccine; Osteoarthritis




Cancer, tertiary; H#2; Muscles, relax


Cat virus; Measles, rubella; Penicillium chyrosogenium; Pyodermia




Helminthosporium; Influenza virus, 1993-1994; Parasites, helminthsporium


Chemtrail detox


Microsporum canis


Bermuda Smut


Salmonella; Salmonella, paratyphi B




Influencinum, vessica general; Legionella; Pneumonia; Pneumonia, mycoplasma


Cancer, melanoma metastasis




Cancer, breast (program 3); Cyst, ovarian; Mold, mix A&C; Ovarian cyst; Stomatitis aphthous (set #1)


Cerumen; Ear, wax; Influenza virus, 1991-1992


Influenza virus, 1991-1992




Geotrichum candidum; Yeast, general


African trypanosomuasis; Geotrichum candidum; Morgan




Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris


Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Streptococcus mutant strain


Gardinerella; Influenza virus, swine


Yellow Fly


Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat


Arthritis, secondary; Canine parvovirus; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Furunkulosis herpes; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Influenza, grippe; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Mucor mucedo; Parvovirus, canine; Prostate, general problems; Ulcers, ventric


Streptococcus viridans


Epstein Barr Virus; Causticum


Penicillium rubrum


Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Mold, mix B; Yeast, general


Penicillium rubrum


Influenza, grippe V-75 Victoria


Schunan B-cell




Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Malaria; Arnica


Critter 1


Cholera; Leukoencephalitis; Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Critter 2




Hepatitis, general secondary


Arnica; Bacillinum


Coxsackie B5; Dental; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Causticum; Influenzum, Bach poly




Chemtrail detox; CMV; Cytomegalovirus; Herpes, type 5


Cancer (general program additional); Diabetic toe ulcer; Kineseology; Staphylococcus, aureus; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)


Tobocco mosaic


Parasites, trichinosis; Trichinosis


Mycogone fungoides, secondary


Streptococcus viridans


Chemtrail detox; Q fever; Rickettsia


Chemtrail detox


Acupuncture disturbance field; Penicillium chyrosogenium; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary


Lyme hatchlings/eggs


Mycogone fungoides, secondary


Parasites, heartworms






Coxsackie B5




Lyme hatchlings/eggs


Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)




Schunan B-cell




Blood; Cold & Flu (Program 2); Schunan B-cell


Kidney papilloma; Papilloma, kidney




Lyme hatchlings/eggs


Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)


Leukoencephalitis; Critter 2


Aids, secondary; Chemtrail detox; Parasites, strongyloides secondary




Fistula Dentalis


Mycogone spp




General balancing; Meniere's disease; Mold


Cancer, breast (program 4); Facial Cramps; General balancing; Parkinson's disease


Botrytis cinereas; FIV; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Tuberculosis, klebsiella; Botrytis cinereas


Cancer, carcinoma, larynx


Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Yeast, general






Candida, tertiary; Parasites, ascaris


Chemtrail detox


Paramecium caudatum; Sinusitis (set #2)




Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Yeast, general




Leukoencephalitis; Leukoencephalitis, secondary




Mumps secondary


Herpes, progenetalis


Yellow fever




Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)


Influenza, grippe


Mucor racemosis, secondary


Blastocystis hominus


Streptococcus hemolytic


Pyrogenium ex ovo


Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Streptococcus viridans


Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)


Streptococcus viridans; Pyrogenium ex ovo






Microsporum audouinii


Parasites, tapeworms






Asthma, alternate; Breathing, deep; Bronchitis; Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Coughing; Emphysema; Influenza; Pertussis, secondary; Sinusitis (set #3)




E-coli, mutant strain; Influenza, triple nosode


Blastocystis hominus; Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Mumps; Mumps secondary


E-coli, mutant strain; Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Salmonella, paratyphi B; Pyrogenium ex ovo


Bacillus subtilis; Conjunctivitis; Subtilis - B; Bacillus subtilis


Biliary cirrhosis


Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Streptococcus infection, general


Aids, secondary; Distemper


Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome


Influenzum, Bach poly


Mallei; Pseudomonas mallei






Lung, sinus bacteria


Bacterium coli commune; E-coli


Leukoencephalitis; Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris; Mold


Cataract, alternate; Cataract, brunescens; Eye, disorders


Cancer, fibrous tumor (secondary)


Hepatitis, general


Q fever


Pullularia pullulans






Hepatitis "C"


Botulinum; Parasites, trichinosis; Trichinosis




Breast, fibroid cysts; Fibroadenoma mamanae


Cystopyelo nephritis




Sinusitis (set #4)


Herpes, type 2A secondary


Candida tropicalis


Bacillus thuriniensis


Streptococcus hemolytic


Mumps vaccine


Influenza, triple nosode; Meningitis


Brucella abortus




Mange, follicular; Nasal polyp; Polyp, nasal


Mycogone fungoids; Mycosis fungoides


Barley Smut


Lyme disease


Mold, mix B


Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris


Lung, sinus bacteria


Pneumoniae, bronchial


Herpes, simplex I (set #1)




Cold Sores; Herpes, simplex I (set #1)


General prophylaxis; Herpes, general


Cancer (general program, maintenance); Herpes, general; Herpes, sores; Measles; Measles, rubeola; Morbillinum; Pyodermia; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family


Acne; Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis, secondary; Asthma; Ataxia; Brights syndrome; Chicken Pox, secondary; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Coughing; Dental foci; Epididymitis; General program, comprehensive; Halitosis; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, water blisters; Herpes, zoster; Infantile paralysis (polio); Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Influenza; Insomnia; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Leprosy, secondary infection; Orchitis; Osteoarthritis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic disorders; Phlebitis; Pleurisy; Polio; Polio, secondary complications; Recovery; Rhinitis; Sexual diseases; Sinusitis (set #1); Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Thrombophlebitis; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Tuberculosis; Urethritis; Warts, general


Tuberculosis, rod form


Lyme disease (alternative #2); Sinusitis (set #2)


Alopecia; Cancer, Hodgkin's disease; Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Psoriasis; Salmonella; Streptococcus hemolytic; Toxins, elimination; Amoeba


Schunan B-cell


Tuberculosis, rod form




Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne; Adenoids; Adhesions; Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Amenorrhea; Ankylosing spondylitis; Antiseptic effect, general; Appendicitis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Athletes Foot; Autointoxication; Backache; Backache with spasms; Bacterial infection; Bed wetting; Bedsores; Biliousness; Bladder and prostate complaints; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Breast, fibroid cysts; Bronchitis; Cancer; Cancer (general program additional); Cancer, breast (program 1); Candida, secondary; Catarrh; Cerebral Palsy; Chicken Pox; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Colic; Colitis; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Coughing; Cystitis, chronic; Deafness; Diabetes (program 2); Diabetes, secondary; Diarrhea; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); E-coli; Eczema, skin; Eczema, skin (alternate #2); Eczema, vascular and lung; Endometriosis, chronic; Eustachian tube, inflammation; Fibroma; Flatulence; Fungus, general; Fungus, infection; Furunkulosis; Furunkulosis herpes; Gallbladder, pain; General demo; General prophylaxis; General program, comprehensive; General program, EMEM main frequencies; Gingivitis; Halitosis; Heartburn, chronic; Hemorrage; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, general; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, zoster; Herpes, zoster secondary; Infection, general; Influenza; Insomnia; Intercostal neuralgia; Irritable bowel syndrome; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Leprosy, secondary infection; Lung, infection; Lupus, vulgaris; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Menstrual problems; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Nephritis; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Otitis media; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, infection; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, general (set #2); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Pharyngitis; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Polio, secondary complications; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Rhinitis; Sciaticor schias; Shigella; Skin trouble, general; Skin trouble, thrombosis; Smallpox; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Spondylitis; Stiff muscles, secondary; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Tuberculosis, rod form; Tuberculosis, viral; Typhoid fever; Urethritis


Cholecystitis, chronic


Acne; Athletes Foot; Bacillus Coli Virus; Bacillus infections; Breathing, deep; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cataract, alternate; Colon problems, general; Dysentery; Eye, disorders; Food poisoning; Gallstones; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, zoster; Kidney stones; Liver, support; Lupus, SLE secondary; Malabsorption syndrome; Pancreas; Paradontose; Parasites, general (set #2); Pharyngitis; Psoriasis; Sinusitis (set #1); Stomach disorders; Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis, viral; Amoeba


Gingivitis; Pyodermia


Ganglionitis, acute posterior; Herpes, zoster


General program, comprehensive; Throat tickle, chronic


L-lysine, stimulates


General program, comprehensive; Thyphoid fever; Typhoid fever


Herpes, general; Herpes, simplex I (set #1)


Cancer (general program, maintenance)


Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, bronchial; Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial






Abdominal inflammation; Acne; Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Asthma; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cataract, alternate; Chicken Pox, secondary; Dental foci; Eye, disorders; Eye, glaucoma; General program, comprehensive; Glaucoma (eye clouding); Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, zoster; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney tonic, general; Leprosy, secondary infection; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Periodontal disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Sinusitis (set #1); Sore throat; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Tuberculosis; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Warts, general


Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #3)


Pyrogenium mayo


Mold, mix C


Leukoencephalitis; Leukoencephalitis, secondary




Salmonella, type B


Corn smut


Microsporum canis; Smallpox; Tuberculosis, klebsiella


Cataract, alternate


Tonsillar nosode


Mumps; Mumps secondary






Tuberculinum; Medorrhinum


E-coli, mutant strain


Bacterium coli commune; E-coli


Cancer, fibrosarcoma; Fibrosarcoma


Banti's syndrome


Abdominal inflammation; Acne; Angina pectoris; Apoplexy; Arteriosclerosis; Asthma; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Chicken Pox, secondary; Dental foci; Diabetes, secondary; General program, comprehensive; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, zoster; Herpes, zoster secondary; Hives (urticaria); Infection, general tertiary; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Periodontal disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stiff muscles; Stroke, follow up; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Typhoid fever; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Urticaria; Warts, general


Herpes, type 6


Aspergellis flavus; Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general


Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cataract; Cataract, alternate; Cataract, brunescens; Cataract, complicated; Conjunctivitis; Eye, disorders; Eye, glaucoma; Eye, sharpen eyesight






Cancer, prostate (Vega result); General program, comprehensive; Parasites, general (set #3); Throat tickle, chronic; Tuberculosis; Warning: possible deleterious effects


Butterfly Lupus; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes (program 2); Diabetes, tertiary; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Infection, general tertiary; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic; Polio; Sexual diseases


Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); General demo; Immune system stimulation; Parasites, general (set #2); Pneumonia; Sinusitis (set #1); Ulcers, general


Herpes, zoster; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Typhoid fever


Abdominal inflammation; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Apoplexy; Appetite, lack of; Ataxia; Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 2); Diabetes (program 2); Fatigue; Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, zoster secondary; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Intercostal neuralgia; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney tonic, general; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Meningitis, tertiary; Motion sickness; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #3); Pleurisy; Sinusitis (set #2); Stroke, follow up; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Typhoid fever; Urethritis


Herpes, simplex I (set #2)


Cancer, prostate (program 1); Prostate adenominum




Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental secondary


Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental


Herpes, general; Herpes, simplex II; Herpes, zoster


Stomatitis aphthous (set #2)


Stomatitis aphthous (set #2); Streptococcus hemolytic


Stomatitis aphthous (set #2)


Stomatitis aphthous (set #2)


Stomatitis aphthous (set #2)


Stomatitis aphthous (set #2)


Stomatitis aphthous (set #2)


Warning: possible deleterious effects


Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary


Influenza, triple nosode






Aspergellis flavus


Cancer, prostate (program 1); General program, comprehensive; Parasites, general (set #3); Throat tickle, chronic


Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, sarcoma; Diabetes (program 1); Erysipelas (skin inflammation); General program, comprehensive; Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Sinusitis (set #2); Streptococcus infection, general


Diabetes (program 1); Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)


Adrenal stimulant; Blood cleanser, cancer; Cancer; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, BY virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal; Cancer, sarcoma; Carpel tunnel, secondary; Diabetes (program 1); Eczema, skin; Fibroma; General program, comprehensive; Immune system stimulation; Impotence; Infection, general tertiary; Infertility; Influenza; Influenza, 1997-1998; Leukoplakia; Lupus, general; Lupus, SLE secondary; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mumps tertiary; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pain relief, cancer; Pancreas, alternate; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic; Parasites, hookworm; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Plantaria; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Pyorrhea; Sexual dysfunction; Sterility; Stomach disorders; Tuberculosis, secondary complications; Warts, general


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)


Cataract, brunescens; Eye, disorders; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)


Cancer (general program, maintenance)


Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Diabetes (program 1); Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal; Lyme disease (alternative #2); Lyme disease, tertiary


Parasites, giardia


Diabetes, associated infection


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal




Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma


Cancer (general program 4)


Cancer; Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Diabetes (program 1); Incontinence; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, grippe 1988; Lyme disease (alternative #2); Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic; Prostate, enlarged; Prostatitus (set #2)


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal


Herpes, simplex I (set #1)


Cancer, breast (program 2)


Diabetes (program 1); Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic


Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Parasites, flukes, intestinal


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)


Cancer, BY virus; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma


Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma


Cancer, breast (program 2)


Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial


Cataract, alternate


Backache with spasms; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Circulatory stasis; Fever; General demo; Infection, general secondary; Parasites, general (set #2); Perniosis; Vitiligo


Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin


Adrenal stimulant; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, viral; Cancer, prostate (program 1)


Cryptococcus neoformans; Lac Deflorat; Torulopsosis


Cancer, carcinoma, viral; Cancer, prostate (program 2); Lupus, general


Adrenal stimulant; Blood cleanser, cancer; Cancer; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, viral; Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, sarcoma; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Diabetes (program 1); Fibroma; Heartburn, chronic; Impotence; Infertility; Leukoplakia; Mumps tertiary; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pain relief, cancer; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Sexual dysfunction; Sterility; Stomach disorders; Tuberculosis, secondary complications; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Warts, general


Aids, secondary; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, breast (program 4); Cancer, BX virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, prostate (program 2); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Diabetes (program 2); Eczema, skin; Fibroma; Fibromyalgia; General demo; General program, comprehensive; Herpes, zoster secondary; Immune system stimulation; Incontinence; Lupus, SLE secondary; Parasites, flukes, intestinal; Polyp, general; Prostate, enlarged; Prostate, general problems; Psoriasis


Cancer, carcinoma, viral; Cancer, prostate (program 1)


Cancer, prostate (program 2)




Cancer, breast (program 2)


Cancer, breast (program 3)


Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)


Cancer, prostate (program 2)


Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Cyclospora


Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, prostate (program 2); Cancer, prostate (Vega result); Circulatory stasis; CMV; Cytomegalovirus; Herpes, type 5


Cancer, breast (program 2)


Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, BX virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Parasites, flukes, intestinal


Cancer, BX virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)


Actinomyces Israelii; Streptothrix


Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)


Cancer, breast (program 2); Listeriose


Candida carcinomas; Heliobacterio pylori; Fruit Flies


Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)


Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses; Acne; Adenoids; Adhesions; Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Asthma; Ataxia; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, astrocytoma; Diabetes, secondary; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, zoster; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Trigeminal neuralgia; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Warts, general


Cancer, breast (program 2)


Cancer (general program 1); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)


Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program additional); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, glioblastoma; Eczema, skin; Fibromyalgia; Immune system stimulation; Lupus, SLE secondary; Psoriasis


Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, BY virus; Cancer, glioblastoma; Candida carcinomas


Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma


Cataract, alternate


Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, BY virus; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Hepatitis "C" alternative


Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)


Cataract, alternate


Blood; Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)


Cancer, breast (program 2)


Cataract, alternate


Chlamydia trachomatis; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary


Cancer, BX virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma


Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal


Campylobacter; Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Yeast, general; Flour alb; Medorrhinum






Adrenal stimulant; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Epididymitis; Incontinence; Prostate, enlarged; Prostatitus (set #2)


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)


Parvovirus, new strain


Cancer, breast (program 2)


Biliary cirrhosis; Cirrhosis, biliary


Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin


Cancer, prostate (Vega result)


Cancer, breast (program 2)


Cancer (general program 3)


Paramecium caudatum


Tuberculosis, klebsiella


Parasites, heartworms


H#4; H#5


Cancer, breast (program 2); Green dye


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)




Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)


Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general; Penicillium chyrosogenium; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary


Cold & Flu (Program 5)


Trichophytie, general; Trichophytie, nagel secondary




Herpes, type C


Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)


Abdominal inflammation; Aids (program 1); Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Cancer; Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Circulatory stasis; Cold & Flu (Program 4); Dental foci; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; General program, comprehensive; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Infection, general tertiary; Liver, enlargement; Lupus, vulgaris; Mumps tertiary; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Retrovirus variants; Sore throat; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Ulcers, general; Warts, general


Cancer (general program, maintenance)


Cells of Leudig


Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Smallpox


Bacillus thuriniensis


Influenza, grippe V-4


Tuberculosis, viral


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result)


Sinusitis (set #3); Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Stye


Mumps; Mumps secondary




Fungus, adams




Pneumonia; Pneumonia, mycoplasma




Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses; Acne; Adenoids; Adhesions; Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis, secondary; Asthma; Ataxia; Bone regeneration; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Circulatory stasis; Contusions; Dental foci; Diabetes, secondary; Disc, herniated; Eczema, skin; Fibromyalgia; Healing and regeneration; Heartburn, chronic; Hernia; Infection, general tertiary; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mumps tertiary; Muscles, pain/injury; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders,  general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Regeneration and healing; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stroke, follow up; Surgery, pain relief during post op recovery; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Tinnitus; Toothache; Tooth extraction; Trigeminal neuralgia; Urethritis; Warts, general; Whiplash


Cancer (general program, maintenance)


Immune system stimulation; Interleukin; Aconite


Chemtrail detox


Immune system stimulation; Interleukin


Immune system stimulation; Interleukin


Mange, follicular


Bacillus Coli Virus


Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, BX virus


Nocardia asteroides; Streptothrix




Immune system stimulation; Interleukin


Heliobacterio pylori; Herpes, general; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #6)


Abdominal pain; Adrenal stimulant; Ankylosing spondylitis; Cancer, pain; Dental foci; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gout, swelling; Gravel deposits in urine; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to parasites; Headaches, due to toxicity; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Headaches, due to vertebral misalignment; Headaches, urogenitally caused; Heart, tonic; Intercostal neuralgia; Kidney stones; Kidney tonic, general; Malabsorption syndrome; Nephritis; Pain relief; Pain relief, abdominal; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, cancer; Pain relief, infection; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Recovery; Sunstroke; Surgery, pain relief during post op recovery; Swelling; Toothache; Tooth extraction; Trauma


Influenza, grippe


Parasites, tapeworms


Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); General demo; Infection, general tertiary; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Pain relief


Cancer, leukemia, T-cell


Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)


Cancer, BY virus


Aids (program 3)


Tuberculosis, avaire




Influenza, triple nosode


L-lysine, stimulates


Cancer, carcinoma, liver


Mumps; Mumps secondary


Aids (program 3)


Athletes Foot; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cold & Flu (Program 4); Detox assist; Fibromyalgia; Hepatitis "C"; Immune system stimulation; Itching, pruritis; Lymph glands, support; Lymph stasis; Lymphangits; Parasites, general (set #3); Spleen, enlarged


Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, strongyloides




Hepatitis "A"


Smallpox; Variolinum






Aids (program 3)




Adnexitis; Chicken Pox; Herpes, zoster


Immune system stimulation; Aconite


Tuberculosis, bovine


Aids (program 3)


Influenza, grippe




Immune system stimulation; Interleukin


Aids (program 3)


Cancer, BY virus; Cancer, sarcoma


Aids (program 1); Aids (program 3); HIV


Lupus, general


Herpes, type 6


Herpes, type 6


Asthma, alternate; Breathing, deep; Bronchitis; Cancer (general program additional); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Cancer, prostate (program 2); Emphysema; Influenza




Breathing, deep; Coughing


Cancer, BX virus




Cancer, leukemia, T-cell


Herpes, simplex I (set #2)


Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental secondary


Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental






Pseudomonas aeruginosa




Diabetes, tertiary


Immune system stimulation; Interleukin


Canine parvovirus; Parvovirus, canine






Anal itch; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, roundworms, general


Diabetes (program 2); General program, EMEM main frequencies; Lyme disease


Pemniciosis; Perniosis


Parasites, giardia


Sinusitis (set #2)


Cold & Flu (Program 1); Sinusitis (set #2)


Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cold, head or chest; General demo; Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, strongyloides; Sinusitis (set #2)




Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result)




Paramecium caudatum; Rotifier


Influenza, grippe 1987


Penicillium notatum, secondary


Cold & Flu (Program 5)


Abdominal pain; Acne; Actinomycosis; Aids (program 3); Allergy; Anemia; Aneurism; Antiseptic effect, general; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Asthma; Athletes Foot; Aura, strengthen; Backache with spasms; Bad complexion; Bed wetting; Biliousness; Bites, insect; Blood; Blood cleanser, cancer; Blood cleanser, plasma; Blood poisoning; Blood pressure, high; Bubonic plague; Bunion pain; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cataract; Chicken Pox; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Convulsions; Corns (in feet); Coryza; Costalgia; Cramps; Cuts; Cystitis, chronic; Dandruff, scales; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetic toe ulcer; Diarrhea; Digestion; Dysentery; Dyspepsia; Ear, ache; Eczema, skin; Edema; Eye, disorders; Eye, droop of lid; Eye, glaucoma; Fatigue; Fever; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Gallbladder; General malady; General program; Hair loss; Hay fever; Heart, general; Hernia; Herpes, zoster secondary; Hives (urticaria); Infection, general secondary; Inflammation, breast; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Insufficient lactation; Itching, toes, feet, & anus; Jaundice; Kidney tonic, general; Lymph glands; Meniere's disease; Meningitis; Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Muscles; Muscles, repair; Muscles, tonic; Muscular dystrophy; Nausea; Nocturnal emission; Osteomyelitis; Pain relief, abdominal; Pain relief, elbow; Parkinson's disease; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Polio, secondary complications; Psoriasis; Rickets; Ringworm; Scurvy; Skin hemorrhages; Spinal meningitis; Sterility; Stye; Swelling; Thalmus; Thrombosis; Tonsillitis; Trauma




Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell


Dental foci; Toothache


Parasites, helminthsporium


Herpes, progenetalis


Folliculitis, hot tub; Otitis externa; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Struma cystica; Swimmer's ear






Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome


Bacterium lactis nosode


Parasites, giardia


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result)


Infection, general; Sinusitis (set #3)


Parasites, flukes, blood


Parasites, tapeworms




Cold & Flu (Program 1)


Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)


Immune system stimulation; Interleukin; Aconite


Herpes, simplex I (set #5)




Mange, follicular




Blastocystis hominus


Parasites, hookworm


Cryptococcus neoformans


Cryptococcus neoformans


Parasites, roundworms, general


Calming; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Central nervous system; Facial Cramps; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Gallstones; Insomnia; Kidney stones; Muscles, pain/injury; Muscles, relax; Pain relief; Parkinson tremor, temporary relief; Relaxation; Sedation; Stammering; Stiff muscles; Tremers, due to Parkinson's


Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal


Cancer (general program 1)




Aids, secondary


Worry, relief




L-lysine, stimulates




Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma


Parasites, hookworm




Tuberculosis, avaire


Tuberculosis, klebsiella


Parasites, flukes, pancreatic


Epstein Barr Virus


Ruko tick


Parasites, flukes, liver


Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Parasites, flukes, liver


Irritable bowel syndrome; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, intestinal


Salmonella, paratyphi B


Lyme disease


Lyme disease


Cat virus


Trichophytie, nagel secondary






Influenza, general (winter 98-99); Mosquitoes


Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)


Parasites, roundworms, general


Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)


Herpes, type 6


Breathing, deep; Bronchitis; Chemtrail detox; Cold, head or chest; Emphysema; Influenza; Pertussis, secondary


Asthma, alternate


Parasites, flukes, blood




Herpes, simplex I (set #2)


Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental secondary


Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental


Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Trichophytie, nagel secondary


Cold & Flu (Program 5)


Cold & Flu (Program 6, fall '98); Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, autumn 1998; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Influenza virus, general


Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)


Mucor racemosis, secondary


Salmonella, paratyphi B


Penicillium notatum, secondary




Lupus, general secondary




Actinomyces Israelii; Cold & Flu (Program 5); Streptothrix


Trichophytie, nagel secondary




Influenza, 1993 secondary


Mucor racemosis, secondary


Deer tick


Influenza; Influenza virus, general




Cold & Flu (Program 6, fall '98); Influenza, autumn 1998


Candida, tertiary; Parasites, ascaris




Cold & Flu (Program 5)


Influenza; Influenza virus, general


Streptococcus viridans


Lyme hatchlings/eggs




Coxsackie B4


Herpes, simplex I (set #5); Herpes, type 2A secondary


Salmonella, typhi


Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary


Staphylococcus, aureus; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)


Cold & Flu (Program 6, fall '98); Influenza; Influenza, autumn 1998


Epstein Barr Virus


Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary


Mucor racemosis, secondary




CMV; Legionella


Streptococcus pneumoniae


Influenza, 1993 secondary


Cancer, breast (program 3); Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Muscular dystrophy


Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary






Trichophytie, general




Mumps secondary


Hepatitis, general secondary


Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary


Mucor mucedo


Parasites, flukes, blood; Parasites, schistosoma mansoni


Mycogone fungoides, secondary


Athletes Foot; Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cataract, alternate; Cold & Flu (Program 5); Energy and vitality


Abdominal pain; Acidosis; Actinomyces Israelii; Actinomycosis; Alcoholism; Allergy; Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Anaphiaxis; Anosmia; Antiseptic effect, general; Appetite, lack of; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Aura, strengthen; Autointoxication; Backache; Backache with spasms; Bed wetting; Biliousness; Blood pressure, high; Blood pressure, hypertension; Bone regeneration; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Bruises; Burns; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cataract; Cataract, non-diabetic; Cerebral Palsy; Cerebrospinal trouble; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold, head or chest; Colitis; Contractions (arrests, discharges); Convulsions; Corns (in feet); Costalgia; Cramps; Deafness; Detox assist; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes, secondary; Disc, herniated; Dizziness; Dropsy; Eczema, skin; Edema; Electrolyte (improve); Enuresis; Epilepsy; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Eye, disorders; Eye, droop of lid; Facial Cramps; Facial paralysis; Falling hair; Fatigue; Fissures; Food poisoning; Foot blisters; Fractures, bones; Frigidity (female); Frozen shoulder; Gallstones; General malady; General prophylaxis; General program; Glands, enlarged; Glandular fever; Glandular fever, adrenals; Glandular fever, parathyroid; Glandular fever, pineal; Glandular fever, pituitary; Glandular fever, sex; Glandular fever, thymus; Glandular fever, thyroid; Gout, swelling; Hair loss; Hallucinations; Hangover; Headaches, general; Hemorrage; Hernia; Hiccoughs; Hot flashes (complications); Hydrocele; Hyperia; Hyperosmia; Hypertension; Hypochondrium, upper abdomen; Hypothyroid; Hypoxia; Impotence; Increasing height; Infantile paralysis (polio); Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #1); Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Injection, alergic reaction; Insomnia; Intelligence, clarity of thought; Intoxication; Joints, inflammation; Kidney stones; Kidney tonic, general; Knee, pain; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lupus, vulgaris; Lymph glands, plugged/overloaded; Lymph glands, stimulate; Lymph stasis, secondary; Mental concentration; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Mumps tertiary; Muscles; Muscles, tonic; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Nerve disorders; Neuralgia; Nicotine poison; Numbness; Orchitis, secondary; Pain relief, abdominal; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, bunion; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #3); Plosis; Polio, secondary complications; Prophylaxis, general; Radiation burns; Retrovirus variants; Rheumatism; Sciatica; Sex polarity balance; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stammering; Sterility; Stiff shoulder; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Streptothrix; Stroke, follow up; Stye; Sunstroke; Swelling; Taste, none; Tooth decay; Treponema pallidum; Ulcers, duodenal; Whiplash; Yellow fever


Parasites, flukes, lymph


Wheat smut


Influenza, grippe


Blastocystis hominus


Blastocystis hominus; Parasites, giardia


Blastocystis hominus


Blastocystis hominus


Blastocystis hominus


Parasites, flukes, general




Glandular fever, thyroid; Goiter; Hypothyroid; Parkinson's disease; Thyroid stimulant


Papilloma, virus


Blastocystis hominus


Epidermophyton floccinum


Glandular fever, adrenals


Metals, removal from cells


Aids (program 2)


Aids (program 2)


Diabetes, tertiary


Aids (program 2)


Herpes, general secondary


Parkinson's disease


General malady; Infection, general tertiary




Papilloma, virus


Papilloma, virus




Jedi Simon Foundation
 Resonant Vibration Department Research - Music Therapy Research -

Acoustic Levitation  Tracy V. Wilson

Unless you travel into the vacuum of space, sound is all around you every day. But most of the time, you probably don't think of it as a physical presence. You hear sounds; you don't touch them. The only exceptions may be loud nightclubs, cars with window-rattling speakers and ultrasound machines that pulverize kidney stones. But even then, you most likely don't think of what you feel as sound itself, but as the vibrations that sound creates in other objects.


The idea that something so intangible can lift objects can seem unbelievable, but it's a real phenomenon. Acoustic levitation takes advantage of the properties of sound to cause solids, liquids and heavy gases to float. The process can take place in normal or reduced gravity. In other words, sound can levitate objects on Earth or in gas-filled enclosures in space.

To understand how acoustic levitation works, you first need to know a little about gravityair and soundFirstgravity is a force that causes objects to attract one another. The simplest way to understand gravity is through Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation. This law states that every particle in the universe attracts every other particle. The more massive an object is, the more strongly it attracts other objects. The closer objects are, the more strongly they attract each other. An enormous object, like the Earth, easily attracts objects that are close to it, like apples hanging from trees. Scientists haven't decided exactly what causes this attraction, but they believe it exists everywhere in the universe.

Secondair is a fluid that behaves essentially the same way liquids do. Like liquids, air is made of microscopic particles that move in relation to one another. Air also moves like water does -- in fact, some aerodynamic tests take place underwater instead of in the air. The particles in gasses, like the ones that make up air, are simply farther apart and move faster than the particles in liquids.

Thirdsound is a vibration that travels through a medium, like a gas, a liquid or a solid object. A sound's source is an object that moves or changes shape very rapidly. For example, if you strike a bell, the bell vibrates in the air. As one side of the bell moves out, it pushes the air molecules next to it, increasing the pressure in that region of the air. This area of higher pressure is a compression. As the side of the bell moves back in, it pulls the molecules apart, creating a lower-pressure region called a rarefaction. The bell then repeats the process, creating a repeating series of compressions and rarefactions. Each repetition is one wavelength of the sound wave.

The sound wave travels as the moving molecules push and pull the molecules around them. Each molecule moves the one next to it in turn. Without this movement of molecules, the sound could not travel, which is why there is no sound in a vacuum.

Acoustic levitation uses sound traveling through a fluid -- usually a gas -- to balance the force of gravity. On Earth, this can cause objects and materials to hover unsupported in the air. In space, it can hold objects steady so they don't move or drift.

The process relies on of the properties of sound waves, especially intense sound waves. We'll look at how sound waves become capable of lifting objects in the next section.

The Physics of Sound Levitation

A basic acoustic levitator has two main parts -- a transducer, which is a vibrating surface that makes sound, and a reflector. Often, the transducer and reflector have concave surfaces to help focus the sound. A sound wave travels away from the transducer and bounces off the reflector. Three basic properties of this traveling, reflecting wave help it to suspend objects in midair.

First, the wave, like all sound, is a longitudinal pressure wave. In a longitudinal wave, movement of the points in the wave is parallel to the direction the wave travels. It's the kind of motion you'd see if you pushed and pulled one end of a stretched Slinky. Most illustrations, though, depict sound as a transverse wave, which is what you would see if you rapidly moved one end of the Slinky up and down. This is simply because transverse waves are easier to visualize than longitudinal waves.

Second, the wave can bounce off of surfaces. It follows the law of reflection, which states that the angle of incidence -- the angle at which something strikes a surface -- equals the angle of reflection -- the angle at which it leaves the surface. In other words, a sound wave bounces off a surface at the same angle at which it hits the surface. A sound wave that hits a surface head-on at a 90 degree angle will reflect straight back off at the same angle. The easiest way to understand wave reflection is to imagine a Slinky that is attached to a surface at one end. If you picked up the free end of the Slinky and moved it rapidly up and then down, a wave would travel the length of the spring. Once it reached the fixed end of the spring, it would reflect off of the surface and travel back toward you. The same thing happens if you push and pull one end of the spring, creating a longitudinal wave.

Finally, when a sound wave reflects off of a surface, the interaction between its compressions and rarefactions causes interference. Compressions that meet other compressions amplify one another, and compressions that meet rarefactions balance one another out. Sometimes, the reflection and interference can combine to create a standing wave. Standing waves appear to shift back and forth or vibrate in segments rather than travel from place to place. This illusion of stillness is what gives standing waves their name.

Standing sound waves have defined nodes, or areas of minimum pressure, and antinodes, or areas of maximum pressure. A standing wave's nodes are at the heart of acoustic levitation. Imagine a river with rocks and rapids. The water is calm in some parts of the river, and it is turbulent in others. Floating debris and foam collect in calm portions of the river. In order for a floating object to stay still in a fast-moving part of the river, it would need to be anchored or propelled against the flow of the water. This is essentially what an acoustic levitator does, using sound moving through a gas in place of water.

By placing a reflector the right distance away from a transducer, the acoustic levitator creates a standing wave. When the orientation of the wave is parallel to the pull of gravity, portions of the standing wave have a constant downward pressure and others have a constant upward pressure. The nodes have very little pressure.

In space, where there is little gravity, floating particles collect in the standing wave's nodes, which are calm and still. On Earth, objects collect just below the nodes, where the acoustic radiation pressure, or the amount of pressure that a sound wave can exert on a surface, balances the pull of gravity, depending on the influence of gravity.

It takes more than just ordinary sound waves to supply this amount of pressure. We'll look at what's special about the sound waves in an acoustic levitator in the next section.



Nonlinear Sound and Acoustic Levitation


Ordinary standing waves can be relatively powerful. For example, a standing wave in an air duct can cause dust to collect in a pattern corresponding to the wave's nodes. A standing wave reverberating through a room can cause objects in its path to vibrate. Low-frequency standing waves can also cause people to feel nervous or disoriented -- in some cases, researchers find them in buildings people report to be haunted.

But these feats are small potatoes compared to acoustic levitation. It takes far less effort to influence where dust settles or to shatter a glass than it takes to lift objects from the ground. Ordinary sound waves are limited by their linear nature. Increasing the amplitude of the wave causes the sound to be louder, but it doesn't affect the shape of the wave form or cause it to be much more physically powerful.

However, extremely intense sounds -- like sounds that are physically painful to human ears -- are usually nonlinear. They can cause disproportionately large responses in the substances they travel through. Some nonlinear affects include:

    * Distorted wave forms

    * Shock waves, like sonic booms

    * Acoustic streaming, or the constant flow of the fluid the wave travels through

    * Acoustic saturation, or the point at which the matter can no longer absorb any more energy from the sound wave

Nonlinear acoustics is a complex field, and the physical phenomena that cause these effects can be difficult to understand. But in general, nonlinear affects can combine to make an intense sound far more powerful than a quieter one. It is because of these affects that a wave's acoustic radiation pressure can become strong enough to balance the pull of gravity. Intense sound is central to acoustic levitation -- the transducers in many levitators produce sounds in excess of 150 decibels (dB). Ordinary conversation is about 60 dB, and a loud nightclub is closer to 110 dB.


Other Uses for Nonlinear Sound

Several medical procedures rely on nonlinear acoustics. For example, ultrasound imaging uses nonlinear effects to allow doctors to examine babies in the womb or view internal organs. High-intensity ultrasound waves can also pulverize kidney stones, cauterize internal injuries and destroy tumors.

 Levitating objects with sound isn't quite as simple as aiming a high-powered transducer at a reflector. Scientists also must use sounds of the correct frequency to create the desired standing wave. Any frequency can produce nonlinear effects at the right volume, but most systems use ultrasonic waves, which are too high-pitched for people to hear. In addition to the frequency and volume of the wave, researchers also must pay attention to a number of other factors:

    * The distance between the transducer and the reflector must be a multiple of half of the wavelength of the sound the transducer produces. This produces a wave with stable nodes and antinodes. Some waves can produce several usable nodes, but the ones nearest the transducer and reflector usually not suitable for levitating objects. This is because the waves create a pressure zone close to the reflective surfaces.

    * In a microgravity environment, such as outer space, the stable areas within the nodes must be large enough to support the floating object. On Earth, the high-pressure areas just below the node must be large enough as well. For this reason, the object being levitated should measure between one third and half of the wavelength of the sound. Objects larger than two thirds of the sound's wavelength are too large to be levitated -- the field isn't big enough to support them. The higher the frequency of the sound, the smaller the diameter of the objects it's possible to levitate.

    * Objects that are the right size to levitate must also be of the right mass. In other words, scientists must evaluate the density of the object and determine whether the sound wave can produce enough pressure to counteract the pull of gravity on it.

    * Drops of liquid being levitated must have a suitable Bond number, which is a ratio that describes the liquid's surface tension, density and size in the context of gravity and the surrounding fluid. If the Bond number is too low, the drop will burst.

    * The intensity of the sound must not overwhelm the surface tension of liquid droplets being levitated. If the sound field is too intense, the drop will flatten into a donut and then burst.


This might sound like a lot of work required to suspend small objects a few centimeters off of a surface. Levitating small objects -- or even small animals -- a short distance might also sound like a relatively useless practice. However, acoustic levitation has several uses, both on the ground and in outer space. Here are a few:

    * Manufacturing very small electronic devices and microchips often involves robots or complex machinery. Acoustic levitators can perform the same task by manipulating sound. For example, levitated molten materials will gradually cool and harden, and in a properly tuned field of sound, the resulting solid object is a perfect sphere. Similarly, a correctly shaped field can force plastics to deposit and harden only on the correct areas of a microchip.

    * Some materials are corrosive or otherwise react with ordinary containers used during chemical analysis. Researchers can suspend these materials in an acoustic field to study them without the risk of contamination from or destruction of containers.

    * The study of foam physics has a big obstacle -- gravity. Gravity pulls the liquid downward from foam, drying and destroying it. Researchers can contain foam with in acoustic fields to study it in space, without the interference of gravity. This can lead to a better understanding of how foam performs tasks like cleaning ocean water.

Researchers continue to develop new setups for levitation systems and new applications for acoustic levitation. To learn more about their research, sound and related topics, check out the links on the next page.


Other Levitator Setups

Although a levitator with one transducer and one reflector can suspend objects, some setups can increase stability or allow movement. For example, some levitators have three pairs of transducers and reflectors, which are positioned along the X, Y and Z axes. Others have one large transmitter and one small, movable reflector; the suspended object moves when the reflector moves.

See “Vimana” flying machines and Antigravitational Transportation.



How to make a simple Cymatics device.

You can make your own cymatics device in 3 simple steps, using materials that shouldn't cost more than €20. I call this version of a cymatics device a "Cymatics Sounder."

What is a Cymatics Sounder?

If you are not familiar with what a cymatics device is, it is a device for making sound waves visible. This particular cymatics device is generally called a "tonascope" and has been used to help deaf people learn how to speak. I call mine a "Cymatics Sounder" because it's easier to say. There are many ways to make one, after several experiments, this is by far the fastest and simplest way to make a cymatics device of any kind that I have come up with.

Why would you want to make one?

A Cymatics Sounder can be used to make visible patterns using only your voice. It will actually show you what the sound of your voice looks like. When you sing into a cymatics device you can alter both the amplitude and tone of your voice and see different patterns of varying complexity arise in from of your eyes. It's a lot of fun, and really amazing to experience. (See below to learn more about cymatics in science and history).

What you will need for your Cymatics Sounder:

1. A PVC pipe "elbow," with a 45 degree angle (looks like a check-mark).

2. A length of PVC pipe, preferably about 2" in diameter, cut to the right length for you.

3. 3-4 black (or other dark colored) balloons

4. Some rubber bands

5. Table salt (that means plain old salt)

Where and how to get your supplies:

1. PVC elbow:

The hardware or lumber store or any home-supply store is a good place to get your PVC. First you want to find a PVC elbow shaped like a "v" (or a checkmark) that has one part going straight up and down, and another part going out at a 45 degree angle. The up and down part should be about 6 inches across and the angled part ideally should be about 2" in diameter. *NOTE: If you can only find an elbow with both parts the same size of 6 inches wide, that is ok, see note at bottom of the next step).

2. PVC Pipe: Now you want to look for some pipe about 2" in diameter (wide) and ask someone there to cut it for you. The length you cut it to depends on how tall you are. Here's how to see how long you want it cut to: Set the PVC elbow you found on the floor, with the straight, 6 inch part as the 'base' and the smaller angled part facing upward, like a checkmark. Then put the pipe you found into the part that is facing upward, so it makes a big checkmark shape. *NOTE: If you could only find an elbow piece with a larger (or other size) angled opening, just get the pipe that will fit right into it. 2 inch is best but you don't need it to make it work.

Stand next to the pipe and see where it naturally meets your mouth (since you will be blowing into it like a saxophone).Wherever it meets your mouth is where you want to have the length cut to. (For an adult probably at about 6 feet, for a ten year old, about 4 feet and so on).

3. Black balloons:

You can find these at craft stores, florists, and in any party section of a store, but I have found that florists have the biggest and nicest ones, which work best for a cymatics device. If you can't find any black balloons, any dark color like purple or blue will work too. Try to get the largest, heaviest quality they have, but almost anything will work.

4. Rubber bands:

Hobby stores, grocery stores, hardware stores, craft stores, department stores. About 3-5 inch size is best and get the thickest ones you can find. But again, almost anything will work.


How to build your Cymatics Sounder:

1. Set your PVC elbow piece on the floor, with the bigger end as a base and the angled part angled up. Now place the end of the PVC pipe firmly down into the angled part of the elbow (think of it as building a saxophone). The length of pipe should be going up an angle now and the other open end of the elbow should be facing straight up.

2. Cut the "neck" off a balloon at about 1 inch from the blowing end. (You have several balloons in case you need them, but you will only use one at a time). Now stretch the balloon tightly over the neck of the PVC elbow that is facing up (the 6 inch end without the pipe in it). You may need to do this a couple times to get it flat with no dimples or loose parts in the balloon surface. The balloon should be flat and facing upwards like a drumhead. The vibration of something on a membrane like this is how all tonascopes work.

3. Holding the balloon down over the PVC with one hand, get a rubber band and put it down over the balloon so it holds it on the PVC elbow. You should put about 5 or 6 rubber bands on it to make sure it doesn't pop off.

Now you are ready to 'play' your cymatics device and make sound visible!

How to play your Cymatics Sounder:

1. Hold it upright on the ground so the balloon covered end is facing up and level like a drum.

2. Sprinkle some salt on the surface of the balloon, just enough to lightly cover it over.

3. Now put your mouth up to the other end of the PVC pipe (as if it's a saxophone) and sing and hum! You will see the salt respond to your voice and start to make cymatics patterns like circles, ovals, and snake-like figures.

Hint: Making nice, loud "aaaaa" or "oooooo" or "eeeee" vowel sounds into the pipe will get the best cymatics designs to start with. You will get simple patterns and effects (like the salt just jumping off the surface) to start with. Then you will learn how to get more detailed and "clear" designs as you learn to play your Cymatics Sounder just by watching it.




 Cymatics, the study of wave phenomena, is a science pioneered by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist, Hans Jenny (1904-1972). For 14 years he conducted experiments animating inert powders, pastes, and liquids into life-like, flowing forms, which mirrored patterns found throughout nature, art and architecture.

All of these patterns were created using simple sine wave vibrations (pure tones) within the audible range. So what you see is a physical representation of vibration, or how sound manifests into form through the medium of various materials.

Dr. Jenny's methodology was meticulous, well documented, and totally repeatable. His fascinating body of work offers profound insights into both the physical sciences and esoteric philosophies. It illustrates the very principles which inspired the ancient Greek philosophers Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Plato, on down to Giordano Bruno and Johannes Kepler, the fathers of modern astronomy.

These cymatic images are truly awe-inspiring, not only for their visual beauty in portraying the inherent responsiveness of matter to sound, but also because they inspire a deep recognition that we, too, are part and parcel of this same complex and intricate vibrational matrix.

Hans Jenny was building on the earlier work of Ernest Chladni.





 Ernest Chladni was a German physicist living in the eighteenth century. Chladni showed how sound waves create patterns in sand sprinkled on a vibrating metal plate. He clamped a round metal plate underneath its center and drew a violin bow vertically along the rim of the plate.

He found that different musical tones would cause the sand particles to move into geometric patterns resembling the mandalas used in eastern spiritual traditions. The shape, diameter, thickness, density and rigidity of the plate would determine the shape of the sand patterns.

Chladni found that when the plate was played by the bow certain areas of the plate would vibrate while other areas would not. The particles of sand moved from the vibrating areas of the plate to the non-vibrating areas.

When sand is scattered on the metal plate, see figure one far left, then notes of different frequencies are produced by bowing the edge of the plate at different places and holding the edge at others. In figure two from left to right we see the patterns formed when the bow created a frequency of 1200Hz, 880Hz and 2760Hz.


Hans Jenny



Hans Jenny spent years conducting experiments to discover the effects of sound waves on materials such as glycerine, mercury, gel, liquids, powders and iron filings. Jenny used modern technology to construct a 'Tonoscope', an instrument which would produce a picture of the patterns sound creates in these different materials.

Jenny would send electronically produced sound through oscillating crystals to vibrate the metal plate on which different materials were placed. Jenny called his study 'cymatics,' from the Greek word 'kyma' which means 'wave'.

Different sounds would produce different patterns. Low frequency sounds produced simple geometric shapes. As the sound frequency was increased these simple forms would break up and more complex patterns would appear.

Different tones would produce different shapes in the materials. The sound 'OH' would produce a perfect circle.

Jenny found that when the volume of the sound was increased this caused turbulence and eruptions in the materials. Iron filings when vibrated with sound would resemble mountain ranges forming or waves breaking. Many of the patterns created by the sound resembled the cell structures of plants and animals.

Jenny came to the conclusion that each individual cell generates its own sound, groups of cells also generate their own sounds, as do the organs of the body. These sounds are harmonically related to each other. Indeed the entire human body has its own sound made up of all the sounds of its cells, tissues and organs.


Cassini Images Bizarre Hexagon on Saturn March 27, 2007

Pasadena, Calif. -- An odd, six-sided, honeycomb-shaped feature circling the entire north pole of Saturn has captured the interest of scientists with NASA's Cassini mission.

NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft imaged the feature over two decades ago. The fact that it has appeared in Cassini images indicates that it is a long-lived feature. A second hexagon, significantly darker than the brighter historical feature, is also visible in the Cassini pictures. The spacecraft's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer is the first instrument to capture the entire hexagon feature in one image.

"This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides," said Kevin Baines, atmospheric expert and member of Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We've never seen anything like this on any other planet. Indeed, Saturn's thick atmosphere where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate is perhaps the last place you'd expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is."

The hexagon is similar to Earth's polar vortex, which has winds blowing in a circular pattern around the polar region. On Saturn, the vortex has a hexagonal rather than circular shape. The hexagon is nearly 25,000 kilometers (15,000 miles) across. Nearly four Earths could fit inside it.

The straight sides of the northern polar hexagon are each about 13,800 kilometers long. The entire structure rotates with a period of 10h 39 m 24s, the same period as that of the planet's radio emissions, which is assumed to be equal to the period of rotation of Saturn's interior. The hexagonal feature does not shift in longitude like the other clouds in the visible atmosphere.


Saturn's magnificent ring system -- a huge disc resembling an old gramophone record -- turns out to share another property with the LP: it constantly emits a melodic series of musical notes. The surprising discovery was made by radio and plasma wave detectors on board the Cassini spacecraft as it passed over Saturn's rings during its arrival at the planet in July.

The tones are emitted as radio waves. Don Gurnett of the University of Iowa says his team reduced their frequencies by a factor of five to bring them into the range of human hearing. Gurnett says he was "completely astonished" when he heard the musical notes. The tones are short, typically lasting between one and three seconds, and unlike the ethereal sliding tones associated with other cosmic processes, every one is quite distinct. The evidence suggests that each tone is produced by the impact of a meteoroid on the icy chunks that make up the rings.

Each hit, Gurnett says, creates a pulse of energy that is focused along the surface of a cone from the point of impact. By estimating the energy involved, he calculates that the impacting objects are about 1 centimetre across - although he cautions that his estimate could be out by as much as a factor of 10.


Some basic acoustics laws


How to calculate oscillation of a body into freqency:


The length of time a celestial body requires to rotate around its axis and to revolve around the sun, can be converted into sound (and color) by means of the law of the octave.

Any things that moves or oscillate has a frequency measured in a time unit, usually one second and is called Hertz after the German physicist. Frequency express the number of repetitions of a periodic phenomenon during a certain length of time. (A tuning fork that vibrates 272 times back and forth in one second, has a frequency at 272 Hertz (Hz.)).

Time is not a concept of its own, but a duration. Oscillation is a repetition of the same phenomenon, e.g. the movement of a string, the swing of a pendulum, or astronomical constellations such as a day or a year.

There is a simple relationship between the period of oscillation (the time it takes to move back and forth) and its frequency. It is an inverse proportion: the period = 1/ frequency; (or frequency = 1/ period.) It means that the reciprocal value of a period of time represents its frequency (in seconds). 

Frequency range can be measured in a basic unit called octaves. In practice one can form an octave by multiply or divide a frequency with 2.                 

The Octave

This interval is the very most outstanding division of sound and music and is recognized in all musical traditions through time on the globe. The division of the octave has been done differently depending of musical tradition, but all over the world in all times the octave has been recognized as the basic unit that constitute a beginning and an end.


Octave derived from Latin and means the eighth. It is the 8th step in the diatonic scale consisting of 7 tones, 5 full tones and 2 semi tones. The eighth tone in the diatonic scale, which is the most common in the world, complete the octave on a pitch, that in frequency is the double of the fundamental tone.


Graphically one could say that an octave express or represent a circle. Several octaves shapes a spiral where the same fundamental is above or below. The straight out mysterious about octaves is that tones an octave apart sounds similar though the frequency is the double or the half. They contain so to speak to the same family; from the same root, unfolding in the spectrum of frequencies. They have the same Chroma. The whole time double up the frequencies in the ascending mode or halve in descending mode.  


Again we see the basic, universal division of one into two as we first refer to in the paragraph about the standing waves.


Just remember the awesome sight of the pregnant egg-cell dividing itself.  


The law of octaves belong not only to the realm of sound but can be observed as manifesting itself though out Nature and above in astronomy.  



Two tones an octave apart are perceived as having a kindred relationship - as being, in a sense, "the same note". This recognition of similarities for tones an octave apart is and was applying to any major musical culture all over the globe since the beginning of the history of man.


The sense of pitch associated with a tone has two different attributes: the frequency of the tone, the ”height”, and the chroma, which is a quality shared by all notes described by a particular letter. (Bachem 1950) Thus C2 and C3 are separated in pitch by an octave, they both have the same chroma - that associated with all C’s. They are in the same family.


In one interpretation of the pattern recognition theory of pitch, the brain searches for a distribution of peaks along the basilar membrane corresponding to a harmonic series of vibrations. On this basis, the fact that C2 and C3 evoke almost the same sensation can be readily understood.  

Sound wave


The sound wave is a chain reaction where the molecules of air by elastic beats push the other molecules in the longitudinal direction quiet similar to a long train getting a push from a locomotive.


It is a longitudinal displacement of pressure and depressor in a molecular medium such as air or water initiated by an oscillator, the vibration source for the sound.


The sound waves shall not be mistaken as waves in water caused by e.g. a stone in a pond, though the picture appears to be alike.

Sound waves are longitudinal, back and forth. Water waves are transverse, the main movements are up and down.

Calculations of sound ratios


Another feature in the realm of sound is the exponential factor, because sound as many other physical events behaves exponentially - not in straight lines.

There are two ways to calculate ratios of frequencies:

1) One can work with the ratios as they are, and when adding two sound ratios one have to multiply; to subtract you have to divide, and to divide a sound ratio you have to take the square root.

A common example: in order to divide the octave into 12 equal parts as the case is for the Equal Temperament. You have to calculate the 12th. root of 2, (21/12) . If you want to divide the whole tone, 9/8, you have to take the square root of 9/8, or (9/8)½ = 3/2*2½ .

2) The other way, which makes the calculation more straight forward, is to convert the ratios into logarithmic unities such as cent or savarts, which makes the calculation of ratios more simple by adding, subtraction and dividing.


Savarts named after a French physicist and cents are logarithmic systems developed to make it easy to compare intervals on a linear scale instead of using fractals or frequencies ratios.

Savarts is calculated as the logarithm (base 10) of the frequency ratio and, for convenience, multiply with 1000. We shall then have an interval expressed in terms of a unit call savarts.

The logarithm of 2 being 0.3010... the interval of the octave is equal to 301 savarts.

Savarts is more exact than the widely used American system, cents, which by definition is based on the tempered scale of 1200 cents.


Cent is also a logarithmic unit, which make it easier to operate with pitch intervals or frequencies ratios, since the size of a pitch interval is proportional not to the frequency ratio, but to the logarithm of the frequency ratio.

It is a simple relationship: pitch interval (in octaves) = log2 (f2 : f1). Since there are chosen to have 1200 cents in an octave, this is equivalent to:

pitch interval (in cents) = 1200 * log2 (f2 : f). In practice, logarithms to base 10 (log10) are normally used.

Moving string


Plucked strings exhibit transverse waves in a back and forth movements locally producing a pulse along the direction in which the wave itself travels with a speed depending of the mass of the string and its material but usually lower than airwaves. A good explanation is given by The University of New South Wales, Australia.

(The frequency of the string itself is the same as the frequency of the air waves.  The wavelength is different due to the dissimilarity in speed.) 


The lengths of the vibrating part of the string is inverse proportional to the frequencies. The period of oscillation = 1 / frequency. This is a important acoustic law, that applies to any conversion of  period into frequencies. If you, e.g. divide an octave string with 2/3, the ratio of the sound will be 3/2 of an octave, a fifth.



To produce sounds a vibrating body, an oscillator, is needed. 

An oscillator can be any kind of a vibrating body from an atom to an astronomical object, but since we here are working with musical sounds, we are referring to oscillators such as musical instruments or the human voice box, that produce standing waves or periodic waves in a system of resonators that enhances and amplify the tone and generates harmonics.


The heart and aorta formed a special resonant system when breathing is ceased. Then the heart beat seems to wait until the echo returns from the bifurcation (where the aorta forks out in the lower abdomen). Then the next heart beat sets in. In this synchronous way a resonant, standing wave of blood is established with a frequency about seven times a second. This harmonious mode requires for its sustenance a minimum amount of energy, which is an intelligent response from the body. In deep meditation a similar mode is established. It is interesting to notice that this mode of 7 Hz is closed to the Schumann resonance.

Standing waves


Standing waves are a kind of echo, that moves back and forth, since the waves are reflected between two solid points, basically, a hamper or fixed string. For wind instruments with an open end, the impedance (the resisters from the air) works in a similar manner. There are also closed pipes, that resonates a bit different.


 When a fixed string is plucked, the potential energy is released in a transverse wave, that in a split second begins to displace a division of the string in different moving parts, where some points are not moving, which are called nodes.  


How many nodes the string is divided into when it vibrates depends of the material, the tension, and especially how and where it is plucked or bowed ,etc, but here we try to get a general picture of the nature of standing waves in a plucked string.


When the potential energy is stopped in the fixed ends,  the kinetic energy is at its maximum and continue in a 180° phase shift the opposite way. We have two waves with the same frequency and amplitude traveling in the opposite direction. Where the two waves add together or superpose, movements is cancel out and we have moving less nodes. That occur a half wavelength apart and constitute the standing waves.


The repeating shifts between potential and kinetic energy in a moving string draws ones attention to a similar pattern we can observe in a pendulum and its simple harmonic motion.


The numbers of nodes, the no moving points, in a standing wave, is equal to the number of harmonics or partials created in the standing wave.


The same pattern can be observed with fine sand on a metal plate in vibration by a bow. The standing waves automatically divide the length and width of the plate into an integral number of half wave-lengths. It is only then, a standing wave can be sustained. That pattern is the most energy effective form nature can provide. (A similar pattern is the rhythm entrainment, where random oscillation after a while begin to oscillate in unison).


Standing waves can not exist unless they divide their medium into an integral numbers of half waves with its nodes. A standing waves having a fractional wavelength can not be sustained.


The same standing waves pattern can be preformed in a 3 dimensional box too. This pattern will look just like a highly enlarged crystal, if we assume that the aggregated particles or grains in the box fluid are analogous to the atoms in a crystal.


  The key word in standing waves is order. In short, by using sound we have introduced order where previously there was none.



Any vibrating body that is set in a standing, resonant motion,  produce harmonics. For musical sounds the harmonics series is usually expressed as a arithmetical proportion:


1,1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6...1:n.


The first and 2nd harmonics are separated by an octave, frequency ratio 2:1, the 2nd and 3rd by a perfect fifth (3:2), the 3rd and 4th by a perfect fourth (4:3), and 4th and 5th by a major third (5:4), and the 5th and the 6th by a minor third (6:5), and so on.


A simple Harmonic motion is typified by the motion of a pendulum and is sinusoidal in time and demonstrate a single resonant frequency. 

The formula for The Harmonic Series is the sum, å 1/n = 1 + ½ + 1/3 + ¼ + 1/5 +1/6 +…diverges to infinity, when n goes from 1 to infinity.

Harmonics of the string


Since the Harmonic Series is so important in the construction of musical scales, another common way to express the harmonics is a simple multiplication by whole numbers: the fundamental f, then 2f, 3f, 4f, harmonic.


How Nature performed such a mathematical division, an arithmetic progression is beyond my apprehension, but it is surely a mighty prominent and well proofed law. Intuitively I feel that the number 2 or its inversion ½ is the mega number. Remember the integer numbers of ½ waves (nodes) in the standing wave.


The harmonic series is special because any combination of its vibrations produces a periodic or repeated vibration at the fundamental frequency.

Harmonics of the string


Imagine an idealized stretched string with fixed ends vibrating the first 4 modes of the standing waves. This can be expressed as the relationship between wavelength, speed and frequency, a basic formula where the wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency when speed is a constant (k) since it is the same string:


Let's work out the relationships among the frequencies of these modes. For a wave, the frequency is the ratio of the speed of the wave to the length of the wave: f = k/wavelength. Compared to the string length L, you can see that these waves have lengths 2L, L, 2L/3, L/2. We could write this as 2L/n, where n is the number of the harmonic.


The fundamental or first mode has frequency f1 = k/wavelength = k/2L,

The second harmonic has frequency f2 = k/wavelength = 2k/2L = 2f1

The third harmonic has frequency f3 = k/wavelength = 3k/2L = 3f1,

The fourth harmonic has frequency f4 = v/wavelength = 4k/2L = 4f1, and, to generalize, The nth harmonic has frequency fn = k/wavelength = nk/2L = nf1.


All waves in a string travel with the same speed, so these waves with different wavelengths have different frequencies as shown. The mode with the lowest frequency (f1) is called the fundamental. Note that the nth mode has frequency n times that of the fundamental. All of the modes (and the sounds they produce) are called the harmonics of the string. The frequencies f, 2f, 3f, 4f etc are called the harmonic series.


The diagram below displays the harmonics in a span of 5 octaves, where the fundamental is C with the frequency of 32 Hz. As the octaves progress the numberes of new harmonics increase with the factor of 2.




Chladni resonant Lines on a Violin


Musical Scales


In the Creation of Musical Scales, part 1 & 2, the general features of harmonics has been described. The aim of this portion is devoted to the spiritual and the psychological power of harmonics as well as the physical well being.


  Alfred Tomatis is a French physician and specialist in otolaryngology, who has been working with understanding the function of the human ear and the importance of listening for forty-five years. In this connection we will look at his discoveries of sound, which ”charge” the listener. Tomatis found that sounds that contain high frequency harmonics, such as those found in Gregorian chants, are extremely beneficial. It is these high frequencies around 8000 Hz, which are capable of ”charging” the central nervous system and the cortex of the brain. In many of the sacred chants of the different tradition, the main out put of high frequency harmonics are dominant, which offer stimulation to the brain.


Tomatis himself discovered this when he was called to help a Benedictine monastery, where the monks were suffering of fatigued and depression. He found out, that they usually six to eight hours of chanting - due to a new decree -  has been ceased, and within a short period of time the monks was unable to perform their many duties. WhenTomatis re-established their daily chanting, the monks were soon able to continue their rigorous schedule of work and prayers.


For Tomatis, a major aspect of the therapeutic affects of vocal harmonics lies in the conduction of the bones, which are stimulated by resonance of around 2000 Hz. He says:


”The sound produced is not in the mouth, not in the body, but, in fact, in the bones. It is all the bones in the body which are singing and it is like a vibrator exciting the walls of the church, which also sing.”


Bone conduction’s actually amplifies the sound through resonance of the cranium and the skull. According to Tomatis, bone conduction stimulates the stapes muscle of the ear, which he believes is the key to stimulating and charging the brain. Tomatis himself manages with a small amount of sleep, less than four hours a night. He attributes this to his listening to sound, which are rich in high harmonics.


Tomatis has described a phenomenon, which has been called ”The Tomatis Effect”, that states that the voice can only create and duplicate those sounds, which the ear is able to hear. This means that until you are able to hear various overtones, you will not be able to create them in your voice.


  Listening is undoubtedly a key, not only in obtaining the ability of creating vocal harmonies and improvement of the voice, but of understanding aspects of other levels of consciousness. In the Hindu tradition there is a great awareness of listening as a tool for enhanced consciousness. The art of listening to the outer and inner sound.



Inner and outer sound


In the Vedic language of Sanskrit, there is a differentiation between inner and outer sound. There is audible sound, called ”ahata”, or struck sound and is the result of vibration on the physical plane. There is also the ”anahata”, the inaudible, inner sound which are not the result of some physical vibration, but rather are ”unstuck” which can ridden like a flying horse to other planes of existence in meditation.


The American throat singer, Jonathan Goldman, formulates an interesting statement in the book," Healing Sounds”, the power of harmonics:


”I have always wondered if harmonics might not somehow be the bridge between ”ahata” and ”anahata”, the struck and the unstuck sound, but the harmonics which are created do not occur themselves from having been physically struck. Perhaps they are the bridge between the physical and the meta-physical.” (p.78)


  Pir Vilayat Khan, head of the Sufi Order of the West, said that the overtones can be followed with the conscious mind and used as ”Jacob’s Ladder” to climb to other planes of existence.

Sound as a carrier wave of consciousness


If we for a moment give up the common notion about sound as air waves the ear can hear, and extend it to a member of the universal family of vibrations, we will open up for the Hermetic Principles that tell us about the Universe is nothing more or less than an endless number of vibrations and rhythms from the atoms to the stars.


Hermes Trismegistus, Thrice Great Hermes, the scribe of the Gods, as the ancient Greeks named the mystical Egyptian God Thoth, was said to create by the sound of his voice alone. The sacred writings of the ancient mystery Schools over the world, were attributed to him as mediator of divinely revealed wisdom. In thus center of learning the knowledge of sound was a highly refined since based upon an understanding of vibration as the primary causative form of the universe. While there  are many mystical and spiritual paths, the Principles laid out by (the post atlantian?) Hermes Thoth seem to be incorporated in all of these paths. There were Seven Principles  upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy was based. Describe in ”The Kyballium: a study of Hermetic Philosophy” these are:


1.      The principle of Mentalisme: "All is mind"


2.      The principle of correspondence: "As Above, so Below".


3.      The principle of Vibration:" All is in vibration".


4.      The principle of Polarity: " Everything is dual".


5.      The principle of Rhythm: " Everything flows".


6.      The principle of Cause and Effect: " Everything happens according to Law".


7.      The principle of Gender: " Everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles"

Resonant frequency


Every organ, bone and tissue in the human body has its own separate resonant frequency. Together they made up a composite frequency, a harmonic that is your own personal vibratory signature. This signature encircle the whole body with a field, which some gifted people can see as an aura, and can be recorded by means of Kirlian photography.


Just as it is possible to set an object into its own natural vibratory state through resonance, so it is possible to restore the natural motion of an object, that may be out of tune or in disharmony. We call this disease. When disease sets in, a different sound pattern is established in that part of the body which is not vibrating in harmony. Therefore, it is possible, through use of externally created sound that is projected into the diseased area, to reintroduce the correct harmonic pattern.


 The different rhythms of the body may also be changed through sound. This is known as entrainment and involves the ability of the more powerful rhythmic vibrations of one object to change the less powerful rhythmic vibration of another object and cause them to synchronize their rhythms with the first object. Through sound, especially chanting or overtone singing, it is possible to change the rhythmic pattern of our brain waves, as well  as our heart beat and respiration.


Different brain wave rates have been equated to different state of consciousness. There are four basic categories of brain waves:


1.      Beta waves, from 14 to 20 Hz, which are found in our normal waking state of mind.


2.      Alpha waves, from 8 to 13 Hz, which occur  when we daydream or meditate.


3.      Theta waves, from 4 to 7 Hz, which are found in states of deep meditation and sleep, as well in shamanic activity.


4.      Delta waves, from 0,5 to 3 Hz, which occur in deep sleep and have been found in very propound states of meditation and healing.


  The use of music in sacred ceremonies and shamanic rituals has occurred since ancient times. The changing of these rates creates change in consciousness.


In our age of science it has been verified that sound can be used to effect and change our brain waves. In The Sound of Silence, I mentioned the American engineer, Robert Monroe, who has written books about his out of body experiences and produced sound tapes for the purpose of synchronizing the two brain hemispheres in order to create an altered state where out of body or similar experience can emerge. (I have tested some of these tapes myself, but I have to admit that I came in a state of flying - though not out of my body. Maybe my intend was not strong enough!)


 The changing of using resonance and entrainment are the fundamental concepts behind the use of sound to heal and transform. They are found in every practice that uses sound, regardless of tradition, belief system or culture.


The psychic Edgar Cayce predicted, that sound would be the medicine of the future.  I surely pray to that and the future is here. Within the last decades, however, the use of sound as a healing modality is coming more into focus in both the scientific and the medical communities. There now exist organizations such as the International Society for Music in Medicine and the Arts Medicine Association, which draw together doctors, scientists and other working with sound as a therapeutic tool.


 ”Sound is a carrier wave of consciousness”


This means that depending upon where an individual’s awareness is placed when he/she creates a certain sound, the sound will carry information on that state to the person receiving it. It is the intent or the purpose behind the sound, that matters. With the word intent, we are really talking about the consciousness of the sound being created. This encompasses the overall state of the person making the sound and involves the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of that person.


The initial understanding of intention involves our conscious mind, actually our whole being. A more profound understanding of intent involves what may be understood as alignment with the purpose of our Higher Selves, or the Divine Will. That is to be one with the Universal Spirit. It is that aspect of consciousness that is able to align with the sacred energy of sound.


It is ”Thy will”, not ”my will”.


When we have reached this level of being, our intent is to become a vehicle for the sacred sound and we  are – maybe - able to by-pass the lesser aspect of one self which is selfish, inharmonious and unable to surrender to the Universal Will or God.


For most people, the initial understanding of intent is a major tumbling block in using sound as a transformational and therapeutic tool, for most of us, including healers, has not reached such a being and have never created sound with conscious awareness and purpose. Maybe in our intent to be a vehicle for our Supreme Creator, the tumbling block in a moment of grace becomes a stepping stone and in that moment we are One with our Creator and therefore are able to re-create and heal.


The concept of intent relates to the first Hermetic Principle that All is Mind, for intent stems from the mind of the Creator of sound. All is vibrations and rhythm. The key is the level of being, the degree of consciousness, the development of the mind, the purity of emotions, the level of attention that forms the intent or visualization.


Healing Sound


Resonance is the basis of every sound therapy that I have examined. As you may recall, resonance is the basic vibratory rate of an object. Everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. This includes the human body. Every organ, bone, tissue and other part of the body has a healthy resonant frequency. When that frequency alters, that part of the body vibrates out of harmony and this is what is termed disease. If it were possible to determine the correct resonant frequency for a healthy organ and then project it into that part which is diseased, the organ should return to its normal frequency and a healing should occur.



Dr. Hans Jenny, a Swiss scientist, spent ten years of his life observing and photographing the effects of sound upon inorganic matter. He would put water and other liquids, plastics, paste and dust on steel plates and then vibrate these plates with different frequencies. Much of this work was originally inspired by the work of Ernst Chaldni, an eighteenth-century scientist who put grains of sand on glass and vibrated them with a violin bow. The sand would take on the most beautiful and symmetrical shapes. The experiments of Jenny took this understanding of the relationship between sound and form a quantum leap ahead.


Dr. Jenny spent thousands of hours experimenting with the effects of different frequencies upon the different inorganic substances he was using. Within the hundreds of photo- graphs which he and his staff took are pictures that look like starfish, human organs, microscopic bacteria and underwater life. In reality, these shapes are nothing more or less than lifeless mounds of plastic, dust and other inorganic material that had been exposed to sound.


  Cymatics is the name which Dr. Jenny gave to his work. The name comes from the Greek kyma, a word which means wave. Cymatics is the study of wave-form phenomena. It is proof positive that sound has the ability of creating form. Once they are exposed to sound waves, the inanimate blobs of liquid, pastes, and other materials in Dr. Jenny's experiments begin to undulate and move. Slowly as the sound continues to affect them, they begin to take form. No longer shapeless blobs, these forms pulse and vibrate with the sounds that course through them, looking for all the world like living breathing creations. They are, however, not alive, but merely assume the features of life through the extraordinary power of sound. Once the sound is stopped, these shapes cease and the inorganic creations resume their shape as formless blobs.

 Dr. Jenny, in Volume II of Cymatics wrote:

 ”Now it is beyond doubt that where organization is concerned, the harmonic figures of physics are in fact essentially similar to the harmonic patterns of organic nature.... In the first place, we have the certain experience that harmonic systems such as we have visualized in our experiments arise from oscillations in the form of intervals and harmonic frequencies. That is indisputable. ... If biological rhythms operate as generative factors at the interval-like frequencies appropriate to them, then harmonic patterns must be necessarily forthcoming.”


  According to Dr. Jenny, harmonics and harmonious patterns are interrelated. The intervals created by the frequencies and their harmonics were responsible for giving shape to the different substances with which Dr. Jenny experimented.

Barbera Hero

 Barbara Hero has demonstrated a similar effect of harmonics using a laser and scanner system. Barbara placed a mirror under a speaker system which vibrated the mirror when two different frequencies were created. She then projected a laser at the  mirror and the laser was reflected on to a screen, revealing the images created by the sounds. Barbara found that those intervals which were created by the harmonic series created shapes which were geometrically perfect. These shapes, such as a circle, remained stationary as long as the intervals were sounding. Intervals which were not harmonically related created shapes that were not geometrically perfect and their shapes decayed.

 Barbara experimented with the human voice using this laser and scanner system. The results were the same. When two people sang notes that were harmonically related, the perfectly symmetrical geometric shapes appeared. This was especially true when the people created vocal harmonics. When the voices created sounds that were not harmonically related, the shapes were not symmetrical.

   The potential of the voice as a healing and transformational instrument intrigued Dr. Hans Jenny, whose experimental focus consisted of recording the effects of sine wave frequencies upon inorganic substances. He concluded Cymatics with the statement:   ”But the real work on what might be called melos, or speech, is still to be done. This brings the larynx and its action in the scope of our studies. And at the same time, we are confronted with origination of vibrations effects, the generative element; we must learn about the larynx as a creative organ which displays a kind of omnipotent nature”.

Dr. Peter Guy Manners   

 One of the pioneers in using sound to heal is Dr. Peter Guy Manners, MD. An English osteopath, Dr. Manners became aware of Dr. Jenny's cymatic experiments and learned of the extraordinary ability of sound to affect form. Since 1961 he has been engaged in research into the effects of sound upon the structure and chemistry of the human body.


Dr. Manners is the creator of cymatic therapy which utilizes the Cymatic Instrument. For over twenty years, he has been treating various illnesses with sound. Working under the premise that disease is an 'out of tuneless' of some aspect of the body, Dr. Manners has correlated different harmonic frequencies, which are the healthy resonant frequencies of different parts of the body. He states:


”A healthy organ will have its molecules working together in a harmonious relationship with each other and will all be of the same pattern. If different sound patterns enter into the organ, the harmonious re1ationship could be upset. If these frequencies are weak in their vibration, they will be overcome by the stronger vibrations of the native ones. If the foreign ones prove to be the stronger on the other hand, they may establish their disharmonious pattern in the organ, bone, tissue, etc. and this is what we call disease.


If, therefore a treatment contains a harmonic frequency pattern which will reinforce the organs, the vibrations of the intruder will be neutralized and the correct pattern for that organ re-established. This should constitute a curative reaction”.

 Cymatics Instrument

  The Cymatics Instrument is composed of a portable computer which is about briefcase size and a sound generator which resembles a hammer-like vibrator.

   The harmonics of the Cymatic Instrument are tabulated and reconstructed by computers and the corrected frequency is then projected directly into the affected area. The harmonics from the Cymatic Instrument are a composite of five different frequencies that Dr. Manners has found most effective for creating sounds that heal the human body. These sounds from the Cymatic Instrument are very different from the vocal harmonics we have been discussing in this site.

  They are electronically created and are really single tones. Yet they are harmonics of the calibrated frequency of the human body. They are usually octaves of this frequency, brought up many, many times in order to put the sound into the audible level, or brought down many, many times. Nevertheless, as tones that are octaves of a tone (whether this fundamental is in the ELF range or ultra-sonic), these tones can technically be called 'harmonics'.

   In the Cymatic Instrument are calculated literally thousands of different composite harmonics designed to place the body back into alignment and health. There are the frequencies for every organ in the body and for specific diseases. There are also frequencies for the emotional and mental problems. Some imbalances treated with cymatic therapy include: anemia, asthma, colitis, constipation, diabetes, eczema, glaucoma, heart disease, hernias, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, sciatica, sleeping sickness, syphilis and tonsillitis. If the theory of resonant frequency healing is correct, there would be few, if any, illnesses that could not be effectively treated with sound.

  Cymatic therapy is but one of the new sound-related therapies, that are being utilized for healing. While there are many testimonials of people who have had extraordinary healing through this and other therapies, the hard scientific data needed for verification of these therapies is often lacking.

 A reason for this is, that the proper research needed to collect data that is suitable for the traditional scientific and medical communities, requires a lengthy and costly process. Many times grants and funding are needed and sadly most organizations that give grants will not extend their finances to unproven methods - which is a case of Catch 22, for how can one prove a method if the funding is not available?

  Nevertheless, though adequate research is not presently available, this does not mean the various sound therapies do not work. There are an increasing number of people, who have experienced extraordinary  transformations and healings through the use of different sound therapies.

   How is the frequencies for Cynmatic Instruments determined?  Dr. Manners states, that many of the frequencies were scientifically determined but that others were the result of radionics, or radiathesia.



Radionics works with the premise that all matter radiates energy. This energy, which is not simply 'magnetic' or 'electric', operates at very subtle and refined levels of vibration. Using devices such as pendulums which seem to swing back and forth in response to this energy, radionic practitioners have been able to determine frequencies for various parts of the body.

 Dr. Manners stated that in actual laboratory tests the frequencies found for the liver, for example, match the frequencies given by radionic devices. The laboratory tests take several hours while the use of  radionic device may take a few minutes.


Lambdoma Diagram also called 'The Pythagorean Table' or the 'Lambdoma' has been the subject of much discourse among scientists, The Lambdoma is credited with having been discovered by Pythagoras and was passed on by the neo-Pythagorean Iamblichus. The Lambdoma is an ancient musical mathematical theory which relates music to ratios. Mathematicians and scientists have studied the Lambdoma since its discovery. It is said to hold the many esoteric secrets of the relationship between matter and spirit, including being a numerical representation of the World Soul.

The Lambdoma is composed of two series, One represents the division of a string which indicates frequencies. The other series represents the multiplication of it or the harmonic series.


 Kayser and the Larnbdoma

 In the 1920s Hans Kayser, a German scientist, developed a theory of world harmonics based upon the Lambdoma. He found that the principles of harmonious structure in nature and the fundamentals of harmonics were essentially the same. Kayser called himself and others who adhered to this philosophy 'harmonicists'. He devoted much of his life to restoring to the sciences, knowledge of the importance of harmonics. He believed that through understanding the connection between music and mathematics, it would be possible to create an understanding of the relationship between tone and numbers. Thus qualities (tonal sensations) could be derived from quantities (numbers) and quantities could be derived through qualities. In his book Akroasis (from the Greek word for 'hearing'), he wrote:

     ”With the discovery of the relation between pitch and string length, which could be established numerically, western science was born. Qualities (tones) were derived from quantities (string or wave lengths) in an exact way.”

 Kayser believed that this knowledge of harmonics had become lost and had created a major schism between science and the spirit. He hoped that a true understanding of this relationship would create a bridge between the matter and soul. According to Kayser, the whole number ratios of musical harmonics corresponds to an underlying framework existing in chemistry, physics, crystallography, astronomy, architecture, spectroanalysis, botany and the study of other natural sciences. The relationship expressed in the periodic table of elements, an understanding of the formation of matter, resembles the overtone structure in music.

  Barbara Hero's Lambdoma frequencies


Another frequency-based healing modality that utilizes harmonics is Barbara Hero's Lambdoma frequencies.

 Barbara Hero is a mathematician and artist who has been working with the Lambdoma for over twenty years. She believes that the Lambdoma is actually a formula for hea1ing with sound and she has created a series of tapes designed to balance and resonate the chakras based upon these frequencies. Related websites by Barbara Hero.

 The chakras are subtle centers of energy located along the center of the body. They align with the spinal column. Different esoteric traditions believe that the energy that affects the physical body comes from the chakras. Scientists are now attempting to validate the existence of the chakras, as well as the other subtle energy system of the meridians, the basis of acupuncture. Imbalances in chakras are said to affect the physical body. Balancing the chakras may therefore balance and heal problems in the physical body.

 Investigating the Lambdoma frequencies, it is found that they were all harmonically related. In fact, the Lambdoma Diagram is nothing more or less than a table of ratios based upon the overtones. The sounds which Barbara had put on her tape were simply harmonically related frequencies. It seems quite possible that the chakras are harmonically related and that they do respond to harmonically related frequencies.

 Many scientists, including Izthak Bentov, author of Stalking the Wild Pendulum, believe that the etheric fields of the body, such as the astral and mental, are all harmonically related to each other. The chakras and the physical body are also understood to have had this harmonic relationship, BALANCING THE CHAKRAS WITH THE VOICE

    The use of the voice to balance and align chakras has been part of Hindu Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. This application of sound is usually practiced through recitation of mantras. However, there are in the West developed systems using harmonically related vocal sounds which also should work on the chakras. There are differences but basically the seven chakras correspond with sound and color in this way:


7. The CROWN chakra or HEAD chakra is positioned at the top of the head. It is associated with cosmic awareness, highest spirituality, and complete integration with Source.

VIOLET is the color of the crown chakra and the musical note is B. - 123.47 Hz (the note B is also called H)

6. The THIRD EYE chakra is located in the center of the forehead. This chakra is also called the AJNA center. It is associated with intuition, understanding, visualization, and inner vision.

DARK INDIGO BLUE is the color of the third eye chakra and the musical note is A. - 110.00 Hz


5. The THROAT chakra is positioned in the base of throat. It is associated with communication, expression and speaking one's truth.

AZURE BLUE is the color of the throat chakra and the musical note is G. - 98.00


4. The HEART chakra is positioned in the center of the chest, usually shown to be even with the nipple line.

The heart is associated with compassion, friendship, empathy and the ability to give and receive love.

GREEN is the color of the heart chakra and the musical note is F. - 87.31 Hz


Sometimes the heart chakra is shown as pink, especially in relation to sending love out from the heart. )


3. The SOLAR PLEXUS chakra or THIRD chakra is located midway between the end of the breastbone and the navel. It is associated with issues of personal power,
emotions (especially blocked emotions), passion for living, and the ability to protect oneself from being the target of negative or aggressive emotions.

YELLOW is the color of the solar plexus chakra and the musical note is E. - 82.41 Hz


2. The SACRAL chakra, also called the SECOND chakra or the SEXUAL chakra, is positioned in the area between the navel and the pubic bone. Depending on which sources you read, it can be shown to be centered on the navel itself or to be aligned with the sexual organs - ovaries in women and testes in men. It is associated with creativity, sexuality, relationship, and reproduction.

ORANGE. is the color of the sacral or second chakra and the musical note is D. - 73.42 Hz


1. The ROOT chakra, also called the FIRST or BASE chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with issues of survival, drive, ambition, grounding one's energy in the physical dimension, your life forces, and balancing experiences that create "fight or flight".

RED is the color of the root chakra and the musical note is C. - 65.41 Hz



Stockhausen and Resonation of the Brain


    Another potential healing use of harmonics involves the resonation of the brain with these sounds. Many people report being aware of vibrations in their heads when they create vocal harmonics. Sometimes they see light when their eyes are closed. Others indicate they can actually feel different parts of their brain being resonated by the harmonics.

 A pioneer in Western overtone singing is the German avant-garde composer, Karlheinz Stockhausen.  He was able to produce something like 28 overtones as clear as a bell. He said that he concentrates on a particular point in the brain above the palate for each overtone and that each overtone is placed higher up in an area within the brain.

 Stockhausen was the first to compose music created entirely for overtone singers. His influence in the growth of vocal harmonics has been great. Among his students were British overtone singer, Jill Purce, and German overtone singer, Michael Vetter.

 Stockhausen had these comments to make about his overtone composision, "Stimmung" (meaning 'tuning'):

”You will hear my work Stimmung as one seventy-five minutes long chord. It never changes.There are only  partials or natural harmonics on a fundamental, the fundamental itself isn't there. The second, the third, fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth harmonics and nothing but that ... The singers needed six months just in order to learn precisely how to hit the ninth harmonic, or the tenth, eleventh, thirteenth, up to the twenty-fourth... It's a wonderful technique to learn because you become so conscious of the different parts of the skull which are vibrating, If you met the singers, you'd see how as human beings, they've changed. They're completely transformed now that they've sung it more than a hundred times since the World's Fair in Osaka”.


    Stockhausen was able to observe physiological changes in the skulls of the singers he had trained to create vocal harmonics. The question remains: what exactly are these physiological changes? Are these changes restricted to the bones of the cranium or are there actual changes in the brain as well? If it is possible to resonate different portions of the brain through self-created sounds such as vocal harmonics, this seems a great deal safer than drilling a hole through the cranium and then attaching electrodes to the brain. This latter method is the one which is currently the only available way modern science can stimulate and directly affect the brain.

 In interviews, overtone singer Jill Purce has stated:

     ”Overtone chanting is extremely healing... When you're doing overtone chanting you're beginning to differentiate mental and physiological processes that are not normally differentiated. This requires incredible concentration  - you use parts of the brain that you don't normally use -  and when you do that something else happens and you enter into the world of spirit”




  Jonathan Goldman  tells in his book, Healing Sound, about a mind shaking experience in a completely dark cave in Palenque in Mexico, where his guide asked him to perform harmonious singing. When he began to tone harmonics towards the area the guide has indicated before the lights went out, the cave began to become illuminated, but it was not ordinarily light. It was more subtle, but it was definitely lighter in the room. The outline and figures of the people there could be seen and everyone was aware of it. 

This experience was one of the more dramatic episodes in his life. It was only later that he began to process the experience and try to understand what had gone on: "I had been able to use sound to create light".

His conclusion was: by use of vocally created harmonics, it is possible to resonate and stimulate the pineal gland.


  The pineal gland is a small, pine-cone-shaped gland located in the middle of the head. Esoterically, the pineal is often associated with the 'third eye' and was believed by Descartes to be the 'Seat of the Soul'. lt was once thought to be a vestigial organ and is now known to be a light sensitive clock affecting sleep and the sex glands.


Research by scientists such as Robert Beck suggest that the pineal is an organic device which is tuned towards magnetic north to give both humans and animals their sense of direction, Other scientists believe that the pineal is a bio-luminescent organ which has the ability to create light.


    The pineal is rich in neuromelanin, which, according to scientist Frank Barr, is a phase-timing, information processing interface molecule which is a photo transducer. This is a substance which has the ability, among other traits, of absorbing and converting light energy to sound.

It also has the ability to turn sound energy into light. Barr believes that melanin and its brain counterpart, neuromelanin, may be the key link between the mind and the brain.


Through stimulation of the pineal gland, neuromelanin is produced. Neuromelanin, a light-sensitive compound triggers the release of a substance which contains phosphorus, a light-producing chemical. By stimulating the pineal gland through vocal harmonics, it may be possible that actual fields of light around the body are enhanced.


While this phenomenon is not too widely known, there does seem to be some reference to it in certain texts.

Dhyani Ywahoo, a Native American medicine woman, writes in "Voices of Our Ancestors", that in the Ancient Mystery Schools the initiations were held in total darkness. The initiates had to be able to produce their own light.

May be this was done through the creation of vocal harmonics. Spiritual scientist J. J. Hurtak writes of the phenomenon of creating light through the pineal gland in The Keys of Enoch:


    ”The 'light' which activates the pineal gland is not the conventional light of the sun... the brain produces its own light field on a molecular level... our neurocircuitry can produce its own light field”.


    Jonathan Goldman discussed with Dr. Tomatis his experience of producing light through sound and suggested the hypothesis of the pineal creating this light. Dr. Tomatis knew of this phenomenon of creating light through sound, but believed that this light was created not through the pineal (the third eye) but through the heart.


It is interesting to note that the heart is an organ which is also extremely rich in melanin. What would be the healing benefits of creating light in this manner? The possibilities seem limitless. We would be enhancing and adding energy to the fields around our bodies, creating or restoring health and balance to areas of imbalance and disease. These possibilities of resonating the pineal through sound are yet another example of the potential use of  harmonics to influence and affect the brain for health and well-being.


 The Sound of Silence

by Thomas Váczy Hightower

Standing wave

In the first part of The Sound of Silence we have mainly investigated the broaden concept of motion, the pendulum and its strange behavior at the quantum level. Now we will explore other meta physical aspects of music and sounds.

Standing waves is an essential phenomenon in the creation of the musical tone. In my page The Creation of the Musical Scale there is a description of standing waves.
Here we will just state, that standing waves automatically divide the length of a string or an air column into an integral number of half wave-lengths. It is only then, a standing wave can be sustained. That pattern is the most energy effective form nature can provide. (A similar pattern is the rhythm entrainment, where random oscillation after a while begin to oscillate in unison).
Standing waves can not exist unless they divide their medium into an integral numbers of half waves with its nodes. A standing waves having a fractional wavelength can not be sustained.
The same standing waves pattern can be preformed in a plate or a 3 dimensional box too. This pattern will look just like a highly enlarged crystal, if we assume that the aggregated particles or grains in the box fluid are analogous to the atoms in a crystal.

The key word in standing waves is order. In short, by using sound we have introduced order where previously there was none.

de Borglie waves

On the quantum level sound does not have meaning, but standing wave does still perform order, when we are looking at the orbiting electrons in an atom. In the early 20th. Century spectrum analysis showed 7 levels or series for the orbiting electrons, but it was unclear how the electrons was able to maintain they fixed orbits. The quantum physicist de Borglie came up with an explanation, when he in 1923 proposed, that the electrons not only existed as particles, but also behaved as waves of matter, which interfered with themselves as standing waves. By this order the numbers of electrons are maintained in their orbits. de Borglie's theory was later proved by experiments.

The orbit is only stable if it meets the condition for standing waves. The circumference had to be an integer number of the wavelength. The consequence is that only special values of radius and energy is allowed for the electrons, if they stay stable and do not emit energy. They are quantized.
Niels Bohr's atom theory stated in contrary to the classical law of electrodynamics, that the electrons do not emits energy, photons, as long as they energy integers are in accordance with the properties of standing waves.

Table of the Elements

The periodic tables of Elements reflexes the wave pattern of atoms. Usually the table is displayed with 7 series of quantized atoms, where the first level contains the lightest atoms, Hydrogen and Helium. The atomic weight depends mainly of the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus and is increasing down the diagram. I have changed the periodic, vertical level with octaves.
If we look at the atomic weight, which is not indicated in this table of elements due to clarity, we will notice, that the law of octaves to a great extent is displayed by the double atomic weight for each descending octave. In addition, each main octave contains inner octaves on the horizontal, group level, so we can view the Table of Elements as a square of octaves.

This way of viewing the table of elements as a square of octaves does not have a scientific value. The atomic weight numbers do not in many cases show a strict octave behavior.
However, I find in the general display of the table of elements too many coincidences of octave patterns, that I dare bring this point of view. Nature does not reveals itself as a finished, perfect framework. There are flaws everywhere, cracks for the light to enter and space for the continuous creation.
Just think about is: the universe as we at the present time can observe: it is only a fraction of what really is out there. Literally speaking only the top of the iceberg. The empty space is loaded with invisible matter and energy, the "dark matter", which only indirectly can be detected and calculated by the rotation of galaxies. It is mind shaking, that science still have to figure out what kind of matter, that occupied most of the Universe.

In accordance with the cosmogony and the theory of the Big Bang for about 13,5 billion years ago, only Hydrogen and Helium existed in the new born Universe. The gravitational pull in clouds of those two elements shaped the stars, and the creations of the following elements slowly began under heat and pressure in the plasma. By the dead of a star, the new elements was and is continuously released into the inter stellar space. Some of the heavy elements can only be produced by Super Nova's.
I like to view the on going creation as a big decending cosmic octave, where the first notes was Hydrogen and Helium.
Music in the East and the West

In western tradition the legendary Orpheus, the Greek inventor of the 7 tone scale about 1200 BC, created the music in order to open the hearts of men for the divine 7 Rays. How the music actually was played in ancient Greek is speculation other than it was a sacred ritual, as in the East. They played the music differently, but the aim was the same.
It was first in the end of the 15th Century, when the change in the Western society with the Renaissance, the alteration in the focus became prominent. The close attachment to the church became more detached as the need or demand for music serving kings and the rise of rich business dynasties. The music changed more and more to the honor of man and to the glory of his outward manifestations.
The development in musical practice from monophonic to polyphonic and after the Renaissance to fully "harmonious" music, made it necessary to have especially the third harmonized. The Pythagorean third (81:64) is a syntonic comma larger than the harmonic third (5:4). The need for harmonizing the third in the part-songs became imperative as the polyphonic music became predominant.
New musical scales was developed to serve that requirement, such as the Just Intonation.

In the East the music remained as a tool for letting the heart sing its praise for the sublime God, the one inside as well as for the Universe.
The question remains: does music have a power that is above cultural differences? Does objective music exist?
Reijo Elsner has written an interesting article about Russian Icons: "Are Icons a form of Objective art?"
The concept of harmony

It is general knowledge, that the notion of harmony comes from the ancient Greeks word, harmonia. It was a key word of the Pythagoreanism and meant primarily the joining or fitting of things together. Originally it was connected to the concept of cosmos. Its musical meaning was established by the early fifth Century B.C. according to professor Guthrie ("A History of Greek Philosophy", Vol. I,) first seen from Pindar.
The numerical explanation of the universe was a generalization from the discovery made by Pythagoras himself and revealed the numerical ratios which determine the concordant intervals of the scale. We find it clearly in Aristotle's explanation of Pythagoras' harmony of the spheres and also in Plato's statements. (see my page The Harmony of the Spheres)

However, as Burnet notes, there was no such things as harmony in our sense. Harmonia meant tuning, or scale or octave. Classic Greek music was melodic, modal, without use of harmonious chords as we are used to.
Plutarch (44-120 B.C.) stats that for Pythagoras and his disciples, the word harmonia meant "octave" in the sense of an attunement which manifests within its limits both the proper fitting together of the concordant intervals, fourth and fifth, and the difference between them, the whole tone.
Moreover, Pythagoras proved that whatever can be said of one octave can be said of all octaves.

The essential point was, that the three intervals, the octave, the fourth and the fifth, were regarded as primary and fixed; as the element out of which any musical scale or composition was build. The other notes was not fixed and could move accordingly to the different modes.

Order and beauty - the concept of cosmos - was imposed by the three fixed notes with the ratio of 1:2, 2:3 and 3:4 on the chaotic range of sounds from the other untied notes.
This is for me a graphic display of hamonia; an integration of order and chaos. Harmony does not in my interpretation means pure harmonious tones, but permitting dissonance between the column of consonance creating harmony.
In our time there is a tendency to disregard the dissonance in the harmony concept making it to a sentimental, sweetish stuff. This is an unhealthy denial of real life consisting of chaos and order - dissonance and consonance.

The ancient Greeks had a profound understanding of balance and proper proportions. It was not accidental that they chose words on the temple of Apollo as "Nothing too much" or "Observe limit".
Chaos meant for the Greeks unlimited - evil. Limit stood for order, moderation - beauty.
The Greek genius in thought and art, represented the triumph of ratio, meaning on one hand the intelligible, determinate, measurable, as opposed to the fantastic, vague and shapeless. There had to be a proportion of things both in themselves and as related to the whole.

The integers 1,2,3 and 4 add up to 10, which was considered perfect and contained in itself the whole nature of numbers. This number was graphically represented by the figure known as the Tetratys, which became a sacred symbol for the Pythagoreans.
One have to notice, that already the ancient Greeks had observed the number 10 as prominent, about 2000 years before the introduction of the decimal system by the Muslims, who imported it from India.

Numbers was responsible for "harmony", the divine principle that governed the structure of the whole world. For the Pythagoreans the numbers had and retained, a mystical significance, an independent reality. Phenomena were secondary, for the only significant thing about phenomena was the way in which they reflected numbers.
That attitude was utterly different from that of a mathematician of today. Mathematics had for the Pythagoreans and also later for Plato a metaphysical as well as a purely mathematical significance. See Lambdoma or the Pythagorean Table and Barbara Hero.
The Golden Section or Phi-ratio

Mathematic and art has since Pythagoras discovery of the connection between numbers and tones had a deep relationship. The golden section, the Phi ratio, was considered by the ancient Greek as the most superb proportion and a cornerstone in art. Plato considered this proportion as a part of creation. In the Middle Age it was called the divine proportion and associate with the Trinity. The Golden section combine nature, mathematic and art in a wholesome unit with transcendental and eternal properties.
The outstanding feature of the golden section is the unique way, it can decrease or increases by keeping its exact proportions. The grow pattern in Nature reflexes this fixed proportion, which also is common in five-sided, pentagonal symmetries, that also contain Phi ratios.

The Golden Section has a geometric as well as an arithmetical expression, and basically it can be define as a specific way of dividing a line. When the whole line (a+b) relates to biggest section (a) as the biggest section relates to the smallest section (b), we have a Golden Section. The arithmetical expression is a mean proportional: a+b/a = a/b. It is a quadratic equation, where the roots of the ratio a/b = 1+5½ /2 = Phi = 1.618034....

Calculations of the quadratic equation: a+b/a = a/b ↔ ab + b2 = a2 ↔ a2 - ab - b2 = 0. Since it is the ratio a/b, we shall calculate, we have to divide the last equation with b2 which is: a2 /b2 - ab/b2 - b2 /b2 = 0; paraphrase as (a/b)2 - a/b - 1 = 0; the square roots of a/b = 1 ± 5½ /2. Since a and b is positive lines only the positive value is used. The approximate value of Phi ratio is 1.618034... The negative value is - 0.618034...The reciprocal value of the decimal is the same, or a/b - 1 = b/a.

There is a lot to tell about the Golden Section. The practical application in art and architecture is well known, e.g. Leonardo da Vinci. An example in our time was the architect le Corbusier, who developed a system of modules based on the golden section.
In music the Phi ratio does not show importance properly due to the intangible nature of music. (The Golden Section for an octave lays close to a diminished sixth.)
The Solar System and its Phi ratio

One of my readers, John Pritchard, has kindly made me aware of the special relationship The Golden Section and its Phi ratio has to our Solar System. The ratio that separates the 9 planets plus Ceres (in the Asteroid belt ) is nearly an exact match with the Phi ratio. The calculation can be made in different ways, but they come to the same conclusion. Their mean distance from the Sun follows the grow spiral from the Golden Section. ;

It is astonishing, that astronomers, who dedicated so much effort in studying the Harmony of the Spheres, such as Kepler, did not see the Phi ratio. (More details in my page The Harmony of the Spheres.)

I will leave the awesome Phi ratio, and move to the Fibonacci numbers, which also reflex's the growth patterns in Nature, and in a strange way is connected to the Golden Section.
Fibonacci numbers

A famous Italian mathematician, Leonardo of Pisa, also called Fibonacci, issued in 1202 BC a book, "Liber Abaci", which at that time contained the knowledge of mathematics using only the new Arabian number system. It was here he presented a series of numbers which was a solution of a problem dealing with theoretic rabbits breeding.
It was first later, that the magnitude of Fibonacci number sequence became known by great mathematicians as Euler and Bernoulli and later by Binets in his formula for Fibonacci numbers.
The peculiar thing in Binets' formula is the irrational number - square root 5 - where Fibonacci numbers only are whole numbers. We remember square root 5 in the Phi ratio, the Golden Section, and the awesome fact is, that the limiting value of the coefficient series (progression) of Fibonacci numbers is the Phi ratio: 1.6180341.... or Fn / Fn-1 when n is going towards eternity.

It is thought-provoking, that nature has chosen the Fibonacci progression for its principle of growth among the innumerable. However, it is a very simple additive progression: one number is the sum of the two previous numbers, and it possess the characteristic of approaching the Phi ratio most swiftly. The two first numbers is the same, namely 1, them starts the addition.
By displaceing the Fibonacci sequence with the nearest previous number, a sequence of ratios are produced. You can see for yourself, how farst the ratio of Fibonacci numbers are approaching the Phi ratio:
1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, 34/21....Fn /Fn-1 ....Phi.
1, 2, 1.5, 1.66... 1.6, 1.625, 1.615..1.619...Fn /Fn-1....Phi.

The sequence of Fibonacci numbers are displayed in Nature in numerous ways, whether it is the position of leaves and seeds or the spiral of growth in a snail shell, which is similar to the Golden Section spiral. What is more surprising is the Fibonacci numbers appearance in probability calculation and Pascal's triad, which was discovered by a theorist of numbers, Edoward Lucas, in the 19th Century.
The use of Fibonacci numbers can be seen in architecture, a few times in modern literature and especially in modern dodecaphonic music, where the tonal order has been disintegrated and occasionally a new order was formed by Fibonacci numbers in the sequence of tones.
(I have seen web pages, which claim that the Fibonacci numbers produce a musical scale by repeating the beginning numbers. I am not able to see such scale fits the practical needs in common music)
A famous example in modern music was the Hungarian composer, Béla Bartók, who searched for "principles which can be serve as a law" (le Corbusier) by using the golden section and Fibonacci series as the underplaying principle in all the musical elements and especially the proportion of duration of movement in music.
The Voice

The voice is an indication of the developmental level of a human being. It carries the signature of the being, who is speaking.
The voice is our breath, the essence of our very life; our being, with sound added to it. The voice is therefore a true mirror of inner health and mental stability, or lack of it. It reflex the full range of emotional excitement or disinterest. For those who can hear, the voice resonante the spiritual attainment of the speaker.
The same can be said about the way we laugh.
The tonal quality of our speech has more significance, on a subtle level, than what we actually say. Words are idle, if they are pronounced without the resonance of internal concord. The voice reflexes our whole being and our true intent. Any child can hear that, when we are scolding them.

Sound has the property of affecting the listener more direct and emotionally than sight, which is process in the brain as an distant object. Sound influences the receiver in a closer, more subjective way. It attains deeper emotional levels other places in the ancient brain. Smells have even a more instintive, (sexual) impact. Sounds and smells are received as a molecular input, while sight is an electronically transmission.

Chanting, intoning or singing is therefore a part in rituals or ceremonies of any culture through time. Singing together is a old and simple way of tuning the hearts and minds to a common aim.
There are also highly personal songs, belonging only to the individual through whom they come. Healing Songs, Life songs, mantra are examples of such.
Soul song is another personal sound therapy, which Andrea Arrowsmith, Inner Sounds of Light Institute
so kindly have made me aware of.
She states, that almost deaf she have all her life heard and played music on inner realms. Nature and all living things have keynotes and soul songs from inner realms, that she is able to "hear". Keynotes resonates from the soul level, always interwined with angelic choirs and music of the spheres.

The most important is the intention that is conveyed in the sounds. Although we might not verbalize our true thoughts, they emanate from our unconscious mind as we sing, and our own feeling are often purified in the process. This has been experienced by keen overtone singers.
Toning and "Overtones"

Both these practices are ancient and have been incorporated in one form or another into the songs of major religions. The call to prayer heard five-times daily in Muslim cultures is a type of chanting combined with Toning.

Toning is a system of healing that utilizes vowel sounds to alter vibrations in every molecule and cell in the body. I have read it is simple to learn and extremely powerful. Toning fills the atmosphere with sounds that reverberate long after the singer has quit. People find themselves inwardly silent and often unable to speak once the Toning process has been directed at them. When they do return from the mild trance the sound has placed them in, they are quiet and at peace and restored to balance internally and externally. They say the sound excites them, releases emotional trauma and physical discomfort, at the same time instilling mental unity and spiritual love.
The word Overtones originates from the German word, Obertone, which refers to the various numbers of partials or harmonics that are produced by the strongest and lowest fundamental tone and fused into a compound or complex tone.
In the 19th Century the German physicist Ohm was the first to formulate this scientifically in his acoustic law, and Herman von Helmholz did a thorough research in the field of harmonics and issued the first consistent body of theories in musical acoustics. About hundred years later his beat theory was replaced by the Consonant theory containing the Critical Band notion. See more in The Creation of Musical Scales.

The chanting of Tibetan monks is replete with harmonics in a highly rare manner that affect and stimulate the chakras.
Throat singing

In the western world Throat singing is also called overtone singing, harmonic singing, or harmonic chant. The most known Throat singing is the Tibetan and Mongolian chanting, but also many other regions in the World are practicing a similar type of singing, that manipulates the harmonics resonance's created as air travels through the human vocal folds and out the lips.

The harmonic frequencies created by the human vocal apparatus are harnessed in throat singing to select overtones by tuning the resonance in the mouth. The result of tuning allows the singer to create more than one pitch at the same time, with the capability of creating six pitches at once. Generally the sounds created by throat singing are low droning hums and high pitched flutelike melodies.

The Tibetan monks believe, that in the creation of the 'One Voice Chord', they do not 'make' the sound themselves. Rather, they become a vehicle through which the sacred sound may manifest. This is a basic principle contained in the Tibetan Buddhist teachings of sacred sound. The chanting of the Gyuto and Gyume monks embodies this understanding of sound and their powerful multi-phonic chanting exemplifies the application of this principle. The harmonics which they create are a result of their becoming one with sacred sound.
Western fascination of chanting monks

Since I wrote about the Tibetan "One voice chord" and Mongolian chanting, Hoomi singing, I have received several mails from Westerner practicing singers, who teach and perform throat singing, and they all tell me, that the technique actually is easy and do not require deep studies of Buddhism, still less spiritual enlightment, in order to perform the deep chordal chanting.
They point out that Western musicologists and scholars in their research of Tibetan chanting are infatuated by a well meaning but often incorrect fascination of the mysticism of the chanting monks.

Concerning the widespread propensity to mysticism among Western scholars of Tibetan chanting, I will quote a mail from a well known practician, Steve Sklar, who is a longtime student, performer and teacher of Tuvan Throat-Singing and Tibetan voice. He has a much more down to earth approach. He has even made on-line lessons in Throat Singing. Steve Sklar wrote:

"Since our earlier correspondence, I've tried to further investigate this issue of the monks' voice. I have indeed received some criticism for saying that there is indeed a technical basis for their peculiar chant voice. My point is that the voice can be understood and that there is no need to perpetuate myths about it. The Tibetan voice is a powerful and beautiful thing, valid in its own right, and not in need of romanticizing.
The actual technique simply involves the use of the ventricular folds in addition to the vocal folds, and often a lowering of the larynx / trachea, enhancing the deep sound by lengthening the air column of the vocal system.
Conversations with Tibetan monks and ex-monks still point to learning by exposure to and imitation of the elder monks. Some can produce the sounds as young boys, prior to joining the monasteries. Some, including some very highly regarded monks, cannot chant in the low chordal voice.
The Tibetans DO sometimes mention a reincarnational propensity towards various practices, such as memorizing texts or being good at chanting. Some have mentioned a belief, that I may have been a monk in a prior life, hence my skill at producing the tones and teaching."
The Medicine of the Future

Healing by sound has become a growing field, which already Edgar Cayce predicted a half century ago as the "the medicine of the future". This do not mean, that I overlook thousands of years practice of healing by music and sounds. There are multitude of cases in any culture, where music was applied to ease the distress or release the pain. I am referring to the many electronic devices that have been developed to heal with much more precision and direct effect.

Before we start the intangible topic of healing by sound, the placebo effect has to be mentioned, since it actually is in the domain of alternative medicine with its mobilization of mental energy.
It started in 1955, when H.K.Beecher was testing new medicaments and made a control group with plain chock tablets and discovered surprisingly, that on average 35% of the patients reacted positive to the "useless" tablets. He published an article, "Is the placebo powerless?, and caused a lot of turmoil. He concluded, that the power of imagination had an significant effect and the placebo effect became soon a factor in modern medicine.
Placebo is Latin meaning "want to please" and the interest for placebo has historical roots. In a medical connection it appeared first time in 1772. The physician William Cullen described in a lecture, how he as a last resort prescribed a placebo for a doomed patient to please him, and as a scientist to see what might happen.

I modern medicine the pleasing function of placebo is considered un-ethical. The testing function is carried out as a double blind test to eliminate possible, suggestive influence by the doctor. However, the New Age holistic paradigm has opened the interest of the medical establishment in the mental power of spontaneous healing. It recognizes the psychic regeneration of the immune systems and do not rule out unknown factors in microbiology.
Social, psychic-somatic ailments

When a doctor is able to make a diagnosis, the patient has a disease, and a treatment can commence. However, in this post-industrial age a astonishing amount of disorders or ailments, which are not able to be diagnose by regular medical findings. The symptoms are complex and un-specific: Chronic fatigue, back pain, despondency or weak depression, whip-lash, fibromyalgi or chronic pain syndrome, unaccountable paralysis.
We are talking about ailments, where the social circumstance is the major factor in producing the psychic, somatic disorders. This is still surround by taboo, since the side effect of modern, high effective work is considered as an acceptable price for the common good. Especially women has been hit by this new "diagnosis".
(Infants families where both parents are full time working are under inhuman strain, especially in Countries, where the wage of maids is high and homework is considered low status.)
A century ago a common "diagnosis" for such disorder was hysteria, and the treatment was hysterectomy. To day this kind of fashion diagnosis mainly apply to women with work injury. They need a diagnosis for their insurance case or the early retirement pension. In Scandinavia about 40 % of the workforce, mainly women, has been labeled unfit for full time work.
In short, when we are talking about disorders, we have to face the social circumstance.

Now we can start the brief introduction to healing sound. A more in depth account can be found in The Power of Harmonics.
Cymatic therapy

Ono of the pioneers in using sound to heal was an English osteopath, Dr. Peter Guy Manners, MD. He became aware of Dr. Jenny's cymatic experiments, a Swiss scientist, who spent ten years observing and photographing the effects of sound upon inorganic matter. He himself was inspired by work of Ernest Chladni, an eighteenth-century scientist, who put sand on a glass plate and vibrated them with a violin bow creating harmonic patterns.

Dr. Manners, working under the premise, that disease is an "out of tune ness" of some aspects of the body, created a cymatic therapy and utilizes the Cymatic instrument, which contains thousands of different composite harmonics designed to place the body back into alignment and health.

An other example among many is an American MEd, Sherry Edwards, who has developed a bioacoustics healing system called "Signature Sound Works".
The human voice is in fact unique in its sound pattern, as good as a "finger print". Sherry Edwards used this feature to analyze voices of sick and healthy people by advanced electronic devices in order to find a correlation between voices in disease and physiological and psychological disorders. After having found particular frequencies in distress or simply missing, she chose those frequencies, generated them and loaded them on tape. Those frequencies are by earphones sent into the hearing system of the brain in order to manipulate brain waves and seemingly trick the brain to simulate dormant brain waves so the delinquent frequencies can be canceled or modified in the body/mind integration process and reconditioning. Brain waves as octaves

Robert Monroe, known for his books and research about out-of-body-experiences, has used specific low frequencies in a two-channel mode in order to produce "difference tones" (which means 2 sound waves that are subtracted from each other, and the result is a low frequency) in the brain, evoking synchronization of the brain’s two hemispheres.

Most solids can be affected to oscillate. The wave it produces, its frequency and shape, depends on the form of the body, the weight, and the material. A string e.g. swings in certain standing modes depending of the length of the string, its thickness and kind of material. The same applies to the sounding board of musical instruments that resonates and amplifies the oscillation of the string. With wind instruments the standing waves in the air pipe is the resonator.

A solid has also its own natural oscillation, which frequencies can be in a narrow or broader band depending on material and construction. The soundboard of many musical instruments has a broad bandwidth, e.g. the piano, in order to resonate and amplify the wide number of octaves.
The violin has a smaller bandwidth, which produces a stronger resonance, though especially with bad violins the frequencies of its own natural oscillation will be re-enforced by resonance and a strong howling tone will be made. The vibration of the string has hit the sound boxes own vibration and a resonance is made.
If a resonator has a its own resonance at f Hz it will begin to vibrate when it is affected by waves with f Hz, but also affected by waves in an interval around f Hz. The width of that interval is the bandwidth of the resonator.
Another important factor for resonance is the resistance of the material - its damping of the waves. Any vibration decays exponentially in time. The amplitude of the vibration is the expression of the damping.
Bandwidth and damping is in direct ratio, so a resonator with a wide bandwidth will also perform a strong damping, while a resonator with a small bandwidth will have little damping and consequently a strong resonance.
There are mechanical, electrical and acoustic resonators, including the human voice box.

The heart and aorta formed a special resonant system when breathing is ceased for a while. Then the heart beat seems to wait until the echo returns from the bifurcation (where the aorta forks out in the lower abdomen). Then the next heart beat sets in. In this synchronous way a resonant, standing wave of blood is established with a frequency about seven times a second. This harmonious mode requires for its sustenance a minimum amount of energy, which is an intelligent response from the body. In deep meditation a similar mode is established.
It is interesting to notice that this mode of 7 Hz is closed to the Schumann resonance.
Schumann resonance

The reason I introduce the resonance phenomena is to extend its scale to our Earth in order to introduce the Schumann resonance.

The space between the Earth and the Ionosphere forms a cavity, which can support electromagnetic standing waves with wavelengths that are comparable to the planetary dimensions. Within the lower atmosphere to a height of 60 – 70 km above the Earth’s surface the finite electrical conductivity of the atmosphere is maintained primarily by cosmic rays.

The combination of the nearly perfectly conducting terrestrial surface boundary and the highly conducting, but dissipate, ionospheric outer boundary separated by an insulating layer of non conducting air, creates an approximately spherical concentric cavity, the "Earth-ionosphere cavity" with electrically conducting walls.

These resonance's, called Schumann resonance's, have been observed at many different locations and can, in principle, be detected from any place on the planet with a radio receiver tuned for extremely low frequency (ELF) range of frequencies 3 – 300 Hz.

The resonance's are very weak and are easily obscured by nearby lightning and numerous other unrelated sources of man-made noise. However, away from these unrelated disturbances, the Schumann resonance's constitute the principal component of the natural background of the electromagnetic spectrum over the frequency range 6 – 50 Hz.

Resonance properties of the Earth's ionosphere cavity were first predicted and discussed theoretically by W.O.Schumann in 1952. Schumann and König made the earliest experimental detection of the resonance in 1954.

In the following decades, extensive studies and development of advanced electronic devices have displayed slight variations of the Schumann resonance due to the time span it is monitored and where and how the antenna is constructed and placed.
Mark Barner has kindly send me updated information about Schumann Wave:
"There has been a lot of misleading information regarding the value of the "Schumann Wave". There is no one specific value for it, due to the ever-changing nature of the Earth's ionosphere. Conclusion: Any modal frequency of the "Schumann Wave" phenomenon may vary by as much as 22.5% (or more) over an arbitrary span of time. This is due to changes in the minimum and maximum height of the ionosphere, it's composition and it's thickness. Note also that beyond the 4th modal harmonic, all wavebands will increasingly overlap. Therefore, to declare the value of 7.83 Hz as the "absolute, correct and only "Schumann Wave" frequency is to commit an error."

The most common order of the Schumann resonance is in Hz: 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, 45… n,
where 7.8 Hz is the fundamental frequency and the following frequencies are the squeezed or overlaping harmonics of the standing wave.
These non-hertzial electromagnetic standing waves of terrestrial resonance's are interesting, if we look into the human brain wave pattern, EEG, and the human heartbeat displayed on ECG.
Scientists who want to incorporate spirituality and consciousness into their science have found, that harmonic geometry and the frequency window of heart coherence during meditation, is to be in a similar bandwidth (1-30 Hz), which characterized not only transcendence in brain EEG and heart/aorta resonance, but also the Earth's natural electro-magnetic resonance frequencies (Schumann resonance). See more at Heartbeat2000 indexmain.

Maybe Mother Nature has not chosen this as a mild coincidence. The Heart, the Brain, and the Earth all have their key information broadcasting on the same channel!
As far back as I can remember, I have had a special comfort in sitting under a tree, especially out in the forest. It has nothing to do with the cool shadow, but intuitively I have chosen that place in order to find myself and the tranquility, that is needed to be in tune and unification with Nature and Earth. I felt myself much alone in those days of childhood, and sitting for hours under a tree gave me comfort and peace of mind.

Now we have devices to test and measure the Earth's magnetic ELF frequencies actually falling into resonant alignment with a powerful and coherent human heart intention.
Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla, who died mysteriously in 1944, had already discovered the electromagnetic standing waves (Schumann waves) in the "Earth-ionosphere cavity" in the late 19th century. Tesla’s wireless power system is well documented - both in patents and available literature. The idea, as I understand it, was to treat the Earth as a spherical capacitor, and to charge the ground with standing electric waves. Tesla tested this system at his Colorado Springs lab in 1898-1899. He then designed a full blown functional and complete system to be built at Wardenclyff on Long Island.
Marconi's theft of his radio, the refusal of JP Morgan to finance something he couldn't charge everybody for, and the advent of the World War I, prevented the completion of the project.

It is difficult to know to which extend the scientific establishment really understands Tesla's "free energy" system. Some are of the opinion that the "Magnifying Transmitter" would tap energy out of the electrical field of the atmosphere, thereby "becoming" a "free energy" device. However, J.P. Morgan's refusal to continue financing was based on the fact, that any fool could receive the power without having to pay for anything more than an antenna.
Tesla was the most famous, but not the only one, who struggled against hostile condition, when the development of real unconventional energy sources began to be possible. More about vortex energy - multi dimensional, "free" energy machines and the pioneer work.

All sorts of bizarre claims have coalesced around Tesla, probably as a result of his unique combination of brilliance and eccentricity. He was the closest thing to a stereotypical mad scientist this century has known. The stories about his discovery of amazing suppressed inventions only obscure his genuine legacy.
He invented: AC power, induction motors, generators, transformers and transmission; HFAC power, radio and wireless communication & transmission; automobile ignition systems, capacitors, neon & fluorescent lighting, arc lighting, blade less turbines, air-core resonant transformers ("Tesla coils"), oscillating shuttle circuits...
The brain

The different rhythms of the body may also be changed by sound. This is known as entrainment and involves the ability of the more powerful rhythmic vibrations of one object to change the less powerful rhythmic vibration of another object and cause them to synchronize their rhythms with the first object. Through sound, especially chanting or overtone singing, it is possible to change the rhythmic pattern of our brain waves, as well as our heart beat and respiration.
Different brain wave rates have been equated to different state of consciousness. There are four basic categories of brain waves:

1. Beta waves, from 14 to 20 Hz, which are found in our normal waking state of mind.

2. Alpha waves, from 8 to 13 Hz, which occur when we daydream or meditate.

3. Theta waves, from 4 to 7 Hz, which are found in states of deep meditation and sleep, as well in shamanic activity.

4. Delta waves, from 0,5 to 3 Hz, which occur in deep sleep and have been found in very propound states of meditation and healing.

How the brain really works is not figured out by science since there are many basic unsolved questions. Brain Research index

An independent researcher, Steven Lehar, former Professor of Cognitive Psychology, presents on his webpage a harmonic resonance theory, that could explane the spatial brain problem: "the harmonic resonance theory of spatial representation finally offers a plausible solution to the profound spatial problem in the brain, that circumvents the combinatorial problems inherent in a neural network or spatial template solution to this problem, a spatial standing wave pattern".
In a mail he wrote:
"I have a theory that the patterns of our experience are expressed in the brain in the form of standing waves. In other words, the operational principle of the brain is more like a musical instrument than a computer, and the "input" to that instrument is the same as the input to a musical instrument, i.e. it is like the damping of fingers on strings or over holes that control the pattern of resonance in the instrument, and the "output" is both a musical tone, and a spatial standing wave pattern in the body of the instrument."
Oscillating fields

Every organ, bone and tissue in the human body has its own separate resonant frequency. Together they made up a composite frequency, a harmonic, that is your own personal vibratory signature. This signature encircle the body with a field, which some gifted people can see as an aura and it can be recorded by means of Kirlian photography.

There are different names for those fields around the body, that could serve as a connection or an intermediary to higher worlds, such as Auras, Astral bodies, "the higher bodies of Man" or chakras above the 7th.

But we can turn to a more scientific terminology by looking into the oscillating fields, that surround our body.
The electromagnetic and electrostatic fields making op and shaping our body are relative strong and serve to hold our atoms and molecules together. They weaken as they move outside our body. There is a relative strong field about 4 inches outside the body. Then it weaken strongly and fade slowly out to 20 inches. The strengths of the field depends much on the vitality of the person. If the vitality is low by sickness or depression, there will be practically no field at all.
Actually, it is a electro dynamic field caused by the motion of the body. The heart/aorta system is the main supplier of the pulsing motion of the body. It is between 6.8 and 7.5 Hz. This motion is spread to the whole body. Even the brain oscillate a little.
The band width of the brain

Looking at the hearing faculties of a human being, we know, that the input to the hearing center in the brain is around 1 million bits per second. One bit is the smallest piece of information there is, namely 1 or 0, yes or no, first formulated by the Hungarian scientist, Leo Szilard.
The input from the 5 senses is about 11 million bits per second. No wonder the head is so warm! What an enormous work to process and get rid of all the unnecessary information from that huge input. So the big question that has puzzled scientists for many decades is, how can the brain handle all this information so only relevant messages reach the conscious part? In this context consciousness means the ordinary state of mind where the necessary information for maintaining orientation in life is taking place.

Sophisticated laboratory tests performed by many different scientists has shown, that normal consciousness can process only around 16-20 bits per second. Depending on what kind of intellectual work they are testing, the number of bits differs a little but the upper limit is 50 bits/sec.
Especially the American scientist Benjamin Lebet (German origin) has done pioneer work in that field. Even during open surgery in the brain he has performed many tests while the patients are awake and communicating.

Professor Helmar Frank’s approach differs from the general empirical method by looking at the central maximum stream of consciousness as a subjective time quantum (Subjective Zeit Quant, SZQ), the smallest moment of perception. That quantum fits well with humans' capacity of hearing and seeing. Sound impulses up to 16 beats per sec. are heard separately, but over 16 beats it's merged into a continuous sound. The same applies to the speed of pictures. Over 16-18 frames per sec. will compose a smooth movement.

It is an astonishingly small capacity - about 16 bits per sec. the conscious mind can process. On the other hand, it has access to a large memory bank.
As it has been pointed out about great story tellers such as H.C.Andersen and tales collected by the Grimm Brothers, that their writing, though containing little information in bits, is able to access the long path to the memory bank so a huge amount of information can be released. Their words are pregnant so they can release and create many associations.

Please note that the above mentioned tests are limited to one channel at a time. The tests do not reflect the many other channels of information, we receive simultaneously. Though they may not be noted, they still "color" the few bits of information.

The sub-limit perception - meaning all the input from our senses the consciousness is not aware of, are enormous; about 11 millions bits/sec. As it is stated in the theory of information-entropy: the more information the more entropy. So the big work of the brain is to throw away information - to forget, which is done by heat. About a million times less information is allowed to enter the consciousness.

What is interesting is also the delay in real time (0.5 sec) and the simulation of data the brain performs. The most surprising for me is the simulation of referring the events back in time to the moment, where the actual registration of the event occurs. EEG can record that as "the readiness potential" 0.02 seconds after the action or simulation.

I do not of course refer to the instinctive or moving parts, that react almost instantly, but to the intellectual part that interprets those few bits, that are made available, when the millions of bits are thrown away as heat.

When one thinks about it, it makes sense. It takes time to process the 11 million bits/sec and only make the intellectual part aware of what is relevant for orientation in life. When a tiger is after you, the information about a beautiful flower you are passing, cannot in that situation be considered worth paying attention to!
We have to bear in mind that the above-mentioned small numbers of bits apply only to the intellectual capacities of the brain. The sub-limit perception from all our senses and the processing from the other centers of intelligence - instinctive, moving and emotional – add enormously to the small amount of intellectual data.
A more extensive account of man as a cybernetic system: Information theory.
Dimensions and time

In an ordinarily state of mind humans perceive the world as 3 dimensional, the 3 space dimensions. The 4th dimension manifest it selves as an entirely new direction giving space to a new realm. In mathematics the imaginary numbers containing the negative square root can be regarded as such.
The 4th dimension is called time, and can usually not be seen or directly detected. (see the 4th dimension and Möbius tape).
The mathematician Minkovski officially pronounced it as a physical fact in 1904 and the physical constants have to be 4th dimensional, e.g. Planck's constant in quantum physics. Later Albert Einstein made good use of the 4th dimension in his Theory of Relativity.

Due to our particular size we can observe movements of a certain magnitude or speed, e.g. the hand of a clock showing seconds can be seen, but not hours, or watching the clouds move but not be able to see the grass grow. The perception of time must change due to size or cosmos. A May fly will perceive a thunderstorm entirely different than a human, which life span for the sun will be detected as a spark!
Time seems to be very unlike in different cosmos' unless we look at the amount of breath a being makes in a lifetime. It mounts up to be about the same for every being, while the duration of breath differ enormously. In Genesis it is said, that God created the world in 7 days. To comprehend this timetable the human time perception is not useable.

"Time is breath", as Gurdjieff pronounced for his students in Moscow during WW1.
Humans as multidimensional bodies

The reason I have presented some logical deductions of the nature of the 4th dimension is to establish an idea of higher Dimensions inserted into lower Dimensions. In doing so I want to expand the notion of worlds within worlds, and further on to consider a human as a multidimensional body beyond the third and fourth Dimensions. Several traditions refer to such realm as the astral and mental body.

In the Western culture we traditionally discard, what we are unable to measure physically and what we are not able to repeat in controlled environments. Although that method surely establish a solid foundation in science and have had an immense success, it eliminates other more intangible phenomena such as consciousness and the whole being of man.
History shows that scientists first had an intuitive grasp of what is going to unfold, when a major breakthrough in science was made.

Dean Radin, PhD. has in his book, "The Conscious Universe"- the scientific truth of psychic phenomena, made a strictly scientific account on mind over matter cases. As a Bell Labs researcher he began to study ESP and Para psychological phenomena as it was a cutting edge science, and on bases of empirical science, he found so many evidences of focused mind interference with physical matter, that he consider Phi research as a whole new field for modern science.

Technology has provided humans with extra capacities by means of devices and at the same time diminish human's own by birth abilities. The mechanical clock, e.g. withers away ones own faculty to estimate time, or electronic tools substitute human's own hidden abilities to communicate, e.g. telepathy.Aboriginal populations and native tribes over the world have in many cases demonstrated "miracles" such as shape shifting, moving the "body" to another location in an instant, clairvoyance and remote seeing, time traveling, etc.
I have myself looked into that subject. The Australian Aborigine’s ancient culture had a long tradition of what we will call magic. A highly valuable book on that matter is "Aboriginal Men of High Degree" by the Australian professor in anthropology, A.P.Elkin.

Higher vibrations - a misleading new age concept.
Sun sign or Zodiacs

In the East the Tone Zodiacs is much older than in the West. The oldest Western Tone Zodiacs is that of Ptolemy’s ”Harmonics ”(2. Century AD), in which the circle corresponds to the Greek two-octave system. He did several books about the synthesis between music, the psyche and the cosmos. The Tone – Zodiacs signs was one of his many analogies, properly rooted in the Babylonians tradition of astronomy and numerology. (The Babylonians divided the circle into 360 degrees and placed the Zodiac on the circumference.)
The different Tone Zodiacs was actually correlated with the whole tone scale in circular temperament. The problem is, that the many non circular temperaments had to be modified to fit the circle. The ancient Chinese e.g. eliminated the ”Pythagorean Comma”, the 12th Fifths produce, in order to fit the notes to the circumference.

Since music theory in most cultures are one octave base, Tone-Zodiacs generally correlate the twelve signs with the twelve notes of the tempered chromatic scale, where the half notes are the same frequency either they are sharp or flat e.g. F# = Gb.

An interesting correlation between musical intervals and the astrological aspects was already pointed out by Kepler, who was an astrologer as well as an astronomer. Omitting the geometrical matter, his observation is basically that one can regard the zodiacal circle as a length to be divided as one would stop a monochord string. Comparison of the whole length to the greater portion remaining will then give the interval corresponding to the aspect. Here is three primary divisions:

Opposition (planets 180 degrees apart). Ratio of whole circle to half: 360: 180 = 2:1. Interval: Octave.
Trine (planets 120 degrees apart), ratio to whole to greater part, 360:240 degrees = 3:2. Interval: Perfect Fifth.
Square (planets 90 degrees apart), ratio of whole to greater part, 360: 270 degrees = 4:3. Interval: Perfect Fourth.

The three most powerful aspect are expressed by the same ratio as the three perfect consonance’s in music. One can amplify this to make a complete table of aspects in modern astrological use and find the musical intervals corresponding to them.
Pythagoras' Comma, a symbol of renewal

Comma means in Greek, incision. It alludes to the little rest that arises from the 7 octaves and the 12 fifths in the acoustic, mathematical calculation of the 12 chromatic notes in an octave. In the 7 octaves span the 12 fifth's does not fit completely, they are about 23.5 cents bigger. (Cents is a logarithmic unit common used in acoustic) The ratios in vibrations are stated in dictionaries as 524288 : 531441 or approximately 80 : 81.

We can quickly see how these numbers are made: 7 octaves are (2:1)7 = 128. 12 fifth's are (3:2)12 = 129.74634… ; 128 < 312 /212 ; 212 = 4096; by multiplying with 4096 on both sides of the < we have: 128 x 4096 = 524288 < 312 = 531441.

The ancient Greeks believed in simple small numbers. Their holy tetractys expressed among other relationships the 3 sacred ratios 1:2, 2:3, 3:4 in a triad symbolizing the realm of Nature, the world of Humans and the realm of the Divine. The square symbolized the reunion of humans and the divine.
These 3 ratios were considered holy intervals. Music is derived from a Greek word, which means "Any art over which the Muses presided." A muse was any one of the 9 sister goddesses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
The discrepancy between divine music and earthly ears, called a Pythagorean comma, was deeply understood by the ancient Greeks.

Pythagoras is said to be the first who formulated this schism between pure mathematical divine intervals and the practical, human need to have a scale available in musical practice.
(See also the page The Calendar and the Pythagorean comma. and Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs by José Argüelles)

Music was a cornerstone in ancient religions and was considered as an important tool to educate and tune the human mind and heart for the divine, thereby shaping the civilization.

The Pythagoras Comma was an indication that there IS more than humans are able to conceive. For the comma was not a slight interval less than 7 octaves, but in excess of them. In the ancient world this fact was widely conceived of as a symbol of renewal. The cycle of twelve perfect fifths did not close and finish a cycle of seven octaves, but exceeded it, and thus, as it were, spiraled upward in the cycle of fifths.
Pythagoras' comma, then, can be seen as being God's own anagram written into the very laws of the universe and physics. It is by the name of this anagram that man is heir to the promise of eventual resurrection and ascension out of the dim caverns of mortality.

The audible music was imperfect and low in vibrations compared to the divine, the music of the Spheres - though a faint echo of the divine music was able to reach the earthly world.
The Comma could indicate a beginning of a new and higher realm, a gate to the spiritual world, or a seed of the divine in humans.
In Christian tradition it could refer to the dormant seed of Christ planted in every human.
The Platonic Year or the Pythagorean Great Year

The cycle of fifths can continue much further than the twelfth fifth (note 13), where we are back to the fundamental but it is 23.5 cent higher (5.88 savarts) than the fundamental, a Pythagorean Comma higher. The following 12 fifths will place themselves one comma above the former ones, so the 24th fifth (note 25) will be one comma above note 13, or 2 commas, 11.74 savarts, above the fundamental, C++.
In this way successive series of twelve fifths will be placed one above the other at one comma intervals, up to the 52en fifth (note 53).
At this stage, after the 52nd fifth, the octave is filled up (52 x 5.88 savarts) and the 53rd fifth, (note 54) comes out of the octave and inserts itself between the fundamental and the 12th fifths, thus forming, above the fundamental a small interval of 0,84 savarts.
Thus begins a new cycle, which in its turn, with a period of 53 fifths, will divide the octave into small intervals of 0,84 savarts
The next cycle will appear during the seventh series of 53 fifths, when the 359 fifths (note 360) comes out of the octave and forms with the fundamental, a new even smaller interval of 0.47 savarts.(since the comma of 0.88 savarts is 7 times smaller, 7 series of 53 fifths is needed to fill the octave).
Then there is a cycle of 666 notes with a basis interval of 0.035 savarts.

When we come to the cycle of 25,524 notes with a basic interval of 0.002174 savarts, it begins to be interesting, since this cycle is near the precession of equinoxes or the Pythagorean Great Year, which is 25,920 solar years. (The numbers of fifths are based on Alain Daniélou's calculations in "Music and the Power of Sounds").
I have been tempted to make a comparison with the cycle of fifths and the Platonic Year in spite of the differences in unite. It is in conflict with basic scientific principle to mix different set of units such as years and notes. This bold assumption have caused some legitimate reaction from readers. Dennis Rossi writes, that precession of the equinoxes was discovered in China at a later date. It is attributed to Yu Xi in 320 CE. He found a value of about 72 arc seconds per year or two times the value found by Hipparchus, the Greek astronomer. However, "astronomers as early as the Han era noted that winter solstice shifted with respect to lunar lodges".
I did tried to calculate the cycle of fifths with a lunar year instead of solar year but the numbers did not fit anyway. So far I am not able to produce a valid explanation of how the ancient Chinese did tuned their fundamental tone, Kung, to the Platonic Year.

Cousto has in his book, The Cosmic Octave, an interesting observation on this matter. He relates the Kung to the frequency of the Platonic Year. The duration of the Platonic Year, (The Pythagorean Great Year) is about 25,920 years and it represents the amount of time the axis of the Earth takes to complete a full rotation. The vernal equinox is the point at which the equator (of Earth) intersects the ecliptic (or zodiac), which is the position of the sun at the beginning of spring - March 21st.

The vernal equinox takes an average of 2,160 years to travel through one sign of zodiac. This period of time is known as an age. It is not possible to state exactly when one age is ending and a new beginning, because the signs overlap to a certain degree.
The journey of the vernal equinox through each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac equals one great year of approx, 25,920 years. (Presently we are on the cusp of Aquarius as the age of Pisces is ending.)
The precession of equinoxes cause in the span of millenniums do not only change the fixed stars inter related position, but there have to be a shift of sign in regard to the equinoxes as well as Solstices.
Since the (vernal) equinox takes an average of 2,160 years to travel through one sign of zodiac, means that for 2,160 years ago, when the ancient Chinese looked at the zodiac, the "beginning" sign in the vernal equinox was one sign away from that it is now. Or two signs away for nearly 4,500 years ago, when the Egyptian ISIS was known.

As I mentioned previously it is most likely a coincidence, that the Platonic Year is close to the high number of generating fifths, when we come into a cycle of 25,524 notes.
It is however a wonder for me, how the ancient Chinese could tuned their sacred fundamental tone, Kung, so it could be in accordance with the Platonic Year and choose the great rhythm of the Earth. So far, I choose to think, that the Chinese manifested a great awareness and intuition in cosmic influences.

Cousto calculates the note of the Platonic year to be F in the Western Equal Temperament pitch, which is found in the 48th octave with a frequency of 344.12 Hz. or in the 47th. octave to be 172.06 Hz.

Calculation: 31 556 925.97(the tropical year in seconds) * 25,920 (Platonic year). Since the length (of a vibrating string, or the period of time) is in reverse proportionality to the frequency, the length of the Platonic year in seconds shall be the denominator. The frequency is very low, so we will raise the frequency to the range of hearing by multiplying with the necessary amount of octaves, e.g. 48 octaves, so we arrive to 344,12 Hz. (47 octaves will be the half, 172,06 Hz.)
If we want to reach the spectrum of light, we multiply with 89 octaves which leads us to a frequency of 1/31 556 925.97 * 1/25 920 * 2 89 = 7,56 * 10 14 Hz. corresponding to a wavelength of 0.396 micrometer, which we perceive as violet near the ultra violet. This is the color of the Platonic Year. The complementary color to violet is yellow. The Chinese called their fundamental tone "the yellow bell".
The schism of heavenly alignment

Through the ages, civilizations have often wrestled with the dilemma of whether to put up with unpractical musical pitches to keep the pure idealism in their system of pitch-calculation, or to depart a little from alignment with the heavenly ideal by taking the practical path of slightly adjusting their notes in order to harmonize them.
Though there were individual figures who dissented, the ancient western cultures generally opted, in their idealism, for heavenly alignment at the expense of having slightly imperfect relationships between their notes.
However, by the seventeenth century AD the Western world would have begun its entry into the present era of science and logic. This era was marked not only by an attitude of heavy materialism, but also by a most useful pragmatism. The heavenly alignment in the sacred tuning was abandoned for the sake of expanding music’s harmonic possibilities.

Surely in the following centuries a new era of sublime harmonic music was composed in the deep intent to praise God in the music. However the focus was laid in the heart of each individual instead of the tuning of instruments and temperament of the scale.

The ancient Chinese culture was a model for a strict, collective system of tuning of instruments. The reference tone, Kung, relates to the frequency of the Platonic Year. The note of the Platonic year is F in the Western Equal Temperament pitch, which is found in the 48th octave with a frequency of 344.12 Hz.
The Indian ancient music had a less rigid system, where improvisations was allowed within the bordes of certain inviolable modes. The fundamental OM sound, according to Cousto, corresponds approximately to the C sharp in the small octave of the present day tuning system (136 Hz) and corresponds to the 32nd octave tone of the Earth year.
The power of Music and the power of the Mind

Numerous Chinese legends attest to the power of music and sound. Here is a quote about the music master Wen of Cheng and how he learned to control the elements:
"Master Wen was following the great master Hsiang on his travels. For three years master Wen touched the strings of his zither, but no melody came. Then master Hsiang said to him: "By all means, go home".
Putting down his instrument, master Wen sighed and said: "It is not that I cannot bring a melody about. What I have in my mind does not concern strings; what I aim at is not tones. Not until I have reached it in my heart can I express it on the instrument; therefore I do not dare move my hand and touch the strings. But give me a short while and then examine me."
Some time later he returned and again approached master Hsiang, who inquired: "How about your playing?"

It was spring, but when master Wen plucked the Shang string and accompanied it with the eighth semitone, a cool wind sprang up, and the shrubs and trees bore fruits. Now it was autumn!
Again master Wen plucked a string, the Chiao string, and accompanied it with the second semitone: a languid, warm breeze appeared, and the shrubs and trees bloomed fully. It was now summer, but he plucked the Yü string and had the eleventh semitone respond, upon which hoar frost and snow came down, the rivers and lakes freezing up.
When the winter had come, he plucked the Chib string and accompanied it with the fifth semitone: the sun blazed forth and the ice immediately melted away.
Finally, master Wen of Cheng sounded the Kung string and did so in unison with the other four strings: beautiful winds murmured, clouds of good fortune came up, there fell sweet dew, and the springs of water welled up powerfully."

In this story the four outer strings of the zither, and the four seasons, are symbolic of the ancient conception of the four aspects of man: his abstract mind, his concrete mind, his emotions and his physical body. (The European alchemists called them Fire, Air, Water and Earth)

Master Wen could not play until he was able to master his own four aspects of Being. The vital outcome of the mastery of mind and body was the ability to play these four outer strings in unison and hereby also learn to play the central Kung string – corresponding to his Higher Self. From the four-sided base of the pyramid of life, he had raised himself up to the very apex of perfection.

The moral of the story is twofold: first, we must master our four-fold nature, before we can attain self-realization. Secondly, only by doing so we can begin to perform music, which is sublime and divine.
The decline of the Chinese culture

The ancient Chinese believed, that music could influence the harmony of the society, and they were very keen on right tuning with the celestial influence, so order and harmony could prevail. The Chinese imperial culture manage to flourish for 4 thousand years, before a decline began in the 19th. Century. The taste for a modern style in drama and music was beginning to replace the ancient traditions. The great classical modes were supplanted by styles which were more popular, noisier, cheaper and imitative. The Western influence may have played a part, since its music was begun to be appreciated and played on the expense of their own traditional music.

The fact remains, that the decline in music was paralleled by a general decline in the culture itself. The emperors of the last dynasty attempted to direct music back to its former state, but without success. In 1912 it was replaced by a republic. Yet from its beginning the republic was rocked by instability, Japanese invation and civil wars, untill the Communist China in 1949 was founded.
In this Century, we are begining to see the outline of a new, powerful Chinese culture.
Does music shape the society?

The general assumption is, that music is a product of the society and a reflection of its culture. This may be so in many cases, but history has also examples were new music has been the initial force to alter the society and even change the cause of history.

A good example is the American revolution and Independence War against the British colonial regime. Several years before the actual uprising, resistance songs began to appear in print and swept the colonies with extremely popularity. The inspirational, freedom songs was the gathering force for organizing resistance gropes and the mean for shaping their vision for the future of their land.
The "Freedom Song" by John Dickinson in 1768 was one of the first and set the pattern for all those songs, which fueled the minds and spirit years before the actual physical movement began.
During the Independence War the "Yankee Doodle" was a favorites of favorites, sung in defeat as well as in the final victory.
Many of the political leaders of the emerging New World, such as Francis Hopkinson, Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin, were among the songwriters, in addition to being Freemasons.
The uniting or dividing force of music

The history of USA shows how powerful music can be. The Americans has in my opinion a special talent for entertainment and music, which has manifested itself as a world captioning force in the 20th. Century.
Music has the power of uniting people as well as dividing them. It can be the medium of creating uplifting (sublime) emotions, unite disagreeable parts or at least for pacifying the common man.
Music can support people in their idea of an identity, which clearly is manifested in the generation gap or sub grouping. As a music teacher cried out: "Beatles is as remote for the young kids as Beethoven!"

What is new is the shot amount of years between generations. 5 years can easy separate youngster by fashion of music.
The new popular music has created strong space in the mind of the modern youth creating an idea of identity and affiliation with sub groups.
Before music had the power to unite people. Now it seems to divide.
There is a long tradition for fueling the national or political affiliations by music, such as the national anthem and party songs. Sometime music even can built the bridge between hostile groups, though the have not meet.
An example of such is the West-East Divan symphony orchestra founded by the famous Jewish pianist Daniel Barnboim and exiled Palestine scholar Edward Said. The sole reason of this orchestra was to manifest, that Jews, Muslims, Christens are able to play music together in spite of deep differences. As Daniel Barnboim said, when he became honored citizen of Palestrina: "Playing together does not create peace. Playing together brings mutual understanding and respect, which is the fundament for peace."
There are other orchestras world wide with similar intentions.
Music as a threat to the government

The concern a regime or an establishment has against new music, demonstrate what power music is considered by the rulers to have on the mind of the people.
A modern example is the repression of Western music, the Communist Russia and similar dictatorships executed with zealous strength by censorship and persecution.
The established hierarchy and control can be questioned or threatened by the new music introduction to novel modes of consciousness into the society. Classical music from the earlier imperial zar-regime was aloud, since it encodes and articulates the structure of a centralized political-economic system similar to the communist dictatorship. Music composers during the communist regime was forced to obey the party guide lines and praise the establishment.

The Western music, however, reflects in its structure a less rigid form of hierarchy (democracy), which allows much more creativity and innovation. The rock n' roll music has in many ways become a powerful medium for the propagation of the lifestyle of the Western world. Totalitarian states worldwide try to prevent its youth to hear it well aware of its liberating force.
An example could be the use of rap music created by the young generation in Iran as a protest against the strict religious government. On the other hand, in the Muslim ghettoes of France, the rap is about their alienation and hate at the police.
Music as a weapon

In many historic battles the music had the function of encouraging the fighting spirit. The Scottish bagpipe was famous in many WWII battles. During the Vietnam war the eclectic guitar and the protest songs was a powerful weapon for the drafted youth against that war. The electrification of the music made it possible to reach a big audience in live concerts, when the record companies tried to band the protest songs.
Also, in the general battle against the establishment, the new culture of youth personify in rock bands had great success in capturing the mind and shaping the new identity. The "Hippie" movement or the "Beat" generation was supported by the explosion of new music, which subverted the old structure in the society by praising "freedom" and "individuality", a.s.o.

The entertainment industry is bigger and more powerful than ever. For better and for worse. I like to say, that entertainment is stronger than military force. There is much truth in the joke about, what made the communist Russia to collapse? It was the soap TV series called "Dallas"!
Of cause the so called sex liberation had a powerful "weapon" with the new music. It was more sexy to be a musician than an engineer! Popular music became the fast lane to fame, sex and money for underprivileged, ambitious people.
In the course of time the corruption became obvious. Few had the backbone to withstand the cult status and displayed an abusive behavior and a depraved example for the fans.
When old rituals are removed, the empty space has to be replaced by something else. The vacant space has in my opinion been taken over by "the lord of the flies"(W.Golding's book). The tyranny of formlessness! When parents e.g. have resigned their authority, the children make their own regulations even more tyrannical.
The importance of rituals

Rituals give a concrete shape, color and zest to many abstract spiritual ideals. A wisely planned and solemnly conducted ritual prepares the ground, creates the atmosphere, suggests the mood and predisposes the mind so that we may easily detach ourselves from the three dimensional (+ time) worlds and feel the mysterious presence of the higher intelligence and the Supreme universal power.

The greatest men in life, the most wonderfully developed in spirituality, have all come through the discipline of the rituals.
Magic and rituals have long been connected. There is magic in any ceremony that we do, whether it of a routine nature, such as making a wish on our birthday, or whether it is a sophisticated ritual involving all kinds of movements, lights and music.
In both cases we are using the power of the ritual in order to obtain something in our life, or to enter higher dimensions.

An actual definition of magic is difficult. Scott Cunningham states: "Magic is the projection of natural energies to produce needed effects." In other words, every time that we consciously connect to the universal energy in order to direct it to a specific result that we wish to manifest in our life, we are utilizing the so called magic.

Rituals are the tools by which we are utilizing and harnessing the power of the universe. The purpose is to demonstrate the connection between nature and its laws. Rituals are a reminder to us that we are an intricate part of this vast universe. Ritual is the form and structure that enables our spirit to enter higher dimensions. It is the safe space that allows us to open to the deepest part of ourselves.
Ritual is transformational. You commence a ritual in one state of being and end in another. The result is always a shift of consciousness. Ritual contributes to your wholeness by allowing enough safety and freedom for all the parts of yourself to be expressed.

Considering how much indifferent, space filling "music" has occupied the modern environment, I would say, that "music" has become a destructive force itself, preventing one to think and feel for oneselves and make one numb.
Silence has become a care commodity.
As Aldous Huxley stated: 'The twentieth century is, among other things, the Age of Noise. Physical noise, mental noise and noise of desire - we hold history's record for all of them. And no wonder; for all the resources of our almost miraculous technology have been thrown into the current assault against silence."
Economy, society and music

The history shows how music (and art) served those institutions, that had the power and money in the society. This statement might sound a bit overstating for those thinking, that art has its own agenda, but in the long run the economy rules the art.
For a long time the church sponsored the art. When the king got the upper hand, the art began to reflect a more mundane expression. With the rise of the middle class (and introduction of democracy), the art began to fulfill their need for entertainment, since they had the money to pay for it.
After World War II an entirely new segment of the society began to have money available for entertainment especially for music, the teenagers. Rock n' Roll and later Beat music shaped a new anti-authoritarian culture of youth, which changed the structure of the society, when that generation entered the institutions.
Read more at my page about music and society in this age of the fatherless society, where dreams and feelings are the engine in the society, not the physical needs. The virtual world is here to stay!
The question of good and evil

My sole concern in these pages has been the positive aspect of music and sound. How it has the capacity to elevate, enrich and feed the body and soul for its dormant potential. Music has the ability to soak and clean ones innate strength. However, it can not create gold, if there is no gold in the first place, as the old alchemist belived. There have to be a seed, which music can enrich. Failing this the music is futile.
As a keen music lover it has troubled me to read about the use of music in Nazi concentration camps. Fine classical music was played for the waiting prisoner doomed for destruction. The commandant of Auswitzs was a music lover and played his violin to the thick smoke from the crematory. Adolf Hitler was inspired by Richard Wagner's "Parsifal". I am too. Does this make me or Wagner to a monster?

The great Father of the Church, Aurelius Augustinus, 354-430 AC, used an example to illustrate the evil. He will not steal the pear in the garden of the neighbor for the pleasure of eating the pear, but because it was forbidden. He wished the evil, because it was evil.
"I stole, because I had a dislike for doing the right, and it urges me to sin," he confessed.

Humans has their freedom as a birthright given by their creator. Hence, they make their own choice between good and evil. "The drama of liberty" as the post war German philosopher, Rüdiger Safranski, label it in his book, "The Evil".

Since the legendary Cain killed his brother, mankind has tried to deal with its enigmatic freedom. Through millennium religion's, philosophical systems and ethics has attempted to moderate the boundless liberty of man with more or less success.
In regard to the twentieth Century chaotic bloodshed, Safranski articulate a question about our modern, technological civilization:
Does it in reality eliminate the freedom to act for the modern man?

The deeds of the individual human is still possible as before, but they are now woven into so many complex systems, that the desired effect is far from the final result. Has the dynamic of our complex technological civilization now reached a point, where it has its own inherent logic, and man is going to be "burnt" by its own civilization?
Safranski asked, if this degree of civilization has become disastrous and therefore evil?

Man has liberated himself from Nature by means of institutions and civilizations. Now the question is: has civilization disengaged its self from man? Is humanity still in control and is able to make choices between good and evil? It can make weapons of mass destruction, but does it have a simillar level of consciousness and devolopment of the heart? Has our modern technology liberated its self from man and is now rolling as an avalanche down in the pit?
Man can not do

Augustinus stated, that the nature of mankind stands between God and the rest of the Nature, which solely was created by the will of God.
Man has his own will, which stem from his given liberty. A will which in arrogance can lead Man to believe, that he is his own foundation. God is able to create out of noting, "creatio ex nihilo". The human will can not do. It can not even do what it desire. When it thinks it has done something "good" with the right hand, the left hand did not know, what harm it has done.

Man is imperfect in contrast to Nature, whish in its own way is what it is. Man has to figure out, what he is going to be. In this continued process, he has the tendency to fall down to be less, than he can be due to the original sin as the scripture states.
As Augustinus confessed, it was arrogant and dangerous to refuse Gods offer to be a part of His will. To deny the spirit of Man to be one with the spirit of God, means that the spirit of Man is too fond of its self. He commits a treachery against himself, since he denys the chance to reach beyound his own limited foundation.

This was a major break from the way of thinking of the Antiquity. Contrary to Augustine the philosophy of the Antiquity was convinced, that Man could be a goal for its self, and true knowledge was able to change Man to a better being.
"Know yourself" so you know, what you can, and only want, what you are able to do. It was imperative to know ones limits, so one only aspire to what was possible. When the will and the ability to do has the same extent, the limitations creates harmony.
In the time of Socrates the harmony between being and doing still might have had sense.

The modern man does not have such understanding. There is no longer a synchronization between being and doing. His knowledge is far more, than his real being actually can understand. His wishes goes beyond, what he is able to manage, e.g. bloody revolutions fueled by idealistic theories, and he is able to do more than he wants, e.g. ecological disasters and social collapse.
The modern Man is deeply disturbed. First he rejects the transcendence by not aiming for powers above himself, and now he does not even know himself and his limitations.
Communication according to Gregory Bateson

"A priori one can claim, that all perceptions and responses, all categories of behavior, all learning and genetics, all neurology, physiology and endocrinology, all organization and all evolution, can be considered as communication. This broad field can all be subject to the laws of communication."
In fact, it is impossible not to communicate. We are born into the world of communication, we are a part of it willing or unconsciously, and even after our death it continues as legacy.

As mentioned in Information theory, Bateson made use of the mind concept in description of complex cybernetic systems, including the unconscious mind.
Bateson was an anthropologist and his use of mind in complex living systems has nothing to do with the common idea of a "religious" mind in Nature. He did not accept the notion transcendence, as the keen scientist he was, but considered control and self-regulating as a mental aspect, which did not belong to a part of the system, but was inherent in the whole system.

The individual mind, which is immanent in the circuit within and outside the body, is only a subsystem of the supreme mind. This larger mind is not some transcendental deity. It is still immanent in the total interconnected social system or planetary ecology.
It is an entirely self adjusting unity, which "think, act and determine" and the boundaries do not coincide with the organisms or parts involved, but is weaved in or incorporated into the whole system.

For Bateson the mind concept was a description, a model, a map, which should not be confused with the landscape. In science as in daily life the mistake of categories is common.
He liked to rephrase Pascal's expression, "the heart has its own reason which is unknown to the intelligence", to "the heart has its own precise algorithm".
Algorithm is a mathematical recipe for a process or calculation, also used in computer programming. Bateson used this statement to explain the underlying premises for our perception, thinking and acting, which is unable to be captured or understood by the algorithm of the language.
He considered art, music and religion as examples of pre-verbal thinking, a bridge over the gap between consciousness/mind and pre-verbal perception. This immanent supreme deity, which he jocularly called the god, Eco, is permeating man, nature and the universe.
Power of the spoken word

Jesus Christ said: "My words are spirit and they are life and they do accomplish that whereunto they are sent."

Spirit is the creative cause in the Universe and our words are potent only as this same spirit is seen as the operative force behind them. It is the activity of the force of Nature, that makes the seed grow for no seed has power within itself. It is a container or vehicle of that force. So it is with words.
Our consciousness or awareness of Spirit is the focal point in the power of the word.

Idle words are impotent and do not create; though they, in a sense, may add to the state of hypnosis. To fear negative words is to add to their hypnotic energies and thereby adds to the influence of the negative words. The power of ignorant or idle words is only, that they may intensify the hypnotic state of man’s mind, but they do not alter the creative cause in the least.
The power of the negative words is only the modernization of the old idea of the devil, and is a direct violation of the fact, that there is only the power of God.
The "I am" statement

When one begins to assemble in his consciousness the activities of any principle, he begins to say, "I am …" This is the centralizing of the authority of the principle in him. "I am" renders the mind dynamic instead of letting it rest in potentiality. It becomes dynamic the moment we focus thought upon I AM. The focal point is the center always and from it emanates the authoritative commands that control and determine the entire status of the man who is capable of manifesting the actualization of his/her command.
This name "I AM" was God to Moses. It has come down through the ages as "I AM". To the Hindus it is AUM, which means the same. Likewise to the Christians’ "Amen". The Chinese use it as TAU.
Thoughts create our reality

It has been hard for me to conceive the power of thoughts, though many reliable sources through time have expressed so.
An explanation might be, that our thoughts usually are chaotic. They are happening without any real control or focus, whirling around without any consistent direction or deep purpose. It is an army where the soldiers are marching against each other instead of following the direction given by the king. The powerful army cancels itself out!

When I read Baird Spalding books "Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East", vol. 1-6, I became quite astonished over what those holy men could do. It surely demonstrated the miraculous potential humans possess.

Anyway, we are unaware of the miraculous power of thought. I guess, we have fallen asleep to it! What we experience is the response to stimuli mainly from the outside world. We call it physical reality and it can be real tough, but mainly it is a subjective reality. Who has not experienced the change of reality by a shift in mood or emotion? One can say, that thoughts works as the mediator or a lens that shape your reality.

Music and sounds that are created from the heart and have the intention to communicate to other hearts, carries emotions about God and is a reminder of the divinity deep inside us. Such music put the brain to "soak" so the daily "noise" is dissolved and give space for deeper emotions and thoughts, so the real self has a chance to be present. This is the meaning of real music.

We are born into this Earth with a limited consciousness and have lost the memory of what we are and from where we come. The Fall of Man as the scriptures tells, has caused a separation from the mighty Creator God.
The purpose with this life is to remember and recreate WHO WE REALLY ARE. We recreate under difficult conditions and heavy laws, by our own choices, that divine being our Father Creator has given to us as our birthright.
Some say that we are Physical Angels, who carry all the elements of the holographic universe within us; we are ONE spirit in ONE body.
Usually we are not aware of our multi - dimensional body, so we feel lost and alone. The freedom to choose between right or wrong is often difficult and we are tempted to blame our Farther for our misery, forgetting that unconditional love give us the sole and exclusive right to choose. Our consciousness is our guide.
The primal vibration

Music contains a secret power, which can shape the mind of man and alter societies or nations. It is a two-edged sword. It can bring us in alignments with God and our deepest, real self or diverge us from the supreme influence of our mighty Creator.
The ancients believed, that music in the hands of the "evil" or ignorant, could only lead the civilization to an inevitable doom, but in the hands of the illumined, music was a tool of beauty and power, which could lead the entire society into a golden age of peace, prosperity and brotherhood.
Even in recent time in Western Europe this belief was expressed. As Andrew Fletcher, the writer and orator, stated in the Scottish Parliament of 1704:
"I knew a very vise man, who believed that if a man were permitted to make all the ballads, he need not care who should make the laws of a nation."

Ancient civilizations were well aware of that power in music and sounds, and took different measures in order to have the musical supreme influence prevail. The ancient Chinese civilization, which mirrored this most vigorously, lasted 5000 years.
The most important task for the Ancient Chinese Emperor was to secure the foundation tone, the huang chang, the musical note which was called Kung. The celestial influence changed in time and the Emperor had the responsibility of tuning the Kung in perfect harmony with the divine energies from Above so the harmony in his country could be maintained.
Every single instrument in China had to be tuned in accordance with the imperial tone. So closely affiliated was the foundation tone, Kung, to the affair of the state, that the standard of weights and measurements was calculated from the sacred pipe. A musical education for the officials was considered as important as the skills for their job.

There are many paths to re-member and re-create oneself and hereby become one with our Creator.

Hence, you too can sing your song to the Uni-verse.

This dissertation has focused on music and sound, which has the potential to open the gate to the multi dimensional realm of man and let the heart sing its song in harmony with the Uni-verse. As you may have noticed, this does not apply to the music, we usually clutter our empty space with.

Copyright © 1998-2005, Thomas Váczy Hightower.


Bicycle wheel and Magneto flux energy



Minato's self-running wheel


"The motor is actuated by moving the N pole of a large permanet magnet (the drive magnet) toward the wheel. As this magnet is moved toward the wheel, the wheel starts to spin. As the magnet is moved closer to the wheel it spins faster.

The acceleration of the wheel is rapid. So rapid in fact, as to be startling. To put it another way I was very impressed. The motor works. And it works very well. In the film clip a slight pumping action of Minato's hand holding the magnet is apparent. When I braced my hand so that there was no pumping action, the motor still ran. In fact it seemed to run better.

Pumping action by the hand held magnet IS NOT the power that drives the motor. When the drive magnet is moved away from the wheel it coasts rather quickly to a stop and comes to rest in a manner typical of any spinning bicycle wheel.

Again when the wheel is at rest and a large magnet is moved up to the wheel it starts to spin. At no time is it necessary to touch the wheel to get it to rotate.

This is a picture of the a magnetic wheel that that the man at coral castle built

Go there and see it.

Everyone seems to not even notice it there and it's the main component of all his work.

Stonehenge magnetic wheel

Howard Johnson's 'Stonehenge Motor'

1 2 3 as simple as this

Use Multiversal magnetic flux to move the wheel,

 transform spinnig motion into electrical waves

produce resonant vibrations to lift and fly matter.  




The Association of Professional Music Therapists
Was formed in 1976 with the purpose of fulfilling the needs of qualified music therapists in Great Britain. The APMT acts as a protective body to music therapists already in work, and assists in the creation of new posts. It also promotes the exchange of information between music therapists, both in Britain and abroad.

Mrs Diana Asbridge,
APMT Administrator,
38 Pierce Lane,
CB1 5DL,
Tel: 01223 880 377

This sound therapy was discovered and developed by Sharry Edwards. It uses voice spectral analysis to identify and interpret frequency interactions within the body. Specifically, the voice is tested for pitch, octaves and notes that are missing, non-harmonious, multiplied or broken. These particular notes in the form of low frequencies are then returned to the person's environment using a frequency generator. The missing frequencies are those needed to restore the body's health. Sharry believes that there is a correlation between atomic weights, the orbit of planets, musical scale and brainwaves.

Sound Health,
P.O. Box 416,
OH 45701,
Tel: 740 592 5115/ Fax: 740 592 6116

Elaine Thompson/Robert Firkin,
Vibrational Retraining,
Glynswood House,
32 St Anne's Drive,
Oldland Common,
BS30 6RB,
Tel: 01779 148 683/ Fax: 01179 873 924

The British Society for Music Therapy
Was founded in 1958 by Juliette Alvin. Its aims include the promotion of the use and development of Music Therapy. It organises conferences, workshops and meetings, and is a centre of information. Its membership is open to all whose vocational activities enable them to further the objects of the Society and there is a student membership at reduced rate for full-time students.

Mrs Denize Christophers,
BSMT Administrator
25 Rosslyn Avenue,
East Barnet,
EN4 8DH,
Tel/Fax: 020 8368 8879

Caduceus Sound Healing Conference
The journal Caduceus has taken a specific interest in the subject of sound healing. In 1999 it presented the first conference in the UK on healing with sound and music. Many of its issues contain articles on the subject. Caduceus has produced a Sound Healing Resource Guide and a Guide to Overtone Singing, both available from:

38 Russell Terrace,
Leamington Spa,
CV31 1HE,
Tel: 01926 451 897/ Fax: 01926 885 565

Centre Harmoniques
David Hykes is known world-wide for his work with the Harmonic Choir which has provided music for films as well as for albums and concerts. He runs courses in overtone singing in the Paris area. "The courses are for musicians and others who want to expand their musical vision.... working with harmonics is not about acquiring a technique, but rather about contacting the essential in musical expression".

Centre Harmoniques,
41240 Autainville,
Tel: + 33 254 72 82 10/ Fax: + 33 254 72 82 12

Cultural Co-operation
An independent arts charity which promotes international and intercultural understanding through the arrangement of cultural projects, research studies, conferences and exchanges. Organised the Music Village festivals in 1999 and the Millennium Festival in 2000 - the themes being Sacred Voices with a strong emphasis on the healing power of the voice. To join their Free Mailing List contact:

2000 Music Village,
c/o Cultural Co-operation,
Tonybee Studios,
28 Commercial Street,
London E1 6LS,
Fax: 0207 456 0401

Developed out of the research of the Swiss scientist Hans Jenny, who demonstrated that vibration has the power to shape matter. Cymatics (meaning 'wave forms'), is based on the principle that every cell, organ, muscle and tissue resonates at its own particular frequency, and that when any of these lose their correct rate of vibration, illnesses and diseases will result.

Cymatics foremost practitioner Dr Manners has calculated frequencies for particular ailments including problems at the mental level. Through the use of his specially designed Cymatic instrument frequencies matching those of the person's normal physical aspects are fed into the body.
Through the principle of resonance, the part of the body being treated will return to the correct frequency rate and thus to restored health.

Dr Peter Guy Manners,
The Bretforton Scientific & Medical Research Trust,
Bretforton Hall Clinic,
Near Evesham,
W11 7JH,
Tel: 01386 830 537/ Fax: 01386 830 918

Electro-Crystal Therapy
Created and developed by Harry Oldfield, electro-crystal therapy is a method of diagnosis and treatment involving crystals, minerals and gems that are electronically stimulated by various pulse repetition rates. The combination of pulsed high-frequency vibrations and crystals increases the range of healing. There has been a good success rate in treating many disorders such as multiple sclerosis.

The School of Electro-Crystal Therapy,
117 Long Drive,
South Ruislip,
HA4 0HL,
Tel/Fax: 0208 8411716

Georgian Harmony Singing Association
Established to introduce the ancient and beautiful harmony singing tradition of Georgia. The association plans workshops and concerts, a newsletter and a UK based choir and to arrange musicological study tours of Georgia.

Michael Bloom,
5 Alder Lodge,
292 Bury Street West,
London N9 9LL,
Tel: 020 8360 9991

Giving Voice
The Centre for Performance Research have been organising the 'Giving Voice' festivals since 1990, bringing together singers from different cultural and spiritual traditions. The festivals take place in Aberystwyth and involve workshops, lecture-demonstrations, performances, films and discussion. "Our philosophy has been that the human voice is a vital means of creative expressions and communication, as diverse and subtle as all the peoples on the earth and each individual upon it".

Centre for Performance Research,
8 Science Park,
SY23 3AH,
Tel: 01970 622 133/ Fax: 01970 622 132


Jedi Simon Foundation
 Resonant Vibration Department Research - Music Therapy Research -